Clothes headwear middle group planning. Calendar-thematic week "Clothes, footwear, hats" in the middle group. Direction "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Svetlana Shmakova

Purpose: the formation of children's ideas about shoes.

Direction "Cognitive and speech development"

Educational area "Cognition"

GCD - "Clothing store" (Shoes) - to continue to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bshoes and their need for human life, its purpose and functions depending on the season, weather conditions, age, gender. To cultivate a respect for shoes.

Observing seasonal changes in the footwear of people and children while dressing for a walk.

Purpose: to teach the names of shoes, to activate the speech of children. Why, with the onset of autumn, we put on more warm shoes... What can happen if the shoes are out of season.

- "What shoes did you wear before?"

- "What am I wearing?" - continue to form children's ideas about shoes and their purpose in human life. ("Complex lessons with children 4-7 years old." Gorbatenko O. F., p. 38.)

Educational area "Communication"

GCD - "I will teach my brother to put on shoes" - to continue to acquaint children with household items, to teach them to highlight a feature: color, material from which the thing is made. Develop the speech of children by enriching new words on the topic of the lesson.

D \\ game "Repeat as I do" - to teach children to repeat the names of shoes and clothes after the teacher, developing children's auditory attention, teach them to pronounce the words loudly or quietly, to put stress correctly.

And \\ control. "I walk through the mud" (p. 22 book "Show poems with your hands")

Educational area "Reading fiction"

K. Chukovsky "Miracle - a tree" (Book for reading 2-4 years, p. 163)

E. Blaginina "I'll teach you how to dress and brother" (Reader for little ones, p. 158)

F. Levstik "Who sewed Videk shirt" (Reader for the little ones, p. 204)


M. Yasnov "Reader with a shoe" (Book for reading 2-4 years, p. 175)

Direction "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Educational area "Artistic Creativity"

GCD - "Miracle tree" based on the work of K. Chukovsky - to develop children's interest in artistic creativity, the desire to make teamwork on the subject of a work of art.

Independent artistic activity "Let's paint shoes"

Direction "Social and personal development"

Educational area "Socialization"

Role-playing game "We go to the store for new shoes"

To exercise children in the independent organization of the game, to develop the ability to establish role relationships.

Didactic game "Cut pictures"

Develop the ability to assemble a whole image of an object from parts.

Construction and constructive activity "Trade shoe tent"

Teach children to build from a large and small builder, work in a certain sequence, teach to decorate a building using parts of different colors, play with a building.

Interaction with parents

Carefully consider different types of shoes with children, determine what material it is made of, and what its purpose is.

Play games that develop children's speech:

"One - many"


Sandals - sandals,

Valenok - boots,

Czech - Czech women,

Slipper - slippers.

"Big small"

Boots - boots;

Slippers - slippers;

Shoes - shoes;

Valenki - felt boots,

Learn and play the finger game "Our Shoes"

Let's count for the first time

how many shoes do we have:

(alternately clap their hands and bang their fists)

Shoes, slippers, boots,

for Natasha and Seryozha,

(bend all fingers one by one)

And even boots for our Valentine,

And these boots are for little Galenka.

Short-term project for the middle group on the topic: "Clothes, footwear, hats".

A brief outline of the project for a week at a preschool educational institution for the middle group on the topic "Clothes, shoes, hats"

Purpose: to form ideas about clothes, shoes, hats, their purpose, use and care for them.
Cognitive development

-form elementary representations about clothes: clothes can be sewn, knitted, bought; there are festive, uniform and casual clothes, as well as for sleep, for sports, at home, etc.
-to learn to find the differences between pieces of different fabrics.
- lead to the practical development of the concept of "part and whole"
Speech development
- to form the ability to describe a toy, to name its signs, to connect sentences with each other;
-exercise in the use of singular and plural forms of nouns;
- to form ideas about prepositions for, under, on, in, the skills of their application in speech.
Social and communicative development
-to teach children to use knowledge about clothing, to activate generalizing concepts (underwear, outerwear, etc.) in their speech the names of parts of clothing;
-to teach children to choose clothes by size and gender;
- to update and supplement the knowledge of children about what material various objects are made of, to teach how to correctly use the appropriate adjectives in speech;
-to develop the grammatical structure of speech to enrich the vocabulary.
Physical development
- develop fine and gross motor skills;
- gaining experience in motor activity aimed at developing coordination of movements, performing basic movements according to the quoted text;
- the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.
Artistic and aesthetic development
-to learn to draw an image of what was conceived on paper;
- develop singing skills while memorizing and listening to songs.

