Face shapes and hairstyles for them. Photos of women's haircuts with descriptions. How to choose the right hairstyle for an evening dress Hairstyle for long hair for an evening dress

To choose the right hair shape and length, you need to know what face shapes exist and what hairstyles are suitable for them.

There are three ways to determine your face type and shape. With these techniques, a woman can easily figure out which face shape she has. And it’s easy to choose hairstyles that suit him.

Determining your face shape using a mirror

To do this, you need to take a washable marker or lipstick and stand at a distance of half a meter from the mirror. The light must fall from above, and not on the face. You need to carefully outline the contours of your face, starting from the chin. Then move on to the cheekbones and forehead.

After this, you can begin to analyze the face: where is its widest part, how much the cheekbones protrude, how wide is the forehead. By determining these parameters “by eye”, you can calculate your face type.

Using a tailor's meter

  • First you need measure the cheekbones along the protruding parts. These parameters will correspond to the width of the cheeks;
  • Jaw width is measured as follows: The centimeter should be placed just below the ear and brought to the middle of the chin. The resulting figure must be multiplied by “two”;
  • The forehead is measured at its widest part: the measuring tape must be laid from one temple to the other;
  • Face Length: a centimeter is applied in the middle of the forehead and lowered to the most protruding point of the lower jaw.

Four measurements method

With its help, you can quite accurately determine the shape of your face and conclude which hairstyles are suitable for it.

How to take measurements:

  • Make the 1st measurement horizontal and draw along the top of the forehead;
  • 2nd – along the upper border of the eyebrows;
  • The 3rd parameter is measured on the lips, at their highest point;
  • The 4th measurement is taken vertically along the hair growth line, through the nose and to the lower jaw.

Face shapes are different and hairstyles for them also need to be chosen accordingly.

If you correctly calculate your parameters, you can achieve a perfectly created image.

In total, stylists and hairdressers distinguish 8 standard types.

Stylists identify eight standard face shapes. For each of them, certain types of hairstyles are recommended.

Standard face shapes

Oval face

This type is easily recognized by its sharp, protruding cheekbones. Such faces resemble the shape of an egg, which is turned upside down with the sharp part down. Usually, The forehead and jaw of the owners of this type of face are almost the same, the chin is slightly rounded. A classic example of this type is Sarah Jessica Parker.

Triangular face

This type of face has almost the same width and length. But the forehead is its widest part. Sometimes there are varieties of this face in which the forehead and cheekbones can be the same in width. This type of face ends with a pointed chin. Typical example triangular face“Legally Blonde” has Reese Witherspoon.

Diamond face

This type of face is a bit similar to the oval one. The only difference is that his chin is pointed. And the forehead resembles a cone. Sophia Loren has this face. The type of her American colleague “Catwoman” Halle Berry looks no less impressive. Madonna is also among the owners diamond-shaped face.

Round face

The name of this type speaks for itself. The widest part of such a face is the cheekbones. But usually the measurements for width and length are almost the same. Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz are bright representatives of this type.

Rectangular face

An almost perfect rectangle is achieved by straight lines along the border of hair growth. The cheekbones are angular in shape, and the proportions of other parts of the face are the same. Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Heidi Klum - these universally recognized beauties have rectangular faces.

Square face

Representatives of this type have ideal facial proportions. Their forehead is usually wide and their cheekbones are angular. Typical examples are Angelina Jolie and Selma Hayek.

Trapezoidal (pear-shaped) face

The width of the face is slightly less than the length. Downwards it gradually narrows. The forehead is usually wide, and the hairline is clearly defined and almost straight. Kelly Osbourne, Jennifer Aniston and Mini Driver are all owners of this type of face.

Heart shaped face

It is believed that this type is the most feminine. The “heart” shape is emphasized by a special hairline: it clearly shows the “tick” that the hair forms.

This face type is characterized by a wide forehead, narrow chin and prominent cheekbones. Representatives of this type: Eva Longoria, Kim Basinger and Marilyn Monroe.

Stylists say that all face shapes are good in their own way, if you choose the right haircut and hairstyle for each of them, then you can visually correct the shortcomings that every person has.

How to choose a good hairstyle according to your face shape - what else you need to know.

Makeup artists warn their clients: when changing their image, under no circumstances should they be guided only by fashion trends.

