Anastasia Kostenko is pregnant: photo with belly, latest news. Anastasia Kostenko is pregnant and is again in confinement. Is Anastasia Kostenko pregnant from Tarasov?

The pregnancy of Dmitry Tarasov's 24-year-old wife has become almost the most discussed event of this year. Anastasia Kostenko had to face criticism from haters, health problems and even rumors about her husband’s infidelity, but all this was left behind. In a few weeks, the second runner-up of Russia will become a mother for the first time.

Enjoying her pregnancy, Anastasia decided to tell her fans how she found out about her interesting situation and what emotions this news caused her.

“I remember this feeling that I first experienced on the way home, when all medical methods confirmed the desired pregnancy. I hugged my belly, which did not visually show small miracle, at the thought of which incredible warmth spread throughout the body. For the first time, I felt incredible love for a baby whose gender would not be known to me for several weeks. This touched me to the depths of my soul, especially the understanding of how strong the love is for your child, about whom nothing is known except that he was born,” Kostenko said on Instagram.

According to the model, during pregnancy her relationship with her mother became even closer, because Anastasia understood from her own experience how strong parental love can be. The girl thanked her mother for the warmth she gave her throughout her life, sacrificing a lot for the well-being of her children.

The model also shared new tender photographs that delighted her fans. According to Kostenko’s fans, she should give birth in the very near future.

In recent days, Anastasia prefers to talk with subscribers only about her impending motherhood. She often shares her emotions and observations regarding pregnancy. Recently, Kostenko even stated that she had hardly recovered in recent months. The girl’s weight is 56.6 kilograms, which she herself considers absolutely normal.

“I don’t go on diets! I eat three times a day and have a snack three times a day, for a total of six. I practically never eat fried or fatty foods, because there is zero benefit, sheer heaviness, and I feel sorry for my body, which works for two. “I adhere to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist and my leading doctor,” the model previously stated.

According to fans, Anastasia looks simply flawless. During pregnancy, the girl literally blossomed, becoming even more feminine. Fans have no doubt that Kostenko will succeed perfect mom- caring and gentle.

But the model’s husband, Dmitry Tarasov, tries not to share revelations about his upcoming fatherhood. The football player already has some experience in caring for a baby, because he has a nine-year-old daughter, Angelina, from his relationship with Oksana Ponomarenko. The athlete rarely sees the heiress, and when meetings do occur, Tarasov tries to please the girl with expensive gifts.

Fans are completely sure that the Lokomotiv midfielder is now much more concerned about the prospects of his own career, because the club has not yet re-signed a contract with him.

One way or another, the imminent birth of the baby should further strengthen the relationship of the star couple. Moreover, after the wedding with Kostenko, Tarasov confidently declared that this marriage would be the last and happiest in his life.

Obviously, all is not well with the health of pregnant Anastasia Kostenko, as football player Dmitry Tarasov reported that they were once again in the hospital.

Over the weekend it became known that pregnant Anastasia Kostenko was again in the Lapino clinical hospital, where she will give birth to her first child this summer. Apparently, the doctors decided to play it safe and admitted the expectant mother to the hospital for some time for safekeeping.

Olga Buzova was urged to leave Anastasia Kostenko alone

According to rumors, neither Dmitry’s mother nor his daughter is in a hurry to make contact with Anastasia. Nastya’s relationship with her husband himself is not developing well. As it turned out, for a long time Tarasov was categorically against children. Also, according to the informant, Kostenko had to resort to tricks to get pregnant from Dima, which is unlikely to add strength to her marriage with Dmitry Tarasov.

Surprisingly, Lena Miro came to Kostenko’s defense. In her usual manner, the blogger accused Buzova of bullying her rival. And she even suggested that the singer still cannot forget her ex and is not against regaining her status as a legal wife. By the way, Miro herself is convinced that it’s time for Olya to come to her senses and leave the pregnant Kostenko alone. Moreover, Tarasov certainly cannot be returned.

Anastasia Kostenko asked for forgiveness because of posts about pregnancy

On her Instagram blog, the girl most often raises the topic of motherhood, posting photos with her belly and writing posts about how pregnancy is going. Anastasia wrote that the closer day X is, the harder, slower, more intolerant it becomes, and all thoughts and topics are devoted to one thing - meeting the baby.

However, users do not share such joy expectant mother and actively express their dissatisfaction with the fact that every post is related to pregnancy. Anastasia noted that she herself was previously surprised why pregnant girls only talk about their unborn child. She is now trying to protect her loved ones from the flow of information on the topic of pregnancy, as she believes that they are tired of eternal conversations about the child.

