585 rose gold. Rose gold: composition and application. What color is better to choose gold jewelry


There is gold in every girl's box. More recently, preference was given to classic yellow or. Today, however, delicate rose gold comes out on top. It attracts buyers with several parameters at once: its unusual appearance, the complexity of the jewelry, and the cost.

Rose gold is an alloy based on a yellow precious metal and an alloy containing copper and silver. The saturation of the shade depends on the percentage of copper.

Composition and properties

The additives included in the alloy are the same for all samples used by jewelry makers. To give it the desired shade, in addition to aurum, silver and copper are used. Only their percentage changes depending on the sample:

  • 375 – 37.5% aurum, 37.5% Cu, 25.0% silver;
  • 585 – 58.5% Au, 32.5% copper, 9.0% silver;
  • 750 – 75.0% aurum, 15.0% copper, 10.0% Ag.

Pink alloy in many ways has the same features, characteristics, properties,, however there are some differences. First of all, it is high plasticity. Thanks to it, jewelers can create openwork jewelry with complex patterns. The metal is easily processed into the desired shape.


High ductility indicators of a precious metal of an unusual shade are achieved at the expense of strength. Because of this, the structure is quite easy to break or scratch. This is especially true for low samples, in particular 375. Most often, a break is a consequence of the fact that the bracelet or ring hit something. Please take this into account when purchasing.

Shade range

The main component of the pink metal alloy is copper. Its quantity in comparison with the content of pure precious metal determines the saturation and intensity of the shade. As a result of its increase or decrease, a color can be obtained from soft pink to almost red, and at times even orange.


The metal of unusual color is presented in three samples: 375, 585, 750.

The lowest standard is used by jewelers to make not expensive jewelry: medallions, brooches, crosses. The color of the products differs in shades of red. A high ligature content causes a reduction in price, but negatively affects physical properties gizmos. Under mechanical influence, products easily break, scratch, or bend.

Jewelry of 585 standard is most valued on the jewelry market, as it combines a low price (compared to similar classic models) with satisfactory strength indicators. In terms of its properties, this alloy is not inferior to the usual yellow one.

With an increase in the content of pure aurum (750 sample), the products acquire a peach tint. Gold can change the saturation and intensity of the main color depending on the amount of copper in the composition. However, regardless of this, the price of jewelry of 750 standard is significantly higher than that of similar 585. In this regard, jewelers prefer to use the alloy for the manufacture of complex designs with openwork patterns, as well as wedding rings.

Methods of obtaining

Rose gold is obtained exclusively by chemical means. Occasionally, zinc is used instead of silver to achieve an orange tint. The proportions of the alloy with pure metal affect both the color of the alloy and its characteristics.

Alloy Application

Metal is used to make jewelry. Thanks to their unusual shade, they acquire a romantic appearance. The most popular forms are wedding rings and pendants.

Advantages and disadvantages

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry making. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

The main advantage of this alloy is its high ductility. Thanks to this, they create complex openwork products that immediately attract attention. Buyers are also attracted by the lower price compared to classic gold. Another feature of the alloy is its unusual range of shades.

However, such things are of little use for daily wear. This is due to the low strength of the metal. This is especially true for low quality products.

Differences from regular yellow gold

If you think about the difference between yellow and rose gold, then upon closer inspection the difference is not that great. First of all, it is expressed in shades. The alloy used in production also affects the cost of the precious metal. In the case of coral alloy, the main additional material is copper.

For yellow gold, the main component of the alloy is silver, which, like aurum, is a precious metal and, therefore, has a higher cost.

Which gold is better - pink, yellow or white?

All 3 options are similar in physical and chemical characteristics. Because of this, the final choice of metal depends mainly on 2 factors: the financial capabilities of the buyer and a personal view of beauty.

If just a few years ago yellow gold was preferred, today the situation has changed. Jewelry in white and pink shades is increasingly being chosen as a gift. Also in demand are rings that combine all three metals. Such models are distinguished by their sophistication and unusual design.

What to combine with

One of the features of pink precious metal is that it suits almost everyone. Young girls and mature married ladies can easily add jewelry of this color to their collection, changing only the shades. The alloy can also be combined with any precious and semi-precious inserts. At the same time, the stones look cleaner and brighter.

Where can you buy or sell

You can purchase unusual rose gold jewelry at a jewelry store. Under no circumstances should you buy them second-hand: there is a high probability of getting a fake.

Old or disliked jewelry can also later be returned to a jewelry store or exchanged there for new model. If the jewelry has significant defects (broken chain, broken lock, etc.), you may be sent to a pawnshop. In this case, gold will most likely be purchased at scrap price.

