Christmas carols funny in rhyme. Interesting Christmas carols - long and funny carols for children and adults. Christmas carols for children in Russian

In January we have a lot of holidays: New Year, Christmas, old New Year. These days, people have fun, go to visit each other, wish happiness, health and prosperity, set a rich table and invite relatives to visit. In addition to festive feasts for Christmas, it is customary to carol, walk in yards, sing carols with wishes of health and happiness.

What are carols, how to carol, what costumes are put on caroling? Today, on the eve of the holiday, we’ll talk about this, and also learn with children short and funny carols for Christmas, so that they can congratulate their relatives, neighbors and acquaintances.

The tradition of caroling was born back in the days of paganism, when our ancestors worshiped the fertility goddess Kolyada and celebrated the winter solstice, when days became longer and nights were shorter. People sang songs dedicated to this event, so that the harvest was good, and there was plenty in the house.

With the birth of Christianity, the two holidays intertwined and are practically one. At Christmas, adults and children dress up, go to relatives, acquaintances, learn carols, bounties, wish everyone prosperity and happiness.   Christmas carols  - These are traditional ritual songs that are more often religious in nature, glorify the birth of Jesus Christ. In the words of the carols, they began to thank God for all the good things that happened in the old year, praised the generosity and hospitality of the owners.

How to Carol

In different regions there are caroling features, but there is a common one. Now you do not often see carols, as in the films of N.V. Gogol.

By tradition, mummers walk around the village, village: boys, girls dressed in costumes and caroling. The sight is very bright and interesting.

Firstly, for caroling you need to gather a group of at least three people. At the head of the company of mummers is a "star" who carries a large eight-pointed star on a stick - a symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ. A star is the main attribute of Christmas. It can be cut out of cardboard or made of wire, decorated with sparkles, broken toys.

Zvezdar  - this is the main person. He should know carols very well and sing them.

Next one is coming ‘ 'Bell ringer"Which carries the bell. He calls, thereby informing the owners that there are carols. And closes the procession ‘ ‘Mekhonosha’‘. He has a bag where the owners put various sweets, piths, bagels. The bag should be bright, made of durable fabric. You can decorate it with stars, a month, the sun.

Before starting caroling, mummers should ask the owner for permission to carol. Of course, no one refuses this request, but for decency, you still need to ask permission. If the owner gave the go-ahead, the mummers thank him, wish the hospitable hosts health, happiness, prosperity and begin to sing carols.

Children are very easy to teach caroling. They can remember small carols. Learning carols and generosity with children, we introduce them to the traditions of Slavic culture. Kids very quickly hear the words of carols by ear. A few repetitions and they know them by heart. Moreover, knowing that later they will be given sweets, children learn carols quickly.

Carols, carols!

You give us the pie

Or a slice of bread

Or a crested chicken,

Cockerel with a scallop.

Christ the Savior

Born at midnight

In the den of poor

He settled.

Christ the Lord

On your birthday

Give it to all the people

The world of enlightenment!

And I’m small, but daring,

Born on tuesday

Dignify Christ!

Congratulate you!

Be healthy.

Merry Christmas!

Today an angel has come down to us,

And he sang: "Christ was born!"

We came to glorify Christ

And congratulate you on the holiday!

Nowadays, children go with carols to have fun and get treats.

Children can dress up in colorful clothes. For example, a buffoon: in a bright shirt, harem pants, a hat on his head with bells, a belt around his shirt. If your children go caroling, make sure that they are warmly dressed, do not forget to give them so that they do not freeze. Winter is still on the street!

It is often customary to sow the floor with grain, so that there is plenty in the houses. "Sow, sow, sow, happy New Year or Christmas!"

Learning carols with children, we help them develop memory, creativity, children learn about the rites and traditions of Christmas.

Short Christmas carols for children

Give me a sweet honey

Yes, a piece of cake

I will dance and sing.

I’ll sing carols!

I help mom.

Carol until the morning.

Have pity on baby

Give me a sweetie!

You do not drive children away.

A delicious treat!

Give sushi and bagels,

And some gift!

We conjure, conjure

We alternate songs with dance!

And squatting, and around,

Help with a pie!

Children go home1

Give us the treats!

We wish you good luck

And besides!

The mummers came

All made up.

We will entertain you

The mood to raise!

Give us the coins

Sweetie kids

We do not bring evil to people.

We can’t refuse!

There is a horned goat.

Carols rich.

What is filled with a chest

Put in our bag!

