Christmas Holidays. State status of holidays in January in Russia

Very soon, Russians will have a short respite from the labors of the righteous - the New Year holidays in 2017 will last until January 8 inclusive, and on January 9 the country will return to everyday work. But throughout 2017, residents of the Russian Federation will go on “long” holidays several more times.

December 30 will be the last working day of 2016. Since December 31 is still not an officially approved holiday, although such proposals have been repeatedly voiced in the State Duma, on December 30 the country works as usual - a full eight-hour working day. If we are talking about a six-day work week, then those who have the good fortune to work on the pre-holiday day of December 31, have the right to count, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on a working day shortened by 1 hour.

Only two holidays have state status during the New Year holidays - New Year and Christmas. Since the New Year holiday falls on a Sunday, this day off is moved to Friday, February 24th. In addition, Christmas Day falls on the day off - Saturday, January 7th, so the day off is moved to May 8, 2017.

On January 9, 2017, the first working week of the new year begins. Schoolchildren go to school depending on when the winter holidays established by the curriculum end: in some schools they begin on December 26 and last until January 9, while in others they start on December 28 and end on January 11.

Thus, in 2017, Russians expect six “long” weekends associated with holidays and postponements of holiday weekends. The first holidays are from December 31 to January 8. The second - from February 23 to 26. The third - from April 29 to May 1. The fourth - from May 6 to May 9. Fifth - from June 10 to 12. The last ones are from November 4 to 6. On March 8, which falls in the middle of the week, the country rests for one day.

In total there will be 118 days off in 2017 and holidays.

By the way, previously representatives of the LDPR took the initiative to allow Russians to relax at any time of the year, and not during the fixed New Year holidays. State Duma deputies from the faction prepared a bill according to which it was proposed to leave only January 1 as legal days off during the New Year holidays, giving Russians a paid vacation of 10 days, which they can use at their discretion. The main argument of the authors of the initiative: the cancellation of all-Russian New Year holidays is very beneficial for the industry and economy of the country. Experts have calculated that due to downtime during the New Year period, the country's economy loses about 3 trillion. rubles, and the level of decline in industrial production ranges from 15 to 20% annually.

The closer new year holidays, the more often we think about how to carry them out. It’s good when the winter holidays last a long time - you can even plan a trip to another country. 2017 is ideal in this regard, because we will have to rest for 9 whole days.

The symbol of 2017 is a restless bird

Approaching 2017 eastern calendar called the “Year of the Rooster”. The very active bird does not like to sleep for long periods of time and constantly fiddles with its feathered friends. It is recommended to celebrate the holiday under this symbol in a very fun company and preferably outside the house - you can go to the country or go on a trip. A large number of Holidays even allow you to combine these two types of vacation: a couple of days outside the city, five days in Prague or Bali, the remaining two at home to prepare for everyday work.

How we relax during the New Year holidays in January 2017

New Year holidays in 2017 begin on December 31, which in other years is often a working day. Why? Because it falls on Saturday. So, all New Year's holidays:

  • December 31, 2016. Saturday is a generally accepted day off.
  • January 1, 2017. Sunday is also a generally accepted day off, but in addition it is also a generally accepted holiday. Due to the fact that these two weekends coincide, the holiday on January 1st is moved to January 6th.
  • January 2, 2017. Monday is a holiday.
  • January 3, 2017. Tuesday is a holiday.
  • January 4, 2017. Wednesday is a holiday.
  • January 5, 2017. Thursday is a holiday.
  • January 6, 2017. Friday is a holiday for January 1st. This day is called “Christmas Eve”, which is celebrated before Orthodox Christmas.
  • January 7, 2017. Saturday is a generally accepted day off, but in addition it is also a generally accepted holiday, the Nativity of Christ. In theory, due to the coincidence of two weekends, the holiday of January 7 should have been moved to Monday, January 9, but the Ministry of Social Labor decided not to do this in 2017.
  • January 8, 2017. Sunday is a generally accepted day off.

The result is 9 days of continuous celebration and great mood.

