How to get rid of a short stature complex for a man. Napoleon complex or short man's syndrome: how short stature affects a man's health. Ways to combat the Napoleon complex

Being short can be due to a variety of factors: perhaps you are still growing, or you have a medical condition that impairs your growth, or you are simply shorter and smaller than most of your peers. Whatever the reason, unfortunately, short stature sometimes causes shame and problems, and sometimes causes bullying from other people. However, all this can be avoided. There may be nothing abnormal about being short. In some situations this can even be an advantage. To come to terms with your height, learn to take advantage of it and respond appropriately to negativity from others.


How to deal with negativity from other people

    Realize that your height is not the problem. People who worry about their own appearance or height often criticize or bully others, creating height problems that don't really exist.

    Learn to respond correctly to those who bully you because of your height. If you don't like comments about your height, speak up instead of accepting criticism silently.

    Reach out to others for help. Ask someone you trust for help if you are unable to stand up for yourself with those who bully you or say or act disrespectfully because of your size. If someone physically harms or threatens you, tell the police as soon as possible.

    Move with confidence. To avoid negative comments, you should behave in a way that makes people feel confident about you. Keep your head down and don't be afraid to take up space in the room whether you're walking, standing or sitting.

    How to change body size

    1. Follow your doctor's recommendations. If you are worried that you are unable to grow or gain weight, or if you have a medical condition that prevents you from growing or gaining weight, consult your doctor. Follow your doctor's recommendations regarding treatment, supplements, and lifestyle choices.

      Eat a balanced diet. Eat healthy, fresh foods regularly and according to your diet.

      Exercise to build muscle mass. Work out in gym or at home. Sports will help you strengthen your muscles and health, and build muscle mass in a healthy way.

      Choose suitable clothing. Wear clothes that fit well and have long, straight lines. Such styles will visually add height to you and highlight your physique.

    How to take advantage of being short

      Start doing gymnastics or wrestling. Find out if you can join your school or city team. There are many sports where people short there is an advantage.

      • Try wrestling, boxing, martial arts, dancing, gymnastics, weightlifting, horse racing, or any other sport where being short is better.
      • Short people typically excel in these sports due to a lower center of gravity and/or greater agility and speed.
    1. Take advantage of the fact that you fit into small spaces. Occupy small spaces for entertaining or when needed.

      • If you are short, you may find it easier to move around in crowds. Additionally, other people may let you pass ahead at a concert or other event if you are unable to see because of tall people.
      • Take up small seats and sit comfortably on airplanes, cars and other vehicles where there is usually little personal space.
      • Play hide and seek and other games where it will be easier for you to hide compared to other players.
    2. Stand out from the crowd. See your height as what sets you apart from other people. As you get older or as you become more embedded in a certain industry or group, you will begin to appreciate it more.

      Save money on baby clothes and take advantage of special discounts. Short people can continue to use special conditions for children and adults.

      • Buy clothes in children's departments. It will fit better and cost less.
      • Ask about discounts for children and teens at museums, cinemas and other event venues. Your appearance can get you a discount even if you are not the right age.
    3. Know the health benefits of being short. Research has found that being short has certain health benefits.

    How to make the space around you safe and comfortable

    1. Analyze the ergonomics of your workstations. Many tables and chairs are designed to fit the average person's height, and the ones you use may not be the right size for you.

      • Choose a chair or armchair that suits you. Ideally, you should be able to lower the chair so that your feet are flat on the floor. Pay attention to the depth of the chair. Your back should rest against the backrest and your knees should extend beyond the seat. Adjust the armrests and lumbar bolsters to suit your height.
      • Adjust the height of your desk chair so that it suits your height.
      • Make sure your feet are flat on the floor when you sit. If they do not reach the floor or if you need to raise your chair higher to make it comfortable to work at the table, place a stand or any other object (a stack of paper, a box, an unnecessary book) under your feet.
      • Adjust the height of the table or other work surface. If height is not adjustable, as is the case with kitchen surfaces, either work at a lower table (such as a dining table) or stand or sit higher. You can use the platform for aerobics. It is stable and height adjustable.
      • Adjust the height of your monitor or screen. Your eyes should be at the same height as the top edge of the screen, or at least the top quarter. Many modern monitors are height adjustable. If yours is not adjustable, mount the monitor on a wall or on a special stand.
      • Use a keyboard stand if necessary. This will lower the keyboard and position it at an angle that won't strain your wrists.
      • Try using a smaller mouse and keyboard if you have small hands. Consider portable and travel devices.

