The most common makeup mistakes. Common mistakes and standard mistakes in make-up

  • It seems to be difficult not to notice when the color of the foundation does not match the skin tone, but, alas, this mistake is easier to make than it might seem. Firstly, most girls try the tonal remedy on the wrist, although the more suitable area for this is at the jaw line, closer to the neck. Secondly, many do make-up in poor lighting conditions, which does not allow you to see that the tone of the foundation is not what you need. Only daylight will help you understand how your makeup really looks. Read more about how to choose the appropriate option, read the material.
  • In the general photos you get paler than the others? This may be another sign that the tone of the funds are not correctly selected. In this case, it is worth checking once again whether the shade of the foundation is the same, as well as changing the pigmented powder to.
  • To apply blush with circular brush strokes on the “apples” of the cheeks is not the best solution. It is this mistake that leads to the fact that the “decoration” of the makeup becomes a blush, more like an allergy or irritation. You need to work with blush differently: they must be "stretched" diagonally just below the zygomatic bone. The jaw line should serve as a guideline for tilt. For other mistakes that can be made in dealing with blush, read.
  • When the foundation by the middle of the day “slides” from one part of the face and is in excess on the other, it is worth revising the amount of the product that you apply to the skin. To prevent stains, show moderation: it is not necessary to cover the entire face with foundation. Makeup artists advise using tone only on those areas of the face that need correction and mask imperfections.
  • Looking at yourself in full view, you see expressive cheekbones and noble features. But rarely, after contouring, he also looks at himself in profile. And on the cheeks, meanwhile, dark spots flaunt - traces of inept sculpting. It’s better to study in detail before sculpting a face, and not to forget about high-quality shading.
  • The mistake of many girls is that they use shimmer shadows as a base for the eye make-up. Moreover, they are applied so carelessly that they fall into the inner corner of the eye under the eyebrow and to other areas where they should not be. For the "background" layer it is better to use matte shadows. If you want a light shine, then apply shadows with a shimmer only on the moving eyelid and with great accuracy.
  • By the end of the day, dark spots form under the eyes? Give up the usual way to eyeliner of the lower eyelid. They should not be tinted with shadows or under the ciliary contour. Use a pencil for the eyes, and a shade lighter than the one with which you draw the arrows on the upper eyelid. Better yet, get a kayal and a soft line to let the mucous membrane pass - then you definitely won’t walk with “panda eyes”.

Lubricated lipstick, foundation cream stripes, massive eyelashes, peeling soot on the cheeks - we were all there! The mirror tells us that you can’t go out into people in this form, the clock - that you go out, even run out, you need to right now ... In a hurry, fixing makeup errors is simply unrealistic, you can only aggravate it. However, habit is second nature: you just need to accustom yourself to do everything right, and then you can forever forget what it is makeup mistakes.

How now to go out the door when makeup mistakes literally scream out to us from the mirror “Stop!”? Time does not wait - and now what to do? If you don’t have time to wash everything off and start the visage all over again, you need to calm down, exhale and confidently work on the mistakes. We've selected seven common makeup mistakes and life hacks to help you fix them quickly. We also recommend using the advice of makeup artists to help you avoid them in the future. Well, mistakes in makeup that age are a separate issue, and we have already partially addressed it.

Makeup Error # 1: smeared lipstick, sloppy lip contour

How to fix it quickly?  Take a slightly damp cotton swab or make-up brush, on which you hook a little foundation or concealer. Carefully circle the places where the lipstick is smeared. Then do a control application in the area where it lay fuzzy. If the problem is in the asymmetrical line around the mouth, simply remove the excess with a cotton swab or a masking brush around the red border of the lips, and then re-apply the lipstick, but more accurately.

