How to make a parrot out of paper. How to make a parrot out of paper: master classes with diagrams. Parrots made from car tires

Ships, flags... Perhaps this material is the simplest and most accessible for children's creativity. Is it possible and how to make a parrot out of paper? We offer several options. Following the proposed descriptions, you can easily build a bright and attractive bird.

How to make a parrot out of paper using the modular origami technique (photo 1)

Most of these homemade figures simply fascinate with their appearance. By far the most extravagant is the origami-style folding. A parrot made from paper turns out to be surprisingly elegant. But for this you need to master certain skills. After all modular origami- this is real art. But simply using many triangular modules will not be enough. It is important to have a rich imagination and excellent spatial thinking. The most skilled craftsmen can fold any model, including a parrot, in a minimum of time. If you are making this particular bird, it is important to skillfully select a combination of colors and the desired shapes. Another important detail is the accuracy of the assembly of each of the modules and the strength of their connection together. To acquire skills, it is better to get started with the help of detailed video tutorials. Step by step, copying the skillful movement of the master’s hands, you can easily get an interesting and unusual craft.

Rolling up a bird from a whole sheet (photo 2)

For beginning needlewomen, it is quite difficult to understand how to make a parrot from paper folded into modules. So try making a bird from a whole leaf first. The proposed diagram clearly demonstrates the entire work process. If desired, you can find other instructions for making an origami parrot.

    1. Quite dense square sheet roll diagonally and then repeat this again. Carry out the same action by folding the paper along lines perpendicular to the sides.
    2. Fold the workpiece, bringing the side corners inward. Fold some of the paper up.
    3. Fold the top corner along a perpendicular line.
    4. Lift the front and back parts towards you, turning them inside out.
    5. Fold the wings into a tube and wrap them around its axis.
    6. Move the beak and tail to the sides, bending them in the desired direction.
    7. Lower your wings down.
    8. If desired, decorate the craft with felt-tip pens or colored pencils. You can glue the eyes in the form of an applique.

Making a three-dimensional parrot using papier-mâché technique

Another way to make a parrot out of paper? Take, for example, plasticine as a basis. And then attach any lightweight material. This toy is usually made to decorate a New Year tree. Let's consider this technology in the form of step-by-step work:

Application method (photo 3)

Even a student can easily make such a parrot out of paper with his own hands. primary school or pupil preparatory group kindergarten. The presented template, when enlarged and printed, will become the finished parts of the bird.

  1. Glue a rectangle onto a piece of paper yellow color, leaving the bottom free. This will be the head and body of the parrot.
  2. Then place the breast assembled from three colors on top, determining the level of the shoulders at approximately 2/3 of the height.
  3. There is one pattern for the wings and tail. Make it two-layer, while externally increasing the volume.
  4. From the sides, bring the wings close to the body and glue them without touching the wavy edges.
  5. Place your tail under bottom part foundations and strengthen.
  6. Cut out the beak and claws from brown paper.
  7. Decorate the parrot's head with a tuft.
  8. For the eyes, use white paper and draw pupils on it with a black felt-tip pen. Also trim the claws.

As you can see, making a parrot out of paper is quite simple and fun! Fantasize by getting new and unique crafts!

Making a parrot out of paper with your own hands is a rather complicated task and requires a certain skill and skill. There are various ways to make paper parrots using the origami technique. Some of them are labor-intensive and painstaking, others are simpler. But this is definitely not a task for beginners. However, the effort is worth it. Beautiful paper parrots different colors, made with high quality and taste, from good paper, look great as a decorative element. And just to please original crafts Your child is also an option. In our article we will show you the optimal manufacturing option, the simplest in technology. Well, you can see how to make more complex and voluminous options in the video supplements to our article.

Making a parrot out of paper

To make a parrot using the origami technique, we need a square sheet of paper. You can use a plain white sheet of A3 paper. But this is not at all necessary, any paper will do, it is only important to maintain the form.

We fold the paper square diagonally, first in one direction, then, unfolding the folded sheet, in the other direction. Smooth the fold lines with your fingers so that the fold is clearly visible. Visually, our square will be crossed by fold lines along two diagonals, with the intersection of these lines in the center.

Next step. Straighten the sheet and fold it in half. Iron the fold line. Straighten it again and fold it in half, but in the other direction.

We get a paper square, divided by fold lines into four equal segments, with longitudinal diagonal folds.


We fold it in the manner shown in the photo above, carefully ironing the fold lines and symmetrically aligning the fold.

It turns out like this diamond.

