How to lose weight girl. Menscom - Men's portal Girl does not want to lose weight what to do

After the article on how to effectively motivate yourself to lose weight, we got a bunch of responses.

And very often we were asked to talk about how to persuade to lose weight a loved one. On this subject, we decided to write two articles at once: "How to" lose weight "your girlfriend?" And.

Just note that making a girl lose weight is much more difficult than a man. By nature, women are skilled manipulators. So the situation initially is not in favor of the stronger sex. A man who is trying to force a girl to do what she does not want is doomed to failure. As a rule, husbands and boyfriends act no more gracefully than an elephant in a china shop. And in 90% of cases they get the same deplorable result.

There is another significant difference between male and female perceptions. If a girl tells a man that he is fat / fat / loose, he is unlikely to be mortally offended. He will simply take her remark as a statement of fact. However, the girl will respond to the same phrase in a completely different way.

So the man will have to act extremely carefully. Like a sapper, he has no right to make a mistake ...

If you want to maintain a relationship, it is impossible to categorically categorize a girl that it’s time for her to lose five to ten extra pounds! And even more so, this cannot be voiced in the format of an ultimatum. Initially, tune in to a marathon, not a sprint. The push to the desired solution must be gently and unobtrusively.

Start with the basics. What is more important for weight loss: physical activity or proper nutrition? Definitely food! It guarantees 80% success, while sports account for only 20%. But correctly selected physical activity makes a person fit and beautiful. In addition, sports will help to quickly and efficiently implement any healthy habits (including nutritional ones).

Despite the fact that modern man is much smarter and more developed than his primitive ancestor, his brain still needs regular physical activity. So it works many times better! It is proved that sport helps a person to more effectively solve the tasks facing him. And agree that losing weight is not an easy task! By the way, we strongly recommend reading the book "The Rules of the Brain" by John Medin - you will learn a lot about yourself ...

By the way, stress and chronic lack of sleep losing weight also do not contribute. So, if possible, help the girl get enough sleep and do not make her nervous during this difficult period.

Published by Perfect Body School # Sekta (@sektaschool) Jan 10, 2016 at 1:30 PST

Rule number 2. Begin with yourself

Gandhi once said: “If you want a change in the future, become that change in the present.” Many men claim that they do not need to lose weight: they go to the gym or run in the mornings. And in general - they look much more decent than their second half.

How to make your wife lose weight in such a situation? You still have to start with yourself. More truly, from the food. How do we men usually eat? Irregularly (busy schedule), in huge portions (you need to gain muscle mass) and late (in the afternoon, lunch or just a normal snack is not always obtained).

If your goal is to become an example for a girl, you will have to radically revise your eating habits.

First, we analyze and teach theory. You should know how twice two, what is the glycemic index, why coffee and tea should be drunk without sugar, eat meat with vegetables and not with potatoes, which is useful for oatmeal, avocado and whole grain bread.

Secondly, take care of your and her diet. As a rule, she cooks, not you. So now you have to sweat more at the stove, and not in the gym.

Publication from Food Delivery in Moscow (@sekta_food) May 24 2016 at 7:17 PDT

Buy the right foods home and take on breakfast.

Publication by ⚡FITNESS ⚡FOOD ⚡EMS + VR (@ Mar 17 2016 at 12:38 pm PDT

Help plan your menu for lunch and dinner, and take part in cooking. The most useful way to plan the menu is to first choose the vegetables, and pick up the rest for them. Eat correctly (not only at home, but also beyond) and, if possible, add a soul mate to this.

Too complicated? No one promised it would be easy!

Rule number 3. Do some sports

The girl should SEE that you are engaged in sports, and not just disappear in the evenings in the abstract gym. Invite her for jogging, to the pool and for cycling.

Train at home before her eyes. You can choose something more complicated.

Or lighter exercises.

But constantly taking a girl to the gym with you is not a good idea. It is much more effective to offer training together from time to time. Or buy her a fitness subscription (if she wants to) and let her plan the training schedule herself.

Rule number 4. Use the power of social networks

Sektafood from Sect School.

The very "School of the Sect."

Russian-speaking Men’s Health for men.

And for women, Women’s Health.

And finally, another option for girls is Shape.

