Congratulatory Day Congratulations in Prose. Official congratulations on the day of the border guard. Congratulations on the day of the border guard

Hello. Once you looked at me, then look for original and funny congratulations on the day of the border guard for your friends or comrades who have already served. Today, once again I will surprise you with an excellent selection of poems, SMS, pictures and postcards.

Any service in the army leaves a mark on the guy’s life, even after demobilization, a comrade on the cassock remains a comrade. During the service, many promise each other not to lose touch and communicate forever, but, alas, this rarely happens. If your fellow soldier is far from you for thousands of kilometers, this is not a problem for communication.

Day of the border guard in 2018 - what date

First of all, I want to express special gratitude to the guys who protect our peace of mind, protect our borders, guard our state.

The day of the border guard in Russia is celebrated on May 28, from year to year the date is fixed, and does not change. In 2018, the holiday falls on Monday.

On the day of the border guard, congratulate your loved ones, relatives and friends who have even the slightest relation to this service. And in this I will help you today. You just have to choose the most beautiful, funny or sincere congratulations, copy (download) and send to the fighter, even if he has served.

Congratulations on the day of the border guard

First of all, I want to introduce you to poems for border guards, they are not funny or funny at all, but official, sincere, short and beautiful. Perhaps you will like them, and you can easily download them for your friends.

A harsh path, incredibly long

And you always go through difficult.

But the title is real men

Will not fade in a year!

Let them say that you only dream of peace,

But everyone needs your service!

I wish you were at the borders

Calmness, order, silence!

Happy Border Guard Day, soldier,

Peaceful sky over your head!

May your land be rich in peace

And the war will pass by.

Happiness, health, good luck, kindness

And always a quiet border.

May it always warm you

The thought of a peacefully sleeping capital!

Good frontier guy

Let me congratulate you.

Let no trouble disguise

Borders forever will not break.

And all in your fate, as it should

It will be completed every hour.

Believe us, we are just very happy

What are you protecting us.

Over the horizon eyes

And in them there is one salvation for us.

You cannot forget about debt

May there be luck every day!

For the border guard, a reward,

Home, his whole family.

Let the enemy fear only the sight

Colleagues will be like friends!

Today, those who serve at the border

Thank you so much!

Thank you for sleeping well,

I thank heaven for you.

Thank you for your courage guys

Power appreciates faithful sons.

For everyone today is a significant date,

I hasten to congratulate you guys, hurry up!

I am with the Day of the Russian Border Guard

Congratulations honestly, from the bottom of my heart,

The day of the most faithful, courageous, kind, necessary,

Day of real, true men!

May luck always accompany

Job growth, health every day,

Well, and of course, in addition to this -

Love of all people around!

Be healthy and happy, border guard,

Dare and firm, and hold on to friends!

After all, his work is unusual,

Peaceful you protect life

Cover the whole big country

A heart as kind and big.

And for a faithful service such

We thank with all our hearts!

Does the fog fall on the river

Blizzard pierces the darkness

There is no safer person

Than the border guard at the post.

Congratulations to you wholeheartedly,

We want to embrace our soul,

We trust peace and life

Relatives and friends of us!

There are different soldiers

Someone on the tank in a straight line

Others fly in the air

Well, you are completely different

Your calling is the border

So happy holiday to you

Let everything be perfect,

Both work and family!

You're in the service - that means

We are always protected!

This is your holiday today -

Never be sad!

On this day, fine May,

We only want to wish

There are many bright colors in life!

To live and grief, so as not to know!

Happy holiday, watchful protector!

The border guard is a brave border guard.

Today the whole country glorifies them,

After all, the border is important to everyone.

You - many health and success,

I wish you happiness and joyful laughter.

Suppose always - in the cold and in the heat -

All affairs will be up to you!

My beloved country is sleeping peacefully

After all, all borders are tightly locked.

They are guarded by the best guys

For them, the border is like an ancestral home.

Congratulations today

And we honor everyone who is involved in the borders.

We wish your sleep to be calm

And there were no teams disturbing you!

We firmly believe a strong wall

Your face keeps the borders of the post.

So let your angel guard you

And the blessings of life the Lord gives you!

Happy border guard day, I congratulate you

I carefully preserve the border

Be strong, brave and invincible

Lucky, healthy and beloved!

I congratulate you on the border guard during the day,

And I wish to carefully carry out the service!

I’m calm abroad, because I know -

If you are on the post, then the enemies can’t get through!

I think that any official congratulations on the day of the border guard will be suitable for any event dedicated to this day.

Beautiful and short congratulations on the day of the border guard for SMS

Not everyone has the opportunity to personally congratulate a friend or son of a border guard, so I propose to pick up a beautiful and short SMS congratulation. Download it for free along with the picture, send it to your son, dad or grandfather, remind them of their fighting years.
Problems in Frontier Service

Close wish for a deadbolt,

And in life, let it be purely personal

Love knows no boundaries

And happiness is a faithful dog at the feet

Home guard the threshold!

