How to make a heart from a bead scheme. Volumetric heart of beads. Bead Heart Pendant

Good day, needlewomen! How are your creative successes? I hope everything is great! Today I want to show you how to weave a heart from beads. How many beautiful elements from beads can be made. The heart is one of such popular elements that can be used as a keychain, pendant or pendant.

In the article you will learn:

  1. What is needed in order to weave a heart from beads.
  2. How to weave a heart from beads.

What is needed for weaving a heart from beads

So, from the materials for the work we need:

  1. Czech beads. I took the number 3 beads to better see the pattern.
  2. Wire No. 0.03, fishing line or thread (who is more used to working with). Speaking of wire, if not you have not read the article "Beadwork wire"  forward. From the article you will learn about what wire happens and how to apply it.
  3. Scissors.

How to make a heart from beads

Now we start weaving the heart from beads.

I weave on a fishing line, it is easiest for me to work with it. We measure out part of the fishing line or wire with a length of about 100-120 cm. Fold it in half (in half). We collect three beads on a fishing line and lock in a ring. It turns out here is such a triangle, as in the photo.

This action must be repeated eight times.

Now it is necessary to turn our weaving with beads to make the base of the heart.

Now we again turn the weaving with beads in the opposite direction. Weave in the same way, in the same way. Only now will the first row beads be one wall of weaving. As shown in the picture.

We remove the needle from the extreme bead, close to weaving. Now turn around again and weave in the opposite direction.

We weave one more row in the opposite direction and that’s it, the heart of beads is ready!

Here is a heart of beads we have left. This is not at all difficult. In order to make such a heart out of beads, one does not need to have professional skills. You want to be strong enough and everything will work out.

Where to apply a heart from beads

Use such a heart of beads for the intended purpose: make a heart pendant, a keychain on a bunch of keys from small hearts, and if desired, such a heart can become a decor for your room.

And if you weave another such heart out of beads, combine it with the same heart, you get a three-dimensional heart.

I hope you enjoyed my bead heart pattern. If you know the weaving patterns, be sure to share in the comments.

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Several schemes for making a heart from beads are provided below in the material with schemes and a detailed description of the work for beginners in needlework.

Weave a bright heart of beads as a wedding gift with our own hands

We’ll study several heart-creating mother classes. Consider the foundation of the heart itself. Then it can be supplemented according to your taste and desire: on the pendant, like a keychain with small sizes, etc.

To create a heart for the wedding, we need the following materials:

  • Red, red-marble, red with purple and pink inside beads.
  • Dark green with mother of pearl, green-marsh, green and metallic inside, lime, green beads.
  • Wire for carcass and weaving.
  • Pot, hot melt, gypsum.

Shuffle colors: green in one container, and red shades in another.

Draw a natural sized heart and bend the wire according to our drawn pattern. Of course, you can do without a template, but it will be easier to work. The magnitude of the wire to create the wireframe and “branches” is shown in Figure 18.

Create a branch without considering the color of the beads. Wear as many beads as possible on the wire. We continue to plant until the procrastination ends, or when you want to finish it yourself.

The first eyelet (Figure 4-5). Leave a piece of wire a little more than you need with a margin. Loops-leaflets consist of 5-6 beads or more. The leg consists of 5-6 revolutions.

When creating the next loop, step back to the height of the legs and weave all the way. The legs are combined, we make two turns (Figure 6-7).

The loops should be on one side, all to one (Figure 8-9).

And repeat. Figure 12 shows loose weaving.

With a close arrangement of leaves, the branch will be wrapped independently. This can be seen in the diagram in Figure 13.

The loops are arranged continuously and twisted into a spiral. This is because there is a small distance between them and all the loops go only on one side (Figure 15).

Attach the created branches to the frame. You can use hot glue for this. For fastening a continuous branch, about four drops in various places are enough.

Figure 18 shows the wire that we used, next to which is the beads. Thin wire is designed for weaving, and thick wire for the frame.

Then we act depending on what result we want to get. Either just leave a double heart, or attach small hearts, or lay out the initials from beads and wire.

Our product is fluffy and airy, since the spiral covers the base. If there is a desire, then you can tint the base under the shade of beads.

Workshop on creating the second version of the product

A graceful heart, twined with bead flowers, is a wonderful wedding gift, either for Valentine's Day, or just a souvenir. Sophisticated and delicate heart made of beads will become an adornment of your interior. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

Let's start with weaving flowers. A rose is created using a red bead using a loop technique. It is necessary to prepare a hard wire and string thirty beads on it. We wrap it in a loop and twist it a couple of turns.