Mech, I'm called

And I’m not afraid of frosts!

I’m coming to you for a light

And carry a big bag!

Ding ding, ding ding, ringing bells!

Sons and daughters came to you!

You meet the carols

Greet us with a smile!

Mother winter has come.

Open the gate!

Christmas time came!

Came carols!

Christmas carols!

Funny carols for children

We are funny mummers

Frozen, tired.

Give me a piece of cake

Yes, warm yourself a bit!

Dance, dance at the door

You let us go soon

We bring you happiness to the house,

We conjure in every house.

Christmas carols.


Adults - with a bacon sandwich,

It’s fun with us, people!

We went through the village

Took the bags and sacks

Good carol

It’s a pity they didn’t take the backpacks!

How many specks.

So many pigs to you.

How many Christmas trees.

So many cows.

How many candles.

So many lambs.

I wish you happiness

The owner with the hostess.

Great health

Happy New Year,

All kind!

Carol carol!

I think that you and your children will like funny and funny Christmas carols for children. Teach and sing to your family and friends, congratulate them on the holiday.

Carols with wishes

Merry Christmas to you people!

Let peace be with you.

To grief you do not know

And lived in wealth!

An angel from heaven came down to you

And he said: "Christ was born!"

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Kolyada came

On Christmas Eve.

God grant to the one in this house

We wish all people good.

Gold silver

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes.

Good health

Cow butter.

Costumes for caroling

To correctly carol, it is not enough just to learn the words of the songs. Still need to dress up, pick up costumes for caroling for children.

You can dress children in folk style.

Clothing should be bright, elegant. You can look for something suitable in Grandma’s chest and sew a suit for the child. A girl can pick up a bright shawl, a beautiful bright and magnificent skirt, it is better long, make a wreath, decorate it with colorful ribbons.

Boys can also wear a folk-style shirt, decorated with embroidery, wide harem pants. The whole company can be dressed up and sent caroling around the village.


Masks have always been an important element of a Christmas costume. Previously, they were sewn from dense fabric, leather. Now you can buy a ready-made mask or try to do it yourself. Which masks are often worn for Christmas: a mask of a goat, a deer, a dog, a horse.


Typical character carols. You can wear a sheepskin coat or sheepskin coat, turned inside out, put on a goat mask, a knitted hat on your head, to which you can attach horns.


Also a participant in the festivities for Christmas and the old New Year. The suit can be rented. And you can also put on your grandmother’s old coat, grandfather’s hat with earflaps, paint your face, draw your nose. Simply! And the bear costume is ready!

Adults will not be able to resist dressed up children singing sonorous voices of a song. Generously treat them with sweets, give coins. After all, children will bring so much joy and positive, the mood will be very uplifting to both relatives and neighbors.

Learn Christmas carols with children for Christmas, congratulate your relatives on the holiday.

Video of Christmas carols.

More articles about Christmas:

Merry Christmas to you again.

And wish you sincere feelings

Sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, great happiness

May the Savior guide Jesus.

Let the stars light up for you

Lighting up your life path.

Light dreams come true

Helping talent to shine.

If you were interested in reading how to do Christmas carols, what costumes you can wear, short and funny carols for children, then write your comments and share information with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Sincerely, Olga.

Winter is associated not only with tangerines, but also with the New Year. After which immediately comes the Nativity of Christ, and with it the carriage. Well, how can you not learn short Christmas carols with children, and if they are also funny, then the holiday was a success. By 2020, I picked up the easiest and most beautiful songs, poems, carols for children from 5 years old. These are very easy to remember.

I always taught long carols, because they are much more interesting, and the owners of the houses prefer not quatrains. As times go by, young people are not so mischievous and fun to go home and sing carols in Ukrainian or Russian funny. So you have to at least somehow remind of the traditions, at least small ones, but to learn.

Christmas carols originate from paganism, and with the advent of Christianity, they simply changed a little. Now there is a huge number of carols, for every taste and color, as many say. Today I will share with you several types of Christmas carols, such as: baby short carols for Christmas, Russian baby carols for Christmas, baby carols for Christmas in Ukrainian.

And so, first things first, I'll tell you a few ideas about children's short carols for Christmas.

Christmas carols are the smallest

Ding ding ding, ringing bells!

Sons and daughters came to you!

You meet the carols

Greet us with a smile!

Merry Christmas to you people!

May peace be upon you

To grief you do not know

And abide in wealth!

An angel from heaven came down to us

And Jesus said born.

