How to surprise your girlfriend on February 14th. How to surprise your girlfriend on Valentine's Day. Choosing the right gift. How to surprise a girl on her birthday

The approach of Valentine's Day makes you think about purchasing a gift for your loved one. And if girls happily choose various romantic nonsense, then guys often follow the beaten path, purchasing a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and a plush toy. Of course, such gifts cannot be called bad, but they are too predictable and banal. And if you want to capture the imagination of your beloved, then you need to be original. What kind of surprise can you prepare for a girl on February 14?

The main component of any good gift the recipient should experience pleasant emotions. That is, the surprise should surprise, delight and be remembered. Moreover, the cost of the gift does not play a special role. Of course, it’s great if you have the opportunity to present your beloved with a diamond necklace or go with her to a fashionable ski resort for the weekend. But you can surprise a girl on February 14, even if you have a very modest amount.. The main thing is to show your imagination.


It would seem that the most banal gift is a bouquet of flowers. But it can be presented in different ways. If on the way from work you run into a flower shop and buy three roses in a cellophane wrapper and, when you come to the girl, silently push the bouquet into her hand, it is unlikely that your beloved will be delighted with such a congratulation.

But if you send beautiful bouquet to a girl at work or at her place of study, attaching a note with a declaration of love, then the beloved will be pleased. You can organize a whole performance from presenting a bouquet. For example, imagine how surprised a girl will be if, on the way to work, strangers periodically come up to her and hand her flowers, telling her that this is a gift from a man who loves her. But here it is important not to overdo it. Carrying several large bouquets will be very inconvenient for a girl.

Agencies organizing holidays may offer the option of presenting flowers to some character (an actor in an appropriate costume). Surely, your beloved will like it if “Saint Valentine” himself visits her and gives her a bouquet from a guy who is in love with her.

Or you can not buy a bouquet, but purchase a certain number of pink petals (flower shops also offer such a product). You can use petals to lay out a path, for example, to the bathroom, where you have previously arranged a semblance of a spa salon - you filled the bath with warm water with aromatic foam, placed candles, prepared a plate of fruit and a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice.

You can lay out a “path” with rose petals that will lead your loved one to the place where the gift is hidden for her.


This is another one traditional present, but it can also be made unusual. For example, prepare something like candy wrappers from colored paper, writing declarations of love on each one (do not repeat yourself, the words on each piece of paper should be different, but very pleasant). Wrap the candies in prepared candy wrappers, put them in a beautiful bag or box, and a wonderful romantic gift is ready.
Or maybe you decide to make your own sweets. This is not difficult to do. To prepare, you will need silicone molds (small, preferably in the shape of hearts).

To make different candies, some of the molds can be pre-sprinkled with sesame seeds, coconut flakes or crushed nuts. Then you will need to melt several chocolates in a water bath (choose the type of chocolate to suit your girlfriend’s taste).

Pour the liquid chocolate mixture into the molds. You can add a nut, a raisin, a piece of marmalade, etc. to the molds. Now you need to let the chocolate harden. And then remove the finished candies from the mold. Place the finished sweets in a beautiful box. Surely the girl will be pleased that she received as a gift exclusive sweets prepared especially for her.

Plush Toys

You should give such a gift only if you know for sure that the girl likes such gifts. The fact is that many young ladies cease to feel delighted when they receive another Teddy bear about 10 years old.

If you definitely want to give it to your girlfriend soft toy, play with this gift. For example, you can “give into the paws” of a bear or a hare a box of jewelry or a bottle of perfume.


When considering romantic gift ideas, one cannot help but mention the option of traveling together. Do you have the opportunity to go with your loved one to Paris? Great, she will probably be pleased with such a gift.

But even with fairly modest financial resources, you shouldn’t discount the option of traveling.. The travel agency will probably offer you many interesting routes to nearby cities. Or you can plan the route yourself. Traveling together is a great way to get closer.

But, before planning a trip, make sure that the girl will be free at this time. Otherwise, it suddenly turns out that she has an important exam or some kind of family event that she cannot miss.