The wrong hair color or haircut style can cause irreparable damage to your overall image.

It is no coincidence that experts classified the main face shapes and selected hairstyles for them.

Here are the main tasks that real professionals set for themselves when working with a client:

  • We hide flaws. Ideal persons does not exist. Not all hairstyles will suit even an oval face;
  • We emphasize the advantages. With the help of a haircut, you can hide imbalances in the face and focus on its most attractive parts;
  • We avoid extremes. Even the most correct facial features can be distorted as a result of incorrectly chosen hair length and haircut shape.

The choice of the right image is influenced by several factors that the master must take into account:

  • Hair color. Light colors will make the face visually wider. A dark shades will narrow it down significantly. As a classic example, we can cite the main character from the film “The Addams Family” - Marticia. Long black hair visually lengthens an already narrow face;
  • Hair length. A short “hedgehog” can only be afforded by those who have the perfect hairstyle correct form heads. A round head from such a haircut will look like a soccer ball. A narrow skull should not be framed with long hanging strands;
  • Hair structure. Tough and curly hair They will stand on end if they are cut short. And it is better to cut thin and light hair than to tie it at the back of the head.
  • Individual characteristics faces also need to be taken into account when choosing hairstyles and haircuts.
  • Hair and makeup should match perfectly. A well-chosen make-up will complement the image and make facial imperfections less noticeable.

Stylists advise: before visiting a beauty salon, you need to look critically at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your strengths and see your shortcomings.

What haircuts are suitable for a round face?

Haircuts for round faces and different hair lengths

This type needs visual lengthening. Since the width from the top of the forehead and the distance between the cheeks are the same, it is necessary to balance the proportions. This effect can be achieved on long and medium hair.

Cascading haircuts and large curls are suitable for a round face type. If you have a short haircut, you need to give it maximum volume to make the hair appear larger.

An asymmetrical bob will look good on such a face. Its length should be significantly below the chin line, and the back of the head must be raised.

Hairstyles for round face shapes

With a round face, a classic bob to the middle of the cheek is strictly contraindicated. It is better to completely abandon the straight parting and short bangs.

A side parting would look perfect on such a head.

What haircuts are suitable for a square face?

According to stylists, a square face is very expressive. But it requires a special approach.

To soften the harsh lines of the square, women need to choose haircuts that will make the face softer.

The ideal option is a bob, below chin level. But it should not be too voluminous at the cheek line.

Which haircut is suitable for a long face? For this type of face, you need to choose hairstyles and haircuts that will visually round it out. Women belonging to this type need to forget about long and absolutely, straight hair

say the stylists. A must-have haircut for long face

must have bangs. It can be anything: long, short, straight or beveled.

Hairstyles for Long Faces The main goal is to distract attention from a face that is too long. Suitable for this type various options

graduated and multi-layered haircuts. A graduated bob looks great

Which haircut is suitable for an oval face? An oval face shape is considered ideal by hairdressers and stylists.

All haircuts and styling options are suitable for her.

Cascade, classic bob, or short “hedgehog” - the oval will fit perfectly into any frame. Some stylists still believe that boyish haircuts violate the natural harmony of such a face and deprive it of its femininity.

Hairstyles for oval faces

An oval face is equally suitable for bangs or their complete absence; you can put your hair in a ponytail or let it loose along the face.

Hairstyles for triangular face shape. Certain restrictions in choosing a hairstyle are imposed in the case of a combination of a narrow chin and a wide forehead. With the help of a hairstyle you need to visually expand bottom part faces.

Curls and bobs styled “from the face” are an ideal option for this type.

Hairstyles for Square Face Shapes Hairstyles with volume at the top of the head look good on square faces. Thanks to the light backcombing on the bangs, you can visually elongate your face. Ideal for side partings, angled bangs and.

large curls Hairstyles for

Women with a square face type should avoid bob-style haircuts and hair tied in a ponytail.

Haircuts for heart-shaped faces

Hairstyles for Heart-Shaped Faces

Haircuts that visually reduce the forehead and make the chin wider are ideal.. A bob with a side parting and sloping bangs is the best option. The main thing is to choose the right length.

Ladies with a heart shape faces will suit bob, the length of which will be below the level of the chin. Hair should be styled towards the face.

