How to establish lactation in 2 months. How to fix lactation. How smoking smacks of lactation

There are mothers who do not have much milk. They begin to do two things at once. First, they introduce supplementary feeding, which is natural, because the child wants to eat. And the second - they are trying to increase the volume of milk. Mixtures - go choose, apparently invisible. How to normalize lactation?

You can increase the volume of milk, for example, with beer (taking inside, of course), but this, of course, is not suitable for everyone! You can still drink tea with milk, a decoction of walnuts, a decoction of nettles, a decoction of dill - to each his own. For example, tea with milk and dill broth helped me a lot. Yes, now there are many different imported mixtures to improve lactation! Yes, but not all of them are effective - once, and not every newly made mother can force herself to drink this - a fact!

Even for such an important purpose, I could not dare to try the milk formula with vitamins for improvement. No, she’s like milk powder. I understand that almost all milk is from bags, it is also processed and made from a dry product, but at least you can at least pretend that you don’t know about it. And here the thing is different - you make it yourself!

So, about breast milk! I wanted to say that many mothers, introducing supplementary foods and increasing the natural, “live” milk, forget about the main purpose, for which they went, for example, to brew a nettle broth. Namely: lactation is normal, and the amount of supplementation is not reduced!

It is very important to give the breast to the child, because due to this there is an influx of milk! And if you have increased lactation and the baby is not breastfeeding, what's the point? Here you need to think about it.

I also know that milk disappears, or the amount of its production decreases for those who worry a lot! It should be simpler (although this does not apply to me). There are just things to worry about, that's all!

Many mothers, while still pregnant, persuade themselves that if they do not have milk, then they do not mind! It’s even somehow strange, but there are some. By the way, they usually either have little or no milk at all.

I didn’t think about milk at all: whether it will or will not. There was no time! And there was plenty of milk. She herself tore off when she became pregnant again!

They often talk about the problem of establishing lactation in women undergoing a caesarean section. Well I do not know. My children are Caesars. I had so much milk, and my chest was so swollen that I didn’t know how to go home from the hospital! This is at a time when women giving birth have not yet received milk or appeared drop by drop. In our maternity hospital, there were three people who had Caesar’s besides me (whom I knew), and all had milk above the roof. And it came earlier than the rest of the mothers.

By the way, there is one more “but”. It happens that a woman has weak nipples, or the baby sucks too intensely, and the breasts crack, and the mother continues to feed him with breasts, which crack even more. And mother comes to the fact that she can no longer breastfeed.

Stop! Here you need to carefully think through everything and not rely on "maybe"! If the baby in the hospital was transferred to a bottle, urgently write out of your house (only the best) with the smallest hole! The fact is that the maternity nipples have a very strong stream, while the baby does not need it at all. He must learn the skills of getting food! This is labor. Yes, even what. After all, a child has just been born! And then everything is ready for him (I'm not talking about milk, but about the stream). Subsequently, when your breasts heal and your child gets used to the Maternity bottle (mixture), it will be very difficult for you to enter the role of a nursing mother, and sometimes it’s even impossible.

We had such Julia in our ward. They told me that she then tormented herself: she constantly expressed herself, did not sleep at night, trying to replace the bottle with her breast ... She did it. In fairness, I must say that she suffered in the hospital too. But suffering is not always enough, here you need perseverance and a great desire to feed your own child!

So if you are healthy and full of optimism, then milk will be! And if there is not enough milk, or if there are problems with the breast, then do not despair and do not give in to the stream of events, but immediately take action and work!

Maria Pomazkova

For medical questions, be sure to consult your doctor first.

Comment on the article "How to establish a lactation"

The article does provide concise information on how to establish lactation. I didn’t have any milk “at least pour it” after cesarean, we lost a critical mass in the maternity hospital and had to introduce complementary foods for the night, while in the afternoon it would be solid on my chest. It is really only persistence and faith in something that cannot be otherwise. This helped me - by day 14, milk came for real and never left. And how much was the temptation to make the mixture and give the screaming child out of a good bottle! I am very grateful to the people who helped me, especially the words of my cousin sunk into my soul: "And do not let yourself think about the bottle! As soon as you start, you won’t get milk!" The most annoying thing is that you can’t alter people! I have many friends of girls who, after giving birth, faced a similar situation, I told them everything that I took and helped as I could, but, unfortunately, the desire to lead a free, not burdened by constant 3-hour feedings, life overpowered. After a week of “struggle” they gave up (although they didn’t really fight) - they sip beer with pleasure, smoke, and leave their baby for at least the whole day to their grandmothers. "Yes, I have little of it, why torment myself and the child!".

16.11.2006 10:11:18,

How to increase the amount of breast milk

Sometimes it seems to a nursing mother that she has low-fat breast milk or too little, how to increase lactation in the most difficult situations and make her milk high-calorie?