Do you want to give an unusual, but very nice gift to your beloved girl? Go with her to a good spa salon and go through a set of procedures. Girls love to “clean their feathers,” and in the company of you she will be doubly pleased to do this.

If visiting a spa salon is not affordable for you, then you can organize its semblance at home. Of course, you shouldn’t try to carry out complex procedures, but anyone can give your loved one a fragrant bath with oils and rose petals, as well as master the technique of performing a relaxing foot massage. Don't forget to play quiet music in the background; you can also use an aroma lamp or light scented candles.

Romantic dinner

Of course, this version of the surprise cannot be called original, however, many people like this particular version of the holiday. Of course, organize romantic dinner You can also go to a restaurant. Nowadays, many establishments offer interesting entertainment programs and a special menu.

But dinner for two at home can be no less romantic.. To make the event successful, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • if you don’t know how to cook at all, then it’s better not to take risks, but order delivery of ready-made dishes;
  • In the room where the dinner will be held, it is worth creating intimate twilight. You can use candles or dimmable electric lights;
  • you need to take care not only of the availability of delicious dishes, but also of beautiful serving;
  • provide a musical background - the music should be quiet and lyrical.

If you want to not only organize a romantic dinner, but also surprise a girl, then the best option will be a themed party. You can invite your loved one to dinner at national style(Japanese, Greek, etc.), creating a menu of national dishes and choosing appropriate music.

But other romantic party themes are also possible. Here are some examples:

  • Picnic in the forest. In February, a real trip to nature is unlikely to be very pleasant, but at home it is quite possible to organize something like a picnic. Lay a soft fluffy green blanket on the floor, place two folding sun loungers, light candles with the aroma of pine and forest flowers. Play a recording of nature sounds. Place food in a picnic basket. The menu should include sandwiches, fruits, fried chicken, and dry wine. If the household has an electric barbecue maker, then you can fry almost natural barbecue.
  • Oriental flavor. Place a lot of soft pillows on the carpet, turn on oriental music, you can build something like a canopy from light transparent fabric. The menu for such a dinner should include oriental sweets, fruits, and pilaf. The highlight of the evening can be a hookah with fruit filling.

  • Flight on a starship. To create the appropriate ambiance, you will need a starry sky projector or a mirror ball. The walls can be decorated with Christmas tree garlands; they will imitate the blinking light indicators on the ship’s “control panel”. Furniture items should be draped with silver fabric. Select music from famous science fiction films. The menu for such a dinner can be anything, but you should use a “space theme” to decorate the dishes. For example, a salad or main course can be decorated with stars cut out of vegetables and fruits using a mold.

If you're not around

Even at a distance you can have a pleasant romantic surprise girl on February 14th. Nowadays, flower and gift delivery services have been operating for many years, so you can easily order a bouquet or, for example, a fruit basket for your loved one.

But don't limit yourself to just sending a gift. Be sure to call your beloved and tell her about your love. And if you have the gift of epistolary, then it’s better to write your girlfriend a long and warm letter.

If finances are very limited

Do original surprise For Valentine's Day you can do it without money. After all, a temporary lack of finances is not a reason to cancel such a wonderful holiday. The most persistent, but at the same time, quite effective option is “compliments on stickers.” To make such a gift you will need a pack of stickers, a marker and your imagination.

You need to write compliments or declarations of love to your girlfriend on stickers. To make it look impressive, there should be a lot of such stickers.

If you live together, then you need to get up early in the morning and stick prepared signs throughout the apartment. Place them in those places where your girlfriend will definitely look when getting ready for work. That is, in the bathroom, on the refrigerator, on the closet door with her clothes, on the front door, etc.

If you didn’t have time to congratulate your girlfriend in the morning, then you can organize something like a quest for her. On each sticker, in addition to the compliment, you need to write where to look for the next note. The “final point” of the search can be a gift, even if it is an ordinary chocolate bar.

If you don’t live together, you can cover the front door of her apartment with stickers with compliments in the morning. It will be great if the stickers cover the entire surface of the door.

