A beautiful declaration of love to a girl. Poems about liking a girl Why is a girl silent when she confesses her sympathy?

Tender feelings make us vulnerable.

It is much more difficult for guys to express their feelings, because the following policy has developed: education as a steadfast tin soldier, restraint, prudence, no manifestations of “womanish” emotions. Because of this, it becomes much more difficult for guys to admit that they like a girl, especially if he has several reasons in his head: she won’t reciprocate my feelings, I’m not sure if this is the one, the right girl or according to the prevailing trends of past relationships, where this did not lead to anything good.

It is worth distinguishing between your inner feelings: love and sympathy. healthy love in a relationship where two people live in mutual understanding, know how to share and support each other, it will never cause problems with voicing their feelings, because they will only strengthen the emotional scale of experiences within the couple. It’s another matter if you are not sure of reciprocal sympathy, or if you don’t know how to take the first step, how to approach this issue with a girl in order to take mutual communication to a new level of relationship development.

Great advice: show less attention, then the girl will be drawn to you. This kind of dual advice, based on the Star Wars films (power chooses the side of the one who cares most) and Pushkin’s poetry: “the less we love a girl, the more she likes us,” in which we should not go too far and show our disrespect or same neglect, coldness, which repel no worse than banal unpleasant things.

Yes, be a little cold, unobtrusive, not picky. A girl will be interested in you in the “right” conditions, which we already deduce from the following components: actions, respect, attention, well-mannered attitude, interest. Whatever one may say, the girl, like the ancient Roman people, wants bread and circuses, because the image of a knight on a white horse glimmers in her soul - you can confess your sympathy not with words, as we are used to, but with actions, as for some reason no one does in principle. Try to show your affection more with your actions: make a small present in the form of delicious coffee when the girl most needs to be distracted, choose an interesting place for mutual hanging out, more physical contact. By the way, let’s dwell on physical contact in more detail. First of all, we need to understand whether the girl is attractive to us, so as not to lose face. Why talk idle talk and shake the air if everything is already visible?

If there is no physical attraction, she simply does not make contact, does not respond to touches, hugs, etc., which were given in moderation! - then you either need to install it, as you build a house brick by brick, or you do not respond to her on a physical level, and persistence can easily be regarded as harassment, which already puts us in an awkward and funny position.

After all the areas are filled, sympathy manifests itself very easily: you need to make a springboard for a blitzkrieg and deliver a pleasant lightning strike in the form of a couple of words about your location, roses (you can also give wild flowers) and of course a pleasant reward will be a kiss from your lady on the end. Don’t forget that you need to have an approach to people, so make your way to a girl’s heart, and don’t cut it head-on - you’re not a lumberjack.

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Modern girls have every reason to consider guys fearful and unsure of themselves. After all, you can wait and wait for a confession of sympathy to a girl on their part, but it will never come. So the girls have to use various tricks to extract this confession themselves.

But it’s good if the girl likes this guy herself, but what if she treats the guy indifferently or in a friendly way? In this case, the guy risks getting into an extremely unpleasant situation - becoming a friend of the girl he is in love with. This happens quite often. The guy begins to show the girl, invites her to spend time together, actively communicates with her, etc., but at the same time does not let the girl know that he likes her. As a result, the unlucky gentleman becomes a friend for the girl, and it will be extremely difficult for him to get out of this status.

When a confession of sympathy to a girl finally matures in the mind of a “friend,” the girl will perceive this as an extremely unpleasant situation. She never considered her friend as a guy, but she doesn’t want to lose a friend, so the relationship will most likely return to a friendly course, and it’s unlikely that this couple will succeed in anything in the future.

The conclusion is simple. You can't delay confession. From the very first dates, you need to show that you consider the girl as a girl, and not as a pleasant interlocutor. After all, declaring your sympathy to a girl is by no means a declaration of love to her; it does not oblige you to anything. You're just letting her know that you're interested in her and wouldn't mind if your relationship took it to the next level.

To do this, it is not necessary to use words and directly say that you like her. Light half-hints are more effective in this situation. You should flirt with the girl, compliment her, notice how she looks, show your jealousy in a playful way, etc. All of these are clear signals to a girl that you like her. If you do not submit them, you will automatically be transferred to the category of friends once and for all.

