Congratulate on the day Airborne husband is cool. Beautiful sms congratulations on the day of Airborne. Beloved boyfriend and husband

Voice congratulations, recorded by us specially for the Airborne Forces Day, will be a pleasant surprise for the professional holiday of your beloved man. Listen, choose and send your favorite audio card to your smartphone.

Beloved paratrooper from the girl

Send to your beloved

Popular greetings

On Airborne Forces Day, my love, congratulations
  Let everyone in a hurry to fulfill their desires!
  I wish you good health
  And immerse yourself in happiness with your head!

Appreciate love - what could be more important?
  Let success hurry to you soon
  It turns out let everything you dream about!
  May you live joyfully and do not know any troubles!

Send to phone

Favourite! On this solemn day, on the holiday of the Airborne Forces, I want to wish you to always remain the same - a real man in every sense and deed! I really want your every wish to be fulfilled, and also - so that we continue to love each other and be happy!

Send to phone

Congratulations from me, my beloved man! I want to heartily congratulate you and wish you were always full of strength and energy, because Airborne Forces Day should give each paratrooper even more power and open a second wind! Let faithful friends surround you and everything will be fine!

Send to phone

In the shoulders - oblique fathom,
  Always sure look
  I'm not surprised even -
  Everyone is looking at you!

My favorite paratrooper
  I hasten to congratulate you!
  I wish you happiness, peace,
  Good luck and good!

Send to phone

Beloved, you are a real paratrooper
  And I want to wish on Airborne Forces Day,
  To be happy always! And in our passion
  I liked everything, my dear, you.

And the strength, valor, qualities of men -
  Without measure you have it all!
  Marines, friends, they are!
  I want to wish you well and happiness!

Send to phone

Dear, dear, today I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the day of the Airborne Forces! May all your wishes be fulfilled, dear, because on the day of the paratrooper all the best words are dedicated only to you alone! I want harmony to prevail in our relations, and the fact that every girl dreams of a paratrooper is flattering me insanely, because you chose me!

Send to phone

My beloved, I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day. You are the main character of my life! Your blue beret and vest are driving me crazy. May your strength and dexterity, courage and endurance be given to the Motherland, and save love and tenderness for me.

All Russia is in awe, soon on August 2. Every year after this day on the Internet there are many videos of fights with Caucasians, pictures with congratulations, cool SMS texts and poems. And all this is due to the fact that the Airborne Forces Day 2016 is approaching, and with it events that are classic for this event: drunkenness, festivities, sports, parades, marches and more.

Do not forget on such a day to send your beloved, brother or friend, who served in the Airborne Forces, cool prose or a short verse with congratulations. He will not forget this, and the paratrooper located near you on the day of the Airborne Forces is practically an essential guarantee of his own health.

Traditionally, congratulations on Airborne Forces Day sound on August 2: it was on this day that the first elite units of the Airborne Forces were formed. Everyone congratulates the paratroopers in their own way. Someone just says thanks to them on the street. Someone writes on social networks that he is proud of the "blue berets." And relatives and friends are trying to give their paratroopers more positive emotions.

Believe me, even such brutal guys as airborne troops will always be happy with congratulations on Airborne Forces Day. Everyone knows that the paratroopers are all good with a sense of humor. Therefore, funny and funny congratulations on Airborne Forces Day are suitable for them. Here is the best selection of postcards and SMS with Airborne Forces Day from our website.

"Airborne" - says the tattoo.

Don't joke with them.

They will not forgive punctures,

They won’t let you pass by.

Airborne - dashing guys

They don’t go to the circus - it’s not funny.

After all, they are fully barracks

They paid tribute for a long time.

All equal guys

Looking at them in the yard.

They say: "Go to the soldiers," -

They are small kids.

Congratulations, my beloved, on your day!
  Airborne Forces Day - in great honor,
  He sincerely cares about many.
  I give you, my husband, a verse,
  Holding it together with a kiss!
  And it's so nice to understand
  That my favorite is the best!
  After all, I can always say:
  Who can be cooler?