Why is rose gold cheaper?

The low price of the alloy is influenced by its alloy. There is a small amount of silver here, the proportion of copper is much larger. It does not belong to precious metals, its cost is significantly less. For gold of other colors (yellow, white), the main component of the alloy is silver or palladium. As a result, two products with the same weight and markings will have different prices.

How much is 1 gram of rose gold worth today?

The cost of such jewelry depends on the standard of metal, decoration, weight of gold, presence and size of inserts. The price of precious metals can also affect the price.

In many ways, the rules for caring for and wearing pink jewelry are similar to those for their yellow counterparts. However, there are also nuances. First of all, such jewelry should not be exposed to reactions with mercury and strong acids. In this regard, it is recommended to limit the contact of jewelry with household chemicals.

The ligature does not protect the alloy from mechanical stress. When wearing, you must be careful not to hit the metal or scratch it. If there is a strong external load, the product can also be dented, as a result of which it will also lose its attractiveness.

What types of pink alloy jewelry are there?

With the increasing popularity of rose gold, the variety of jewelry available for sale is increasing. If desired, you can collect a complete set of jewelry in one style - ring, pendant, bracelet, earrings.

Gemstones look quite unusual with pink alloys, regardless of their shape and number of carats. Gold goes well with any insert, but jewelers especially highlight pastel-colored stones. Diamond engagement rings are in great demand.

This metal has always been a symbol of prosperity and stability. Do you want to please yourself and surprise your girlfriends? unusual decoration? Buy or order a ring or earrings made of rose gold as a gift, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Jewelry from leading world and Russian brands is on sale. What is rose gold and how is it different from traditional yellow? Why is it this color?

What color is better to choose gold jewelry

One hundred percent gold is not used in jewelry, since it is soft and it is not practical to use it for products. Therefore, its alloys are made with other metals, which will differ in color. The shade depends on the amount and types of impurities (ligatures): copper, silver, nickel, zinc and others. White gold is made by adding palladium, nickel or platinum. Its cost is quite high.

Copper gives the precious metal colors ranging from pinkish to red. The more it is, the redder it is. In the Middle Ages, such an alloy was considered defective and was poorly valued. It was used for gilding domes and small architectural elements; later they began to make jewelry from it. In addition to the original shade, it has another plus: products made from rose gold are cheaper than similar ones made from yellow or white. Jewelry retains its attractive appearance for a long time, it is strong and durable.

The difference between white, yellow and pink gold is in their composition. It cannot be said that one of them is better than the other, it all depends on individual preferences. Jewelry combined from different shades with a complex, sophisticated design is very popular.

How to decipher product samples

Two types of hallmarks are used for gold: abroad it is mainly the number of carats, in Russia it is the metric system. In the karat test, the entire metal is taken to be equal to 24 parts. If the sample is 18 carats, this means that there are 18 parts of gold itself, and 6 parts of impurities. 18 carat is the same as 730.

The proportion of this precious metal in the alloy in the metric system is indicated by a fineness number. Typically, rose gold is 585, 750, 375. This means that it contains 58.5%, 75% or 37.5% gold, the rest is alloy. The higher the percentage, the more expensive it is.

Jewelry care

Jewelry made from this unusual precious metal is suitable for women of any age. It favorably emphasizes the brilliance and beauty of any precious stones. Delicate and elegant products will add romance to the style of a young girl. Prestigious headsets with precious inserts will emphasize the status of a lady. Wedding rings and engagement rings made of rose gold will be appreciated by newlyweds.

To make your treasures please you longer, it is important to follow the recommendations for caring for jewelry:

  • do not allow jewelry to come into contact with various acids or mercury;
  • do not boil products;
  • It is allowed to wash products with soapy, warm water;
  • Cleaning should be done using soft brushes and special wipes;
  • Protect the rings from scratches and do not throw them on a hard surface.

Are such jewelry expensive?

How much does rose gold cost? What is more expensive, yellow gold or rose gold?

The price of a given precious metal per gram varies widely and depends on the content of the precious metal itself.

For example, such a 375 alloy can be 2 times different from yellow, but cost less. This makes it popular and accessible. But the price of 750 rose gold will be more expensive, and its shade is soft pink. Price finished product will depend on many factors: inserts, patterns, complexity of manufacturing, brand. In this case, a ring made of such metal may cost more than one made of yellow or white.

