How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy at home: in the early stages, in the second and third trimester. How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy (in the third trimester)? Heartburn during pregnancy third trimester what to do

At the end of pregnancy, women often have heartburn. They try to comply with bed rest, limit themselves in nutrition and suppress it with drugs. Why does heartburn appear during pregnancy in the third trimester, how to treat it and with what?

Heartburn during pregnancy (3 trimester)

In the third trimester, the fetus is quite large and begins to put pressure on the internal organs of the mother. This time in anticipation of the baby stretches very slowly, and any exacerbation is perceived very sharply. The body of a woman changes greatly during the bearing of the fetus. If before pregnancy and in the next six months, burning in the stomach and acid release were not observed, then at the end of gestation, this nuisance can be activated with a vengeance.


The cause of heartburn can be a hormone called progesterone. This is a sex hormone that undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. It is very important for the full bearing of the child and its proper development. Intensive changes in the body of a pregnant woman may be accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and weakness.

Due to a malfunction in the hormonal background, the digestive tract is disrupted, which is why gastric juice can be released into the esophagus. The consequence of this will be heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester, we will consider how to treat it below. This can be observed in the first two trimesters of pregnancy. In the last three months, burning and acid release appear due to a sharp increase in the fetus, which begins to compress the bladder and stomach. Powerful pressure on the diaphragm. This threatens to cause shortness of breath in this condition, and acid from the stomach again enters the esophagus. Before birth, the condition may improve, because the uterus goes down, freeing up space for an intensively developing fetus.

In the last three months of pregnancy, constipation is very common. This disrupts the intestines and causes unpleasant symptoms.

Against the background of hormonal changes, the level of acidity in the gastric juice increases, which can cause discomfort. Do not panic, because this phenomenon does not pose a huge threat to the baby and the problem can be eliminated with the help of medicines and recipes of traditional medicine.

Heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester, how to treat and why it can develop - this is the unhealthy diet of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman, in connection with the changed hormonal background, which changes her taste preferences, consumes junk food like fried, salty, spicy, fatty sweet, flour. Doctors recommend throughout pregnancy, and especially in the last term, not to eat dishes that can cause intestinal upset.

What to drink for pregnant women with heartburn?

Medicines for a pregnant woman are different from medicines for other people. Whatever the serious condition of the future woman in labor, you should choose drugs that will not harm the baby.

One such drug is Rennie. It is produced in the form of tablets, with the addition of sugar and flavorings. This antacid perfectly eliminates the symptoms of heartburn, and you can drink it at any stage of pregnancy. A good drug is Fosfalugel, Almagel, Motilium. Before taking this or that medicine for heartburn, you should talk with your doctor and carefully read the annotation.

How to get rid of folk remedies

  • There are enough ways to relieve discomfort in traditional medicine. The most harmless remedy is seeds. They perfectly eliminate burning, nausea. In addition, they are a very useful product in its composition.
  • Unpleasant heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester, how to treat it with coal? Take a few tablets of activated carbon, crush it, stir in half a glass of water. Drink this solution every time you feel unwell.
  • Almonds help to relieve unpleasant symptoms of heartburn. Wash them thoroughly and scald them with boiling water before use. Thus, the unnecessary top layer will come off the nut. Chew them carefully so that gradual salivation occurs.
  • The raw oat powder must be poured with boiling water and infused for at least 5-6 hours. After insisting, steamed oats should be filtered through cheesecloth and taken before bedtime.
  • With this problem, herbal teas, in particular chamomile, help well. The systematic use of medicinal tea can normalize the digestive system.
  1.   An active lifestyle should be carried out depending on the condition of the pregnant woman. Expectant mothers can engage in small physical activities. Well affect the body walking. The more fresh air will enter the lungs of a pregnant woman, the less problems there will be with the body and the baby will be born healthier.
  2.   To prevent stomach acid from escaping into the esophagus, a woman should review her diet. It should be regular, at least 5 times a day, but little by little. To eliminate heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester (how to treat it), you need to reconsider your taste preferences. Sugar and sugary foods provoke increased acid secretion from the stomach. It is not worth giving up sweets at all, but it is desirable to limit its daily intake.
  3.   Against the background of hormonal failure, a woman can develop a stressful state. It directly affects the functioning of the body as a whole. Heartburn can be a consequence of the nervous disorders of the future mother. You must learn to control your emotions while in position.