We wrap the outer corner of the diamond with the open side inward, parallel to the fold line.


We do the same with all sides of our rhombus. We get a figure like in the photo.


Carefully unfold one side of our figure and open it.


Carefully fold along the fold lines as in the photo above.


We do this on both sides. It looks like an elongated rhombus with two free “legs” on one side.


We bend the top of the elongated rhombus to the so-called “legs”


After this, we turn the structure over to the other side and begin to form the legs of the future parrot. To do this, bend the free sharp ends upward, as shown in the photo above.


After this, bend the sharp ends to the side.



We fold the workpiece with the legs inward. The contours of the future parrot are already beginning to emerge - legs, body, wings.


Having straightened the edge of the upper part along the fold line, press it inward with your finger and form a fold in the opposite direction. Iron the edges of the fold. We have an almost finished parrot's head. All that remains is to bend the beak and paws in the same way. Straightening the fold line and forming a fold in the opposite direction.

How to make a parrot out of paper/video/

Paper parrot

Beautiful paper parrot

Origami parrot


Video additions to our article will help you decide what kind of parrot you want to make. And our explanations with photos will help you take your first steps in such an unusual but interesting direction as origami.

Very simple ones (boat, airplane), which even a preschooler can handle assembling. Others are not suitable for every adult. This parrot can be easily made from paper by a 7-10 year old child. Moreover, the instructions are very detailed.
For crafts, it is better to take a one-sided glossy colored paper– the parrot will be more impressive. Not suitable for this purpose thick paper, since it makes the parrot’s head crumpled.


Fold the square sheet diagonally and unfold it again.

Turn over to the wrong side. Fold the edges of the sheet, starting from the corner, towards the fold.

Turn over to the front side. Fold the bottom of the sheet up. The fold should go through the corners of the craft.

Turn over to the other side. The top should be at the bottom.

Bend the corners of the craft down, aligning the top edge with the center line.

Grasp the corner of the top sheet and pull down.

Bend the sheet along the top fold again. You will end up with a moving part like this.

Bend it down.

Do the same with the second side.

At the top of the craft there are two multi-colored diamonds. Fold the edge of the diamond from the center to the outside of the craft.

“Pockets” have formed at the top. Place your finger in one “pocket” and pull it to the side.

Press along the new folds.

Fold the craft along exactly in the center.

Fold the top of the workpiece along the fold.

Having fixed this fold with your finger, open the “pocket” with your other hand.

Pinch it on both sides - you get another moving part.

Bend it to the right, there will be a parrot's breast. To make the head, also bend the top corner to the right.

Unfold the very top of the craft (where the index finger of your left hand is) and hide the folded part of the sheet inside.

The result was something like this.

Bend the head piece down, folding it in half.

Turn the top of the piece from the breast to the back.

Parrots have been known to man since time immemorial. Some historical documents, as well as works of art, speak of parrots as extraordinary birds capable of talking. During the Roman Empire, the price for one parrot could be higher than the price for a slave. Why did parrots attract people so much?

First of all, of course, people were attracted by its color. Parrots could be any color: from bright yellow to deep blue. For a long time, the presence of this bird of paradise in the house was available only to the most noble and wealthy people. To date, interest in this beautiful exotic bird has not waned. On the contrary, more and more of his fans are appearing. However, not everyone who dreams of having a parrot gets one. This could be for several reasons: 1. For example, the person is allergic to feathers or dry food 2. No time for care and daily attention 3. Financial issue 4. Space problem 5. Presence of other animals that pose a potential danger to the parrot

What to do in such a situation? There is an answer! You need to create joy with your own hands. The parrot is such an attractive bird that to this day it inspires many craftsmen and creative people to create truly extraordinary masterpieces with their participation. We invite you to consider several options for parrots created by human hands, which, although not living, still carry a mood of joy and exoticism.

Painting or drawing of a parrot

Of course, painting is one of the most wonderful arts. Through painting you can convey any mood, any thought that will be understandable to everyone who looks at the picture. Of course, to create a masterpiece, you need to study for a long time, but to create something for yourself, something that will bring pleasure to look at, just take a few lessons, attend several master classes and you will be able to create your own unique picture. Paintings always give a home coziness and unique charm. Don't be afraid to create and you will succeed.

Embroidering a parrot

Another, no less ancient technique for decorating your home is embroidery. This is a well-known and widespread type of arts and crafts in which an image (pattern) is made by hand with thread. There are a great variety of seams and techniques, thanks to which the work turns out as if painted in oil. Girls have been engaged in embroidery since time immemorial, but even today this creativity remains relevant. The theme of parrots is very common among embroidery works.

