Is it possible for a Muslim to marry a Christian? Why a Muslim cannot marry a Christian

The union of a man and a woman, designed in the framework of marriage bonds, concluded both before God and before people, is a kind of combination of not only bodies, but also souls. Dependence on a person’s spiritual development plays a significant role here. There is an opinion that only a person morally and materially married can enter into a marriage, which, you see, removes a large share of family troubles, such as financial, behavioral and, accordingly, there is respect and acceptance of the other with all the “giblets”.

It is believed that a marriage between a Muslim and a woman of a different faith does not bring happiness to a young family. What is the reason and why   a Muslim cannot marry a Christian, we give an example below.

Reasons why a Muslim should not marry a Christian

Given the modernity of the phenomenon of marriage between a Muslim and a Christian woman, a Jew, the phenomenon is far from rare, but it will not bring happiness to young people. First of all, due to negative views on such a marriage on the part of parents and relatives of the bride and groom.

Traditionally, a woman in a Muslim family must:

  • islamic canons of reverence for a husband and his family;
  • observe all religious Muslim libel;
  • bring up children within the framework of Muslim laws, the Koran, the unity of God.

Moreover, Islamic law fully permits the conclusion of marriage unions between a man and a woman of different religious cultures. This is due to the social peaceful attitude to each other and the ability to provide all possible assistance on the way to God. It was everywhere, throughout the entire historical period.

Interfaith marriages led to problems in the orientation of raising children. This is due to the traditional ratio of the proportion of men and women and the occupation of the place of a single-faith, a woman with other religious views, which caused a demographic imbalance.
  Islam, the Muslim faith is a stage in the development of religion younger than Christianity and Judaism.

Combining religions in one person is not possible. Therefore, it is better to choose a partner in life for your faith or accept it, but only completely and irrevocably.

Advantages and disadvantages of marriages between people of different faiths

Consider the advantages of such marriages, as an analysis of experience shows that they are present:
  in the presence of mutual love, trust and respect, the husband and wife will culturally add each other;
  the child, with the consent of the spouses, is free in his choice of faith;
  the good understanding of their relatives is an example of the possibility of a peaceful interracial life.

The corresponding disadvantages are the opposite situation:

  • the ability of people of different faiths to live in harmony with their own views and conscience. This applies to any sphere of family life: nutrition, sexual rituals, holidays, meetings with relatives, pastime, etc .;
  • the attitude of others towards inconsistencies in traditions, fuzzy regularity of life in one direction;
  • the main stumbling block will be not gender relations between a man and a woman, but rather the traditions of religious culture.

It can be noted that sometimes modern such marriages are stronger than between co-religionists. It all depends on one’s own religiosity and the ability to accept a loved one with all his thoughts and habits and not contradict his essence, not try to remake him.

The content of the article:

A marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is a voluntary union of a woman and a man who profess different faiths and belong to different cultures, when an ardent feeling forces one to abandon traditional Christian virtues and accept Muslim values, namely, complete submission to her husband, restriction of rights and freedoms in public life .

Are marriages between representatives of different faiths possible?

To register love relationships between representatives of various religious faiths is allowed in any country. The restrictions apply only to the age at which you can officially marry.

Russia is a multinational state; more than 190 different peoples live in the country. There are over 11 million inhabitants in Moscow, and the Slavic brothers — Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians — are a minority here. There are only 4,620,000. The rest are representatives of other nationalities. Let's say there are much more Tatars in the Russian capital than in Kazan.

Currently professing Islam in the Russian Federation more than 20 million, and this number is constantly growing. Over 15 years, their number in the country increased by 40%. If the growth continues to be so rapid, in about forty years every fourth Russian resident will be a Muslim.

The family code of the Russian Federation (Article 156 “Marriage in the Russian Federation”) does not mention any restriction on a national basis when entering into marriage. So a marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is possible quite officially. It is not a curiosity and is quite relevant today.

Many Russians marry Muslims. This is a matter of personal relations, is not regulated by the state. But Christian dogma imposes certain restrictions on such marriages. The apostle Paul also said that “they should not bow down to the yoke of others with unbelievers ...” (II Corinthians 6:14).

But it was said a long time ago. Now the times are completely different. Orthodox and Muslims live side by side in one country. They work, study and often live in the same hostel. Here it’s not up to the dogma of faith. And the question is very intimate, but you can’t order the heart ...

All this is so. Only a girl who married a Muslim can hardly be considered a true Christian. Wore a cross and even went to church on major holidays? So what? Now this is fashionable and does not mean at all that she was a believer, she knew the dogmas of Christian morality well and understood the differences between Christianity (Orthodoxy) and Islam.

And they are big, especially as they relate to the behavior of women in the Muslim community. Today, a Christian and Muslim marriage is possible, but often enlightenment comes "after". And then those who left for their faithful to a Muslim country are eager to go home to mom and dad, and it’s good if they return without serious consequences for their health, physically and mentally unstable.

Nevertheless, in spite of this, some girls without any regard will “marry” the faithful, leave their country and leave with their husbands to the promised land - to their homeland.