We came to glorify him

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Carols, carols!

Carriage came

On Christmas Eve.

Who will give the cake

Tom is full of cattle,

Ovin with oats

Stallion with a tail.

Sowing, blowing, waving,

Merry Christmas to you!

You glorify Christ

Give us treats!

We will call you

With a wish and a bow.

We came to carol,

Merry Christmas to congratulate you!

Well let you live,

All you want is given

For thoughts to be inspired

And dreams have always come true.

These are nice and short Christmas carols for Christmas.

Baby Russian carols for Christmas 2020

Of course, the previous children's short carols for Christmas were in Russian, but they are short, and there are long ones too. And it’s not surprising, we live in Russia, which means that the Russian carols are singing.

Here are some children's Russian Christmas carols for Christmas

Good evening to good people!

Let the holiday be fun.

Merry Christmas to you.

We wish you happiness and joy!

Good evening, good evening!

Good people to health!

Carols, carriages,

We open all the houses

All the windows, chests,

We give sweets and pies,

To benefit you

Say thanks to heaven

God of health will give us all

After all, he’s much to it!

Carriage came

On Christmas Eve

Give the cow

Oil on the head.

God forbid

Who is in this house.

His rye is thick

Ryzhimista rye.

Him with an ear of octopus,

From a grain of carpet to him,

From the grain ─ pie.

God would grant you

And by life and being,

And wealth.

And make you Lord

Even better than that!

Kolyada, they say poison

The carol is gone!

Who will serve the pie -

Tom's courtyard,

More small cattle -

You would not know the numbers!

And who will not give a penny -

Fill up loopholes

Who will not give cakes -

Let's fill up the windows

Who will not give the pie -

Get the cow by the horns

Who will not give bread -

Take grandfather away

Who will not give ham -

That split cast iron!

We already have a piggy bank of Christmas carols, in which the children's short Christmas carols went to Christmas, the Russian Christmas carols for Christmas, and now also the funny Christmas carols.

Funny Christmas carols for kids

We conjure, conjure

From family to family we roam

We will tell you rhymes

You give us pies

Well, it’s better to have coins,

We’ll buy sweets ourselves

And a handful of nuts,

And take the thimble of wine!

Carols, carols ...

And the woman has a beard.

And the grandfather grew a tail.

Running to the girls, scoundrel.

Carols, carols ...

We have been dancing all year.

And on all fours

Feel free to climb the stairs.

Not playing hide and seek with you

And without spoiling the triumph,

We will sing carols for you

And glorify Christmas.

The owner with the mistress

Get off the stove

Light the candles!

Open the chests

Get the heels!

To you for fun

Us - nuts!

How do you like such funny Christmas carols for children? I think the kids should like it.

Short songs for carols are also sent to the piggy bank. At Christmas, it is customary to sing carols, rather than telling them in verse. Therefore, even children's short carols for Christmas are customary to sing.

Christmas carol short songs about money

Music by A. Shidlovskaya. People’s words.

Like frost outside

It freezes the nose

He doesn’t order to stand for a long time,

He orders to serve soon!

Or a warm cake

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear

Or the ruble in silver.


Russian folk song.


She rolled young.

We were looking for a carriage

In the Ivanovo yard.

Like frost outside

It freezes the nose

He doesn’t order to stand for a long time,

He orders to serve soon:

Or a warm cake

Or buttercottage cheese,

Or a spear

Or the ruble in silver.

Calendar song “Carriage went”

Russian folk song.

The carriage went from end to end

The carriage went to Mary in the yard,

Ah, carols, carols, my carriage!

And Maryushka, our honey

Ah, carols, carols, my carriage!

The carriage came, open the gate

Ah, carols, carols, my carriage!

These are three children's short Christmas carol songs for Christmas that can be learned and sung from family and friends.Dear friends, how do you like this selection: Short Christmas carols for Christmas, funny Christmas carols for Christmas, Russian baby carols for Christmas , children's short Christmas carol songs? It would seem, well enough is enough, but no. Despite the fact that there is such a tense relationship between Russia and Ukraine, children still sing Christmas carols in the Ukrainian language for Christmas.

I present to you the Christmas carols for Christmas in Ukrainian.

Ukrainian Christmas carol songs

Carols, carols, carols,

And I’m alone in the Old Man.

You’ll give the gut

That’s quiet.

And yak give the cowboy

I’ll bring the mother.

