How to make a wish on New Year's Eve. New Year rituals: how to make a wish correctly so that it comes true How to make wishes for the New Year so that they come true

We're all waiting New Year's Eve with special trepidation and excitement. It's not only main holiday year, but also the opportunity to make your most cherished wish during the chimes, which will definitely come true in the New Year.

But why should everything wished for this night come true? Bioenergetics experts claim that it is at the moment of changing the calendar year that special information channels open, the Universe hears each of us and is ready to help in the implementation of our plans. The main thing is to be able to make a wish correctly .

2 ways to make wishes

The ritual, which I personally repeat from year to year, is familiar to most Russians. During the chiming of the Chimes, you need to have time to write your wish on a small piece of paper, then burn the piece of paper, throw the ashes into a glass, drink and snack on a slice of fresh pineapple. I still don’t understand what the pineapple has to do with it, but I dutifully follow all the instructions.

Unfortunately, the wish did not always come true. After conducting a real investigation together with the correspondents of the program, I found out why: the fact is that when doing these manipulations, we only think about how to get everything done and completely forget to focus on desire.

Tip one: clearly formulate your thoughts. Do you want a lot of money? Write: I want a salary increase. Do you want to get married? Write the name of the groom (if, of course, you already have him in mind) If not, no problem! Write: I want to find a husband! Remember that abstract formulations do not work. More specifics mean more chances that your wish will come true.

Tip two: mentally imagine how your wish comes true. For example, if you want new car , imagine the brand, model, color, mentally sit behind the wheel of your new swallow, feel how comfortable and pleasant you are, listen to the sound of the engine. Don't hold back! Give free rein to your imagination. Model your future!

Another way to make a wish on New Year’s is called “Drawing of Happiness.” You will need a sheet of paper and watercolor paints. Choose only bright colors.

Schematically draw your desire, focus on your thoughts. Next, roll the design into a scroll, tie it with a red ribbon, melt the wax and seal the scroll so that the wax gets on both the ribbon and the paper. Then scratch your initials on this seal. Ready!

The scroll can be hung on the Christmas tree. Warn your family so that no one touches it. It should hang on the tree for a week. IN Christmas night remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place.

Next comes the most difficult part. You need to forget about your desire! Live your normal life. Only after your wish has been fulfilled, print out the scroll, circle the drawing with red paint and leave it to be stored until you have a new cherished wish. Only after this can the scroll be burned .

What to leave behind in the past year

We all want happiness and good changes from the New Year, and therefore it is extremely important to leave all the negativity in the outgoing year. To avoid accidentally taking with you New Year old grievances and problems, perform a simple magic ritual.

Try to be alone for a while. Take a few small sheets of paper and a pencil. On each piece of paper, write down your problems and difficulties that you have encountered in the past year - everything that prevented you from enjoying life. Focus.

Then, when you have described everything, take a candle and burn these sheets. It is better to do this outside, because the ashes need to be scattered. When the wind carries away the burnt sheets, mentally tell yourself that you are letting go of all old problems, all negativity, forgiving your offenders, etc. Then smile at yourself and think about how many new victories and achievements there are

During the change of the calendar year, a special atmosphere of goodness and miracle is created, which is why wishes made on New Year's Eve very often come true.

In order for your plans to come true, you need to formulate your dream in advance as completely as possible, but briefly. In order not to get confused in the pre-holiday bustle, it is better to write down your New Year's wish on a piece of paper. Moreover, this note can be used to perform a ritual.

Let's guess correctly

Few people know that making the right wish for the New Year is not so easy. The point is that you need to outline your dreams in as much detail as possible, but you won’t write a treatise on several pages! Therefore, you will need to try to fit your desire into a few words.

Basic Rules:

  • you need to think about the final, and not the intermediate, result, that is, if you want to relax at an expensive resort, then you need to think about a vacation trip, and not “more money.” You may have more money, but it will go to other needs;
  • there is no point in making wishes about other people, they should concern you personally. For example, it makes no sense to say “I want my husband to find a high-paying job”; it should be formulated as follows: “The financial situation of my family is high and stable”;
  • the desire should not contain negativity and evil directed at other people;
  • there should be no negation in the wording, that is, make sure that the particle “not” is not found among the words.