There is also ribbon embroidery. This technique came to Russia relatively recently, but it looks no worse than ordinary embroidery.

A painting with parrots can be done in other interesting ways. modern techniques, which will bring pleasure while you create a picture, and will amaze your loved ones and friends when the work takes its place of honor on one of the walls of your home.


Quilling or paper rolling is the art of creating three-dimensional or planar compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. These spirals are given a wide variety of shapes - these are the elements for paper rolling, which are modules for creating works. It is believed that quilling was invented by the monks of Mediterranean Europe in the 14th - 15th centuries. In Russia, this creativity came into fashion only at the end of the 20th century.

Pictures made from rhinestones and sequins are no less beautiful. Due to the fact that these materials have a shine, works made from them look quite expensive. The principle of creating such compositions is similar to embroidery, only here sequins or rhinestones are used instead of threads.

Parrots - toys

Parrots made of fabric

Toys made from fabric have been known to man for a long time: ever since man figured out how to connect two skins using dried animal veins. Textile toys always bring comfort and warmth to the home. They are like soft pets that are pleasant to squeeze without fear of harm. If you sew a macaw parrot according to his actual dimensions, then you will surely be able to amaze everyone around you. He will truly become everyone's favorite in your family.

Knitted toys

Knitted toys are no less pleasant to the touch (i.e. very tactile). There are many ways, techniques and patterns for knitting. Anyone who wants to can master this art. Moreover, almost every second Russian has a grandmother who knits, which means there will be an opportunity to take a free master class from someone.


Beadwork is an old type of decorative and applied needlework, rooted in the distant past. This is the creation of jewelry and various products directly from beads. This technique was first mentioned in Ancient Egypt. In Russia, especially in the north, this creativity became widespread in the Middle Ages. Instead of beads, they used pieces of mother-of-pearl and pearls, which large quantities mined in rivers. Today, beadwork is being revived again, and anyone can create such an unusual parrot, fortunately there are a great many materials and patterns. This figurine can easily decorate a mantel or console in the hallway, where your pet will greet arriving guests.


Origami (“folded paper”) is the ancient art of folding paper figures. This art form originated in China. For quite a long time, art was available only to noble and wealthy members of society, as well as to the religious class. Mastery of this art was an indicator good manners and human education. Today anyone can do origami. This perfectly develops spatial thinking, as well as manual dexterity and motor skills. If you make such an unusual parrot, you can safely place it in the jungle of your indoor plants - it will be very comfortable there.

Parrots made from waste material

Parrots made from plastic bottles

On the Internet you can find a great variety of options for such parrots. Moreover, they are in no way inferior in originality and beauty of color to their real living counterparts. The great advantage of this type of creativity is: Availability and ubiquity of materials Waste-free production (used material is used)

Such a parrot will easily become the main decoration of your kitchen or hallway. It will create an exotic flavor in your home and add a touch of joy and humor to your life.

Parrots made from car tires

This, of course, is one of the favorite topics of summer residents and owners of private houses. Anyone can create such a masterpiece with their own hands, but the main thing that will please the fair half of humanity is that men will finally be able to contribute to the creation of style. From this material you can create a flower pot, a flower bed, or just decorative element, which will please the eye for a long time.

Parrots as a decoration element

Women, of course, are full of the most creative ideas on how to decorate themselves. In order to be different from everyone else, they can invent anything. Of course, they could not ignore such a fertile topic as exoticism. What comes to mind first when we say the word “exotic”? Of course, a parrot. Women can turn any element into stylish accessory. Judge for yourself: Earrings with parrots will turn any lady into a beautiful Asian woman from a hot country.

A bag with parrots will make a girl stand out from the crowd, because such colorful and bright birds always attract attention.

A special place in all this splendor is occupied by parrots in carving. Carving is the art of artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits. If you decide to celebrate at home in style Hawaiian party, then you will definitely need exotic table decorations. Parrots are perfect here.

Whatever your parrot is, which you make yourself, the main thing is that you create it with your own hands, which means it will be dear and close to you, like a real one. Be creative, create and don’t be afraid to have YOUR OWN parrot. It's so fun.

A great option to make a parrot as a toy for your future cat.

Parrots are bright exotic birds that have long become pets. The singing of a parrot and its imitation of the human voice leaves unprecedented emotions. But what if you don’t have the opportunity to keep a bird in your home? We are looking for an alternative and making a craft in the shape of a parrot. How to make a parrot out of paper?