Future decision. Unfortunately, some of us have thin, not too clearly defined lips or wrinkles around the mouth, where particles of lipstick and lip gloss are easily clogged. This practically does not allow us to maintain a neat and clear lip contour for at least a couple of hours, no matter how hard we try with the make-up in the morning. Fortunately, there are special tools - lip liners (Long-Lasting Anti-Feather Lipliner) - the first line of defense against these issues! A liner that prevents smearing and spreading helps even if you use greasy lipsticks with juicy colors that are guaranteed to smear and clog wrinkles around your mouth. By the way, matte lipsticks cause less trouble in this regard, and then you can do with a simple contour pencil.

Makeup Error No. 2. Excess or inaccurate application of foundation

How to fix it quickly?  Take a lightly moistened make-up sponge and use light superficial dotted strokes to remove excess foundation on your face to soften and mix the excess foundation. If you do not have such a sponge, you can use a clean brush, such as kabuki. It will also be good to clean the brush for the foundation. Confidently remove excess cream in the area around the jaw and hairline - this is where excess pigment often accumulates. After you have finished the correction, use a little light powder, which will help smooth out all the imperfections after applying the foundation.

Future decision. Sometimes the reason that you can’t achieve optimal results from the tonal foundation is not the poor quality of decorative cosmetics - in fact, the problem is in the application technique that you are used to using. Remember: each new foundation or foundation has its own nuances of application. So after buying a new product, do not be too lazy to work out in your free time or even get a makeup lesson from a consultant (some brands provide training in the store or by appointment). So you will quickly master the correct technique and achieve the desired results - the perfect face tone!

If you get the hang of using a new foundation, but you still have problems with the result, cosmetics are most likely to blame. The texture of the product may be too dense or, conversely, not have sufficient covering ability - in these cases, the complexion will look heterogeneous, and the results of the whole makeup will be disappointing, because the tonal foundation is the basis of the make-up.

Make sure the foundation is suitable for your color and skin type. Take the time to read product reviews, test probes, and stop at the best option. When using it, do not rush: apply the base smoothly and evenly, and in a big hurry you will surely make mistakes. And always use a primer - it effectively prevents errors in the application of foundation!

Makeup mistake number 3. Eye shadow

How to fix it quickly?  Gently wipe the excess eye shadow with a cotton pad or brush it off with a fairly wide and clean brush. After that, you can use a lighter shade of eye shadow on top of the eyelid on top to soften the “call girl” effect.

Future decision. The perfect application of eye shadow depends on two main factors. The first is the size of your eyelid, this is the main criterion for how to apply eye shadow, so that they make you attractive, and not vice versa. Consider the eyelid as a "canvas". For example, a person with small, deep-set eyes requires much less “color” than a person with large eyelids and wide-set eyes.

The second success factor is the makeup tools you use. Without a doubt, a good eye shadow brush will give you maximum control, create a cleaner outline and a more professional make-up. In addition, if you apply different colors; do not use the same brush to, for example, apply a dark brown shade for the outer eyelids and beige for the inside of the eyelids. As for the quality of the shadows themselves, their price has very little to do with how they lie on your eyelids. Check the list of the best eyeshadow in our store, carefully study the selection and reviews of those products that are beautifully applied and smoothly applied.

Makeup Error # 4. Pinched Eyebrows

How to fix it quickly?  Pinched eyebrows - in fact, not a make-up error, but a powerful factor provoking a gross mistake and painting thick brushes over your eyes. Tweaked? Select the matte eyeshadow and apply a little bit of the brush for the bows to fill the bald spots (“holes”) in the shape of eyebrows. Brunettes should choose a shade that matches the tone of the eyebrows or is slightly lighter than the natural color of the hair. But blondes should choose a slightly darker shade than the natural color of their eyebrows. Remember: a strong contrast with the native color of the eyebrows will always give the effect of unnatural “glued” eyebrows.

Future decision. It’s hard to deny that it’s hard to find patience in waiting for normal eyebrows to grow, but ultimately, the best solution is to suppress the urge to pick up the tweezers again: let them grow! Only remove excess single hair above and below the eyebrow line until you return the natural shape back. If the eyebrows stubbornly refuse to grow, you can consider the use of eyelash growth stimulants, which, when applied topically, will also contribute to the growth of eyebrow hair.