However, you also need to get out of the stage of light flirting in time, otherwise you will again become a friend to her, only a friend with whom you can flirt a little. If this prospect does not entice you, then start collecting ideas for declaring your love to your girlfriend from the very first date.

Declaration of love must be taken as responsibly as possible. This is a turning point in your relationship, as well as a very memorable moment both for the girl and for you. If you date her for many years to come, and perhaps even marry her, you will remember this magical moment together again and again for many years to come. Therefore, carefully prepare for your declaration of love, choose the right place and time, try to create a romantic mood for your girl before you say the magic words.

If confessing your sympathy to a girl can be spontaneous, then you have to wait for it yourself. Otherwise, her reaction may be ambiguous. But don’t be late with your recognition. If your relationship has long entered a romantic direction, do not torment your chosen one, reveal your feelings to her.

The form of recognition can be absolutely any. If you are terribly embarrassed at this moment, then you can talk about your feelings in the form of a game or some kind of secret message. Girls really love encrypted declarations of love, because... they leave behind a slight taste of mystery.

However, the main thing is not to be afraid and not to delay your confessions. There is nothing more important to a girl than feeling loved, so there is no point in being shy about how she will react to your expression of feelings. Even if she doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, she will be very flattered and certainly won’t make you laugh. In any case, this is better than loving a person and being afraid to admit it to him.

You know, you mean a lot to me...
Any contact between our hands
I catch it as happiness, joy - no other way,
Keeping every moment in mind...

Honey, you feel it too, I know
You are important to me and not indifferent!
I propose to meet you, sunshine,
I am completely confident that everything will be great!

If I were an artist
I would draw you in the rain
And if you were getting hot,
I would draw you in the rain...

The kink of capricious eyebrows,
Deep intelligent look
A little reproachfully
You look at the guys.

They don't deserve you
And I am one of them.
But maybe in the spring,
I will grow into yours

The eyes are serious, stern.
And there will be a new day
And more on the road
There will be no shadow over us...

Imagine how great it would be together
Go to a cafe and walk in the park.
And it would suddenly become more interesting
Prepare gifts for Valentine's Day.

Miss each other, write messages,
Want Good night And good morning,
And look forward to every meeting,
Count down time minute by minute.

Dream together and believe in good things,
Who knows, maybe this is our destiny -
In the registry office once answer each other:
Agree. And you? - Of course!

I believe everything will be fine with us,
And now I offer all this to you,
All you have to do is answer: I agree.
You will be happy. I promise.

Some girls are cute
There are girls who are slim
I can be simply beautiful
And - worthy of a whole poem.

I have long hair
There are blue eyes
There are thoughts of adults
Or with a child's mind...

But of course you are special
You are simply unique.
Like an angel, always good-natured,
Like an angel, loved by people...

Let's meet you!
I want to be with you
Throwing flowers
Give you love!

Write poems and songs,
To protect your peace,
And in the evening, under the stars
Something to dream about!

Let's meet you
My beautiful one,
Serious relationship
I wish with you!

I love riddles, mysteries and puzzles.
Which means you're my type.
I love you greedily and jealously,
You play so skillfully.

You will be beautiful with wrinkles
Your beauty is not afraid of gray hair.
My heart has not become a piece of ice,
You fell in love with me forever.

You have the caress of kittens,
You have the grace of a snake,
Your look is flawless
And your voice is oil.

Not a girl - a picture,
Effective as a star.
Favorite blonde
With me forever.

I watch on the sly
Behind the eyes, the behavior...
There's something tender about it
And playfully careless.

I like you, honey!
Sometimes playful
It's like it's serious
The whole thing is a virtuoso game!

I have for confession
One hundred and one bases
I like you, honey
You're so beautiful!

All my thoughts during the day and all my dreams at night are about you,
And your eyes, like stars, are so necessary to me.
So, having gathered all my courage, I made a decision,
Make our relationship closer and warmer.

I hope you don't push too hard
And you will give your consent to meet with me.

