Snowflakes from threads: master class. New Year's crafts from threads and glue How to make a snowflake from knitting threads

Of course, the most popular material for making snowflakes is paper, but with a little imagination and a little ingenuity, you can craft this type of decor from other available materials, for example, wire, beads, felt, plastic bottles, cotton buds and much more. Today we will tell you what to make snowflakes for home decor from. With ready-made snowflakes it will be possible to decorate the Christmas tree, curtain rod, door handles, ceiling chandeliers, as well as wall sconces.

From what you can make snowflakes or how to make snowflakes with your own hands.

Such snowflakes can be collected from a wide variety of pasta, in this example shells and bows were used. We spread the future snowflake on the table, with a hot glue gun or polymer glue we glue all the pasta with each other, at the end we paint the product with acrylic paint. You can read more about the manufacture of such snowflakes; various examples of pasta snowflakes are also presented there.

Snowflakes made of wire.

We take a long length of wire, wind one of the ends into a spiral, string a transparent bead, create a loop, behind it two more loops, scroll the ends with loops. We proceed to the next part of the snowflake, thread a bead, create a long loop, press it with your fingers, next to it we create two more such loops, twist all three loops one at a time. With the following parts of the snowflake, we do the same. From the remaining piece of wire we create a cobweb in the center, for this we draw the wire from one ray of snowflakes to another, each time wrapping the ray at the center. You can tie a silver thread to the finished snowflake and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles.

Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle with a knife, take a thin brush and draw a snowflake on the cut part of the bottle with acrylic paint. In conclusion, from above, with an awl, create two holes into which we thread the rope to hang the product.

Snowflakes from tubes from paper towels.

Cut a slightly flattened tube from paper towels into a 5–7 mm wide ring with a clerical knife. On the table we lay out a snowflake from them (the product can be supplemented with elements of their paper), all the details are glued with polymer glue or Moment glue. Cover the snowflake with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with small sparkles.

Snowflakes made of felt.

We cut the felt fabric into circles (you can try using cotton pads), sewing the outline of snowflakes with colored threads, then we cut their contours with scissors.

Snowflakes from beads.

Snowflakes can also be made from beads, the whole process of weaving snowflakes and beads is shown below.

Snowflakes made of beads.

To work, you need three pieces of wire, in the center they need to be soldered or glued together with a glue gun. Beads of different sizes should be strung on segments of the future snowflake, and so that they do not fall off at the ends, it is necessary to create rings with pliers or to process the last beads with transparent polymer glue.

Snowflakes made from cotton buds.

We cut out circles from thick colored cardboard, put cotton buds on them, forming the outline of a snowflake, glue all parts of the sticks to the base of the circle.

Snowflakes made of woolen threads.

On a sheet of parchment or a piece of film with a marker, draw a snowflake (photo below), grease the surface of the snowflake with greasy hand cream. We cut off the short part of the woolen threads, soak it in PVA glue, and apply it to the painted parts. When all parts of the snowflake are pasted over, the nose of the bottle of PVA glue is held in parts of the snowflake, covering them with adhesive film. Then we dip the brush in blue gouache and paint the applied layer of glue. Leave the snowflake to dry when the product dries, carefully separate it from the parchment or film.

Snowflakes with a hot gun.

Grease a sheet of parchment with greasy hand cream, glue the snowflake outlines with a glue gun, after the snowflake hardens, grease its surface with PVA glue and sprinkle with sparkles. On the reverse side with a glue gun, glue the thread-pendant.

Snowflakes from toothpicks.

From the toothpicks we lay out two identical lattices, glued with PVA glue, then we wrap each of them at the joints with threads. Then we lay one grate on another, slightly mixing clockwise, gluing each other with transparent polymer glue or Moment.

Match snowflake.

We draw a pen on a sheet of paper and measure out the shape of a snowflake with a ruler. Then we take a few boxes of matches, and set fire to each match to give them the desired color. Then we stick matches to the surface cut out of a cardboard of a form. The length of matches can be adjusted by cutting off excess with scissors.

Snowflakes made from PVA glue.

We cover a sheet of parchment with a layer of hand cream, then draw with the glue of PVA the outline of a snowflake, sprinkle the product with a fine sheen, leave it to dry completely. Then carefully separate the frozen snowflake from the surface of the parchment (a video is presented at the end of the article).

