What to dress a child in school. How to create a basic wardrobe for a teenage girl? How to choose the right clothes for the student

The next school year will begin soon. This is not a holiday for everyone). But let's not talk about sad things. All the same, there are those few who look forward to it, and this is wonderful. School uniforms have always been a pressing issue for parents. Pens, notebooks and other school supplies are bought literally in an hour, but with regard to appearance, and even with the prospect of an entire school year, it is always a problem.

Those parents or children who have already grown up who have found the same uniform everywhere, recall it in different ways. This was quite suitable for some, it was not necessary to think about what the child would wear tomorrow, it was enough to change the collars and cuffs for the girls, and the boys to wash the shirt. But others did not like it at all. Where is the personality? Where is self-expression? You can’t do your hair, makeup and accessories are prohibited, shoes are also quite democratic. Boredom (.

But, I must say that for the family budget it is very profitable. Since the child spends a lot of time at school, for the rest of the pastime he has few hours left, which means that he does not need so many other clothes. And if the school does not have a specific dress code for students and everyone dresses up as he pleases, then the school turns into a podium for walking extravagant and sometimes inappropriate outfits. Such a peculiar defile of individuals).

The need for school uniforms is a controversial issue. It includes many aspects, such as psychology, discipline and visual relevance to the school process. As we know, this is not decided by the parents, but by the leadership of the educational institution to which you entrust the education of your child. Therefore, you have to adapt to the proposed circumstances.

A few years ago, the mother of a 7-year-old girl turned to me with a request to sew a blue school uniform for the little girl. A reasonable question from my side: “Why don't you buy it? ". The answer surprised me greatly. It turns out that this form is not for sale in our city! What prompted the director of this school to force parents to spend a lot of time, effort and money on getting the ill-fated blue uniform for me is still a mystery. Parents also did not receive reasonable explanations. But, they nevertheless had to fulfill the director’s-tyrant condition. Everyone coped with this task as best he could. I hope you don’t have to face such an absurd situation, in my opinion, and your child will look well-groomed and neat in the walls of the school, regardless of what color his shape will be.

In order not to worry too much about this, let's see what form children in other countries wear. Maybe then our order will not seem so stupid and unreasonable to us. In many countries, there is no uniform school uniform. Each educational institution (especially private) has the right to set its own dress code. By the way, it was thanks to the school uniform that appeared . Students in France, Australia, America, Africa, Japan, India, Cuba, Iran, China and many other countries are dressed differently, but in my opinion they are all beautiful!

On the territory of the former USSR in the newly formed states there is also no uniform school uniform. In Ukraine, many schools do not have it at all. On the one hand, this is good, the problem of choosing one disappears, and on the other hand, parents have a lot of problems with purchasing clothes that students want to change every day. Well, do not go in the same if there are no restrictions? In this regard, in relation to the outfits of some schoolgirls, parents and teachers can tell many interesting stories, and the appearance of students and pupils becomes a subject for discussion at parental meetings. So, conflicts between children and parents are inevitable.

There are lyceums in which uniforms are purchased centrally. This frees parents from shopping and tedious fitting. In other cases, you must take care yourself so that the child is fully prepared for the educational process. If parents want their child to look both beautiful and dignified within the framework of an educational institution, it’s enough to purchase a few things from which you can easily create various sets and not burden yourself with this activity daily. This will greatly facilitate the life of you and your child and help him to adequately present himself.

Girls' clothes, as a rule, consist of a skirt, blouse and jacket - this is the base. For boys, these are: trousers, a shirt, a vest and a jacket. But, it’s enough to get 9 things with which you will create several images that will not violate the rules and fit perfectly into modern ideas about the appearance of the student.

9 things to create multiple images:

- colored shirt or blouse

- jacket with buttons

- dress (dress-sundress)

- 2 in 1 pullover (with shirt shirt)

Look at the options for such trim levels.

Since the child will be in these clothes for a sufficiently large amount of time, it is desirable to choose natural fabrics (the closer to the body, the more natural). It's easier with boys than with girls. They include: pants, shirt, vest and jacket. Of course this is a minimal set of things. For both girls and boys, it is advisable to have more than one blouse or shirt. Boys can also buy a button-down sweater and pullover. A total of 6 things. Tie, bow-tie as needed or as desired.

