Original congratulation of a friend on his 30th birthday. Thanks for the congratulations in verse to friends

          To Relatives Another Friend Beloved Beloved Colleague With Anniversary Man Woman For 30 years

You celebrate thirty years
  Let us give you one piece of advice.
  Live to make everyone envious
  But let not be ashamed in the morning!

At thirty years old, what can you wish for?
  Maybe become a big oligarch?
  So that money always flows like a river
  Did the golden alarm clock wake you up?

Better wish to know the measure
  And do not forget your friends
  Be healthy, believe and love
  And it’s easy for you to live up to hundreds of years!

At 30 years old, life is like good wine, it does not wander, as in youth, does not play, as in childhood, but has an excellent taste, enjoy this wine, but do not drink in large sips so that there is no hangover.

Anniversary 30 years - a great time,
  And a full-fledged adult life, you say “Hurray!”
  Well, you can easily wipe your nose young
  And at the same time, to the old people to you, oh how far!

Tables bent from cutlets:
  After all, the hero of the day is thirty years old!
  Respectable age what to say
  And there is something to show people.

We wish simply, without any undertakings,
  Live rich, not decrepit.
  Behind the wheel of a luxury car
  And on the road, for a hundred years!

Gold coins are falling into your piggy bank of the year, and today is the 30th, anniversary, coin waiting in line. Let it become the best talisman for you, guaranteeing a better life and fulfillment of desires.

May you be thirty years old
  Life will give happiness light
  Career advancement
  And success in the love field!

Promises wealth anniversary -
  There are no sharp corners in it.
  For happiness and great success
  It is made up of horseshoes.

Two thirds more you pass
  And you can relax.
  Grab your luck by the reins
  And hit the road!

The anniversary of 30 years is a real puzzle: where to go, what to drink, who to call, how to have fun, how to get there and what, then can you tell your grandchildren? Let these be the most important problems in your life and may you always have enough strength for new ideas!

30 years is the beginning of everything
  Important round anniversary!
  May the planets become few
  For all your joy!

Congratulations, 30 years - a wonderful anniversary!
  Much is clear, but all life is ahead
  Means, time has come to live easy and cool,
  So smile and boldly go ahead.

May the secrets of the universe be revealed to you,
  For happiness and success to be the shortest path,
Nearby will be a sweet, beloved creature,
  Well, we, reliable friends, by the way, do not forget.

For 30 years you learned to walk, talk, listen, think, understand, create something and the result is amazing! We wish you to perfect all your skills and master them perfectly and for a hundred years.

You are 30 years old today!
  I send a huge hello!
  Both a gift and flowers
  In a silver shell!
  I wish you happiness in the holiday
  And congratulations again!

How many?! So many do not live!
  Are gods and heroes ...
  In honor of you, let's salute
  We’ll make it from champagne!

You became an adult today
  Childhood by pushing off a foot.
  Get on the pedestal!
  You are thirty! You are hero!

It is not true that thirty is far from eighteen. The only difference is that before parents let go for a walk, and now their own children. We wish the birthday man for many, many years not to part with his youth!

  Alina Ogonyok

30 years old - an important, special age,
  Life leads us slowly
  Man, I sincerely wish you so that
  The soul never grew old.
  Light awaits you ahead
  And many - many happy years.
  I wish you to hear a funny laugh in the house.
  And accompanied you in all success.

Happy 30th birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
  I wish you all the best, be happy,
  Let the cheerful mood not leave you,
  And always pleasant news amaze.
  Great victories to you, friend, joy and happiness,
  So that bad weather will leave you forever
  I wish you mutual love, good luck, warmth,
  Meetings joyful, good luck and good.

30 years old today
  Compliments toast guests say
  Happy jubilee
  Congratulations to all sincerely in a hurry.
  For you, my friend, all the main words
  So that life flows like a full river
  So luck doesn’t pass by
  Be always the happiest.

Well, how can we not have fun?
  We have no reason to be sad.
  You are exactly 30 today!
  But we have known each other for 300 years!
  Yes, every day goes for ten!
  And your character cannot be fixed.
  And all the friends are here today!
  And everyone wants to congratulate you

Only thirties is not enough!
  After all, thirty is a lot!
  You started
  Affairs and life's journeys!
  But the main thing, my friend, is still
  Waiting ahead. So be happy!
  I know you can do anything
  You know, in yours I believe in strength!