Volumetric snowflake made of paper.

We draw six squares on a piece of paper, in each of the squares we draw three more squares. Cut large squares, each bend in the middle. Scissors are not completely cut through the lines. Expand the square, turn the first row of strips, gluing them together with PVA glue or connecting with a stapler. Turn the square over and connect the next row of strips. Then turn the square over again and connect the next row of strips with glue or a stapler. The same should be done with the following five squares. When all the parts of the snowflake are ready, they must be joined together, tricks stapler.

Snowflake made from textile napkin.

Such a snowflake will greatly decorate the festive table, namely the guest plate. We take a square textile napkin, bend all four corners to the center, and the newly formed four corners also bend to the center. Turn the napkin over, bend the corners to the center, holding with your hand. We pull the corners outward, gently spreading it with our hands, between the rays of snowflakes we also straighten the corners out. We lay the snowflake on a plate, and put a large rhinestone or cone in its center.

DIY paper snowflakes.

Paper snowflakes can be glued onto the glass of the window, hung on a fishing line from the ceiling, chandelier or sconces, as well as decorate the Christmas tree with them. To create a snowflake, you need a square sheet of paper, bend it in half, bend the corner of the left formed part to the right bottom, now bend the right corner to the left bottom, fold the resulting part in half. Cut off the excess with scissors. Well, then you need to cut snowflakes with scissors according to the patterns below.
  How to fold paper to create snowflakes.

What to make snowflakes from? From PVA glue.

As you can see, making snowflakes with your own hands is not at all difficult to make, especially since you can use completely different materials to create them. We hope that after this review, the question of what to make snowflakes from will stop bothering you.

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We make snowflakes from threads (with photo)

New Years is soon! We will decorate the room and of course, the Christmas tree! Earlier we talked, but today we will talk about how to make a snowflake from ... threads!

I found a charming snowflake made of threads on the Internet - a great New Year's craft or a DIY gift. Below detailed description of the master class in pictures   create this winter beauty!

For making snowflakes we need

  1. Knitting
  2. Scissors
  3. Cardboard
  4. Eyes
  5. Hook

Detailed workshop with photo

Step 1.   We make a blank of cardboard as for a pompom. We cut out two rings from thick cardboard, in the middle we also make a round neckline. We make an incision in a circle so that it is convenient to wind the thread. We wind the thread gradually uniformly tightly, first in one direction, then in the other. I got two layers of thread. I have a width of cardboard of 5 cm, respectively, a finished snowflake - 10 cm wide.

Step 2   We cut the thread along the edge of the cardboard, carefully, that the threads did not break up.


Step 3   We insert a thread with a length of 40 cm between the cardboard boxes, tighten and tightly knit on two knots, leaving the ends, which will later be a loop.


Step 4   We form six or eight rays from the resulting pompon, tying the rays along the edges with a thread of the same color. We make sure that the thread on which the snowflake hangs turns out to be inside one of the rays, emerges from it.


Step 5   If desired, you can create a little face of a snowflake of thread. We make a nose with the help of threads and a hook. We knit a chain of two air loops. Then we make 6 single crochet in the first loop, close the circle. We make a loop of lifting and we knit 6 more crochets in a circle, we also close the circle.

Step 6   We fasten the nose to the center of the snowflake, stretching the ends of the thread through the middle to the back side and tying two knots there. We hide the tips.


The last step.   We attach a mouth under the nose. I made it out of red thread. I tied two knots on a piece of thread in the middle. The tips were hidden in the middle of a snowflake (like a nose). I fixed the nose and mouth on the glue. At first I wanted to make eyes out of cardboard, but decided that the purchases would look more elegant 🙂

Such a snowflake now lives in my house 🙂


Big variety snowflake patterns   on our .

P O P U L I R N O E:


    (Translated from English “twisting”) - this is the creation using special balls of different shapes and sculptures. Crafts from balloons can be very diverse. You can make everything you can think of: flowers, animals, garlands, hats and even clothes.

New Year's holidays are already on the verge, which means it's time to start preparing for them. Undoubtedly, the main decoration will be a Christmas tree, which can be decorated with either store toys or homemade ones. However, in addition to the Christmas tree, many try to transform the interior, thus creating an atmosphere of celebration and fairy tales.