Happy Airborne, blue berets!
  There is a reason to drink, have fun, walk!
  There is reason to sing couplets to the guitar!
  Well, in a word, celebrate the holiday, as it should!

Guys celebrate today

Airborne Day! They all cheers!

All have served after all,

And now it's time

Celebrate this holiday together

And remember all your friends!

To all of you, blue berets,

I give this verse today!

Overcoming the fear,
  You collect the sky in the palm of your hand
  Not two hands, but two wings,
  Applying on epaulettes.
  Airborne troops
  Protect from the air border
  And look from afar
  Like proud desperate birds.
  We wish you a successful landing in life,
And on your holiday, sincerely have fun!

Happy holiday, paratroopers!
  Strength to you all and courage,
  Heaven is only peaceful
  Away of war is all horror.

I wish you good health
  Loyal friends
  Fortitude with courage
  Loving people.

Everyone who is called an airborne squad
  I heartily congratulate you now!
  Happiness breaks into your life
  Let success always choose you!

A lot of health, courage, patience,
  I wish you only loyal friends!
  Successful may be landing,
  So that you become even stronger in spirit!

Guys, Airborne Guys,
  Handsome men, daredevils, athletes!
  Without fear, self-pity
  Able to protect the planet.

And into the water, and into the fire, and into the cold,
  And in the rain, and slush, and in the cold
  Are you ready to help
  If you hear “SOS” nearby.

Let your life be not boring,
  Rich, peaceful - like everyone else.
  Let it be as it will be better!
  May laughter be heard!

For the paratrooper, congratulations on Airborne Forces Day - cool and short sms or long and interesting verses - it is always nice. Indeed, VDVshnik has two birthdays: one date when he was born, and August 2 is the celebration of his second birth as a paratrooper. Therefore, try not to forget about it and at least out of respect to poison some cool picture or poem in the congratulations on Airborne Forces Day. Here is a good selection of such greetings:

You live with the soul wide open

And the strength in every muscle is visible

A powerful torso covered with a vest

Young girls deprived of sleep.

Be proud of the strong friendship you are male

It has been checked more than once,

Defenders of you peace and quiet

Happy Airborne Congratulations!

Wake up early on Airborne Day

All former colleagues call

Make an appointment with them all at the fountain,

And everything you need to buy for the holiday.

With friends to chat and swim,

Take pictures of each other on the phone,

Happy Airborne! Of course you are right -

Your holiday should be celebrated!

And you conquered the earth, and the sky,

You know how to protect the country.

And to those who have never been in the landing,

Your iron character is not understood.

We wish you health and good luck,

Always open the parachute

And combat so that having solved the problem,

You returned home, where they are waiting for you!

Although the congratulations listed below on Airborne Forces cannot be considered a complete gift to a loved one, he will still be pleased. It’s better to send a text congratulation on Airborne Force Day to your beloved’s phone than not to congratulate you at all. This is important for him, therefore it is better if you yourself come up with a poem for him or take one of these poems and redo it. He will definitely enjoy it.

Today is the Airborne Forces,

My eagle is walking!

All attention to friends

Doesn't notice me!

Beats the dishes angry on the forehead,

Looking for a vest

And even though I love him

I will prepare a plaque !!!

On Airborne Forces I hasten to congratulate

Beloved with all my heart.

So I want to praise from the heart

The masculine breadth of the soul!

You, my good, I wish

From the life of titles and awards!

So that you find happiness without an edge

Not meeting obstacles on the way!

My best husband in the world

Today is your holiday, beloved!

You, my paratrooper, am proud

It’s unbearable to me without you!

Happy Airborne Forces I congratulate you

It’s always cozy and warm with you

I wish you today

To always be lucky in everything!

Below are apt congratulations on Airborne Forces Day in prose and poetry for a brother, friend or acquaintance of a paratrooper. We recommend that you learn one of them, call your acquaintance "blue beret" and personally congratulate him - he will definitely remember that you have not forgotten him and respect his holiday. This will be enough if you send congratulations on Airborne Force Day to a friend in the service, school or university. But congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to a brother, husband or relative must be with a gift, it is possible with an alcohol.