With children of primary school age to agree on the appearance is much easier than with high school students. Girls and boys want to look like an adult, fashionable and relevant. Although these concepts do not quite apply to school uniforms, nonetheless, which remain timeless are perfect for school kits. And the role of fashionable and modern can be played by accessories in the form of watches or glasses. Short skirts, guipure dresses, high heels and bright makeup are certainly excluded! If the younger generation will assure you that this is not possible, try to convince them otherwise.

High school students can also be offered several things that will make up the school base wardrobe:

- black dress - a case (or another color), a height of not more than 10 cm above the knee

- colored dress (or plaid) of a classic style

- pants in a classic style

- jacket or blazer (possible with 3/4 length sleeve)

- straight skirt or with warehouses

- shirt or blouse in plain color

- jacket with buttons

As you can see, the kit for little schoolgirls and adult students is not very different. The color scheme should be more restrained than flashy. No need to choose acid shades, which are hard to watch for a long time. Try to keep things compatible with each other and of course fit your child, and not spoil the figure. Since in adolescence, adolescents look a bit angular and disproportionate, you need to approach the choice of clothing carefully, it should emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages.

Hope these little tips help you. Let the appearance of your child please everyone around and, of course, himself. It will be interesting to know what rules for school uniforms exist in your school. But the matter is time, and the fun is an hour. Do not forget that in their free time, children want to look bright and fun, but must comply with this. After all, childhood should be like that!

And if you have your finds and comments, share them with readers and with your friends.

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The form has long been not a mandatory attribute of an educational institution, but, despite this, the school is still an official institution and involves a certain dress code. However, not everyone wants to abide by it. And if it is much easier with young children - as a rule, children trust the taste of their parents, then adolescents often rebel against established rules and carry whatever they want to school. This article will discuss how to dress boys and girls in school to look fashionable and stylish, while not violating the rules of the educational institution.

What should never be worn in school

At the age of 13, teenagers are already starting to think about their attractiveness for the opposite sex and are trying to emphasize their individuality with the help of clothes. However, there are outfits that have no place in school. These include:

  1. transparent and translucent blouses and shirts;
  2. t-shirts with the image of your favorite movie heroes, musicians or singers;
  3. short shorts and miniskirts;
  4. leggings and leggings;
  5. ripped jeans;
  6. low waist trousers;
  7. tracksuits.

Perhaps these wardrobe items look fashionable and beautiful, but it is better to save them for walks or informal parties with friends. And the school should study and business style as well as possible contributes to this process.

How to dress at school if there is a uniform

A strict school uniform is not a cause for frustration. There are many ways to dress in school fashionably without breaking the rules of the school. For example, a shirt can be not only white, but also beige, blue, pale pink and other soft colors.

If the school charter requires a mandatory combination of a white top and a black bottom, you can experiment (in moderation) with the style of a blouse or shirt. In particular, the boring image of buttons of a contrasting color, a turn-down collar, colored cuffs will be revived.

Properly selected accessories will also add a twist. For girls, it can be various jewelry in the hair, boys can pick up a stylish belt or cufflinks.

How to dress a guy in school

Despite the persistent rejection by teenagers of school uniforms, it has certain advantages: it smoothes social inequality and competition “for the quality” of clothing. In addition, you don’t have to think every day about what to wear. And how to dress a teenager in school if there are no certain rules, but you need to look presentable and formal?

  • If the guy prefers a strict style of clothing, then the classic dark trousers are ideal. You can choose a shirt of any style and shade. In cool weather, a jacket or a knitted sleeveless jacket matching the trousers will complement the image. Such an ensemble can also be worn for an exam at school to demonstrate their self-discipline and willingness to work;
  • Lovers of a more informal style can safely put on jeans at school. The modern lineup is represented by denim trousers of various colors and styles. You can easily choose jeans that match the school dress code. As a top, a simple plain or checkered shirt, as well as a knitted sweater, semi-sweater or cardigan, are suitable here.

How to dress a girl in school

There is an opinion that girls grow up earlier than boys. Is this so, it’s hard to say, but at age 12 the young women are already paying attention to their appearance and are showing a desire to stand out from the crowd. Perhaps that is why it is much more difficult for them to decide on the choice of clothes for school everyday life, especially if the educational institution does not provide for a strict form.