If you want to truly transform your home for the New Year, then it's time to put aside all things and take up free evenings with needlework. In this article, we have prepared for you more than 50 step-by-step master classes of New Year's crafts from threads. A suitable option for themselves will be found not only by experienced craftswomen, but also beginners in needlework.

Do-it-yourself simple crafts from threads for the New Year

From simple threads with your own hands you can create a huge variety of New Year's crafts. It can be snowflakes, stars, angels, Christmas trees and more. Simple crafts made of thread for the New Year will especially captivate children, because a hand-made little thing will not only bring pleasure, but will also fill the child with the expectation of the main holiday of the year with its wonders. Indeed, who could have thought that ordinary threads would turn into wonderful crafts?

Snowflake made of threads: simple Christmas crafts for children

Kids are looking forward to the most important holiday of the year - a time of magic and gifts. And now is the time to start creating this very magic, because it is in the details. Winter evenings are long, so the time for Christmas crafts is full! From this master class you will learn how to make an original New Year's star from threads and cardboard. You will need: cardboard blank (circle or any polygon), threads for knitting, scissors. Make several cuts along the edges of the cardboard blank, and then wind the threads with different patterns.

DIY Christmas thread candy

As a New Year’s crafts, you can make a lollipop from threads with preschool children. To do this, prepare a cardboard circle, threads for knitting red and white, glue, a shelf for candy and a ribbon. Twist the threads with a flagellum, grease the cardboard base with glue and glue the red-white tourniquet in a spiral. Glue the stick and ribbon on the back. Add a bow and the candy is ready!

Simple Christmas thread crafts for children: make a snowflake from threads

You can master sewing skills by making snowflakes. For crafts, you will need a paper plate, needle, thread. On the inside of the plate, draw a snowflake. Make holes at the junctions of the elements so that the child can easily pass the needle and thread. Do needlework and enjoy the process!

Christmas star made of sticks and thread

Cool eco crafts turn out of sticks and threads. To make a star you will need five sticks, glue, threads. Stick the star-shaped sticks together. If desired, the frame can be painted with paint. Then wind the threads on the frame and you can use the star as an element of decor! Step-by-step MK see below.

Thread snowflake

With children, you can make a great snowflake out of threads. For the manufacture you will need cardboard or old postcards, threads, safety pins. How to do, see below:

Thread Angels

An excellent New Year decoration will be angels from threads. You can do this craft with children of any age. For manufacturing you will need: cardboard, threads, ribbons for decor. Step by step photo master class see below.

Santa Claus from threads: simple Christmas crafts with children

For crafts, you will need: a ring for the base, white and red threads, beads or buttons for the face, wire. We will fix the threads on the basis of the so-called blind loop. Collect the red threads into a bundle and the craft is ready!

A hat from threads and toilet paper: we make a miniature hat to decorate the Christmas tree

For a miniature hat you will need: a sleeve from toilet paper (towels), scissors, threads for knitting, a ruler, a decorative ribbon. We cut a ring of about 1 cm from the sleeve. We cut the threads into pieces of equal length. With a blind loop we “put” the threads on the bushing until we fill it all. After that we pass the threads through the ring, as if twisting. With a thin thread for sewing we tie the ends of the threads, trim and slightly fluff, making a pompom. The hat is ready! You can hang it on a Christmas tree or, for example, give it to a doll, or maybe even insulate some homemade snowman!

Garland of tassels from threads: do-it-yourself Christmas decorations

An unusual garland can be made of threads. To do this, we need to make several brushes and fix them on one long rope. It’s not very convenient to hang a garland of threads on a Christmas tree, because threads can become tangled in Christmas tree branches. But decorating it with a room is a great idea! Step-by-step MK see below.

A horse from threads: we make toys with our own hands

You can make real toys out of threads with your own hands, for example, a horse, which will become an excellent Christmas-tree decoration. For a horse you will need threads for knitting (the main color and two additional ones for decoration), eyes. Step-by-step photo instructions are given below.

Herringbone for children

If you plan to do New Year's crafts with children, then, of course, it is worth choosing something simpler. An excellent option would be a Christmas tree made by winding threads on a dense cardboard blank. For manufacturing you will need: a blank of cardboard, threads for knitting, double-sided tape, beads. Glue double-sided tape to the base of the cardboard to fix the thread. Wrap threads tightly on cardboard, and in the last row, thread beads through the thread. Decorate the top with an asterisk button and leave a small thread so that the Christmas tree can be hung.