How we relax during the New Year holidays in 2017 - an initiative of State Duma deputies

Some Russian deputies believe that long New Year holidays have a negative impact on people's health (they eat too much food and drink) and that the country's economy suffers from long equipment downtimes. In this regard, the Duma is considering a bill that may approve only one official holiday (January 1). In exchange, people are going to be given an additional 10 days of paid leave. These days can be taken at any convenient time or added to the main vacation. If this law is adopted, it will come into force on January 1, 2017. But while deputies are working on this innovation, Russian citizens are already planning their nine-day New Year holidays.

New Year is perhaps the most main holiday for Russians. Christmas tree, tinsel and balls, gifts and congratulations, great mood and a feeling of boundless happiness - that’s why we love this holiday. However, let's be honest - would we really be waiting for the New Year so anxiously if not for the “long” holidays that accompany the holiday? Long, long weekends, thanks to which we can do everything we set out to do - go to the skating rink with friends, and walk in the forest, and ski, and watch a lot of movies. So, how are we relaxing for the New Year holidays 2017?

Official holidays

In our country, holidays and weekends are determined by law - the Labor Code. We open the document and read Article 112 of Chapter 18 of the Law.

As you can see, the law clearly marks the New Year holidays of 2017 - from the first to the sixth of January inclusive, plus the seventh of January, as Christmas.

Now let's look at . What days of the week does New Year's weekend fall on?

The first of January is Sunday, and the sixth is Saturday. This means that we are guaranteed at least a week of New Year holidays in 2017. But Sunday is already a day off. What does the law tell us about this?

And again, article 112 of chapter 18 of the Labor Code of our country. How are weekends and holidays distributed on the calendar?

That is, if a holiday falls on a day off - Saturday or Sunday, then this day is considered a holiday, and the day off goes to the next day. So with this coincidence, we are guaranteed a day of extra rest. We consider how we will relax during the New Year holidays in 2017.

  • December 31 – Saturday, day off.
  • January 1 is Sunday, a holiday.
  • January 2-6 – New Year holidays, enshrined in law.
  • January 6 – Saturday, day off.
  • January 7 – Sunday, holiday, Christmas.

Thus, we have already counted nine days of vacation. But what about the postponement of holidays, which is mentioned in the code?

If you follow the letter of the law, then the legal day off - Sunday, January 1st - due to the holiday that falls on this day (New Year) should be postponed to the next working day. This day is considered to be the ninth of January.

Christmas Day, that is, the seventh of January, also falls on a day off. And according to the law, the day of rest must be moved to the closest working day of the week. This day, as we have already calculated, will be the ninth.

So, we consider:

  • December 31 – day off;
  • January 1-8 – day off;
  • January 9 is a day off due to postponement.

Will the New Year holidays in 2017 really last ten days? Let's continue to figure it out.

At the request of workers: we will rest during the New Year holidays in 2017

The closer the New Year holidays are, the more often there are calls on TV screens to shorten the New Year's weekend. Deputies, senators, heads of departments, and the Minister of Health are against long holidays, calling the January week a “holiday of alcohol.”

Caring for the health of the nation is certainly a laudable idea. Meeting the wishes of the Ministry of Health, deputies are trying to reduce rest time by transferring “extra” days to spring or summer holidays– depending on the calendar.

Typically, the decree on postponing the days of the 2017 New Year holidays is signed based on the decision of deputies in the summer of 2016, that is, approximately six months before the celebrations. What can we expect this year?

So, we are reopening the holiday calendar for 2017. What do we see? The nearest holiday is February 23, which falls on Thursday. Maybe we should wait for one of the “extra” days to be moved to February 24, Friday? In this case, we will get a short vacation in the second winter month, which, of course, is not bad at all. After all, everyone will enjoy relaxing for four whole days - February 23, 24, 25 and 26. Good gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day, isn't it?

Another transfer option is . The first of May falls on a Monday, so there are no difficulties here. And here is my favorite spring holiday, which is dear to every Russian - Victory Day - falls on Tuesday. If we proceed from the letter of the Labor Law, we will have a rest on April 29-30 and May 1 - three days. Then comes the four-day work week. The next weekend is May 6 and 7, then one working day - Monday May 8, and then a holiday. Maybe it would be wiser to “take away” a day from the 2017 New Year holidays and “give” it to the May holidays? In this case, we get four days off in a row - from May 6 to May 9 inclusive.