According to rumors, Anastasia Kostenko became pregnant by deception

Information has appeared on the Internet according to which Anastasia Kostenko became pregnant by deception, and also does not get along well with her mother-in-law and even speaks negatively about the football player’s first wife.

According to rumors, the photos in which Tarasov gently strokes Kostenko’s rounded belly are just a screen. Information has spread on the Internet revealing everything that is happening in the relationship of this couple.

According to rumors, Anastasia has a tense relationship with her mother-in-law, and Tarasov’s daughter, Angelina, completely refuses to communicate with new wife father. Allegedly, at the girl’s recent birthday, which Kostenko was present at, the birthday girl did not want to meet her.

But the most important thing is that information is now spreading on the Internet that Kostenko became pregnant by deception. It is noted that the girl used a syringe to carry out her plan.

Model Anastasia Kostenko and footballer Dmitry Tarasov demonstrate their love to the whole country, not paying attention to the negative feedback from former Lokomotiv player Olga Buzova. But, as it turned out, it was not out of great love that the couple got married so quickly. It turns out that the model is in position.

The couple meets a little more than a year. They vacationed together, went out, arranged romantic get-togethers for each other, and more. The whole country watched how their relationship developed. It seems that their candy-bouquet period smoothly grew into a wedding celebration and a happy family life. It is interesting to note that as soon as Nastya received an offer from her lover, fans began to place bets on how quickly she and Tarasov would get stamps in their passports.

But their bets didn't work. The couple did not intend to waste time, but got married literally a month after the engagement. The painting at the registry office was simple, but the wedding itself was a blast.

Olga Buzova does not leave the life of her ex-husband without attention

Despite the fact that the football player from time to time publishes photos with his new wife and writes about his boundless love for her, TV presenter Olga Buzova is still very offended by this. In particular, she actively comments on many of their common photographs, writes about the shortcomings of her ex-lover. The wedding photos of the lovers also did not go unnoticed by her.

The TV presenter and singer even dedicates songs to Tarasov, although she does not say so directly. The army of her fans constantly “poisons” Nastya. Despite this, the model’s parents are trying to protect their daughter. Perhaps Nastya has a very strong personality and has learned not to pay attention to criticism from envious people at all.

Kostenko boasted a rounded belly

Despite all the rumors and gossip, the model is still hiding her interesting situation, but she is still overwhelmed with joy, and therefore she is trying with all her might to hint that she will soon become a mother. In addition, fans of the model noticed her in mid-January at the antenatal clinic, and two weeks later - in line at the ultrasound room.

And the other day the beauty posted a photo on her profile that finally dispelled all doubts. On the first, Kostenko is wearing a powder pink dress with full skirt. In the second, the model is wearing a trouser suit with a fitted jacket. In both pictures, you can see with the naked eye that the belly under each of the outfits has noticeably rounded.

“Girls, help me choose!” - she addressed the fans, posting herself posing in a high-waisted dress and pantsuit, emphasizing the rounded tummy. “Everything suits a scoundrel, but you will be comfortable in a dress. And the suit doesn’t fit very well,” netizens expressed their opinion.

Meanwhile, recently another indirect confirmation of Kostenko’s pregnancy appeared on the Internet. Anastasia shared with her subscribers a story about the convenience of permanent makeup, which is actually not recommended for pregnant girls. Commentators were indignant: “Pregnant women can’t... What is she thinking about?” To which the workers of the beauty salon where the model was, reassured subscribers that everything was fine: they didn’t make Anastasia Permanent makeup, but only adjusted the shape of the eyebrows, thereby further fueling rumors about an imminent addition to the athlete’s family.

Tarasov and Kostenko: history of relations

As soon as fans of the couple Tarasov and Buzova became aware of their separation, they immediately assumed that the reason for the separation of the spouses was the fact that Olga had not given birth to a baby over the years of their marriage. Perhaps this is so, because Anastasia turned out to be a modest girl who does not care about her career at all, but is ready to build a full-fledged family.

By the way, the football player already has a child from his first marriage - a daughter.

Let us remind you that after getting married, the newlyweds stopped hiding the fact that they would soon have a baby. Dmitry published on his personal blog a photograph hugging his wife, who loose dress the “pregnant” belly is clearly visible. By the way, some were left wondering how Anastasia managed to hide such a rather impressive belly at the wedding.

After all, a huge number of photographs have appeared on the Internet where there is not even a hint of pregnancy. The secret is simple: the model specifically chose a dress with a slightly high waist, just enough so that it would not be noticeable. Her top was slightly tightened with a corset.

