Statuses with love for mom. Short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about mom with meaning. Beautiful statuses about mom

Her love is boundless and unconditional, she is the closest person to you - your mother. I want to tell her about this every day and every hour, they will help with this statuses about mom. They are different: beautiful, with meaning, with notes of sadness, but all are imbued with a bright feeling. If you don't know what to write in your status, just write from pure heart all those kind words that you would like to say in reality. Statuses give you the opportunity to once again thank your mother for her daily work, affection and tenderness.

  • Only mother perceives us as we are, with all our complexes and shortcomings.
  • The house where mom lives is always cozy and warm.
  • The older you get, the more you need your mother’s advice and hugs, the tastier her pies and cutlets seem.
  • It's always nice when mom covers you with a blanket and says good night.
  • For the sake of her child, a woman is ready to sacrifice health, beauty, and energy.
  • How often do we forget to thank our mother for the life she gave us. How often do we rush to blame her for giving us all the best.
  • There may be a lot of friends, many girls, but there is only one mother.
  • When you were sick as a child, your mother was always there. Now I'm always next to her.
  • The worst thing in life is a mother's tears.

Not a single word or phrase can tell the whole gamut of your feelings for your mother; it is better to approach her and hug her tightly, say thank you for her love, upbringing, and simply for life. This doesn't always work out. You are becoming adults, living in different places, cities, so beautiful statuses about your mother will please her if she is an active user of social networks! Mom will be pleased that even on the Internet you do not forget about her.

  • The most precious of all awards is mother’s approval and praise.
  • Over the years, we need our mother’s smile and her loving gaze more and more.
  • Even when you quarrel with your mother, she still loves you.
  • Take care of your mothers, no one truly loves us more.
  • From birth to death, our mother walks next to us.
  • Often we don’t listen to our mother, and then we realize that she was right.
  • Whatever mom does, she thinks about you.
  • Mom is always with you, even when you are alone. You can change cities, but you will forever be loved by her.
  • “Mom” is the first word in a child’s life. Often it becomes the last.

Perhaps you have already become a mother yourself. Now you understand all her care and tenderness. Moms worry about you, even if you are already an adult. Remember that statuses about your mother can bring both you and your loved one to tears. But these will be tears of joy. However, be careful when making up statuses.

  • For our mother, we will always be a little child, even when we ourselves become parents.
  • Mom is a person who will be with you even after death - in your soul.
  • As long as mom is alive, we have a guardian angel.
  • Mom will forgive, mom will understand, mom will not judge. Knowing this, we still hurt a mother’s heart from time to time.
  • When you conquer another peak, know that your mother always walked next to you.
  • Only a mother is able to forgive any stupidity, insults and bad deeds.
  • A mother is better able to protect her child than any lawyer, and more formidable than any prosecutor, she is ready to mercilessly punish anyone who offends her son or daughter.
  • Sometimes children forget their mothers, but children's mothers never do.
  • When you walk on a smooth road, know that all the bumps have been removed by your mother.

Statuses about mom - affectionate news from children addressed to her.

In all the languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mom... ⓒBeat Hoween

Only MOTHER deserves love!

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

The child's claims to the mother's love are immeasurable, they require exclusivity and do not allow sharing.

The most difficult profession in the world is being a Mom.

When you become a mother, you can only talk about your children.

Dad can be anyone. Only a mother, only a mother CANNOT BE!

“Oh, how I want to go back, oh, how I want to burst into” my mother’s belly...

I bow my head and pray to the Almighty. I don’t ask for fame or heaven, I just ask the Almighty to take care of you, Mom!

Show your tears to your mother, in a week the whole city will console you.

MOTHER is the most touching thing in the world. MOTHER means to forgive and sacrifice oneself.

Mom, you are the closest to me!!! Take care of yourself.

A girl's happiness lies in being a beloved and only wife and a caring mother!!!

Is there a place in the world where happy children laugh? Yes, and it’s not a secret - it’s mom’s hug!

Mom gave birth to twins, first laziness, and then me)))

God is our life, and Mom is the best thing in this life... God is the Holiness that we feel... Mom is the Holiness that we see...