We create the next loop next to the first.

At this point, create the third and fourth loop.

We continue to work until about fifteen elongated loops are in one place. From the bottom we will create a flower.

The wire at the base of the flower does not need to twist, because we need to add leaves for the cup. We make them from three loops composed at one point, in each of which nine green beads.

Then combine the flower and sepals. We put together the elements and strongly twist the wire (4 segments).

Give the loops a slightly flattened look. You get such a flower.

You can take large beads and create several flowers of small and large.

In addition to roses, we need to make several half-open buds. Again, put on the eyelets. Four will be enough.

We attach sepals to them.

Put the loops together and twist them around the axis.

Then we make leaflets using the French weaving technique. Here we will study in more detail the creation of an openwork leaf. String the green beads on the wire.

Disconnect the five beads and bend the wire in half. Twist the wire. Now we have a side and an axial with five beads.

Then we wrap the side wire around the axis. The first tier is eight beads on the left side and one turn around the axis. The side wire will interfere with the axial wire and be thrown to the right side.

In the same way, we manufacture the right side of the main tier.

The amount of beads increases as needed. We continue weaving until there is a leaf of four tiers.

In the fifth tier of the left side, we collect beads up to half the leaf, passing the wire through the previous tier. Again we string the beads, return, twist the wire through the axis and go to the other side.

We create the fifth tier on the right side in the same way as on the left. The amount of beads can be slightly reduced. The seventh tier on the left side is created in the same way as the fifth tier, but with fewer beads.

For the heart, we need five large openwork leaves and several small ones.

The number of large flowers and buds depends on your imagination. After all the details are made, we proceed to unite in the composition. We attach small leaves to the buds, fasten large leaves to large flowers. We wrap the legs of the grouped parts with a floral ribbon.

Then we prepare the frame from thick aluminum wire.

We attach the prepared elements to it. Attach asymmetrically using a floral ribbon.

We only have to work with plaster. Prepare an even cup. Cover it with cellophane and place the building mixture there. You can mix sand, cement, alabaster. It will turn out a very strong mixture. We place the tree there and continue to coat it with the mixture at the base. After half an hour, you can remove the tree from the mold and adjust the base with a knife.

How to make a heart from beads with your own hands step by step with a photo

Tools and materials.

  Large red beads
  Small beads of yellow color.
  Wire d \u003d 0.3 mm

Heart weaving pattern.

Working process:

1. String on a wire 60 cm long 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 yellow bead.

  2. Insert the wire into the first red bead and tighten.

   3. String 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow bead on the right end.

  4. We insert the right end of the wire into a red bead and tighten both ends.

   5. Similarly, we perform another row.

   6. String 2 yellow beads on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the right end.

   7. We put the left end of the wire into a red bead and tighten both ends.

  8. Similarly, we perform another row. It turns out a small U-turn.

  9. String 3 yellow beads on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the right end.

10. We insert the left end of the wire into a red bead and tighten both ends, making a U-turn.

  11. String 2 yellow beads on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the right end. Repeat the row twice.

   12. String 8 yellow beads on the left end of the wire.

   13. We wind the left end of the wire into the first of 8 beads.

  14. Tighten the bead, we get a loop.

  15. String 1 red bead on the left end of the wire, and 1 yellow 1 red, 1 yellow bead on the right end.

  16. The right end of the wire is inserted into the red bead of the left end

  17. Tighten both ends. It turned out the left half of the heart.

  18. String 2 yellow beads on the upper end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the lower end.

  19. Tighten the beads.

  20. We string 2 yellow beads on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the left end. Turn the right end of the wire into a red bead and tighten.

   21. String 3 yellow beads on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the left end. Turn the right end of the wire into a red bead.

  22. Tighten the wire.

  23. We string 2 yellow beads on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the left end and fix. Repeat the row twice.

  24. String 1 yellow bead on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow and 1 red beads on the left end and fix it.

  25. Repeat a row 3 times. String 1 yellow bead and 1 red bead on the right end of the wire, and 1 yellow bead on the left end.

  26. We put the left end of the wire into the red bead of the 1st row of the heart and we screw another 1 yellow bead onto the left end of the wire.

  27. We wind the left end of the wire into a red bead on the right end of the wire. Tighten both ends of the wire.

  28. The result is a heart.

  The heart can be used as a keychain.