When it was fifteen
  It seems that thirty is old age.
  You can only laugh at it,
  After all, thirty years is such a small thing!
  And there seems to be no change,
  And gray hair is not yet visible.
  Although, the truth is thirty years,
  It’s a shame to hear about old age!
  After all, the same ease on the rise,
  When we get together somewhere!
Friends, girlfriends full house,
  All the same fun laugh.
  Although, of course, there is wisdom,
  Suddenly came to us over the years,
  And often there’s no time to sit down,
  When the cycle with deeds.
  And let them consider the old
  We are only fifteen
  Though younger than us for years,
  But they can’t keep up with us!
  He comes with presents, warmth,
  And for the anniversary, the house is full of light.
  After all, what are these thirty years?
  Of course, joy, song, sun light!
  Therefore, we wish you
  Always be the master in your destiny.
  And let him lead you from afar
  Love magic hand!

This holiday is the best
  This holiday is an anniversary
  You will listen today
  Congratulations from friends.
  Wishes are different:
  Laughter, happiness and love
  So that income is always decent
  And more kindness
  So that cosiness is always in the house
  The health of loved ones and children,
  So that everything is always normal
  Life was so fun!

For you, my friend, I raise this glass
  In honor of yours, I’ll sing vocals today,
  After all, 30 years once in a lifetime
  This holiday is celebrated loudly.
  Let the bird of happiness fly to you
  Let all the bad weather fly by
  May the birthday. Bring good luck
  And the sea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful mood in addition.

Years like birds fly
  They can’t be brought back already,
  But we won’t be sad about the past,
  And we’ll tighten the song “Happy Birthday!”
  Congratulations on your 30th birthday,
  A lot of happiness, friend, I wish you
  Let you always be lucky in everything
  All the best, good luck and family warmth.

The 30th anniversary is knocking on the door,
  To the house there is a line of guests
  With compliments and congratulations come,
  Gifts with warmth in the soul are carried.
  Congratulations from me, friend, accept
  May your dreams come true
  Let luck walk alongside
  Let them surround you with love and warmth.

30 years is the age of luck,
  You have already succeeded in everything
  He became solid and confident in the bargain,
  He managed to fulfill his dream.
  With all my heart, friend, congratulations
  I wish you a long and happy life
  Let life give you only admiration,
  Peace to you, happiness and good mood.

30 years is a bright anniversary
  You have become solid, serious
  I’ve done well in my career,
  Focused on everything and scrupulous.
  Congratulations, friend, wholeheartedly,
  May all your dreams come true
  Let fate smile sweetly
  Let everything work out fine for you.

Dear friend, today is your holiday
  30th anniversary is happiness
  May fate be favorable to you,
  Let all bad weather pass by.
  Congratulations from the bottom of your heart,
  May all days be bright
Let luck not let you go anywhere
  May joy and love always surround.

Congratulations on the 30th anniversary of a man in prose

I want to congratulate the kindest, attentive, decent and courageous, real man from the bottom of my heart on his 30th birthday! Let a carefree childhood leave only a trace in my memories, and the years of youth have already passed - my whole life is ahead! How many dreams and desires are still destined to come true! I wish you determination, good luck in any business, victories, happy and unforgettable moments, family well-being, good health and boundless love.

For a man, 30 years old is like a stage of final growing up and serious goals, it is time for a stable position and high status. I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and want to sincerely cherish every minute of happiness and love, achieve victorious heights and conquer incredible heights, protect your close people and surround yourself with reliable friends.

Congratulations on the anniversary! Let this holiday become a magical day, and your health will become 30 times stronger, luck now comes 30 times more often, your wife will love you 30 times more, and the amount in your wallet will increase exactly 30 times.

The very dawn of strength - that's what they say about men at 30. And you can see! Such optimism and cheerfulness will be envied by any young. I wish you not to lose all those qualities that you have acquired over the years: intelligence, justice, honor and dignity, kindness and understanding - all that a real Man should possess. Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on the 30th anniversary of a wonderful and wonderful man. Let any business be on the shoulder, every goal can be successfully achieved, may every day be saturated and happy, may the heart live with love, and the soul fly towards the main dream of life.

Congratulations to a wonderful man on his 30th birthday. I wish you the full flowering of strength and happiness in life, stability in the good and success of affairs, constancy in luck and luck, sincere feelings in love affairs and just a good mood.