Hairstyles for rectangular face shapes

Even a steep forehead combined with a prominent chin and well-defined cheekbones can be beautiful if you choose the right hairstyle. With the help of curvy forms, you can divert attention from obvious facial flaws and turn them into advantages.

large curls rectangular face

Almost all haircut options are suitable. The main thing is to give them as much volume as possible. No “slicked” strands, stylists warn!

Pear-shaped face shape: haircuts

With this shape, faces are allowed as long options haircuts and medium length hair. The main task of the stylist is to avoid large amounts of hair near the chin.

Haircuts for pear-shaped faces

You cannot choose haircuts with the same hair length and ultra-short ones. They will visually enlarge the upper part of the head. Haircuts with oblique bangs are welcome, for example, a bob with a length below the cheekbone line.

Hairstyles for Diamond Shaped Faces

Hairstyles for Diamond Faces

Wide and high cheekbones, a narrow forehead and a pointed chin - these disadvantages can be turned into advantages if you visually narrow the cheekbones and maximize the forehead line using a hairstyle. If your hair is long, then large curls are ideal.

Stylists say that with such a face, you should not comb your hair in the middle. The lines should only be asymmetrical.

Hairstyles for Diamond Shaped Faces

On medium-length hair, it is appropriate to make a bob or an elongated bob. Short hairstyles with this type of face are allowed, but they should be as voluminous as possible.

How to choose a hairstyle for a woman with facial features.

With the help of hair length, color and volume, you can correct many “natural” facial imperfections.

A long nose

If nature has not blessed you with a neat nose, then you should give up smooth hair. Voluminous haircuts will “distract” attention from this shortcoming.

If casual hairstyle involves wearing a ponytail, the hair cannot be completely tied with an elastic band. At the face and back they need to be given a little volume. The only one possible variant bangs - oblique and torn. If this part of the hairstyle is straight and thick, it will only make the nose appear larger.

For those with a long nose, it is better to choose medium-length voluminous haircuts.

Sarah Jessica Parker is not at all ashamed of her rather large nose; she simply managed to turn this flaw into a clear advantage with the help of the right image.

Short nose

Smooth hairstyles are contraindicated for those with a snub nose or a potato nose. For this type of face, voluminous hairstyles are suitable; backcombing is allowed. Style icon Victoria Beckham successfully disguises her less than neat nose with a mop of hair.

Those with a snub nose should choose voluminous hairstyles.

Large curls and large buns are suitable. The “lyrical chaos” style is a great option. Sandra Bullock's nose shape is by no means ideal. But the right hairstyle makes her irresistible.

Short neck

To visually lengthen your neck, you can get a boyish haircut. This option is not suitable for everyone, but only for the bravest. A low hairline can be easily corrected using a hair clipper. But then you will have to visit the hairdresser quite often.

A short bob with elongated strands and a maximally raised nape will also help to visually make your neck longer.

If your hair is long, you can put it in a high ponytail or leave it loose over your shoulders.

Long neck To balance the proportions and make an overly long neck shorter, you need to give up hair in a ponytail or shaved nape. It will look perfect. cascading haircut

Any hairstyle that covers the neck at least to the middle will visually “shorten” this part of the body.

Big facial features Stylists advise women with large and expressive facial features to choose voluminous hairstyles.

Smooth and too short “boyish” haircuts are absolutely not suitable for such persons.

A voluminous bob or curls can visually reduce the proportions of the face. This effect can be achieved with the help of properly selected highlighting.

Small facial features On the contrary, voluminous hairstyles with large curls are contraindicated for those with small features.

Against the background of a shock of hair, your face will become completely invisible. Such women need to choose short hairstyles that reveal their face. Ears should be as open as possible.

Heavy chin It will distract attention from the heavy lower jaw. A bob with a length below chin level is suitable. In this case, the hair needs to be styled “towards the face” and the lower part of the hairstyle should be made as full as possible.

Flat face

In this case, stylists recommend not to be shy and to completely open your face to the gaze of others, and to place the main emphasis on the hair at the back. There is no need to try to hide a flat face with bangs, it will only highlight this flaw. For such a face, hairstyles with curls and fluffy curls will suit you.

Every face is beautiful in its own way, and if a woman is unhappy with her image, then she needs to choose the right hairstyle. Knowing what types of face shapes there are and what hairstyles are suitable for them, you can completely change your image.