Also pay attention to the magazine "Living interesting." This is not about losing weight, but about achieving goals, but goals can be very different, for example, lose weight.

If your girlfriend uses Facebook, she will definitely pay attention to your activity (reposts, comments, likes), sooner or later she will read and penetrate some of this.

Specifically, in your case, posts from the School of the Sect will be most useful, since their marketing is mainly aimed at a female audience.

Rule number 5. Tune in to the marathon

Losing weight yourself is a long process. And the task of "losing someone" in time will take even more. Moreover, if the girl gained weight not in the last couple of months.

No need to set strict deadlines for her. You should not hope that the problem will be solved quickly. You can lose 10 kg in two months, but it is extremely difficult and unsafe for health (both physical and psychological).

Do not give up and do not give up too quickly!

Publication by ⚡FITNESS ⚡FOOD ⚡EMS + VR (@ Mar 28 2016 at 11:57 PDT

What should not be done in any case

First of all, remember: you cannot FORCET a woman to lose weight! Therefore, no hard pressure and constant hints of excess weight. As a result, you will only get spoiled relationships and graft serious complexes for the girl. Both that, and another leads to stress - which, in turn, greatly interferes with losing weight. Vicious circle…

Secondly, you should not constantly palm off on a girl weight loss books, give her subscriptions to the fitness room (unless, of course, she asks for it herself) and throw links to articles on proper nutrition and sports.

The most unobtrusive option to turn her attention to the problem is social networks. I liked the article on Facebook - share, like or leave a comment. And let her decide whether to read this material to her or not.

Forcing anyone, forcibly, will not work, because to lose weight, it means regularly following certain rules, for more than one month, restricting oneself in food, doing physical exercises, eating, only foods recommended by the diet. Not every person is capable of this, you need to have a strong character and some arguments that can not force a girl, but motivate her to lose weight.

Try to talk to her and in a conversation, gently hint at the fact that she is very suitable to be slim. Model on a computer, in Photoshop or in any graphic editor, her figure, with the figure with which you would like to see her, show her the image and hint that in this form, men will look back at her, on the street and will many fans of her beauty. Tell us that being overweight is harmful to your health, what are the consequences if you are overweight. If she will listen to your opinion, then you should take her weight loss in your own hands.

Choose, together with her, the most suitable means to achieve the desired result. In no case, do not advise the use of tablets, and indeed of different chemistry, different diets that require the use of one product, such measures can cause health, only harm. Restrictions on food, namely in the number of different foods and exercise. If you live together, then join her process of losing weight, support her.

On the way to losing weight, help exercise and keep track of eating a limited amount of food. By interest, you will help to overcome many obstacles and temptations on the way to losing weight.

The classic interpretation of dreams

Why dream of a wedding veil, of course, to positive changes in a woman's life. These are the changes that will allow her to take a fresh look at the relationship of the sexes.

But do not immediately count on a wedding, you need to wait a bit, life will gradually change in the direction of an early marriage. There is very little left, and the veil can be tried on in reality.

For a woman who is already married, such a dream holds the opportunity to renew relationships, to look at them in a new way. For single women who have recently divorced, such a dream bodes a tempting offer from a wealthy man.

In order for everything to work out successfully in his personal life, it is enough to want this and to drop the past - to trust the future. This is fundamentally important, otherwise all efforts will be empty.

If you see a veil in a dream on your head - you try to be a perfect person in everything. But do not overestimate your strengths and capabilities, sometimes it’s worth a little rest and then it will turn out to be realized. Many of your friends admire you - do not destroy their hopes.

If you wore a veil in a dream - you have to expand your circle of communication and professional activities. Now is the right time for this, but do not forget about your interests, you can finally start to engage in that hobby, or a matter that you have long dreamed about. You only need to collect your thoughts and organize yourself.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the appearance of the veil is also of great importance. If she is beautiful and attractive - you should start to rejoice, as the changes in your life will be very favorable.

If the veil looks bad and absurd - changes in life, which at first glance seemed rather favorable to you, will ultimately show themselves on the other side.

If you even decided to try on someone else's veil - you are destined to try on someone else's life. This is good or bad, but take a closer look at your life, maybe you are not doing your job?