As I grew up, I realized the value of parental advice...

Good education is second necessary thing in life after a strict mother.

The first and most important teacher is mother

Boys! Don't offend my little girl!! For her I will destroy and tear you!!! Mother.

It’s enough to say “Yes” once and then someone else’s last name becomes your own, and then your own life becomes unimportant, because now you are MOM

Indeed, it makes your soul feel better when you hug Mom...

We are in a hurry to live and time is breathing on our backs... And you won’t always have time to call your mother... Oh, how I would like... to hear your quiet voice... I understand now... But I should have... then...

I want to plunge into childhood, where there is no envy and sadness, where it is always light, I want to go back to my childhood, to my mother.

I don’t know about you, but I’m scared to death of my mother: COME HERE!!!)))

Mothers, love, kiss and hug your children while they are small, only then will our children be kinder!

The morning separated me and my mother... I hugged her at the door. Growing up, for some reason we all feel ashamed of our tenderness.

MOTHER cooks the most delicious delicacies!

Do you think you don't have a guardian angel? Yes, he is small and calls you MOM!

The meaning of life is the smile of parents!!!

The best friend is a mother and a pillow.

Sometimes you just want to tell everything to hell, hug your mom tightly and cry on her shoulder...

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset or break her. loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you...

- Mom, why does it taste so good when you pour tea?
- Son, mom always pours the most delicious tea in the world. It's a pity that we sometimes realize this too late.

Him: You are beautiful! Me: This is my mother’s merit. She did everything to make me look like dad...

Grace, strength, beauty, tenderness, pride, grace, brightness, intelligence, the great creation of God - Woman.

No matter how old you are and whoever you are - a man or a woman, sometimes you really want your mother to come up, like in childhood, pat your head, smile, kiss the top of your head...

Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have that very little person for whom you are ready to do anything, because you are his mother!

Girls, don’t forget that this strange woman who always pokes her head into your life with advice knows everything better than you and constantly fights with you for your husband... just his Mom

When we find happiness, we call our friends less often; when we become unhappy, we call more often... to our mother.

A true friend will never judge! A faithful friend will always be there! A true friend is a mother! This is how it is and how it will ALWAYS be!!!

Mother is the only deity who not only gives us life once, but also protects us untimely.

If you are a Mom, then you are already doing well, because next to you is your main achievement in life - your child.

It’s always like this, when you can’t find something and you go to your mom, she says that if she finds it now, you’ll get it)))

My mother will be a good mother-in-law. She already feels sorry for my future husband!

Only such a wonderful mother like MY...maybe such good girl, like me!))

I have two parents. But mom tried harder than dad.

MOTHER - many people understand how much she has done for us only when they lose her... People, appreciate your parents...

Without sleep, many of your nights have passed, You can’t count the worries and worries for us, I bow to you, dear MOTHER!!! For the fact that you exist in this world!!!

If I’m lonely, I really want my mother, mommy, mommy to be nearby... and it’s such a pity that she’s far away... I went to write her an SMS that I miss and love her...

When you were a child, did you always say, “Walk so that I can see you”? It turns out that our mothers did not leave the window!

You should kiss your mom every day, not slobber on your boyfriend.

The first gift that mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

It’s better to remain silent than to offend your mother.

Mom’s eyes glow with delight... A little happiness Next to her, always! And let there be peace on Earth, dear, SO THAT MY MAN ALWAYS LAUGH!!!

There is a lot of everything in life; There is little in life, but the main thing, forever, will remain - mother.

The main thing in life is SHE and once again SHE, the one who gave birth and was able to raise!!!

The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life, until the grave.

The cheaper the love of men and women, the more expensive the love of a mother...

The main thing in life is she and once again she, the one who gave birth and raised her - Mom!

No matter how old a mother is, she never ceases to look for signs of change for the better in her thirty- to forty-year-old children.

To the question “What is love?” my son answered: - Love is mom.

It's so nice to see mom happy.

Just one child's smile. And it’s already spring in the mother’s heart.

A delightful moment when you press to your chest a creature that until recently was a part of you. And it seems as if you have one heart for two...