And finally, one more option that may seem interesting: moving one day of the New Year holidays to June 13th. In this case, we will get a four-day vacation at the beginning of summer - from 10 to 13 inclusive. Tempting, isn't it?

But, no matter how much we would like to know everything in advance, the decision to postpone the New Year holidays will be made only in the summer of 2016. Therefore, we can only wait. The site will contain only relevant information on this matter.

Every person, unless he is, of course, an inveterate workaholic, needs and is important to take a break from work. That is why, already now, many people are looking for information on the Internet about the days off that will fall in January 2017. You need to know the exact dates, first of all, in order to plan a family vacation in advance, especially those that fall on holidays.

You can always order tickets in advance, book hotel rooms, or rent a house somewhere in the snowy mountains. Weekend in January 2017 They promise to be unforgettable if you plan your leisure time wisely.

Main weekend of January 2017

The most important day off in the first month of 2017 is, as you may have guessed, the cheerful and beloved New Year by many. This is a holiday of magic and miracles; we can say that the New Year is the starting point for the imminent arrival of Christmas and, accordingly, .

In almost all houses on New Year's Eve, people are busy decorating their homes, creating a New Year's menu, choosing a festive wardrobe and, in fact, creating a special wonderful mood so that the New Year 2017 will be joyful and bright.

New Year is celebrated on January 1st, but the celebration begins on the evening of December 31st. It's no secret that many (if not all) housewives would like the last day of the outgoing year to be a day off, because there is so much to do!

For example, go to a beauty salon, pick out an outfit, decorate rooms and windows, decorate a Christmas tree, buy missing products for festive table, prepare all the planned dishes, tidy up the apartment before the arrival of dear guests.

But, unfortunately for everyone, the government Russian Federation did not approve the issue of assigning December 31st the status of a holiday, which was being discussed. This means that on December 31st we still continue to work, but, according to the law, this day is a pre-holiday day, which means that on the last day before the New Year we work one hour less than usual.

And for those whose work schedule includes a five-day workday, December 31, 2016 will already be a day off, because it falls on a Saturday.

Well, on January 1, 2017, there is no need to go to work in government agencies. Many stores open hours later than usual to give staff a chance to get some sleep after the festivities.

State status of holidays in January in Russia

During the New Year and Christmas holidays, only New Year and Christmas have official status as holidays and weekends. That is, on January 1 and January 7, 2017, you do not need to go to work or school. This time is better spent on family vacation: both active, including exciting trips, and the most ordinary home leisure with your closest people.

Official schedule of days off in January 2017 for Russians

In January, Russians can expect as many as 15 days off. But you will also have to work: out of 31 calendar days, 16 days will be working days.

In order to clearly see on what days in Russia you can legally take a break from work and study, let’s look at the table.

for January 2017 in Russia

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

Holidays at the state level - New Year and Christmas - are marked in red.

Weekends in January 2017 are indicated in lilac.

From January 1 to January 9 – long New Year holidays 2017. Taking into account Saturday December 31, 2016, Russians will rest for 10 days without a break.

Working time standards for Russians in January 2017

  • Number of calendar days – 31.
  • Number of working days – 17.
  • Number of days off: 14.
  • The number of working hours for 40 hours/week is 128.
  • The number of working hours for 36 hours/week is 115.2.
  • The number of working hours for 24 hours/week is 76.8.

We are vacationing in January, taking into account the postponement of weekends

If we take into account the transfer of weekends (not all organizations practice such a work schedule, unfortunately), then Russians will have a full 17 days off in January.

Work schedule with a five-day work week

Mon 2* 9+ 16 23 30
Tue 3* 10+ 17 24 31
Wed 4* 11+ 18 25
Thu 5* 12 19 26
Fri 6* 13 20 27
Sat 7* 14 21 28
Sun 1* 8* 15 22 29

* — official days off;

+ — rescheduled days off.