Perhaps you are not doing what you love? Also, such a dream may indicate a wrong choice in love. You have chosen a person in a couple who does not value you and does not perceive you as a full-fledged partner.

On the one hand, this upsets you, on the other hand, it provides an incentive to move forward, overcoming difficulties. But why create them yourself artificially? Indeed, in life everything is much simpler.

If a woman tries on a veil in a dream in splendid isolation - she is also alone in reality and her love is not shared. She longs to be understood, but even like-minded people find it quite difficult.

It's time to start doing good deeds and do good not only for yourself, but also for others. Dreams in which the veil appears should be interpreted very carefully, since the fate and quality of your life and the quality of your intimate relationships depend on them.

In Miller’s dream book it is said that for the interpretation of dreams in which a veil appears, it is very important to pay attention to every little thing and without fail to your emotional and physical well-being during and after sleep.

If something bothers you, and in a dream, a veil is worn on an elderly woman - the changes in your life will be very negative. You are not ready for global change and are looking for any way to avoid change.

If you notice in a dream that a veil is suitable for you - this is a sure sign that you are on the right path in your personal life and you will soon have a pleasant acquaintance and promising relationships that can even lead to marriage.

If this married woman dreams about this dream, she can count on getting profit, inheritance, her house will be a full bowl. Also, such a dream for a married girl can mean her husband’s career advancement.

If the veil is long and magnificent - the woman will be in a good mood for a long time, and luck will accompany her for a long time. But it’s better not to change anything in life, you can just relax and live for your pleasure.

Why dream of a wedding veil? In Freud’s dream book it is said that she dreams of a symbol that it’s time for a man to take care of himself. He is too sentimental and gives much importance to the little things.

If a girl has long dreamed of marriage, then after such a dream she should not rush into a joyful dance - everything is still ahead, life just gives her and her partner a chance to strengthen relations.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a wedding veil, which she tries on, she will like the role of the mother, and she will be harmonious in everything. If the veil is torn on her head - it is worth taking care of the safety of the family. Such a dream may well portend the appearance of a rival.

The Russian dream book says that veils dream of as a symbol of female innocence and purity. If a veil appears in your dream, your life will change dramatically, says the dream book.

If you even see a bride in a veil, a sincere and kind person is present in your life. This is your real friend. If in a dream you try on a bridal veil, your self-esteem is too high. You attribute to yourself those merits that you did not deserve.

Fata dreamed of an unmarried girl ▼

If a veil dreams of an unmarried girl, her family status will change in the near future. The plot also promises that the marriage will be happy.

Important for deciphering a dream is the dreamer's marital status in real life.

For a married woman, this dream can mean the following:

  • financial position will improve significantly soon. Perhaps a salary increase or inheritance is expected soon;
  • disappointment, sad memories of the past;
  • husband is cheating on her.

  Important for deciphering a dream is the dreamer's marital status in real life.

A dream has a completely different meaning, the owner of which is an unmarried girl. For her, such a dream carries the following information:

  • soon the most cherished desires will be fulfilled;
  • try on - one should soon expect a fateful acquaintance;
  • wedding dress without veil - trouble is coming;
  • look through your veil at your beloved - mutual understanding with him in real life will be lost;
  • the bride dreamed - soon she would be disappointed in her chosen one;
  • get confused in it during the fitting - marriage will have to wait a long time.

If a single woman or a girl tried on a veil in a dream, then soon she will fall in love in reality. A meeting is approaching with a person who will completely change your life.

If the girl dreamed that she was entangled in a veil, then she would not get married soon. For a married young lady, this is a harbinger of illness, big shocks, bad news and family troubles.

If a man saw a veil in a dream on himself, then in reality he would doubt his decisions and actions. Was the veil on someone else? An uncertain situation will quickly be solved miraculously.

Why else dream a veil to a man? This is a sign that he is concentrating too much on the little things, forgetting about the main goal. After such a dream, it is advisable to rethink your life and behavior.

What does the veil symbolize on the head, on oneself, on others

The worst prediction is that you can see yourself in a veil and white dress for a serious illness. However, most often such a scenario promises more positive events.

If the bride is fully dressed, then there is a person next to you whom you can completely trust. In a dream, could not choose a dress and veil? And in reality, you have to choose between different applicants for the hand and heart.