Oh, and a green parrot...

In the famous children's fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood sang that in Africa the mountains “are so high... and there is a green parrot.” In general, this exotic bird is often found in fairy tales and cartoons, for example, the smart parrot that lived with Aibolit, or the grumpy birds sitting on the shoulders of pirates.

For various reasons, not everyone can keep a parrot at home. Even a banal allergy prevents this. We will tell you how to make a parrot out of paper. Its design is very simple, and even a child can make a beautiful and bright bird. Let's take multi-colored paper for the craft. The more varied the range of colors, the brighter and more cheerful the parrot will be.

  • a set of colored paper;
  • a sheet of cardboard or white paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided adhesive tape or glue.

  • For the parrot's body, you can take a sheet of larger format than A4. We take it and connect the edges along the length. It turns out to be a cylinder.
  • Measure 8 cm from the top and cut along the marked line. This can be done immediately before gluing.

  • The resulting cylinder is the base of our parrot.
  • The most painstaking part of creating a craft is cutting out the feathers. Cut strips 6 cm wide from colored paper.
  • Now we make an accordion out of the strips. This way we can cut several blanks at the same time.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, draw a feather template. Its height is 6 cm and width is 5 cm.
  • We cut out the required number of feathers, and then arm ourselves with nail scissors with rounded blades and make a fringe on three sides of the feather.
  • Try carefully folding the edges of the paper to make the parrot look voluminous.

  • We return to our body and conditionally determine the middle. Glue a feather there white.
  • Now we move in a circle and glue the prepared feathers.
  • We do this in a checkerboard pattern from top to bottom. We place the feathers as close to each other as possible so that the white paper cylinder is not visible.

  • We covered the body with feathers and put it aside for now to dry.
  • On colored paper we draw two circles with a diameter of 7 cm.
  • We cut out the eyes and use scissors to make a fine fringe all around the circumference.
  • In the middle we glue pupils cut out of black paper.

  • We will make a beak from red paper.
  • We carefully look at the diagram and transfer it to paper. We cut out and get two parts of the beak: upper and lower.

  • We glue the eyes symmetrically to the body on both sides.
  • Now we connect the edges of the beak with glue and fix it on the body.
  • We fix the lower and upper parts at a short distance from each other. The beak will be open.

  • According to the diagram, we draw the blanks of two legs on red paper.
  • We make folds along the outlined dotted lines inside. This trick will help us make the paws voluminous.

  • From white paper, you can take cardboard, cut out two blanks for the wings.
  • The height of the wing is 12 cm, and its width is 7 cm. In appearance, the base of the wings resembles a droplet.
  • We cut out ovals from paper of various colors and bend them slightly in the middle. Feathers look like grooves.

  • Glue the feathers to the base of the wing from top to bottom. To make them voluminous, the lower part of the feather can be cut in the middle and the edges glued together.

  • Glue the wings to the parrot's body.
  • We cut out oblong lines from paper and make a fringe along them.
  • Glue one on top. This will be a tuft.
  • Glue a multi-colored tail to the back.
  • This is the kind of pet we got.

Like magic: origami technique

Today, many houses are home to exotic birds - parrots. They never cease to delight their owners with their bright plumage and sonorous chirping. Lovers of such pets will be interested to know how a parrot is made from origami paper. You just need to be patient and have some free time.

Required materials and tools:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

  • Cut out a square of the desired size from a landscape sheet.
  • First, fold the square in half, smoothing the fold thoroughly.
  • We straighten the sheet and now fold it diagonally. We get something like this.

  • We fold the square in half so that we get a double square, but smaller.
  • We bend the corners and carefully smooth out the folds.
  • Now along these lines we need to bend the corners inward.

  • Let's open the other side of the workpiece and flatten it. We will get something like this.

  • Bend opposite corners towards the center, smoothing out the folds.
  • We have formed a triangle on the outside; we need to bend it to make the parrot’s legs.
  • We bend the resulting triangle again. This is what we get.

  • To make it more convenient to hold the bends and corners, we will use clothespins or paper clips.
  • Now we need to similarly construct the second foot and turn the workpiece over to the opposite side.

  • Align the side cuts and bend them. The paws should be folded together.
  • In the upper part we get a rhombus, which is freely separated from the rest of the structure. We will model the tail from it. To do this, bend the paper to the right.
  • The parrot's tail is thin, so we fold the resulting triangle in half.

  • All we have to do is bend the wings and carefully smooth out the folds.
  • From the top of the paper we form the head and beak.
  • We make symmetrical bends in two places.