It's important to know! In Islam, a woman is in a lower position than a man. One of the hadiths (retelling the words of the Prophet) says that “A woman is created from a rib and will never straighten in front of you, and if you want to benefit from it, then let the curvature remain with her. And if you try to straighten it, you will only break it. ”

Why do Christians marry Muslims

The reasons for marriage with a Muslim are many. Home, which is given in justification for such an act that a great feeling makes you get married. And with darling, as you know, in a hut paradise. It is useless to indicate to a foolish heart, but the rational should listen to the arguments of the elders or at least ask what awaits a woman of another faith in the house of the Mohammedan.

Among the reasons why marriage between a Muslim and a Christian is possible, the following should be mentioned:

  • Love. In youth, all are maximalists. And if a flashed feeling for a handsome brunette with a burning irresistible gaze is first love? It makes you crazy. Behind him, even to the ends of the world! The maiden agrees to become his slave and wash his feet, if only he would not give up. There are such simpletons by nature, they easily switch to a different faith and, without unnecessary emotions, adapt to Muslim customs that are unacceptable to most Orthodox women.
  • Unexpected pregnancy. Suppose they are students, often found in addition to studying at companies. A fun student feast ended in a casual relationship. She became pregnant and wants to solve all her problems by marriage. And it can be complaints of parents, “crooked” smiles of friends and acquaintances. He is quite attractive, and he has plenty of money, because he came to study in another country. So marrying him is not a bad option. And that he is a Muslim and how life will develop in the future, the girl does not think much. Such a marriage is short-lived, in the future it can cause her big trouble.
  • The desire to move to another country. He is from another world. And there everything is fabulous, besides rich, does not skimp on expensive gifts. And here is such a prose of life, parents give very little money for study. And I want to not only eat well, but also look beautiful. It makes no difference that he is a Muslim, their customs are strict, but fair. And so loves me. I’ll leave with him and I will live well!
  • Loneliness. The woman was already married. The husband, for example, was very drunk and even beaten. Hopeless, boring vegetation. I had to get a divorce. And then an oriental handsome man with money. And how he cares, gives such gifts ... He promises to take with him, for example, to Turkey. Life is one, but you want to live so beautifully.
  • Business. He comes, for example, from Turkey. He has his own profitable business here. She works in his company. Warm relationships grew into a love affair. They began to live together, over time, the woman converted to Islam and left for her husband’s country.
  • The appeal of Islam. Now there are many divorced Islamist preachers, it is easy to access them on the Internet. They convincingly talk about the benefits of their religion. Brand the vices of Christian society. For example, gay marriage, which is prohibited in Muslim countries on pain of death. Many girls (guys) succumb to this propaganda and adopt a new faith. What this can lead to, a vivid example of this is the sad fate of Moscow student Varvara Karaulova. She went to Turkey and tried to illegally cross the Turkish-Syrian border to join the ranks of the Islamic State, the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in Russia.

It's important to know! There will always be women seeking to marry a Muslim. In the end, it is a personal choice. And it is not always fatal. However, the decision must be made conscious so that later it will not be “excruciatingly painful” for the mistake made, if it does happen.

Features of Muslim marriage

The marriage of a Muslim and a Christian should be viewed through the prism of Islamic law, enshrined in adat and Sharia. Adat is an ancient customs that the faithful must strictly follow in their lives. And Sharia is the “right way” given to people by the Prophet Muhammad.

Islam claims that a woman should be an outstanding person. For example, Khadija, the first wife of the prophet Muhammad, was engaged in trade and herself invited him to marry her. Aisha, his second wife, left a lot of Hasidim about the Prophet - information about his personal life. Muhammad respected his many wives, telling his followers that "You have rights over your women, and your women have rights over you."

But the Prophet also has other words that “Most of those who fall into the fire of hell will be women.” Such a contradictory opinion of Muhammad about the female gender has in fact resulted in a severe restriction of the rights of Muslim women.

For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are virtually forbidden to travel by public transport, all parts of the body must be closed. For disobedience can be put in jail. And if you got in jail, then no parole, unlike men.

Therefore, a Slavic girl should think seven times before deciding to marry a Muslim. Will she be able to endure all the restrictions that the life of a Muslim woman will impose on her if she has to leave for her husband’s homeland? After all, there will have to change their faith.

Great love is no excuse for a rash decision. Your feelings should be verified by the mind. Passion can go away, but it is extremely difficult to rewrite a broken fate anew.

Life in a Muslim family has its own nuances that a girl who wants to combine her destiny with a Muslim just needs to know. She must understand that Islamic traditions regarding family relationships are holy and unshakable. For example, without the permission of her husband, she should not spend money, cannot leave home without male escort for a period of more than 3 days. Otherwise it will be considered incorrect. This is already being punished.