It’s better to start thinking about your desire a few days before the holiday, so that you can think about everything without rushing. Worth writing on a piece of paper possible options, and then choose what is especially important and valuable to you.


There are many interesting rituals that need to be performed on New Year's Eve, using a piece of paper with a wish written on it.

The most famous and frequently used is the one in which you need to burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, and throw the resulting ashes into a glass filled with champagne and drink it in one gulp.

A few notes on performing this ritual:

  • you need to formulate and write down what you have planned on paper in advance; it is very difficult to complete all the actions in a minute, so you should make your task a little easier;
  • use thin paper and take a small piece of paper, remember, the smaller the paper, the less tasteless ashes you will have to swallow;
  • attract helpers while you make a wish for the New Year, burning a piece of paper, someone will have to open a bottle of sparkling wine and fill the glasses;
  • Even if the last chimes sound, be careful, trying to swallow the wine in one gulp. If you choke, the desire may become irrelevant;
  • If you don't drink alcohol, it's okay. This ritual can be performed with any carbonated drink - lemonade, Coca-Cola or even mineral water.

In addition, you need to properly burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, that is, following fire safety rules. Be extremely careful with open fire, as a fire on New Year's Eve will not bring joy to anyone.

If it happens that you cannot set fire to the piece of paper (forgot your matches, are afraid of setting fire to the festive table, etc.), then you should use a simpler version of the ritual. It is enough to simply eat a piece of paper with a written desire and wash it down with wine.

Not everyone is happy about the prospect of swallowing paper or paper ashes, even in the name of fulfilling a wish. However, you can do without this. It is enough, simultaneously with the twelfth strike of the chimes, to open the window and scatter the resulting ashes from the paper into the wind, sending your dream into the information field.

If there are a lot of guests and everyone wants to make a wish, then it is hardly advisable to organize a mass burning of papers; after all, it is unsafe. Therefore, hand out white paper napkins and scissors to your guests in advance. Let everyone cut for themselves openwork snowflake and write his wish on it. When midnight comes, open the window and throw snowflakes outside to the friendly cries of the guests: “Happy New Year!”

There is another interesting ritual with papers that helps you get rid of negativity in your life. Write down on small pieces of paper everything that makes you unhappy (illness, lack of finances, lack of love, bad relationship in a work team, etc.). Then start collecting old unnecessary things in it - cracked plates, worn clothes, broken combs. In a word, we begin to consistently clear our house of rubble. There should be no less old things “to throw away” (if you end up with more, no big deal) than there are pieces of paper with the negativity present in your life.

We tape the prepared notes to the old things with tape (or attach them in any other way) and put the things in a large bag made of fabric (however, you can also take a plastic bag).

Put the bag on your back and take it to the trash containers. Throw it away and feel relief, liberation from negative events in your life. This ritual does not have to be performed on New Year's Eve; it is better to do it the day before, during the pre-New Year's cleaning.

For the rituals to work, it is not necessary to follow all the instructions exactly. It is much more important to believe that everything will work out, and also to be positive. If you perform the ritual in a bad mood or with the thoughts: “What nonsense this is!”, then you should not hope for the fulfillment of your desires.

On the one and only midnight of the year, when the clock strikes twelve, there is a high probability that your wish will come true. We are talking, of course, about New Year's midnight, and the wish will come true for a long time in the coming year.

There are many ways to make wishes for the New Year, just like. It’s better to follow the simplest path: choose as many ways as possible so that your cherished dream will surely come true.
True, it all depends on the speed of reaction. Indeed, in most ways, a wish must be made in time during the chiming clock. This article contains ten ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve that will help you get what you want.

How to make a wish for the New Year:

1. The most common and not very tasty method. You need to stock up on a small piece of paper and a pen in advance. During the chiming clock, you must write down your secret dream on a piece of paper, set it on fire and throw it into your glass of champagne. Sparkling drink, along with ashes and desire, drink in one gulp.