Christmas flowers from threads: decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year with your own hands

A simple but original craft of thread, which even kids can handle. How to do it: we wind the threads on a cardboard as for a pompom, tie in the center. Then we separate a small part of the threads and also tie at the end. Cut the ends of the flower and decorate the middle with a bead or sequin.

DIY Christmas wreath of thread

Another simple craft of thread for the New Year is a wreath. For this craft, it is better to purchase plush threads, so the wreath will look more fluffy. In addition, you will need such an unusual base (see photo). Next, cut the thread into segments of the same size with a knot and fix on each row of the warp. Decorate the wreath with a bow and you're done! Photo MK see below.

DIY Christmas ball made of threads

The original thematic decoration for the Christmas tree in the form of a ball with threads can be made independently. For crafts, you will need a foam blank, wooden sticks, threads for knitting, round beads. To make the sticks look like knitting needles on one side, glue round beads. Poke the foam blanks with your chopsticks, like knitting a ball. Now wind the threads so that the workpiece is completely covered with them. New Year's toy is ready! Detailed MK see below.

DIY snowman made of thread

Also, very cute snowmen are made from threads. You can, of course, buy three balls of white thread, connect them together and the snowman is ready! But, in order to save yarn, we will act cunningly. From the plastic bags make three balls of different sizes. Each of them is wrapped with thread and connected with an ice cream stick. It remains only to attach pen-sticks and, if desired, to decorate an additional snowman. elements.

Christmas ball made of threads: we make simple Christmas crafts with our own hands

You can decorate the Christmas tree with homemade Christmas balls made of thread. For the manufacture you will need a plastic Christmas ball, threads, glue. We lubricate the ball with glue and wrap the thread in a spiral.

Simple herringbone for office decor

New Year's atmosphere should reign not only at home, but also in the office. If you plan to decorate your workplace, then we recommend that you pay attention to a simple Christmas tree made of threads in the style of "minimalism". Herringbone is very simple to manufacture, so it will take no more than 15 minutes to create beauty! You will need: a paper cone for the base, threads for knitting, stand (optional). Make a cone out of thick paper. The threads can be fixed with glue or double-sided tape. Start winding from the top.

Christmas wreath from Alize puffy yarn

Continuing the theme of New Year's decor, you can not ignore such an element as a wreath. For this craft, you need to get a special yarn of the Turkish manufacturer Alize - Alize puffy. Thanks to special loops, the wreath is voluminous and fluffy. You will also need a base, you can buy foam in the store or make it yourself (from foam rubber or newspapers). Glue the yarn to the base and the wreath is ready!

Christmas stars woven from threads

If you have never woven from threads, then be sure to try. Although, probably there are no girls who have never wove baubles. Today we will weave New Year stars. In addition to the threads for this craft, you will need 5 sticks of ice cream. With a special knot, we tie the strings around the sticks and we get a figure that looks like a DNA spiral. When all five sticks are braided, they need to be glued together in the shape of a star. MK see below.

Christmas ball made of threads: do-it-yourself Christmas tree decoration

For crafts, you need a foam ball, threads, glue, colored buttons for decor. We coat the workpiece with glue and wind it with threads in a spiral, tightly pressing one row to another. On top of the threads the ball can be decorated with buttons or sequins, securing them with English pins.

Dreamcatcher style wreath

And another version of the wreath of thread. For the manufacture you need a base for a wreath (can be made of a metal hanger), thick yarn, glue, colored paper for decor. Step-by-step master class see below.

Pictures of thread: Christmas crafts for children

Long winter evenings are an ideal time to do creative work with children. When paper applications have already been mastered and no longer delight the child, you need to make pictures of thread! The essence of the craft is simple: the threads are cut into small pieces, a suitable picture is prepared in advance (it is better to take pictures without small details), part of the picture is smeared with glue and sprinkled with thread. Press a little, let dry and shake off excess. Go to the next part of the picture. You can see examples of finished work below.