Vinoste dohid,

We’ll bring the hut to the ice,

And that ice in the water,

And take that sign of syudy.


Little Isusik not to sleep, not others,

With their handles, all the svіt obіymaй.

І your hatch, і your homeland,

І all Ukraine - Christ birth!

Carols, carols

Look at the top.

There cowboys lie

Stink in a little bag.

Gimme, babo, cowboy -

Cast horses in a row.

And not dash kovbashi -

That th yourself shepherd.

I'm a little shepherd

Buried in the casing

I violin the violin

You are here.

And you people, smell it,

Got a carol -

Yabluchka, pots

Children for sweatshirts.

Good evening, dear sir!

Vinesi te us a couple of sausages,

Oh, look like a little cookie,

Send us a chat.

Vinesi sala, not stingy,

Schob yachmіn twіy ugly,

Schob pressed a hundred kip zhita,

Schob sym`ya Bula all the sieve!

The cattle was driving,

Schob wheat was born,

Schob at the house of all Mali -

Kolyadnikov was eaten.

Christmas carols for Christmas in the Ukrainian language just sound like they are written. I wish you all a happy New Year and Christmas.


If you celebrated with noise and din, then on the way the next holiday is Christmas. But before that, traditionally, from January 6 to 7, caroling takes place throughout the country. The most basic attributes of this event are dressing up, that is, singing and reading and singing carols and necessary songs. And also there are games and fortune telling.

Do you even know what a carol is? To be honest, I’ve never even thought about this issue before. But now I had to, and am sharing information with you. It turns out that this word means "calends," it’s ridiculously true, it’s such a song with wishes for a good life, wealth, good health and a smart harvest.

Adults and children walked around yards and apartments and sang songs, while those who opened their doors to them were treated. And this mood and the resulting charge of energy persisted for a couple of months. And a lot of positive emotions. I remember in childhood I had to perform such tunes. Yes, it was very fun and funny.

I suggest you take into service all these not too long texts and memorize with the kids, and then go and sing. Good luck, let's go.

Do you know how to carol? And another question, when? True, in the evening from January 6 to 7. But, besides this, you should know some more features that I will tell you about right now. Read and memorize, because it is very interesting, find out who the ringer, mekhonosha and the star man are. And the term caroling means the following (made newspaper clippings):

Now we go directly to the verses, tunes themselves, choose any one you like and enchant everyone.

So it happened in this world
  For many years in a row
  On such a magical, good evening
  Angels fly to us from heaven
  They bring goodness, hope,
  A blessing in every home
  Happy New Year to all
  And merry Christmas!

Carols, carols
  Open the gates
  Take out the chests
  Serve the patch.
  Though chop,
  Even a nickel
  We won’t leave home like that!
  Give us some candy
  Can I have a coin?
  Regret nothing
  Christmas Eve!

Sir gentlemen
  Sir, gentlemen,
  Mr. wife
  Doors open
  And give us!
  Pie, kalach
  Or something else!

Carols, carols
  Carols, carriages,
  The next day of Christmas!
  Who will serve the cake
  Tom's yard is the belly.
  Who won't give the cake
  Tom Sivaya Mare
  Yes, the grave is torn!

Triumph, have fun
  Good people are with me
  And clothe yourself with delight
  In the garment of joy of the saint.
  Now God has appeared in the world -
  God of gods and King of kings.
  Not in the crown, not in the porphyry
  This Heavenly Priest.
  He was not born in the wards
  And not in cleaned houses.
  There was no gold
  Where he lay in swaddling clothes.
  In a tight manger, like a poor man.
  Why was He born?
  Why is it so poor?
  In order to deliver us
  From the devil's nets
  Exalt and glorify
  Us to his love
  Forever we will praise God
  For such a day of celebration!
  Let me congratulate you
  Merry Christmas
  We wish you a lot of summer
  Many, many, many years.

Carols, carriages,
  Who won't give the cake
  We are a cow by the horns
  Who will not give a donut
  We are cones in the forehead,
  Who will not give a piglet,
  To the neck to the side.

Carriage came
  On Christmas Eve
  Give the cow
  Oil on the head.
  God forbid
  Who is in this house.
  His rye is thick
  Ryzhimista rye.
  Him with an ear of octopus,
  From a grain of carpet to him,
  From the grain - pie.
  God would grant you
  And by life and being,
  And wealth.
  And create for you, Lord, Better yet!