In a dream they tried on a veil? This is a sign that you expect to have more than you deserve. In the veil on the head went another character? Under the guise of nobility and goodwill conceals vanity and self-interest. To see a long and snow-white veil on oneself is a positive change.

Had a dream that someone tore the jewelry from his head? Argue with a loved one, make a mistake, after which it will not be easy to regain your previous trust. Did the veil fall off its head? This is a harbinger of loneliness and disappointment.

To understand the meaning of such a night vision, one should recall in detail everything that happens in it. Depending on these details, the interpretation will vary significantly:

  • outfit on a hanger - preparation for the most important event that can change all future life;
  • in your home - soon you can expect a profitable offer;
  • i dreamed of a lonely girl - while you shouldn’t think about marriage, it’s better to solve all the existing problems in your personal life;
  • saw a woman in a legal marriage - conflicts in the family;
  • to wear an outfit - new and interesting acquaintances, career growth;
  • the dress during the fitting broke - receiving news;
  • the dream had a dream for the guy - he perceives everything that is happening around him too close to his heart;
  • outfit on a girlfriend - a feeling of envy towards her;
  • gave a wedding outfit - replenishment is soon possible in the family;
  • the veil is long - life will be full of happiness, soon a fateful acquaintance is expected;
  • someone took this outfit - it’s worth while going away from business and having a good rest.

  To understand the meaning of such a night vision, you should remember in detail everything that happens in it

Dreams in which a veil is seen do not always portend an upcoming wedding. Sometimes they even promise negative changes in life. For an accurate understanding of the meaning of night dreams, you need to consider small details.

Attention, only TODAY!

Veil color in a dream

Where was the veil in a dream?

Veil in a dream on his head ▼

To see a veil on your head - such a dream indicates your obsessive desire to always be perfect in everything. Do not indulge this thirst for perfection, otherwise it will weaken you.

Had a wedding dress and veil ▼

The wedding dress and veil dreamed of by a married woman are a sign that she has been burdened with memories lately, she is sad and sorry. The dream book reminds that the past cannot be changed, it is important to live in the present and think about the future.

For an unmarried girl, such a dream carries a message: due to significant circumstances, the wedding is now inappropriate - it will have to be postponed.

Seeing a black or white veil in a dream

The color of the veil seen in night vision is of particular importance. For example, a white veil symbolizes not only innocence and purity, but also a frantic thirst for glory.

It is possible that the dreamer is trying to surprise everyone around him with his noble deeds. Sleep in this case is considered a warning. There are people in the environment who understand the causes of these acts, they are hidden only under a translucent fabric.

  The white veil symbolizes not only innocence and purity, but also a frantic thirst for glory

See yourself in a dream in a veil ▼

If in a dream you see yourself in a veil - this is an indication of your fake behavior. You strive for greater profit and for the sake of this, under the guise of nobility, hide selfish plans. You should remember that for a discerning person your insincerity is obvious.

What did you do with the veil in your sleep?

Why dream of trying on a veil ▼

If a woman dreams about how she tries on a veil, it speaks of her real loneliness and desire to start a family or find like-minded people. Perhaps, for some reason, she lost the old circle of close people and is now looking for a new one.

To put on a veil in a dream ▼

To wear a veil, says Felomena's dream book, means that new opportunities are entering your life. If you like a veil, then the upcoming events will cause joy. It can be an exciting project, an interesting acquaintance or an exciting trip.

If the dream veil is old, ugly and unpleasant to you, then the changes will bring unnecessary anxiety and fatigue.

What color was the veil in a dream?

Black veil over the dream book ▼

The black veil in a dream is a sign of mystery, which at the same time scares and attracts. They are hiding something from you or you are looking for a solution in a situation that is not completely clear to you.

If you saw a friend in the black veil, then he has secrets that you don’t know about.

Had a white veil ▼

Why dream of a white veil? According to the interpretation, what you see reflects your pretense, hypocrisy, vanity.

You spend a lot of energy on creating a reputation of a noble, respected person, showing others only attractive qualities and hiding conceited motives. A dream also indicates your fear of being exposed.