Let everything be calm on the border,

And a hurricane roars in happiness

We wish you to celebrate the holiday with dignity,

And may good luck always await you.

I'm happy border guard sincerely

Congratulations to you my friend!

I wish you true friends

And less enemies around!

On Border Guard Day, the border at the castle,

And the enemy is hiding, afraid in the distance,

And may it always be so, let the sun shine

You will be happy, cheerful, not meeting sadness!

Always guard the border -

Your favorite task!

I want you to wish

Goodness, health and good luck!

Let the service go easily

To smile more often you!

Let everything in life be in life,

And all dreams will come true!

Border guard, congratulations!

I sincerely wish you

I'm a punchy career -

Be always a hero in everything!

Happy Border Guard Day!

All good

Health, career, success,

So that you live as it should, so that there are courage,

Patience, love, a lot of laughter!

Happy Border Guard Day!

Sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles

Happiness is immense, fewer mistakes,

Calm sky, reliable rear,

So that life on the roads does not circle you!

You often dream at night

Your alarm path in the night;

But also on the edge of the castle,

And so do you have the keys;

And let the enemies roam powerlessly,

Trying to visit the slack -

Happy Border Guard Day, friend!

Happy day to those who protect the country!

Here are those I picked up congratulations on the day of the border guard cool in SMS for you, my friends and for your close comrades.

Funny congratulations on the day of the border guard

And these cool poems will cheer up any soldier or former border guard, although there are never any former ones. On May 28, these lines will smile at anyone who reads them.

You’ve been serving the border for a long time,

And you are not afraid of shooting, not a damn thing!

We wish you a fun holiday

After all, being a border guard is so honorable!

Take a glass with pickles,

Which is green as your epaulettes!

Happy Border Guard Day, well done there!

And even if the cartridges suddenly run out,

You’ll tear the enemy apart with your bare hands

Kohl, he planned to encroach on his homeland!

Scare him with a hangover with your face!

Well, now - you happily relax!

You’ve been in the Border Troops for many years,

You don't need a gun!

After all, the enemy of such a man

He will die, having seen from afar! ..

Your look is terrible, grin severe

And now your holiday has come!

Happy Border Guard Day to you!

And yet, you take care of yourself!

Happy Border Guard Day! Today is a wonderful day!

You even know every stump at the border!

You distinguish the squeak of a native mosquito!

You are at your post - even rain, even heat!

Cap, uniform and shoulder straps so to face!

You will answer a scoundrel to a foreigner

What harm you will not allow our Motherland!

Well, today you’ll set a table for all your friends!

Happy Border Guard Day, the holiday of the brave!

With faithful Mukhtar, the border of the dish,

Do not miss the left defectors,

Night and day vigilantly in both eyes!

Happy holiday, buddy border guard!

Let the spies be stupid

And casually hiding habitually

Well, you catch them, do not be timid!

Congratulations on the day of the border guard

And in the wish I will send

Good luck, five tons of strength -

You were proud to have a cordon!

Well, how do you like my funny and funny congratulations on the day of the border guard, I hope you liked it, and you downloaded them for your friends.

Border Guard Day - pictures

It’s not difficult to download a picture of the border guard’s day; it can be combined with congratulations or you can choose a ready-made one with wishes. I want to remind you that they can be downloaded for free, without registration and SMS.

Such cool pictures must go on May 28 in bold and courageous hands.

Congratulations on the day of the border guard who served

Former border guards do not exist, like former paratroopers, but such greetings do exist.

Do you remember the border troops?

In which you served firsthand

Camouflage, two soldier’s boots,

And you stand on guard there on the tower

You look into the distance, you guard the border,

After all, you were always an exemplary border guard,

Yes, the best and here you’re not lying,

With a holiday, in life be only the first!

You served a long time, gray hair at the temples,

But with your soul you are there in the border troops.

And you will always remember your native outpost,

After all, there is never a former "border guard" ever!

Congratulations on your border guard Day.

Be happy, healthy, do not regret anything.

Honor and glory to you, dear border guard,

You are your true fatherland!

You once served in a glorious past

In the valiant border troops.

May fate multiply all good,

What have you endured on your shoulders.

You gave the country peace of mind,

May peace also reign in the soul.

May everything in life be very glorious,

Happiness will always be with you.

Who served at the border knows

There’s no easy, simple service

For a long time in dreams you will dream

This feature is not easy - the border.

Fireworks take off in the May sky

All border guards celebrate the holiday,

We praise your endurance and courage,

We sincerely and heartily congratulate you!

You served on the border regularly

And I want to give honor to you!

Happy border guard Day I want to congratulate gloriously

And many wonderful days to wish!

Be happy, don't be sad and be lucky

Let everything be in life as you want!

You were a border guard, which means

What will submit to the fulfillment of a dream!

