Original congratulations from colleagues on February 23. Affordable unusual gifts

Your company is planning a corporate party dedicated to February 23, and you want to congratulate your male colleagues with humor?

Decorate the hall where the celebration will take place, balloons and garlands, use various military paraphernalia: helmets, gas masks, field bags, canned food - any equipment related to this topic. You can draw posters with images of heroes and military men, where you can paste photographs of your employees as faces.

Think over a scenario for congratulating men on Defender of the Fatherland Day, which will include funny poems, adaptation songs, games and competitions. It is advisable that the numbers included in the program are not too drawn-out and formal.

Script for congratulating men on February 23 with humor

You can start celebrating February 23, 2020 at work with a speech from the presenters:
– Put down your pens and tablets,
Take some time.
Happy February 23, men!
We'll pour out a bag of wishes for you:
Let your avant-garde not fade away,
Let the rear be reliable,
No one encroaches on peace,
When you dream at night!
Let it be in your pocket and on your account
So much that they couldn’t waste it!
May you be lucky in your career and in hunting,
For us, men, you are kings!

- Congratulations, dears,
From February 23,
Let the beauties on your special day
They fall like stacks!
Let the beer be cold
And there's football going on all day,
Let your beloved cover it
This is a luxurious table for you today.

Gaming competitions for men at the celebration of February 23

The holiday for men at work on February 23, 2020 will continue with games and competitions in which your colleagues will have the opportunity to be in the spotlight and show their best qualities.

Participants in the “Real Colonel” competition are divided into teams. Each of them must list as many qualities as possible that characterize a real colonel. For example, nobility, courage, bravery, honor and so on. The team that offers the most options wins.

For the Stirlitz competition you will need a tray on which 10-15 small items (lighters, matchboxes, notepads, pens, coins, etc.). Contestants must remember as many things as possible. The tray is then taken away and a few items are added or removed. The most attentive participant becomes the winner. The task can be complicated by removing and adding several items at once.

For the Trenches competition you will need carton boxes, filled with finely chopped paper or confetti, as well as spoons or scoops. At the presenter’s signal, the participants will begin to put paper out of the box using cutlery. The winner is the one who digs a “trench” faster.

Participants in the Dress Up Out of Line competition will have to sew on a button, hammer a nail, and peel a potato as quickly as possible. The one who completes the tasks faster and better will win.

Participants in the “Footcloths” competition are given pieces of fabric of a certain size (footcloths) and a pair of boots. At the leader’s command, each participant begins to wrap up footcloths. Whoever completes this task faster, and then puts on boots and confidently walks a few meters in them, will be declared the winner.

Then the “Walk the Ramp” competition will begin. A rope is placed on the floor, along which the men must walk blindfolded and not stumble.

In the "Epaulettes" competition, ladies and gentlemen form pairs. Placed on men's shoulders paper napkins, and couples begin to dance to slow music. The winner is the couple where the “epaulets” on the man’s shoulders last longer.

Further, at the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day at work, the men who won the competitions will be awarded prizes, and then poems will be read:
– We celebrate the twenty-third of February today,
We congratulate the men from the bottom of our hearts!
Defenders of the Fatherland, we know for sure:
There are many reasons for you to celebrate.

-You are brave, courageous, you are kind and sweet,
We can’t count all your good qualities...
Sometimes a little tired, and sometimes lazy,
But we still love you - just as you are.

How to give gifts to men at work on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Then, according to the celebration scenario on February 23, the men will be congratulated and given gifts. The presenters will read the poems:

All men are objects of admiration.
The girls rush to congratulate them
At this festive moment!

– Once a year, at the end of February,
All men call us
A range of feelings and of course fire!
And our hearts slowly melt.

- We must congratulate you now,
Open your arms quickly
We must give you gifts
Colleagues and brothers!

You can present your employees with T-shirts with a photo of the entire female part of the team, personalized mugs with personal photos of men and their favorite sayings, lighters in the form of grenades, pistols, bullets or tanks, piggy banks of an original shape, for example, in the form of safes or gold bars.

Employees who are always dissatisfied and often complain about others can be given rose-colored glasses that allow them to see the world differently better light. For colleagues who have to make decisions in difficult situations, you can give coins with “yes” and “no” on different sides.

Poems will be read:
– Congratulations to our beloved men
We are from February 23rd,
And on this day we wish you,
Always be at the helm in life!
Solve all problems brilliantly
And in any situation
Don't miss your luck
And live in harmony with yourself!