Breast milk is given to women by nature itself. Each mammal is able to feed its young. So why do we sometimes have problems with this? How to increase breast milk lactation at home and keep for a long time, ideally - 2 years, as recommended by WHO. But at least until 6-8 months, when the child gradually begins to switch to adult food? These deadlines are very important to maintain for various reasons:

  • material (adapted milk and sour milk mixtures are not cheap, and sometimes they need to be changed, since the composition may not be suitable for the child);
  • artificial nutrition often provokes stool disorders in the child;
  • eating from a bottle at times increases the risk of intestinal infections in the baby;
  • the child is likely to need a dummy, more than one year;
  • the baby's immunity will be at a lower level than that of his peers who feed exclusively on breast milk.

How to understand that a child is short of milk and needs to increase lactation

There are false and true signals. Softness refers to the softness of the mammary glands. By the way, this is a common misconception. Even among pediatricians. But if the breast seems empty, while the woman is breastfeeding often and does not feed the baby, this does not mean anything. Apparently, the child sucked front milk from her mother. But there is also a back. One that is rich in fats and nutrients. Thanks to which the child is gaining weight.

Often babies cry while feeding. Doctors again say that this is due to a lack of milk. Especially if it happens late in the evening when the chest becomes soft. In fact, the baby may cry because of an uncomfortable posture while feeding. For example, many mothers feed their babies while lying down. Moreover, they lie on their backs, and their heads are turned to their mother’s nipple. Try to drink yourself in this position and understand the dissatisfaction of the baby.

Another common cause of baby crying during feeding is lactase deficiency. With her, while feeding, the baby also rumbles in the stomach. And there are disorders of the stool - it is green, plentiful and frothy. Children with lactase deficiency suffer from gas formation, sleep poorly and gain little weight, as a rule.

Breastfeeding experts say that this technique will not show how much milk a woman has in her breast. Very few can express it completely. It is almost impossible to decant milk from the posterior lobes of the mammary gland. And few women can express themselves fruitfully, correctly.

Another “study” that pediatricians often recommend is control feeding. But it can only be suitable for those children who are fed according to the regimen. For example, classically 1 time in 3 hours. By the next feeding, the children manage to get hungry and suck well. But if the baby is fed on demand, if it is small and weak, then in 30-40 minutes it can suck out very little milk, doze off at the breast. But after 30-60 minutes, eat everything that is due.

There is another way to find out if a child is hungry - offer him a bottle with a mixture or his own expressed milk. Only necessary after feeding. If he sucks a lot, he will suck with desire, apparently, really wants to eat.

But the best way would be to count the number of wet diapers. Children of the first months of life should urinate at least 10-12 times a day. If you are used to using disposable diapers and you do not mind spending a little more than disposable diapers per day - get these diapers in which the control strip appears when they get wet. When a strip appears, you must immediately put on a new diaper, and put off this one. Such a strip is on the diapers "Pampers premium kea" and "Haggis elite soft", for example. The number of diapers used will equal the number of urinations.

If this option does not suit you, then try to weigh the diaper before use and after use. Young children should urinate about 300-350 grams per day, no less.

Any of these calculations will be informative only if the child does not receive any other drink, for example, he is not given water.

Look at the number of bowel movements is not informative. A breast-fed baby with absolutely adequate nutrition can defecate both once a day and 7. Or once every few days, if mom’s milk is good, it is completely absorbed by the body.

Preparations and products that increase breast milk lactation

What you need to eat to get more milk? Unfortunately, the amount of milk does not directly depend on the products. You can eat a lot, but milk from this will no longer. Milk comes in response to irritation of the nipples and their areola. The more often the nipples break out, the more lactation hormone, prolactin, will be produced, and the more often emissions of oxytocin, a hormone, will facilitate the approach of breast milk from the posterior lobes of the mammary glands to the nipples.

As for the products, walnuts are usually recommended. Allegedly, not only will there be more milk from them, but also its composition will become better, fatter, more nutritious for a child. In fact, each woman’s milk is divided into two types - front, low-fat - drink for the baby, and fat - from the back lobes. To get the baby milk rich milk - it needs to be kept longer on one breast. Try to give as much as possible only one breast for feeding.

An increase in lactation can in some way contribute to an increase in the amount of fluid consumed. It can be plain water, sour-milk drinks. Summer watermelons. But you should not get too carried away with watermelons, as they help increase appetite, contain a lot of sugar. Coffee and tea can be drunk, but moderately and not strong. A nursing woman should consume at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This volume also includes liquid dishes - soups, borscht, etc.

But various folk remedies and methods that increase lactation of milk at home should be used very carefully. Often for these purposes they offer various herbs and spices, for example, fennel, anise, caraway seeds. But the use of some of them can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in a child and change the taste of milk, which will also negatively affect lactation.
   Drugs that increase lactation of breast milk also do not have proven scientific studies of efficacy and safety. These are ordinary dietary supplements. And also often containing allergens. Is it worth the risk?

Reasons why milk is lost at the nursing and methods of resolving the situation

In order not to try incomprehensible methods and tools on yourself, it is better to understand the causes of poor lactation and eliminate them.

1. Bad dream.  It’s not commonplace. A woman should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. If you cannot sleep so much at night, you need to sleep during the day. Let along with the child. They say that 2-3 days in bed with a child help to significantly increase the amount of breast milk better than any dietary supplements.