Veil in a dream: other meanings

Title \u003d "(! LANG: Bride" alt="Bride">!}

By the way, the Esoteric dream book prophesies a happy marriage, if the veil was seen by the bride. If she is torn, that happiness will be short-lived. For everyone else, this is a sign of fulfillment of desires. Moreover:

  • torn - cheating
  • dirty - scandal
  • to break yourself - failure through fault
  • someone broke - a secret ill-wisher
  • buying a new one - acquaintance, love
  • buying an old one is a failed marriage
  • sell - you have to help someone
  • stitching is a troublesome problem
  • short - feeling unwell
  • long - change
  • carried away by the wind - separation from your beloved
  • fell - divorce

Wearing a veil in a dream is given to those who in real life will have new opportunities. It is possible that soon an interesting acquaintance will be made, or very attractive prospects will arise in labor activity.

If in a dream when trying on a veil, it caused only positive emotions, then in reality you can expect pleasant changes. In the same case, if this wedding accessory caused only negativity, then soon we can expect a lot of senseless troubles.

  Wearing a veil in a dream is given to those who in real life will have new opportunities

Trying someone else's veil is a bad sign. The dream indicates that its owner is engaged in a business that will bring him nothing but trouble. But trying on in proud solitude the veil is brought to those who are awake in search of themselves, their destiny in life.

In addition, it is worth remembering what color the veil was. If the coloring was non-standard, then night dreams can mean the following:

  • blue - the dreamer is indifferent to everything that happens around him;
  • yellow - there is a risk of becoming a victim of deception and gossip;
  • red - the sleeping one fell under someone’s influence;
  • green - financial stability and substantial cash replenishment;
  • gold - an influential patron will appear who can solve all existing problems in an instant;
  • pink - the sleeping person is inclined to make rash decisions and commit frivolous acts;
  • violet - someone is aggressive towards the dreamer.

A couple of years ago you started dating an amazing girl, but over time, she began to take care of herself less and less and gained a few extra kilos? Helsnews will tell you how to make a girl lose weight without harming your relationship and your health.

How to make a girl lose weight? Do not waste time

If you see that it gradually begins to grow fat, don't let
  this go too far and do not wait until her extra pounds become apparent.
  It is easier to rectify the situation until it has become completely hopeless.

In the future, she will only thank you for being
  you will start to sound the alarm after a couple of unnecessary kilograms - it will throw them
  instantly, but 2-3 sizes of clothes typed in a few years will leave already
  by labor.

At the initial stage, everything is quite simple, and you don’t even
  it will be necessary to puzzle over how to make a girl lose weight: just
  stop pampering her with chocolates and switch from evening pizza in front of the TV
  for fruit or at least sushi.

How to make a girl lose weight? Set an example

Any hints that it’s time for her to take care of herself,
  the girl will take it with hostility if she can reproach you with at least something. Therefore you
  should be perfect: try to lead the right lifestyle, push up and don’t
  let your press grow a beer belly.

In fact, even your excellent appearance girl should
  enough for motivation to keep fit. If not, think about it, maybe you
  is far from ideal too? If you yourself understand this, start the right life.

How to make a girl lose weight? Teach her to sport

Agree - any, even the most slender figure is not so good,
  if not emphasized by muscle reliefs and elasticity of the pumped up butt? No sport
  this cannot be achieved. Invite her here - to the school of an ideal body!

Unfortunately, only one in a hundred girls sincerely loves
  go in for sports, and the remaining 99 consider it conscription, like lessons
  physical education at school. What to do? Breaking stereotypes.

First, choose a sports pastime: instead
  watching the series get her rollerblading instead of a romance dinner
  arrange the equally romantic night bike ride. And if she doesn’t
  afraid of pain - take it with you to paintball.

Another option is to buy her a subscription to a prestigious fitness club.
  Such a gift is tantamount to a new phone, but performs much more useful
  functions: physical exercises at least 3 times a week are provided to her.

How to make a girl lose weight? Cause the right jealousy

A great way to make a girl lose weight and start following
  for themselves - to cause a burning feeling of jealousy and female rivalry. The stories
  about work colleagues and hot looks at the girls passing by will not work -
  need other measures.

If you just start peering at the opposite sex,
  her hands will drop, and she will have to compensate for the fallen self-esteem
  with chocolate. The option is not the best.