Carols, carols
  Open the gates
  Take out the chests
  Serve the patch.
  At least a ruble
  Even a nickel
  We won’t leave home like that!
  Give us some candy
  Can I have a coin?
  Regret nothing
  Christmas Eve!

Sparrow flies
  He twists his tail
  And you people know
  Cover the tables
  Guests accept
  Meet Christmas!

Accept people congratulations!
  The day has come for everyone to have fun!
  Short, medium, long,
Young, young, old!
  We congratulate everyone
  We are waiting for treats for this!

I help mom.
  Carol until the morning.
  Have pity on baby
  Give me a sweetie!

Joy without limits has come
  Celebrate in the morning!
  Good health to the Lord
  We wish for years!
  Sowing, blowing in your house,
  Treats we are waiting for the cup!

How is christmas
  Rolled under the window
  Nikanorov's yard
  On seven pillars.
  Turned poles
  Gold plated.
  Our carriage
  Neither small nor large.
  Sews under the window,
  Pies serves.
  Here in the master's house

And you are aware that the most famous carol is Carol Of The Bells and, apparently, as I understand it, it has a Ukrainian origin.

Such a song is ritual and is sung at Christmas.

Keep the finished and finished composition from composer Nikolai Leontovich. And by the way, on January 13, the so-called Vasiliev Evening is celebrated, which is called Generous. On this day, you can also hum:

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Generous,
  Swallow flew in.
  Began to twitter
  Host call:
  - Come out, come out, master,
  Look at the nightmare -
  There the sheep walked around
  And the lambs were born
  Your goods are all good,
  You’ll have more than one penny
  Though not money, then sex.
  You have a wife of Chernobrov.
  Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Generous,
  Swallow flew in.

Or here's another little tune that can be performed by the teams of your city or village.

On a starry night, Christ was born.
  In the manger was laid.
  An angel descended from heaven into the field,
  He told the shepherds the message:
  “Rejoice all - Christ is born.
  In the manger was laid. ”
  Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest!
  People are well-disposed to all!
  The angelic choir sang a song
  Peace on earth proclaimed.

Here are some Christmas carols:

The night is quiet, the night is holy
  People are asleep; the distance is clear;
  Only in the crib light burns;
  There the holy couple does not sleep,
  A child is dozing in a manger.

A child is dozing in a manger.
  The night is quiet, the night is holy
  The height lit up
  Bright angel from heaven
  The message came to the shepherds:
  »Christ was born to you! Christ was born to you! ”

The night is quiet, the night is holy
  A star burns in heaven;
  The shepherds are on their way
  They hurry to come to Bethlehem:
  There they will see Christ. There they will see Christ.

The night is quiet, the night is holy
  Happiness awaits all hearts.
  God, let me come to Christ
  Joy to the light in him to find.
  Praise Christ forever! Praise Christ forever!

Funny carol
  Carols, carols ...
  And the woman has a beard.
  And the grandfather grew a tail.
  Running around in the garden, scoundrel.

Carols, carols ...
  We are not in trouble either.
  God of health will give in full.
  Will be full of bins.

Carols, carols ...
  We have been dancing all year.
  And on all fours
  Feel free to climb the stairs.

Carols, carols ...
  Nothing cold.
  I'm healthy, I'll go in the cold
Take a dip in the pond.

Carols, carols ...
  Have fun, people, always!
  After all, we should not be sad
  Enjoying small things in life.

Carols, carols ...
  On the table is a candle, food.
  Cute Christmas tree is shining.
  The Lord blesses all.

Carol, carol
  I'll go into any hut.
  I will ask the mistress:
  - Goodies come on!
  And cookies and sweets,
  And with sherbet nuts,
  Pastille and marmalade -
  I will be glad to all the guests.
  I will treat everyone
  And praise the mistress!

I’ll go to any hut
  And there I am a mess!
  There will be day and there will be night
  All sorrows will go away!
  Happiness to all, health to you,
  We are waiting for sweets, we are a hundred grams!

We conjure, conjure
  We alternate songs with dance!
  And squatting, and around,
  Help with a pie!

Well hostess,
  Come on candy to us soon!
  We bring happiness, joy to the house,
  Pies still we wait!
  There will be a day and there will be food
  Kolyada will not forget you!

Carols, carriages,
  Who won't give the cake
  We are a cow by the horns
  Who will not give a donut
  We are cones in the forehead,
  Who will not give a piglet,
  To the neck to the side.

In verses we congratulate you friends,
  I came to caroling to you!
  Cook pies for women
  From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!
  And sweets to boot
  Good luck, good luck!