Designers continue to delight and surprise us with new products. A lot of jewelry made of green, black, brown, blue, and purple gold appeared on sale. Such a variety of shades gives them a decorative coating, and it is also achieved through thermal and chemical processing of traditional metal. But this will be discussed in another article.

Gold is the most famous metal. It has many exceptional properties, for which it is especially valuable. In this article, we will not discuss the use of gold in electronics, aerospace or other industries, but will focus solely on jewelry applications. Nowadays, showcases have been replenished with another variety of gold, which attracts attention with an unusual color and shade - pink.

Pink gold

Rose gold has been known for a long time. Previously it was believed that if gold product has a pink color, this indicates an incorrect ligature and a violation of the manufacturing technology. Such jewelry was perceived as a waste and was not highly valued.

The reason was that since ancient times, gold products had only two colors - yellow and red. If the ratios of ligature metals were violated or not observed, the product, instead of the expected colors, acquired an unusual intermediate shade - pink.

Currently, rose gold is experiencing a rebirth, which is accompanied by a significant increase in demand for products made from it. This happens due to the development of jewelry design art. Indeed, modern rose gold is embodied in beautiful and stylish forms, often encrusted with precious stones.

Designer products made from it (photo)

Original wedding ring, decorated with diamonds
Expensive craft made of high-carat rose gold Rose gold inlaid with precious stones
Stylish and expensive ring with sapphires

What types of samples are there?

Rose gold has almost the same fineness scale as red or yellow gold. These are the 375th, 585th and 750th samples.

The most common gold grades used to make rose alloy jewelry

Rose gold differs from red and yellow gold only in the proportions of silver and copper content. Moreover, the ratio of proportions for each sample is different. For example, for 18-carat rose gold, the traditional composition formula is as follows:

Rose. Au = Au75% + Cu16% + Ag9%,

where Au rose is an alloy of rose gold;
Au - pure gold content;
Cu - pure copper content;
Ag is the content of pure silver in the alloy.

585-carat rose gold is the most wear-resistant and durable.

Table: Proportions of gold, copper and silver in alloys of different jewelry grades

How is it different from yellow and what is better?

Finally, we come to find out which gold is better? Red, yellow or pink. The answer is clear - none! This is the same as debating which bread is better - round or brick (with the same composition and weight). It all depends on the individual taste and appearance of the product when combining colors. Taking into account that the color pink is more attractive to the female part of the population, it is quite natural that it will be in great demand when buying gifts for March 8th. Therefore, when choosing, be guided by your personal perception and financial situation. The main thing is that the jewelry is pleasing to the eye.

Cleaning and care

When cleaning and caring for rose gold, be guided by the general requirements and rules applied when performing similar operations with jewelry of other alloys. This means soaking in special solutions and grinding and polishing. Be careful about the acids and abrasives you use. Do not use sharp, hard objects.

Photo gallery: How to care for pink items

The last stage of cleaning is polishing with a soft cloth. Removing dirt from hard to reach places using a toothbrush

Price per gram

When selling or buying rose gold, be guided by the content of pure precious metal in the product and exchange prices for this metal.

Unfortunately, when purchasing gold jewelry from the public, only the weight and content of the pure substance are taken into account, and not the actual cost of the precious item, that is, when sold, the color of the gold alloy does not affect the cost of pure gold. Scrap gold jewelry of red, yellow, green colors of the same weight and standard will have almost the same price. The only exceptions may be jewelry inlaid with precious stones, and White gold due to the content of platinum group metals.

Buying gold items in jewelry stores and pawnshops, as of May 1, 2016, is carried out at the following prices:

  • 375th sample in the form of scrap at a price of 860–950 rubles per gram;
  • 583–585 samples in the form of scrap at a price of 1320–1470 rubles per gram;
  • 750th sample in the form of scrap at a price of 1710–1890 rubles per gram;
  • 999th sample in the form of scrap at a price of 2000–2300 rubles per gram.

Nowadays, products made from rose gold alloy are no longer considered unusual. You can increasingly see them at jewelry exhibitions. Famous presenters of television programs, festivals, artists, along with classic jewelry made of white, red and yellow gold, prefer and jewelry pink shades.

Did you know that there is more than one type of gold that your jewelry can be made from? Some of these varieties do not resemble the yellow metal that people usually associate with the word "gold."

These different kinds- simply alloys made by mixing pure gold metal with various additives. Let's see what types exist and how they are created.


It is the most common type used in jewelry. It should be noted that although yellow is the natural color of gold, yellow gold itself is not pure.

Since this metal is very soft, it is not suitable for making jewelry unless other metals are added to it to make it stronger.