You guarded the border once

So that the country could sleep peacefully.

Young soldiers at all -

Their motherland called.

In the summer heat, and in the winter cold

You had a difficult service.

We will not forget your efforts,

Every moment on the border of the country.

Take care of yourself, may health

Will be with you for a very long time.

To all your invaluable experience

Not lost; passed to descendants.

I hope you were able to choose congratulations on the day of the border guard for your comrades, friends and former colleagues.

Congratulations on the day of the border guard in prose

If you are not a fan of sending SMS with pictures and congratulations, then I suggest choosing wishes in prose. Address these sincere and clean lines to a friend, son, or former co-worker.

On Border Guard Day, for real, strong and courageous men - congratulations and heartfelt wishes! I wish you health and prosperity, peace and good, good mood and home warmth! Love and be loved! Let all your near and dear people be always there and give you your love and adoration! Successful weekdays and fun-filled holidays and vacations! Good weather and reliable equipment! Friendliness and help of comrades! Be vigilant and strong in spirit and body!

Let your life set reliable boundaries so that violators such as troubles, envy and tears can never break them, because happiness and joy will be alert to keep watch.

We wish all border guards excellent service, boundless energy and joys of life. Let all the sharp and unexpected twists of fate manage with dignity to pass easily and boldly.

Our peace is the main indicator of your responsible service, for which we are very grateful to you, may the Lord send you good health, untouched vigilance and reliable comrades behind you.

Peace and tranquility in our streets depend on your composure and ingenuity. You will not allow illegal entry into the country of either a person, or drugs, or prohibited goods. So let your work be simple, the salary is good, and the temptations at least. Happy holiday to you, happy border guard.

On the day of the border guard, I wish my most faithful and devoted friend only calm and gentle nights, cloudless sunrises and picturesque sunsets. Let your days pass in good troubles and cares, and the best people will always be near!

Dear border guards! Thanks to you, we sleep peacefully at night, knowing that you are protecting our Motherland from enemies! I congratulate you on the holiday and I want to wish fortitude, strong nerves, caution in work and unlimited personal happiness!

Protecting the borders of the state is your direct responsibility, so let not one enemy, seeing you, even want to approach our borders for a kilometer, and the service will proceed calmly, without emergency cases and unforeseen circumstances. Happy holiday to you, gentlemen, border guards.

Friends, I so want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, which is celebrated on May 28, to wish you patience, good luck and luck. Copy my cool and beautiful congratulations on the day of the border guard, download pictures, send to your former colleagues, comrades, soldiers and sons.

Nina Kuzmenko tried for you.

Border Guard Day is a professional holiday for the personnel of the Border Troops of Russia.

The date is not marked in red on the calendar and is not a day off, but it is very important for the Russians, because the borders should be under reliable protection.

Therefore, veterans of the border troops and active servicemen who are among your relatives, friends and acquaintances must be congratulated on the Day of the Border Troops.

You can do this in verse, write short SMS or congratulations in your own words.

Ready-made beautiful texts of congratulations for the Border Guard Day, new, universal, original, thematic, you will find on this page.

Congratulations to the border guards in verse

Happy holiday, watchful protector!
  The border guard is a brave border guard.
  Today the whole country glorifies them,
  After all, the border is important to everyone.
  You - many health and success,
  I wish you happiness and joyful laughter.
  Suppose always - in the cold and in the heat -
All affairs will be up to you!

Good luck to the border guards,
  Excellent service, joys - do not count,
  After all, it means a lot in life,
  To be able to save your energy.
  We wish the border guards honor
  It is true for the motherland to serve from the heart,
  And all fates are sharp turns
  With dignity and boldly pass.

You are not doing the right job hard.
  Honors you and glory for this work.
  We wish you courage and strength.
  We want you to always be healthy.

Hurray - to the border guards! Happy holiday to you!
  Thank you for protecting us.
  We wish you happiness, all troubles to be avoided,
  Support and help relatives to receive.

On Border Guard Day, the border at the castle,
  And the enemy is hiding, afraid in the distance,
  And may it always be so, let the sun shine
  You will be happy, cheerful, not meeting sadness!

Our border guard, congratulations on your day,
  Let everything be real to you nothing
  You are right, boldly carry forever,
  Well, today invite a pleasure to visit!

Always guard the border -
  Your favorite task!
  I want you to wish
  Goodness, health and good luck!

Let the service go easily
  To smile more often you!
  Let everything in life be in life,
  And all dreams will come true!

Stand guard over the Motherland
  You keep its borders.
  And on this day, and at this hour -
  Happy Border Guard Day for all of you.

May your peace not be disturbed
  Combat alarm
  Let prosperity, lad, comfort
  They are waiting for you after service at home.

May your life be beautiful
  The sky above is clear.
  All your dreams to come true.
  Good luck, defenders of the border!