The following wardrobe items will help a girl to be fashionable at school:

  • Dress

A win-win option for a school look is a sheath dress with a knee-length or a palm taller. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it be dark in color; it is perfectly acceptable to wear an outfit of delicate pastel colors, as well as a pea or striped dress.

Another stylish solution for going to school can be considered a sundress. It can be worn as an independent outfit, or combined with a blouse, sweater or turtleneck.

This is generally a universal thing with which you can create many stylish ensembles. Depending on the figure and taste preferences, you can choose a classic pencil skirt or models such as the sun. High-waisted skirts are in fashion. You can wear anything with this wardrobe item: shirts, blouses, sweaters, turtlenecks.

  • Pants

Particular attention should be paid to the classic models of trousers with arrows. This style looks elegant and at the same time strict.

To the question of where it is best to assemble the child’s wardrobe for school, I would answer: “Everywhere.” That is the truth. Shopping centers, any hypermarkets, state department stores, company shops of light industry enterprises - everywhere there is a "school". It’s easier for me to name places where it doesn’t exist: vegetable rows on Komarovka, the Uruchye construction market, and the automobile market in Robin.

In addition to the fact that there are a lot of school clothes, because of which there is no reason to go for her somewhere on purpose, so she also repeats herself from store to store. At prices, assortment, styles and even manufacturers. For example, a school blouse for a girl of primary school age will cost about 40 rubles everywhere, closed strict leather shoes - 40-50 rubles, a skirt - 25-40 rubles, white tights - 3-4 rubles.

The top digit is the price of the discount program, and the bottom is when buying under normal conditions:

I liked this suit in a cage for high school students. Outside of school, you can also use it stylishly - with sweatshirts, bomber jackets, coats, sneakers or loafers, a backpack:

And this is MINIMAX, a low-priced store. I would not say that the prices here are significantly lower than in other stores:


And although I said that everything is about the same everywhere, I’ll tell you where a little bit is still cheaper. And how and for how much I gathered my child. I have a girl, 7 years old, second grade.


It's amazing to me, but I bought school shirts at. Surprisingly, because I do not like KARI. But accidentally cutting my way through their store, which had two through exits, my eyes fell on a stand with a school uniform. By that time I was already fed up with ruffles, bows, wedding guipure and Victorian England fashion in school uniforms in other stores. And I needed an ordinary white shirt for a vest, which is obligatory in our school. I didn’t expect to buy it here. One simple shirt with a short sleeve, and one the same, but with a long one.

The collection was last year, so there was a discount on it and the final price was 15 rubles. For boys, the same.

Composition - cotton / PE in a proportion of 50/50. Feel like 90% cotton, does not slip and does not creak. By the way, the second year I notice that often fabric blouses with a good composition on the tag by touch turn out to be very unpleasant, like the fabric of an umbrella. And with a large composition of artificial fibers - on the contrary.

So, two fabric blouses cost me 30 rubles. So they look on my child:

Still there were such:


I took blouses for important occasions - to stand on a ruler, to sit in a class at open lessons, to jump around the Christmas tree for the New Year and in the best possible way to receive flowers from the boys on March 8th. I don’t put on fabric blouses for a child anymore. Instead, there are white and black and white knitted jumpers, in which it is convenient to hang on a tree during a break and which are easily removed and put on in an extension without the help of an adult. By the school season they are released in large numbers. And all of a very strange design and not at all business style.

Last year I bought, I liked it. Although I chose not by manufacturer, but by design. This year I liked the design of other enterprises. Although, it would be more correct to say - least of all annoying. These are jumpers of Belarusian enterprises: “Gold Fashion”, Brest, “Cotton Company”, Brest, “Juno”, Molodechno.

All have 92-96% cotton, the rest is elastane. Prices: 15-18 rubles each minus the discount "TSUM" 20%. The same prices (no discount) on them and in other stores. Usually I take 5 jumpers to throw everything at the end of the week. This amount is enough for the entire academic year, given that in the extension my child does not change clothes. Total: 5 jumpers with a discount of a department store cost me 70 rubles.


On the day when I bought jumpers, I could not find the models I liked for height 120 cm. Therefore, I took it at 128, knowing that before September 5 you can adjust the school uniforms purchased from them in TSUM for free: shorten and tighten trousers, a jacket, blouses , skirts. The only problem was that this does not apply to knitwear: they do not have equipment for this. What now to do with long sleeves - I do not know yet. I'll think about it later. In any case, for me, a man who knows how to sew even a jacket, to put sleeves in a jumper is not a problem. Just lazy.