DIY crafts for the New Year from threads and glue

Thread and glue crafts have gained particular popularity among needlewomen in recent years. And this is not surprising, the products are very delicate and winter-like patterns. Easy to manufacture and very original. We have collected for you some cool master classes that you can be inspired by!

Christmas tree made of threads and glue: step-by-step master class

The most popular thread craft is the Christmas tree made of thread and glue. It is done very simply, but it looks very impressive. For manufacturing you will need: paper cone, threads, PVA glue. Wrap gummed threads tightly around a paper cone. After the glue has dried, remove the cone and the Christmas tree is ready! Additionally, you can decorate it with beads, sparkles, ribbons, buttons and more.

DIY Christmas tree made of threads

Another simple version of the Christmas tree made of threads, which can be done with children. For this New Year’s toy you will need: a foam cone, threads for knitting, felt, a pompom for the top and any elements for decoration. Lubricate the foam base with glue and wind the thread tightly. We pass the thread into the pompom and glue it to the top. From the felt we cut out a circle with a diameter of the base of the cone, pass through it a thread with a bell and glue it to the base of the Christmas tree. Now it remains only to decorate a small forest guest and you can hang! Step-by-step MK see below.

You can make original Christmas-tree decorations from threads for knitting and glue. It can be stars, Christmas trees, balls and other figures. The main thing is to learn the technology, and then it's up to the imagination. So, for manufacturing you will need: thick yarn, PVA glue, a disposable tray (thermal box or something similar), safety pins (matches or small cloves are possible). Put the desired figure on the tray with pins. Thread the threads thoroughly with glue (better pour the glue into the container and place the thread there). Wrap the thread around the outline of the figure, and then fill the interior. Wait for the glue to dry completely and remove the pins. Attach the thread and the Christmas tree toy made of glue and thread is ready!

Balloons are very popular as crafts from threads and glue; they are also called spider line balls. You will need for needlework: threads for sewing, PVA glue, a balloon, oil (sunflower or for the body) or petroleum jelly. First, inflate the balloon to the size you need. Then grease its surface with any greasy oil or petroleum jelly. Pour glue into the container. Wrap the threads on the "greasy" surface of the ball, do not forget to leave the "extra" threads so that the cobweb of the ball has something to hang, then lower it into a bowl of glue and twist it well. After all the manipulations, we send our ball to dry. After the glue has completely dried, the ball must be removed, this is done by piercing the hole.

More decor ideas with balloons of thread and glue

Star of David made of thread and glue

For crafts, you will need stationery buttons with hats, a board, cling film, PVA glue, threads. Cover the board with foil and stick the buttons in the shape of a star of David. Thread one triangle, then the second, generously grease them with glue. When the glue dries, remove the buttons and tie the triangles at the intersection. Craft is ready!

If simple crafts from threads, in your opinion, are for wimps, then it's time to move on to serious needlework! It's time to get a hook from your needlework box and go to the real hand-made.

So, for those who have just begun their acquaintance with crochet, we offer a simple three-dimensional herringbone. For the manufacture of which you will need: threads, hook, paper cone, glue. We collect a chain of air loops (you just did it at labor lessons at school), and then glue this chain in a circle to a paper cone. The Christmas tree is ready, at will it can be additionally decorated.

Crocheted Christmas tree: step by step MK with a photo and description

For those who are even a little familiar with crocheting, we have an excellent master class on creating a knitted Christmas tree. There are no tricks here, simple knitting with a crochet column. For those who are not familiar with the technique of knitting, we recommend watching this instructional video. So, for a fluffy Christmas tree you will need: threads for knitting "grass", a hook, beads and ribbons for decoration.

We turn to the description of the work: you need to knit the Christmas tree in two threads. To get started, dial 56 air loops and lock them into a ring. The second row, like all subsequent ones, is knitted with crochets. Starting from the third row, it is necessary to reduce 4 loops in each row, i.e. divide the number of loops of the row by 4, and we get the number of loops that do not need to be knitted (56/4 \u003d 14, i.e. in the third row we do not knit every 14 loops). The number of loops of the 4th row will be reduced by four and will be 52 (56-4 \u003d 52). Again, we carry out simple mathematical calculations and we get that you need to skip every 13 loops (52/4 \u003d 13). And so we continue. In the last rows, the reduction will have to be done by eye.

Now the Christmas tree is ready, it remains only to decorate the knitted beauty, and you can put it in a place of honor!