Fortresses, wisdom, strengths, tranquility,
  Always enjoy the service.
  Let the wife be a true stronghold at home,
  And often the job pleases with the prize,
  It brings you joy and will be easy.
  Today is Happy Border Guard Day!

On the threshold of a huge country
  You are a bulwark of hope
  You, like air, are needed from homeland
  You will always be as you were before.

Relying on the laws of the heart
  Take care of us and yourself
  Take care of the country rubicons.
  Congratulations from the heart, loving.

Happy border guard guys
  I wish you all to live richly.
  Under a peaceful sky sing songs
  Cars with cottages to have.

You protect the border
  Let them reward you a hundredfold,
  May the motherland not forget you
  And let everyone be happy!

While you are standing at the turn
  So that the enemy couldn’t get through with a tank,
  Neither cross a wing on a bend
  The home country has reliable borders,

We will sleep peacefully every day
  Trusting you life and safety,
  And the shadow will not touch us
  In the hands of such beautiful defenders.

On Border Guard Day I wish
  There’s a lot of silence for the guys
  So we don’t have to worry
For your lives, our dreams.

Let everything be calm with you
  And on the border, and in love,
  Let war not rage nearby
  Lord save and save!

In life, I always wish for victories
  To achieve all goals easily.
  On the day of the border guard I send you
  A ray of love to warm you.

Happy holiday, dear, I wish you well,
  Let comfort fill your life.
  Let the wind bring you happiness
  And let all the bad carry away!

Bright events, busy days!
  Follow the most cherished dream
  And every day get stronger.
  You are the strongest, and you are my hero!

And in the heat and in bad weather,
  In a crisis, in the heat and in the snow,
  The border guards are on the alert
  So that the enemy does not invade the country.

Congratulations on the occasion,
  And all the best, from the bottom of my heart,
  Of course I wish you
  Achievement peaks.

Sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and health,
  Peace in home and family,
  If your life is fine
  We are calmer in the country!

Being a border guard is a worthy cause
  Serve honestly, faithfully and boldly,
  It’s always worthy to guard the borders,
  Enemy, never let on the threshold!

We wish you a decent service always,
  To be faithful to the oath, never to be timid
  Good luck in all your good deeds,
  Tenderness only, always only in words!

Your service is a feat
  Not always noticeable to us,
  To firmly and calmly
  We slept in our homes.

Congratulations from the heart
  Happy holiday to you!
  Never forget:
  You need your country!

On Border Guard Day I wish
  Only good and happy days.
  This is your holiday! And I congratulate you!
  Volleys of fireworks from hundreds of lights!

You are our protector. I know reliably
  You will guard our world and peace.
  Be just the same always careful
  And get home soon!

Courage and courage with you through life
  So let them beat with a heart in unison.
  You are faithful forever to your beloved Fatherland.
  Thank you dear! The world is admired by you!

My beloved country is sleeping peacefully
  After all, all borders are tightly locked.
  They are guarded by the best guys
  For them, the border is like an ancestral home.

Congratulations today
  And we honor everyone who is involved in the borders.
  We wish your sleep to be calm
  And there were no teams disturbing you!

We firmly believe a strong wall
  Your face keeps the borders of the post.
  So let your angel guard you
  And the blessings of life the Lord gives you!

Strong, brave and courageous
  Our border guard is fearless.
  You deserve respect
  All praise and admiration.

And for the night without sleep
  The whole country is grateful.
  Congratulations on your day
  We wish you good health!

You guard the border
  Save our earth
  At work day and night
  In the heat, blizzard, fog and rain.

Thank you for your work
  He is infinitely important to us.
  Boldly defend the border -
  This is not an easy task.

Let the work be easy
  You bring peace to people
  Be happy, be healthy
  Always ready for feats.

There is such a profession -
  To keep the happiness of the motherland.
  This is a holy mission -
  At the borders of the country to serve.

I congratulate today
  Our border guards!
  Those who are in the ranks day and night,
  Excellent Warriors.

I wish you friends
  Strength and courage
  In families - peace and warmth,
  Fidelity to the oath.

The enemy cannot cross the border
  The border guard is awake, not sleeping.
  From villages to the Moscow capital
  He stands guard over the Motherland!

From a soldier to a general -

  To the frontier post

You guard the borders, you are a very brave soldier,
  Congratulations today, your border detachment!
  And we wish you all good health, strength, courage always,
  And we wish you great love for life, for all years!

And to you, dear and dear, we wish to live long,
  Serve all honor with honor, do not be sad and do not grieve!
  From the authorities - gratitude, from the beloved - a hundred calls,
  Be cheerful, kind, wise, and also, that was healthy!

Defender of the motherland, a guard on guard,
  Your hand will never flinch
  Show your power to any enemy
  It’s a great honor to serve in the border troops,

May courage not leave you
  Happy border guard day, hero!
  Let them wait and write at home and be bored,
  To be served with conscience, with soul,

Let awards await you
  For your border service
  Go ahead and never fall
  Always be in shape and always in service!