Scenario comic congratulations men at work from February 23, 2020 may include remake songs. For example, women can sing a song to the melody of the song “My friends have been married for a long time, but I keep dreaming about a prince”:
– The wine is foaming in the glasses
And we dream of congratulating you!
Our men are like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:

So that your income grows,
I had an account in a Swiss bank!
To have pilaf waiting in the kitchen,
There was a catch waiting for us while fishing!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
So that ladies love you,
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul did not fade!

We wish you bright dreams
And amazing dates!
And understanding without words,
And fulfillment of desires!


Present your colleagues with certificates in various categories: “Fighter of the Invisible Front”, “Punctuality is the Rule of Kings”, “Mr. Kindness”, etc. These funny gifts will set a cheerful tone for the holiday and will probably be kept as a memory of this party for a long time.

Funny certificates can also be an original addition to gifts. For example, a certificate for the right to be constantly late for work, to go home earlier than expected, to sleep during the lunch break, not to attend long meetings, etc.

And the holiday organized for men at work in honor of February 23 will end with the reading of poetry:
- Congratulations, friends,
Happy February 23rd!
And we wish you good health
Only heroic
From all women - admiration,
From the boss - honor,
From children - love and inspiration!
Fewer everyday problems.
Good luck! Bright changes!

Congratulations or not? Of course yes! After all, men more women love gifts and attention. Every year, women are faced with the question of how to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way. Many, not finding an answer, invite special companies. They pay a lot of money for this, and often these are template, standard congratulations. Working in a team where there is a good, friendly atmosphere, you can organize a holiday on your own. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time and will be a bright moment in the life of the team.

Make a program in advance with the women's team. It won’t take much time, the main thing is to distribute the functions and approach this issue creatively. If you wish, you can arrange a holiday for the whole day, dividing your congratulations into blocks. It will definitely lift your spirits when men enter the office without undressing yet and see three beautiful girls dressed in military uniform.

A protective shirt, a skirt just above the knees, and a cap will be a great addition to the look. Here you can show your imagination. A nurse costume would also work. Appearance you have already defeated men. Go ahead. A light background of wartime music will serve as an excellent addition. Let music with military songs play throughout the working day. The atmosphere in the office will be festive, corresponding to February 23rd. Girls should stand and be an adornment for a reason, although this is important. They are entrusted with the function of meeting and making the first congratulations. To do this, they have in their hands a spread containing: black bread, cut into pieces, pickled cucumbers, lard, and vodka. It is better to use iron utensils to give authenticity. Acquaintances and friends will have an iron mug, a pot, a couple of plates. You don’t have to drink and get drunk first thing in the morning, but setting a kind and festive tone for work won’t hurt.

So. The men entered the hall, saw three fighting friends and were taken aback. Girls, don't be confused. A couple of lines or a quatrain must be said and an invitation to taste the front-line 50 grams. The reaction may be ambiguous. But, after all, this is a holiday and there is no need to insist, force anyone to drink or have a snack. Just give a smile and carry on. As soon as all the men enter the office and are greeted solemnly and beautifully, the first block will be completed. Everyone will take their jobs and great mood will start the working day. For creating festive atmosphere, you can decorate your office with posters and balloons. Place a vase of carnations and a card on each man’s table. This will be the first gift.

We continue to surprise and congratulate you further. At lunchtime, a cake with holiday symbols will come in handy. It would seem that congratulations and gifts are already enough. But the most important thing is yet to come. The congratulations program lasts the whole day. Your defenders will be pleasantly surprised. Bright moments they will be happy throughout the working day. After the end of the working day, the secretary will announce the general gathering in the dining room or in the office lobby. It is better to choose a location where there is more space, as required by the scenario. Pre-set the tables; you can just get by with a buffet table. The main thing is to approach this issue creatively. And it is advisable to follow the theme. Pay attention to details, utensils and dishes. Think in advance about how to take your seats correctly and comfortably. On this day, all attention will be only to men. The stronger sex today is women. They must try. Pleasant chores and a great time spent with colleagues will only raise the corporate spirit of the team. The holiday continues.