2. Inadequate, varied nutrition.  Milk, of course, will still get all the nutrients. But mom may not have enough vitamins. And from there fatigue and, as a result, weak lactation. Even if your child is prone to allergic reactions, try to make your diet high-calorie, varied and tasty.

3. Bad mood, stress.  If the mother has a poor psychological state, then she is not up to feeding and not to the baby. Severe stress, such as the loss of a loved one, can almost simultaneously lead to “burnout” of milk.

4. Rare applications of the child.  If a child is applied 5-7 times a day, lactation may begin to fade. Feeding “on schedule” in the first weeks after the birth of the baby, when lactation is in progress, is especially dangerous. Want to have more milk? Attach your baby to your chest more often. Even if it seems empty to you.

5. Lack of night feedings.  Sleeping well at night is a necessity for both mother and baby. But you should not forget about feeding. After all, it is nightly feeding that helps to increase the amount of breast milk due to the production of the hormone prolactin.

To make the sleep as calm as possible, you can lay the child next to you. Sleep together. If this is unacceptable for you - lower the side of the crib and put it to your bed. Then it will be possible to give the child a chest in a prone position, while not getting out of bed.

6. Frequent sucking dummy.  The more often the baby sucks the dummy, the less it is applied to the chest and it stimulates. Remove the dummy and give the baby a breast. In addition, the dummy does not contribute to the formation of the correct bite in the child. And often, children sucking a dummy begin to take their breasts incorrectly. This leads to an even greater decrease in lactation and lactostasis in the mother.

6. The rapid growth of the child.  When he gains new skills, for example, learns to roll over. At these moments and in the future, he has jumps in growth and more and more nutrition is required. However, with regular feeding, the breast within a few days begins to produce more milk, in accordance with the requirements of the child. The so-called lactational crisis is a temporary phenomenon. Such growth spurts occur at the third, sixth week of a child’s life, at 3.6, 12 months. Of course, the timing is very indicative, may vary among different children. So, at 3 months the baby learns to roll over, begins to distinguish many colors, people's faces, etc. At 6-7 months, learns to crawl, sit, stand at the support. And closer to the year begins to walk.

There is another, quite controversial way to increase the milk of a nursing mother during lactation - this is by expressing milk. Mom feeds the baby with one breast, and after feeding expresses it literally to the last drop. And in the next feeding of milk comes a little more, exactly as much as it has pumped. Expressing breast milk to increase lactation is an outdated and rather harmful method, since mommy can provoke excess milk in her. The child will not be able to suck so much, and lactostasis is formed - stagnation of milk.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. For an experienced mom who is breastfeeding not the first child, everything can be very clear. And for the nulliparous, the same lactational crisis may become the reason for the transfer of the child to mixed or artificial feeding.

If you doubt the quality or quantity of your milk, go to the pediatrician's office and weigh the baby. If the weight gain is slightly less than the norm, it is enough to simply take measures to increase the amount of milk, start feeding the baby often, and very soon everything will work out.

Breast milk production (lactation) is regulated by hormones (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin). Often, in the first days after giving birth, a woman is frustrated and anxious: the process is slow and it seems that the baby is malnourished.

In most cases, a shortage of milk in the first stages of feeding is not an obstacle to breastfeeding and the transition to artificial mixtures. The correct organization of HB and the use of various methods will contribute to the stimulation of lactation after childbirth.

Ways to stimulate lactation

The most affordable and simple method is to frequently attach the baby to the chest. During feeding, a natural stimulation of the nipples occurs, which makes the mammary glands work more intensively. Night feedings are especially useful since the hormone prolactin is most actively produced during these hours.

The key to normal lactation is feeding on demand, and not on the clock. It is also not necessary to limit the time spent by the baby in the chest during this process.

In addition to natural stimulation, there are a number of additional methods. Drug stimulation of lactation, the use of a breast pump, regular pumping, and the use of special teas are possible.


Most often, the problem of a lack of milk occurs in the first days after childbirth. Sometimes this problem is far-fetched or greatly exaggerated. Then it is solved by frequent application of the baby to the chest.

Deficiency can occur after a previous or other infectious diseases. In this case, natural stimulation may not be enough. To normalize the feeding process, the following drugs may be recommended.


The advantage is the natural origin of the drug. It is based on royal jelly, vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, folic acid, amino acids. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. Duration of admission is 10-15 days. Increasing the dose is not recommended.

Reception helps:

  • improved lactation;
  • rapid recovery of the body after childbirth;
  • increase immunity of both mother and baby;
  • normalization of the psychoemotional state of the mother.

At the same time, doctors note that there is no direct effect of the active substances of the drug on the production of breast milk and on changes in the hormonal system of a woman. But the restorative and sedative action of Apilak has a positive effect, increasing the mother’s confidence in her abilities.

Since the product is based on a beekeeping product, there is a risk of a rash in children prone to allergies.