With the help of a hook you can knit not only Christmas trees, but also other thematic crafts, for example, a Christmas wreath. From the threads, make 15-16 air loops and lock them into a ring, then knit three more rows with a regular single crochet, then fasten the thread. The wreath is ready. For a decor from a red thread, make 30-35 air loops, stretch them through a wreath and tie a bow. Crocheted wreath ready!

Crocheted christmas toys

Another option for Christmas crafts made of threads can be a knitted cover. You can tie the “clothes” for a store ball, which, for example, has lost its appearance, or, as in our version, for an old light bulb, thus transforming an unnecessary item into a Christmas tree decoration.

Crafts from pompons for the New Year

The most noble material for crafts from threads - pompons. What needlewomen do not do of them: Christmas trees, wreaths, snowmen, various animals and much more. It is very easy to make a pompom, you can use a special device, a cardboard circle, hand or fork. It all depends on what size pompom you need. But the essence is the same everywhere: wrap the yarn on the base, fasten the thread in the middle and cut the ends. Trim the ends of the pompom if necessary.

The more yarn wound around the base, the more magnificent the pompom will be!

Herringbone from pompons: do-it-yourself Christmas crafts

For pompon lovers, we offer a Christmas tree master class. Pompons are best done in different sizes, then the Christmas tree will look more harmonious. In this MK, it is proposed to make the Christmas tree multi-colored, but you can use pompons of the same color, for example, green, in which case the Christmas tree can additionally be decorated with beads. But the colorful forest beauty does not need additional decor!

In continuation of the topic of pompons, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the master class on making a New Year's wreath. You will need: a dense base, a lot of pompons, glue. Tightly glue the base of the wreath with pompons, wait until the glue dries and you can decorate the apartment!

Dwarfs from pompons: we make Christmas decorations from threads with our own hands

A fox from pompons: a step by step master class with a photo

Crafts for the New Year from pompons: making animals, owl

New Year's crafts from threads: we make a hedgehog from pompons

DIY Pom-Pom Pig: make the symbol of 2019

Crafts from threads for the New Year: hummingbirds

Mini Christmas tree made of threads: we decorate a gift for the New Year with our own hands

Do-it-yourself snowman from pompons: New Year's MK

Garland of pompons: we make Christmas decorations from threads with our own hands

Christmas garland "ice cream": step by step MK with photo

Christmas crafts made of ice cream pompons

Christmas pompom pudding: do-it-yourself Christmas crafts from threads

New Year's garland of pompons: decorate the interior with “cupcakes”

DIY Christmas crafts from threads and nails

A great idea of \u200b\u200bcrafts for the New Year will be a picture of threads and nails, or the so-called String Art (English String Art). Doing it yourself is not difficult if you follow simple safety rules while driving studs. All you need is a wooden board, a suitable pattern, nails, a hammer, tracing paper and thread. Transfer the drawing to tracing paper, attach it to the board and fix it so that it does not slip. In the outline of the drawing on the tracing paper, hammer in nails, and then remove the tracing paper. Now it remains only to fill the center of the picture with threads. Example Christmas schemes see below:

Nitkografiya: pictures of thread for the New Year do it yourself

Nitkography is a special technique of drawing with threads. Yes, we were not mistaken, namely drawing. This technique was born in Mexico, and today it has become quite widespread in our country. Even children can make pictures of threads, so you can safely take notes on a note for New Year's crafts. Beginners are advised to choose paintings without small details, therefore, you should start looking for a suitable picture in advance. For crafts in the technique of nitkography you will need: cardboard (the basis for the picture), thick PVA glue, threads for knitting (it is better if they will be the same thickness), scissors, paints. Transfer the picture to cardboard, grease the contour with glue and circle the thread. Press the thread well so that it sticks. When the circuit is done, it remains to fill it with thread. Examples of New Year's nitkographic paintings can be seen below:

Crafts from threads for the New Year in the technique of sinking

An excellent Christmas craft will be a picture in the technique of sinking or it is also called thread graphics. The essence of the technique is very reminiscent of String Art (paintings of threads and nails), only cardboard and a needle are used in isonity instead of planks and nails. This kind of embroidery is quite original and interesting, but for children it is not quite suitable, as there may be certain injuries in the process. For Christmas crafts using the technique of sinking, you will need cardboard, a suitable picture, thread, needle.