The main features of Muslim marriage:

  1. The husband is the main in the family. It is impossible to disobey, his word is rigorous to fulfillment. He can heed the opinion of his wife, but the decision is his. His man should be appeased in everything and always, even in sex. Refusing it without a serious reason (this may be, say, a period of menstruation) is considered a serious fault.
  2. Household. The wife is obliged to conduct all household chores around the house under the supervision of a mother-in-law. And scrupulously carry out all her instructions. She is the eldest among women in the family. She does not have the right to talk to her of her own free will, only when she herself speaks to her.
  3. Work permit. He must be asked from her husband, he can give, but this does not exempt from the household. Muslim women can work only as doctors, nurses, teachers, other professions are forbidden to them.
  4. A woman has no right to talk with strangers. For disobedience is a severe punishment, they can be accused of prostitution.
  5. Wearing hijab. This is dark clothing that hides the body from prying eyes. What kind of multi-colored dresses, so beloved by youth. Even decorations cannot be seen by outsiders. Everything is only for the husband.
  6. Do not leave the house. Only with the consent of his faithful, without his escort or relative, you can not visit, say, acquaintances.
  7. May be more than one wife. I came to his homeland, and at his place, it turns out, three more wives. Muslim law permits polygamy. Nowhere to go, have to put up with it.
  8. Punishment. The husband can punish if the wife stubbornly does not want to obey him. But the beat is not allowed. If she can prove cases of physical abuse, she can achieve a divorce. However, in this case, it is very unlikely that a Christian wife will take her children with her. The law is on the father’s side.
  9. Restrictions on attending sporting events. Due to the fact that there will be involuntary communication with strangers, and this is categorically not allowed.
  10. You can not drive a car. Accordingly, a ban on obtaining a driver’s license. In Saudi Arabia, a female motorist is a great sin.
  11. Internet restriction. The aspirant to marry a Muslim should know that in Muslim countries he is under strict control. Let's say there is a ban on social networks, dating sites, others. The greatest restrictions exist in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iran. Those who trample Islamic values \u200b\u200bon the Internet can go to jail.

It's important to know! The Islamic theologian al-Ghazali has a saying: "Of the 1000 virtues, only one refers to women, the remaining 999 to men." Before a Christian woman marries a Muslim, one should well weigh all the pros and cons of such a union. In order not to bitterly repent later and not bite your elbows.

Consequences of Christian and Muslim Marriages

Actually, all the features of an Orthodox Christian and Muslim marriage can be consequences. Happy or sad if the marriage decision was made hastily.

It is highly likely that he will be prosperous when the husband remained in his wife’s homeland and even converted to her faith. And if they are both unbelievers, it is possible that they will simply live happily without burdening themselves with the religious dogmas of Christianity (Orthodoxy or Catholicism) and Mohammedanism.

In her husband’s homeland, if she decided to leave with him, the family can also be happy. And here a lot depends on the country where you left, and the person of the missus. Will he be able to provide his wife with the usual living conditions in a state completely unfamiliar to her. An important role, as her new family will accept a stranger.

The warehouse of her character also determines the fate of the future. How will she react to a new life unusual for herself, whether she will put up with her or resist the harsh life situation.

A true Christian is unlikely to decide to marry a Muslim, even a great love is not a reason to abandon the faith of her ancestors. And if this still happened, such an apostate departs from Christian morality, loses himself in God. He turns away from her, the realization of this will torment her soul for the rest of her life.

It’s not easy to break yourself to a person who is used to living freely, without taboos that are wild in the 21st century. And there are many of these in Islam for men, and even more for women. For example, the Islamic preacher Abu Isa at-Tirmizi, who lived in the 9th century, said: "If a woman is naughty or immodest, her husband has the right to beat her, but not break bones." He believed that if a husband wants intimacy with his wife, she should unconditionally obey, "even if she bakes bread by the oven," since she "does not have power over her body, even her milk belongs to her husband."

Shariah speaks of women's inequality. For example, in court, the testimony of two women is equal to the testimony of one man. A Muslim can cheat on his wife, and interestingly, he can enter into short-term marriages from one hour to a year. In fact, this is a resolution of prostitution.

And God forbid his wife to look at someone else's man or she will be convicted of adultery. This can end very sadly, for example, can be stoned. Such punishment is not practiced in all Muslim countries, but in Somalia in 2008 there was a case when a teenage girl was beaten only on the grounds that she was allegedly raped by three men. The Islamist authorities regarded it so that it provoked them to violence.

The Orthodox must know about such and many other consequences of a marriage with a Muslim before deciding whether to marry a Mohammedan. So that later all the severe restrictions on the rights and freedoms of women reigning in Muslim society, were not a heavy duty for her. If this does not stop - love is above all, then good luck.

But most often, women have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe consequences of a marriage with a Muslim. In the Soviet Union, there were cases when a girl married a guy from Central Asia. Suppose he served where she lived. The soldier seemed a sweet and reliable person, and upon arrival with his young wife to his home he suddenly turned out to be a despot. His relatives did not want to recognize her either. And this was becoming a big tragedy for a woman.

Today, a Muslim often takes his girlfriend to his country. All roots with relatives break off. And what can happen to her in a foreign land, if life did not work out, it's hard to speak. A lot of ordeals fall on the lot of the unfortunate, and it is good if they manage to return to their homeland. And someone resigned to his share. But such a fate can hardly be called happy.

In our turbulent times, it is especially dangerous that among young Muslims preachers appeared who paint the delights of Islam to the Slavs and even marry them. But in fact, women are recruited into the ranks of various terrorist groups banned in Russia. And this is the most terrible side of marital unions with Muslims. It happens that such women become suicide bombers.