I planned to take it, like last year. I like their school uniform, but it is plain, dark blue and black, with and without corrugation. What exactly - read below, the section SCHOOL FORM "KALINKA" IN OPERATION. I did not like that this season they found a lot of skirts with an elastic band instead of a belt. I understand that to sew an elastic band is faster and cheaper than to sew a belt and insert an elastic band inside, but it looks ugly. Knitted inserts on fabric skirts also look ugly, which differ in texture and shade from fabric details. Therefore, there was a feeling that the child's skirt had slipped away and black knitted shorts were sticking out. I managed to find only one model in which they successfully combined knitwear and fabric in tone and texture. She bought it. This is a lined viscose and PA model. Price - 26 rubles minus 20% if you buy on Discount Day. I am very pleased that there is no zipper and buttons, only an elastic band sewn from the inside.


When I did a review of the school uniform a year ago, and wrote that I had chosen Kalinka, someone commented under the review that the uniform sheds, paints blouses, something sticks to it, and in general it is dark in use. All year, my daughter went in a dark blue dress and black skirt from Kalinka. There were no problems at all. Only the button on the skirt from the back of the blinker rubbed against the back of the chair and the fabric on the sundress in the same place, a centimeter by centimeter square, where there was a denser seam, was slightly wrinkled.

I liked very much that it was not necessary to iron either one or the other. Washed in a washer, hung, put on in the morning. The corrugation does not equalize from sitting on it. It was also important for me to have a stretching belt on a skirt, so as not to squeeze the child’s stomach when sitting, especially after lunch. Therefore, I liked the fact that an elastic band was inserted into the belt of our last year’s skirt, allowing it to stretch to 2 cm. Well, of course, nothing got tinted anywhere. Neither white blouses, nor white jumpers. Therefore, this year I deliberately watched Kalinka.


The school shoes at Megatop turned out to be the most profitable, where I bought Obba sandals for socks in the classroom and closed Shuzzi shoes to stand on the line. Because they had a stock - the second product was 70% (now -30%). In total, two pairs cost me 49 rubles.

The composition of sandals Obba - leatherette on top, lining made of genuine leather. Shuzzi shoes - genuine leather inside, faux suede on the outside. I needed the latter only for special occasions when a strict dress code is required. The rest of the days, my child walks in closed Marko shoes, with a wide toe and all-natural leather.

These are shoes in Shagovit, the prices of these shoes are about 50 rubles:

Below are similar models in KARRI:


It would seem a trifle, but you can’t put others under blouses. One way or another, colored cars or flowers will shine through. Once I bought wonderful in quality and price in "YOURS". Now I would probably take a closer look at ESLI in MINIMAX. In addition, every fifth T-shirt will go there for free.


I also recommend looking at ESLI, and for older children - "March 8", "YOUR" and Oodji. If you need cotton and a low price. And so it is everywhere, in any hypermarket and mall hanging all year round. Do you want March 8, you want NIKE.


I bought and will buy fabric - factories "Lida shoe factory" or "NEMAN". They cost 22 rubles. They do not have a “non-breathing” gasket under the fabric, they have a wide toe and Velcro. The design can be found decent and even quite fashionable. But whiners and nerds never find him. Because whiners do not like not only people, but also slippers, hiding from them wherever possible.

And this is in MINIMAX. The design is OK, but inside is the very “non-breathing” gasket that all shoe makers make to keep the shape of the shoe.


At our school they are required, this is part of the dress code for special occasions. I bought mine in the form of a ribbon in the sewing department. But today I would buy a ready-made bow. My nerves are being cut off while I am tying it: it is slippery, and while you are tying one knot, another is untied. And when you do tie it up, it’s still ugly. Better to buy ready and pin.


Now there are a lot of kapron tights in black, flesh and white for children. The price is 2-5 rubles. On days of discounts at state department stores, you can buy cheaper. They are still in EUROSHOP - stores with one price. There are two forty in there:

But plain cotton tights are not so easy to find. But in MINIMAX - at least take out the buckets. White, flesh, blue, blue, pink, black. There, every fifth item in the check is free. I took whites last year. I can’t say how they wear the sock, because they were worn only a couple of times on the ruler. But I like their cotton socks, not a single rub over the whole summer. Also, by the way, monophonic.