So, here are the congratulations on Airborne Force Day in verse:

Noisy last month of summer

The sun is hotter and hotter

But the guys in the blue berets

The heat does not notice at all.

Airborne Forces Day is a special holiday!

Let the temperature be high!

Recognize everyone in different areas,

How much is landing!

Uncle Vasya’s troops are the elite of Russia,

Berets on them, we blue know

Courage and courage for the Airborne Forces,

Now, as before, they remained in price!

Vests, berets - a special brotherhood,

They stood for the mountain for Russia,

Airborne Forces, you Fatherland wealth,

And each of us for the Airborne Forces is a hero!

“Nobody but us,” for winged infantry

Not just words - this is life's motto.

Always where the landing companies are hard

The order is carried out, flying down from the sky.

For faith and valor, luck, guys!

Airborne Brotherhood - for you, Airborne!

An example and a dream for any soldier,

You are the knights of heaven in folk rumor!

For the Airborne Forces, men shout everywhere today. Men in blue berets, today proudly put on their uniforms and throughout the country declare their choice! The Airborne Forces are people who do not stop at anything, who have seen a lot in their lives, but have not stopped at anything. This is our pride and hope for the best! We congratulate you. And we wish you that your eyes shine as brightly as the sun in the sky. To your soul, always radiated only heat! So that on your way, obstacles and barriers do not happen! After all, you are worthy of heights, writes Ros-Registr. Good luck to our eagles! May the Lord protect you.

On Airborne Forces Day, usually on the streets there are many guys, men in blue berets and vests. You paratroopers today deserve to celebrate your day as you wish. And you know, we are proud of you, because you are ready to deal with the dangers in the country. And they are always ready to go ahead, not expecting any help and support from anyone. We are glad to congratulate you today and wish you happiness, immense happiness like heaven. So that your hearts never suffer from anything bad and painful. In my eyes so that the fire always shone, there was a smile on my face. The whole country congratulates you guys and wishes you new heights. Conquer all the peaks. After all, you deserve the best! For the airborne forces!

On this bright and beautiful day, I had the honor to congratulate you, our dear airborne paratroopers, on your day. Therefore, I wish you the very best. For example, I want to wish you that your courageous and brave hearts never know insults and disappointments. To make your dreams and goals come true soon. After all, you deserve the best in life. You deserve to be on top. Since you are our future, which stands proudly on its feet. And in cases of which, they are ready to protect us from troubles. On your day, I wish you the best of health and strength. Let everything be as you need.

It's one thing when you have one or two acquaintances who served in the Airborne Forces. Another is when you are still serving or studying for the Blue Beret, and almost all of your friends and acquaintances are paratroopers. Coming up with a congratulation for everyone is very hard and long. Therefore, you can send our congratulations on Airborne Forces Day - short rhymes for SMS, funny and relevant. Co-workers will be pleased if they receive pictures, funny sms and rhymes from you on the day of the Airborne Forces. Below is a small selection of congratulations on Airborne Forces Day in SMS - choose your health, we do not mind:

With your help you can sleep peacefully

Knowing the airborne will not let you down

You serve with dignity

We wish to go only forward!

Marines - great power

The glory and pride of the whole army,

And wherever, fate brought

Let parachutes always open!

Airborne Forces - reliability, courage and strength,

And no matter where fate has cast it

They are courageous and beautiful.

I wish you luck always!

Always wearing blue berets

Honestly keep fighting secrets

The country is proud of your courage,

You remain faithful to her in full.

Airborne Forces Day 2016 promises to be a bright, fun event with eventful events. Someone on this day will shoot a video of the airborne fights with Caucasians, someone will attend a concert, and someone will congratulate their beloved, friend or brother. Special for this, inside the article we posted a selection of short SMS, cool prose and fun poems for congratulations. To be original, you can attach the given congratulations to the picture and send it to the paratrooper. He will definitely appreciate it.

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August 2 - Day of the airborne troops. This holiday is not celebrated by everyone, but many know about it and this is understandable. Blue Berets celebrate their day noisily, on a grand scale.