For every woman, pregnancy is an unforgettable time. A lot of events are connected with it. This is a long wait, which will end with a unique event - the birth of a child. So that nine long months of waiting do not overshadow health problems, you should be under the supervision of your doctor. Observing all the doctor’s prescriptions and leading the right lifestyle for a pregnant mother, heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester will pass without any special complications.

I am in the last weeks of pregnancy. In general, I feel good, I follow the nutrition, but not pleasant burning sensations from heartburn torment even very much! Tell me how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, in the third trimester?

Expert Answer:

Don’t worry, you are not the only pregnant woman suffering from heartburn. This problem is very common among those who are expecting a baby. But do not think that she will disappear only after childbirth. It is necessary to get rid of it the faster, so that you feel excellent and do not get unnecessarily irritated due to discomfort in the digestive tract. And to do this is quite real.

Heartburn per se is not dangerous for either mom or baby, unless it increases toxicosis. It occurs due to the fact that substances from the stomach, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, enter the esophagus. You felt heartburn in the late term because during this period the production of hormones intensified. They relax all smooth muscles in your body, changing the specifics of their functioning. In this way they also act on the stomach, which is responsible for the entry of food into the intestine, the so-called pylorus. At the same time, the uterus increased even more. She presses on the stomach, and he, in turn, on the diaphragm. As a result, food from the stomach is thrown back into the esophagus. When the uterus goes down before giving birth, heartburn attacks subside.

To forget about this problem earlier, consult your doctor. Do not attempt to self-medicate. It is dangerous in your position. There are many ways to eliminate heartburn, but not all of them are suitable for pregnant women. It is also important to find a tool that will help you. A common remedy for heartburn is baking soda. But it will only help remove the symptoms, and even then the effect will be short-lived. Therefore, forget about this method. Light heartburn will help eliminate grated raw carrots, just eat it without sugar. Occasional manifestations can be eliminated by chewing on a honeycomb, of course, if you are not allergic to honey. Wax will have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. For pregnant women in the third trimester, potato juice is perfect. It is squeezed through cheesecloth from grated raw potatoes. It is enough to drink one tablespoon as soon as you feel heartburn. For each meal, prepare fresh juice, as "stale" will not bring benefits and, moreover, it can do harm.

Flaxseed infusion is good for heartburn. It is necessary to throw five tablespoons of seeds into the container and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. The tool will be ready in an hour. Take it throughout the day in small portions. In parallel with treatment, it is important to follow a diet. You can’t eat fried, smoked, canned, salty, spicy foods, sweets, coffee, strong teas. Limit your intake of soda and sour drinks and fruits. Eat small meals and often.

Alternative methods of treatment in pregnant women help to improve the well-being of the expectant mother without harm to her baby. According to statistics, about 80% of pregnant women suffer from heartburn. How to choose the most effective and at the same time gentle means to combat this ailment?

Table of contents:

Causes of Heartburn in Pregnant Women

It is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes in the lower esophagus.

Doctors identify the following reasons that can provoke the development of this disease in expectant mothers:

  1. An increase in the size of the uterus, it leads to increased pressure on nearby organs.
  2. Increased acidity of the gastric secretion.
  3. Intensive production, leading to weakening of the muscles of the internal organs, including the sphincter, localized between the esophagus and stomach.

note: In most cases, problems with heartburn pass by themselves in the third trimester, which is due to the prolapse of the abdomen and a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone!

Despite the fact that, according to most doctors, heartburn when carrying a baby does not require any special treatment, this ailment can cause a future mother a lot of discomfort and discomfort! In order to alleviate her condition without resorting to medical care, the patient can take advantage of extremely safe and time-tested folk remedies!