You are strong, brave, friendly,
  The whole country sings on your holiday.
  You to us, border guards, are very necessary,
  You are our support, armor.

We congratulate you on the holiday,
  We wish you good health and warmth.
  Luck, gifts are different,
  To rejoice your family.

Border guard
  Guards our peace
  And the days and faces flicker
  This choice is not easy.

Let the enemy not sleep somewhere
  Do not pass him in any way
  Frontier Guys
  All minted a firm step.

We heartily congratulate you,
  We wish you strength and patience
  Easy service, personal happiness,
  And the success of the “borderline”.

At the border guard work,
  Not really easy.
  Need to guard the cordons
  From the envious, the enemy.

Day and night are on patrol
  Young boys
  So that the country sleeps peacefully
  And so that there is no war.

So let's get this holiday
  We drink to those guys
  What's the heat, frost, showers
  They are harrowing their land!

We wish the border guards
  Security at the service.
  Be lucky in personal
  Relationships and friendships.

Let on our borders
  Everything will always be alright
  Waiting for success in big things,
May you live in abundance!

Border guards - green caps, -
  In your case, do not miss.
  We should be grateful to you doubly:
  You are in peace hours, as in war.
  Your service is out of danger and risk:
  At outposts along the border of the obelisk
  They stand in a row like border posts.
  But you do not wish fate otherwise.
  Closer to the night, when it puts everyone to sleep,
  Life sometimes pays for silence.
  And we are calm for our homeland:
  In Russia, you are standing on the edge!

Happy Border Guard Day, the best of the best!
  The Fatherland does not have a safer screen.
  A scout nibbles on nails,
  Again the “bear disease” of the spy.

Let the footprints of sparrows only
  On the strip remain the control.
  To be your most presumptuous love
  The happiest and most happy life!

Glitter of various awards and medals
  I wish in a military career
  And the general’s stars fell
  So that on your shoulder straps as soon as possible!

Congratulations to the border guards -
  Udaltsov and well done.
  I wish you strength and good luck,
  Be happier and richer.

Excerpts, and prosperity,
  And the boundaries of retention,
  Infinite health
  Together with fiery love.

Today, those who serve at the border
  Thank you so much!
  Thank you for sleeping well,
  I thank heaven for you.

Thank you for your courage guys
  Power appreciates faithful sons.
  For everyone today is a significant date,
  I hasten to congratulate you guys, hurry up!

Happy Border Guard Day, brave day!
  Let spring live in the soul
  Let there be time for fun
  And the heart is a target for love.

So that we’re at the castle border,
  Close relatives, friends
  With any difficulty to fight
  You are ready to be everywhere, always!

Border Guard Day Today
  Country native notes
  And brave, loyal guys
  Good luck and good wishes.

Excellent service you carry -
  The tasks are clear and clear.
  We protect our borders
  For childhood, peace and spring!

Spy nervously smoking. The enemy sighs tiredly.
  Do not get through. Do not get in. Neither on foot nor swimming.
  At the border, the border guards place obstacles.
  Happy holiday to you, brothers! I wish you all joyful blessings!

Let the heroic chest adorn the rewards!
  A love scout will slip on the threshold!
  Happiness will bring home! Border guard, don't
  Lock your brave heart!

Silence at the outpost
  The birds chirp in the foliage
  Only a border guard at the post
  Keeps the peace of the border.

On Border Guard Day
  I wish peace service
  Control net strip,
  Soldier's faithful friendship.

I wish you vigilance
  Do not lose on patrol
  And the borders of the native country
  Securely guarded.

He is a border guard - strict, attentive, harsh,
  He will not let enemies pass across the border,
Suddenly he shocked
  So that the Basurmans couldn’t be in vain for the future.

We wish him peace
  May there be less commotion in life,
  We know firmly - and with obscurity -
  While he is on duty, the border is safe!

Order is being watched on the border of a power,
  Border guards always stand on the edge:
  They don’t need special solemn glory,
  They just do their job.

Let them know that the homeland is proud
  And honors them with his sons.
  We wish you good luck, victories, optimism,
  Protect every meter of open spaces of relatives!

Frowning eyebrows and gaze
  A camouflage outfit is put on the body -
  There is a border guard at the junction of two countries
  In any weather, until the post is handed over.

What an enemy - even a mouse cannot crawl
  From here in the country is absolute silence.
  We sleep well, peace of mind,
  But it’s hard for border guards to:

So I want to be with my family,
  But the duty to the motherland is to serve
  And on holidays, on weekdays, in the heat, snowfall
  (There are always many obstacles in the way).

Peace of mind and patience, guys.
  Let the days of your service fly by faster
  You’ll go home soon,
  To connect with your family.

People can sleep peacefully, because the border is locked.
  Smugglers will not pass either in water or on the ground!
  We wish you guys: always be vigilant.
  And for your honor and valor - three times "Hurray!"