How big is your heart, Mom.

There is something that cannot be bought, this is happiness... when, in addition to your heart, another small heart beats inside...

We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother.

I am afraid of only one thing in the world, that I will come home one day, say, “Mom, I’m home,” and in response I will only hear silence.

How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

You know, mom, I’m sorry that I’m drunk and for clenching my fists, I just miss her hand sleeping on my chest, whatever one may say...

Happinnes exists! It's here! Just listen! Here! it runs barefoot and screams MOTHER!

The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

I am the happiest just because I am a MOTHER!!!

My main treasure in life is my little mischief makers who turn the house upside down and shout “catch up mommy”

There are so many statuses about our beloved mommies, but our daddies are the best too, right?)

God bless every Mother whose children I call friends.

If you come home tired from work, and a woman says to you: “Are you tired, dear? Go, eat, have a glass, and go to bed...”, then this is YOUR mother.

Listen only to music, heart and mother. Everyone else is talking nonsense.

Only one person can forgive absolutely everything - mother.

There is nothing more valuable than a mother's tears...

When you are completely tired, call, and I will come, as I did in childhood. Do you remember that mother's love has a secret healing power!!!

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms.

Every day, looking at how my mother is aging, I want to do as much kindness and light as possible for her, so that she is happy!!! After all, it is so IMPORTANT to give your warmth to the one who loves you so reverently, tenderly and selflessly... no matter what!!!

Mom always said: “Don’t go barefoot, you’ll catch a cold!” But it was necessary to warn: “Don’t go with an open soul - you will be bitterly disappointed...”

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please appreciate it!

- Mommy, I got married! - I don’t know anything, when it gets dark - go home.

Mommy, Happy Mother's Day to you! You are the most dear person to me, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm such a fool...I love you!

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!

I’m not looking for a soul mate, it just so happens that my mother gave birth to me intact!

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like our mother was watching us.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!

You become an adult when you change “mama” to “mommy” in your phone!!!

Once you get to know people, you understand that only your mother is worth loving.

I want to always see your smile. The most sincere and dearest. I love you mommy!

I live for Mom, because... she lives for me... And I’m ready to give my life for Mom, because she’s ready to give it for me!

A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal...

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

Mom taught me to overcome the impossible: “Shut your mouth and eat soup.”

It’s not been 5 years, but I still run and look in my bag when my mother comes, suddenly there’s something tasty there.

I came home wearing fins, a mask and shorts. Hello mom, had a great graduation!

Give us better mothers and we will be better people.

They released their children into their lives like white doves into the sky! But those who have managed to forget their father and mother are not destined to fly!

Just know how to tell your mom “I’m sorry” and “I love you”; we say too many words, and sometimes that’s all they need.

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

Mom, your eyes should shine! Don’t cry, don’t suffer!

Mom and Dad wanted me to get better. Well, the point has come out, but the stupidity remains.

The word “MOM” is precious! Mom should be treasured! With her affection and care
It’s easier for us to live in the world!

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

-And yet mom is my best friend! -Why? -She will never take your boyfriend away.

- I love only my mom, dad and sister - What about me? - And you’re not them...

I will give everything, if only My Mother was happy, and also cried only from happiness.

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness... (Victor Marie Hugo)

No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother...

The meaning of life is a mother's smile.

Only Mom will understand me...

Love your mother, because your mother is alone. She will not forget you until she closes her eyes.

Remember that treating your parents well is the key to good attitude your children to you.

When mom is in a bad mood, dad and I go out for the whole day to buy bread.

- Mom, why does the bed squeak every night in your and dad’s bedroom?
- I just can’t sleep, and dad has to rock me to sleep!

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many it’s only two grams. And for me, happiness is seeing my Mom smile!

Protect your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard: their love is a hundred times hotter than that of friends and beloved girlfriend.

- Mom, I want a tattoo.
- Bring the belt, we’ll fill it now..

He doesn't love me, mom...

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms: “Thank you”!

How many times did my mother tell me: Don’t fall in love, daughter, it’s too early. I didn’t listen to my mother, and now I love Roman!