  If you have familiar paratroopers, then you will probably want to congratulate them. Here you will find a variety of congratulations on Airborne Forces Day - in prose, poems, short verses for SMS, postcards, pictures.

A bit of history about Airborne Forces Day

In 2006, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 determined the day, August 2, for honoring paratroopers and commemorating the brave paratroopers who died.

The date was not chosen by chance. On August 2, 1930, at the exercises of the Moscow Military District, for the first time in world history, a parachute jump was performed with a group of twelve people who, after landing, had to perform a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the airborne troops. A year later, the first landing unit of 164 people was created. At first, the paratroopers belonged to the air forces, then to the ground forces.

The airborne troops have several unofficial names - “blue berets”, “winged infantry” and “Uncle Vasya’s troops”. More closely, it is connected with the army general, Vasily Filippovich Margelov, who made a huge contribution to the reconstruction, formation and development of the airborne forces. Margelov was firmly convinced that in modern operations, only highly mobile, capable of wide maneuvering assault forces can successfully operate in the deep rear of the enemy. He abandoned the previously prevailing views on holding the area captured by the “winged infantry” before the main forces could break through it, using a tough defense, because with this approach, those who landed were threatened with complete destruction.

True, his opinions were not always taken into account; he often came across misunderstandings and obstacles from the Ministry of Defense and “upper echelons of power”. He constantly had to prove the need to equip the Airborne Forces with modern models of equipment and weapons. Thanks to Markelov, in our country, the BMD-1 with two crew members on board - commander Major Alexander Margelov (general’s son) and driver-lieutenant colonel Leonid Shcherbakov was dropped from the An-12B military transport aircraft on platform parachute means for the first time in the world. This happened on January 5, 1973.

"Paratrooper No. 1," as Margelova is called, ensured that the paratroopers, like the Marine Corps, born under Peter I, were entitled to wear vests, only it was decided to make the blue stripes - to match the color of the sky.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2005 established the “General of the Army Margelov” medal in recognition of the special merits of the "paratrooper No. 1" to the Fatherland. It is awarded to military personnel, veterans and civilian personnel and airborne troops for their conscientious service and personal contribution to the strengthening and development of this type of troops.

On the day of the Airborne Forces, official congratulations from the Ministry of Defense are heard, regular ranks and awards are given to especially distinguished paratroopers. On this day, both employees and veterans wear vests, blue berets and take to the streets of cities. The meetings are accompanied by memories of various events of their difficult service, songs with the guitar, bathing in fountains, often during festivities brawls and fights occur. One of the versions is why the tradition of swimming in fountains has so taken root that paratroopers see the reflection of the sky in the water of fountains and want to be closer to it that day.

The leader of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, who served in the airborne troops, wrote on his blog:

“How is the paratrooper different from a soldier of other types and arms? Only by the power of weapons and equipment? No, the armored forces will probably have more power. Maneuverability and speed of transfer? No, many types of aircraft have both maneuverability and speed. Maybe airborne landing? But other troops can be dropped if necessary from the air. Not. The landing party differs from others in that there are no insurmountable tasks for it. When the task is set, the paratrooper will fulfill it with a 100% guarantee. It’s not just going to die, but it’s fulfilling it, even if it will have to die. By this, Uncle Vasya’s troops differ from other glorious troops. ”

So let's congratulate these courageous and strong guys on their professional holiday.

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day in verse

Happy Airborne Guys, congratulations
  I wish you strength, courage!
  It's nice to swim in the fountain
  Today, plenty of fun.
  I wish for a little glory
  The entire landing force.
  You are the best troops in the world
  Even children know about this!

We will raise our glass
  For our landing!
  So that the spirit of the soldiers grows stronger
  Muscle grew!
  So that in difficult moments
  Hands did not lower!
  We give you compliments,
  We respect the service
  May the sun shine brightly on you
  Experience comes to you!
  Let the girls smile
  And the sorrow goes away!

Winged Infantry
  Congratulations today.
  We are very proud of you,
  We appreciate, respect!
  The paratroopers are ready
  Risking my life
  Orders to execute
  And jump with a parachute.
  May the world reign everywhere
  There will be no wars of the damned
  So that for my native country
  Guys would not die!