- activate the techniques of decorating stucco crafts;

Expected results of the project:
1) Children will have knowledge about clothes, shoes, hats, their purpose, use and care for them.
2) An appropriate subject-developing environment will be created.
3) The activity of parents in joint creative activities will increase.


1. Conversation “Is the clothes that the child would like to wear in the morning differ from the ones he put on, and with what he associates it? Why did he agree to change his choice "
- to form the ability to answer questions and make a short story about what the pupils wear at home and what clothes they wear outside;
- to form an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the season affects the choice of clothing.
2.Lesson "Clothes shop for dolls"
- to show the functional purpose of items of clothing, shoes, hats, referring to the realities of children's lives
- give an idea that clothes are selected depending on weather conditions
- to form elementary ideas about clothes: clothes can be sewn, knitted, bought; there are festive and casual clothes, as well as for sleep, for sports, etc.
-to learn how to ask for help correctly
3. Didactic game "Let's dress a doll"
-to teach children to use knowledge about clothing, to activate generalizing concepts (underwear, outerwear, etc.) in speech the names of parts of clothing.
4. Reading the book by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"
- to form cultural and hygienic skills and the habit of looking after one's appearance;

1. Learning the song "Raccoon became a shoemaker"
- train to listen musical compositionmemorizing the text;
- to form an idea about the profession of a shoemaker;
2.Board-print game "Lotto, professions"
- to form the ability to select to distinguish between professions in workwear
3. Role-playing game "Clothing store":
plot "We buy clothes for various dolls"
- to form the ability of children to select clothes by size and gender;
-be able to establish friendly relationships with peers,
support role-based dialogues.
4. Experimental and experimental activity "Consider pieces of different fabrics, find differences"
- develop fine motor skills through tactile sensations;
- to form the ability to distinguish material.

1. Building games "Building a clothing store"
- to form the skills of children to carry out a large-scale construction project collectively, to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players;
-form the ability to beat the building.
2. Didactic game "What is made of what"
- update and supplement children's knowledge of what material
various items made;
- learn to use the appropriate adjectives correctly in speech;
- develop the grammatical structure of speech to enrich vocabulary.
3. Role-playing game "Family": plot "We have a big wash"
- help children use familiar play actions;
- to form an idea that different clothes consists of different fabrics and you also need to wash it in different ways;
- expand children's understanding of different types labor.

1. Learning movements to the lyrics of the song "A raccoon became a shoemaker"
- to form the ability to move to music, conveying the meaning of words through movements;
- continue to help understand what the shoemaker is doing and how he works;
- develop logical thinking.
2.Lesson “Observing peer clothing
- instill the habit of keeping an eye on the appearance of a friend;
- develop the ability to distinguish the gender of the child by clothing;
- to form the image of your "I";
-activate in speech the names of clothing items, their characteristics (fur hat, etc.).
3. Artistic and creative activity "What would I buy for myself in a clothing store"
- develop imagination
- to form the ability to draw an image of what was conceived on paper

1. "Bayu-bye, go to sleep"
- to form the ability to sculpt images of sleeping toys in the style of "swaddling clothes", to tell that a swaddling clothes can be a baby's clothes;
- activate the techniques of decorating stucco crafts;
- show the possibility of creating compositions in small boxes - cradles
- to develop a sense of form, composition;
- develop fine motor skills.
2. Theatrical activities "Fashion Show"
- to form the ability to show a new wardrobe item, made with your own hands together with parents, and talk about it.