This is a homeopathic medicine, which includes:

  • nettle - stimulates milk production, relieves swelling of the mammary glands, provides normal blood circulation in the milk ducts;
  • abraham tree - has a calming effect, stimulates the production of prolactin;
  • lumbago meadow - eliminates stagnation in the mammary glands, normalizes lactation.

Also used to prevent mastitis and treat postpartum hemorrhage. Mlekoin granules need to be taken in 5 pieces per 1 dose. They are placed under the tongue until completely resorbed. The best time to receive is half an hour before breakfast. If necessary, make a second appointment in the evening. The tool does not cause side effects and has virtually no contraindications. Some breastfeeding experts recommend alternating between taking Mlekoin and Apilak.


Dietary supplement based on carrot juice, nettle, oregano, dill, royal jelly. It is enriched with potassium iodide and vitamin C.

Forms of release - tea and tablets. The product is effective not only for milk production, but also for normalizing the thyroid gland, eliminating colic in a newborn, improving his appetite, and increasing immunity. Tablets are taken 3-4 times a day with meals. If a nursing mother prefers tea, you need to drink two glasses a day.

Lactogon is well tolerated, it does not cause side effects or allergies in infants. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.


Release form - dry mix. It is dissolved in water and taken before meals. This dietary supplement is used to improve the diet of a nursing mother. It consists of natural cow's milk, corn, soy and coconut oil, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

Femilak can begin to be taken even during pregnancy. The daily norm is 40 g (about 9 measuring spoons). The mixture can be used to improve the taste of other dishes. It is added to tea, cocoa, milk porridge. Sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and berries can be added to the prepared Femilak mixture.

It should be noted that lactation preparations are not a panacea and by themselves do not guarantee the formation of milk. They are effective only when used in combination with other methods of increasing lactation. In addition, some of them can cause allergic reactions in the child; therefore, they should not be abused and significantly exceed the recommended dose.

Lactation teas

Many mothers prefer to use tea to stimulate lactation. This method was also used by our grandmothers, who prepared such drinks on their own based on herbs. Today, teas that increase milk production can be purchased at the pharmacy.


Tea can be taken at a time when a child at a new stage of development needs more food than her mother can provide. Clinical studies have shown that regular use of the drug helps to increase lactation several times.

The main advantage of tea is its composition, in which there are no preservatives, flavorings or chemical dyes. Structure:

  • anise - increases the amount of milk, relieves painful cramps;
  • fennel - improves the digestive organs of the child, has a calming effect;
  • lemon verbena - gives tea a pleasant aroma;
  • cumin - increases the flush of milk.

Grandma’s basket

For nursing mothers, teas with two aromas are produced: anise and rose hip. In addition to them, other natural components are also included: fruits of fennel and caraway seeds, nettle leaves and lemon balm.

Drinking teas "Grandmother's basket" is necessary courses. Within 2-3 weeks you need to drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day for half an hour before feeding the baby. Then you need a break for several weeks, after which the course is repeated.


The composition is similar to the drink from "Grandma’s basket". These are fennel, caraway seeds, anise, nettle leaves. Lactavit should not be taken during pregnancy. Tea is also known as Lactafitol.

Use of a breast pump and pumping

If for some reason the baby cannot or does not want to take the breast, and the woman intends to continue the hepatitis B, breast pump lactation is stimulated. Although there is a small risk that the baby will get used to sucking from a bottle, it is better to feed him with expressed milk than switch to an artificial mixture. The use of a breast pump is mandatory for mastitis. With its help, stagnation in the inflamed areas can be prevented and blood supply to the mammary glands can be increased.

There are mechanical and electric breast pumps. More perfect electrical models. They are easy to use at home. The disadvantage of such models is the high cost, but it pays for itself under long-term use.

One of the most affordable methods is stimulation by decantation. Expression is especially effective in the first 2-3 weeks after birth. Usually babies still eat very little, and many have difficulty sucking and falling asleep with effort. To stimulate the mammary glands to work intensively, it is necessary to decant after each feeding. The nipple during pumping should be between the index and middle fingers. Movements should be rhythmic.

When the feeding process has been established, pumping is not necessary. Excessive passion for this process can cause. For normal lactation, an active sucking of the baby is enough.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation

There are methods that can cause milk production in nulliparous women. They are necessary for those mothers who raise an adopted child. Since breast milk is produced at the hormonal level, artificial stimulation of lactation will contribute to its production.

A woman takes a certain amount of hormones that stimulate lactation. Children fed with such milk develop no less fully than their peers.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation has its own side effects and contraindications, therefore it can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The diet of a nursing mother

High-quality balanced and high-calorie nutrition is also the key to successful lactation. Today, pediatricians no longer insist on a strict diet when feeding. It is enough to exclude or limit the intake of products that can cause allergies. These include citrus fruits, chocolate, and some sweets. Sweet carbonated water, spicy foods and fast food are undesirable.

Products to stimulate lactation:

  • lean meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit meat);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal prepared in milk or water;
  • nuts
  • radish with honey;
  • carrots and carrot juice;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins);
  • black and red currants, gooseberries;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • leafy salad with olive oil.