Carols, you are my carols!
  Open the gate soon!
  I bring happiness to your house now,
  Give me sweets you friends!

Give us the coins
  Sweetie kids
  We do not bring evil to people.
  We can’t refuse!

Kolyada, you are my carriage!
  Congratulations to all on a holiday I!
  Cakes on the tables are hot
  Everyone hears congratulations from me!

Coleda is a molyde,
  White beard
  The nose is flat.
  Head with a basket
  Hands with sabers
  Feet - rake
  Come on New Year's Eve
  Majesty honest people!

Open wider doors
  Hand out sweets!
  On the threshold of a carriage,
  Run all over here!
  We wish you good health
  And take the sweets!

Joy happiness come to the house,
  After New Year’s nights
  Christmas is coming
  Kids caroling is coming!
  Reads short poems
  I heartily congratulate everyone!
  Waiting for cookies and sweets
  Hello from your family!

A star shines in the sky
  Kolyada comes to the house!
  Children go home
  Make a hundred grams of sweets!
  If you don’t spoil the children,
  Now you’re definitely bored!

To be in the bins,
  So that happiness can be found in homes
  Get your treats out
  May luck come with you!
  We are the messengers of the holy day
  We wish you peace loving!

Kolyada comes to visit,
  Drop all your affairs!
  There will be joy, there will be a feast
  There will be peace in every home!

To make the rye thick
  To keep the butter from melting
  To spend some money
  So that the guys are full!
  You have to treat us
  We came to carol!

Mech, I'm called
  And I’m not afraid of frosts!
  I’m coming to you for a light
  And carry a big bag!

Mother winter has come.
  Open the gate!
  Christmas time came!
  Came carols!
  Christmas carols!

Carols, carols!
  You give us the pie
  Or a slice of bread
  Or half a fortune,
Or a chicken with crest,
  Cockerel with a scallop!

All sowed, scattered everywhere
  And they fed you with grain full!
  They came to you to carol.
  Happiness. The joy of offering!
  And in return we want sweets,
  So that we had a lot of joy!

Merry Christmas to you people!

  To grief you do not know
  And abide in wealth!

Carols, carols!
  And there’s a carriage
  On Christmas Eve
  Kolyada has come
  Christmas brought.

Kolyada comes - it's a fairy tale
  Happiness, snow, skates, skids!
  Christmas tree lights and children's laughter!
  And a common joy for all-all!
  And now for congratulations,
  Candies and cookies are supposed!

Christ the Savior
  Born at midnight.
  In the den of poor
  He settled.
  Over the nativity scene
  The star is shining.
  Christ the Lord
  On your birthday
  Give to all people
  The world of enlightenment!

God forbid
  Who is in this house!
  His rye is thick
  Dinner rye!
  Him with an ear of octopus,
  From a grain of carpet to him,
  Half grain cake.
  God would grant you
  And living, and being,
  And wealth!

Sowing, blowing, waving,
  Merry Christmas to you!
  You glorify Christ
  Give us treats!

Give you lord
  On the field of natures
  Ground on the threshing floor,
  Thickness of Sauerwood
  I’m arguing on the table,
  Sour cream is thicker
  Cows are good!

An angel from heaven came down to you
  And he said: "Christ was born!"
  We came to glorify Christ,
  And congratulate you on the holiday.

We go caroling
  Read short poems
  And get candy!

Kolyada came
  On Christmas Eve.
  God grant to the one in this house
  We wish all people good.
  Gold silver
  Lush pies,
  Soft pancakes.
  Good health
  Cow butter.

Carols, carols, carols!
  Smiles radiant breadth!
  This is joy, this is children's laughter
  Turn out your pockets for everyone!
  We wish you happiness
  We look forward to serving ourselves!

Good evening to good people!
  Let the holiday be fun.
  Merry Christmas to you.
  We wish you happiness and joy!
  Good evening, good evening!
  Good people to health!

Christmas carols (texts and pictures)

And now I offer other options that are also easy to learn, and then they are sung together with the children with great pleasure. Learn, please! It's so much fun! And you can quickly print colorful pictures on a printer to make it easier to read.

Good evening to you
  Affectionate host
  Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
  The Son of God was born into the world.
  We are to you, master
  With good news.
  Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
  The Son of God was born into the world.
  With good news
  From the holy city.
  Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
  The Son of God was born into the world.

  At the hour of the Great Carol
  We bake pies
  At the hour of the Great Carol,
  And let's go family to family,
  We will bring joy to people.