Who did not jump with a parachute
  And he didn’t try on,
  He does not know that much
  Lost in my life.
  Congratulations to the landing,
  For whom the vest is the mother
  Who is fearless, strong, courageous,
  Can crawl and fly.
  We want to wish the guys
  On this courageous day
  To be stingy and stately
  And worthy of the airborne!
  And in his life proudly
  Carry the honor of the paratrooper
  To Russia if necessary
  Save from the invasion!

You are brave and decide
  You, my friend, are undaunted
  You're called a paratrooper
  In battle, like a lion, you fearlessly rush!
  You're in the army - almost a god
  Not that you could not!
  So let it go wherever you are
  Dreams come true
  May you succeed
  Let the enemy surrender
  Reigns in the soul of romance!
  Paratrooper, Happy Paratrooper Day!

Work at the paratrooper
  Defend the homeland!
  And this is not for you candy wrappers,
  And just just say it!
  Is it in heaven, on land -
  They are good for everything!
  Landing - the best soldiers
  The army of the country!
  Defenders of the Fatherland
  Landing troops!
  It is known to mankind -
More reliable not to find!
  Soldiers and romantics,
  May you be lucky in everything!
  Happy holiday, paratroopers!
  Thank you for everything!

Short SMS congratulations on the day of the paratrooper

Selected guys - blue berets,
  Their valor, courage is proud of all of Russia.
  I wish you health and happiness and vigor in addition
  To perform worthy hard tasks!

Congratulations, Airborne!
  This is your holiday!
  You are a soldier, our protector
  And also a hero!
  Happiness, joy, to you
  Peace on the planet!
  Let luck settle
  In a blue beret!

It's August in the yard
  The Day of the Airborne Forces has arrived.
  Blue takes
  Raise a toast with your friends.
  Congratulations, accept
  Celebrate the holiday gloriously.
  May they always be with you
  Friendship, loyalty and love.

Thanks to you, we can sleep peacefully
  We know that the Airborne Forces will not let you down,
  You are worthy of service
  We wish you happiness and go forward!

The parachute is a white dome, and takes on his head,
  White and blue vest. Congratulations Airborne!
  We wish you a lot of happiness, strength and pressure,
  To always burn green on your life's journey!

Congratulations to Dad on the Day of the Airborne Forces in verse and prose

Father, there is no former paratrooper!
  We are in a hurry to congratulate you
  And on this important day we wish:
  Be healthy, cheerful and loved!
  Look at life with a happy look,
  May there be no troubles and separation.
  We are calm, because next to us
  There is a faithful and reliable friend!

Airborne Day is celebrated today by a country
  Let's get the glasses full of wine
  For their health, happiness, friendship,
  We will drink it to the bottom.
  I wish you only happiness, father
  Let all the bad weather fly by
  Let life flow like a full river
  May the Lord protect you.

My strongest, boldest dad
  You served in the landing troops
  Today you celebrate
  And do you remember your youthful fervor!
  And happy paratrooper today
  I want to congratulate you
  Let everything be fine in life,
  Live for us and for yourself.

Dear daddy, Happy Airborne Force Day to you! You are a reliable support for our family and a vivid example of wisdom, loyalty, kindness. Let the years only strengthen your health. I wish you happiness and good luck in all your affairs!

Father, I congratulate you on the holiday - Day of the Airborne Forces! I am proud that you are a paratrooper and that you are my father! I want to wish strength and courage, activity and prosperity, hope and faith in a beautiful future. Let life bring only the most pleasant surprises every day.

On Airborne Forces Day I want to congratulate the hero, the defender of the country and the most dear person in the world. Dad, I wish that your strength grows stronger, let health not leave for a moment, may all your undertakings lead to success, always go ahead and know that we love you!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day in prose

Today, on the day of the Airborne Troops, I want to heartily congratulate you on the holiday. To wish that under any circumstances you still have strength, courage and reliability. Your life principle is “Nobody but us!” causes admiration and pride for you. You guys in blue berets always have the willpower, pride in the country, the desire for the best and the willingness to protect the country from all dangers and enemies. With all our hearts, we wish you good health, courage, patience and happiness.