A blouse with a short sleeve - 15 rubles, a blouse with a long sleeve - 15 rubles, five black and white knitted jumpers - 70 rubles, a skirt - 20 rubles, two pairs of shoes - 49 rubles, gym shoes - 20 rubles, five pairs of tights - 12 rubles. My prices came out so taking into account discounts and promotions, which I talked about above. The backpack has remained since last year Galanteya.

On the eve of Knowledge Day, for many readers of the Beautiful and Successful website for women, the question of how to dress a child in school is very relevant. After all, every mother wants her schoolboy to look not only neat, but also stylish.

In addition, clothing for school should be comfortable and warm.

Since in our country there is no uniform sample of school uniforms, the decision that the child will wear in the walls of the educational institution is made, as a rule, by the parents and the school administration.

How to dress children in school

In general, depending on the requirements for the appearance of students, all schools can be divided into several main groups.

  1. Schools that require all students to wear uniforms that conform to a single standard. Typically, students in these schools wear a uniform of a certain color - brown, gray, green, blue or black and white. The uniform color scheme of schoolchildren’s clothing helps school employees better monitor the location and behavior of their students.
  2. Schools that have a dress code that allows students to choose the kit that they like most. The main requirement for the clothes of students in such institutions is a business style.
  3. Schools that sew a uniform for all students to order. Dressing a child in such a school is easiest. Parents only need to give the class teacher information about the size of the children. The advantages of such a system are the lack of the need to look for a form in the store and a lower price for the kit.
  4. Institutions that do not require students to wear only uniforms. Students are allowed any form of business-style clothing.

I must say, there are not many schools in the country that sew custom-made uniforms for students. Perhaps because many modern parents simply don’t like it when strict freedom rules prevent their children’s freedom from leaving them free to choose.

In most cases, mothers and fathers have to choose and buy clothes for the child in school.

If the school does not impose strict requirements on the form, and you want to dress the child beautifully and stylishly, the tips “Beautiful and Successful” on how to choose will be useful.

What clothes to choose for school: a list of necessary things

Each student should have several sets of clothes.

  • Full dress. Many parents save on this set of clothes, since the need for it arises only a few times a year. Considering that children grow very quickly, the outfit bought for September 1 may become small for the child by the New Year. It makes sense to buy such a suit only if the family budget allows you to do this several times a year.
  • Demi-season set. For a boy, such a suit should consist of trousers, a shirt and a jacket. In the off-season, a schoolgirl can be worn in a suit with a skirt, blouse and jacket, or in a sundress with a blouse.
  • Winter suit. The school outfit for the cold season should consist of warm trousers with fleece and a woolen jacket. Instead of a shirt in winter, you can wear a warm sweater or a strict turtleneck. A woolen suit with a warm vest is also good for the cold season. A winter jacket for girls should include a warm jacket. A winter dress or skirt is best replaced with woolen trousers.
  • Tracksuit.
  • Additional removable items. Boys need to buy at least 2 trousers and 2 shirts. It is advisable for girls to buy a set that will include trousers and a skirt, as well as stock up on additional blouses, the amount of which will depend only on the thickness of the parent's wallet.

How to choose the right clothes for the student

To solve the question of how best to dress your child for school, some tips will help parents.

  • Clothes for the student should be sewn from natural materials with a small addition of synthetics. It is these fabrics that are characterized by durability, practicality and hygiene.
  • When choosing kits for school, you need to try to find such models that can then be combined with each other. The site site recommends its readers to buy sets of different styles, but similar colors, for the child. This will allow you to combine things from different costumes with each other and diversify the clothes of the student.
  • For a boy, a version with a vest will be a very practical suit. It can be worn with light shirts and warm sweaters. Such a piece of clothing will allow the student to always look serious and solid.
  • Choosing clothes for school must be with your child. Let the schoolgirl herself choose the style of the skirt or sundress, which she will like. Choice rights must be granted to a schoolboy, even if, in the opinion of his mother, he is still very small.
  • Clothes for the student must be tried on. At the same time, it is undesirable to buy a kit that will fit the child just right: by the end of the year, the sleeves of the jacket and shirt can become short for a grown-up student. It is better to buy things with a small margin. While trying on things, the child should be asked to bend over and sit down several times to make sure that the clothes do not interfere with his normal movement.