Congratulations on the anniversary and I want to wish everything that only the soul desires. At the age of 30, I wish you Siberian health, warm sincere love, high achievements and vital flights. Let fortune always smile. Let dreams come true. I wish you not to know the failures and insults and always maintain your peace of mind.

Of course, the years fly by very quickly, but thirty years is quite a bit, everything interesting is yet to come! Let love and tenderness reign in the soul, live easily and without problems. May life be happy and fortunate until sunset!

On my 30th birthday I congratulate a charming and magnificent man. May life be full of happiness and beauty, may all things be successfully completed, may there be good luck on the way, may the heart never be upset.

Funny congratulations on the 30th anniversary of a friend

Oh, buddy, today is thirty,
  With what I hurry to congratulate you.
  May everything in your life be smooth.
  Know, I will always support you!
  Let your house be 300 meters high
  In the garage - at least 5 cars.
  May you boast of health,
  Every evening to dance with happiness.
  Let only luck await you in love
  Let the chosen one be sweet.
  Let the sea and the villa, and the cottage.
  So let's drink to the bottom!

I wish you a career, family and good luck,
  Let everything be fine, friend, with you!
  And more money, an apartment and a summer house,
  And also a horde of kids guys!
  You are thirty years old - the best age in the world:
  You are wise, still young, handsome, full of strength!
  Be bright, lively, do not surf the Internet.
  I wish you not to miss your life!

Thirty years is the age of maturity: the illusions are dispelled, healthy optimism and desire for the highest achievements remained! I wish you to go forward to the intended goal, without wagging and not stumbling! And let your loved ones and friends be a reliable support! And I also want to wish that serious intentions in life do not interfere with your hobbies! Indeed, people say: a man until old age is a child. Both in childhood and in adulthood, one cannot live without toys. So let the toys be matched to you - respectable and expensive!

30 years old, my friend, is an anniversary,
  So smile at everyone and pour the wine!
  For your health, for future success
  With joy we will drink, even who is not a drinker.
  We wish you all victories
  And happy, bright, and successful years,
  Happy events, right decisions,
  Passion of infinite and great accomplishments.

Get out of the circle soon.
  Happy anniversary, friend!
  Cool age - 30 years old -
  For accomplishments and victories!
  Happiness, tenderness, love!
  Light, live joyfully
  Never cheer
  Meet the day with a smile!

My dear friend, you are thirty today
  So you exchanged the fourth dozen.
  Only I ask you, do not worry,
  This age does not matter, do not boil, order.
  And today, on this day, on a wonderful anniversary,
  I sincerely congratulate you as a true friend.
  And again in the second wind to begin his life,
  I wish you a beautiful, luxurious, chic!

My good friend - I congratulate you,
  May there also be a lot of fire in the eyes.
  You're only thirty - so few believe me
  You in life, my friend, never be timid.
  I wish you happiness and much luck
Try to solve all problems in life,
  We will pour a glass for your health,
  Let everything come true in your life!

Congratulations on your holiday, my friend. Happy anniversary and may the thirtieth birthday be one of the best days that have happened in your life, and all subsequent ones will turn out to be a thousand times better. May your wishes come true and life will bring you hundreds and even millions of good news.

On your thirtieth birthday
  Friend, I wish you happiness.
  So that in his profession
  Brightly held.
  I'm on life paths
  I wish not to wander
  Only in love traps
  With a lady of heart to fall.

Today is your holiday
  All friends are in a hurry to congratulate.
  I’m not a noble wit,
  But I'm ready to say a couple of phrases.
  Don’t waste your time
  Indeed, at thirty years old - man is a paradise.
  Walk, flirt - but don’t take risks,
  Justify any action.
  May success be a companion,
  Let everything be decided without interference.
  Life has been given to us to dare -
  So do not be discouraged!

Happy Anniversary, my most faithful, reliable and beloved friend. I wish you health, like a horse, wealth and genius, like Bill Gates. Who will say that 30 years is old age ?! This is a continuation of youth! So let's light it up with you today completely, forgetting about all matters and concerns.

Poems for a birthday of 30 years

30 years is a round date! The time of life dawn, strength and new achievements. An hour of new discoveries and unforgettable minutes of joy that loved ones give. I wish you to be fully satisfied with life, to plunge into the bottomless sea of \u200b\u200blove and care, affection and attention. Let luck and success accompany everywhere and in everything, comfort and warmth reign in your house and warm the hearts of people who love you. Let the mischievous light burning in your eyes shine brighter every year. Happy holiday!