2. This is a more pleasant and tasty way. You need to prepare twelve grapes for yourself. During the chiming clock, you need to mentally express your desire, and have time to eat all the grapes. The tradition of making a wish in this way first appeared in Italy.

3. The power of self-hypnosis. Psychologists say that everything that a person would not want to receive in life, he must imagine in his surrounding reality. For example, if next year you want to get married, then during the magical New Year's Eve, simply repeat “I am married.” The energy of the festive night should help make your wishes come true faster.

4. In this method, you need to ask the Christmas tree for your wish to come true. A few days before the New Year, you need to make a small box with your own hands, in which you put leaves with a wish written on it. Hang the box on christmas tree- like decoration. On a festive night, go to the Christmas tree, take off the box with a wish, hold it in your hands and ask for the wish to come true. After this ritual, hang the box back. All that remains is to wait.

5. It is unknown where this tradition came from. Perhaps it was formed from the understanding of our ancestors that those who are taller are closer to God. During the chiming clock, you need to jump as high as possible and make a wish.

6. For those who like to do handicrafts and are going to celebrate the New Year in a large company, this method of making a wish would be an excellent option. Cut a lot of paper snowflakes: different shapes and magnitude. Give to each guest so that he can write down his wish on a snowflake. After the chimes, throw all the snowflakes out the window: let them circle and bring good luck.

7. They say that a generous person always receives double. To make your New Year's wish come true, on a festive night you can go out and wholeheartedly treat passers-by with sweets and cookies, and give them to your relatives.

8. This is one of the most difficult methods to prepare. You need to embroider your wish with thread on the hem of your festive outfit. A couple of stitches and, most likely, New Year's Eve will definitely give you what you want. Do not forget to place your hands on the place of embroidery exactly at midnight and say your wish out loud.

9. Ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve are replete with variety. Many require not only desire, but also certain skills. For example, this option suggests drawing or making a collage of your happiness. On paper you need to diagrammatically depict everything you want to get next year. Moreover, simple images will be enough. If you want love, draw a heart; if you want a separate apartment, draw a house. The finished collage must be tied with a ribbon and stored for a whole year in a secluded place.

10. Desires under the pillow. During the chiming clock, you must have time to write all your wishes prepared in your mind on pre-prepared pieces of paper. Put everything you managed to write under your pillow. In the morning after waking up, pull out one leaf - this is the desire that will certainly come true in the new year!

Now you know how to make a wish on New Year's Eve. Each person decides for himself whether to believe in the miracles of the festive night or simply treat the process as a game. Be that as it may, no one has yet canceled miracles in our lives! Have a fun and magical New Year's Eve!

And if you can't think of anything,

Every person on New Year's Eve gets an amazing opportunity to make their dream come true. There are special rituals for this. What are they?