3.Household labor
- to form children's ability to notice disorder in clothes, to put clothes and shoes in order, to form appropriate skills.
- learn to help each other
Working with parents
1. Collection of visual material (pieces of different fabrics,
2. Learning a poem about clothing, suggested in the recommendations, etc.
3. Replenishment of the book corner with children's fashion magazines
4. Together with the children, make clothes from scrap materials for the final event ("Defile")
5. Conversation between parents and children on the topic of the week

At the age of 2-3 years, visual perception is actively developing. What an adult is talking about should be constantly in the child's field of vision. Introducing children to clothes and shoes, the teacher not only shows pictures, but also offers to examine their clothes, clothes of a peer, clothes of adults. In game situations, the names of clothes and shoes are fixed, the sequence of dressing and undressing. The teacher teaches kids to put things in their places, to take care of clothes. The content of game situations, poems and nursery rhymes for dressing can be found in the appendix to the plan " Thematic week "Clothes and Shoes".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, work continues on the formation of self-service skills. The teacher plans a game situation "Tell the other that you cannot do this", the game "We are riding a tram", and other exercises aimed at developing the communicative qualities of children.

Cognitive development

An adult encourages children to pick up boots for dresses by color, fold pictures-halves depicting clothes and shoes, examines birds for a walk, suggests playing with natural material, which contributes to the cognitive development of children of the younger group.

Speech development

Organizing work on speech development an adult recites poetry about clothes, talks about winter shoes, plans theatrical performances that activate and enrich the vocabulary of kids.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to get acquainted with, finger-drawing "Dress with polka dots", the game situation "Bunny brought bricks", independent games with musical instruments and much more.

Physical development

The teacher acquaints children with the game "A white snowball fell", continues to teach them to walk in a straight line, run, without bumping into a certain direction. The adult repeats the games he liked with the children, creating conditions for physical development.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise "Show your towel." Purpose: to learn to recognize your towel, to wipe your hands properly.Introduction of the thematic album: “Clothes. Footwear. Hats". Purpose: to enrich the children's vocabulary with the names of clothes, to form the ability to carefully consider images.The game "Quiet - Loud". Purpose: to develop the vocal apparatus, to practice the skill of quiet and loud pronunciation of words.Drawing with pencils. Purpose: to teach children to properly hold a pencil in their hand.P. and. “Through the brook”. Purpose: to form the ability to jump over landmarks on the floor.
Examination of the kindergarten building. Purpose: to draw attention to the beauty and decoration of the garden, to form the desire to visit the garden.Supervision of the children of the older group. Purpose: to foster interest in attending kindergarten.Finger game "Shoes". Purpose: to promote the development of speech and fine motor skills.Game "Find the same" (on the topic of the week). Purpose: to form the ability to follow the instructions of an adult, to select the same images.P. and. "Sparrows and the Car". Purpose: to train children in running, to form physical activity.
2 p.d.The game "Engine". Purpose: to teach to respond to your name, memorize the names of peers, act on display and verbal instructions.Planting onions. Purpose: to teach children to stick bulbs into the ground, to foster a positive attitude towards work.Examination of pictures according to the tale "Turnip". Purpose: to develop the ability to look at pictures, answer questions from the teacher.Listening to children's songs at the teacher's choice. Purpose: to promote the development of musicality.Ring the bell game. Purpose: to exercise children in bouncing, develop interest in outdoor games.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Introduction of the dressing algorithm for a walk. Purpose: to acquaint children with the correct sequence of dressing.Board game "Pick boots for the dress." Purpose: to form color perception, the ability to match a pair by color.Game situation "Visiting grandmother" Purpose: to teach to recognize pets in toys and pictures.Independent activity with plasticine. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the properties of plastic material.Game "Little feet walked along the path." Purpose: to develop the rhythm of the step, to teach to play together, not to push.
Game situation "Tell the other that you cannot do this." Purpose: to foster a negative attitude towards rudeness, to develop a desire to communicate with peers.Observing the crow. Purpose: to acquaint children with the structural features of a bird, to instill an interest in nature.Repetition of finger games at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to bring joy to children from communication, to activate speech.Game situation "Let's help the bear to give tea to the guests." Purpose: to learn to name the colors of objects, to perform several actions with an object.P. and. "Along a flat path." Purpose: to exercise children in balance, to foster interest in joint outdoor games.

AINUR Kurbanova
Calendar-thematic week "Clothes, shoes, hats" in middle group

CALENDAR-THEMED WEEK« clothing, footwear, hats».

Middle group

Topic weeks:

purpose: Familiarity with the names of the items of the top clothes, shoe, hats; the formation of the cognitive interest of children in subjects clothes.