In the process of waiting for when they will grow back, decide on the form and choose a salon with a good eyebrow master. It’s easier for a specialist to help you create an eyebrow shape that will look natural, symmetrically and flatteringly reflect on your face. The wizard will also help you deal with the awkward growth stage of new hairs by correcting the shape of your eyebrows correctly.

Makeup mistake No. 5: "overdose" of mascara

How to fix it quickly?  Apply a very small amount of water (or, if it's waterproof mascara, silicone-based makeup remover) to a clean cotton swab or mascara brush. Then gently run it over your eyelashes to remove excess mascara and remove clumps. You can try to do this with a dry mascara brush, but it may not tear large lumps from your eyelashes.

Future decision. To avoid the effect of massive repainted eyelashes, henceforth apply only the minimum amount of mascara (minimum on the brush, minimum hold). For some brands, one easy application is sufficient. Always start from the base of the eyelashes, slightly turning the brush back and forth, smoothly moving it to the ends. To create more volume, apply an additional layer using short ascending strokes - do it quickly, before the first layer dries, otherwise lumps cannot be avoided. And remember: before applying the mascara, always gently wipe the brush with a piece of clean cloth.

If you do everything according to the rules, but the mascara still sticks together and lies unevenly, the problem is most likely with cosmetics and not with the application technique - so check the expiration date of the mascara or change the brand.

Makeup mistake # 6: creases from the concealer around the eyes

How to fix it quickly?  Wash your hands, and then use your ring finger to blend in to smooth the traces of the concealer, and then “cover” with a small amount of powder. For best results, use a small brush or sponge, making sure that the powder does not accumulate in the eyes and nose and does not clog wrinkles.

Future decision. The concealer is designed to eliminate defects around the eyes, but with makeup errors, he emphasizes them, especially after 30, keep this in mind. To avoid this, do not skip the preparatory stage of visage - first apply a thin layer of a good moisturizer (not necessarily labeled as “eye cream”) to the area around the eyes and wait until it is absorbed.

Use a concealer that is ideal for your skin type and color, and also has good covering power. The finer the texture of the product, the lower the likelihood that it will emphasize wrinkles.

Makeup mistake number 7. Too many blush

How to fix it quickly?  When you accidentally hit too much blush, the first impulse is to mix colors across the entire cheek area. Do not do this! You will be left with strange spots on your face. Instead, use a clean, dense brush and start sweeping away the excess blush in small circular motions. Check that there are no sharp corners left after correction. If left, smooth them with a powder puff or slightly moistened makeup puff (or use a clean beauty blender).

Future decision. Use only appropriate brushes to apply blush. Too small can not provide an even distribution of blush, and most likely will leave streaks on the cheeks and cheekbones. When applying blush, start with the full part of the brush to make sure that the color is correct. If necessary, brush off the excess after each “smear”. Smile (this will round and fill the cheeks), and then relax the facial expressions and, using a controlled swirl upward motion, blend the blush from the cheeks to the temples. Do not draw too much money on the brush at once - here the rule "Slower you go - you will continue!" Remember: makeup is always easier to add than to clean.

0   August 14, 2013, 18:56

For many of us women, a trip to a cosmetics store is like traveling through a candy store for children without adult supervision. So many different brands, so many shades of shadows, lipsticks, with shimmer, gloss and without, so many accessories.

It often happens that after a funny chat with consultants we buy a huge amount of products, which, supposedly, will soon disappear from the shelves and it is their absence that will not allow us to fully exist. As a result, we do not use them at all: this is the very first mistake we make.

Each woman uses an approximately certain set of cosmetics and some products in it periodically end. First you should make a list of the products that you need to buy in the store, and then boldly rush into the abyss of concealers, bronzers, beauty blenders and highlighters.

There are a certain number of repeated make-up mistakes that we may make without realizing it, and these actions play “out of our gates” and probably make us look older than our true age. Makeup was created in order to do everything exactly the opposite: to improve, but not to spoil. But still this is a tool, and you must be able to use any tool.