Let us chant Christ
  Let the soul sing in the body
  Let good go with good
  Happiness bright bears.

Our savior and creator,
  Miracles of the light smith,
  We glorify you
Always be with us.

Wish at this hour
  To have everything with you
  And patience and peace
  So that everyone appreciates life.

  Ding ding ding, ringing bells!
  Sons and daughters came to you!
  You meet the carols
  Greet us with a smile!

  Kolyada, Kolyada!
  And sometimes Kolyada
  On Christmas Eve.
  The carol has come
  Christmas brought.

  Carol carol
  Christmas Eve
  At least a ruble, even a nickel -
  We won’t leave just like that!

  Today an angel came down to us
  And he sang: "Christ was born!"
  We came to glorify Christ
  And congratulate you on the holiday!

  Here we go, shepherds,
  All our sins are forgiven
  We bring good news to you,
  We won’t leave without gifts!

  Good with honey pancakes,
  And without honey it’s not like that
  Give aunt (or uncle) pies!

  Merry Christmas to you people!
  May peace be upon you
  To grief you do not know
  And abide in wealth!

  Kolyada - Molady
  Entered a new gate!
  And then there is frost
  Over tyn grew!
  He brought cold
  So that grandfather Arkhip
  I became young!
  The frost is small
  Yes does not order to stand!
  Doesn’t let the frost stand
  It's time for us to carol.

  Give me a carriage soon!
  Feet chill
  I'll run home.
  Who will give
  He is the prince
  Who will not give -
  Togo in the mud!

  Kalidym, Kalidim, I’m alone at the dad’s,
  My dad sent me
  So I got the bread.
  But I don’t want bread, serve the sausage,
  Do not give the sausage, I’ll smash the whole house.

  Kolyadin, kolyadin,
  I'm with mom alone
  Knee-deep casing
  Give me uncle pie!
  Open the chest
  Give me a piglet!
  What is in the oven - in a bag of swords!

  So mother - winter has come,
  Open the gate!
  Christmas time came!
  Came carols!

  Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.
  God forbid anyone in this house.
  We wish all good people:
  Gold silver
  Lush pies,
  Soft pancakes
  Good health
  Cow butter.

  How many specks
  So many pigs to you;
  How many trees
  So many cows;
  How many candles
  So many lambs.
  I wish you happiness
  The owner with the hostess
  Great health
  Happy New Year,
  All kind!
  Carols, carols!

Good evening, generous evening
  Good people to health.
  A falcon flew in
  He sat on the window,
  He cut sukontsa.
  And the rest of the owners on hats,
  And trimmings and lashes
  Hello, happy holiday!

  Carriage came
  On Christmas Eve.
  Who will give the cake
  Tom is full of cattle,
  Ovin with oats
  Stallion with a tail.
  You will give us -
  We will praise
  And you will not give -
  We will reproach!
  Carols, carols!
  Serve the pie!

  The little boy sat on the sofa
  Sofa fragile - drive the ruble!

  A star shines in the sky
  At Christmas time
  Kolyada came
  Walked around at home
  I knocked on the door with windows
  She was laughing and playing ...
  And behind the noisy Kolyada,
  carollers with a bunch of ...
  Everyone cheers and laughs
  sing a loud song:
"The Kolyada was born,
  on the eve of Christmas ... "

  Carriage came
  On Christmas Eve
  Give the cow
  Oil on the head.
  God forbid
  Who is in this house.
  His rye is thick
  Ryzhimista rye.
  Him with an ear of octopus,
  From a grain of carpet to him,
  Half grain cake.
  God would grant you
  And by life and being,
  And wealth.
  And make you Lord
  Even better than that!

  Carols, carols!
  Open the gate!
  You serve the cake
  Bread Slice
  Sour cream pot!
  Don’t give pies-
  Let the bugs go
  Moustached Cockroaches
  And the striped animals!
  Carols, carols!
  You give us the pie
  Or a slice of bread
  Or half a fortune,
Or a chicken with crest,
  Cockerel with a scallop!

  Carols, carols
  Open the gates
  Take out the chests
  Serve the patch.
  Though chop,
  Even a nickel
  We won’t leave home like that!
  Give us some candy
  Can I have a coin?
  Regret nothing
  Christmas Eve!
  Sparrow flies
  He twists his tail
  And you people know
  Cover the tables
  Guests accept
  Meet Christmas!
  For hello, for the treat
  You live together for up to two hundred years!
  I wish you happiness and good health!
  Merry Christmas
  Happy New Year!

