Happy birthday wishes to deceased dad. Sad statuses about dad who is no longer alive. The saddest, most mournful words on the anniversary of the death of a father from his son in poetry and prose

Statuses about a dad who is no longer alive are phrases that are full of pain and resentment. Let the words flow out like a song.

And I wanted a little - just for him to be near

  1. My dad is an angel. And there can be no other explanations.
  2. And everything seems to be as it was before. We need to move on with our lives. But my children will never have a grandfather...
  3. Appreciate fathers while they are alive!
  4. We will definitely meet again, dad. And even if it’s not here.
  5. I can't believe that you're gone forever. No matter how anyone proves...
  6. And yet there is something worse than separation. And this is called death.
  7. Anyway, thank you to the world for giving me such a father!
  8. I hope you have a good time there. You come to me at least in my dreams.
  9. When loved ones pass away, it’s more than just pain. Sometimes you really don't want to live!
  10. You will be in my heart as long as I live. And no other way!
  11. You taught me really important things. I love you dad.
  12. It pains me to see your grave. I would like to see you instead...
  13. Real fathers today are still a rarity. That’s why it’s so unbearable when they leave!
  14. When your dad leaves, you have no one to help you with your pain. There is simply no one!
  15. A good dad should be appreciated. Appreciate him while he is alive, no matter how scary it may sound...
  16. I always lived to make my dad proud. Even now, when he is no longer alive...
  17. Thank you, Lord, for such a caring dad. Tell me, for what sins did you take him away from me?
  18. My dad was real. He loved to teach life lessons. What can I say, he often got angry. And I would give a lot if only we could be together again!

It's unbearable when dad stays in heaven

A father is one of the dearest people in every person’s life. To express your resentment towards fate, set statuses about your dad, who is no longer alive.

  1. The folder never gave me offense. Yes, I had a wonderful childhood.
  2. Now I understand that dad was right in many situations. But now it's gone, and nothing else can fix it.
  3. You left me alone, dad. No, you didn't leave, but you were no longer there.
  4. My dad was and will remain only mine, no matter what fate decides!
  5. Living without a dad is very difficult. Even though I’m already an adult, even though I think I should know how to manage my life...
  6. I miss you, dad. It's a pity that you will be bored for the rest of your life.
  7. My dad was the funniest, the kindest, the strongest. I still can’t understand how he could have disappeared.
  8. All that remains is to be angry at fate. And I would so like to see you next to me, dad.
  9. I hear you and I see you. For me, you are the most gentle breeze and the brightest sun. Dad, I love you!
  10. Hope you're happy there. Then I will be happier here too...
  11. And, it seems, the day was like all others. But I still couldn’t understand that I needed to turn my father into memories.
  12. And I will only have to tell my children how wonderful their grandfather was.
  13. I have so much to tell you, daddy. I believe the opportunity will come someday!

No, this cannot be put into words

Statuses about a dad who is no longer pierce with grief to the core. Express your pain at the loss.

  1. I dream about you, dad. I know that this is not in vain.
  2. I can't express it in words. Let me just say that I didn’t have enough oxygen when he left...
  3. In fact, the saddest bride is the one who walks down the aisle not accompanied by her beloved dad.
  4. Living father: it seems like ordinary happiness, but, alas, impossible for me!
  5. My heart has been filled with sadness since the moment you left. And, you know, it doesn't let up.
  6. I'm glad I had a very ordinary dad. But he is faithful, and very, very passionately loving.
  7. I always knew that I could rely on dad. But what to do now that he is no longer around?
  8. I won't hide my tears. Let everyone know how much I miss you!
  9. Now you have to dream without him, make plans without him, live without him...
  10. We still had to look for dads like him. Thank you, daddy, for never giving me offense.
  11. The place where I come to see him is very calm and quiet. Eh, dad, dad, you were such a funny guy.
  12. I still look for one thing in guys - for them to be like you. I love you dad!
  13. Every time the sun shines outside, it seems to me that my dad is sending the warmest rays. For so many years...
  14. Maybe someday I will stop crying at night. But not now, definitely not now!
  15. I can't believe you passed away a few years ago. In my memory you are still alive.

To the most beloved father

This cannot be compared with any words: however, whoever knows will understand. Only partly, but still expresses the pain of loss, the status “dad is no more.”

  1. I want to be able to come to you, too, and not have a stone fence waiting for me...
  2. Dad, if you can hear, please don't worry about me. I can handle it, although I won’t lie, I miss you.
  3. Once upon a time you opened up a whole world for me. But now this whole world has ended without you!
  4. It’s probably easy for those who say “don’t cry.” Know that when dad leaves, tears are the only salvation.
  5. I always loved coming to you, warming myself with your warmth. And now it’s always cold where you are.
  6. It hurts terribly when fathers leave. Especially if you are a daddy's girl!
  7. Life smiles with the same colors. But you will never see this again, and my heart is torn to pieces.
  8. I have never been an exemplary daughter, and now I regret it. After all, it turned out that we were given so little time to be together.
  9. It would be enough for me kind words, and maybe even the most ordinary one, but from you, daddy!
  10. You protected me on earth, and now you protect me in heaven. Nothing, in general, has changed, but I don’t know how to live as before!
  11. Dad taught to forgive those who offended a little, and to give back if they offended greatly. That's what I'll do, dad!
  12. No one loved me, and no one will love me, like dad. Someone also loves, but somehow... in a completely different way.

For me, nothing has changed

Statuses about the death of a father from his daughter: what to look for in them other than bitterness? And what to do if there is nothing left in life except her...

  1. Dad left. And I’m ready to tear apart all those who say something like “it was necessary.”
  2. And, it seemed, nothing special happened to me until I fully realized: my father was no more.
  3. Dad could always see the adult in me, even though he was only with us while I was very little!
  4. The most precious things in life, alas, cannot be bought with money. I would love to have you back, dad...
  5. I would just like to listen to you. Your booming bass voice, which so touchingly tried to tell me stories.
  6. I had the only person with whom I could talk about everything in the world. It's a shame no one can replace him.
  7. I had so many plans and you were in all of them. What a pity that it all ended this way!
  8. People around me say that I am very young, but know this: after my dad passed away, I immediately became an adult.
  9. All these iron fences, lifeless flowers and silent benches... I never thought that this would become so familiar to me!
  10. You were and remain. Not just in my heart. You are a complete piece of him.
  11. You are my dearest person, even though you are not next to me. It's not your fault.
  12. I don't want all these tearful phrases. I just want people close to me to always be with me!
  13. I love you. Let me show you this only with the flowers that I grow on the grave...

Statuses about fathers who don’t exist are a conversation with God. These are frank phrases, perhaps about the most intimate.

It's a pity that I left so early.
It's a pity he left us alone.

Sometimes I cry at night.
Does my neighbor hear about it?
Does he see tears in my eyes?

And I can never forget
Your tender: “My dear!
My most innocent child!”

But believe me, it worked out dryly

Dad, I am strong in you!
And how you try to be kind.