Let's say thank you to our mothers for carrying us under their hearts!

Nothing shortens a message like a mom standing behind you.

The phone rang, I shouted to my mother “I’m gone!”, Mom from her room “me too”))

My daughter comes home from graduation. Her mother asks: Have you been drinking? Daughter: No, mom, I’m an axe!

The best and beautiful statuses about mom

Dedicated to all mothers...

Close eyes. Imagine the comfort.
Imagine a place where they will always understand
Where there is no evil and no sadness,
Where you are always missed.
You say - there is no such place...
No, there is - a parent's heart!

Often walking over and over the abyss,
Or vegetating in a bitter dead end,
I felt in my heart how it saves
Your prayer is somewhere in the distance!
When sometimes life gives you a thrashing,
Or fear will crush your chest like cold steel
I whisper like in childhood, “Mommy, give me a pen!”
And my path becomes easier for me.

Mothers sigh in the silence, in the silence of the nights, in the anxious silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it’s impossible to argue with that.

Love Mom while she laughs and her eyes glow with warmth, and her voice pours into your soul, Holy water, pure as a tear. Love Mom - after all, she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting for you. She will always greet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand.

Mom, my dear, my pain and joy are bright. You are in heaven, my dear, praying, I know for me.....

Only mother will regret and understand, only mother will find a path to her heart, only mother will think at night about how her sons and daughters live, and without mother the big world will be empty, only in a dream she will come and ask what’s wrong with you...

Who said there are no angels? They are simply called MAMA on earth.

After all, no one loved you like your parents... only you will understand this too late.

The mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul. The mother will die, and the pain will not be relieved... I conjure: take care of your mother! Children, take care of your mother!

Parents are the ones we love the most, but are the ones we deceive the most.

I want a lot of money! So that my parents have the same happy old age as my childhood!

Your parents are the people who will never be able to forget you. Even in the most unpleasant moments of life, just come to them. There you will be listened to and understood.

All my brightest dreams
Rainbows, stars, legends and temples
Were reflected as if in a mirror
In the clear eyes of my mother.
You brought me by the hand into the world,
She gently nudged her with her palm
And on my way the sun lit,
What is called love.

The only place where you are expected, believed, loved and forgiven is the house where your parents live.

Only then do we become adults when our parents die; while they are alive, we are children...

Mom, I'm sorry that I call so rarely. Mom, I'm sorry that I snap at you sometimes. Life and work. I'm so tired...Mom...I need you more and more. Mom, can you come and help me? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters... Even if I’m not the most best daughter, but I love you….VERY, VERY….

If you offended your mother, ask for forgiveness.
It’s a sin to offend her family.
God gave her great patience
I'll worry about you all my life.

I don’t ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that Mom and Dad’s heart beat forever

Spend more time with your parents - the moment when they are gone always comes unexpectedly.

I love it so much when you're just nearby,
I love it when you look with a gentle gaze.
I love it when you help
I love it when you hug.
I love your warm hands
I love that your eyes are mine.
I love you because you believe
Like me, in my beautiful dreams.
Thank you mom, for being my mom,
You are mine and no longer anyone’s mother...

Mom means tenderness
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story,
This is the morning dawn
Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

Now you think that your mother doesn’t understand you at all and you don’t want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat by the window on long evenings and waited for only one thing - for your mother to come home from work... of course, you don’t remember this...

Mom never dies
It just stops being around...
Sometimes I try to imagine...
It’s like he just lives far away...
As if you could write letters to her,
Tell me.. how I love the dawn..
Just waiting for an answer is, alas, pointless..
Where mom is, there are no more letters...
Mom never dies
It just stops being around...
An angel accompanies you, and her love always lives...!

I wish I could bring my mother back for a moment, say everything that I didn’t have time to tell her, hug her as tenderly as before - gently and stroke her shoulders, kiss her hands. And tell me how much I miss, And ask for forgiveness for everything. Sit close together, not letting go of your hands, and talk, and tell her about everything. After all, I know that my mother will never be able to enter the door of the apartment, She will not kiss, she will not press, as before, she will not ask how I am doing now... Mommy, dear, dear, only the memory of you remains, And the pain that hits and time has not saved . I miss you very much, Mom, I miss you so much that it’s hard to tell, How much I want you to be near. But there is no way, there is no way back. Mommy, dear, dear. Where should I put my pain... My soul screams inside, I will always miss you...