The yellow gold jewelry you see in stores has various degrees purity depending on how much pure gold metal they contain, which is measured by its karat.

The lower the percentage of gold in an item, the lower its carat number.

In general, low karat gold jewelry has a yellow coloration that is less intense than higher karat gold jewelry. Low karat jewelry is also harder and more durable than gold jewelry, which is purer.


Since yellow is the original color of gold, any alloy of this metal that has a different shade is considered non-ferrous.

The color of a gold alloy depends on what other elements are included in its composition. Here are the most common options:

White: It is the most popular gold alloy used in jewelry. To achieve white color, gold is mixed with metals such as palladium or nickel.

However, adding white metals is not enough to achieve perfect White color, and the resulting alloy still looks a little yellowish. This is why it is plated with rhodium, which is what actually gives the jewelry its color and shine.

Pink: This type owes its color to the copper that is added to the alloy. The more copper, the more pronounced the pink tint becomes.

Alloys with a high copper content have an intense reddish hue and are therefore also known as “red gold”.

Pink varieties, which contain less copper, have a weaker color; for this reason they are called “rose gold”.

Black: The gold alloy can be converted to black using several methods. One is to simply coat the surface of the piece with a black compound (such as black rhodium).

Another option is to treat the surface of the product with certain chemicals so that it changes color. It is also possible to change the color of a gold alloy containing cobalt, copper, titanium or iron by causing its surface to oxidize using heat.

Green: This type is made by mixing gold with silver (and less commonly, cadmium). Green color, as a rule, is not very intense, and the green itself gold decoration more like yellow with a greenish tint.

Gray: Grey colour this type is achieved by adding copper, silver and manganese.

Purple: The purple color is achieved by mixing aluminum and pure gold together. Purple gold jewelry, however, is not very durable and can break easily because the composition is relatively fragile.

Blue: One of the ways to get blue color is to mix indium with pure gold. Like violet, the resulting blue gold compound is fragile.

An alternative way to obtain a blue tint is to mix gold metal with iron or rhodium and process the resulting mixture high temperature, so that the mixture oxidizes and a blue layer forms.

Rose gold is a type of colored gold that has a characteristic pinkish tint. This metal has become a popular choice for making fine jewelry. In fact, it is an alloy of pure gold and copper.

Typically, the higher the copper content, the more saturated its color will be - from pink to red.

These are different color options. Red products contain a higher percentage of copper, which means the alloy will have a red color.

Pink contains less copper impurity, which makes its shade more delicate.

The composition is calculated in the same way as the composition of ordinary yellow.

Regardless of the color of the alloy, the term “karat” has the same meaning: the amount of gold in the product in proportion to other metals.

For example, a 14-karat yellow gold product and a 14-karat pink gold product have the same purity, i.e. they both contain 58.3% pure gold metal (14 parts out of 24).

In general, the lower the carat number of a piece, the more copper it contains. As a result, low purity rose gold items will appear almost red, whereas other metals in the alloy will not have this color. Rose gold with a higher purity will have a more subtle, pink (or even slightly pinkish) color.

Names that have fallen out of use.

Russian gold is the name given when this alloy gained popularity in Russia (19th century).

Nowadays, this name is not widely used, but if you hear the term “Russian gold”, this means that it means a common alloy of copper and gold in different proportions.

22k rose gold is sometimes called "crown gold". It is 91.7% pure and was formerly used to make coins in England.

22 carats is the highest purity of rose gold alloy. The next level is 24 carat, which is a classification of pure gold that does not contain any impurities for coloring.

Some people use the term "pure rose gold". However, in reality, it cannot be pure, since it is initially a composition containing other metals.

In fact, the higher the percentage of gold in an alloy, the less vibrant its color will be because its copper content will be correspondingly lower.

What do you need to know before purchasing rose gold?

When choosing rose gold jewelry, you need to pay attention to the hallmark.

As already mentioned, the higher it is, the higher the gold content in the alloy, which means the higher the price of the product from this point of view.

However, items containing a higher percentage of precious metal are softer. Therefore, rose gold with a lower purity is harder and more reliable.

On the contrary, products are delicate Pink colour, which means with a higher carat content, it is recommended not to be worn too often.

Rose gold is especially popular among young people. But just a few centuries ago it was considered defective. Why suddenly there was interest in this gold, what it represents, we will consider in detail.

Which gold has a pink tint?

An unusual shimmer is achieved by adding silver and copper to the gold composition. Due to the fact that the concentration of copper impurities is much higher than silver, pink gold is formed. The color saturation is regulated by the volume of the added copper component. The more it is, the more reddish the color it turns out.