Tasks:1. To acquaint children with the history of the origin of things.

2. To teach to distinguish things according to seasonality, place of application, belonging.

3. Teach the care of your own wardrobe items and shoe.

1 half day.

Reception of children. Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar... Appointment of the attendant.

Breakfast. Reminder conversation "Rules of conduct at the table".

Board-printed games. purpose

Building games "We are building a store clothes»

To form children's skills to carry out a large-scale construction project collectively, to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players;

Form the ability to beat the building.

Morning gymnastics

Immediate educational activities.

Cognitive development (FTSKM). « Footwear, hats» . purpose: Introduce the name of the items shoe, hats; to teach to compare objects, to acquaint with the constituent parts of objects; develop thinking. (Complex classes by T. S. Komarova Middle group p. 139)

Physical education

Stroll. Observation "How are passers-by dressed?"

Draw the attention of children to how passers-by are dressed. Remember how they were dressed in the summer.

Outdoor games. "Living maze"."Don't get your feet wet".

Games on the playground at the request of children. purpose: Encourage the desire of children to organize a game with their peers, to teach how to equip a place for a game, to select attributes, to implement a game plan.

Snow constructions.

2 half of the day.

clothes on the chair

Reading a fairy tale "Living Hat".

Examination of pictures of national costumes.

Competition "Who will paint the princess dress better".

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Free play activity.

Children leaving home.

Interaction with parents: Consultation for parents « Child's clothes in a group» .

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar... Appointment of the attendant.

Morning exercises.

Conversation: "What are they made of footwear, hats». purpose: To form children's ideas about the qualities and properties, purpose and function items: shoe, hats, establish their gender assignment.

Didactic game "What is made of what"purpose: to update and supplement the knowledge of children about what material various objects are made of; to teach the correct use of the appropriate adjectives in speech; develop the grammatical structure of speech to enrich vocabulary.

Repetition of verses to NG matinee


Educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Music according to the music plan. hands.

Stroll. Observation. determination of weather by signs. purpose: Learn to independently determine the weather and show its effect on flora and fauna.

Labor activity: Sweeping paths in an area. purpose

Outdoor games:"Mother hen and chickens".purpose: Develop attention, quickness and agility in children.

"At the Bear in the Forest". purpose: Continue teaching children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. Develop children's imagination and ability to take on a certain role. Arouse interest in the game.

Snow buildings

2 half of the day.

Wellness gymnastics, massage track.

Learn to undress and dress consistently, fold neatly clothes on the chair

Games in the corner of the theater (at the choice of children).purpose: Encourage children to need emotional communication.

Pick a word. " purpose: Develop quick wits, the ability to select the right words within the meaning of the word.

Speech development:ABOUT. Grigorieva "Like the boots ate porridge".

Role-playing game "A family": plot "We have a big wash"

Help children use familiar play activities;

Form an idea that different clothes consists of different fabrics and you also need to wash it in different ways;

Expand children's understanding of various types of work.

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Independent motor activity. purpose: Teach children to organize games on their own, to find activities according to their interests.

Stroll. Observing the weather.

Labor activity:Cleaning up inventory after games. purpose: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.

Outdoor games:"Mousetrap".Objectives: Develop speed and endurance; run without touching each other, find your place. "From bump to bump".Objectives: Build long jump skills; develop agility.

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar... Appointment of the attendant.

Morning exercises.

Conversation: “How to take care of your shoe. purpose: Expand the horizons of children; develop the active speech of children, enrich the vocabulary of words.

Experimental activities "Consider pieces of different fabrics, find differences"target: develop fine motor skills through tactile sensations; to form the ability to distinguish material.

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Building games

purpose: Learn to analyze a sample of a building (highlight the main parts, distinguish and correlate them in size and shape, create buildings commensurate with the existing toys.

Educational activities

Physical education

Development of speech. Sound culture speeches: sound of c. purpose: Exercise children to pronounce the sound c (isolated, in syllables, in words)... To improve the intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to distinguish words starting with the sound q, focusing not on the meaning of the word, but on its sound. (V. V. Gerbova Lesson 2, page 36)

Stroll. Observing the length of the day. purpose: Develop the ability to establish connections between the length of the day and night and lighting.