The fact that a cold is not a problem
  Kolyada is knocking on the door.
  Christmas is coming to our house
  It brings a lot of joy.
  Many years star burning
  Announces birth.
  And the universe for good reason
  Praise our Christ.
  Behold, lord a star in heaven
  Ignites in fast running.
  He hurries to congratulate you
  With triumph in this good hour.
  This day he became the Father
  He gave the world of the Son with a crown.
  To the spirit of earthly people
  He became richer and kinder.
  You rather open the door
  Let the spirit go home from heaven.
  So that love burns,
  Merry Christmas, peace to your destiny!

I look for that
  Who will give me a ruble
  And it’s easy for me to dance
  For a dozen in hand.
  If there is a son in the house,
  Give me the mistress
  Since you have a daughter in the house,
  I'll ask a honey barrel.
  If there’s more delicious food,
  I take it in my pocket.
  Well, mistress / master, do not be shy!
  Treat me soon!

Carol, carol
  So I smell.
  Do not forget to pour me
  And then give a bite!
  Congratulations to the carol
  And I wish the owners
  That the house was wealth
  And everything was smooth in the family!

We conjure, conjure
  From family to family we roam
  We will tell you rhymes
  You give us pies
  Well, it’s better to have coins,
  We’ll buy sweets ourselves
  And a handful of nuts,
  And take the thimble of wine!

Open stranger
  And give me a dime.
  I'm carols
  I sing without looking back
  I can not sleep at night
  And yell songs.
  Think how sweet
  Sleep without a carol!

The magic night is coming
  The night is holy
  It brings bright joy
  Souls illuminating.
  Open the gate
  Carol walking
  Christmas Eve
  Happiness is your carrier.
  To keep your house full
  And good and good
  Good to live in it
  Without worries and hardships.
  Carriage Carol
  From the centuries today,
  So that the star shines on you
  Grace of the Lord.

  She rolled young.
  We found a carriage
  In the Ivanovo yard!
  Hey, Uncle Ivan
  Take out the good into the yard!
  Like frost outside
  It freezes the nose
  He doesn’t order to stand long
  He orders to serve soon,
  Or a warm cake
  Or a spear
  Or the ruble in silver!

  Christmas carol
  A carriage comes to us
  On Christmas Eve.
  Asks, asks for a carriage
At least a piece of cake.
  Who will give a carol pie
  There will be one in all!
  That cattle will be healthy
  Cows will be full of cows
  Who will clamp his piece,
  It will be a whole year alone.
  Will not find luck, happiness,
  The year is washed in bad weather.
  Do not regret the pie,
  Or you’ll create a favor!

Christmas carols with notes and words.

To get fervent and sonorous, it is better to carol with songs and music. Therefore, choose the appropriate text, under it are given notes. And of course, you need to prepare for such an event in advance, remember this. Memorize beforehand.

“The carriage came”
  Russian folk song.
  A carriage arrived on Christmas Eve.
  We walked, we looked for a carriage to the saint.
  We found a carriage at the Romanov Yard.
  Romanov yard, iron tyn.
  In the middle of the courtyard are three towers.
  In the first tower there is a red sun,
  Red sun is a hostess.
  In the second tower, the month is bright,
  In the third tower - stars are frequent.
  The month was light - the owner is here.
  Frequent stars - small babies.

  Russian folk song.
  1. Carol
  On Christmas Eve.

  Russian folk song.
  She rolled young.
  Like frost outside
  It freezes the nose
  He doesn’t order to stand long
  Or a warm cake
  Or a spear

Calendar song “Carriage went”
  Russian folk song.















Carol, carol

Carols, carriages,

Sparrow flies


Good evening to good people!





















Sparrow flies














Christ the Savior



He settled.







Carol, carol










Good evening, generous evening








So it happened in this world













Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Generous,












Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Generous,



On a starry night, Christ was born.











The night is quiet, the night is holy





The night is quiet, the night is holy





The night is quiet, the night is holy





The night is quiet, the night is holy






Carols, carols ...




Carols, carols ...




Carols, carols ...




Carols, carols ...




Carols, carols ...




Carols, carols ...

























On Christmas Eve.


















Let us chant Christ




Our savior and creator,




Wish at this hour




Good evening to you






















Carols, carriages,
























Carols, carriages,


Or a slice of bread












































Carols, carriages,




























