30 years celebrate noisily
  Indeed, today is the anniversary.
  Lead your life actively,
  Do not be shy, do not be shy.
  Let your motto be “Courage”,
  After all, such loves life.
  You catch your luck
  Always hold on to her.

On your thirtieth birthday
  Congratulations I will send my to you.
  Be able to value your day
  And thank you tell fate.
  I wish you from the bottom of my heart
  Get closer to your dream
  So that life was always beautiful!
  You are in the dawn of years, in all its glory.
  Always be in service, as you are now.
  Travel, learn, create!
  Rejoice and laugh every hour
  And take everything from life!

Three dozen lived in the world,
  All with you - parents, friends,
  Children grow up quietly
  And the family looks more solid ...
  I wish you in these thirty
  Do not mope, and do not get sick at all,
  To fall in love with my wife again
Well, on vacation - go to Goa!
  Let money arrive as long as necessary
  To be enough for any whim,
  May love be with you
  And hold on tight to her!

Thirty years is such a date
  It’s rich in various experiences,
  But already in love in power
  With a young hot passion!
  Let your love live
  Higher and wider still growing
  Let the soul not lose heart
  Doesn’t suffer from resentment!
  Let your family grow
  Full happiness will come
  May luck be on the threshold
  Our wonderful greeting!

A dove flies into the sky
  And to you our congratulations!
  You are thirty - well then
  A trembling does not creak on the heart.
  Thirty is young age
  And funny, naughty!
  We wish you peace in your family
  And personal happiness to you!

You have an anniversary today
  You can sing, dance and have fun
  Invite guests to your home,
  After all, today you are thirty!
  Thirty years - life has just begun
  We wish you inspiration
  Believe in yourself, dream, create, love,
  Congratulations today.

You have been with us for three decades, how wonderful it is! On your thirtieth birthday, we wish that the most secret dreams come true, that life be filled with joyful events! Let boredom and displeasure forget the way to you! Peace and love, health and happiness, joy and inspiration, work and money, prosperity and patience, hard work and fun! May God always and everywhere be with you, bless and instruct you, lead you and give you a real fullness of life!

Anyone who says that youth has come to an end can safely go away. Because thirty years is the age at which life begins. There is no longer any need to get an education or to prove at work and service that you are not too young. Now is the time to be real. Happy anniversary!

You are a successful person and you are still very, very young. Life experience is harmoniously combined with strength, activity and activity in you. We are pleased to congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary and wish you all that you already achieve (success, wealth, happiness in life). But let our congratulations help you do it even a little faster.

Congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the man

Three dozen are you today
  I exchanged without looking.
  You're not a boy already
  Quite an adult uncle.
  A cheeky look and a cool look
  Not a man - macho.
  Let everything be with you -
  Yacht, house and cottage.
  On the anniversary of
  May your dreams
  To have everything in life
  What you want.

You’ve been living in the world for thirty years,
  There is a family - a wife and children,
  There is an apartment and a car,
  In general, your life is raspberry!
We know what you wish for:
  To go to rest
  To resorts abroad,
  So that you fly like a bird
  So that love in the family was
  And over the years I haven’t left
  For good health
  The flame of the heart has not cooled!

I heartily congratulate you on your 30th birthday! I wish to remain a real man until very old age. I wish you material prosperity and peace of mind, the beauty of the inner and outer world. Let those whom you yourself really love love you! Great success in your work and warmth of relations with loved ones! Let your career grow, and with it material prosperity! Happiness and health, love and joy!

May the sea be happy
  Always wealth in the house
  Love and understanding
  Support and attention.
  You are 30 today!
  There is reason to have fun
  Forget about all the hardships
  Take a break from work.
  Let the music play
  Let the jokes keep silent
  Fun spills over the river
  Your soul is laughing.
  You have achieved a lot:
  He worked and studied.
  Career up let him race
  And happiness is knocking at the door.

Thirty years is the beginning,
  There is still a whole century ahead.
  Life tested for strength
  What kind of person are you.
  Different things used to happen
  But from now on there will be a take-off!
  I wish that come true
  All dreams in vain.
  To have enough energy
  Certainly lucky.
  Be a successful spy
  Do not rush to dry the oar.
  Be persistent, firm in decisions,
  Witty, kind, healthy.
  Happy Birthday!
  Get ready for a long life!