If you want to give away some trinket or, for example, movie tickets, then use the “matryoshka effect”. Pack the gift in a small box. Then put it in a larger box and so on. Empty space in large boxes can be filled big amount hearts cut out of colored paper.


Any girl will be happy to receive a surprise on Valentine's Day, but your task is to make this surprise truly pleasant. And for this, you need to know well what your loved one likes and what things she is not interested in.

For example, if a girl is afraid of heights, you should not give her an adventure that includes a paragliding flight. And if your beloved loves ballet, then she is unlikely to be very happy if you present her with tickets to a hockey match as a surprise.

When choosing a congratulation option, be sure to take into account the preferences of the one you plan to please.

On this day, the girl especially craves attention and some kind of romantic fairy tale. She dresses up, takes even more care of her skin and body, so that her beloved will fall in love with her again and even more deeply. Therefore, she craves a worthy reward for her “works.”

Fairy tale. Find out her favorite fairy tale from childhood. Surely she liked not only “Tom and Jerry” or “Well, wait a minute!” Involve your friends in bringing your fairy tale to life. Your beloved should become the main character, but not guess anything until the very end. You must come up with your own ending, that is, how you see the continuation of your own fairy tale of love in reality.

Her portrait. Near the house where she lives, using a previously made stencil of a portrait of her beloved, paint over the stencil with a spray can. And so follow the usual route of her daily walks (to the store, university, work). At the end of the journey, let her see first a gorgeous bouquet of her favorite flowers, and then you with a gift and, perhaps, balloons with your names, looking for your love.

Air balloons. Inflate a certain number of balloons with helium, having previously flavored each of them with a small note about why you love your girlfriend and a puzzle piece. Let her burst each of them and begin to collect puzzles that are yours romantic photo or one that remains in memory as the most romantic. You bring her the last ball, in the middle of which you put either a note where to look for the gift, or put it inside the ball.

Relax. Give her a spa right at home. Let her relax instead of ordinary things. Prepare her a bath with gentle essential oils, for example, with orange, fennel, lemongrass and rosemary. When she comes out of the bath, let her have a path of rose petals waiting for her all the way to the bedroom, where she can change into the beautiful clothes you bought. Evening Dress, style your hair and apply makeup. Afterwards, you will go to a restaurant together to continue the celebration.

Romantic dinner. Prepare some delicacies that your beloved has never even heard of. It is desirable that they all resemble a heart in shape. Choose the wine that your chosen one usually likes. For dessert, serve a delicacy with a declaration of love. During dinner, candles should be lit on the table, an aroma lamp and quiet, muffled music should be turned on. Let her take off her shoes and feel the rose petals under her bare feet.

Don't stop surprising your loved ones and then you will keep your love for a long time.

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Representatives of the fair half of humanity are not just homemakers for men, they can also rightly be called real pearls of life that decorate the gray fate of men. Therefore, guys are always obliged to be attentive to girls, look after them and take care of them.

Our article today will be devoted to how you can surprise your beloved girl, what you need to do for this and how to proceed. To make the article more useful to guys, we divided it into 17 parts, each part will talk about a separate situation and ways to surprise a girl in it. So, let's begin!

How to surprise a girl without money

Money plays one of the most important roles in the life of any man, with the help of it they solve problems, feed and clothe their family and, naturally, surprise their beloved girls by giving them gifts and simply tokens of attention. When there is no money or very little of it, a man may even panic, because it won’t even occur to him how he can surprise a girl without money. However, there are quite a lot of options: write a poem, perform a song, write music, cook dinner or breakfast, show the most beautiful view to the city, to grow for her beautiful flowers, finally fulfill her requests (hang a picture, screw in a light bulb, fix the faucet, etc.). We will once again go into detail about some of these options in the article, as they have their own nuances.

How to surprise a girl on VKontakte

Everyone knows that the social network VKontakte is one of the most popular sites visited by Internet users. He is especially loved by girls. We cannot speak with one hundred percent certainty, however, your girlfriend, most likely, visits the contact very often, so you have a chance to surprise her there. To do this, you can buy a place in the advertising section where you can place words of congratulations and her photograph. In addition, you can send a beautiful poem containing words of love in private messages. You can also leave love messages in the comments on the wall. You can also use the contact as a means of communication: by inviting her to dinner at a chic restaurant.