I can never forget!
Dad, mom are also nearby...

How I dreamed as a child,

Play with some spinning top...
Dad, you probably see me.
And you are leading on the right path.
You will notice all my mistakes

Dad, I miss you so much.

And this makes me feel completely uneasy!

Hello, dad, dear, how are you there?
The most loving man in the world.
You know, if you count the years,
You'd have wrinkles now.
I would kiss them jokingly
Or she whined in her sleeve when she felt bad.
You would whisper that the years fly by
Only I'm still such a fool.
I stopped dreaming about you completely.
If you don’t come, tell me, is it necessary?
With the rain, give me news - how are you there?
I will be desperately glad to see her.
I'll tell you how I live,
What I’m writing is who I don’t look forward to meeting again.
And that I’m barely staying afloat,
Everyone hopes that “time will heal.”
And it ticks rhythmically to the beat,
It takes a long time to sew seams - not for the weak.
You know, if you count the years.
Gray hair would suit you very well...

So the 12th year flew by unnoticed,
Well, you’ve already settled down there.
How are you doing, my beloved dad?
I really want to come to you.
Mom and I are coping here, really.
Don't worry about us, dear.
There's just something gnawing at me,
A piece of pain right in the heart
I come to your grave.
I try every month, I swear!
On this day, of course, I will come
And I'll bring flowers for you.
I'll put them quietly on the mound,
I'll tell you about myself.
And let me remind you quietly at the end:
“I miss you, dear!”

Running towards happiness
She screamed loudly "Daddy"
Without opening the door to bad weather,
And it burst in quickly like a bullet.
We didn't expect much grief...
They didn’t invite you to the house at the doorstep..
A huge quiet sea of ​​tears,
Pray for love from God...
Days and months pass...
Dad has been gone for a nasty six months.
Just on the day they deprived their father,
Bad weather in my heart...
I'll put a candle at the edge,
Your daughter loves you...
No need for eternal paradise...
Where there is no dad, mom and me.
Sleep well, my dear!
Security and protector, dad...
Just stand next to me in a dream.
So that my daughter is a little happy.

Hello Daddy
You are my dear, beloved, dear
Be with me
At least behind your back
Put your hand on my shoulder
And whisper quietly in your ear:
- I'm here baby, I'm nearby
And may I not hear
Voices of the native
But I will feel
your warmth, care and support
I will love you forever
I’ll also tell my grandchildren
What was my dad like?
And they would have a Grandfather.
But no fate is a villain
She dealt with us like this
What will I do without you?
Here I am in a dress, the bride,
And who will see me off?
To the altar?
Who will say so tenderly in my ear:
- Daughter, dear.

Dad, how powerful this word sounds!
Father, he is your protector and best friend.
I'm very sorry that in this life again
I won't be able to feel the warmth of your hands.
It happens that I'm a little envious
I look at those who have a father.
Their souls and hearts are filled with joy,
And years and months pass in happiness.
I know that envy is a bad trait,
But what can you do, she’s deprived of her father.
I don't want to realize that I'm an orphan
I do not believe! There is a mother, she will not leave.
If only you knew, dad, how much I miss you.
It's a shame that you left us early.
With pain in my soul I remember every time
Words and smiles, our dreams.
Thank you for a happy childhood,
For the time spent with me.
Your memory is the only remedy
Don't forget and love with all your heart.
You are always with me DAD...

Daddy daddy, hello dear
I look at the sky and talk to you
I believe that you hear my words
You'll just never answer again.
Daddy, daddy, how do you live there?
It hurts, but I know you can't get your life back
Forgive me, do you hear, forgive me
We will not meet again in this world, alas.
Daddy, daddy, how is it so dear?
You shouldn't yet, you're young
And you won’t see your grandchildren grow up
And mom misses you, your love.
Daddy, daddy, is it easy for you there?
Time doesn't heal us, it hurts us a lot
It's scary and sad to realize in my soul,
That body, your body lies in damp earth.
It's such a good day, are you glad I came?
I will rise from my knees and tell you “bye”
The grave has become the home of your body
Don't be sad, I'll come to visit you again.

This pain will never end
I lost you forever.
I turned into a midnight owl
My eyes already hurt from tears.
I hid you in my heart,
So that no one will ever find it.
You know, dad, I'm stubborn,
I will achieve my goal anyway.
I kind of learned to live with pain,
Only at night it is sometimes difficult to breathe.
Your daughter is now a night owl
I didn't want to lose you...

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

It's a pity that I left so early.
It's a pity he left us alone.
You know, dad, I missed it
Your tender words and weaknesses.
Dad, honey, I remember you,
I remember your laughter and stubborn gaze.
Dad, I’ve become quite an adult.
I will never bring you shame!
I rarely dream of you, dad, rarely.
Sometimes I cry at night.
Does my neighbor hear about it?
Does he see tears in my eyes?
Dad, I love you more than anyone!
And I can never forget
Your tender: “My dear!
My most innocent child!”
You know, dad, I used to feel bad.
You know, I had to suffer.
But believe me, it worked out dryly
I have to fight back these feelings!
Dad, I am strong in you!
And how you try to be kind.
I love only you more than life!
I can never forget!
Dad, mom are also nearby...
Not always, of course, but it’s sad...
Life sometimes seemed like hell to us...
After all, you are where the wind only whistles.
How I dreamed as a child,
To return home soon.
And under your strict guidance
Play with some spinning top...
Dad, you probably see me.
And you are leading on the right path.
You will notice all my mistakes
And you will fix it. If so, forgive me!
Dad, I miss you so much.
For cloudless childhood, for you.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to get you back.
And this makes me feel completely uneasy!

I remember the moment when you were gone
And tears flowed onto the dark floor...
Daddy, daddy
I am so tired...
Why did you leave us to our mercy?
Fates that it's not fair
You were cruelly taken away from us
And you would live long and happily...
Why all this, I don’t understand...
I know you're watching us
Protecting from above and loving
You know how much we miss you
We will remember you forever...
Your eyes...the kindest in the world
Your smile is like the sun...
You know dad, I can't believe it
You are no longer in this world...
I will definitely come to you, Daddy
And I’ll bring a big bouquet of carnations -
You deserved...
I would give a lot, you know...
I just wish you could live...
I'll come to you to ask for forgiveness
I'll sit with you and talk
And there will be a sea of ​​tears, because you know how much I love you...

Hello, dad. I'm writing a letter again.
Tell you how much I miss you.
I remember our chat
Summer and hot nights.
You know, dad, these are our streets
With lanes, clearings, roads.
Have become unrealistically far away
And they really became lonely.
Every day I stand at the window,
I peer into the distance, looking for traces.
It seems to me that suddenly the bell will ring,
And you will be behind the door, dad.
You know, dad, how my life has changed:
Every day it gets harder to breathe,
Every day you stand before my eyes,
You smile, laugh, puff up.
I know that you are calmer now.
The pain and problems are behind us.
You are probably by the harbor in the open space -
You sit and watch the sea and the ships.
I understand that we can’t fix it,
What was sent to us by God and fate.
It's still hard to imagine:
You go into the house, and it’s empty without you.
I now dream of more life
I can even touch you with my hand.
How much I miss you,
My daddy. My good. My native.