Many men claim that sincere feelings cannot stand verbosity, but being able to describe them in a couple of phrases is extremely important for your beloved. If you yourself cannot formulate a phrase, then you can borrow it and write your own based on it. beautiful confession in love with a girl in your own words. Even if your significant other receives an SMS with hot words, it will be much better than modest silence.

Musical declaration of love on your phone

Musical confession of feelings to a girl is now considered the most creative. Gone are the days when it was enough to write good words in in social networks or messenger and the job was done. Nowadays girls love something special, new and cool. The phone rings, the girl answers and a confession song sounds or the one who loves her addresses her in the voice of a popular star. This will be remembered for a lifetime!

Declaration of love to a girl to tears

A sincere declaration of love to a girl will touch her heartstrings to tears. It is especially important to feel love when your other half is at a distance. To prevent your girlfriend from feeling abandoned when you are far away, write short messages to her more often. Or leave her a letter containing all your great, romantic and tender feelings for her. The text of the confession could be something like this:

  • How could I love another girl? No! Only you can give me tenderness. Only with you I understood what happiness is. You are the most best girl on the ground! Next to you, I gained the ability to enjoy the sun and spring, the rain in the middle of the autumn forest. You are the most important thing in my life!
  • My angel! I don't know how to speak beautifully, but you will understand me. From the very day we met, everything changed in my life. I look at the future differently, and I see it only next to you. Only for you I am ready to change. I want to give you happiness, surround you with care. You are very important to me because I love you very much.
  • I'm happy because I have a girl like you next to me. My sweet, gentle and infinitely loved! I'm so afraid of losing you! You bewitched me with your beauty. Your hair is like a river of gold, I love stroking it and passing it between my fingers. Your eyes are two oceans of tenderness, I drown in them and am immensely happy. The curves of your body and the way you move set my blood on fire. I am captivated by you, and this is the best reward in life for me.
  • I'm hopelessly in love with you! Nothing can compare to the feeling that lives in my heart. You taught me to love. Love sincerely and selflessly. For you, I am ready to destroy mountains and build bridges, laugh like a child and roar like a lion if someone offends you. I live for you! Trust me, I will not betray you in body or soul. I promise you to love only you for the rest of my life. I am yours! And you are mine!
  • I never thought that I could lose my head from love. But it happened. And it’s all your fault, my joy! No matter the distance between us, you are forever with me in my heart. How much your smiling eyes, your voice, the warmth of your hands mean to me. Every time I fall in love with you again, my sorceress. Thousands of phrases about love will not fully describe the feelings that I feel for you. You are my light, my joy, my love!
  • I like your golden hair, your sea-blue eyes, your tender lips like rose petals... Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!
  • You became the meaning of my life. I never thought it was possible to love so much. Since we met, I can’t live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!
  • I like everything about you: your big brown eyes, framed by lush eyelashes, and dark silky Brown hair, which you love to put in a bun, and your slender, graceful figure, and your clear voice, and even a small mole on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!
  • I've never met girls like you! Your refined manners, your regular facial features, your graceful gait, your character traits... I'm crazy about you, my femme fatale!
  • You look like a ray of sunshine in the spring sky, like a gentle fragrant flower in the grass, at the tremulous singing bird in the trees... You are beautiful! My feelings for you forever, my wonderful girl!
  • Our meeting was planned by heaven! We were supposed to meet! You are mine and I am yours. Forever. Forever. No matter what happens.
  • It seems to me that you have bewitched me with your dazzling beauty, your ringing voice, your tenderness... I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to touch your skin, I want to be with you always. Only with you. I want to be in your captivity.
  • My happiness, my joy, my sunshine, my love... When I see you, the world becomes better, I want to love you all my life.
  • The world lit up with the sun's rays when I met you, my beautiful... I love you, my feelings for you are strong and strong. I will endure all hardships just to be with you always. You are the most precious thing I have. I breathe you, I live you.
  • It is very difficult to find a person for whom you can give, whom you love with all your heart. And I found it, it's you. My beloved, my dear, my desired. I want to protect you from all troubles, from all adversities, from all problems. I want you to be happy, so that we can be happy together.