We continue the banquet

The men take their places at the table. The girls, meanwhile, are ready to continue their congratulations. Prepare the sailors' uniform in advance. For this you need blue trousers, white blouse, cap, and collar. You can make the details of the costume yourself so that they are all almost identical. The surprises continue. Once everyone is ready, the next block can begin. The male colleagues took their places. The sailors come out in beautiful formation to the center and stand in a line. They begin to dance to the sounds of the song “Apple”. The dance elements can be very simple. It is enough to repeat the main movements while standing still, and you will be simply irresistible. Enthusiasm and fun are the main thing that should not be forgotten. Continuing to surprise their men, after the dance, to the music, they give gifts. If the team has a majority of men, then one woman will give it to several employees. What's better to give? Since the military theme was maintained throughout the day, this means that this concept should continue to be adhered to. Approach this issue creatively, use your imagination. And surprise with your creativity. Standard gifts, in the form of pens, lighters, ties are already a thing of the past.

It is advisable to make gifts for male colleagues on February 23 yourself. To do this, you need to take a liter jar. The filling can be at your discretion. Let's not deviate from the topic. We put matches, a flashlight, cigarettes, soap, disposable machines, and pills there. Everything is at your discretion. These small items can be purchased at any store. affordable prices. As soon as the set is prepared, the jar should be rolled up with an iron lid, having previously decorated it. Cover it with a postcard or wrap it nicely in newspaper. The content should be a surprise. Believe me, so unexpected and original gift will not leave anyone indifferent. Fun, laughter and jokes will accompany you. In addition, the things in the bank will be useful in everyday life. After presenting the gifts, you can begin the feast. Dishes must match. Stick to a military theme. Continue to surprise and delight further. Let these be simple, no-frills dishes. It is enough to boil the potatoes in their skins. Buy herring, lard, black bread and pickles. Canapés made from olives, olives, sausage and cheese are suitable. You can go home satisfied and full.

On this holiday, February day
I wish you were
Brave, persistent and courageous,
And a protector everywhere.

So that the sky is bright,
It was a peaceful land.
I'm knocking on your door with greetings -
Happy February 23rd!

What can I wish you on this February date?
Health and happiness, big salary,
To be strong and brave, reliable and wise,
My wife woke me up with a kiss in the morning.

We congratulate you on this holiday,
It’s impossible to live without you, without men,
We wish you all the best,
Our defenders, from February 23!

You are the most important protector,
It's better for me not to wish
I know you can live in peace,
And sleep soundly at night.

May there always be good luck in everything
It follows you faithfully,
From February 23,
My dear man!

Calendar day marked
It’s already the twenty-third of February,
Which means there are hundreds of reasons
Let us congratulate our men.

For courage, bravery, honor,
The feats cannot be counted.
A calm round dance for the stars,
For a peaceful, clear sky.

For tenderness and warmth,
For a dream come true.
Yes, just because they exist
And they have courage, strength, honor.

Happy great day of Defender of the Fatherland
I congratulate you with all my heart,
And I want to wish you eternal luck,
May the sky above you be clear.

Always be powerful, strong and fit,
Brave, strong, cheerful, fighting,
To defeat all enemies with one knockout
And fight back against any dangers!

Strong, beautiful, brave and honest,
Small, fat, thin and big.
We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
Those who are older and very young.

We wish you defenders, warriors,
Mechanics, welders and doctors.
So that the rear will always be calm,
We are your support, support, mountain.

May on the day of Defender of the Motherland
Your merits will be fully appreciated,
Peaceful sky to you, our little soldiers,
Life is measured so that it is long.
Measured so that life is long.

Huge happiness, clear sunshine.
Strength of spirit, comfort, warmth.
The most beautiful things in life for you.
Service, so that you are calm.

Peaceful sky above your head!
So that there is always peace on Earth,
So that all children are healthy,
May everyone have happiness in the world!

On this bright day I wish you
So that you are not left alone in trouble,
Let your shoulders keep their power.
Be happy in the storm, and in the sun, and in the rain!

You are the defenders of the fatherland and our reliable stronghold,
We wish you to reach all heights in life!
Be noble in heart and strong like the king of beasts,
Take care of our women and, of course, children!

May the sky always shine with a peaceful blue color,
And the earth will no longer be your battlefield,
A good and calm life, faithful friendship and love,
You need to remember about the war so that you can quickly forget it!

Defenders of the Fatherland,
Today is your holiday,
Good luck to you, eternal happiness,
Let courage strike like a key!

Caring, understanding
Let the family surround you
And all your wishes
Let the sky come true!

Happy holiday to you, dear men!
Let there be enough strength for everything:
On loved ones, on friends,
Be more cheerful to all your peers!

So that you go to work like a formidable infantry,
So that the family is a reliable rear,
And so that every new day
It was better than yesterday!