Today is your birthday
But today you are not with me
You've gone to another dimension
beloved daddy, dear.
Without you the sun doesn't shine,
And I'm not happy about the dawn.
And spring won’t greet you a drop,
After all, you are not next to me.
Your soul will probably fly
see how I live now.
And he will see that I feel bad without you,
When it's bad, I call you.
I know you are my angel, my guardian,
You will protect your daughter.
I promise, my dear parent,
never forget you!!!

How I love you Daddy.
You are forever in my heart,
You are something close to home,
You are what was taken away yesterday.
You are my pain, inside an empty body,
You are the clear sun in my chest,
You are my air, my support,
But all that was behind!

Complete collection and description: prayer for a dad who is not there for the spiritual life of a believer.

I can only promise

That you will remain as before

Ideal for me!

I know that you are nearby

And not there, in the damp ground

There is only a body in the ground,

And your soul is with me.

Even if I don't see you,

But I always feel

Why are you nearby, illuminating,

All roads on earth

And you protect from pain

Forgive me for everything!

Maybe I didn't appreciate it

To be with you every moment

What should I do?

To atone for all the guilt?

I can't fix anything

There is no such possibility

I can't get back time

I would be with you then!

I only see dreams

Sometimes they are short.

I really want to burst into tears

Scream, run to you,

Kneel down at the tombstone,

But I remain silent, gritting my teeth

And I'm trying to hold on

All emotions and feelings

I shouldn't show it!

Dad, honey, I give you my word,

Not when I, and not where,

I won't call you father

No one on this earth!

Appearing again and again.

To this day, I can’t help but cry.

From the loss of a loved one,

My dear, beloved dad.

It doesn't get any easier for me over time

My heart still hurts just as much

No, I don’t believe that time heals.

I wish everything was different

For this to be a cruel joke

I understand there are no miracles

So. thought about it. for a minute.

I wanted to say – THANK YOU!

That he loved, that he didn’t leave him as a baby.

What played for me on the guitar

And read me my favorite books

I'll tell your granddaughter about you

Or a grandson, I don’t know yet.

I believe that grandpa would be loved very much!

I love you as much as I do, Dad!

I look at the sky and talk to you

I believe that you hear my words

You'll just never answer again.

And I don’t count the days now.

In time I understand

That there is no life without loss.

Once upon a time we were together,

You called me daughter

And in the happiest childhood

He played with me.

It can be so scary sometimes.

It hurts so much sometimes.

We appreciate when we lose.

Come back, my dear daddy!

You are always on my mind,

That this is forever.

And the birds sing and chirp

And summer is in full swing here.

I know no one will answer

How are you doing, daddy?

I really want to believe

That the sun THERE warms you.

The loss is so hard.


Passers-by are all running errands,

And only my wounded heart,

Tormenting me, tearing me in half.

We heard the call, it can’t be!

Announcing the most bitter news,

That we need to learn to live without you.

Who will believe that there is no dad?!

And there is no one to dispel my sadness,

And now there is no one to give me advice.

After all, dad would not want your tears,

But I scream from pain, from misfortune,

And I can’t believe that everything is serious.

Open the front door, pet the dog,

And never part with you,

How scary it is to lose your father.

Without clinking glasses, say a prayer,

Don't dance with him, don't watch the sunset,

How painful it is to bury my dad.

And not even six months have passed,

And despite my age, I cry,

I'm crying because you left.

But on this day I will grieve

I so want to touch your cheek,

And kiss that cheek for a long time.

And you can’t teach how to play chess,

When they start to fight, you can’t stop them,

That grandfather sang them and composed them,

He composed songs, I can’t remember them all,

And he played the harmonica better than anyone else.

Everyone fell silent, sitting at the table,

He sang and tears fell into his palm,

And his song touched everyone’s soul.

And I follow him like a tail, on his heels,

He threw out the fishing rod and sat him on his knees,

He took me on a boat, here and there.

He will hug me, I will cling to him more tightly,

And immediately it will become so warm and calm,

Dad, you are no dearer and dearer.

I will wait for you, hope and believe,

What will you come and say: “Daughter, baby,

Dad is nearby, you have to believe in it.”

I love you with all my heart and soul,

But I only have pain inside, loss,

I only ask God for one thing.

He gave the world two children,

He is our angel now, our guardian angel,

And you, dispel all his sorrows.

That you now live in my soul,

My dear, I didn’t have time to do so much,

For your loved ones, you will never die.

You were cheerful, as always

Dad, I don’t know where to find my strength

I understand that I will never see

Where can I sit and talk?

Where can we celebrate the holiday together?

Dad, that's all, nothing can replace it

I miss you so much dad, it hurts me so much

From the thought that I can’t hug

And I can't sleep peacefully

I want to cry and sob.

Yes, I know. Tears won't help

And you won’t change anything and you won’t return it

And now all that remains for me is...

Wait again for you to come to me in a dream.

There’s a portrait on the stone, he’s so familiar!

just like in life: you are cheerful and have a mischievous look.

father, you have always been like this with me!

you are in stone, flowers and, of course, in the rain.

in the breath of the wind, in circles on the water.

rose up like green grass above the earth.

you're near. Are you with us. you are in another life.

we were so happy to go together,

I felt your support along the way.

you loved the sunrises and the smell of spring,

warm female hands that were given as a gift.

let the song be interrupted and the flight interrupted,

but a good memory lives on in descendants.

I remember, I love, I miss you, daddy.

The wound in the heart does not heal,

Even though so much time has passed.

Time doesn’t heal, oddly enough,

It only dulls the pain...

Here it is again before my eyes,

How it all happened.

Forever the moment of parting,

Everything is like in a slow motion movie.

No, I don't cry anymore

Sometimes I cry.

But the pain sharpens the heart. sharpens

I learned to hide that pain,

I won't tell people about her

Yes, people are unlikely to understand

There is enough pain for everyone.

Oh my God, give me oblivion

And send me joy in my heart,

So that those moments become less frequent

I'll go buy a fresh bouquet,

To live in the sky for our meeting...

And I will notify everyone around:

Father is the only man

Who am I most sad about?

No, no, you don’t need to be equal to him -

You will never become like him.

Life isn't easy and it's true

When among the dead the standard.

I live without you, although it seems to me that I’m surviving,

And all the years I’ve been trying to give myself an answer

A question to which, unfortunately, I don’t know the answer.

And I don’t know anyone who could answer the question -

He would have been able to convince me without any doubts.

This has tormented me for so many painful years - seriously:

What should I have done right at that moment?

He died in terrible agony, before my eyes and hands.

The closest to my soul and my dearest person:

Until the last second he kept hope in his eyes,

What can I do to reduce the terrible torment of the run.