Shorty syndrome is an internal complex that haunts a short man throughout life. He understands that he is missing something and this feeling accompanies him always and everywhere. A short man every now and then catches the eye of tall representatives and he enviously paints a picture of how his fate would have turned out if he had been a little taller. In such a man, aggression and a feeling of inferiority often rage. It seems to “Napoleon” that people are constantly paying attention to his height, but these are just the short man’s guesses. It is possible to cope with psychological problems and many do it successfully, the main thing is not to let yourself lose heart and find the advantages of your features in your appearance.

Excess weight and round tummy

If a man is short, then he must be overweight and have a protruding belly - this statement was invented by someone who has such “advantages” and does not want to change anything. In fact, anyone can get a beer belly, it’s just that this feature is much more noticeable in a short man. The extra pounds affect his health, and the rounded shape of his belly creates additional stress on his short legs. At the same time, short men are often quite energetic in their bodies, but weight loss is hindered by the desire to eat well and the lack of exercise.

Gorgeous posture

Short men usually don't slouch. The fact is that they can’t do this; a crooked back will take a couple more centimeters off their short stature. Therefore, short men watch their posture, straighten their shoulders and hold their heads high, unlike tall men.

Risk of cerebral hemorrhage

Scientists conducted a study comparing the condition of 15 thousand men and women of different heights regarding the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. It turned out that the taller the person, the lower the risk. To avoid such an outcome, you need to healthy image life, supply your body with useful and necessary substances, promote active blood circulation throughout the body, through movements.

A short man will live longer

Experts studied not only the risks of health problems in a short man, but also his overall life expectancy. It turned out that the aging process is slower in short people. This means that a man with a Napoleon complex can live longer than his two-meter-tall counterpart. In addition to genetic characteristics, life expectancy is influenced by a positive attitude and sense of humor. If a short man enjoys every day, runs circles in the stadium with his short legs, jokes and smiles a lot, then additional years will definitely come to him, and the previously desired plus one decimeter in height will become unnecessary.

See below the interview with a homeopath who talked about the diseases of bad and good people:

In search engines there are many answers to the question of what the “Napoleon complex” is. Basically, historical data is provided related to short people who reached the top in politics, sports or on the stage.

However, this question is revealed more from the historical side than from human psychology. Napoleon syndrome is a personality defect that prevents a person from enjoying life.

More often, this quality is inherent in men, and it begins with childhood. Then, when a guy suffers ridicule at school or other educational institutions and loses faith in himself. In every school class there was a little boy who was teased.


Girls choose strong and handsome candidates for gentlemen, but it is more difficult for a small and frail guy to create a relationship.

Having accumulated severe pain and streaks of failure, the “Napoleonic man” makes a promise to himself to grow, become better than everyone else and achieve maximum heights in life, which he strives for in the future.

Wanting to stand out in all situations, he studies diligently, follows the assigned instructions of his superiors, but his soul is filled with revenge and awaits the hour of reckoning. Such people strive to have a car and housing, a lot of money and a high position in society.

Having received the position of boss, their hidden resentment breaks out. Now they prove to others and subordinates their height and advantage. Consequently, these people humiliate others and try to subjugate others for self-satisfaction.

Napoleon complex in short women

Now let's look at the Napoleonic complex in women. On the one hand, it’s good to be small: a neat figure, you can wear high heels. Short stature gives a person mobility and dexterity. In some sports it is encouraged. But for some reason, more and more often, short girls strive to be taller. Growth is a major challenge for some of us.

If men behave aggressively with this syndrome, girls restrain their emotions within themselves. They are less susceptible to frustration and emphasize invented flaws only with high shoes.

It is possible that the lady will set a goal and begin to strive for it. Yes, that's actually good. A person who wants to make a career, gain status in society and be independent becomes a source of envy for other ladies, which will help the sufferer regain the missing confidence.

Having proven her importance and supremacy, a woman will find peace and get rid of mental trauma.

The Napoleon complex in popular psychology gives the following advice to those who are ridiculed:

Psychologists advise making a list for yourself. Divide a piece of paper into 2 columns. In one column, write a description for tall people. On the other half for yourself. To increase your confidence, take as an example a friend or acquaintance who is taller than you. Describe the pros and cons of both of you. Every person deep down loves himself, so your cup of advantages will outweigh your opponent's cup.

The Napoleon complex and the origins of its formation. Myths about short people, their debunking and methods of dealing with the problem.

The content of the article:

Napoleon complex (short man syndrome) is a combination of psychological problems that occur in short people. With great ambitions, some short people dream of at least conquering the whole world in order to assert themselves in their own eyes. In an effort to get rid of their perceived inferiority, they can ultimately turn into aggressive subjects.