Watch a video about the marriage of a Christian and a Muslim:

A marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is a very serious step. There are many “whirlpools” that are invisible to an inexperienced eye, in which you can wrap yourself, get confused. First of all, this concerns women who decided to connect their fate with a native of a Muslim country. Feeling is good. But a wise decision is better! If a girl does not value her personal freedom and is ready for self-sacrifice in the name of love, then she will have a flag in her hands! But unfortunately, sad stories often happen in life, when a rash act can prettyly ruin your life. And not only spoil, sometimes it can be lost.

So, a marriage is often made between a Muslim and a Christian. But what is said about such unions in religion and is a woman obliged to change her religion in order to become a Muslim legal wife?

Features of Muslim and Orthodox marriages

First of all, for Muslims, the family is an institution prescribed By God.   Marriage has much more room in life than many other issues.

If we compare Christian and Muslim marriages, it becomes clear that they have similarities in many respects. But the Muslim scripture still indicates the unequal position of the fair sex in relation to spouses.

Is a marriage possible between a Muslim and a Christian?

Situations when representatives of different religious faiths decide to marry are not uncommon today. And not necessarily it is about. On the territory of the Russian Federation both followers of the Christian religion and Muslims live. A Muslim cannot marry an unbeliever woman, as well as a Buddhist and a Hare Krishna.

In Islam according to the Qur'an

Islam does not prohibit Muslims from marrying members of other faiths. But only on one condition. These must be chaste women from among the people of Scripture. That is, it can be either Christian or.

True, for the conclusion of an alliance certain conditions must be met:

  • a woman must be chaste, that is;
  • for the wedding to take place, a religious rite — nikah — must be performed;
  • spouses should live where the way of life corresponds to the Sharia, that is, where the Muslim will have power over his wife and will be able to convert her to his religion;
  • the husband must have strong and strong faith.

Muslim girls cannot marry Gentiles. This is canonically unlawful.

In Orthodoxy

  Despite the fact that many consider Christianity a tolerant religion, the church does not welcome marriage with Gentiles. And if an Orthodox girl decides to marry a Muslim, she will definitely be convicted.

It is also said that - this is evil and sin before God.

Therefore, until 1917, it was impossible for Christians to marry Gentiles. Including with Muslims.

How does interfaith union look from the outside?

Pretty controversial. On the one hand, it is clear that the union is made of love, since young people sometimes have to overcome the condemnation of the older generation (and it certainly exists), adapt to each other, and change habits and traditions.

The older generation often treats such marriages negatively, since grandparents understand that sometimes even the strongest love is broken up into everyday problems, especially if this is exacerbated by cultural and religious disputes.

But the part of society that tolerates such marriages is tolerant, on the contrary, it’s sure that since it is not always easy to decide to union with a representative of another faith, the young are ready for difficulties, and love will simply pass additional tests and become even stronger.

Are out-of-wedlock meetings permitted between Muslims / Muslims and Christians / Christians?

Any religion, whether Christianity, Islam, Judaism, prohibit the close relationship of a man and a woman who are not in an official or spiritual union. Here the rules are the same for everyone - any connection will be considered vicious, and the priest or imam will call it sin.

But what if the acquaintance happened, and before marriage is still a long way off? Can young people communicate without violating the commandments of the church and without contradicting the verses of the Qur'an?

Islam forbids men and women to be alone. They can go to the cinema, walk along the crowded streets, drink tea in a cafe. But never make appointments with someone at home tête-à-tête.

The Bible also contains commandments prohibiting a man and woman from touching each other before marriage.

It is not about accidental touches or about giving a girl a hand when she gets out of public transport. Namely, touches for the purpose of expressing feelings. Christianity does not prohibit lovers from dating before marriage, but these dates should also take place within the framework of moral decency and not in private.

But the friendship between a man and a woman without the thought of creating a family in Orthodoxy is also condemned. It is believed that if a guy and a girl can not marry in the future, then there is no need to start any friendships.

Both religions say the same thing. Out of wedlock meetings between a man and a girl are possible only if they plan to get married in the future. Moreover, these meetings should happen in crowded places and not be intimate, but only to get to know each other better and discuss further wedding matters.


Mixed marriages between representatives of different religious faiths can sometimes lead to certain not very pleasant consequences:

And scrupulously carry out all her instructions. She is the eldest among women in the family. She does not have the right to talk to her of her own free will, only when she herself speaks to her.

  • Work permit. He must be asked from her husband, he can give, but this does not exempt from the household. Muslim women can work only as doctors, nurses, teachers, other professions are forbidden to them.
  • A woman does not have the right to talk with strangers. For disobedience is a severe punishment, they can be accused of prostitution.
  • Wearing a hijab. This is dark clothing that hides the body from prying eyes. What kind of multi-colored dresses, so beloved by youth. Even decorations cannot be seen by outsiders. Everything is only for the husband.
  • You can’t leave the house.

Marriage of a Muslim woman with a representative of another religion (Christian, Jew)

For example, in court, the testimony of two women is equal to the testimony of one man. A Muslim can cheat on his wife, and interestingly, he can enter into short-term marriages from one hour to a year.