I, as a doctor, do everything that is possible in such a terrible situation,

To reduce as much as possible that pain and that torment,

I helped him as best I could. I held on bravely

Well, every time he extended his hand to me,

And with a prayer in his fading gaze, he asked me: “Daughter,

Give an injection into a vein - twenty-five cubic meters of oxygen.

I beg you! Have mercy! To endure the pain - there is no urine.

You're not a barbarian! Why are you making me suffer like this?

Well, a little earlier. A little bit later. And, apparently, it’s clear here

The deliverance is death, so I ask you - help it come!”

I stayed close to him, just outside the door - crying without embarrassment.

I couldn't kill. And relieve the pain. Sorry.

And when he could not speak, and forgot how to recognize his relatives,

If I bent over, he still pulled his hand towards me.

That idiotic question was spinning in my head -

To inject or not? Maybe I’ll make that “transition” at least a little easier for him?

And then - how can I live on earth, feeling like a murderer?

No amount of prayer could atone for that sin.

I couldn't kill. But since then I haven't been able to sleep at night.

Apparently, I have to share my father’s pain until my own death.

My father's last breath is in my arms.

God saved me, and I didn’t dare go crazy.

Mom is on the verge - her legs are beating in hysterics.

Still, I was able to undress and wash. And later,

Leaving a friend to support my mother - herself

To the undertaker. Do something. Now I won't be able to

Remember the details. Years on the heart are winter.

There were no nails, those needed for upholstery.

I went searching. Where to find them - at five in the morning?

Still, I found it. And when I returned, it was just scraps

Memories. There is a hole in my heart from pain.

“Where have you been for so long? Who did you fuck with?” God!

I can’t, I don’t want to understand these words.

And without hesitation, I slapped my friend in the face.

It was as if my mother had woken up from grief for a moment.

As if in a dream, I quickly packed his things.

Years have passed, but the blood boils in indignation.

So in one day I lost both my father and my love.

This is how I celebrate the wake: father and love.

Explain! I don't understand at all!

From the moment of your death I am in the underworld,

Because I don’t forget for a moment.

And to be honest, I live out of habit.

And in general, I don’t live, but I survive.

And I am in roll call with those who died long ago -

I only dream of meeting in the Sky!

How I remember you. Daddy.

Makeup doesn't hide my wrinkles

That pain of loss. Let illness not be a bullet

She stole you - I won’t forgive her,

That I lost faith very early.

I've been sad for the past ten years now.

Am I alive? Am I polluting the atmosphere?

Daddy! I couldn't get used to it

TO a simple word"Died". Every evening

The mirrors draw me wrinkles,

And every day it gets harder, not easier.

You went to heaven so long ago

And life goes on as usual,

As miracles used to surprise.

Like a guard, today he protects

Me your soul, and that convoy

It’s kind to me and it warms my heart.

We can't even comprehend it with our heads.

Your soul today is slightly sad

She lay comfortably on my shoulders:

Either he will hug you tenderly, or he will let you go.

And I: sometimes I smile, sometimes I’m in tears.

The soul is yours. I miss her.

I always call her in my delirium at night.

It's time to let go. I'm not letting go!

I intuitively look forward to meeting her!

I woke up, all wet from tears.

It seemed that the nightmare was forgotten,

That my dreams are a pier for sweet dreams,

That THIS summer is forever forgotten,

And my son’s birthday at nine years old.

Living all these years like a comet,

She kept the departing light within herself.

I remember when with my last breath

Your soul rose to the ceiling -

That weightless ball summer morning

I tried to take it in my hand without breathing.

And how afraid I was to lose my mind

From the realization that you are no longer there.

At that moment, suddenly switching off for a minute,

I looked at the fiery dawn.

My mother is beating at my feet, sobbing,

And shouting: “Come on, do something!”

Laughs in a hysterical fit.

They told me for a long time - forget it!

But it’s impossible not to forget this.

Everything is like yesterday: not memory - DVD.

And daddy's love, quite possibly,

Like my guardian angel - behind.

In forty-three you came into our world.

I would be alive. What do I keep dreaming about?

You are my father, my God and idol!

Just before St. John's Day

You were born: the Germans, having spared

You were sent to live in the basement with your mother,

Giving me a chance at my birthday.

If you had died in those years -

I would never have been born

I wouldn't give the world a son.

Even two! This is a direct connection.

All the years that you lived - I knew

About your great love for me:

I felt it every moment

With all your guts and all your soul!

I didn't let others hurt me.

With your death, trouble came to the house.

An old man, alas, to see you,

I will never have the chance!

I haven’t forgotten for so many years

I am your smile, your hands.

It only began with your death

My memory is a list of all separations!

I often trample the path to the temple -

The list is growing with interest!

Just as late as possible mom

In this list you took with you!

If only I could save my children -

Nowadays there is no one dearer:

My daughter and grandson and my boys.

It's a pity that I won't hear the answer!

From childhood. And where, finally,

Do they emerge if childhood is early?

And the father is always present there.

And the mother confirms: “It was, daughter!

You were two years old at the time. “

Here we go again. Winter. Frosts. Night.

I'm in a blanket - barely awake.

After all, despite mommy’s resistance,

My father woke me up in the middle of the night:

In that blanket, losing my slippers myself,

In the cold nights in winter I endured

So that she remembers her baby daughter

How the sky burns, like a fire,

And, apparently, my soul was so filled,

That only now I'm letting off steam!

And after I more than once the winter radiance

I met you - after all, I grew up in the north.

But the shock is early and strong

My memory has carried me through the years!

Shocked by that fabulous twinkle!

That sky is often in my dreams.

I close my eyes - in the northern lights

Father's eyes that look into my soul.

She sits at the entrance to work.

Not just like that - I have no doubt about it:

Gives me the feeling of flying!

Gorgeous! And the colors are unusual!

Flutters and flies above me.

I'm used to this feeling:

Like an Angel - guards behind your back.

I once read somewhere in a book,

That the souls of the dead dance like butterflies.

And I believe in what I felt in my heart -

In those wings, my father's hands wave to me.

Losing loved ones.

Nothing can replace it

When my dad died

It was so hard!

And the pain in my soul remains,

Even though many years have passed.

He rarely comes in dreams,

But in my thoughts I see

His portrait is distant.

The earth protects him

His soul flies

In distant skies

He's watching me

With love and tears.

Sometimes it's not enough

His support for me

And my heart knows:

He is in heaven, not in the fire.

I really want to snuggle


And enjoy the meeting.

Just like in childhood, with all my heart!

Both strict and angry,

How precious are moments?

All our sweet meetings,

And these meetings can

Kindle the fire of the soul.

This fire will help,

Will give me strength to live.

Father! Come to the meeting

At least in my dream!

A loved one is leaving...

What a long-awaited moment!

Why are you knocking on the door again...

And life will not replace you!

But the worst option came -

He will bury his soul forever...

If you know that you will squeeze your hand again...