Description of the Napoleon complex

The name of this derogatory social stereotype suggests that it appeared thanks to the famous French Emperor Bonaparte. According to some versions (previously very popular), having a short height (157-162 cm), he decided to compensate for it with a brilliant political career.

In psychology, the Napoleon complex was first voiced by the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler. However, the famous specialist, basing his research on the biography of the emperor, did not take into account one fact. In fact, the commander’s height was 165-169 cm (according to various sources) and in those days was not considered small. Bonaparte looked short only when tall marshals and impressively sized officers of the Guards Army were nearby.

Alfred Adler's teaching was then refuted because a number of studies did not show a direct relationship between aggressiveness and short stature. Not all people with such parameters have inappropriate behavior and a desire for absolute power. At the same time, the term itself remained in psychological practice, because the described stereotype became popular among the population.

Symptoms of the Napoleon complex

In this case, we will talk about people who are not ready to accept both their own appearance and their position in society. Their self-doubt often manifests itself in the following ways:
  • Demonstrativeness. In any way such people try to prove that they are strong and extraordinary individuals. This is especially true when a person with a Napoleon complex occupies a leadership position. He takes out his self-doubt on his subordinates, asserting himself at their expense.
  • Flexibility of mind. People of this type are good generators of ideas. They find an extraordinary way out of any situation, which the average person is not even able to notice.
  • Vindictiveness. Subjects with a pronounced Napoleon complex have a very vulnerable soul, so any careless word can cause them to burst into anger. They will remember the offense for a long time, calming down only after punishing the culprit.
  • Self-love. In most cases, it is painful due to the same complexes about short stature. This behavior manifests itself in the form of intolerance of criticism and rejection of leniency from any person.
  • Passion for big things. Short people often want to compensate for this disadvantage by purchasing large jeeps, apartments with impressive footage and renting large offices. They wear weighty signets on their hands, and impressive chains around their necks.
  • Selection of high partners. In rare cases, a short person starts a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex with the same parameters. This statement especially applies to men, because finding a tall woman next to such a fan is considered the norm.

Note! All the described symptoms demonstrate a portrait of a vulnerable, suspicious and rather vindictive person. When communicating with him, you must observe maximum correctness and caution in your actions.

Basic myths about short people

In some cases, a person is ready to push himself to the limit. Many people are dissatisfied with their appearance, creating false canons of beauty in their minds.

Concerns for short men

Some representatives of the stronger sex are insecure due to the following common prejudices, after which they develop a Napoleon complex:
  1. The impossibility of success in women. There is a myth that beautiful ladies want to see next to them only a giant with developed muscles. In this case it is purely a matter of taste. The height of the famous actor Tom Cruise is 170 cm (skeptics say that the maximum is 165 cm), which does not prevent him from being popular with women.
  2. Ladies love to look up. Maybe some of them like this activity, but this opinion should not be elevated to truth. Very often, short jokers are the soul of any company. American actor Danny DeVito, whose height is 152 cm, captivates viewers with his humor and ability to present himself.
  3. Shorties aren't strong. Physical development For a man, it doesn’t depend on his height, because you can be the size of a tower with undeveloped muscles. A striking refutation of this myth is the boxing career of Jacob Matlala, whose height was only 147 cm.
  4. Parameters below average are always a reason for ridicule. Such an opinion is erroneous reasoning. If a representative of the stronger sex is charming, smart and well-read, then no one will make fun of him. Mikhail Galustyan's height is only 163 cm, which allows him to make the audience laugh, and not vice versa.
  5. A short man is a bad lover. This statement does not stand up to criticism at all. His height does not affect a partner’s potency, so there is no point in creating a protective shell in the form of sarcasm towards others about this.
Women will always be attracted to representatives of the stronger sex, who can become a reliable support for them. The Napoleon complex in men is exclusively self-hypnosis or the result of dependence on the opinions of others.

Concerns for women with short stature

The fair sex suffers less from this problem, but is also sometimes subject to the following doubts:
  • Little women can't become models. Those who spread such absurdity forget about the fact that the most important thing for an attractive lady is a proportional figure. In addition, the famous model Eva Longoria boasts a height of only 157 cm.
  • Little women aren't taken seriously. This statement can be argued if we take the example of Danica Patrick, a famous racing driver. Her height is only 150 cm, which does not at all detract from her achievements on the track.
  • Men prefer tall women. Again, you can disagree with this myth, because everything depends on the personal taste of the stronger sex. A short woman often creates the impression of a fragile creature that you want to protect and protect.
  • With such parameters it is difficult to carry a child to term. A defensive reaction, which then transforms into a Napoleon complex, may arise in a girl precisely because of this absurd conclusion. Height does not matter during pregnancy if you expectant mother The pelvis is well developed and she is healthy.
The existing Napoleon complex in women is, first of all, uncertainty about the power of their charms in relation to the man they like. As a result, the lady begins to suffer from suspiciousness and suspicion that everyone is discussing her behind her back short stature.