What to do? Tell her several times how her friend lost weight
  and even better - take her to a beach full of slim beauties. Behave yourself
  worthy! You see: female competition is such a terrible force that it
  rushes to download the press that very evening.

And one more, perhaps, the main secret: if you want
  make a girl lose weight, do not criticize her appearance and figure, direct
  call it fat or bold, no matter how bad the situation may be. Girl
  with murdered vanity - the worst thing that
  could wish for.

Love her, and for your sake she will try to be perfect.
  Then the question of how to make a girl lose weight simply will not be raised.

Man always seeks to fulfill his desires. I want to sleep - you will give everything for getting to bed as soon as possible. Is not it? With weight loss, everything is much more complicated. Many want this, but those who make at least some effort are few.

Often there is a different situation. Some Romeo met with his Juliet, everything was fine. But once the beauty was convinced that the heart of her beloved belongs only to her, she forgot to think about her charms. But really - why? What Romeo feels is not discussed.

Girls and so often resent it is not clear what. What can we say about discussing such a heart-breaking topic as weight loss? It’s much easier for a girl to make a guy lose weight. She said something sharp, and in most cases, he would go to the gym to restore the wounded male pride. With a girl this is not a ride. Just imagine what will happen, you tell her: "Something, dear, you are completely fat." To repeat at home, and indeed in some conditions, is strongly discouraged.

Better to see once ...

Very effective motivation is a concrete example. So sign up for a gym together or do exercises at home. The main thing is to regularly and yet together. Excuses like “I have everything in order, and let's do it” are better to put in a long box. The worst mistake is the lack of tact. This can lead to an underestimation of self-esteem and the appearance of complexes. This, in turn, will negatively affect both the process of losing weight and the character of the girl as a whole.

And who prompted you?

Man is such a creature that he will not do anything from under a stick. And a woman in particular. Therefore, it is important to convince her of the importance of deciding on weight loss. Let her understand the problem, so to speak. Aerobatics - to guide her train of thought so that she thinks that this is completely her decision. Otherwise, the use of the force method will lead only to a short-term result. Nothing motivates like your own desire.

Have you figured out the reason why the girl abandoned herself? Maybe she thinks that the guy is in her arms and will not run away anywhere, so you should think about changing tactics. Namely, to include his most powerful weapon. Jealousy. The main thing here is not to overdo it. After all, scandals are by no means the ultimate goal. So how do we act? It all depends on each specific case, but the main goal is to show that "you are beautiful with me, but with a figure like that of that girl, you will become perfect."

Both nice and helpful.

When something needs to be done, it is necessary, all desire to do it with it disappears. Therefore, from the category “necessary”, we calmly translate into the category “want”. Lose weight with pleasure. There are many ideas on how to make your wife lose weight and not know anything. One of them is an active pastime as a hobby. Establish a tradition of cycling every weekend. Or at least leisurely walks with a gradual increase in distance.

Dinner is served!

But no less than sports, nutrition has an effect on weight loss. The problem is that most losing weight do not believe in their success. Indeed, you can shake the press a couple of times. It certainly won’t be worse. But limit yourself to food? Do without chocolate before going to bed? And for what?

But the result is not so important to expect. Moreover, one can do without faith in one's success. The main thing is to get used to the process. And then it will tighten, and the road to a beautiful body will become pleasant and straight. Of course, you can find an excuse that, they say, this guy makes you lose weight. But you need to set a goal and go to it.

How to help a girl with this? Go together for proper nutrition. A man, especially a sportsman, cannot get along with salads alone. But you can normally dine at work, for example. And with a girl it makes sense to conclude a kind of contract - you eat and study properly for three months, and I buy you a fur coat. Two sizes smaller than what you wear now.

The easiest way to say - but why do I need her so much, full of slender girls, I’ll find another! But in a relationship, weight should not be the dominant factor. If you love each other, want to build the future together, pass this test together. And the girl ... Any girl wants to be beautiful and attractive. She, having lost weight, will be grateful to you.

So how to start losing weight for real? Visit our portal, chat on the forum. And then you will understand that you need to work to make a girl lose weight, but it's worth it. Only it is necessary to approach the matter with tact in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels and misunderstandings.

How to make a girl lose weight?