And that, just about, you’ll hug me again,

Take my hand in yours...

Why did you go to another world?

Why did you knock over the sun?

By forcing you to burn everything under You….?

You are eternal OUR... You are irrevocable...

A slightly raised eyebrow and a proud look, -

This is how I suddenly left a free mark on my heart...

In the photo there are only familiar features...

For my words on such painful things...

After all, how did we say goodbye to You?

No way... I fell asleep forever, my dear...

A large-winged bird...

I pray you come into my dreams...

And hold me tight...

You didn’t think... We don’t believe...

I know that it's not easier for you

Look at the tears, the emptiness,

Why are our hearts so tormented...

You have instilled mortal melancholy...

You have forever opened the door to God...

Protect US ALL, dear...


Get up my dear

I know what you're waiting for.

Wake up, open your eyes

I'm standing in front of you

I know you miss me

I hear your pain

I see everything from there

I'm sorry I'm like this.

Don't cry because time heals

And your pain will go away

Heals your wounds

I'll dream completely different.

I'll dream about being completely happy

I'm next to you

And there was no pain

I didn't lose you.

I didn't lose, I'm close

Take my hand

Squeeze her with all your heart

I'm in a lot of pain, I'm sad

It hurts me, everything reminds me

Everything about you and I don't know

How to live, because you are not around,

But I live, why do I need light?

Why is he needed without you?

Why can’t I live like this?

After all, you are my light,

You are my favorite person.

When you died I stayed

All alone, my light has gone out

In pitch darkness, I'm looking for light

But I don't want to live without you

I don't want to live like this, it's a burden to me

Father, I'm left without you

I didn’t understand what would happen

It's too painful for me

I'm tired of crying, forgive me and calm me down.

Sorry about that.

I know it's so bad

But I love you.

I love and I'm suffocating

All the bitterness is still there

She doesn't run out

Everything is pressing day after day

She's not leaving

Still in place

I just need daddy

I only need him.

My dad is just a miracle

He's the best for me

After all, they don’t like children like that,

And he loved me.

Loved, doted on

He lived only for me

He died, lost

Believe me, I don't know

I lost my soul

My dad is not with me.

I wait for him at night

I'm waiting for him in my dreams

I don't believe dad is with us

Nobody died.

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Prayer for the repose of the souls of parents

Funeral prayer is a long tradition, its roots go back centuries. At all times, people have honored the dead.

The graves of those killed during the mammoth hunt were decorated with flowers and bones of the killed mammoth; ancient peoples (the Romans, for example) honored their ancestors as protectors and patrons of the home (the familiar words “penates” and “lares” come from Rome). The cult of ancestors also existed in the East (the Chinese prayed to their ancestors, asking for wisdom). Slavic tribes also made sacrifices to their ancestors.

The Orthodox faith does not provide for the worship of human spirits. Why then do we still pray, remembering for the repose of the souls of those who left this world?

What is the meaning of funeral prayer for deceased parents?

Anyone who has died loses the right to ask God for himself. Hence the huge number of dogmas associated with the need for repentance before death, and in general - careful preparation for the next world. When a person is dead, his soul has no right to vote, does not speak, but only humbly awaits decisions. The prayer of children for deceased parents and other relatives pleases the soul, because it is not in vain that they say: a person is alive as long as he is remembered.

Prayers for the departed

As was said above, the soul itself cannot pray for mercy, but the relatives of the deceased may well ask the Lord and His honest Angels to mitigate the fate of the newly deceased, and the more fervent the prayer, the greater the chance of receiving God’s mercy for the deceased’s soul. The prayer book contains a huge number of prayers for a variety of cases of death - suddenly passed away, stillborn babies, tragically killed, killed in war - the list is simply huge, you need to try to choose the appropriate prayer for each specific case.

Not so long ago, a Canon appeared about those who died without permission - they had not previously prayed for suicides under any circumstances.

It is customary for children to pray for deceased parents - for this there are a large number of prayers, such as the prayer of children for deceased parents and all Orthodox Christians who have died in the Orthodox faith from time to time.

Such a prayer allows you to remember a large number of people in your funeral petitions.

There is also a separate prayer for deceased parents - it can be found on the Internet or in special publications with funeral prayers.

In addition, it is customary to commemorate separately the deceased who died after a long and serious illness.

You can also pray for the repose of the souls of “mentors and educators” - if they were of great importance in your life and upbringing, there is a separate prayer for this case in the prayer book.

How to pray correctly?

You can pray at home and in the cemetery. At home, they pray for the deceased every day during the evening commemoration of the dead, and for the newly deceased (those who died less than forty days ago) - every day, reading prayers. If there is time and opportunity, a special Canon is also read.

When we go to a cemetery, it is customary to read prayers there, but we can get by sign of the cross and a short greeting. The church established special days(called “parent”), in which it is customary to visit burial sites. The attributes of the nearest church holiday(willow, Easter, eggs and so on).

It should be noted that on Easter Day Christ's Resurrection You should not go to the cemetery - all the dead were raised by Christ from their graves, and they themselves will come to visit for the Easter meal.

You can worship them and congratulate them on Easter in absentia, and visit them on Tuesday in the week following Holy Week - the week after Easter.

In response to the argument “Everyone walks,” one can report that this tradition is taking root in Soviet times, when there was simply no other opportunity to visit the graves of relatives other than a day off. Now no one will accuse you of parasitism if you take an hour off from work on a weekday to visit deceased relatives .

One day, quite unexpectedly, a very dark moment...moment, when all the surroundings suddenly lose color, when a gloomy lady in black comes to the family and takes away the support in life, takes away the dad. The death of a dad is always very painful, all words disappear from your head, thoughts are lost. At such a difficult moment, it is important to keep yourself in control. Poems about the death of dad will help you in this difficult moment express all the pain about the loss loved one.

Unfortunately this is too accurate.
He no longer chooses anything.
Just dying, dying...

There were so many different things at the beginning.
I remember again at night.
But now it doesn't matter.
Everyone dies as best they can...

Do not understand the injustice of the world -
A quiet glance glides somewhere past.
Infinity has turned into a point.
Everyone dies alone...

(Peter Davydov)

Dad's death

It's a pity that I left so early.
It's a pity he left us alone.
You know, dad, I missed it
Your tender words and weaknesses.
Dad, honey, I remember you,
I remember your laughter and stubborn gaze.
Dad, I’ve become quite an adult.
I will never bring you shame!
I rarely dream of you, dad, rarely.
Sometimes I cry at night.
Does my neighbor hear about it?
Does he see tears in my eyes?
Dad, I love you more than anyone!
And I can never forget
Your tender: “My dear!
My most innocent child!”
You know, dad, I used to feel bad.
You know, I had to suffer.
But believe me, it worked out dryly
I have to fight back these feelings!
Dad, I am strong in you!
And how you try to be kind.
I love only you more than life!
I can never forget!
Dad, mom are also nearby...
Not always, of course, but it’s sad...
Life sometimes seemed like hell to us...
After all, you are where the wind only whistles.
How I dreamed as a child,
To return home soon.
And under your strict guidance
Play with some spinning top...
Dad, you probably see me.
And you are leading on the right path.
You will notice all my mistakes
And you will fix it. If so, forgive me!
Dad, I miss you so much.
For cloudless childhood, for you.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to get you back.
And this makes me feel completely uneasy!