Labor activity purpose: To teach to be neat

.Outdoor games:"Sparrows and the Cat".purpose "Runs to catch up".purpose

Snow buildings

2 half of the day.

Wellness gymnastics, massage track.

Learn to undress and dress consistently, fold neatly clothes on the chair

Board-printed games. purpose: to clarify the children's understanding of the rules of familiar games, offer to tell the rules. Teach children to play in pairs, taking turns playing the role of organizer, player, checking

Role-playing game "Workshop shoe» .

purpose: Continue teaching children to transfer to

the game of everyday scenes.

Create desire and encourage the use of substitute toys. Developing the ability to interact

in a collective game.

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Master Class: Making crafts for the New Year together with parents.


Labor activity: Cleaning the snow on the veranda.

Outdoor games:"Who is first". purpose: Teach children to listen carefully to words and perform movements on them. "Aircraft".purpose: Learn to move easily, act after the signal.

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar... Appointment of the attendant.

Morning exercises.

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Conversation: "History of origin". purpose: Introduce children to the origin story shoes and hats.

Speech development: M. Yasnov "Reader with a shoe".

Educational activities

Application. "Klondike for matryoshka dolls". purpose: Learn to cut squares diagonally to obtain two triangles, combine them in color, fixing the techniques of gluing and patterning. (Z.A. Bogateeva Applique classes in kindergarten page 78)

Music according to the music plan. hands.

Stroll. Bird watching. Objectives: Continue bird watching at the site; learn to distinguish between the main parts of the body; develop and nurture a respectful attitude towards birds.

"Get in the circle"... Objectives: Improve the ability to act with different objects; develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands; develop an eye, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Games with portable material.

Snow games and buildings.

PI on the initiative of children.

2 half of the day.

Wellness gymnastics, massage track.

Learn to undress and dress consistently, fold neatly clothes on the chair

Finger games. purpose: Promote the creation of a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words, to intonation vote... Continue to teach imitative play actions.

Writing a descriptive story. purpose: Learn to write a descriptive story with the help of a teacher.

Speech development: A. Pysin "Strange boots?".

Repetition of verses to NG matinee


Labor activity: Tidying up the site. purpose: To teach to be accurate.

Outdoor games:"Sparrows and the Cat".purpose: Learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, find your place. "Runs to catch up".purpose: Learn to coordinate your actions with those of your comrades.

Snow games and buildings.

Conversation about the weather. Filling weather calendar... Appointment of the attendant.

Morning exercises.

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Conversation: « Footwear, hats» .purpose: Reinforce knowledge of item names shoe, hats.

Board-printed games.

purpose: Encourage the desire of children to master the rules of the simplest board-printed games, to teach to obey the rules in the game.

Educational activities

Painting. "Decorate boots". purpose: Reinforce the skill of decorating boots using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative. (T. S. Komarova Lesson on visual activity in kindergarten p. 55)

Physical education "Monitoring clothes peers - to instill the habit of monitoring the appearance of a friend; - to develop the ability to distinguish the gender of the child by clothes; - form the image of your "I am"; -activate the names of objects in speech clothes, their characteristics (fur hat, etc.).


"It happens - it does not happen" (with a ball) purpose: Develop memory, thinking, responsiveness

Labor activity

Cleaning of the territory.

purpose: To teach to work together, to achieve the task by common efforts.

Games with portable material. Snow constructions.

2 half of the day.

Wellness gymnastics, massage track.

Learn to undress and dress consistently, fold neatly clothes on the chair

Repetition of verses to NG matinee

Construction games. purpose: Learn to analyze a building sample (highlight the main parts, distinguish and correlate them in size and shape, create buildings commensurate with the existing toys

Independent play activities of children, story games (choice of games by children according to interests).purpose: Expand the area of \u200b\u200bindependent actions of children in choosing a role. Learn to unite in play with peers, conduct role-based dialogues, take initiative and suggest new roles or actions.

Stroll. Labor activity:Cleaning up inventory after games. purpose: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.

Outdoor games:"Oncoming dashes".Objectives: Increase physical activity; develop accuracy, agility, endurance.

"We are funny guys". purpose: Learn to run in a forward direction, see the runner in front and beside, coordinate your actions with the actions of other children.

Snow constructions.