At the man in 30 years
  Ahead is full of victories.
  Youth is left behind
  Maturity knocked on the door.
  May fate laugh at you
  What you want is a success.
  Love money, and wife
  A century will be true to you.
  Let the career delight
  Mother-in-law let the soul not
  Smile more fun.
  Congratulations on the anniversary!

Here is a date - "thirty",
  And we want to wish
  Live, love, create, work.
  And not just like that - at "five."
  Let the wallet be thick
  Let the fire burn in the blood.
  And in a career of only growth,
  And reciprocity in love.

Decent age - thirty years,
  And there is nothing to be proud of:
  Family, friends, work and success.
  May your life sparkle with luck!
  I wish you a bright happiness
  Health heroic in reward.
  Let them not leave loved ones in trouble
  Relatives let them be with you!
  I’ll tell you, the secret is not melting,
  That thirty years is still just the beginning.
  May your friends be faithful in your fate
  Let there be a lot of luck in fate!

At thirty, all roads are open
  And therefore I want you to wish
  So that you leave behind your worries
  And he went forward to conquer the peaks!
  I wish you success all around
So that everything you take in life
  It turned out perfectly, without blemishes,
  May your cherished dreams come true!
  I wish you many clear, bright days,
  Smile bright new day to meet,
  Good health, and loyal friends,
  And a lot of money, so tired you count them!

Your thirties - it's cool!
  Great reason to buzz.
  You have lived in vain for years
  Friends, my love - everything is there.
  Let everything go uphill.
  Let life, work - everything goes.
  Let good luck fast train
  At your station soon come.

30 is very small
  The third humble anniversary.
  Life is just the beginning
  Time plans and ventures.
  Let everything be: house, car,
  Safe, beautiful wife,
  Life is extreme, not routine,
  All sorts of benefits is full.

Congratulations on the topic.

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A thirty-year-old man is no longer a child, and by his anniversary he is not so waiting for gifts and goodies as he wants to make sure that everyone who is dear to him is with him at the most joyful and solemn moments of his life.

The thirtieth birthday is already serious, a solid life path has been passed, thorough experience has been accumulated. On the day of the anniversary, it is very important for a man to feel the warm support of loved ones, to realize that he can always rely on his family and friends. Therefore, do not spare any energy or time, prepare in advance an interesting, cordial and pleasant congratulation on your friend’s 30th birthday.

On the day when a friend turns 30 years old, you can congratulate him simply in your own words coming from the heart. After all, you know him not the first day, or even more than one year. Most likely, you are aware of all its greatest advantages and even the smallest flaws, the most important hobbies and the most secret dreams.

All this can be said in an original and non-trivial way in your holiday speech, if you turn it, for example, into a congratulatory toast. Unleash your imagination, open your soul - and the most faithful and correct words will find you themselves.

The right words

If it’s not easy for you to formulate your future speech yourself to congratulate your friend on his 30th birthday in prose, without any doubt use the texts we have collected below. We want to hope that they will greatly help you in preparing for the holiday of your comrade.

You can supplement them with some general colorful memories, your bright emotions and exquisite wishes. Or perhaps you will rework the text and change it beyond recognition, give it your own unique style. May our selection of congratulations to a friend on his 30th birthday inspire you.

Interesting, original and elegant congratulations to a friend for 30 years may well be in poetic form. After all, poetry is always associated with something sublime, festive, solemn. Your mature 30-year-old comrade will certainly appreciate your inventiveness and creativity. Write, create, try!

And if you are not particularly satisfied with the result, try reading those poetic wishes to a friend with a 30th birthday that we have collected. Perhaps one of them you will like the most or just right for congratulating your comrade. Poems on the 30th anniversary of a friend:

The birthday man will celebrate his thirtieth year in the circle of relatives and friends closest and dearest to his heart. In such a close warm environment, where everyone has long known everyone well, funny congratulations on the friend’s 30th birthday are quite appropriate.

A good joke, elegant sharpness will only add to this cheerful holiday a light, laid-back mood, smiles, laughter, carelessness. Put in your wish for the anniversary of your comrade a kind smile and sincere sincerity.

By the way, you can simply choose a cool congratulation to a friend for 30 years from among those collected by us and given below on this page. With humor:

If you and your friends scattered your life around cities and towns, this does not mean that you can forget about your friend’s 30th birthday. In this case, in the old days, mail came to the rescue, then a long-distance telephone. Now this is not a problem at all.