Ways to combat the Napoleon complex

Independent actions to get rid of the Napoleon complex

To love yourself and not allow suspiciousness to take over your mind, you need to take the following self-defense measures:
  1. Analysis. Every person, even of small stature, should understand that he does not have a defect. He should accept himself as he came into this world. The main thing is that the arms and legs are intact, and the head remains in place - the statement of our ancestors. The rest was considered a whim and a consequence of laziness of the soul and body.
  2. Trust in compliments. There is no need to look for a catch in every praise, because almost every person has his own complexes. You should give yourself the mindset that pleasant things come from pure heart, and not in the form of a veiled mockery.
  3. Diet. Some people should think about the fact that with short stature, figure flaws are even more striking. A short, plump person seems even larger, so it’s time to worry about weight, and not about the complex being described. If a person who wants to lose weight does not know the recipes for a balanced diet, then he needs to consult a nutritionist.
  4. Exercises for correct posture. A stooped back will make a visibly short person even smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to perform basic manipulations to level it every day. The most in a simple way will be walking around the room with a book on your head.

Features of visual increase in height

If all the arguments are useless, and the person continues to have complexes, then you can try to visually correct your height:
  • High heels. This method is suitable for both women and men. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity can purchase special shoes with a high platform. Ladies are recommended models with thin high heels, ideally - pumps, which not only visually make fashionistas taller, but also visually lengthen short legs. Bulky shoes and boots are not the best solution with small stature. For men, it is best to opt for lightweight models without an elongated nose.
  • The right accessories. Men should give up bulky bracelets and chains around their necks. Ladies should give preference to long beads (preferably three ropes) and dangling earrings. You can also decorate yourself with scarves that can wrap around your neck several times and fall freely down the sides to your hips.
  • Smart clothing shopping. When choosing a design for a dress or suit, you should abandon horizontal lines, which not only make a person look fat, but also rob him of a couple of centimeters of height. Thin ties and belts are the ideal solution for a man with a Napoleon complex. Pants with arrows will also visually lengthen your legs; knee-length dresses are suitable for girls. Wearing capris and breeches should become a taboo, and you should also forget about low-waist jeans.
  • Updo. Curls raised at the roots (using wax or hair foam) can add a couple of centimeters to their owner. This is also promoted high ponytails and decorative ornaments in the form of voluminous hoops. Men should cut their hair shorter, lifting their hair up. If you really want to walk around with long locks, then you can shave the sides and collect your hair in stylish bun upstairs.

Help from a psychologist with short man's syndrome

Specialists can do some work with a person who has a Napoleon complex. In most cases, they base therapy on the following methods:
  1. Conversation with elements of suggestion. Psychologists usually provide their patients with statistics that better than any other evidence demonstrate some of the benefits of being short. Firstly, among such people the largest percentage of long-livers. Secondly, they are the least susceptible to any diseases.
  2. The “don’t judge for yourself” method. To some extent, this therapy resembles training under the guidance of a professional. With the help of well-chosen questions, the psychologist helps the patient understand the simple truth that you should not expect tolerant behavior from people who have offended you.
  3. Visual propaganda method. To regain faith in your strengths and external attractiveness, experts advise reading the biography of people such as Louis XIV (Sun King of France, 156 cm), Ludwig Beethoven (composer, 160 cm), Madonna (singer, 160 cm) and other famous personalities .
How to get rid of the Napoleon complex - watch the video:

Signs of the Napoleon complex in men and women are expressed in most cases in the same way. The problem is solved both on a psychological level (a person learns to accept himself as he is) and on a visual change in external data. Only under such conditions can he try to get rid of it, using the advice in this article in practice.

In order to choose an individual system of exercises to solve the problem of short stature, you need to contact a professional trainer, not forgetting to consult a doctor. Self-medication has never brought anyone any good. For example, everyone knows that you can drink calcium gluconate to stimulate growth during puberty. But only those who are not too lazy to consult a doctor know that they should take silicon along with it. Dosage and proportions are calculated based on the weight of the athlete and his daily loads.

Girls, if you want to try yourself as a fashion model, be extremely careful when choosing a trainer. In solving the problem of short stature, the coach-athlete does not best helper. The fact is that stretching exercises for athletes are in most cases dangerous for a fragile girl with a narrow bone. Look for a trainer in fitness rooms or beauty salons, and don’t forget about a good massage therapist.