A prerequisite for the normalization of milk production is the use of a large amount of liquid. Recommended drinks include:

  • plain or mineral water without gas;
  • goat milk;
  • dairy products (fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yogurt);
  • green and ginger teas;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • natural juices.

It was previously believed that cow's milk significantly improves the secretory function of the mammary glands. However, this is not true. It can be included in the diet of a nursing mother only if the baby is not allergic to cow protein. Natural juices are best drunk by diluting them with water.


Massage to stimulate lactation increases milk production and at the same time serves to prevent external injuries and stretch marks. Before holding it, you need to rinse your chest with warm water. The mammary glands are rubbed in circular movements, using castor and olive oil. Before feeding, the remaining oil must be washed off!

The breast of a nursing mother should always be warm. Therefore, the effectiveness of massage increases if you hold it during a shower. A stream of water is directed to the mammary gland from the side of the clavicle. Massaging the breast is also beneficial after breastfeeding.

Breast massage to stimulate lactation

Complex special exercises during massage provide the necessary muscle tone, trigger blood circulation, protect the mammary glands from stagnation.

Stimulation of lactation after cesarean

A situation familiar to many women: the amount of milk, which was enough in the first month after giving birth, suddenly decreased noticeably, and the baby was already missing. Sometimes there is no apparent reason for this - the mother eats well, does not get sick, the baby willingly takes breasts, and there is still not enough milk. How to understand this problem and increase lactation during breastfeeding?

If breast milk is low, the reasons may be as follows:

  • fatigue or worries;
  • poor nutrition;
  • low fluid intake;
  • hormonal changes;
  • laziness or weakness of the baby;
  • improper child capture of the chest.

These are the most common causes of decreased lactation, although there may be others. If possible, try to avoid unrest, communication with unpleasant, scandalous people, walk with your child more and carry him in your arms. When the baby is sleeping, mom should also rest, and not try to redo all the homework. Great attention should be paid to your diet, because everything that you eat determines the quality of milk.

With a change in the hormonal background, a decrease in lactation is usually observed about 7-10 days, after which the volume of milk gradually increases. During this period, it is recommended to feed the baby more often, and give him both breasts at a time. The same thing happens when the baby is lazy, briefly and weakly sucks, begins to fall asleep when feeding. As soon as the sucking is weakened, you need to slightly push the breast towards the nipple so that the milk runs a little harder. If the child falls asleep, gently brush him on the cheek, wake him to eat longer.

The volume of milk production largely depends on the diet of women. After childbirth, the body is exhausted, so it is required to take 700-1100 kilocalories more per day than before. In the mother’s daily diet, there should be low-fat meat (200 g) or the same amount of fish, fresh cottage cheese (100 g), vegetables (500 g) and various fruits (200 g). Be sure to drink a day about a liter of kefir or milk, eat a slice of hard cheese. Fat should be no more than 30 g per day, and it is desirable that it be butter or sunflower.

The recommended amount of liquid per day is approximately 2 liters, including milk, juices, tea, broth or soup. This norm should not be greatly exceeded, even if there is more milk, because at the same time the amount of vitamins and necessary proteins is reduced in its composition. But mushrooms, smoked meats, savory foods, citrus fruits and chocolate should be excluded from your diet for a long time, since their use can cause an allergy in the baby. In addition, the taste of milk changes from pungent products, and the child will not want to eat.

Nursing mom's nutrition diary

Proper attachment

Milk production depends on two hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Both of them are associated with the sucking activity of the child, therefore, if the baby does not correctly capture the chest, this activity is markedly reduced. Especially often improper grip is observed in children who are given dummies and milk from a bottle. With proper application, the baby deeply captures the nipple and areola, evenly "decanting" milk from the entire breast. With a shallow grip, the baby sucks out only a small part of the milk located near the areola.

Unfortunately, from the description and even from the photo, it is difficult to learn the correct application, especially if pain is present. This is usually taught by breastfeeding counselors in the hospital or community pediatricians. You can also look for another nursing woman who already has a similar experience and has no problems with nipples. For many, when changing the capture of a baby's breasts, painful sensations appear, because of which there is a desire to leave everything as it is. But keep in mind that proper application will ensure stable lactation, and the pain will disappear over time.

Only 3% of nursing mothers have serious problems with lactation, in other cases of lack of milk these are only temporary consequences of improper feeding. It often happens that the mother’s milk is enough for the child, but the woman herself considers its quantity insufficient. A lot depends on the quality of milk, appetite and the characteristics of the child's body.

So, if you notice a decrease in lactation, first make sure that you correctly apply the baby to the chest. Inadequate stimulation of the mammary glands will necessarily lead to a decrease in the amount of milk. In addition, feedings should be frequent and regular; children who are given dummies require less breast, which also negatively affects lactation.