The best declaration of love to a girl in prose

Your declaration of love to a girl in prose, written with your own hand on an ordinary white sheet, will say more than a huge bouquet of flowers. Beautiful words can show your true feelings. After all, this is not just a text - a sweet letter - it’s your feelings. Here are some more love messages:

  • My only one! Do you remember the moment when we first met? I remember that time stopped, and only you remained real. Nothing existed around, only your face. Eyes are like two dazzling stars, they still guide me through life, and will always be so. I remember that I behaved ridiculously, you laughed. Oh, how I love your laughter! You are like an angel, illuminated by a bright light. I am infinitely happy, I live by your love. We will always be together! You are my favorite girl!
  • Bunny, you are often offended that I don’t tell you enough about love. But know that no one in the whole wide world can replace you for me. I breathe you, my dear. You and I are made for each other. I believe that you will be happy with me. I will do everything to make you smile more often and enjoy life. For the hundredth time I apologize for the fact that sometimes I am inattentive to you, that I kiss you more and more often while running. Every moment when you are near is a holiday for me, and you are my sunshine.
  • Darling, I thank the heavens that I can call you mine. Fate gave me a chance to become happy next to a girl like you. I value you very much and am afraid of losing you. You are like a crystal Madonna to me, and I am happy to worship you, my goddess. It’s difficult for me to find words to describe all the feelings that you awakened in me. I'm sick of you, and this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I need you like air, like life. Because you are my life!
  • I have never experienced a feeling stronger than loving you, my sweet girl! With you, the world around is filled with colors, with you I want to rejoice in everything around me. You won my heart from the first sight of your big brown eyes. And from that moment I couldn't think about anything else. I want to spend my days with you, I want to give you only happy moments. I want you to smile, my dear. Your smile illuminates everything around with joy and makes the sun shine even brighter.
  • Is there a feeling brighter and stronger than love? Next to you, my wonderful one, I realized that there is nothing more important than love. You appeared in my life, and everything became different. I realized that I have someone to live for, someone to create for, someone to become better and more perfect for. For your sake, my joy! I will do everything to make you happy!
  • Your eyes are like two blue lakes, there is so much warmth and love in them... Your lips are so similar to rose petals, you really want to touch them... Your blonde hair, fluttering in the wind, look like ears of wheat on a fine summer day... Your graceful figure resembles the figure of a swan, noble and magnificent... You are perfect. I love you!
  • Our meeting was destined for us by heaven. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live my whole life with you. I love you, my best of all living on Earth...
  • My feeling for you is difficult to describe in words... When I don’t hear your ringing voice, when I don’t see you, the whole world becomes gray and insignificant. I want to spend more and more time with you, I want to take care of you, get to know you, your interests, your outlook on life. I want to become one with you, so that no one and nothing can separate us. I love you so much…!
  • I remember that wonderful day when we met you. It was early autumn. I immediately liked your graceful gait, your impeccable taste in clothes, and when I heard your sweet voice and saw your look, enchanting and mysterious, I fell in love like a boy. And now there is only you in my thoughts, only you alone. I want our relationship to become stronger and stronger. I want to confess, I love you, my beauty!
  • Every hour, every minute, every second of my life is filled with thoughts of you, my beloved. I wake up and fall asleep thinking only about you. You are the best thing in my life. I am grateful to God that we met on that sunny spring day. I will do everything possible to ensure that we are always together!
  • Wherever I am, whatever I do, I think about you. I really hope that I am also in your thoughts, and that you, just like me, are looking forward to our meeting. Just a little more and we will be close, we will enjoy each other to the last drop.
  • Today I want to confess to you... I love you, more than life, more than anyone in the world. You are alone in my thoughts and in my heart. I can’t imagine my life without you, my beautiful nymph.
  • I feel very bad without you, I miss you very much. The world without you loses color and fades. I want to be near you now. Hugging your fragile shoulders, kissing your soft plump lips, stroking your blond hair. You are an angel, you are the most beautiful girl in the world! Be mine forever, I love you very much!

Poems declaration of love to a girl, so that it touches your soul

It is unlikely that a woman’s heart will remain indifferent if poetic lines are dedicated to her. A declaration of love to a girl in verse can be presented to her in a letter. If you have never noticed your talent for rhyming, then you can resort to the help of the classics. It doesn’t matter whether this poem is long and touching, or short and humorous, what is important is its meaning and compliance with your feelings.