   In fact, this is a resolution of prostitution. And God forbid his wife to look at someone else's man or she will be convicted of adultery. This can end very sadly, for example, can be stoned.
   Such punishment is not practiced in all Muslim countries, but in Somalia in 2008 there was a case when a teenage girl was beaten only on the grounds that she was allegedly raped by three men. The Islamist authorities regarded it so that it provoked them to violence.
The Orthodox must know about such and many other consequences of a marriage with a Muslim before deciding whether to marry a Mohammedan.

Muslim marriage

If he becomes a believer, agrees with the foundations of faith and religious practice, says shahada (the formula of Monotheism), then he will have to settle everything with his relatives and find understanding and support in them. Although you are 22 years old, the period of your communication with him is long (eight years), and therefore I assume that in the context of creating a family for the rest of your life, everything has already been analyzed and seriously considered.
   The Shamil Hazrat, as you know, the Holy Qur'an says that girls and women should not be married off to Gentiles. But what if the girl came out without the knowledge of the family? How to be with her? Do guardians need to punish her for this and how? No, the guardians do not punish her, but pray for this family so that its members acquire faith and piety.

Marriage between Christian and Muslim


The real reason is that I can’t do this with my first boyfriend, leave him, while he became like a native to me, he always took care of me. My mother, learning about the proposal to marry, said that I did not know him and that for several months it was impossible to recognize a person, and therefore she was against it.

Milan, 21 years old. I think you need to choose a Muslim, not this one, but another, and it is desirable that he be your nationality. Listen to the general opinion of the parents, before introducing them to your new young man and first meeting his parents.


Me and my future husband of different religions: he is a Christian, I am a Muslim. With little but still difficulty, I persuaded him to read anyone.

   But he, in turn, asked me to go to church and get married.

Is a happy marriage possible between a Muslim and a Christian?

Today, a Christian and Muslim marriage is possible, but often enlightenment comes "after". And then those who left for their faithful to a Muslim country are eager to go home to mom and dad, and it’s good if they return without serious consequences for their health, physically and mentally unstable. Nevertheless, in spite of this, some girls without any regard will “marry” the faithful, leave their country and leave with their husbands to the promised land - to their homeland. It's important to know! In Islam, a woman is in a lower position than a man. One of the hadiths (retelling the words of the Prophet) says that “A woman is created from a rib and will never straighten in front of you, and if you want to benefit from it, then let the curvature remain with her. And if you try to straighten it, you will only break it. ” Why do Christians marry Muslims There are many reasons for a marriage with a Muslim.


Nevertheless, this does not prevent me from being religiously educated in issues of both Orthodoxy and Islam (and not only of these two religions). In addition, I am limitedly tolerant. This means that I am not embarrassed by communicating with any adequate representative of any religion, be it a Muslim or an adherent of the pasta monster church (this is not a figure of speech, this is a real religious movement). DECR: a traditional family will save mankind from falling into the abyss “Today, when society is becoming more and more similar to that reckless person“ who built his house in the sand ”, the Church’s duty is to remind society of its firm foundation - the family as a union of a man and a woman created with the purpose of birth and parenting.

The authorities of several countries of Europe and America, despite numerous protests, including by Catholics, continue to pursue a policy that is deliberately aimed at destroying the very concept of family. Firstly, there are three reasons why the heirs receive an inheritance from each other: kinship, marriage and valaah (this is kinship received by the liberation of a slave), and three reasons that prevent inheritance: slavery, murder, and different religions.

If your sister has not rejected her religion, the fact that she escaped from her parents ’home does not impede her right to inherit, even if her stay away from her parents’ home was long. Secondly: the marriage of a Muslim woman with an unbeliever is considered a great sin, and the unanimous opinion is that it is prohibited and marriage is considered invalid.

I immediately want to dot all İ. I am christian.

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I would like to unambiguously clarify the question of how various faiths relate to such marriages? You can find out, by analogy with the “observant Muslim”, whether your husband is an “observant Christian” in your example - and then you can determine whether the family in your example is Christian or atheistic. In essence, the answer is as follows: a Christian’s marriage with a Muslim is not possible.

In practice, this is possible only if it is “Christian” nominal, and not conscious, that is, Christianity for it comes down to a maximum of trips to light candles in the church. If you really want to get married "without changing your religions" - you don’t have to run to either Alim or priests, but leave them alone and quietly go to the registry office. Probably the same can be said about Christians, especially among them there are many who "believe in God, but do not go to church," this is all over the world. And there are reasons for this.

Is a marriage possible between a Christian and a Muslim?

Pravmir projects Navigation Ask a priest Good afternoon, tell me if marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is possible. I am a Christian, I love a Muslim woman, and she is me. Her parents are against our meetings, they say that she will only marry a Muslim.

Although they themselves live a modern life. How do I get her hands from them? Thanks for the answer. Alexander. Archpriest Mikhail Samokhin answers: Hello, Alexander! Marriage is possible if your girl converts to Christianity and educates your children in the Orthodox faith.

It seems to me almost impossible to agree to such a marriage with parents who are Muslim Muslims, since the Qur'an categorically forbids Muslim women from marrying non-Muslims. If you are a believing Christian, you probably imagine that the difference of faith can become the basis for problems in the future family life.

Can a Muslim marry a Christian? Is such a marriage valid?