Many mothers give babies some water, as well as tea from tummy tuck, various mixtures that prevent dysbiosis. The volume of such additives reaches 150 ml per day, which means that the amount of milk consumed is reduced by the same amount. If you exclude such additives from the baby’s diet, the amount of milk will recover very quickly. As a rule, in the first 4 months, the baby is enough of one milk, because it contains all the trace elements so necessary for him. It is important to evaluate the baby’s weight gain per week: just divide by the number of weeks the monthly gain. The smallest indicator from day 14 is 125 g, the optimal is within 300 g. You should contact a specialist if the baby, eating one milk and receiving it on demand, gains less than 500 g per month.

There is another good way to determine if the baby is getting enough milk. You should count the number of urinations within 1-2 days. To do this, the baby should be without a diaper and not receive baits and additional fluids. If there is enough milk, the child will write more than 6 times, usually 8-12 times. If less than 6, milk is clearly not enough.

It is not so difficult to increase milk production in the body, the main thing is not to be scared and not to resort to complementary foods.

  To begin with, remove the dummy, stop giving both tea and water. Organize hourly feedings from 4am to 12am, even if the baby does not ask for breasts. In the morning hours 2-3 applications are mandatory, because at this time the highest concentration of prolactin is formed in the body. And, of course, introduce into the diet drinks from natural stimulants of lactation - carrots, dandelion leaves, fennel, caraway seeds, anise and lettuce.

Lactation enhancing drinks

  1. Grated carrots. Carrots need to be washed, rinsed with boiling water and chopped. Take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of grated mass, pour a glass of milk or low-fat cream. The finished drink should be consumed immediately. It is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses a day. Pure carrot juice gives no more than 120 g three times a day also has a good effect. It is allowed to add cream, some milk or juice of fresh berries for a pleasant taste.
  2. Dandelion drink. It is necessary to collect young leaves and rinse them well. After that, the leaves are passed through a meat grinder, squeezed. To make it more pleasant to drink, add sugar, a little salt or lemon juice to taste. Drink twice a day in half a glass.
  3. Syrup from lemon and dandelion. First, boil the syrup: take half a liter of water 800 g of sugar and bring to a boil. They collect dandelion flowers to make 4 cups, pour 2 cups of water, add chopped lemon without skin there and simmer on the fire for about an hour. Then sugar syrup is poured, and as soon as it boils, remove and filter. Use in small portions, adding syrup to tea, water or soft drinks.
  4. Drink from lettuce seeds. For the recipe you need only leaf lettuce seeds. About 20 g of seeds are ground in a mortar, pour 250 g of boiling water and insist for about 2 hours. When infused, the liquid is filtered and drunk in two doses.
  5. Caraway drink. Take 15 g of caraway seeds, pour a liter of hot water, add 100 g of sugar and half a lemon, put on fire. The drink should boil slightly for about 7-10 minutes, then it is cooled and filtered. It is recommended to drink half a glass three times a day.
  6. Anise infusion. Anise seeds are poured with boiling water and let it brew for an hour and a half. Then filter and take 4 times a day for two tbsp. spoons.

Mom's nutrition. Products affecting lactation

Products that positively affect lactationLactation Reducing Products
Warm tea (green with honey or black with milk)Canned foods
Caraway seeds and black bread with caraway seeds, as well as a drink from a teaspoon of caraway seeds and a glass of boiling milk, insist 2 hours, drink half a glass before feeding for half an hour)Smoked meats
A boil or stew of dried apples, plums and a small amount of pearsSeasonings and hot spices
Pine nuts, walnuts. Almonds (unroasted and not salted) improve lactation. A couple of pieces can be eaten in a day, but it must be remembered that almonds cause gas in the child and can cause severe constipationSage
Dill tea (1 table. A spoonful of dill seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. You need to drink this tea half a glass 2 times a day. Instead of dill seeds, you can take cumin or anise).
  However, it is worth remembering that both anise and dill can cause allergies.
  Among the juices that improve lactation, currant juice, carrot, juice from blackthorn berries. But it is important that the juices are fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water
Radish with honey.
  Radish juice with honey diluted 1 to 1 with chilled boiled water (per 100 g of radish - 100 g of water and 1 tbsp.spoon of honey) is an excellent product for improving lactation
Watermelons (buy only high-quality, ripe)
Hercules and buckwheat, barley broth
Brynza and Adyghe cheese
Meat broths and soups (not fatty)

In order for lactation to remain stable throughout the period of feeding, it is necessary to constantly maintain it. It is not difficult to do this, because the main condition here is the comfort of both mother and baby.

So, to maintain lactation, you will need:

  • observe the regime, use as much time as possible for sleep, devote at least 2 hours to walks;
  • drink about 2 liters of liquid daily - dried fruit compote, herbal teas, milk;
  • it is necessary to feed the baby at night, because night feedings provide better and longer lactation due to the enhanced production of prolactin;
  • if possible, express milk after feeding, and then massage the breast for 5-10 minutes, dousing with hot water. Daily recommended twice for each breast;
  • about half an hour before feeding, drink warm tea with milk;
  • take multivitamins. The complex of vitamins is specially designed for a nursing woman, therefore, its use benefits both mom and baby. But only a doctor should prescribe vitamins;
  • to take the baby to bed for the night. Firstly, the baby sleeps better when she feels her mother’s warmth, secondly, the baby’s touch contributes to better milk production, and thirdly, it’s more convenient because you do not need to get out of bed at night.