Our dear airborne troops, we congratulate you on the holiday! You are the pride of our country, always remain so courageous, courageous and reliable. I would like to wish you that joy visits your strong hearts, sorrows go around your homes, and happiness and luck are true friends.

Our dear paratroopers of the air forces, with your day you, with the day of the Airborne Forces. I wish you only all the best - so that your hearts do not know insults and disappointments, that your plans and dreams are always fulfilled, may faithful friends surround you, as well as the love and warmth of your near and dear ones. Good health to you, strength. Happy holiday!

On Airborne Forces Day, usually on the streets there are many guys, men in blue berets and vests. This is our “winged infantry”, these are our “blue berets”, these are our guys that the country is proud of. After all, you are always ready to go ahead and selflessly fight against dangers, protecting the country. Let fire always shine in your eyes and all the peaks obey. I wish you happiness, love, health. My toast is for the Airborne Forces!

Dear defenders serving in the Airborne Forces, I want to congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, success, confidence in a bright future, fulfillment of your cherished desires and confidence that everything will certainly develop as we would like. May the Lord protect you.

Congratulations to your beloved

Your blue takes me confused

Put on like that famously on one side.

Why put it on you, of course I know

Today is the holiday of the Airborne Forces!

Cheerful, drunk, with a flag and a vest

With friends you walk the streets

And you will drink vodka for the Airborne Forces from a flask,

Driving all the salag today trembling.

My warrior, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

May there be peace in the soul and on Earth.

I always wish to be steep and strong

Health, happiness and love to you!

Paratrooper, my dear hero
  One in the shower, unique.
  On Airborne Day your treasured
  I send wishes, my love!
  I promise to wait right
  With your hard, long service.
  Sometimes I want to hug
  To say that I really need you !.
I pray that God will keep you
  In flight to goals and to victory.
  My white-winged pilgrim
  May the sun of happiness shine brighter!

When you love, it’s so difficult to sort through, why, why did this feeling come? I love for courage and courage, for courage and honesty ... and yet you are so kind, caring! My paratrooper, you're the best in the whole world! Celebrate Airborne Forces Day today, and I really hope that with my congratulations the holiday will be even more beautiful for you!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! You, my man, I would not trade for the tournament champion King Arthur and the minstrel from Provence combined! For you, I am ready to go to the ends of the world, blindfolded ... Together, we will certainly be happy! And very, very much, I want to see you today walking on a grand scale at my holiday!

My beloved, my protector, I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day! Taking me in my arms to the land of happiness, and I will be your faithful, loving girlfriend with all my heart, okay? Tell me, what is your desire to fulfill on this holiday? And what I am not able to fulfill, let fate and fortune give you!

I always knew that I would be the girlfriend of the best man, a real knight! So, can you imagine what a pleasure it is for me to congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day? Probably not to find a better place to serve you! So let all the heights obey you in the Airborne Forces!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! The holiday is noisy, you are captured by a whirlwind of fun ... But for the sweet one there is a place nearby and a minute or two of your attention that the sun is warmer for me? Accept my wishes! Be healthy, optimistic, full of fresh ideas on how to improve your life! Serve your comrades and commanders to admire you!

Oh! Takes blue so it goes to your eyes! I look at you, admire, smile ... Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces! I wish you the fulfillment of thousands of desires, fleeting and those that you carry for a long time at the heart ... I wish to be even stronger and more agile, not to know ailments, enemies and afflictions!

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces! Today, fireworks are ringing, I am curling around you, enthusiastic, not melting ... We are definitely lucky to know in each other people who are destined to be together with Destiny! Well, today, you are definitely destined to be the stuffy company of your comrades!

The sun splashed through the window, in the morning I’m going to a parade ... Or rather, I want to be closer to you on Airborne Forces Day, but first I send you a festive congratulation and apply a kiss to him? Did you feel it on the cheek, along with the breath of the summer warm breeze?

We met and I disappeared ... That is, I was saved from loneliness by you, my paratrooper! Although, not only mine ... You serve the country, you are distinguished by many wonderful qualities in the elite of our troops, and I am more fascinated by you every day! Happy Airborne Force, be happy!