How nice it is to surprise a girl

You can pleasantly surprise a girl only in ways that she is sure to like. That is, in order for your surprise to be pleasant, you must know the girl and her tastes well. For example, some girls prefer romance, so they will really like the offer to watch the sunrise on the seashore, and those girls who are closer to drive and thrill will be pleasantly surprised by the offer - to jump from a parachute together and drink a bottle of champagne in the air. Remember that every girl is individual, so a PLEASANT surprise for each will also be individual. In this case, we can only give banal advice: give a large bouquet of your favorite flowers or prepare a hot bath in which to scatter scarlet rose petals.

How to surprise a girl from a distance

Do you think that you can surprise a girl only when you meet?! You are deeply mistaken! Even despite the long distance, you still have the opportunity to make the girl smile pleasantly and think about you. To do this, you can buy a gift and deliver it by courier, and the courier will deliver the gift personally, no matter where in the city she is. You can use flower delivery to your home; to do this, find an online flower shop in the city where she lives and place an order, you can even order in a regular store, for this you just need to know the phone number and bank account to which you need to transfer money. As a last resort, you can come to the city yourself, without telling the girl about it, and meet her on the street with flowers, thereby causing her a storm of pleasant emotions.

How to surprise a girl with words

To surprise a girl with your words, you must first of all “perfect your speech,” that is, learn to speak correctly, without mistakes, beautifully and concisely. To do this, it is better to compose your speech in advance and then learn it. Choose the timbre of your voice so that it sounds most beautiful; you don’t need to say words of love in a bass voice, but high notes will also be inappropriate during words of recognition. Use pathos in moderation in your words, otherwise your speech will seem like empty promises. Every promise should sound convincing; to do this, try not to smile, and your words should contain convincing guarantees that you will fulfill what was said, no matter what the cost!

How to surprise a girl when you meet

It's the easiest way to surprise a girl when you meet her. Many guys come to a meeting with a bouquet of flowers, some prefer more useful and tangible gifts, such as cosmetics, perfumes, household appliances, soft toys, souvenirs, etc. You can surprise a girl by arriving on a first date in a beautiful limousine and inviting her for a ride around the city in the evening. As a rule, such limousines always have champagne, glasses and sweets, that is, you will spend this time not only in a beautiful car, but you will also be able to relieve a little of the tension that could arise due to an unexpected surprise. Much, of course, depends on the duration of your relationship, for example, if you recently met, then you can surprise a girl even with a simple trip to an expensive restaurant.

How to surprise a girl in bed

If you are just starting a sexual life with a girl, then you do not need to try to surprise your girlfriend, but simply show how much you are ready to give your best to give her maximum pleasure. To do this, pay maximum attention to her, trying to notice what body movements and poses bring her maximum pleasure. If you and a girl have been together for more than one year and sexual attraction is no longer as strong as before, then you really need to think about what can be changed in sex. Study the Kama Sutra, remember the positions that are most comfortable for you, read about erogenous zones in women, try to have sex in a place that is unusual for the two of you. Items from a sex shop (handcuffs, sexy lingerie, “toys,” etc.) can add zest to sex. Pay more attention to foreplay rather than sex itself; you may need to learn how to do an erotic massage

How to surprise a girl with a gift

Have you decided to surprise your beloved girl with a gift?! Then first do right choice. If you really want it to be a surprise, don't give her something she's been thinking about for the last month or two. Try to choose the thing that she dreamed of for a very long time, but still couldn’t buy it. On the one hand, the gift should be very desirable, but on the other hand, she should not even guess that you can give it. After the choice has been made, now it’s time to wrap the gift in a beautiful wrapping paper. It will be even better if you place your surprise in big box so that the girl cannot guess what is inside. When putting a gift in a box, make sure that it will not break, otherwise the whole holiday will be ruined.