Silence on the border
  Peace of mind.
  The whole country is falling asleep
  But not the other

What keeps homeland us
  Believing only the dog.
  Even at the most difficult time
  At his post.

Border guard peace
  Can only dream.
  We wish you
  Could always be proud!

We stand with Polkan at the border,
  The border is exactly locked!
  The castle, by the way, is silvering
  On the offending motne.
  Just a little - Polkan will close with fangs
  Castle. Yes, so that does not escape.
  So, with torn pants,
  Managed to delay many
  We are with a faithful dog in my service,
  After all, both are border guards!
  Yes, military service is not easy
  Stable excellent students!
  And even on holiday we are dressed.
  Half of my life in the service is over.
  Without thinking of the reward
  We stand guard over the Motherland!

“The border guard is my dad”
  The border guard is my dad
  I know that for sure
  Since childhood I am proud of you
  And I wish you

To serve well
  And without adventure
  To come every day
  With lots of luck!

From border to border
  Modern strong knight
  The state protects
  Our peace protects.

Congratulations to all on holiday,
  We wish you valor
  Along the career path
  To get to the colonel.

Good luck and good health,
  In a house of peace and quiet.
  Quiet in our town
After all, the border is locked.

What spies for us from across the sea!
  Though James Bond, even Keanu Reeves himself!
  Border Guard at Mount
  Will stand, preparing a surprise for them!

And faced with his formidable gaze,
  They will run away, only sparkling with their heels!
  Brave border guards all at once
  Today we proudly congratulate!

Our peace and peace protects,
  On the edge of an expensive land
  Craftsman in a green cap,
  Who does not know mistakes!
  Let there be less risk
  So that life is like a pussy
  And good health,
  To have enough for a feast!

Russians can sleep peacefully
  Because on the border for a long time
  And in the cold in winter and sultry in summer
  Border guards are watching.

Anything can happen unexpectedly,
  The enemy is not asleep - this is not a secret
  But in vain: on the castle border,
  A wolf ticket is ready for enemies.

Always on the alert
  Nice guys day and night
  Let the jackals on the cordons circle -
  They will be repulsed, driven away.

Honor and glory to the courageous border guards,
  Gratitude is popular, honor.
  And God forbid that you do not have to one day
  Throw a rifle on your shoulder!

A huge country how to protect from evil?
  Hang the lock and beat the grate?
  Alas, she is too big!
  We can’t hide it in a box!

And so all the aspirations for peace
  We lay on the border troops!
  We are safe! Behind us is power!
  After all, the border guard is stronger than any castle!

Abroad we are not afraid
  We are not afraid of the enemy,
  Our brave border guard
  You are never afraid.

Let in the country and on the border,
  It will be quiet and calm
  Let the hard work
  Allows you to live with dignity.

Always the border is in control
  The enemy will definitely not pass here.
  Border guards today
  From all a special honor.

Congratulations on your day,
  Always be vigilant
  Under your valiant protection
  The whole country sleeps peacefully.

All border guards of the country,
  We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
  Do not lose your vigilance
  Protect our border.

Your service is not easy
  So dangerous and difficult.
  Confident fighters,
  We know it will not break through, enemy.

Serves a nice guy on the border
  Protects the borders of the country
  Crumpled Letters Warm Pages
  The border guard needs more life.
  Don’t worry, everything is calm at home
  Sends a big hello your family
  We all know you serve worthily
  So, our friend, happy holiday to you!

One morning, at dawn,
  The border guard went into the garden,
  There are two dushmans at the net,
  Grapes are harvested.

He blushes, he turns pale
  I wanted to succumb to them,
  But he twisted them in a second,
  Our border squad.

These are the guys, that's the thing
  Border guard to be brave
  And believe on this day
  I congratulate you is not too lazy!

Strong, brave and courageous
  Our border guard is fearless.
  You deserve respect
  All praise and admiration.

And for the night without sleep
  The whole country is grateful.
  Congratulations on your day
  We wish you good health!

Spring burst with love
  Dropped the first dew
  Lighted up the dawn news
  And washed her tears in the streams.

Steregi, border guard, her you
  Keep your borders steady
  To again through winters and years
  The country blossomed without fail!

I congratulate you today
  And I wish you great happiness:
  No service, believe me, nobler,
  How to protect our life from misfortunes!

If someone else shouts:
  “Get out, let us go!” -
  You will answer immediately:
  “Get out of the Russian way!”

You keep our lands
  Unbreakable like a rock
  You are support and hope.
  We sleep peacefully. Glory to you!

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you happiness
  Health and success by all means,
  To beat the key, chasing adversity,
  And always felt great!

Let it be all - fun, laughter, good luck
  And let nature always take its own,
  And let spring bring you change
  Patience, tenderness, affection and fortune!

I wish you happy on this day,
  So that everything that you wish come true,
  To be always smiling, healthy
  And steadfastly guarded the borders of the region!