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Non-traditional methods of treating heartburn in pregnant women should be used when the next unpleasant clinical symptoms appear in a future mother:

Important! The above symptoms may occur with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in the event of any disturbing symptoms, the expectant mother needs to seek professional advice from a qualified specialist!

Popular recipes for traditional medicine

The use of any medications for a woman who is expecting a baby to be born is highly not recommended. A pregnant woman can relieve the general condition and eliminate the painful symptoms characteristic of heartburn with the help of safe folk remedies.

We present to your attention several of the most effective and popular recipes from the box of traditional medicine:

Emergency traditional medicine

In the event that the most gentle methods of dealing with heartburn at home did not have the desired effect, you can try more effective methods. It is not worth using them systematically during pregnancy, but with an acute attack they will come in handy for the expectant mother.

In acute manifestations, it is necessary to put a pinch of salt under the tongue. In the process of swallowing salted saliva, special enzymatic substances are released that can neutralize hydrochloric acid, which eliminates heartburn.

note: it is contraindicated for pregnant women to consume large amounts of salt, so this method can only be used in exceptional cases!

Soda solution   - An effective and powerful remedy for heartburn, it helps to stop an attack in the shortest possible time. For such purposes, it is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. soda in warm water and drink the resulting solution. Use this tool with extreme caution, since soda can provoke the appearance of puffiness, as well as a violation of the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Before using any, even the most innocuous at first glance, folk recipes, the expectant mother is strongly advised to consult her doctor!

Potato therapy for heartburn

Potato starch is characterized by the presence of pronounced enveloping properties, and therefore, potatoes have long been used as a means to combat heartburn. Making potato medicine is extremely simple. You need to peel a large potato, grind it on a coarse grater, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Take the drug should be 2 tablespoons, about half an hour before meals.

note: Only freshly squeezed potato juice has healing properties!

To achieve extremely favorable, stable results, future mothers recommend traditional medicine to undergo the following course of potato therapy:

  • For 10 days, every morning start with a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice, which you take half an hour before breakfast.
  • Take a break of 10 days, and then repeat the treatment course.

The optimal duration of therapy against heartburn with potato juice in the process of expecting a baby is about 2 months!

Juniper for heartburn

Juniper traditional medicine is considered an effective and popular remedy for the fight against heartburn. To stop the attack will help the inhalation of juniper essential oil added to the aromatic lamp.

In the chronic form of the disease, get juniper seeds. Begin a therapeutic course by chewing three seeds throughout the day. Increase the dosage by one seed every day. After a week, begin to reduce the number of juniper seeds, also by one seed per day. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

Diet against heartburn for expectant mothers

In order for the fight against manifestations of heartburn to succeed, pregnant women need to combine folk methods with the following principles of dietary nutrition:

  1. Limit the amount of fatty, spicy, sour and fried foods in your daily diet to the maximum.
  2. Avoid sweets, pastries, and baked goods.
  3. Drink two glasses of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice daily.
  4. Stick to a fractional power plan: eat 5-6 times throughout the day, in small portions.
  5. Refuse late dinner. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  6. Refrain from drinking carbonated, tea, coffee drinks.

Anti-Heartburn Products

Dietitians distinguish a number of foods that prevent the formation of acids.

Expectant mothers suffering from heartburn should definitely include the following products in their daily diet:

But from the consumption of lamb, tomatoes, chocolate, hard cheese, onions, garlic, mustard, smoked meats and citrus fruits, you will have to temporarily refrain, since they can provoke the occurrence of heartburn!

note: by adjusting your diet and adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition, you will not only get rid of heartburn, but also improve your general health, which is extremely useful for the unborn baby!


With manifestations of heartburn, the expectant mother may well use the following recipes, which are based on medicinal herbs:

note: medicinal herbs such as dill, St. John's wort, buckwheat and plantain give a good therapeutic effect in the fight against heartburn. Decoctions of these plants can be drunk daily, instead of the usual tea!