How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true: basic rules

Working with a dream is an intuitive and purely personal process. But there are still several recommendations, following which will significantly increase the chances of achieving your plans. The main rules are:
1. Don’t tell anyone about your desire. Each person is a unique individual with their own energy field. And dreams are a secret possession into which other people should not be allowed. Their criticism and even just an unkind look can quickly nullify the positive attitude necessary to carry out the ritual.
2. Stay calm. Excessive desire to achieve a goal negatively affects the effectiveness of the ritual. Energy nervousness leads to the fact that a person either achieves nothing or achieves the opposite of what he intended. It is important to carry out the ritual in a balanced state of consciousness and even somewhat indifferently, simply performing the prescribed actions.
3. Focus on desire. Focus has nothing to do with panic, obsessiveness, or nervousness.
You just need to clearly understand the goal and direct part of your energy resources towards its implementation. To do this, you can keep a kind of fast for 3-7 days before the New Year. It is necessary to give up your favorite food, constantly reminding yourself that the restriction is set in order to achieve your dream.
There are many ways to make a wish for the New Year; magic even allows you to create your own rituals if they are inspired by intuition and inner insight. The ceremony must be liked and not cause rejection: this is the only way it will be beneficial.
How to make a wish on New Year's Eve at a crossroads
The ritual is suitable for those who are ready to celebrate the holiday outside the home: at midnight you need to stand at a quiet intersection. You need to take with you: a handful of coins; any treat with festive table; wax candle.
You should go to a crossroads outerwear, worn inside out. About five minutes before midnight, it is recommended to light a candle and cast a spell to make your wish come true:
“The festive night rises over the earth, illuminating people with joy, but I stand at a dead crossroads, calling out to the devil, turning to the demons, demanding their help. Come, devils and demons, to my light, stand behind my back, prick up your ears, listen to my desire: (voice the desire). As the new year comes to earth, so you, demons and devils, leave your palaces, go around the world, find what you are looking for, bring it to me, fulfill my desire. Now feast and celebrate, welcome the coming year, remember me with kind words, don’t forget about my request, receive your payment, and don’t demand anything more.”
Next, you need to put a treat on the ground, throw coins over your left shoulder, blow out the candle and go home, without looking back or reacting to rustling sounds behind you. The wish will come true within a year. After this time, it is imperative to return to the crossroads and silently burn out that same candle there in order to energetically complete what you started.

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve with the help of a brownie

The brownie lives in every modern home, although it is not often shown to people. But this entity loves the New Year very much and definitely joins the celebration. Being in high spirits, the brownie loses his vigilance, which should be taken advantage of.
You will need:
plate with milk.
You need to start the ritual in the evening, when they start setting the table. You need to retire to a quiet room, write your wish and the words of the spell on paper:
“Brownie-brownie, come play with me! I give you fresh and sweet milk, and you give me an honest and necessary wish. Drink tasty, nourishing milk - fulfill my kind, sincere wish.”
It is recommended to burn the paper. You should pour the ashes into a container of milk, and then place the container on the table. It is advisable to allocate a separate place and its own chair for the brownie: this way the entity will feel more comfortable and will be more likely to help in carrying out the ritual. It is necessary to start celebrating. You should not look towards the plate too often, so as not to confuse the brownie and arouse suspicion. The entity, amused by the triumph, will definitely treat itself to milk, which means it will accept the terms of the contract. This is the surest way to make a wish in the New Year: the brownie will have to fulfill what the person has planned. In the future, it is recommended to thank your assistant by leaving him sweets and milk on the windowsill.

How to make a New Year's wish with a candle

You should start the ritual approximately 20 minutes before midnight.
You will need: wax candle;
container with water.
Complete privacy is required. You need to scratch a wish on the candle with a needle, expressed in one or two words. Next you should pronounce the spell:
“The candle burns, the wax is drowned, it drips into cold water, it embodies my desire, it saturates it with the fire of life, it manifests it in the world, it protects me from the troubles of black people, it brings me to me, it leaves me with happiness.”
The fuse is set on fire. It is recommended to pour the melting wax into a bowl of water. The ceremony is considered completed when the candle itself goes out. Water containing hardened wax should be disposed of in your yard, but away from your home. In this case you need to say:
“The water lies in the ground, it takes away my desire, so that it sprouted from the earth, so that it gains strength.”
You should return to the house. There are no restrictions: you can have fun, talk to people, just go to bed, etc.

How to make a New Year's wish for love

The ritual is suitable exclusively for solving problems in the personal sphere, be it finding a soul mate, attracting the attention of a person you like, or reconciliation. Under no circumstances should you use the ritual to wish for money, career success, or improve your health - the spell will behave unpredictably.
You will need:
own single photo;
pen; needle;
red candle.
There are no absolute recommendations when it is better to make a wish for love in the New Year: you need to listen to your intuition. Many prefer to perform the ritual immediately after midnight, while others allow witchcraft in the early evening of December 31st and in the first half of January 1st. You need to light a candle and write on back side snapshot your target. It is recommended to choose clear, concise phrases that accurately reflect the mood about what is planned. Be sure to add:
“So that my wish comes true in full, so that it only brings me good, so that it brings joy to everyone.”
Then you need to prick your index finger and press it to the photo, sealing what is written with blood. Next, the photograph is burned from the flame of a candle, and the ashes are scattered in the wind, out loud or mentally pronouncing the spell:
“Fly, snowy wind, fly into the New Year, take my wish where it needs to be taken.”
The wish will come true within twelve months. It is recommended to remember as little as possible about the ritual: the result will definitely appear, you just need to wait.