Parental home is a place from Paradise... Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock... And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart, will give you warmth and love!!!

There is an eternal word in our world,
Short, but most heartfelt.
It's beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient,
It is sincere, beloved,
Incomparable to anything in the world: MA - MA!

Love your mother while she laughs and her eyes glow with warmth. And her voice pours into your soul, like holy water, pure as a tear. Love your mother - she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always greet you with a kind smile, She alone will forgive you and understand..

It’s very difficult without your mother, and everything around you fades... She is no relative in the world, she is your closest friend

Just know how to say “I’m sorry” and “I love you” to your mother; we say too many words, and they only need this.

Mom, thank you for all the good things, forgive me for all the bad things.

Mom is the first word in the life of any person. The first, the main word and the most beautiful word of a person. One aphorism says that mother is a synonym for the word love. Another quote states that mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children. And this word is understandable to absolutely all inhabitants of the Earth, no matter what language they speak. And, of course, there are many aphorisms, phrases and sayings about mothers.

Motherhood is hard work without vacations, days off and the right to make mistakes. Being a mother is responsibility, purpose, duty and great love.

Many people know the phrase that there are no irreplaceable people. So in the case of motherhood, this phrase is absolutely inappropriate. No one can ever replace a mother.

When it’s difficult for a person, does he say the magic word mom out loud or mentally? Because she knows from infancy that her mother will always come to the rescue.

We have collected the kindest and most gentle quotes and sayings dedicated to mothers.

Best quotes about mom

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness.
Victor Hugo

A person's first word is mom, his last is mom. The world rests on the affection of mothers.
Mikhail Lezinsky

By becoming a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak.
Diaz de Mirud

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
William Wallace

The fact that men are incapable of bearing children is the most convincing proof of the undeniable superiority of women.
Alexander Kozhevnikov

She's a mother and she's right.
Ivan Turgenev

Motherhood is a blessing.
Maria Shkapskaya

At certain moments, a woman’s brain completely fails, and the instinct of motherhood comes into play.
Nina Alexandrova

The strongest connection in a woman's life is her child.
Katie Lett

Maternal capital- these are her children.
Konstantin Kushner

Motherhood is a lifelong position.
Carl Reiner

It’s a rare man who can understand how much effort a woman devotes to the birth of a new being and the transition into motherhood, even if there are many helpers around, who often complicate the situation even more.
Vladimir Levi

If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child.
Princess Diana

The sanctity of life begins with motherhood and therefore it is sacred.
Gabriela Mistral

The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.
Leonid Sukhorukov

When you have children, you live like a dog, but die like a man. And when there are no children, you live like a person, but die like a dog.
American proverb

Not a single man, even the best, is able to understand what maternal experiences are.
Oleg Roy

The mother's heart beats faster.
Sergey Fedin

The only woman who will not allow her to give her life for her is her mother.
Marat Zhumankulov

A father can raise a child to be a genius, but only a mother can raise him to be a genius. good man, organically combining mental and physical abilities. This is why maternal education is so important early age.
Masaru Ibuka

No one can outshout a mother's heart.
Tatiana Lindberg

Motherhood... is higher than love.
Anatoly Aleksin

Nothing adorns a woman more than motherhood.
Alexander Kazantsev

The gift of motherhood cannot be stolen from nature.
Tatiana Stepanova

Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk.
Maksim Gorky

Love and motherhood are almost mutually exclusive. True motherhood is courageous.
Marina Tsvetaeva

Happiness is never as complete as during periods of love and motherhood.
Mark Lanskoy

What's the point of loving life if you can't experience the joy of motherhood?
Lyudmila Sitnikova

A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything.
Theodore Dreiser

A mother's heart is wide. There is a place for all children.
Mikhail Bakunin

A mother needs nothing to love her children except that she is a mother.
Semyon Ramishvili

Love between a man and a woman is a human feeling: it is born, lives and dies... Mother's love– divine feeling: she is immortal.
Tatiana Lindberg

No outside heart can replace a child’s mother’s heart.
Nikolay Leskov

A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.
Honore de Balzac

Motherhood makes a woman completely different. She no longer cares about her surroundings.
Svetlana Klimova

Alas! You have to constantly fight with those you adore - both in love and in motherhood.