How to surprise a girl on the first date

A lot depends on the first date, because it is on this date that the girl will judge how much you interesting guy. Try to organize it in such a way that she likes it. As we already wrote, girls are different, which means they may like different things. You can find out about a girl’s tastes from her friends. Ask them if she likes romance, how she feels about gifts, whether she loves animals, what drinks she drinks, what flowers she likes. You should also check out her page at social network, she can also tell you a lot of useful things: about her interests, favorite music, favorite genres of films, etc. And build your first date based on this information.

How to surprise a girl on the Internet

There are also plenty of ways to surprise a girl on the Internet. For example, you can create a website for her, where you can place her photographs, process them in Photoshop, add a little biography of the girl, writing it very in beautiful words. You can also simply create her personal one and give her access to it. Thus, making her a real girl blogger. You can create a blog yourself, or you can use the services of webmasters who will not only do the technical part correctly, but also visually design it beautifully, with the help of designers. With the help of such a blog, a girl can even become popular and can start making money on the Internet. That is, in any case, she will like such a gift.

How to surprise a girl at home

If you live with a girl, this does not mean that now you do not need to surprise the girl with gifts or signs of attention. On the contrary, now she deserves even more than before, because if before she only had a nice time with you on walks, now she washes, cleans, cooks and takes care of you. Surprising a girl at home is quite simple: start helping her with household chores, washing dishes, doing laundry, cooking, etc. This way, you will not only surprise her, but also provide incredible help. You can surprise a girl at home with a gift, for example, by giving a gift certificate to a clothing store famous brand. After all, she should feel not only like a housewife, but also an attractive girl. Don't forget to give flowers from time to time, as all girls and women really like them. A subscription to a beauty salon, solarium or massage center will also be a pleasant surprise.

How to surprise a girl in the morning

To surprise a girl in the morning, you need to get up as early as possible. However, there is no need to set a general alarm clock that will wake up not only you, but also your significant other. It's easier to set the alarm clock mobile phone, then put it next to you or under your pillow. You can, of course, surprise a girl in the morning with a delicious breakfast and the smell of her favorite flowers. Try to prepare for breakfast not the banal scrambled eggs and bacon, but some original salad that will be both healthy and tasty. To do this, study a recipe book or watch cooking TV shows. If you need products that are extremely rare in refrigerators, then it is better to buy them either early in the morning, or negotiate with your neighbors, keep your products in their refrigerator for one night, and in the morning you will take them from them. By the way, you can also leave flowers bought the night before with your neighbors. However, choose those neighbors with whom you have a good relationship, and they may wake up early in the morning. It is best to serve breakfast in bed to a girl on the day she has a day off, so that she can leisurely enjoy your breakfast while lying in bed.

How to surprise a girl in the evening

You can surprise a girl in the evening by going to a restaurant, so you can save her from preparing dinner. When choosing a restaurant, pay attention to the cuisines that are present in it. For example, some girls prefer Japanese dishes, others prefer European dishes. Try to choose a place where your girlfriend would be comfortable, and not you. After all, you want to pleasantly surprise her, not yourself. In the evening, you can also go to the cinema with your girlfriend, to an evening show, and then take a walk around the evening city. If this happens in the summer, then you can lie down in a clearing and watch the stars in the sky. And in winter you can have a little fun - go out onto the roof of a high-rise building and watch the city at night.

How to pleasantly surprise a girl via SMS

If you do not have the opportunity to meet (you live in different cities or countries), and most often your communication takes place in the format of communication via SMS, then you can also surprise her with short messages. To do this, you can be the first to confess your feelings of love for her, but try to come up with a beautiful and original phrase, or better yet, use ready-made options. You can do otherwise, for example, come to her city, but do not tell her about it, continuing to communicate via SMS. Then find it somewhere in a park or in a store and write: “Turn around! I want to kiss you!”, she will be simply shocked by such a message, and will be very pleasantly surprised when she turns around and sees you next to her. She certainly doesn't expect such a surprise.