Useful video materials on the topic “Face shapes and hairstyles for them.” Straightening curly hair and creating volume at the roots

How to choose a hairstyle according to your face shape. Stylist tips:

How to straighten your hair without harming it:

For women with a triangular or oval face, bangs in a semicircle are suitable. Elongated side strands will help narrow round face. Straight hair styled with an iron will look ideal. You can add solemnity and festivity to your evening look with accessories.

Advice! In order to curl bangs, you need to hold the curling iron in a vertical position, twisting the strand, starting from the roots.

DIY beauty

You don’t have the time or money to visit a beauty salon, but you urgently need to get ready for a special event? In this case, you should arm yourself with a comb, curling iron, hairspray and patience. Create evening hairstyle It’s not that difficult to do it yourself.

To get a neat romantic bun, the hair is collected in high ponytail. Thin braids are woven from two separate strands, which, after laying a lightly combed tail, are fixed around the bun, then pinned invisibly with a hairpin. A festive evening bun can also be done using a curling iron or flat iron. To do this, twist the strands, which are already folded from the side into a low ponytail. Rings are formed from the resulting curls; they should be laid around the elastic band and secured with bobby pins. The side strand left in advance is twisted into a bundle and the bun is wrapped around it.

A ponytail can also go perfectly with an evening dress, if it is placed on the side, decorating the hairstyle with strands wrapped in a ring at the back of the head.

By curling your hair on a special roller, you can get a professional hairstyle. To do this, you need to hide it under your hair so that it seems that the strands are twisted on top of each other.

To create a feminine braided hairstyle, you need to divide your hair into three parts, making identical, not very tight braids out of them. Then the three braids need to be gathered into a bun, securing them with hairpins. Medium braid should be placed around the base of the tail.

Youth styling is easy to do with your own hands if you arm yourself with elastic bands and hair stylers. First, you should separate the strand near your forehead. It needs to be combed and tied. A little lower, at an equal distance from each other, you need to make 5-6 ponytails. They should be wound on curlers or a curling iron and placed around the elastic bands, forming curls. The result is a beautiful, unique feminine mohawk.

Advice! In order for the hairstyle to last throughout the entire event and not fall apart if dancing begins, you should secure it not only with hairpins, but also with hairspray.

Haircuts for a triangular face need to be selected with special care. Only then will you be able to hide existing shortcomings and skillfully highlight your advantages.

Features of a triangular face

A triangular-shaped face can be found among real Slavic beauties. His distinctive features are a wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, unexpressed or even sunken cheeks and a narrow chin. A girl of this type can easily enter into a dreamy, romantic and even naive image.

Experts distinguish two types of triangular faces:

Classic triangle– he is characterized by a sharp transition from the cheekbones to the chin.

The heart is a soft triangle with a slightly rounded shape, which is provided by pronounced cheekbones or plump cheeks.

List of suitable haircuts

He can play up such an appearance and hide its shortcomings. correct haircut. Let's take a closer look at the most successful models.


This is the safest and most successful option among all short haircuts. Bob looks sexy, bold, daring, and relevant. It can be curled, adding a touch of romanticism, or ironed out, creating a youthful look. The main thing is that the length of the haircut reaches the chin, but does not fall below. When creating a hairstyle, you should be careful with the volume on the top of the head - if it is too large, the cheekbones will become even wider. A punk bob model with one shaved temple is ideal for particularly daring natures. Also remember that this hairstyle requires constant styling. Only in this case will she look fashionable and beautiful.


This The best decision for those with a triangular face and fine hair. It is often decorated with short, choppy bangs, which draw attention away from a narrow chin and onto the ears and cheekbones. If these areas are far from perfect, give up the garçon in favor of other hairstyles.

Elongated bob

An ordinary square is far from the best solution for triangles. It can be replaced with a stylish long haircut with a braid and long bangs. The cut should not be straight - it is better to thin it out.


Another great choice! The torn strands of the cascade will hide the forehead and chin, and this is exactly what is needed. You can modify your hairstyle using styling, twisting the ends inward or outward and connecting them with elongated light bangs. As for the length, it can be anything - short, medium or long.


The triangular shape of the face goes well with the torn ladder. It can be complemented with any bangs (long or to the eyebrows), with the exception of straight ones. Please note that the first layer of the ladder should start at chin level.