Everything is mortal. Eternal life is destined only for the mother. And when the mother is no longer alive, she leaves behind a memory that no one has yet decided to desecrate. The memory of our mother nourishes compassion in us, like the ocean, the immeasurable ocean nourishes the rivers that cut through the universe...
Isaac Babel

Fathers lie, claiming that they are pursuing a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for the sake of their mothers.
Boleslaw Paszkowski

No matter how much you love your mother, you get used to her care, you don’t think of thanking her, you forget that the mother herself needs affection and care.
Lev Davydychev

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.
Pierre Beranger

The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.
Dirk Brouwer

God speaks to us through the mouths of our mothers.
Igor Krasnovsky

Mother is our closest and most dear person to the coffin board - whether it’s hers or ours - from it we receive life itself, and everything that follows - strength, love, self-confidence. Mother teaches us human rules, enlivens our minds, puts them in our mouths kind word, and memory dawns with its unquestioning instructions about the most dear and humane thing that came before us.
Albert Likhanov

He who does not long for the past did not have a mother.
Ken Nunn

My mother was the most beautiful woman, which I knew. I owe what I have become to my mother. All my successes in this life, moral, intellectual and physical education I give credit to my mother.
George Washington

Only when mother goes to God do we understand that we have lived our lives with the Divine!
Leonid Sukhorukov

When I realize to the point of despair that I am a bad mother, I start hastily making up for lost time, sucking up and pleasing. But in this profession, losses cannot be made up.
Lyudmila Gurchenko

For any mother, the main thing is not to become a stepmother!
Vladimir Borisov

A bad mother cannot be a good wife.
Andrey Lavrukhin

I sincerely feel sorry for those women who rob themselves by not wanting to have children. A child fills a woman’s life with great content. From the first day of birth of a child, the mother lives by his breath, his tears, his smile. The child's first tooth has erupted. It was the first time he said “mom.” So he took the first step, went to school, became a pioneer, he was accepted into the Komsomol... Each step in the development of a child is also a new stage in the life of the mother.
Nina Nefedova

For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.
Sam Harris

Mother's heart... Well, where, where can I find the words to sing a song to a mother's heart?..
Artem Vesely

Children are like flowers - you need to bend over to them to recognize them...
Friedrich Froebel

Children need to be loved unselfishly. It's difficult, but there is no other way.
Barbara Bush

Education is an example and love, nothing more...
Friedrich Froebel

Raising a child is not pleasant fun, but a job in which you need to invest the efforts of sleepless nights, the capital of difficult experiences and a lot of thoughts...
Janusz Korczak

Caring is about thinking about others. Example: one woman shot her husband with a bow so as not to wake up the children.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Every mother considers herself Shakespeare, that is, the creator of brilliant works.
Alexey Ostrogorsky

If you already have a child, then for the rest of your life you will have to answer the questions “What is his name?”, “How old is he?” and “Is it a girl or a boy?”
Erma Bombeck

Motherhood is a fact, but fatherhood is a question.
Evgeny Tyugashev, Tamara Popkova

A woman gives birth either out of great love or with deep amazement.
Valery Bruskov

It is probably easier to organize the evacuation of an entire city than for a working mother to get her children up and off to school.
Katie Lett

Mother of many children could easily replace several air traffic controllers.
Laurie Alter

A mother is the same job as a man’s profession.
Nina Rubshtein

I believe I have done my job as a homemaker if our children are still alive by the time my husband comes home from work.
Raymond Barr

If the first word the Devil spoke was “Mama,” all is not lost.
Vitaly Vlasenko

Every day, beautiful statuses about mothers, which you can post on your pages in in social networks. In the variety of options offered, it is easy to choose those words that will reflect your actual attitude towards the person closest to you.