After dad's death

There is such emptiness and hopelessness in my soul
Until the ringing, echoing in the silence
And it hurts to live, to count the possibility
Have time to repay debts to changeable fate.
Or maybe there is no need to rush?
Everything will have its turn. And the time will come
When will they tell you WHERE and HOW to stay?
And WHO will take my soul from my body.
I want to hope that I will meet with the radiance
Without fear and without pain I will give myself to HIM
And that I will have time to wash my soul with repentance
And I will accept everything I deserve without complaint.
I know that there is sin - human despondency,
When life is not a joy and you want to leave
But there is responsibility, it is doubly stronger than the pain.
For those whom we will not abandon on the path of life.
And for the sake of those who are still alive. And in memory of the departed
I can put my emotions in order
After all, they saved my life more than once over so many years that have passed,
So that I can save her for someone...

(Svetlana Pedchenko)

The wound after your death... dedicated to the Pope

After all, time flies, it passes
How water pours through your fingers
And I am very sorry for those moments that are gone forever.
They can't be returned, I know that for sure.
And I would really like to relive some moments one more time
Maybe I would change something in my life
I could resurrect you for a moment.
I would tell you how much I love you, I miss you.
I know I have to be strong
I can't afford to be different.
I know I have to move on and let go of the past like a bird,
But you know, it’s probably still a little early to allow such a wound to heal so quickly.
I can’t, it’s very difficult for me, to tear you away from my heart.
I can't imagine it's even possible
Take those memories and bury them?
Or maybe there’s no need to bury them! They just need to be stored carefully.
And sometimes I meet you in a dream and talk about something...

(Yulia Kobzeva)

We argued mildly, quite.
And in the end, I'm naturally right,
Suddenly I felt - it was in a dream!

And all I have to do is wake up,
And our conversation will end,
And you won’t return to this dream
Until some unknown time.

And it became so unimportant to me -
Who was right and what was this dispute about?
- I didn’t even listen to something. -
I whispered to myself in reproach.

But it's as if the doors have slammed
Gradually the dream ended.
Now, unfortunately, I am sure -
In the dispute, of course, he was right!

You should have told me about this
I should have listened to him...
And it sounds like a barely audible answer:
- Nothing... Somehow... Nothing...

(Peter Davydov)

The weather has gone completely crazy
And the skies became thin -
The rain is crying. He knows - six months,
It's like I don't have a father.
The rain is crying and the autumn cold
Penetrates to the bones...
He was so cheerful, so young.
He loved life so much, he loved guests...
The rain is crying. The sky burst open
And the drops hang on the branches...
He lived so little on earth:
How little that is - fifty!
I'm crying too - why?
Has his blue gaze faded?
I didn't know how much I needed him,
Until he left us!
And this funeral evening
Slowly fades into the night
Sadness presses down on the shoulders -
We cry together: rain and daughter...

(Olga Bekkulieva)

Already more than a year, as I do not have my favorite folder, my mother does not have a dear husband, and my granddaughter does not have her most beloved and only grandfather (she did not have to find her second grandfather in this world during her lifetime, alas).

The laws of this life are such that at some point you have to part. No matter how mentally we understand the inevitability of this event, no matter how mentally we are prepared for it, we will never be able to come to terms with the fact that a person dear and dear to us ceases to be nearby.

And yet, everything in this world is temporary. Everything except love. She doesn't die. It continues with us and will continue, like a relay baton, through our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren... The main thing is to teach them this great skill.

My dear folder! I KNOW you can hear me. I KNOW that you EXIST despite all earthly laws. And even though we don’t see you, we feel you and love you just as passionately. The kingdom of heaven to you. May the earth rest in peace for you.

No, people don't know how to die,

They are born to gain wings.

So that later, when the hour comes,

Fly to heaven, leaving us.

They go there, where Peace lives,

Flapping their wings, they fly home...

No, people don't know how to die...

They are leaving...to protect us.

In the photo, my daughter Olenka and my Papka (Vasily Ivanovich Smerchinsky)

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Losses have their purpose -

We are taught to appreciate and value what is important.

Only when we are gray do we understand their meaning,

That when we die, we learn to live...

Today you would have turned 68. Is that a lot or a little? I don’t know, the kids say it’s an awful lot. But over the years you realize that your current age is still so young. And we think about it when we start to lose something very dear... The first bell is when our health goes away. Apparently, out of resentment that we pay more attention to our habits than to him...

You left very quickly. You yourself didn’t understand how quickly you dissolved to the last drop in this world, how you evaporated and easily overcame the Edge of Existence. I remember your last look, indicating that you are already on the Path. “Goodbye, dad! Goodbye to you! Don’t be afraid, my love will always be by your side...” I whisper quietly in his ear, holding back tears...

He left... He folded his hands, which never became wings. Left without them...

It’s been more than a year since my beloved father passed away, my mother lost her dear husband, and my granddaughter lost her most beloved and only grandfather (she didn’t have to find her second grandfather in this world during her lifetime, alas).

My dear folder! I KNOW you can hear me. I KNOW that you EXIST despite all earthly laws. And even though we don’t see you, we feel you and love you just as passionately.

The laws of this life are such that at some point you have to part. No matter how mentally we understand the inevitability of this event, no matter how mentally we are prepared for it, we will never be able to come to terms with the fact that a person dear and dear to us ceases to be nearby.

And yet, everything in this world is temporary. Everything except love. She doesn't die. It continues with us and will continue, like a relay baton, through our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren... The main thing is to teach them this great skill.

No man can love you more than your dad does.

As dad said, so it will be like mom’s!

I’m very sorry that you didn’t have time to see a lot, but at least you managed to give me the most important thing: love! I love you dad!

I looked at photographs of my father in his youth. I WOULD MARRY THIS ONE MYSELF.

The father is not the one who gave the seed... but the one who raised the DOLL! The one who walks with her, plays, braids her shaggy ponytail... calls her... MY BEAUTIFUL. This is... this is daddy!

And my mother often asked me why I was so crazy, until she saw my father cutting a loaf of bread with a teaspoon, because all the knives are dirty!

A girl's father is the first and for a long time the only man in my life. He is the best and strongest. There is no need to fight for it, no need to look for it. He loves unconditionally.

If only you knew, dad, with what pride I speak about you.

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh son, I actually just wanted to relax!

The worst thing is that your boyfriend ever left you or your girlfriend betrayed you... the worst thing is when DADDY DRINKS!

Not the father who only gave life to the child, But the one who, like the mother, did not get enough sleep at night! Who, sparing no time and effort, cared for, educated, raised!

The daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, and courageous. For a daughter, her dad is already the best.