  A warm bath helps lactation, so if possible, feed your baby directly in the water. If this is not possible, try replacing the bathtub with a basin of hot water: you need to sit comfortably, take your baby in your arms, lower your legs into hot water and wrap a blanket on top. After that, you can drink warm tea or milk with cookies. After 5 minutes you will feel a pleasant warmth in the body and a strong rush of milk.

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The first lactation crisis is experienced by a young mother at 3–6 weeks of breastfeeding. The erroneous decision to replace milk with artificial mixtures, or to introduce early feeding. It is better to seek advice from a pediatrician who will help adjust the diet, and if necessary, prescribe special drugs.

Psychological aspect

The amount of breast milk depends on the emotional state of the young mother. It disappears due to constant scandals and stressful situations, the reluctance of the woman herself to feed the baby.

To enhance lactation, a new mother needs to create favorable conditions:

  1. Protect from constant screams and unrest. To attract grandmothers or a husband to take care of the baby, so that the child does not seem a burden, and the woman herself does not feel exhausted.
  2. In some cases, the birth of a baby is accompanied by depressive states, which only a qualified psychologist will help get rid of.
  3. Mom needs to please with small presentations, give pleasant impressions and care.

Important: A woman who feels comfortable in a new role, tries to protect her small life from all dangers, and voluntarily devotes her time and body to the child. Such mothers easier to tolerate lactational crisis, and quickly adapt to the needs of the baby, whose appetite is constantly increasing.

Diet support

The opinion that during breastfeeding it is necessary to absorb food in a double volume is wrong. A woman should eat as much as her body requires. The main condition is to plan the diet correctly.

Daily use:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese and 30–40 g of hard cheese;
  • about a liter of milk or kefir, you can fermented baked milk or natural yogurt, in which there are no dyes;
  • vegetable (25 g) and butter (20 g) oil;
  • necessarily fruits (300 g) with vegetables (up to 0.5 kg);
  • foods that supply the body with protein: chicken with veal, rabbit or low-calorie fish fillet is suitable.

There is food that stimulates the production of breast milk, and it includes:

  1. Rice, but only wild unpolished, white is of little use. Carrots, which can be added to salads, or used to make juice.
  2. Lettuce and radish, but these products are introduced into the diet carefully, some children react poorly to such additives.
  3. In the summer, it is useful to consume black currants, which are rich in vitamins. In winter, it is advised to make milkshakes from frozen berries, but it is better to refuse jam and jams.
  4. Dill, fresh and dried. The plant not only enhances lactation, but also eliminates bloating and flatulence.
  5. Instead of sweets, it is worth eating 100 grams of hazelnuts per day. They have a lot of minerals and vitamins, but the product is quite high-calorie, and can cause allergies in infants.

During the lactation crisis it is necessary to avoid:

  • sugar and fresh bread;
  • alcohol and hot spices;
  • no pastries and sweets;
  • do not drink coffee and citruses.

Attention: Adhering to the rules of nutrition during breastfeeding, you can not only stimulate lactation, but also lose a couple of kilograms.

Drinks for a young mom

Be sure to observe the drinking regimen, because if the body does not have enough fluid, it will not be able to produce the required amount of milk. The daily rate is from 2 liters, including soups, milk and other drinks. You can use a variety of herbs that enhance lactation.

English version
  Brew weak black or green tea, and add cow, or better - goat, milk. Drink before and after feeding. You can sweeten with a spoon of honey if the child is not allergic to this supplement.

Orange helper
  They recommend carrot juice, which is consumed in pure form, or mixed with cream or milk to improve the taste. Twice a day, 100-150 ml. It is useful to add fruit or berry juices, natural honey.

There is another version of a carrot and milk drink that relieves stress and improves mood.

  • Peel the orange root crop and grate finely.
  • Heat the milk, but it should not be too hot.
  • Put 3 tablespoons of grated carrots in a glass.
  • Pour with warm milk, insist for about 15 minutes. If desired, add a spoon or two honey.
  • To drink in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, going to bed.

Herbs from all problems

If problems with the digestive tract become the cause of milk shortage, it is recommended to brew anise or caraway seeds, tinctures of dill and fennel are useful.

Young mothers, tired of lack of sleep and a tight schedule, recommend melissa and oregano. It is better to refuse mint, because it worsens lactation.

Nettle decoction, pomegranate and beetroot juice are useful for women with anemia and physical exhaustion, but on condition that the child normally perceives such additives.

Tip: In order for the herbal tincture to work, you need to drink the drink regularly, twice a day or more often. But if the effect is absent after 2-3 doses, it is recommended to try another plant.