In order for the folk therapeutic methods of getting rid of heartburn to be the most effective and effective during pregnancy, expectant mothers need to follow the following simple recommendations:

  1. Wear loose clothing so as not to pinch your abdomen.
  2.   on a raised pillow.
  3. Do not bend or lie down immediately after eating in order to avoid the possibility of food entering the esophagus.
  4. Avoid stressful situations and psycho-emotional shocks, as nervous disorders can cause an attack of heartburn.
  5. Avoid overeating and gaining excess weight.
  6. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle, daily performing vigorous physical activity.

Alternative methods of treating heartburn in pregnant women are based on the use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as compliance with the principles of a healthy diet. Maintaining an active lifestyle, normal sleep, giving up bad habits and plentiful food will help get rid of the manifestations characteristic of heartburn, improve the general well-being of a future mother, and also benefit her baby!

With such a phenomenon as heartburn in the third trimester of pregnancy, almost 90% of expectant mothers face. This condition causes quite noticeable discomfort and significantly reduces the quality of life of a pregnant woman. That is why it is important to know how to treat heartburn easily and correctly during this period.

Causes of Heartburn in the Late Period

The mechanism for the development of unpleasant symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy is simple - under the influence of some factors, the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing irritation. This condition in pregnant women is considered physiological and, as a rule, disappears without a trace after childbirth.

The main causes of heartburn in the third trimester are: mechanical pressure on the stomach of the growing uterus and an increase in the production of the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone. This hormone has the property of relaxing smooth muscle, which is located not only in the uterus, but also in the structure of the sphincters between the stomach and esophagus.

In addition, acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus during pregnancy can also occur under the influence of other factors, such as tight clothing, stress, taking certain medications, errors in nutrition (excessive consumption of acidic or spicy foods), etc.

General principles of treatment

It is quite difficult to completely get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, given that the main reason for its appearance at this time is the compression of the stomach and diaphragm of a noticeably grown uterus. However, significantly reducing the manifestations of this condition is quite realistic.

  • First of all, a pregnant woman needs to adjust her diet and diet.
  • It is necessary to exclude products that provoke the appearance of heartburn. These include smoked meats, fatty, spicy and sour foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, etc.
  • Be sure to eat dairy products, plant foods rich in fiber.
  • Food should be taken often in small portions, chewing it thoroughly.
  • Dinner should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • The second important condition is the correct position of the body.
  • It is necessary to monitor posture while walking and sitting.
  • After eating, you need at least another 30-40 minutes to walk or sit.
  • For heartburn, pregnant women in the third trimester are advised to sleep with their heads raised, for example, with a large pillow.

The appearance of constipation and, as a consequence, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during straining can contribute to increased manifestations of heartburn. Therefore, regular bowel movements need to be monitored.


Since ancient times in folk medicine, a fairly wide arsenal of funds has been used to treat heartburn during pregnancy. Some of them still have not lost their relevance and are also used in traditional medicine.

The advantages of these methods are ease of use and relative safety for both the expectant mother and the fetus.

Freshly squeezed juice of carrots or potatoes, as well as herbal medicine (decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, flax seeds, plantain, etc.) helps to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of burning behind the breastbone.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a common method as a solution of soda. Indeed, in the first minutes, taking a soda solution can improve the condition. However, the chemical interaction of soda with hydrochloric acid of the gastric contents is accompanied by the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, therefore, subsequently, the manifestations of heartburn will only intensify. Therefore, the use of soda is not recommended for pregnant women.


Quite often, in women in late pregnancy, traditional non-drug methods of dealing with this unpleasant condition do not bring the desired result. In such cases, the treatment of heartburn in the third trimester of pregnancy is necessary with the help of drugs.

It is important to understand that all medications to a pregnant woman should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to very unpredictable and even negative consequences.

In the third trimester of pregnancy with heartburn most commonly used antacids. They contain in their composition salts of magnesium, aluminum or calcium, which, entering into a chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid of the stomach, neutralize it. In addition, antacids help accelerate the evacuation of gastric contents and normalize the tone of muscle fibers of the lower esophagus and stomach.

These drugs are taken in dosages recommended by your doctor after meals and / or at bedtime. Long their use in large doses is unacceptable, since the chemical elements contained in them can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

With the ineffectiveness of antacid drugs, drugs are sometimes used that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, such medicines during pregnancy are prescribed only by a doctor.