The border guard is cool!
  It is honor, success, courage,
  When every minute
  Breathes valor for the good.

On this day I wish you
  From the heart of love and happiness
  And heartily congratulations!
  Let all adversity pass!

Congratulations on Border Guard Day today
  All who guard the border day and night.
  We wish you peace and good,
  And know, we respect you very much.

May the sky be peacefully blue
  Let you not know the cruelty of the enemy.
  Though you’re always fighting with weapons,
  Let it never shoot.

On all edges of native Russia,
  In the mountains, taiga and in the sand,
  You stand by an invisible shadow
  Our border is on the castle!

Don't let the mouse slip past you,
  The spy and the "spirit" will not pass there,
  To keep all nights calm
  And the family front was strong!

Guard the border
  Beloved country
  Such units
  Such are needed.

No wonder this day
  We will honor the names
  All those who served
  In the border troops.

Let him doze quietly
  From the mountains to the Kremlin.
  Under your protection
  Native land.

Green cap
  Near dog
  Guard the country
  He knows no fear.

We wish for a peaceful
  To stand in the sky
  Serve, border guard,
  An example of the people.

Happy frontier brother:

You, brother, I wish
  If you serve on the border
  So never losing heart
  Went to achieve a dream.

Lovely brother, brave guy
  A good, strong man -
  I love and respect you
  You are authority for me.

There are worthy men
  In May, the holiday is celebrated
  There is no reason to doubt -
  Respond abroad!

I wish the sky peaceful

  The bright spring sun
  Congratulations, border guards!

Congratulations to the border guard in prose

On Border Guard Day, for real, strong and courageous men - congratulations and heartfelt wishes! I wish you health and prosperity, peace and good, good mood and home warmth! Love and be loved! Let all your near and dear people be always there and give you your love and adoration! Successful weekdays and fun-filled holidays and vacations! Good weather and reliable equipment! Friendliness and help of comrades! Be vigilant and strong in spirit and body!

Peace and tranquility in our streets depend on your composure and ingenuity. You will not allow illegal entry into the country of either a person, or drugs, or prohibited goods. So let your work be simple, the salary is good, and the temptations at least. Happy holiday to you, happy border guard.

Border Guard Day is a great occasion to remind your beloved man how dependent you are on him and how hard it is to spend a minute, an hour, a day without him. Beloved, I am proud of my personal border guard and am ready to be under your protection all my life, confident in my safety!

Thanks to you and people like you, our border is always locked, and we can live in peace, dream and hope for the best. You are a real man and defender of the Motherland. Your life and courage are role models. Happy Border Guard Day to you! Happiness, health and peaceful sky above your head.

Dad border guard:
  The coolest dad, congratulating you on the day of the border guard, we wish you to always be in good physical shape, live easily and remember that we are proud of you - our own defender of the interests of a huge and beautiful family!

To another border guard:
  My friend, accept sincere congratulations on the day of the border guard, and wish you the opportunity to enjoy life every day in all its diversity and beauty. May all adversities forget about you, and love, happiness and health will become your faithful companions. Be cheerful and cheerful, be generous and kind, and everything else will come by itself.

I wish the most faithful and devoted friend on the day of the border guard only calm and gentle nights, cloudless sunrises and picturesque sunsets. let your days pass in good troubles and cares, and the best people will always be near!

To the husband of the border guard:
As a devoted wife, I want to congratulate you on the holiday of all real men - on the day of the border guard. I want to assure you that only with you we will save our family hearth for many years: we will not allow any elements to extinguish it, we will not let any evil tongues ruin it and we will be able to protect it from turning into ashes, supporting it with our love of flame!

Congratulations on the Day of the border guard and I wish that the border was always locked away from any enemy and foe, that life never limits your possibilities, that there are no obstacles for you on the road to success and prosperity, that your strength and courage provide a stable position on life and always allowed to find the right meaning and the right solution in any matter.

I congratulate you and those who serve with you shoulder to shoulder, on the day of the border guard! Today the whole country says that it is proud of its defenders, who protect its peace day and night. I am sure that no one is afraid of our borders!

The border guard son:
  My son, my darling, my glorious defender, my sun, I congratulate you on the day of the border guard and wish that all your worries were just training, shots are idle, so that tears in your eyes are only for joy, and the commanders become friends. So that you repaid your homeland with dignity and returned home healthy and unscathed!

Dear border guards! Thanks to you, we sleep peacefully at night, knowing that you are protecting our Motherland from enemies! I congratulate you on the holiday and I want to wish fortitude, strong nerves, caution in work and unlimited personal happiness!

Although there are a great many jokes about border guards, everyone understands that you are fulfilling an important mission. Let your service be such that later there is something to remember and what to tell about in a noisy and cheerful company. Happy Border Guard Day, thank you for standing guard over our peace!