My personal hero from the elite troops, I congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day! I wish you to be a lion in strength and courage, a king in the ability to manage your life in the best way, and an adventurer in bringing everything new and good to your destiny! Always smile as only you can!

Day and night you are at the post
Confidently do your service,
Protect the air borders
Do not allow the enemy for half a step.
Happy Airborne Forces of Russia, my love, congratulations,
Peaceful exploits sincerely wish
May luck always accompany
Let the good angel protect from troubles.

Marines - glorious warriors fighters,
Real heroes are great,
You are a reliable shield of Russia and a thunderstorm of the enemy,
Do your duty in full.
Today is the Airborne Forces Day, congratulations,
May life give you only inspiration
Let me be lucky in everything, love
May fate be your happiest.

All paratroopers honor and praise,
Thanks to you, the country lives quietly,
You guard the air cordons with honor,
You do your duty perfectly.
Today is the holiday of the Russian Airborne Forces, congratulations,
I wish you, beloved, joy and happiness,
May the sky above your head be peaceful
I'm proud of you, paratrooper, my dear.

You are the guard of a great power
You deserve respect and glory
You are a paratrooper, strong and brave
You serve faithfully, skillfully.
Accept, love, congratulations,
In honor of the holiday of the Airborne Forces,
I wish you happiness and inspiration,
Let you get lucky in everything, everywhere.

Airborne Day is celebrated by the country
All paratroopers - cheers, cheers, cheers,
The outpost of attention and zeal always requires
Today is a holiday, we wish you to celebrate it in full.
Beloved, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you happiness, joy, health,
Let your life be like spring water
May my love be a guardian of you.

Everyone knows that the Airborne Forces - airborne landing,
What girl will be indifferent to them?
You, my love, are immediately visible from the figure,
As you can see everyone who serves in the landing.
Today is your holiday, Airborne Forces Day,
The guys in the blue berets are full everywhere
But I'm waiting only for you,
My paratrooper, I congratulate you lovingly.

My favorite is a paratrooper, and it's so cool
I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday,
You're there in the blue sky watching me
Wherever I go, you notice everything at once.
I'm waiting for you right, don't think bad
'Cause you're the best, I'm proud of you
Serve calmly, my brave paratrooper,
Be proud of the Airborne Forces and mark this holiday.

Your favorite holiday, Airborne Forces will celebrate
Everybody knows that there’s no cooler guy in the world,
Other guys are afraid to come up to me,
Everyone knows my paratrooper is serving in the army.
And without fear, I walk everywhere alone, proudly,
You know how to protect me, I know firmly
The landing will be in time everywhere, wherever it is,
Protects our great earth from the sky.

Happy Airborne Congratulations, you'll be glad
My beloved, you are not a goddamn brother
I'm so proud of you, I'm so calm
With someone like you, I’m like behind a stone wall.
My dear boy, I wish you
Let everybody tremble before the airborne landing force,
As soon as the parachute sees in the sky, the enemy flees,
There are airborne forces - the country is sleeping calmly.

Today again the blue takes you on,
Today is the birthday of the Airborne Forces,
Today the world is in your power, paratroopers,
You too, my dear, are from Uncle Vasya’s army.
With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the landing day,
Here is your front tunic with an accelerant,
Take a walk on your holiday with a noisy crowd
I'll wait another day, you be calm.

Day of the Airborne Forces, my dear, now celebrating
You are glad to friends, and you just don’t notice me,
I’ll go aside quietly, I won’t give a look,
But still, resentment is taking me now.
Inherent in the landing is the proud spirit of freedom,
But I missed you, I have been waiting for you for two years!
Do you remember that landing knows how to protect love,
Every one is proud of his faithful girlfriend.

Again you fly down from the sky with a parachute
You know all your air routes
Let the earth meet you as gently as possible
And I worry, because you are my one in the world.
I will send my kiss to you in the sky
And he will reach the goal wherever you are
Let him congratulate you on the day of landing troops,
Let the memory leave me.