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A touching period of 9 months is filled with the most magical moments of expectation. And the closer the term of birth, the more long-awaited moment of the birth of a little man. However, this time is one of the most difficult for a woman, because many have a feeling of heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester. Questions about how to get rid of malaise, concern every expectant mother.

Waiting for a baby is not a disease, but a special state of the female body, which requires attention and a separate approach in case of problems with well-being. That is why a pregnant woman should be especially sensitive to her body and in no case should he self-medicate without first consulting a doctor.

Especially when it comes to such ailment as heartburn, characterized by unpleasant sensations of heat and burning in the chest area, as well as in the larynx. Before looking for a cure, the expectant mother should know about the causes of the disease.

Where does the burning come from?

First of all, heartburn occurs due to the contents of the stomach entering the esophagus, as a result of which sensitive walls are irritated, and there is a feeling of heat and burning. Unpleasant symptoms can cause significant discomfort, as well as accompanied by belching and a feeling of nausea.

The causes of malaise can be several reasons of a different nature, including:

  1. digestive system diseases;
  2. malnutrition and lifestyle;
  3. taking medications;
  4. the presence of excess weight.

Methods of control depending on the reasons

Health status

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract disrupt the natural functioning of the important organ system - the digestive system.

Among the diseases that cause a sensation of heartburn, the following can be noted:

  • gastritis in a chronic form;
  • inflammatory diseases of the duodenum and gallbladder, and the consequences of surgical operations on these organs;
  • hernias in the abdominal cavity;
  • disturbances in the work of the lower sphincter of the esophagus.

In this case, to cope with heartburn is possible only by treating these ailments.


The most common reason is eating the wrong foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for pregnant women, a significant part of whom note changes in taste preferences. Some are drawn to sweets, others - to salty or spicy food, others go crazy with the smell of fresh bread.

As a result, erratic nutrition leads to the fact that heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester is manifested with enviable constancy.

In order to overcome unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to draw up the right menu, which will provide mom and the future baby with everything necessary. The following foods should be completely eliminated or at least minimized:

  • fatty and heavy food for digestion;
  • spicy foods, pickles and marinades;
  • a large amount of coffee and tea;
  • sweets with fat cream, pastries and chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • citruses.

Expectant mothers should abandon the habit of eating on the go, they need to monitor the size of the servings.

Important! The states of anxiety and anxiety that often accompany women in position can also cause heartburn. Positive emotions are useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother’s digestive tract.

Medical preparations

The use of drugs by pregnant women is usually minimized, but the female body during this period is so individual and unpredictable that even popular vitamins for girls in position can cause a reaction in the form of excruciating heartburn.

The issue is easily resolved by monitoring their well-being and selecting suitable pills that do not provoke a feeling of heat in the chest area and discomfort in the esophagus.

Excess weight

The presence of extra pounds is inevitable for almost any pregnant woman. This is due not only to the growth of the fetus itself, but also to a more measured rhythm of life, the appearance of edema. If the previously considered reasons depended on the woman, and the fight against heartburn was only in her hands, then in the latter version she could not overcome the ailment in any way.

Indeed, heartburn in the third trimester of pregnancy in women is caused precisely by their “interesting position”. An enlarged uterus creates additional intra-abdominal pressure, as a result of which the reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus becomes more frequent. The presence of extra pounds and toxicosis enhances this phenomenon.

In this case, the following remedies will help to slightly alleviate the condition of the expectant mother:

  • a glass of warm milk;
  • fresh apple
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • decoctions of yarrow, fennel, chamomile and mint.

If folk remedies did not help in the fight against discomfort, drugs will come to the rescue, the use of which is allowed in the prenatal period, for example, "Gestid", produced in the form of chewable tablets.

Important! Any drug, even if the instructions allow its use during pregnancy, is forbidden to use without first consulting a specialist.

The information discussed above will help expectant mothers to avoid heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy and to minimize discomfort in the last trimester before childbirth. Recommendations on nutrition and the need to control your well-being will help a woman in a position to enjoy the magical time of waiting for the baby.