There will be morning, there will be coffee,

There will be a fresh croissant,

Rose petals, perhaps

I'll cover the bed myself:

I'll give you the morning

What a girl's dream.

It’s not all on purpose, it’s as if

How you dreamed about it.

Scarlet paint on the asphalt

Right under your window

I’ll write “Happiness, hello!!!”

Let them laugh! Doesn't matter!

I don't care about gossip

And that there will be paint on your hands.

I love. And I will do it

Anything to help you get rid of boredom,

Anything to make you smile at me,

All you have to do is wait for the dawn

So that the morning turns out

The best thing in this life.

For the whole world to see

How I love you, dear!

So that the first ray of dawn,

Playing in your hair,

I was jealous of this

Not understanding anything.

He won't stand a chance

At least he kisses your eyelids.

He will leave and I will stay

With the best person.

You came to me from a children's fairy tale:

Tender, naive, simple.

Your magic is hidden by your eyes,

Drawing you into the mystery.

Your laughter is like a magic song for me

It sounded, and now there is no peace.

Life has become much more interesting

And it doesn't matter what's wrong with me.

I just want to be with you all my life,

Watching starfalls with you

And stroke your hair with your hand.

Find simple words for confession,

That I love you incredibly!

All flowers at your feet, desired one!

My life is in you alone, my love!

Drowning in your eyes is happiness!

Don’t save me, I beg you, don’t...

I'm ready to confess to you today

What the soul sings from this look.

I look into your eyes carefully:

Don't frighten off this quiet tenderness!

The whole world is ready to give for an opportunity

Drown in your eyes endlessly.

Maybe this is called love:

To see a glance and forget everything in the world?

I don't know who will tell me the secret,

Who will answer this question for me?

There is only one thing I am infinitely sure of:

I don’t need this world without you!

I am ready to be the most sensitive and faithful

Under the influence of a magical gaze.

Exclusive declarations of love for the most beautiful girl

It’s already very difficult for men to talk about their feelings, and when your girlfriend is the best, it’s hardly possible at all. Then you need to try to show all your talents. Write for your one and only those exclusive words that are intended only for her.

Be original. Present her not just a banal card with a ridiculous confession, but create an ode to your love (even in prose). The most exclusive and original for the most beautiful girl in the world.

  1. My precious one, I have been looking for you for so long and painfully. And when I met your gaze, I realized that I could no longer live without you. My life without you makes no sense. You are the one for whom I will go to the ends of the earth. You are my dream, my reward, my love... Every minute of my life is dedicated only to you. The whole world is in your eyes. Your voice is the song of my joy. I thank fate that you met me, that you are mine! You are my life!
  2. My only one, you know that you are everything to me! Without your presence I perish. We have been together for so long that we have become soul mates. I feel when you are in pain, when you are scared, when a smile touches your lips. And I strive to protect you, wrap you in my arms, press you to my heart. I will never give you away to somebody! I don’t love you, but I adore you, my girl!
  3. I don't know if there is more strong feeling than love. You changed my life dramatically. Now I know what to live for and what true, genuine happiness is. My heart is filled with joy when I see you. All my thoughts are dedicated only to you... I live only for you! I want to give you only joy and moments filled with happiness and warmth. My sunshine, you are the most precious thing I have! My angel with sparkling eyes!


It is not true that all words about love have already been said. Every girl wants to hear a sincere sincere confession from her beloved. Let it not rhyme or even be funny. The main thing is that the declaration of love comes from the heart, and the feelings are real.

Every love has its own words, and they have not yet been spoken or captured on paper. The most beautiful things have not yet been said by you. Not always an eloquent look full of adoration can make it clear about the degree of love. Still, you need to try to convey everything in words. Your girlfriend really needs tender words that contain all your love. Just a couple of phrases will make your beloved smile. Do not forget about the importance of those words that are so desired and so sweet to a girl’s heart.

Don’t forget to tell your other half how dear she is to you, how much you love her and are afraid of losing her. For confessions, do not wait for a holiday, such as Valentine's Day, remind them of love on an ordinary day. Write at least a short SMS message, but write sincerely, without using cliched phrases. An audio voice recognition sent to a mobile phone will do.