  • Number of working days – 14.
  • Number of days off – 17.

Holidays and weekends in January 2017

Transfer of holidays in January 2017

  • January 1st is moved to January 9th because it falls on a Sunday.
  • January 7 is moved to January 10 as it falls on a Saturday.
  • January 8 is moved to January 11 as it falls on a Sunday.

Production schedule for a six-day work week

Mon 2* 9+ 16 23 30
Tue 3* 10+ 17 24 31
Wed 4* 11 18 25
Thu 5* 12 19 26
Fri 6* 13 20 27
Sat 7* 14 21 28
Sun 1* 8* 15 22 29
  • Number of working days – 18.
  • Number of days off – 13.
  • The standard working hours for 40 hours/week is 112.
  • The standard working hours for 36 hours/week is 100.8.
  • The standard working hours for 24 hours/week is 67.2.

Whatever work schedule applies to your company, try to have a fun and extraordinary weekend in January 2017 so that you can return to work well-rested and full of energy.

In 2017, residents of the country will finally have time to prepare for the main winter holiday. The last day of the passing year, December 31st is not officially considered a holiday, however, in 2016 it fell on a Saturday - so people working on a five-day schedule will rest “legally” on this day. However, for organizations working on a six-day basis, the last day of the year will remain a working day - in accordance with the law, the duration of work must be reduced by one hour, and that’s all.

Days from Sunday January 1st to Sunday January 8th inclusive are non-working for everyone. On these dates you can safely plan celebrations of the coming of the Year Fire Rooster, travel or vacation with children - these days are officially considered holidays in the country.

Thus, the New Year holidays 2017 will be as follows:

  • December 31, Saturday– a regular day off for those working on a five-day schedule, a shortened working day for organizations with a six-day schedule;
  • from January 1 (Sunday) to January 6 (Friday)official days New Year holidays;
  • January 7 (Saturday)– holiday, Christmas;
  • January 8 (Sunday)– the last day of the national holiday.

The first working day of 2017 will be January 9, Monday. Thus, both before and after the New Year holidays, residents of the country will have to work a full week – from Monday to Friday, without relaxed “shortened” working periods.

The same day, January 9, will be the beginning of a new school term. Students of most Russian schools will start resting a week earlier than adults (from December 25), and their legal winter holidays will end at the same time as their parents'. Schoolchildren studying according to the modular system “5(6)+1”, in accordance with their academic schedule, have one week off during the New Year holidays, and in 2017 it completely coincides with the winter holidays for adults.

What determines the duration of winter holidays in Russia?

"Guaranteed" The duration of winter holidays in Russia according to the law is from January 1 to January 8. Moreover, January 7 is a day off in honor of the Nativity of Christ, and all days from 1 to 6 and January 8 are non-working days dedicated to the main thing winter holiday- New Year.

At the same time, the period of continuous winter rest may increase if weekends are adjacent to holidays (this, for example, happened in 2016, when Saturday and Sunday fell on January 9 and 10, so the holidays lasted 10 days). Moreover, in accordance with Russian laws, if a regular day off coincides with a holiday, then this coincidence is compensated by an additional day of rest. Since the period from January 1 to January 8 is guaranteed to be a weekend - additional days rest or “plus” to New Year's holidays, or are postponed to other days of the coming year. The draft transfer of days off is prepared annually by the Ministry of Labor and Employment and approved by the government of the country.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of days off in 2017

In 2017, in accordance with government decree, Russians will be “compensated” for two holidays that fall on weekends. This is directly New Year(Sunday 1 January) and Christmas Day (Saturday 7 January). In this case, additional days off will be transferred to other months:

  • for January 1, Russia will have a holiday on February 24 (Friday), thanks to which a four-day mini-vacation will fall on the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • Christmas Saturday will be compensated by the day off on May 8(Monday), and the Victory Day celebrations will also last four days.

Two four-day weekends at once in one year for the Russian holiday calendar is a rarity - and the opportunity to have additional rest in February and May should be a good compensation for the relatively short (compared to 2015 and 2016) New Year holidays.