Shoulder length haircuts

Hair of medium length, reaching the shoulders, will fill the space around the chin and successfully hide its angularity. The strands can be straight or curled inward.

Long hair

Lovers of long strands can also rest easy - they are quite suitable for a triangular face. But there are several conditions:

  • Refuse an even cut in favor of torn or milled ends;
  • Curl your curls more often - they look better than straight hair.

Haircuts with bangs

When choosing a haircut with bangs, make sure that it is cut using a traditional arch. It is this shape that will make the face softer, soften a sharp chin and an overly wide forehead. We recommend taking a closer look at the following options:

  • Torn bangs will make the image spectacular and mysterious;
  • Short and straight - adds mischief;
  • Long and straight - emphasizes the eyes, suits absolutely everyone;
  • Graduated - makes the face more feminine;
  • Oblique to the chin - looks very harmonious and blends into the hairstyle;
  • Bangs on both sides - covers the forehead and cheekbones

What do triangles need to forget?

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a haircut for a triangular face, remember a few recommendations. With this form you cannot do:

  • haircuts with hanging front strands;
  • perfectly straight cut – draws attention to problem areas;
  • too thick bangs - they will weigh down the face and shift the emphasis to the nose and narrowed chin;
  • excessive volume on the top of the head is not suitable for everyone and can even make you look old;
  • sharp asymmetry - the “triangle” needs balance, and with an asymmetrical haircut it can’t be achieved.

How to style a hairstyle for a triangle face?

In addition to a successful haircut, styling is also very important. With a triangular-shaped face, you need to avoid perfectly straight strands, combed-back hair, as well as high and fluffy styles. From perm Small curls should also be avoided. Medium length hair can only be twisted at the bottom. And one more thing - you need to cover your ears. Leave a few thin curls hanging freely - this will be quite enough.

What's left, you ask? Hollywood and beach waves are considered the most successful styling. Instead of an even parting, it is better to make a side or asymmetrical parting. They balance the difference between the cheekbones and chin. Forget about the correct straight lines, opting for light disorder, naturalness and airiness. To better understand, look at the hairstyles in the photo!

Also, you can choose your own hairstyle based on the photo, all you need to do is .

Getting ready for prom? Do you have an important romantic date? Now is the time to take care of all the details to ensure that the evening goes perfectly. There is a huge selection of evening dresses and we have collected tips and hairstyles to suit each specific dress.

Open evening dresses

If you have an open dress with a neckline or a cutout at the back, there is no need to come up with too complicated styling; your outfit will be enough to attract attention. Loose curls will go perfectly with it and will give you a flirty look.

If you don't want to reveal too much, long, flowing hairstyles are ideal for you. Whether you straighten it or go for light curls, you can hardly go wrong with your choice.

Sleek and simple or tied at the base of the neck, a ponytail adds sophistication to any dress with an open neckline. Plus, you can easily do this hairstyle at home. There is no need to go to the salon, this stylish look easy to create in minutes. Use hair gel or styling cream to tame unruly strands.

Side bangs

Classic soft curls laid on the side are ideal for an off-the-shoulder dress with a neckline. Curls will soften your look, you will look ultra feminine and glamorous. This elegant, flowing hairstyle does not detract from the beauty of your dress, but will only help you look stunning. To get this hairstyle, do hot styling Using a curling iron, separate each curl with your fingers and set with a light styling spray.

Oh, this high, careless styling! This popular prom hairstyle will also go perfectly with a low-cut dress, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Instead of doing hard styling with big amount curls, painstakingly processed special means, opt for a slightly careless, soft styling. This classic hairstyle will create a romantic look and will make your date wait with bated breath to meet you.

If you want to enhance the effect, place jewelry or hair accessories in strategic places for a sparkling, gorgeous look.

A high topknot creates an interesting, romantic look, perfect for a strapless dress with a plunging neckline. This soft style suits any face shape and body type, making it a real favorite for High school prom. Remember that messy hairstyles are popular this season, so don’t use too much fixative. Don't give preference to a perfectly smooth hairstyle.

Hairstyles suitable for halter dresses

Tight-fitting and sexy, this dress has a classic diagonal “American” armhole and reveals the body moderately, which makes it one of the favorites of this season. If you've opted for a halter dress, you'll undoubtedly need the perfect hairstyle to complement the outfit. Soft, classic curls like those worn by models are perfect for this type of dress, which pays tribute to the outfits of the Old Hollywood era.