Tasty and healthy cocktail

  1. Grind walnut kernels (100 g of product is enough for 2 servings). To warm milk or cream, it is advisable to use natural, not store-bought raw materials. It will take 250 ml.
  2. Pour the dry ingredient with hot liquid, leave for 20 minutes. When the drink has cooled a little, you can put a spoonful of honey.
  3. To prepare a healthy nut paste, you do not need to insist on the products, but cook on low heat, adding 30 g of sugar.
  4. Stir the ingredients so as not to burn, remove from the stove when the mass thickens. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

How to increase breast milk lactation folk remedies

In the old days, women did not have access to drugs to enhance lactation, so they used improvised means. There are many recipes that increase milk production. A young mother needs to choose her own version, which solves her problem, and does not harm the baby.

  Brew a teaspoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, cover, and insist for 30 minutes. Consume 4 times a day a glass of broth.

Alternative: pass leaves and stems through a meat grinder, shift to gauze, squeeze juice. Or use a juicer. Salt the resulting liquid, you can improve the taste with lemon juice or honey. A glass twice a day, preferably in small sips. You can drink juice not from dandelion, but from nettle.

Dessert for a young mom
  Combine a glass of walnuts with dried apricots, figs and raisins (each 100-150 g). Grind with a blender, you can use a meat grinder. Add honey and cream (100 ml each) to the mass. Stir the ingredients thoroughly, transfer to a jar. Put in the refrigerator, and start every morning with a spoonful of nutrient mixture. It is good to eat nuts with dried fruits before feeding.

Warning: Ingredients can cause an allergy in a child, so you need to start with 5-10 g, and gradually bring to 30-35 years.

The second recipe:  mix dried apricots with walnuts (in equal amounts), and add oatmeal. Wash the dish with fermented milk products, for example, yogurt.

Roasted buckwheat will replace the seeds, and increase the amount of breast milk produced. Ready porridge can be eaten all day, in small portions.

Water procedures to increase milk lactation

Blood circulation improves the contrast shower: massage the mammary glands with hot and cold jets, rubbing them with light circular movements. Turn your back to the water so that it falls on the area between the shoulder blades.

After hygienic procedures, fill the basin halfway with warm water. Place the container on a high table. Submerge in breast fluid. Keep the mammary glands in a bowl for 15 minutes, constantly adding hot liquid, but trying not to raise the temperature.

Thoroughly wipe the chest, put on pajamas from cotton cloth, put on a wool vest or sweater on top. You cannot go outside or be in a draft after a hot bath. It is better to crawl under the covers and lie down for at least 3 hours.

When planning to feed a baby, a woman should drink a cup of hot tea, preferably a green variety. Taking the child in his arms, sit in a chair, and lower his legs into a basin of warm water. Maintain temperature until the baby finishes the meal.

Important: Foot baths are contraindicated in thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

During lactation crisis, some mothers are helped by a cold douche combined with fasting (to refuse food for a maximum of one day, no longer). Others consider compresses to be an effective option: dip small terry towels or pieces of cloth in hot water. Squeeze lightly and attach to chest. Hold until lotion cools down. Important: Compresses can not be done with lactostasis and mastitis.

Exercises are advised to do in the morning, without a bra.

First approach

  • To connect palms, as if for prayer, to raise to the level of the chest, bending the arms at the elbows.
  • Fingers should look up.
  • One or two - squeeze your palms with force.
  • Three to four - relax, but do not separate your fingers, and do not lower your hands.

Second complex

  • Get down on all fours.
  • Raise your head and pull it up with force, straining your neck and pectoral muscles.
  • Walk in this position the distance from the kitchen to the bedroom, make the return trip without getting up from your knees.
  • Rest for 2 minutes, repeat the walk.

Third approach
Counting from 1 to 10, imitate the movements of the scissors with your hands: cross-breed, gradually raising them. The limbs should be straight, not bent at the elbows. At the "time" they are at the level of the belt, and at the "ten" rise above the head. Repeat the count in the reverse order while doing the exercise so that your arms go down.

Observations of nursing mothers

Lactation is enhanced if you bring the baby to the chest at least 10 times a day. The baby's lips should be in contact with the mammary glands of the mother, eye contact is useful. The child must be offered milk after 2, a maximum of 3, hours. You can not refuse night feeding, because it is in the dark that prolactin is produced. A low concentration of the hormone is not enough “food” for the baby.

You can massage the mammary glands: apply a small amount of oil to them, rub them with light strokes. Hands should move clockwise. It is impossible for the product to fall on the nipples or areola.

A young mother will help increase the amount of milk produced by decantation. You can do it manually, or buy a breast pump. If you regularly empty your breasts, the body will decide that you need to produce more “food” for the baby.

Preparations for improving milk lactation

  To use any drugs, even herbal teas, you need after consulting a doctor. During lactation crisis, women are prescribed brewer's yeast, nicotinic acid or oxytocin, which is dripped onto the tongue immediately before feeding.

You can take royal jelly, "Mlekoin", "Grandmother's basket" or "Lactofitol." Mom helps Apilak, vitamin and mineral complexes like Centrum or Gendevit.

Lactating women are shown fresh air, regular walks and positive emotions. Not only folk methods or drugs can increase lactation, but also a positive attitude, good nutrition and psychological support for loved ones.

Video: 13 ways to enhance lactation