The old woman, looking into the stroller, summarizes: “The twins look like their dad - pink cheeks, plump butts.” The offended young father objects: “The one on the right is a melon from the market! My boyfriend is nearby."

On the morning of the first of January, our children sometimes joyfully find dad under the tree, lying under the trunk, imitating a magical gift.

Every daughter dreamed of her father-president, fantasizing about apartments, security, familiar princes and formal balls.

Who do you love more, mom or dad?! - Mom and dad! - And more?! - And no one else!

Mommy really wanted a boy, and daddy really wanted a girl. Well, basically, that’s how they met...

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

I became too spoiled a girl, after you “daddy”.

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!

A father's love is exceptional, it is not like the love of mothers, there are few words in it. But she is priceless.

Life is a harsh thing, you can’t do without a second father, that’s why godfathers exist.


For each of us, there are only a couple of people who deserve truly devoted trust and understanding - these are our parents. Weren’t they the ones who raised us and looked after us, spent their time, strength, energy and health in order to ultimately raise us to our feet and give us a full and happy life. Father and Mother are our support and our reassurance. As for the fathers, we have always followed and continue to follow their example. After all, many words do not teach us lessons, but here is a clear example of a person who is related to us by blood - this is a real hero and idol. We have collected statuses about fathers for those who respect their parents and follow their example.

1. There is bitter sadness in my heart
Lies, washed with tears.
It's hard for us, we're very sorry,
That you, our dear, are not with us.

2. To whom were you dear during your life,
To whom I gave both friendship and love
For the eternal repose of your soul
Will pray again and again
It's time for the heart to be at peace.
The earth took its earthly possessions.
But how hard it is for us to lose you,
Come to terms with grief and live again.

3.Dad! You left
And there is no return for you,

The more difficult is our loss.

4. Lived with dignity, sadness does not count,
Respect and honor remain in my memory.

5.You have always been an example to us,
As a person with a pure soul.
And the memory of you is alive
In the hearts of people and loved ones.

6.You flew through life like a comet,
Leaving behind a bright trail.
We love, we remember, we will not forget,
We are sad that you are not around.

7.You lived your life with dignity
Leaving a memory for us for a century.
In a silent world sleep well
The person we love.

8.You will soon die
It hurt our souls greatly,
We hope, with our pen
We will not disturb your peace
An immeasurable web
Fate has wrought a path for you,
The road of your life
It was difficult and difficult
And if the world was small for you
And hard as granite,
Then let your soul now
In the monastery of the Divine it soars.

9.Love for you, dear father,
He will die only with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Can't express it in words.

10. He did not die and did not die.
He's gone and somewhere nearby

11. Dear angel, forgive me - it’s my fault,
That I was not next to you at the hour of death.

12.Simple-hearted son of freedom,
He did not spare his life for his feelings;
And true features of nature
He often liked to copy.

13.He believed dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He sacrificed his days.
And in it the soul kept a reserve
Bliss, torment and passion.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not created for people.

14. To the one who lies here under the spring grass,
Forgive, Lord, evil thoughts and sin!
He was sick, exhausted, not from here,
He loved angels and children's laughter.
Didn’t crush the snow-white lilac stars,
Although he wanted to overcome the Lord
In all his sins he was a gentle child,
And therefore - forgive him, Lord!

15.He is the one who tormented his spirit for many years
Having found death, he found immortality in it!
Be more merciful, praise; for glory he is forgiven.
He turned his faith to Christ - and you live like him!

16.How merciless life was to you,
So may the heavens be favorable

17.I drank silence from a fragile glass
Crystal dreams, crossed the line,
Covered with a silent star blanket
sleeping naked,
And along the path over the abyss of nirvana,
Through showers of tears,
He left, leaving everything, with a drunken gait,
Rich like Croesus

18. The flight of eagle wings did not save me from poverty,
No gift of song, no flame of heart!
Cruel! He only asked you for bread,
You gave me a stone.

19. I kept the covenant of love sacredly in my life
In days of melancholy, in defiance of reason,
I did not harbor any enmity against my brother,
I have forgiven everything according to Your word.
I, who have known deathly silence,
I, who have accepted the sorrows of darkness,
From the depths of the earth I preach the gospel to the earth
Verbs of Unsunset Beauty!

20. There are no, Lord, sins and atrocities
Above Thy mercy!
Slave of the earth and vain desires
Forgive his sins for his sorrows.

21. We broke up.
The disease has struck you down.
You took it with you to the grave
Suffering, pain, hope and love,
And a bright mind, and kindness, and memory.
But the road ahead awaits you
To another life - without pain and suffering

22. Your bright mind has gone out,
And the heart stopped beating
But the memory of you is alive
And it’s hard for us to come to terms with loss.

23. How bitter and offensive it is to realize
That you died too early.
An unhealed wound for a sick soul
We will always be reminded of you

24. Life is vile and empty,
And there will be no happiness in her,
I'll burn myself down
And then let God judge.
Who's right and who's wrong
Some lived meanly, some honestly.
We judge at random
He knows everything.

25. How early you left,
How endless grief
And only in our hearts
You will stay forever.

26.You were a loved one,
With a beautiful heart and soul,
We will never forget you
Lie still, dear.

27.The star rose, sparkled and went out,
Only the beloved light of the eyes does not go out,
Where there is memory, there is no need for words

28. Our grief cannot be measured,
With us there is sadness, one misfortune,
Never believe us
That you're gone forever.

29.Short age: there are more
It happens less, that’s not the point,
And the fact that without you it hurts so much,
And you can’t turn back time
But you walked your path with dignity
And the time was not wasted.
You are the sun, the air and the dawn.

30. After all, nothing on earth lasts,
Everything is perishable, and in the end - dust,
Only the memory of you forever
Will remain in our hearts.

31.If the wind brings moans to you,
Just know that we are crying
Daughters growing up without you
And aging parents.

32.Dad! You left
And there is no return for you,
But your life was not in vain
The more difficult is our loss.

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Beautiful statuses about dad and for dad. Cool and wise, kind and funny, positive and instructive statuses about our fathers, dads, daddies and daddies. Statuses about dad are written in contact by those who understand the importance of this person in their lives. Even despite any quarrels, our parents will always be our parents, the people who raised us and guided us in life.

Quotes about dad

A father's prudence is the most effective instruction for children. We will never understand how much our parents love us until we become parents ourselves. Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them.

Most best dad, is someone who always finds time for his child, no matter what happened at work, whether he has problems or not.

Dad taught me to be proud, mom taught me to be a lady, but my brother didn’t teach me anything, he just said: “If they offend you, I’ll tear you up!”

Weak Men take mistresses. Strong - Strong Families! Anyone can become a Father, but only a special one can be a DADDY!

When I was little, my dad and I often played “mausoleum”. He was Lenin, he lay down and slept, and I stood and guarded him like a sentry. As I grew up, I realized how cruelly I was deceived then.