For the holiday. We get balls and snowflakes, but it's nice to hang a toy that I made with my own hands, and if a child helped you make it, then this toy will be the most beloved for all family members. There are not many snowflakes in winter, so today I will step by step tell you how to make a snowflake out of thread on my own for the New Year.

DIY snowflake from threads for knitting - master class

For work it is necessary:

  • yarn white, blue (or any other colors);
  • eyes;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.

Working process:

  1. We fold the cardboard in half and draw two circles, large and small.

  2. The distance between the two circles is multiplied by two, this will be the diameter of the snowflake.

  3. Cut circles.

  4. If the glomerulus with threads is larger than the inner diameter of the circle, then fold the two cut circles together and cut a small strip on one side (we will run the thread inside the circle through this strip).

  5. Wrap the whole circle with white thread.

  6. We insert scissors between two circles and carefully cut the edge of the threads.

  7. Between the two circles we pass the white thread and tie the threads tightly.

  8. Wrap the blue thread around your fingers and tie a tight thread in the middle, cut the edges and form a ball. Pass the blue ball into the middle of the snowflake and secure from the inside.

  9. We trim one strand near the snowflake and tie it with a blue thread near the edge.

  10. You can immediately divide all the threads into ten equal parts and fix them all at the edge with blue threads.

  11. Glue the eyes or sew black beads (buttons).
  12. Embroider a smile.

A snowflake is made very easily and therefore they can be made in a short time a large number on one piece of cardboard. Instead of a blue ball in the middle, you can sew a bead. To speed up the process, each strand can be tied with rubber bands cut from a balloon. You can tie strands in several rows in a checkerboard pattern. Turn on the fantasy and make a lot of snowflakes that are not alike.

Christmas toy "Snowflake on the template." Workshop with step by step photos.

  Komolova Anna Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, head of the studio “Nodular Fantasy” SBEI DO RK “Palace of Children and Youth Creativity”, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol.
  This master class is intended for children 6-10 years old, teachers and parents.
Appointment:a wonderful decoration for the Christmas tree, can be used as a decorative element for compositions.
Goal:   making snowflakes from textile material using a template.
  to teach the technology of manufacturing a multipath snowflake using a template;
  develop thinking and recounting skills to 9;
  to cultivate accuracy in work.
  Hedgehog looks at the snowflakes:
  - This, he thinks, is a hedgehog ...
  White, spiky
  And besides - volatile.
  Spider on the web
  Looks at snowflakes too:

You look how brave
  These flies are white! (A. Usachev)

New Year! A holiday provoking a creative search for simple but effective toys for decorating a house and a Christmas tree.
On one of these pre-holiday days, the idea of \u200b\u200ba new snowflake made of thick threads or yarn came to my children and me.

  They did it ... They admired it and decided to use it further. It's simple, but you need to be able to correctly count to ... 9.
To complete the work we need:   textile material (thick threads or cotton yarn), a plastic or cardboard template (we took a ring for storing pins), 20 pins, PVA glue diluted with water (1: 1), a glue brush. If desired, you can complement the work with beads, beads and sequins.
1 stage of work.
  We fix the thread from the hank from the wrong side with adhesive tape to the template.

  Then hook the thread on the front of the pin. This is the zero point.

  Count 9 pins clockwise and hook the thread onto the last one. Now this pin will be 0. From it we read 9 pins clockwise.

  Pay attention to the figure: the pins can not be counted, but use the regularity indicated by the arrow ...
  And so we fill all the pins in one layer.

  Option: pre-string the beads or small beads on the thread and do the work of filling the template with an even distribution of beads.

Difficulties:   in case of incorrect winding, a clumsy snowflake is obtained
To fix:   remove the thread from the template and rewind in a new way with a clearer recount.
2nd stage of work.
  Put the finished workpieces on a plate and carefully glue each thread with glue.

  Glued snowflakes leave to dry for 5-8 hours. Remove dried snowflakes from the templates by removing pins and place in accordance with the imagination.

Difficulties: The snowflake is soft and does not hold its shape.
To fix:   glue a second time with a stronger adhesive solution.
  In the studio, we use such snowflakes in different ways.

Thanks for attention! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!