The fact that “a woman loves with her ears” is in a sense true. Actions that prove love are of course important, but verbal expression of feelings is also not in last place. Love for beautiful ladies has been sung in all centuries; it has been an inspiration, a driving force. And now these days nothing has changed. Examples of confessions are just a guideline that will help you formulate your unusual love confession. Be original in your confessions, and your beloved girl will definitely appreciate it.

Despite all his masculinity, not every man is able to express sympathy for the girl he likes. Very often, a young man is hampered by the fear of being rejected, and therefore he prefers to remain in the shadows. However, having correctly built communication with a lady and found the right approach to her, you can confess your feelings without fear of refusal of reciprocity.

How to hint?

Before you hint to a girl about your sympathy, you need to win her favor. To do this, you need to try to spend more time with the object of your adoration, communicating not only live, but also on social networks.

You can attract a lady's attention using eye contact. Most girls believe that if a guy listens to her carefully, he will definitely look her in the eyes. It is very important to be interested in the life of your chosen one and constantly support her. In this way, you can gain the lady’s trust, which will ultimately lead to mutual sympathy.

Not all modern men show gallantry towards the weaker sex, while every girl dreams of a gentleman. To win the heart of your chosen one, you need to have not only politeness, but also compliance. You also need to be generous, showing the lady your selflessness.

To get a girl to like you, you need a positive attitude. A gloomy and eternally dissatisfied young man is unlikely to interest a lady, but she will certainly like a cheerful and brave guy. In addition, to win the heart of your chosen one, you will need perseverance, since girls value self-confidence in men.

Before declaring your sympathy, it is important to find out her attitude towards you. You can contact mutual friends for such information. Unfortunately, this method may not bring results, since girlfriends will simply refuse to talk about this topic.

To express your sympathy to a girl, you can use the following techniques.

  • Compliments allow you to express admiration and highlight a lady’s advantages. You need to say flattering words appropriately and in moderation, otherwise the girl will suspect the boy of lying.
  • Honesty will help you avoid many awkward moments. By honestly confessing your feelings to your chosen one, you can not only ease your soul, but also instantly clarify the relationship.
  • Understatement can be an excellent tool for getting a lady interested. A guy can hint to a girl about his feelings, but not talk about them directly.
  • Focusing attention will work if there are other girls around. To do this, you need to casually say: “You are the most beautiful here” or “It’s so good that the most attractive girl is next to me.”
  • Jokes will be an excellent assistant if the chosen one has good feeling humor. This technique involves more than just storytelling funny stories and anecdotes, but also the use of ambiguous phrases. For example, the phrase “Our children will not forgive us for this” can seriously puzzle a lady.
  • A common hobby will help bring a young man closer to the object of his desire. While doing one thing or discussing things that are interesting to both, you can talk about your sympathy without further ado.
  • Demonstration of interest. Every girl dreams of being the only one, and therefore will certainly appreciate the close attention from her boyfriend. To do this, you need to make appointments with the lady more often and write on social networks.

How to confess your sympathy?

Even being in a girl’s close circle and having achieved her favor, not every young man can immediately tell her directly about his sympathy. This is usually due to low self-esteem of a guy who is simply afraid of being rejected. But if you don’t express your feelings on time, you can miss the moment and forever remain just a friend to your beloved.

It is especially difficult for a guy to admit his liking to a close friend. He may feel that his feelings will harm the friendship or even lead to the breakdown of the friendship. It must be remembered that most couples are based on friendship, since the partners are connected by common interests.

The advantage of a couple based on friendly ties is strength and reliability. Friends have known each other for a long time, and therefore they will not part for a stupid reason. Many unions fall apart precisely because the partners began the relationship at the beginning of their acquaintance. Someone who can make you fall in love at the first meeting can push you away after a couple of meetings with stupid reasoning or sloppiness.

It's not easy to tell a girl about falling in love when she is already in a relationship with another guy. It is appropriate to start such a conversation only if you are completely sure that their union is not strong enough. For example, you can talk about feelings when a girl is in a quarrel with her boyfriend or when a young man sees that a love relationship brings nothing but suffering to his chosen one.