Suppose they are students, often found in addition to studying at companies. A fun student feast ended in a casual relationship.

She became pregnant and wants to solve all her problems by marriage. And it can be complaints of parents, “crooked” smiles of friends and acquaintances.

He is quite attractive, and he has plenty of money, because he came to study in another country. So marrying him is not a bad option. And that he is a Muslim and how life will develop in the future, the girl does not think much. Such a marriage is short-lived, in the future it can cause her big trouble.

  • The desire to move to another country. He is from another world. And there everything is fabulous, besides rich, does not skimp on expensive gifts. And here is such a prose of life, parents give very little money for study. And I want to not only eat well, but also look beautiful.

Features of the marriage of Christian and Muslim

Tell me what to do? Marriage in Islam is a formal mutual exchange agreement in which the husband agrees to provide dowry and full maintenance for his wife in exchange for the right to use marital relations that are prohibited outside of marriage. It should be borne in mind that, unlike a woman, a Muslim man can simultaneously have four legal wives.

Is the marriage of a Muslim and a Christian possible? (letter from Vicki) We had a good rest a month, but all good things come to an end once and I again had to return home to Ukraine, and to him in the UAE. When I was pregnant, I informed him, he was very scared, he was nervous, he didn’t even want to hear anything about it.

He said that his parents would drive him out of the house, and he had nothing and did not know how we would live. And about the child, he is even scared to think if his family knows everything.

Is a marriage possible between a Christian and a Muslim

Metropolitan Hilarion at a meeting of the Synod in the Vatican urged Catholics to uphold the traditional family together “The Orthodox Church, like the Catholic Church, has always followed Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition in its doctrine of the family, affirming the principle of the sanctity of marriage, based on the words of the Savior himself. Nowadays, this position should be even more united and unanimous, ”the metropolitan quotes the Interfax-Religion portal. As the hierarch emphasized, Orthodox Christians and Catholics need to “not just confine themselves to good appeals,” but to legally uphold the traditional family based on the marriage of men and women, both in the framework of dialogue with the legislative and executive authorities of individual countries, and at the venues of international organizations, such as UN and Council of Europe.

I can’t believe that in our time, confrontation on religious grounds and martyrdom for faith is possible, but it is about this story of Mary. The story of her marriage - a Christian with a Muslim, performed according to the Muslim rite, can serve as a warning to Russian girls seduced by the beautiful courtship of the sons of the East.

Of course, what Mary experienced in this marriage is not guilty of her husband’s faith as much as his personal ones. However, some "surprises" faced by the Russian girl, leaving marry a muslimI’m afraid that they are inevitable in any case - after all, they have completely different traditions that permeate all spheres of life ... Judge for yourself:

Muslim and Christian

Hello Hope! Your help is very necessary !!! My name is Maria, I'm 19 years old. My story is like that. I met one guy, he is 7 years older than me. I fell in love with him a lot, he beautifully looked after me, inspired me to trust, he was my “big brother”, father, and just a good friend. With each meeting, I fell in love with him more and more, he worked hard on me (as I just understood it now) - he knows female psychology very well, knows how to get close to a girl.

Since I myself am very naive, well-mannered, kind and simple, he decided to take possession of me (as they say, “strike the iron while it's hot”) and educate me for myself. He needed a good wife, a good mother for his children, and a good and working daughter-in-law for his parents. We met a little - he all insisted on starting to live together, get married.

My parents were very opposed, because he is Tatar by nationality and his faith is Muslim, and I am Russian and my Orthodox faith. From childhood I went to church, tried to keep everything, very attached to my faith and God. And he needed nickname   - only then can we be together. Parents, of course, have always been against the Tatar. I had a huge quarrel with them, misunderstandings, insults. I blackmailed them as much as possible - if only they agreed on the nicknames, because I really wanted to be with him. I did not understand what I was doing at all, and did not think about the future, because I was wearing pink glasses.

Even when we first met, he set his conditions, forbade me everything, shouted at me, was always dissatisfied with something. But I put up with it all and thought that then everything would be different ... And now, in the end, I persuaded my parents to agree on the nicknames, refused for him a cross (for which I sincerely and with tears now regret) and in the end we did nicknames. Then they began to live together. At first, more precisely in the first week, everything was fine, an independent life from parents, a loved one nearby, euphoria and “pink glasses” ...

Then gradually I began to realize everything - what I had done, what I had refused. I felt bad at heart. Yes, and he had some other attitude appeared to me. I completely forgot those words that I spoke before living together, I forgot all my promises - what he said now remains only in dreams. He just said all this so that I would be with him, so that I would be seduced. And I, like a fool, hung my ears and that’s all ...

He began to demand a lot from me. It was necessary to cook 3 times a day - and moreover, everything with meat and everything tasty. I had to get up very early, cook breakfast for him and take him to work (I got up every day at 4.5 in the morning), always doing something around the house. He will see a speck of dust or a small garbage bin at home - everything, starts to find fault, sets up a scandal. I don’t need to clean it myself without any words - and that’s all ... It doesn’t help me in anything, even can’t simply pour tea for myself, take a spoon and clean up after me. I constantly shouted and grumbled if I didn’t have time to cook, because I still have studies.