And on this day she tried not to eat too much and drink little liquid. With these data, even in the evening, when the belly in pregnant women becomes more noticeable, early stages You can deceive others a little. But now there is no point in hiding: young people are officially married before God and people. Therefore, the couple accepts congratulations, although they have not yet commented on their “interesting situation.”

According to preliminary estimates, a child in the Tarasov family will be born this summer.

By the way, Dmitry’s possible betrayal was recently discussed on social networks. Victoria Bonya recently stated that Anastasia needs to prepare “for the worst” and wait for her husband’s new sprees. Many assumed that Kostenko would respond to the rumors, but she ignored the advice from the TV star, as well as numerous publications in the media.

Dmitry Tarasov and his wife Anastasia Kostenko confirmed that they will soon become parents. In honor of the model’s birthday, Anastasia turned 24 on March 29, the celebrities held a family photo shoot.

The latest footage clearly shows how much the shape of the third wife of the famous athlete has become rounder. Dmitry posted a photo with beautiful signature: "Happy Birthday dear! Thank you for everything you do for me."

They confessed

Fans were delighted with the new photos. They congratulate young people on the addition of their family.

"Finally! We have known this for a long time, but thank you for deciding to confirm the information.”

Now followers are interested in who will be born to celebrities: “Who are you expecting - a boy or a girl? When will the baby be born - in May or June? Dmitry and Anastasia answer questions from subscribers with silence.

Fans congratulate future parents

The public is waiting to see how they will react to the photo shoot. ex-wife football player Olga Buzova. She was having a hard time with the divorce and many times expressed her feelings towards Dmitry and his new lover unpleasant things.

January 9 last year. After 20 days, the newlyweds, and already at the beginning of July, Anastasia gave her husband a daughter, Milan. As time passed, Kostenko, for whom the child was the first, began to tell subscribers of her microblog on Instagram how the first months of the heiress’s life were given to her. Now Kostenko is happy to share idyllic photographs with her husband and daughter. Not so long ago, for example, the family flew on vacation to the Maldives.

Dmitry Tarasov with his wife and daughter in the Maldives

Nevertheless, in the fall of last year, bad rumors floated in the press in connection with Tarasov’s name. For example, journalists reported that the football player’s eldest daughter from his first wife Oksana Ponomarenko allegedly refuses to communicate with his father. Speculation was also fueled by Tarasov’s multimillion-dollar alimony debts. However, Ponomarenko herself denied rumors that the 9-year-old Angelina-Anna doesn’t want to communicate with her star dad, and even said that the athlete offered to take the heiress from his first marriage to the Maldives with new family. At the same time, Oksana noted that “in order to take a child for 10 days, you first need to try to spend at least 2 days together and get to know the child’s habits.”

Anastasia Kostenko told for the first time what kind of relationship she had with Dmitry Tarasov’s daughter from her first marriage

Today, Anastasia Kostenko commented for the first time on her relationship with her first daughter from her marriage. The model, answering a question from one of her subscribers, admitted that she treats the girl very well. “I feel great, Lina is the age of my brother Vitya. When I came, we always talked,” Kostenko wrote, accompanying her message with a smiling emoticon. Note that the model reported about Alina’s visits in the past tense, however, perhaps now the girl simply does not have time to see her father often.

Ponomarenko, by the way, told reporters that she insists on frequent meetings between her daughter and her ex-husband and even had a hand in drawing up schedules for these meetings. “A child has a mother and a father. This is a given. I specially structured the schedule of communication with my daughter (which I was forced to provide to the court) so that Angelina could communicate with her father more often, and not 5 times a year, as was before,” Ponomarenko stated.

Dmitry Tarasov with his daughter from his first marriage, Angelina-Anna

We also note that in early January Anastasia Kostenko. Model in her microblog on Instagram, she stated that her six-month-old daughter was “ready to become a big sister.” With her words, Kostenko started rumors that she was in an interesting position and would soon give her husband another child. By the way, the football player himself mentioned his desire to become a father again in December.

“I changed my perspective on many things. And guess what? My phone gave me memories of where my tummy is. Still, this is a wonderful time, even though throughout the entire Pregnancy you worry about the baby, like him, etc. Judging by how Milasha likes children, she is ready to become a big sister. Yes, it’s all not easy, but I’m not one of those people who focuses on difficult moments and therefore there are practically none. P.S. Everyone mutual love, especially angry ones,” Kostenko noted (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given hereinafter without changes. - Note ed.).

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko with their daughter