You can always congratulate a friend on his 30th birthday with an SMS message. See several versions of such a greeting below.

Whatever wish you choose on this day, a friend will be pleased to hear or read your sincere congratulations. Author: Larisa Zaporozhchenko, sources: www.pozdravik.ru, pozdravok.ru, www.shmyandeks.ru, www.greets.ru, prazmav.ru

Happy 30th birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you all the best, be happy,
Let the cheerful mood not leave you,
And always pleasant news amaze.
Great victories to you, friend, joy and happiness,
So that bad weather will leave you forever
I wish you mutual love, good luck, warmth,
Meetings joyful, good luck and good.

30 years old today
Compliments toast guests say
Happy jubilee
Congratulations to all sincerely in a hurry.
For you, my friend, all the main words
So that life flows like a full river
So luck doesn’t pass by
Be always the happiest.

Well, how can we not have fun?
We have no reason to be sad.
You are exactly 30 today!
But we have known each other for 300 years!

And your character cannot be fixed.
And all the friends are here today!
And everyone wants to congratulate you

I wish you in these thirty
Always glowing with joy
And look for positive in everything,
To make everyone happier in the world!

Let everything work out easily
Luck will smile on you
So that all your dreams come true
And the plans in life were a success!

Always walk forward
Health may not let you down
Money rustling in my pocket
To always be rich!

Oh, buddy, today is thirty,
With what I hurry to congratulate you.
May everything in your life be smooth.
Know, I will always support you!

Let your house be 300 meters high
In the garage - at least 5 cars.
May you boast of health,
Every evening to dance with happiness.

Let only luck await you in love
Let the chosen one be sweet.
Let the sea and the villa, and the cottage.
So let's drink to the bottom!

30 years old, my friend -
Time flew by quickly
Years - like a beat of hearts -
The main thing is not to hurt!

From the heart I want to wish
Lots of happiness and luck
Never lose heart
Golden mood!

You started
Affairs and life's journeys!

But the main thing, my friend, is still

I know you can do anything
You know, in yours I believe in strength!

Date marked
His anniversary
Faithful, faithful friend
Proven by life ...

About thirty times - sincerely
I wish you
My only friend
Happiness is boundless!

Let the spirit not toil,
The heart does not gnaw -
All that happens
For the better!

Well, how can we not have fun?
We have no reason to be sad.
You are exactly 30 today!
But we have known each other for 300 years!

Yes, every day goes for ten!
And your character cannot be fixed.
And all the friends are here today!
And everyone wants to congratulate you

Just thirty is not enough!
After all, thirty is a lot!
You started
Affairs and life's journeys!

But the main thing, my friend, is still
Waiting ahead. So be happy!
I know you can do anything
You know, in yours I believe in strength!

“You have not grown up as an adult”
You haven’t grown up like a child
With what, friend, congratulations.
Living is always easy and simple.
I wish you that day.

Will bring thirty years
Happiness and success of the mountain.
The best there is
There is plenty of money and health.

With you thirty years old
We want to congratulate.
You were always the brightest
Therefore, we love.
You have been faithful to friendship for many years.
Our union is indestructible!
In business, you are absent.
Are you ready to start.
You have achieved a lot in life,
We will confirm this. -
And in his mastery is great,
We can’t replace anyone.
On the thirtieth anniversary
We want to tell you:
“We swear our allegiance
We need you! ”

This holiday is the best
This holiday is an anniversary
You will listen today
Congratulations from friends.
Wishes are different:
Laughter, happiness and love
So that income is always decent
And more kindness
So that cosiness is always in the house
The health of loved ones and children,
So that everything is always normal
Life was so fun!

Thirty! Friend, forget about crises
Just push your plane - let's go for a walk!
We are not some daffodils there,
Girls are also invited to fly!
Now take a look - students and bosses
Roll your eyes from you!
All because you are smart, strong, successful,
Beautiful and young - more than always!

With you thirty years old
We want to congratulate.
You were always the brightest
Therefore, we love.
You have been faithful to friendship for many years.
Our union is indestructible!
In business, you are absent.
Are you ready to start.
You have achieved a lot in life,
We will confirm this.
And in his mastery is great,
We can’t replace anyone.
On the thirtieth anniversary
We want to tell you:
"We swear our allegiance
We need you! "