The easiest way to make a wish on New Year's Day

The ritual requires nothing more than awareness of its purpose. Around midnight, when all people are glued to the clock and TV, you need to open the front door and say a wish through it. In follow-up you should say:
“Everything that was said by me, the wind carried away into the distance, hid it from the eyes of strangers, hid it from the ears of curious people, saved it from the hands of the greedy, protected it from evil rumors, carried it under my wing for the time being, and when the hour came, I let my wish come true.”
After this, you can return to the celebration. The plan will come true next year. You can make wishes from any area: the method is universal and works equally well with issues of health, love, career, money, and luck.
If you make a wish on New Year's Day, it will almost certainly come true even for inexperienced magicians. It is only important to understand that fulfilling a dream does not always bring happiness. But why not try - maybe you'll get lucky?

On the longest night winter solstice, from December 21 to 22, the sun is renewed and the natural new year begins. The next twelve days are the golden time for realizing your plans and changing your destiny. Each of us has a chance to be reborn like the Sun, to become better, kinder, happier.

In the article: how to make a wish on New Year's Eve, what to hang on the Christmas tree for wealth and prosperity, under what conditions miracles come true.

The change of the old year to the new has evoked sacred awe since prehistoric times. It was believed that during this period the souls of deceased ancestors descended to earth to help or hinder human endeavors.

The New Year was known as a family holiday, which should have been celebrated with relatives, so that the Spirit, the guardian of the home, could attend the holiday and enjoy the fun of the whole family and the abundance of honestly earned money.

The custom of celebrating the New Year has come down to us from ancient times. People believed that along with the extinguished fire, all sins and misfortunes would remain in the past.

January 1, the first day of the new year, was designated “Day of Destiny.” The words, actions, and mood of this day determined the events for the year ahead. Hence the saying that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will see it off.

All the signs of the Day of Destiny, and especially the first hours of the night until dawn, were perceived as prophetic, and the words spoken that night were the most powerful.

How to prepare for the New Year so that your wishes come true

We are all looking forward to renewal in the New Year. But fulfillment of desires is possible only after putting order in your home and soul.

We do general cleaning:

wherever we spend a lot of time, in our homes, in our cars, in our office. Let's go through things and clear out the pantry. Things that we do not use, clothes that have become small or out of fashion, can be taken to the church, they will be distributed among the poor.

While putting things in order, we imagine that our entire life is being cleansed of everything unnecessary, that which clutters up our living space and holds back old energy and does not allow in happy changes.

Let's sum up the results of the outgoing year.

Having retired, let’s remember all the important events, what we learned, what experience we gained, what we realized, what we achieved and what did not work out.

Let's think about the direction in which we are moving, what goals we set for ourselves and whether we really need these goals, are they truly ours or dictated by someone else's influence.

Let's thank ourselves and those people, who took part in our lives, who brought us new experiences, even painful ones.

This is important: by letting go of the past with gratitude, we open up to a better future.

Let's hope that with the passing year all troubles and failures will go away, and with the new year wonderful changes will come.

Freeing our soul

from bitter disappointments, long-standing grievances, painful memories. We forgive our offenders, even those whom we don’t want to forgive at all...

We forgive ourselves and ask for forgiveness from those who were unintentionally offended or hurt.

Resentment, anger, anger, self-flagellation absorb energy. Let's leave them in the past and open up to renewing all areas of life, fulfilling our plans and desires.

And, of course, we’ll think about New Year’s gifts in advance..

They, especially those made with your own hands and with good thoughts, convey good energy to your loved ones. And everything we send into the world comes back many times over.

Give goodness!