Congratulations to the brave, strong and courageous people on their professional holiday! We wish you health, inviolability of borders, peaceful sky above your head, prosperity in your families. Be happy, respected, warmed by the care and love of your loved ones.

On the Day of the Border Guard, I sincerely wish the brave and strong man never to lose his opportunities, constantly be at the forefront in the struggle for his happiness, do not forget about the code of honor and keep the borders of the Homeland and your heart locked from troubles and misfortunes.

Protecting the borders of the state is your direct responsibility, so let not one enemy, seeing you, even want to approach our borders for a kilometer, and the service will proceed calmly, without emergency cases and unforeseen circumstances. Happy holiday to you, gentlemen, border guards.

Congratulations on the day of the border guard all vigilantly guarding our borders! I wish you safety, reliable comrades, good health, excellent instinct and excellent labor indicators. Peace, order and tranquility!

Congratulations on the day of the border guard! I wish you to celebrate this day with dignity. Enjoy the attention and courtesy. Be worthy defenders of borders and entrusted territories. Be proud of your calling and deed. Be happy in work and personal life!

Our dear defenders, our valiant border guards! Congratulations on your day! We wish you to meet as few dangers as possible, as few threats as possible and what you don’t really want to meet with. We wish your health and your families to be as strong as the borders that you protect! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the Day of the border guard and I want to always be proud of my service, not to lose heart and never give up the confident positions of life, always keep the borders of the Motherland and my happiness in a solid castle from enemies and envious people.

Congratulations on the Day of the border guard, on the holiday of honor, strength and courage. I wish that order at the border was always a guarantee of peace within the country, that only heroes like you would serve there, so that without a drop of regret and doubt your soul could always defend the homeland and its loved ones.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I wish that clouds would not gloomily walk around the border, that there would always be order and peace, that strength of mind remained strong, that faithful comrades were nearby, that there was happiness and love in life.

Congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in SMS

Border guard, congratulations!
  I sincerely wish you
  I'm a punchy career -
  Be always a hero in everything!

All border guards of the country,
  We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
  Do not lose your vigilance
  Protect our border.

Happy Border Guard Day! All good
  Health, career, success,
  So that you live as it should, so that there are courage,
  Patience, love, a lot of laughter!

Happy Border Guard Day!
  I wish you personal happiness
  Courage, perseverance,
  Strength and vigor!

Happy border guard day to you
  I proudly congratulate you.
  The service is calm and quiet,
  With all my heart I wish.

Always guard the border -
  Your favorite task!
  I want you to wish
  Goodness, health and good luck!

  I carefully preserve the border
  Be strong, brave and invincible
  Lucky, healthy and beloved!

Happy Border Guard Day! Takeoffs, careers,
  Luck for service, honor without measure,
  Great happiness, decent salary
And so as not to reap pea jackets on the road!

You soldier
  Border guard
  And in all matters -
  Excellent student!
  And the border -

I wish the frontier
  Will, vivacity, flair,
  So that he was full of strength
  Caught violators!

Thank you for your protection.
  From the borders of the country.
  You do not give us offense,
  For which we are grateful.

Happy border guard day, I congratulate you
  I only wish you the best
  Great successes and victories in the service,
  Love, health, real friendship!

Everyone wishes to congratulate you
  At this moment and at this hour.
  Border guard notes
  Day in a year only once!

From a soldier to a general -
  We all wish you good days!
  To the frontier post
  I did not meet enemy fires.

Congratulations, border guard,
  Glorious warrior, brave hero,
  I wish you excellent service,
  Peace, happiness, great luck!

Peace in the country, peace in the family,
After all, the border is locked.
  Glory and praise to all of you,
  Border troops!

I'm on guard
  Homeland native.
  Calling Border
  My fighting spirit!

Congratulations to the border guards -
  Udaltsov and well done.
  I wish you strength and good luck,
  Be happier and richer.

I wish the sky peaceful
  Be in the service you are excellent students!
  The bright spring sun
  Congratulations, border guards!

Congratulations on your day,
  Always be vigilant
  Under your valiant protection
  The whole country sleeps peacefully.

Happy Border Guard Day! Sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles
  Happiness is immense, fewer mistakes,
  Calm sky, reliable rear,
  So that life on the roads does not circle you!

Border Guard Day Today
  Country native notes
  And brave, loyal guys
  Good luck and good wishes.

We congratulate you on Border Guard Day, we wish you good health, peaceful sky above your head, friendly support, material well-being, strength of mind and body, courage and courage.

Border Guard Toasts

Today is celebrated
  There are green caps in the country,
  Those who served and those who serve
  Flasks fill the fuel,

To raise a toast to the border guards,
  Who is the first on the way of the enemy
  For diehard fighters,
  What always guards us.

May they walk that day
  Let them curl slightly.
  Guys i congratulate you
  Happy Border Guard Day, cheers!

My toast for us is for the border guards,
  For our battle brotherhood
  What protects from enemies
  Our native state.



















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