Valentine's Day (February 14) is considered the day of all lovers, so try to give only romantic gifts on this day. There is no need to donate goods from the cosmetics or perfumery department; naturally, various household appliances will also be superfluous. On this day, gifts related to the expression of your feelings for the girl are more suitable. It’s best if you make a gift with your own hands, for example, sculpt it from polymer clay a beautiful animal or a heart (then don’t forget to bake your gift so that the clay becomes hard). You can try to make beautiful origami from colored paper or even money. It would be relevant to give flowers, a soft toy, jewelry and chocolates in a beautiful box.

On this World Women's Day, it is customary to give gifts to girls and women that in one way or another can help them in everyday life, that is, it is more correct to do practical gifts: washing machines, microwave ovens, beautiful vases, perfumes, creams, cosmetics sets, etc. On March 8th, men usually give what women order from them, so don’t hesitate to ask your favorite girls what gift they expect from their men. Let them give you several options, and you yourself choose the one that you can bring to life. You may not be able to surprise your chosen one, but you will definitely please her, and she will be very grateful to you for such a useful gift.

How to surprise a girl on her birthday

To surprise your beloved girl on her birthday, you will have to try hard, since you must take into account that on this day many people will give her gifts: relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Therefore, you will need to make a gift that will not be repeated by someone else. Especially if you are planning to give expensive thing, which can be given by parents or close relatives, so if you are with them good relations, then it is better to discuss with them in advance who will give what. In addition, people close to your girlfriend can even tell you what she wants to get most from you.

Now you know how easy it is to surprise your girlfriend in a variety of situations. Good luck! If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will be happy to answer them.

1. Each individual girl has her own quirks, so to say that all ladies will like the same one for the holiday is to say nothing. For some girls, a set of pots and pans is great gift, but for some it is in some way an insult to femininity. There are many guys who don't consider it necessary to choose gifts for their girls. They don’t really bother with gifts, and give the same thing all their lives. They like to limit it to a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Guys, this is so corny. Let's come up with a number of ways to please your beloved girl without spending a significant amount on gifts.

2. So, how to please a girl on February 14th? There is an old, but very effective and proven method. Wake up early in the morning and write under your beloved’s window about how much you love her. If there is snow outside the window, you can use bright colors and rose petals to put the name of your chosen one. If you don't know how to sing, grab a tape recorder and turn on a romantic love song. Naturally, this is a crazy act, but your significant other will undoubtedly appreciate it and reward you with a passionate kiss.

3. Buy a large number of multi-colored balloons. Place notes with kind words in each of them. Inflate them and scatter them around the house. Let your loved one take the trouble to look for them. Imagine how interesting it will be for her to find each new ball and enjoy new recognition from your loved one. 4. By the way, something more significant than just a note can be put in one of the balls. For example, a ring, pendant, pendant or earrings. Be sure to tell your girlfriend that she can find a surprise in one of the balloons. Then the search will become the most interesting and fun.

5. Treat your girlfriend to a Valentine's Day spa massage and bath right at home. To do this, prepare a fragrant bath in advance and pour rose petals into it. Place candles around the entire perimeter of the bath. Play music that is pleasant to the ear. Let your girlfriend enjoy the atmosphere. And then at night a reciprocal, no less pleasant gift will certainly be waiting for you.

6. Create one for your girl fairy tale. Coming tired from work, she will probably want to relax, and then you will arrive in time, in the form of Gin, ready to fulfill any desire of her betrothed. Of course, you need to take care of the suit in advance. And at exactly midnight, Jin will again turn into a lover who will present his beloved with a bouquet of red roses and say nice compliments.

7. You can also please a girl by buying her a cute little creature. For example, a kitten. Such a gift will look very romantic. Tie a bow around this furry pet's neck and attach a heart-shaped pendant to his back. Do not hesitate, such a gift should amaze your soulmate.

8. I think everyone knows how girls love to admire their appearance from the outside. Therefore, it would be advisable to give your beloved a portrait with her image. Order it from the artist, he will draw a portrait in a week. Framing a portrait is not difficult. Add a lovely valentine to your gift and your beloved will melt.

9. A girl can remember a spontaneous trip for the rest of her life. Give her a trip abroad for two. For example, to Paris. It’s clear that not every man can afford this gift, but you still need to strive for the best, try to save money by February 14th and please the girl with this unexpected gift.