Weaving figures from beads is probably one of the most favorite hobbies for women - it is a calm and very painstaking work that brings only positive emotions. There are a very large number of different patterns with which you can weave the most amazing patterns. In our article we will tell you how to make a heart from beads.

Such a figure can perfectly suit a gift for Valentine's Day, become an ornament for a sweater and sweater, or you can just give it to your loved one. This image is very suitable for expressing your feelings.

  How to make a heart?

For our example, we took one of the simplest patterns, for which no special knowledge or skills in weaving are needed.   For the process itself, you will need some tools and materials:

  1. 1. Beads of any color
  2. 2. Flexible and thin wire or strong fishing line. As an option, use to connect
  3. 3. Scissors

If you have prepared all this, then you can safely proceed to knitting a heart.

1) First you need to cut off a wire about 70 centimeters long or even less. Now take and pass the two ends through one bead, you should get a small ring that tightens. Again, we pass the base through the beads, but only for the second row we take not one, but three. We continue to increase the number of rows. The third should already be five, and the fourth as many as seven beads. From this moment, the subsequent rows are increased by two each time. Once you get to eleven, it's time for you to change your strategy. After that, you have to make two layers, in which there will be twelve elements and one for thirteen. This should complete the first stage.

2) The following actions will be aimed at reducing the number of beads in each layer. We finished at thirteen and the new one will have only nine, and after it a row of six beads - this will be the last. Such a different number of elements in rows will allow us to create streamline and smooth forms, which will improve the appearance of the figure. What we received is one half of our heart, which in appearance is very similar to a leaf. The remnants of the wire (or fishing line) must be cut and carefully hidden, as shown in the figure.

3) So, one half is ready, and we can proceed to the next steps. We begin to do everything as well as the first paragraph. Only now we pass one edge of the wire through the beads of the second half of the heart each time. In principle, all the same and you should not have any special problems. In the end, we also finish part of the heart next to six beads, cut and hide the wire.

4) The finished figure can be fixed on a short stick or to a hairpin. It will decorate your outfit, become a wonderful gift or become part of your hairstyle for the holiday.

As you already noticed, this is a pretty simple way, guided by which you can make a heart of beads. It is perfect for beginners. But if you do not really like this scheme, then it can be a little complicated.  The figure will look good in the form of a pendant suspended on a thin chain.

Additional materials

  1. 1. Large beads or bicones
  2. 2. Wire or fishing line

  Heart weaving instruction

1) First you need to weave a cross like this, as shown in the figure below:

2) Once you have made the first element, continue to weave similar ones until you get two rows. After that, go to the other side.

3) On the other hand, we continue to weave new elements. As a result of such actions, you should get a blank in the form of a heart. Once you finish the first, you can start the second.

4) When all two blanks are ready, you will need to weave them into one piece, connecting the edges. If everything is done correctly and accurately, then you will get a beautiful three-dimensional heart.

Beadwork is a simple and fun activity. With it, you can create your own original and nowhere to be found products. Beadwork is an excellent activity for both experienced lovers of creative needlework and for beginners.

On how to weave a heart out of beads, girls think before Valentine's Day or a wedding anniversary. This jewelry is used as the main attributes of the holiday or just as a souvenir. It can also become part of a whole holiday decoration. Having figured out how to make a heart from beads, you can go ahead and make pendants or earrings. These decorations will help complement your holiday outfit and make it unique.

Pattern and making a bead heart for beginners

If you have never made such jewelry, then you should definitely try it. To begin with, we will make a volume pendant in the form of a heart of beads.

For weaving, we need the following materials and tools:

  • red thin fishing line;
  • small or medium red beads;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • lace and clasp for the pendant.

Description of the weaving process

To understand how to make a heart of beads, you will need to master the technique of brick weaving. According to her, the beads are attached to the fishing line, and not to the previous row. Thus, the arrangement of the beads will look like brickwork.

The weaving process is simple and consists of the following steps:

Continuation of a workshop on weaving a heart from beads

The finished product can be used as a separate piece of jewelry, or as part of a whole necklace. To do this, we stretch the line through the extreme left beads. String two beads on a fishing line and stretch in the opposite direction. Again we stretch through the right bead of two new ones and tighten. You can weave a few more of the same hearts and make a necklace out of them.

Original earrings in the shape of bead hearts

For weaving two earrings we will use the following tools and materials:

  • red fishing line or wire;
  • beads of two types (with round and oblong holes);
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • two small expanding rings;
  • schwenzy.

The heart weaving process is simple and suitable for beginners. It includes the following steps:

Now you know how to weave a heart, and easily create your own unique jewelry.

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