If a young man likes an older woman, then it is not enough to express sympathy with beautiful words. It is necessary to perform courageous actions that prove the seriousness of his intentions. For example, you need to bring medicine to a lady when she is sick, or help repair faulty equipment.

The easiest way to express sympathy is to the girl who herself shows interest in the boy. This can be determined by her behavior. If she is always happy to see you, immediately answers calls and SMS, and agrees to spend time together, then she probably has tender feelings for you. In this case, it is much easier to tell your chosen one that you like her.

You can confess your sympathy with the help of poetry. The confession will sound especially touching if it is written in your own hand. It is not necessary to be an outstanding poet - it is enough to be able to rhyme and put words together beautifully.

Flowers and other pleasant things will help you express your feelings. For example, you can present a lady with a bouquet of soft toys or sweets. In addition, you can give a book that a girl has long dreamed of, or invite your chosen one to a romantic film.

What to do in case of refusal?

Often, confessing your feelings can cause bewilderment and even rejection. It is important to behave correctly in this case, since aggression or expression of resentment will not only aggravate the situation, but also ruin the guy’s reputation.

A woman’s “no” does not always mean refusal. The intonation with which a girl refused to reciprocate can mean a lot. If the phrase is said with a serious expression on the face, then “no” means “no.” But if at the same time a woman smiles and flirts, this means that she is simply “playing refusal.” Sometimes representatives of the fairer sex refuse in order to increase their worth and force their boyfriend to seek her favor. They want to be wooed and to do romantic things for them.

To avoid a rude refusal, a guy should not ask a direct question about whether the chosen one will date him. The girl may be afraid to seem approachable, and therefore will probably refuse. But if you start with invitations to dates, you can increase the chances of reciprocity.

You should not create illusions about your relationship with the object of your adoration. Before you confess your feelings and propose to meet, you need to make sure that there is reciprocity. You can understand that a lady is positively disposed by the way she reacts to touch and courtship. It is logical to assume that the chosen one will refuse the guy if she did not initially make contact.

It is not necessary to officially propose to a girl to meet. If your meetings occur on a regular basis, and you feel at ease in each other's company, then you can simply gradually move on to more serious actions. For example, you can start with hugs or kisses on the cheek.

If the chosen one still refuses reciprocity, then you should not despair and fall into depression. First of all, you need to find out the reason for the refusal. Perhaps this is due to the young man’s excessive persistence or too quick a transition from acquaintance to expression of sympathy.

The reason for the refusal may lie in the guy's reputation. There may be some not very good rumors circulating about him, preventing the lady from believing in the sincerity of his feelings. Therefore, it is important to immediately clarify the situation in order to show your beloved the selflessness of your intentions.

Having received a refusal, the best solution will bring the lady to a frank conversation. Clarifying the relationship will help maintain friendship and, perhaps, change something. If a guy has serious intentions, then it is in his interests to do everything to correct the current situation. You need to gradually regain the girl’s trust, using all your positive qualities for this.

Every man should understand that it is not enough to have a presentable appearance in order to win the heart of a woman. You need to be a versatile person who can attract a lady not only beautiful eyes, but also a pleasant character.

Tips for self-improvement.

  • Keep an eye on your appearance: a girl is more likely to pay attention to a guy's advances if he has perfect appearance. In this case, we are not talking about natural data, but about neatness and cleanliness. Therefore, when going to a meeting with the object of your desire, it is important to make sure that hair, nails, shoes and clothes are in impeccable condition.
  • Develop your mind: Intellectually developed men attract women much more than pumped-up ignoramuses. Pleasant appearance may make the first impression, but later on you will need to use your mental abilities.
  • Strengthen your character: every girl dreams of strong man, capable of standing up for the lady of his heart and solving any of her problems. If a young man does not keep his promises and runs away from troubles, he will quickly disappoint his chosen one and provoke a breakdown in the relationship.
  • Radiate optimism: gloomy and eternally dissatisfied people are not able to win over their interlocutor. A girl would rather reciprocate her feelings with a cheerful and sociable guy than pay attention to a secretive and pessimistic young man.
  • Be generous: girls love generous men. If on the first date a guy starts loudly counting expenses or offers to split the bill, then his date will most likely refuse to meet again.