Dad, dad, who is that there, in the corner - shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night???
- Don’t be afraid, daughter, this is our mother in Odnoklassniki

Thanks to mom and dad for giving me a loved one with whom I can be friends. I love you, dear sister!

Perhaps in the future his parents will call me daughter, and our small miracle for the first time he will say the two main words in life “mom, dad”, this is real happiness.

Girls used to learn to cook like their mothers, but now they drink like their fathers.

Thanks dad for your character.

Dear Dad! I may meet a prince one day, but you will forever be my king.

Dad returned home in the morning today and was very drunk... The Vatican is in shock!

Everyone writes how much they love their mom, but if it weren’t for dad, you wouldn’t exist either... Daddy... I love you very much.

Status about father

Memorable and vivid statuses about dads express the attitude of children towards their fathers. They can move you to tears or make you laugh heartily. Beautiful statuses about dad with meaning allow you to touchingly congratulate your father on his birthday.

It hurts when you want to hug your dad, but he’s not there.

You know, dad, they told me that I look like you - it was the best compliment of my life.

Who do you Love?
- I love my mother - Well, no, from the boys!
- Dad!

Mom and Dad wanted me to get better. Well, the point has come out, but the stupidity remains!

Men, take care of your women! They give you the two most precious things: their love and someone who will call you “dad”!

Why did I do this? Why did you agree? Why did I teach my dad how to use a computer?

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

If a dad sits with a child all day, he is tired... If a mother sits with a child for 3 years, then she does nothing...

My requests are very simple: I want a husband as smart and economical as my dad, and as handsome and strong as my brother!

The most important contribution to raising a child is the right dad...

The only man who left my life and I really regret it is you, dad, I miss you so much.

Beautiful words about dad - dad is the person who...

A collection of warm words of gratitude to dad from his daughter in prose (not in poetry), in his own words. These are examples of a thank you speech, touching to tears, sincere and warm words that can be said at any festive events(anniversary, wedding, professional holiday father or his birthday) in the presence of guests. Texts are also suitable for private conversation.

The son brought the baby to his father and apologized for a long time... It’s not my dad’s fault, I took precautions.

I know the password, I see the ATM, I believe my dad is an oil tycoon.

All a child needs to be happy is mom and dad. Remember this.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I’m the only normal one - with a computer and phone.

Let dad hear, Let dad come, Let dad definitely find me! After all, this doesn’t happen in the world. There’s a castle outside, and I’m in the toilet!

If a man, after work or on weekends, wants to spend time with his family and not with friends, this does not mean that he is henpecked! This means that the most best husband and dad in the world!

Sometimes I close my eyes and remember again. How mom took you to first grade, how dad carried you from graduation!

If my pasta burns, it means “crooked!” You don’t know how to cook!” And if it’s dad’s, then - “mm, with toast”

The daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, and courageous. For a daughter, her dad is already the best.

Every little person needs a dad. Dad. And not just a word.

Treasure fathers just as much as mothers. Dads talk less, but they worry about us just as much as moms.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​a “Miracle”. But only one “miracle” can call you dad and mom.

It's so nice when everyone has DAD. And my soul doesn't hurt. It’s great that dad loves mom, everything else is vanity. We’ll buy everything else; if we have money, if we don’t have it, we’ll create it with our own hands. But it is very important that children live in happiness. And they grew up as normal people.

Today, in the morning, complete harmony reigns in our family: the baby took “Vrednolin”, mother took “Stervozol”, and dad took “Papazol”. Everyone is happy!

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall to your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head

You need to love dad, mom, chocolates and summer... The rest is nonsense.

I will give my life for you, I love you, dad and mom!

They say your best friend is your mother... yeah, tell her right now. Dad's second girlfriend will already know everything in the morning.

Sayings about dad

Both parents are undoubtedly important in every person's life. This is our support and support! And if mom is a strict but fair teacher, delicious pies and a lot of tenderness, then dad is a storehouse of fun, stupid jokes and cool activities, which, sometimes, it’s better not to tell mom.

A loser is when yesterday you were a virgin and today you are a dad.

Only my dad can fall, ride along the road, get up, shake himself off and say wow, I almost fell!

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house.

For me, happiness is when my wife says “Beloved” and the child “Daddy”... every day!

Ideal family - Dad works, mom is beautiful.

There are moments in every girl’s life when she wants to cuddle up to a strong man’s shoulder and say: “Daddy, take me!!!”

In our family it’s usually like this: as our dad said, everything will definitely be my mother’s way!

How nice it is to have a daughter! She may be just like her dad, but she’s beautiful and smart, and that’s my fault. She and I are like best friends! And every day I pray into the night: “Thank you, Lord, for your daughter!”

Son, where are you looking? Quiet dad, the girls are coming.

Missed calls: Beloved (1), Dad (1), Brother (1), Mom (28). That's who really loves me!

If a dad sits with a child for 1 day, then he is tired, and if a mother sits with a child for 3 years, then she doesn’t do a damn thing.

In our house, dad decides everything!!! And who our dad is - mom decides!

They say it's easy to be a mother when you're around good dad... It's easy to be a mom when you have a super grandma nearby!

“Mom and dad...I fell in love...I’ll be late, I’m off to ruin my life” Your fool

Who do you love more, mom or dad?!
- Mom and dad!
- And more?!
- And no one else!

Aphorisms about dad - the right dad!

Use aphorisms about fathers and their roles in a child’s life to prepare congratulations to dad for the holiday of February 23!

I think only about him... About dad, I think only about her... About mom! I only think... About them, about the family!

A man is looking for a woman who looks like his mother; and finds a mother-in-law who looks like dad!

And in this world you can’t trust anyone except mom and dad, believe me.

Meeting a prince on a white horse is my dream, but meeting dad on a white horse is my 3rd wish.

For mom with a mountain, for dad with a wall, for a friend with a brick, and for herself with herself!!!

Dad, meet me, this is Alexander.
- Come in, Alexander, have lunch with us.
- Dad, Alexander is full!
- Alexander, don’t piss, come in!

I wanted to tell him that he would soon become a dad, but he beat me to it by saying that we were breaking up...

The most important contribution to raising a child is the right dad.

Mom is super, dad is great, whoever doesn’t believe him in the eye!

Dad, do you have any friends?
- No, son, this is fantastic!

No matter how important dad is, when mom is not in the mood, everyone follows a thread.

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!

I really want understanding and declarations of love from a man... I’ll call dad!

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps, and mom wants to go to the sea. Mom found a compromise - the whole family goes to the sea, but dad is allowed to take skis with him.

Beautiful words about father - words about dad from daughter

Mom and dad are the most dear people to us.

In our family, it’s always the way our dad said, so it will be obligatory according to my mother!

Dear girls! Choose a man’s back in your life, behind which you can hide from everything bad, looking from behind which you will only see the bright sky and the bright sun, from behind which you can hear children’s laughter, with the words: “Mom, I see you, you follow dad!”

These quotes and aphorisms can be used on social sites on the Internet.

New cool laughing statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.