Why wishes made on New Year's Eve come true

On New Year's Eve there is a crossing of the symbolic border:

  • from old year to new year,
  • from past to future,
  • from number 12 to number 1.

This transition has powerful energy, fueled by the desire of millions of people for change and fulfillment of desires. And energy is, in the end, everything: money, love, and the right relationships...

On New Year's Eve, inexplicable cosmic transformations occur. According to the legend of the ancients, the program for the development of man and humanity as a whole is activated and recorded in the information field of the Earth. coming year. By making wishes at midnight, we adjust our personal program, indicating to the Higher Powers what we really want for ourselves.

The first three minutes of the new year are the most favorable.

Living spruce is a conductor of our desires

The most important condition for the realization of dreams: the presence of energy, which, as is known, arises in the presence of two poles - male and female.

Male pole on New Year's Eve- spruce, which in the old days was called the tree of wishes. A living tree is charged with the energy of development and life; every needle of it connects us with the Cosmos.

A man must select the spruce, bring it into the house, install it and put a tip on its top. Just as he chooses and plans the goal towards which he moves.

If there is no man in your house, turn to your matchmaker, brother, neighbor, or friend for help.

A tree topped with a tip (sign masculine orientation), becomes a powerful antenna that concentrates and directs our intentions into the subtle (inner) world, to the subconscious (soul), to the Universe.

That is why, since ancient times, it was customary to dance around the Christmas tree, give and receive gifts, make wishes and make wishes.

Women's pole on New Year's Eve- Christmas balls. To fulfill your plans, you should buy three new Christmas balls for every household member.

How to make wishes on Christmas balls

Important! When making wishes, say the phrases in a whisper, so your subconscious and brain will more easily perceive the information. You can move your lips silently.

First ball- a symbol of the deepest dream. Hold the ball in the heart area, say the phrases and hang it at the top of the tree.

Second ball intended for desires related to money and health. Hold it in the solar plexus area while making a wish. Its place is in the middle zone of the tree.

Third ball- this is a wish for coherence and prosperity to the entire world around us, the fulfillment of the dreams of all people on the planet. Send it, and the Universe with all its energy will strengthen your personal aspirations and endow them with additional power.

What else to hang on the Christmas tree to fulfill wishes and attract the energy of abundance

The ancient customs of decorating the spruce not only with toys have survived to this day.


Tangerines- will attract additional energy into the marital union, strengthening it.

Oranges- a magnet for the well-being and peace of the family.

Candies- attract the energies of an easy and sweet life.

Walnuts, wrapped in gold foil, improve brain and mental function, relieve sad thoughts and migraine-like pain.

Eating sweets from the wishing tree, we are charged with their fantastic energy of triumph, wealth, joy, prosperity.

It is not clear, but it is a fact confirmed by many: wishes made on New Year’s Eve come true regardless of whether a person believes in a miracle or not.

A miracle is always in our hands

Is there a formula for luck and fortune? Can a person perform miracles?

Carl Jung, demonstrating the possibility of a Miracle, often cited the following parable:

“The drought has not left one village for many years. Its inhabitants turned to many magicians, but their efforts were in vain. In desperation, the villagers invited the most powerful overseas Rain Mage. Upon arrival in the village, he retired for 4 days to a broken tent.

On the 5th day, rain poured down, saturating the parched ground with water.

Imagine the surprise of the villagers when, when asked how the Magician managed to make it rain, he replied that he did nothing. In response to their amazed questions, he said: “When I appeared in your village, I immediately realized that you were no longer in harmony with the world. I meditated for four days, restoring harmony with Heaven. It ended up raining."


The New Year is a wonderful opportunity to stop and think about the meaning of life, reevaluate your goals, clear your living space and soul of the old, outdated, let into your reality everything new, the best, what you dreamed of.

Wishes will definitely come true, If:

  • you are in harmony with the world around you and with your soul,
  • they are filled with masculine and feminine energies. Buy live Christmas tree(or at least a branch), crown it with a top, and hang new balls on it, making wishes.
  • They are made in the first three minutes after midnight.

Happy New Year!