Clothes for school: estimated cost

Of course, each parent will choose a child's clothes for school, based on their material capabilities. Families who want to emphasize the special status of their baby are likely to look at elite costumes and dressy forms of Italian production.

But the majority of mothers and fathers who have an average income level will acquire sets of domestic origin for their schoolchild. An ordinary suit of three pieces of clothing (trousers, a jacket and a shirt) in a store will cost about 3 thousand rubles. The same amount will have to be paid for a set for a girl, consisting of a jacket, skirt and blouse.

A tracksuit will cost less - about 1200 rubles.

For all those who are going to choose clothes for schoolchildren, our site wishes them successful purchases and recommends not to postpone shopping for a long time, so that later you do not have to rush to your choice and get upset because the most interesting and beautiful costumes have already been sold.

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For girl:

  • Sundress (according to the color of the form, if any) 1 pc;

  • Trench or jacket 1 pc;

  • Turtlenecks 2-3 pcs;

  • T-shirts 2 pcs;

  • Cardigan or jacket 1 pc;

  • Skirt (according to the color of the form, if any) 1 pc;

  • Elegant blouse 1 pc;

  • Vest 1 pc;

  • Pants warm 1 pc;

  • Pants thin 1 pc;

  • Track suit 1 pc;

  • Tights 3-4 pcs;

  • Socks 4-5 pairs;

  • Elastics, hair clips, hair bows.

A sundress for a girl is a convenient and practical thing, you can put anything on it. Turtlenecks are better to take in different colors, t-shirts are preferably plain. The vest is useful on warm days when the classroom is hot in a cardigan. An elegant blouse will be indispensable for the holidays, you can wear it on the first of September.

If your school is required to wear a uniform, I do not advise you to buy many dresses, unnecessary sweaters. They may not be useful to you. But on rubber bands for hair, I advise you not to save. Tights should be beautiful, it is possible with patterns and drawings.

For boy:

  • Jacket 1 pc;

  • Jacket 1 pc;

  • Cardigan 1 pc;

  • Pullover 1-2 pcs;

  • Shirts 2 pcs;

  • Vest 1 pc;

  • Pants warm 1 pc;

  • Pants thin 1-2 pcs;

  • Track suit 1 pc;

  • Socks 5-6 pairs;

  • The bow tie.

For a boy, you can buy a ready-made suit and combine trousers with other things. Or choose a jacket and pants separately, to your taste. I recommend taking a cardigan, it can be removed and put on at any time, unlike a pullover. Pants are better to take a little more authentic, tuck themselves or in a professional studio.


For girls:

  • Shoes with a flat sole or with a small heel 3-5 cm;

  • Sneakers;

  • Indoor shoes.

For boys:

  • Shoes

  • Sneakers;

  • Moccasins (gym shoes).

Shoes for a child should be comfortable in the first place, and then beautiful. Shoes can be taken half the size, or even a size larger. Put on socks - and the shoes will be just about right.

Replaceable shoes will also be needed if school rules require it. For girls, you can buy light ballet shoes or shoes, preferably with a leather insole. Or buy sneakers or moccasins, which can be combined both with a tracksuit and with a uniform. In this case, there will be no need to buy two pairs of interchangeable shoes, sports and everyday. The child will walk on the street in sneakers, and at school - in the replaceable shoes he needs.


A satchel for a first grader should be small and not exceed 10% of its own weight. The bottom of the backpack should be rubberized so that it can be easily wiped. It is advisable to choose a lightweight orthopedic backpack. The backpack must be tried on before purchase. Is your child comfortable? Is the backpack hanging below the waist? Are there reflective elements on it?


Usually the list of stationery is your future class teacher.

An approximate list of necessary stationery:

  • Pencil case;

  • Notebooks

  • Pens;

  • Colour pencils;

  • A simple pencil, an eraser, a sharpener;

  • Ruler;

  • Folder for labor; folder for notebooks;

  • Colored paper; white and color cardboard;

  • Sketchbook;

  • Gouache, a glass of water;

  • Tassels;

  • Scissors;

  • Glue stick, PVA glue;

  • Plasticine, modeling board, fabric napkin;

  • Covers for textbooks and notebooks.


The list of books will also be provided to you by the class teacher, you just have to save money for this expense item.