I wanted to get a job - so he needs a schedule so that it fits him, and not every job he liked. Let's say there is some job offer. He did not like it - and that’s all, the rest didn’t bother him. If I say that I’m going to work there anyway, he says: “Well, go — then live there, you can pack your things and work as much as you need.” Very jealous! She finds fault with everything: I will glance at, let’s say, a guy of some kind - and he starts ... better to fall through the ground at this moment! He follows me everywhere, checks everything, watches everything.

In general, she does not trust me, although I never gave him reason to doubt me. I don’t look anywhere already - basically, under my feet, I don’t go anywhere, I just sit at home, and this is not enough for him! Made me retire from all social networks. networks, remove all my pictures, with scribbles let go of my girlfriends, every day I had to be in an intimate relationship with him, and if this was not, then it was a scandal worse than ever.

To wear a cross, go to church, hold icons, and even forbade talking about Jesus Christ! Anyway, I secretly go to church, wear a cross when I have such an opportunity, and hide icons. Once I put an icon in my wallet. So he saw her, started screaming, yelling, threw all my things from the closet, said: “Pack them and go home!”, And even used the assault several times. And then he said that "it was you yourself who raised your head or face so wrong and yourself hit my hand." Well, of course! It’s necessary for me not to love myself so much and hit with such force on his hand in order to break my lip, uncover all the gums and make sure that there is a bruise over my eye, and my hands are all bruised the size of an apple ...

All this began with us, because I told him that I would not hold the icons and wear a cross - and it turns out that here I did not listen to him and deceived him. And so it was three more times ... Once he drove me out of the house and terribly shouted and cursed, because I said that I could not become Tatars in my soul and accept their faith - anyway, in my heart I will have my God and mine Vera. And this is not the end - this is only the beginning! To describe everything that happens between us, you can write a whole book ...

The husband is a real tyrant! And I don’t know how to get away from him ... He already wants children, but for now I’m afraid of this - I’m not ready, all the more I don’t want him (I already knew this for good reason), and then I really wanted to. If there are children, then everything - I will definitely become a "slave Isaura", then he will be able to dispose of me as soon as possible, and the children will be naked Tatars, and everything will go according to their custom ... But I do not want to see my children Tatars! They will speak Tatar, and that’s all ... As soon as I imagine what awaits me, it becomes so bad that I do not want to live (forgive me, Lord, for such words).

I live in fear all the time. I'm always shaking. It’s also very hard for me to be in his family, with his parents. They are all Tatars, they speak Tatar, but I understand a little. They live in a village, and I constantly need to go there, and when I come, a lot of work piles on me. And then, tired and exhausted, I still have to cook at home to eat, get out, satisfy my husband and go to school in the morning. Constantly I have to be busy with work, with some business - I can’t even watch a movie or sit on the Internet ...

It is very hard for me with him and with his family. Although he tries somehow for us, he does a lot for me, but I can’t do that. In my 19 years - and have such a life ... His parents are already old, they themselves can’t do anything properly and then they will need to look after them, the husband himself is all sick, constantly aching. They all settled down well, found good benefits in me: my husband — that I feed him, sing, do as he says, rules me; his parents - what will anyone look after them and their households and at the same time not say a word.

Every day our relationship is getting worse and worse. I lost love for him - only attachment remained, there was no sexual desire for him, he became disgusted with me, I began to notice all his bad qualities, habits, minuses, he just started to annoy me! With him, I stopped dreaming about anything, stopped smiling, being happy. Next to him, I have no freedom, my own opinion. I’ve done everything for him, but he doesn’t even want to give in to me and compromise ... His mother says: "Be patient", grandmother: "Listen to him."

And my parents suffer a lot, no worse than me. I can’t abandon it from the stupid feelings of “pity”, but I know that it’s impossible to do this - you can’t spare others, you need to think about yourself first and build your life. I understand that if I stay with him, I will bite my elbows all my life, and suffer, and regret, and suffer. But alas ... I can not do anything. My conscience torments me. I think: how will he be there later without me, suddenly what will happen to him will do something with himself. I gave him hope, he is counting on me, especially since he is not 20 years old, he is already an adult. I think that his parents will not survive this.

I think about everyone, but not about myself - and so all my life ... But I want to be free, to live my life the way I want it, because I have one. I want to do my favorite things, hobbies, fulfill my dreams, go where I wanted so long, study where I want, and work where I want. I do not want to stand at the age of 20 at the stove, with a mountain of dishes, with young children, with constant swearing, nerves ...

Help me please!!! How can I get away from him ?! I just won’t be able to say directly to his eyes - that’s for sure. I’m still waiting for some moment to scold and leave ... But how much longer will I have to wait ?! In any case, you will need to leave before the wedding. Just how? I thought maybe just leave him a letter and go far away so that he would not find me? I don’t know what to do ... After all, I can’t live like that anymore! Not a day without tears. I'm very tired!!!

Please, tell me, help me, how can I get away from him so that it is kind, so that I do not injure him so much? I’m also afraid for myself in the future. I don’t know what should I do next, what to do, if I leave him, where to start. Indeed, in my city, I definitely will not stay. I lost all self-confidence, I am afraid of everything now and I think that I will not be able to continue living alone. What do i do? What to do? One hope for you, Hope !!! Do not disregard, my cry of the soul, for help, my problem! Really looking forward to your reply!