Always elegant, cornrow braids are perfect for plunging halter dresses. Instead of choosing a traditional braid or other common hairstyle for prom, why not try something new? All you have to do is put your hair in a high ponytail and braid it into a spikelet or braid. fish tail" Accessorize your look with a few hair accessories for a hairstyle that will be the envy of everyone around you.

If your dress has interesting design on the back or around the neck like this model, you probably don't want long hair to hide those dramatic details. For dresses of this type, a hairstyle made of hair gathered in a bun is more suitable, however, one should not give in to the rigor inherent in high styles. This prom season, slightly messy updos with a few strands out look better than a sleek, simple bun.

This loose knot definitely looks great and pairs perfectly with halter prom dresses. If you want to create a more sophisticated, glamorous look, you should definitely choose this hairstyle option. When creating this look, you need to leave strands that should softly frame the face and casually secure the bun at the back of the head. You can easily do this hairstyle at home without the help of a professional stylist.

If you want to create a gentle and innocent look, try this hairstyle. Show off your adorable locks, gently swept to the side and cascading over your shoulder. This hairstyle is perfect for a halter neckline because it leaves one shoulder exposed. If you want a curly hairstyle that suits your evening dress, you can't go wrong with this elegant hairstyle.

Dresses with open back

As a rule, evening dresses of this kind look great and attract the attention of others, so it is extremely important for you to choose suitable hairstyle to show off your dress in the best possible light. You may think that it is best to pull your hair up, but this is not at all necessary. Simple style styling is ideal for evening dresses with open back.

When you put your hair up, create a slightly messy style like this. With a side braid and a simple bun at the back of your head, it will highlight your straight back and low neckline of the dress.

Is it possible to appear at an evening with a regular ponytail? Of course yes, especially if you lift it up a little. During Fashion Week, some of the biggest names in fashion show us how to wear this classic hairstyle with formal wear. A styling style like the one demonstrated here will pair perfectly with almost any evening dress. Simply pull your hair into a loose ponytail and leave the front strands loose to frame your face.

If you prefer simple hairstyles, but at the same time want to look sophisticated, it's worth trying a middle-parted hairstyle, as shown in this example. This hairstyle will suit to a dress with an open back due to its versatility, because it allows you to open the necessary parts of your body and hide the rest. You can leave your hair straight or, conversely, curl it, it depends on your personal preference.

For a trendy, glamorous look, try a hairstyle like the one in this photo. A high bun placed at the top of your head allows you to pull your hair up and draw attention to your face and neck. Taking a more traditional approach to formal hairstyles, this bold bun will highlight all the sparkling details of your dress.

Dress with thin straps

Every prom dress should offer something more than the ordinary. evening dress. It should fit perfectly on your figure and, most importantly, it should go with the right hairstyle. This model looks stunning, but her look can be enhanced with a matching hairstyle to match her halter dress. It’s all in the individual details; you can change your look in the salon or at home.

Each dress features an asymmetrical strap that leaves one shoulder bare, pairing perfectly with hair styled in waves to the side. A girl with long hair might want to wear it up in an updo, but she can also show off the best parts of her dress with a wavy updo. This gorgeous look is quite simple and easy to create.

A messy pinned bun is perfect for the girl who wants to keep her hair up and at the same time look effortlessly casual. This hairstyle will look chic on girls with long hair, but it will also suit those who want to wear a decorative headband or tiara. This bun looks like a big chignon, opens up your neckline and shows off your luscious hair at the same time. You can accessorize your hairstyle with a ribbon, tiara or headband.

Styling with perfectly straight and smooth hair suitable for those girls who have chosen a dress with straps, and will be able to simultaneously demonstrate both the dress and their gorgeous hair. Sometimes it's worth showing off the dramatic details of a dress, but if you don't want to show them off, let long strands of hair flow forward to show off your back. This look is sure to make any girl the center of attention.

This look, which requires only a pair of stilettos and long Wavy hair, will allow the girl who chose a dress with straps for her prom to demonstrate both the outfit and her luxurious hair. Leave a little room for men's imagination; with this hairstyle, dresses will look especially interesting.

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