Small men
The greatest difficulties begin when a person begins to look for an explanation for his unfulfilled life in his physical characteristics, and in particular, in his small stature..

Men's grief: I'm short, girls don't like me. Complexes begin to develop, a person becomes unsure of himself, and, as a result, girls really don’t notice him. The cause-and-effect chain is exactly like this. Please remember your 5-6-7 grades. This is exactly the period when all the girls are taller than all the boys in the class. And who got the most female attention? That's right, the smallest and most powerful. And it doesn’t matter whether he remains short or grows to basketball height, he will still remain everyone’s favorite right up to High school prom.

It's not about external data, but about self-awareness and the ability to present yourself correctly. A woman evaluates a man according to several criteria, and in addition to external data, what matters is how you look at her and how you behave. The secret of a womanizer is precisely that he doesn’t seem like one. A sincere smile and a loving look do their job, even if the girl you like is noticeably taller than you. Remember the couple Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The brightest couple in Hollywood, who lived together for about 10 years, were distinguished by the fact that Nicole was 10 centimeters taller than her husband, and with heels she was 20 centimeters taller.

The secret of male charm is 100% self-confidence. It doesn't matter where it appears. If you hesitate and get lost in front of a girl, but she sees your professional achievements and respects you as a specialist, or if she sees the respect of your friends for you, you are on the right track.

Short women
Women's grief is somewhat less here. Most men love short girls (women). But there’s a catch here: the short girl feels like she’s not being taken seriously. It is quite possible, but growth is secondary here. Again, the chain repeats: because of her short stature, a woman begins to feel complex, is embarrassed to express her opinion, and those around her think that she has no opinion of her own. If a man does not take you seriously, it is not at all a fact that he will accept a girlfriend of more impressive dimensions. If a man lives by the principle “all women are fools,” the height of his wife does not affect anything. Think 10 times before connecting your life with such a person.

For a girl, short stature will help emphasize her most important advantage - fragility and femininity. Even if you have chosen a unisex style, most men will still perceive you as an object for care and protection.

The root of the problem of short stature
In order to understand how relationships between a man and a woman are built, you need to remember under what circumstances they actually arose. A woman is the keeper of the home, an object of care and protection, a source of pride. A man is a protector and a hunter. IN modern society the scheme takes on much more intricate forms, but can be traced in any relationship. Accordingly, if a man, by his behavior, puts himself in the place of a leader, a woman will look at him with admiration, “from the bottom up,” even if he is shorter than her. And vice versa: if a woman emphasizes her feminine essence in every possible way, the chosen one will look at her a little patronizingly, even if she is taller, and listen, even if she is shorter, because he considers her his own.

Is small growth so bad in business?
We can give many examples of short people achieving significant success in business and becoming directors of large companies. Children's complexes play an important role here. The desire to assert oneself forces a person to work hard and hard, which naturally brings results. Accordingly, if you feel that you are not taken seriously because you are short, prove your superiority in a completely different area. After all, a professional is not valued for his external characteristics.

But we must not forget about appearance: If a person is naturally athletic, he can afford a casual style. If you want to overshadow your short stature, you should always look perfect. Avoid sudden changes in clothing style - this will force others once again evaluate you visually.

There are several more psychological techniques that will help you hide short stature during conferences, presentations, negotiations, etc.

Dress in a neutral suit, add a couple of distracting details: cufflinks, an interesting tie. This way, your opponent will glance at you and continue to look at these details.

During negotiations, draw your opponent's attention to your face. That is, in his mind, the essence of the conversation (transaction), set out in the documents lying on the table, should be visually connected with your face. To do this, during a conversation, touch your temple with your hand, or adjust your glasses. Your facial expressions are also important: sometimes eyebrow movements are remembered for a very long time, and help to imitate emotions better than gestures and expressions.

Do not stand next to your taller colleagues, or with objects comparable to human height: hangers, palm trees in tubs. You can stand up and walk around the room to add significance to your speech, if circumstances permit. Use this technique unexpectedly, but calmly, when your listeners are sitting. This will create a teacher effect in the classroom.

If you are speaking in front of a large audience, do not hold large objects in your hands: a folder, a globe, a laptop.

There are many more examples when short stature, under certain circumstances, becomes simply invisible to others. For example, a short teacher who asks students to post posters on the board may sit down at the table for a while. It is obvious that even if the students are taller than the teacher, no one compares a sitting person with a standing one.

And, most importantly, never forget about self-confidence and self-esteem. After all great person And A tall man- completely different things.