Divorce from a tyrant - what stops?

Maria, you are in a very difficult situation. You are now very scared, and given the very unequal strength, you are unlikely to be able to defend yourself in front of your husband a tyrant, before you part with him - like me. Moreover, he is spreading his arms! It is not worth delaying next to him also because there is a danger of becoming pregnant. If you cannot openly ask him to terminate Nikakh, then it seems to me that it makes sense to do so, so you want to leave secretly, leaving a letter, and subsequently negotiate with him about the divorce through your father or in the presence of parents. It is very good that your parents are on your side, which means they will help you get out of this story.

Since you got married according to Muslim custom, of course, it is worth getting a divorce on it so that the husband does not have any more rights on you, and nothing itself bothers you. As far as I understand, in Islam a divorce is made in words, and is it even possible that your husband already said these words when he repeatedly drove you out of the house? Or maybe he will pronounce them, outraged by your escape? In any case, according to Muslim law, you have every reason and the right to ask for a divorce. I am not a connoisseur of Sharia - there are many subtleties, I think you should consult with a mullah on this subject - what is the best way to do this? The fact that you have not been officially registered yet, saves you about problems associated with a civil divorce.

As for your “pity” for him and “tormenting conscience,” it seems to me that you are taking too much on yourself. Tyrants love to put pressure on pity and conscience, to whine and scare, but this is all a game. He is an adult and lived somehow before you, right? Has anything dramatically changed in the short period of your life together? So do not worry - he will live on, nothing will happen to him! And even if it happens, it is not your fault - he has his own life, for which he is responsible. Moreover, “he is not 20 years old, he is already an adult” - so why should a young girl be responsible for an adult man and be his “mommy”? Read it, it will help you deal with this in yourself.

You say that "he was counting on you, you gave him hope"? - but it was he who deceived you! You also hoped and counted on something completely different, and he promised you a lot of things and “forgot”, did he? Not to mention the fact that he, taking advantage of your love and childish frivolity, forced you to give apostate promises. Even under Muslim law, he has no right to force you in matters of religion, not to mention secular! Escaping from it, you do not “betray the unfortunate person who has trusted you”, as it seems to you, but save your life and soul from the spider, which lured you by deception into its networks. And let your conscience be calm: staying with him for you is an option of slow suicide.

You ask: "how can I get away from him so that it is kind, so that I do not injure him so much?" Unfortunately, it may not be kind, but I would not even hope for it in the case of the tyrant. There can be no divorces without injuries ... But this is life, Maria - it’s not always possible to make everyone feel good and how we want - especially when it comes to another person. This is one of the lessons you will learn from this story. I can’t give you a recipe on how to “not injure him” - it’s simply not in your power. You have power only over yourself - not to wish him harm and not to do it consciously. As I see it, this is not in you - you just save yourself.

On the other hand, remember that you already   injured, you have already been treated not at all kindly! - not in order to accumulate resentment and thirst for revenge, but in order to understand what is good already   failed and not you responsible for this. In any case, you are absolutely not obligated to rape yourself: to live with a person with whom you do not want to live, and to lead that life that you hate, no matter what promises you made under the influence of passion and naivety. What kind of family is this if you feel slavery ?! You are a free person - by all laws, and have the right to change and build your own life!

Your fear of a new independent life is not accidental. Now you have little ability to think soberly because of the panic and depressed state in which you are, and in this state you really should not rush into the waves of life - take care of yourself. It is hardly possible to overcome this fear now, but its source can be ruled out - just stop thinking about how you should be and what will happen when you leave it, and think about what needs to be done now. Or do you have serious reasons for leaving your city? If there is only fear of meeting her husband, then "hide behind the backs of your parents" and remember that after a divorce he no longer has any rights to you. I think when you are at home, your parents will calm you down.

It seems to me that now, first of all, you need to break out of this situation and settle all the formalities - to break up with your husband. And after you need some time to catch your breath “under the wing” of your parents, calm down - just live quietly in a friendly atmosphere, without fear: to study, read, think ... You need to heal your nerves and soul after everything that you have experienced. After all, parents will give you such an opportunity? It’s worth going to the church, of course, reuniting through the sacraments with the abandoned faith - it will become much easier. When you come to your senses and get stronger, then the prospects for the future will become clearer, and the fear will pass. You have nowhere to hurry - you are still so young, your whole life is ahead! The experience gained will allow you to understand a lot, become wiser and more responsible, but in order to learn all the lessons from it and rethink something, you need time.

Have you, dear readers, ever encountered interreligious problems in life? In your opinion, does the religious affiliation of spouses matter in creating a family? Could you marry a Muslim or a member of another religion that you do not share? - The question is actually not simple. Often it seems to us that the most valuable thing in the world, and we sacrifice for it that which cannot be sacrificed — our values, our personality ... But this becomes a fatal mistake. Is it worth it to find an answer for yourself in advance so that it doesn’t work out, like Mary’s Waiting for your answers - maybe it’s even spills out into a separate conversation.

© Nadezhda Dyachenko