Statuses about mom: a selection of sayings with meaning

  • “A person truly becomes an adult not when he has a desire to do everything against his mother, but at the moment when he begins to understand that she was right.”
  • “The greatest grief in the world is when your mother starts crying, and you are unable to help her with anything and cannot console her.”
  • “There is only one person in the world who is sincerely happy when you feel good and are able to achieve success - this is your mother. And it is she who will be sad with all her heart when you feel sad.”
  • “A mother is the only person in the world who is ready to do anything for her own child, and only she can replace everyone else. But no one can replace her, even if they try hard.”
  • “The heart of a woman who has given birth and raised her child is ready to work real miracles for the sake of her baby.”
  • “Mom, thank you for giving birth and raising me, and for everything that you gave me, for your care, tenderness and love.”
  • “You shouldn’t be angry with your mother and say hurtful words to her, even in the heat of an argument. After all, one accidentally thrown word can not only hurt, but break a mother’s loving heart.”
  • “Mom is the person who deserves sincere love.”
  • “Living without a mother is difficult and everything around you begins to seem gray and boring. There is no more dear and beloved person in the world than mother.”
  • “No one is able to understand their own child as well as a mother.”

Beautiful words about the closest person

  • “A large and very beautiful monument needs to be erected to a mother’s heart.”
  • “Take care of your mother’s heart, because no one else will love you so much and sincerely.”
  • “Sometimes my mother gets very tired of her constant moralizing, so as you grow up, you begin to constantly put off meeting her until later and find more for yourself. interesting activities. But, in an instant, mother may no longer be in our lives and nothing can be fixed. You can't rewind time. Therefore, you must always take care of your mother and give no less care in return.”
  • “For my mother, a falling fork means the imminent arrival of a guest, and a breaking cup promises only happiness. This is all because my mother really wants to be happy, and her hospitality makes the whole family believe in omens.”
  • “Sometimes it seems that my mother not only cannot, but does not want to understand what experiences I have in my soul. But this is far from true, because the soul of mother and child is much closer than it might seem.”
  • “I have a lot of girlfriends in my life, maybe several husbands, and sometimes stepfathers. But mom is the only one and forever.”
  • “Mother’s love can work real miracles - it is absolutely unique and forgiving, becoming like the eighth, unknown wonder of the world.”
  • “A mother’s love knows no betrayal. A mother is the only person who is devoted to her own child with all her heart and soul.”
  • “The hardest job is to be a mother, because she doesn’t know days off or even a minute’s respite. Mom is always worried, and at the same time worrying not only about her own problems, but also about the affairs of loved ones and relatives.”
  • “Mom’s smile is the main meaning of life.”
  • “A mother’s heart becomes an inexhaustible source of miracles.”
  • “Mom alone can replace everyone, but no one else can replace her.”
  • “A mother is the most grateful person in the whole world who loves her child for who he is and does not try to change him. She is able to forgive all misdeeds and mistakes just because he exists in this world.”

Sad and touching phrases

  • “It’s raining outside, and I’m listening to love songs, and I’m sad. And I really want the sun to appear outside, to hear my mother’s native voice and forget how painful it can be.”
  • “Guys can leave or fall in love with close girlfriends. And only one person can help cope with pain and grief, who will give you the opportunity to cry and speak out - this is your mother.”
  • “You shouldn’t shed tears in front of your mother, because it hurts her much more from the tears of her child.”
  • “Sometimes I get so tired of the inscriptions on social networks: “You love your mother, then click class.” If you really love your mom, just get off the computer and help her."
  • “It’s very sad and difficult to see your mother crying and understand that you can’t do anything to help her grief.”
  • “Living without a mother is difficult, everything around begins to seem gray and colorless. After all, mom is the best and most faithful friend, ready to support in the most Hard time and will never reproach you for past mistakes and misdeeds.”
  • “Among cruel and selfish people, you begin to understand how important a person your mother is to you.”
  • “The world could be a much better place if everyone suddenly started acting like their mother was looking at them.”