Rose gold of extraordinary beauty and luxury items with it look feminine, romantic, and are equally suitable for beautiful ladies of any age. Gems, framed by this gold , acquire a deep, rich color. Pink metal makes diamonds cleaner, visually enhancing their shine.

The difference between rose gold and white and yellow gold

It turns out that the difference is not only in the color palette. There are no additives in yellow gold, so the color always remains unchanged. But the absence of impurities also has a negative effect. Traditional gold is brittle and prone to deformation. Products with it cannot hold their shape for a long time and gradually lose their presentable appearance. For this purpose, rose gold was developed, which contains silver and copper, which help jewelry maintain its original appearance.

White gold contains palladium and platinum. Just like its pink counterpart , it contains impurities, so products containing it are wear-resistant. Plus, the metal shimmers beautifully and goes well with any type of jewelry.

Which color is better?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. It all depends on the person's preferences. Some people prefer classic rings made of traditional yellow gold. Some people want to emphasize their high status with accessories made of white metal inlaid with expensive stones.

Rose gold, especially 585, is often chosen by those who like its attractive coloring, affordable price, high quality. Jewelry in this design is also preferred by girls who cannot stand banality. They are happy to wear jewelry with unusual gold, emphasizing their individuality.

For those who cannot decide on their preferences regarding the color of gold, jewelers have developed jewelry that brings together 3 main color palettes of the alloy.


Its fineness depends on the ratio of silver and copper in the pink precious metal:

  • 75% gold, 15% copper, 10% silver - 750 hallmark;
  • 58.5% gold, 32.5% copper, 9% silver - this metal alloy is typical for 585 standard;
  • 37.5% gold, 37.5% copper, 25% silver - 375 standard.

It follows that the 750 stamp on a pink alloy indicates that it contains at least 75% gold. It is used to produce expensive jewelry. They turn out bright yellow, but have a pink tint. Their price tag is the most impressive. However, it is believed that products made from a high-grade alloy are softer, so they are not recommended for those who plan to wear gold often.

Costume jewelry, which was created using low-grade gold 375 markings, is always dark pink in color and is not particularly in demand. Its cost is insignificant, but the quality leaves much to be desired. Such pink metal quickly fades, wasting its attractiveness.

585 gold jewelry: delicate - pink shade. This composition of the gold alloy is considered the most optimal. 585 grade metal made from it has increased strength and wear resistance. In addition, if treated properly, rose gold will not fade over the years.


It is two times lower than yellow, where there is nothing but gold. Therefore, today it is considered more accessible and popular. The acceptable price tag of pink jewelry is explained by the presence of impurities, the cost of which is much cheaper. But foreign alloys in white metal, on the contrary, make it the most expensive. Palladium and platinum, with whose help the noble light shade, significantly increase the cost of this gold, because they themselves have high prices.

The cost of pink products can also vary significantly. Its dependence on:

  • Alloy composition. Precious metal 750 marked pink will cost much more than a similar version of 585, since there is less gold in the latter;
  • Complexity, unusualness, originality of the curves of the decoration;
  • Quantities, quality of precious stones;
  • Weights.

All this affects the final price tag of the gold rose product and at the same time gives the client the opportunity to: find a suitable gold jewelry in an interesting color scheme, giving as much money for it as he can afford to spend.

Do pink alloy products require maintenance?

Such decoration, like any other, must be treated with care and protected from negative factors. Earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets will retain their original appearance for a long time if:

  • Protect them from mechanical impact. The higher the grade of the product, the easier it is to deform. Therefore, high-grade rose gold should not be thrown or brought into contact with hard surfaces;
  • Protect them from interaction with acids and mercury. They may react with them, which will lead to noticeable damage to the jewelry;
  • Don't boil them. You can wash rose gold using warm water. You can add your choice to it: dishwashing detergent, shampoo, liquid soap;
  • Remove dirt promptly using a soft brush that will not leave scratches. First of all, this concerns the vulnerable gold surface of elite products. You can use a special cleaning paste for jewelry or prepare a suitable composition yourself by mixing Vaseline, water, toothpaste, crushed chalk in equal quantities. Ready product applied to rose gold. After 15 minutes, gently rub with a brush, rinse with water;
  • Remove them before any household work, applying cosmetics, medical products;
  • Protect from exposure to sunlight by storing in a closed box with soft inner walls.

As you can see, caring for such gold is not difficult. Therefore, you can safely purchase the products you like and be amazed at their incredible pink glow every day.