Today we’ll try to figure out what women sometimes do wrong in order to evaluate their own actions from the outside and become one step closer to the ideal.

1. Apply makeup to dry flaky skin

There is nothing worse than the tone applied to the skin of the face, which lies like flakes. Does your imagination draw lovely pictures when you read these lines?

The first and most important thing to remember is hydration, hydration, and again hydration. And you can easily get rid of “flakes” with the help of peeling, and you need to do this regularly, after which you should apply a moisturizer. Systematic self-care that has become a habit takes less time than fixing makeup.

2. Incorrect tint

The main task of the tonal remedy is to even out skin tone and mask imperfections, pigmentation or mild redness. If the color of the tonal foundation is chosen incorrectly, the rest of the makeup will go down the drain. Too dark a shade will create a mask effect, and the head will appear alien, while a light one will emphasize all wrinkles and irregularities.

The best way to choose the right shade is to apply at least three different shades on the chin (not on the arm) and choose the one that blends perfectly with the skin tone. About 70 percent of women wear the wrong tone just because they try it on the hand, and the skin of the hands, meanwhile, is a tone or two darker than the skin of the face.

There is a possibility that the tonal product was presented to you, and you really like it in its properties, but it doesn’t suit the color. The situation can be corrected. Remember: the line of tonal products is divided into a huge number of shades - with a pink, yellowish tint, neutral beige, for tanned and dark skin and so on. You can always buy a foundation of the same company, but of a different shade, which, when mixed, will give you the perfect result, just make up the perfect mix for yourself.

Not so long ago, tonal products appeared on the market, having reflective particles in their composition, giving the face a delicate radiance that is invisible to the eye and supposedly comes from inside. Healthy skin should not look too dull and dry, so these products are just a find!

And one more problem: some apply too much foundation. Remember: "under" is better than "re". Use a special sponge for foundation, which absorbs excess, but does not leave them on the face, or the brush for liquid foundation.

Still, for summer and winter it is necessary to use different tonal means!

3. Wrong shade or too much concealer

It is believed that the concealer should be much lighter, almost white, than the skin tone. This is not true! When choosing a concealer, remember its purpose. If you use only concealer to hide minor skin imperfections - choose it exactly to the skin tone, as a tonal remedy. If you use concealer and tone, then the concealer should be a little ... darker than the skin.

A light or too light concealer, not only does not mask anything, but also gives the impression that a person has bulging eyes, and if there are bags under the eyes (everyone has sleepless nights), then all these shortcomings will only be emphasized.

The effect of the highlighted eyes as or is achieved using a corrector, not a concealer.

Do not go too far with the amount. A person has facial expressions: when we smile, facial wrinkles appear under the eyes. Too many tonal resources will aggravate and cracks will appear, no matter how scary it sounds.

4. Sleep without removing makeup

Are you crazy ?! This is the worst crime, and not just for makeup, but for your skin. It is forgiven only if you are on the road (although who is painted, if going on the road). In general, there is simply no excuse for this crime!

Regardless of what time it is and how tired you are, remove makeup with milk or just washing it.

Clogged pores lead to acne, and shedding cosmetics in the eyes (some sleep on the face) can cause irritation or even lead to infections. A couple of minutes of work on yourself is not worth it.

5. Too much powder

In general, the powder was created in order to fix makeup, remove greasy shine from the face and matte those areas that shine (usually this is the T-zone). Fine mineral powders are considered the best for this.

In no case should you apply it with a sponge, which comes with the kit: a lot of product is typed on it, which leads to disastrous results. The best accessory for applying powder is the usual large brush, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store.

What to do with compact powders and how to adjust makeup during the day, you ask? Everything is quite simple. After you pick up the powder on the sponge - pat it to shake off the excess, and apply it best with light patting movements not on the entire surface of the face, but on those areas that shine - usually this is the forehead, nose, chin and middle part of the cheeks. Refrain from applying powder under the eyes.

6. Eyebrows

Eyebrow correction and their shape is an ever-changing trend.

To date, there is no specific rule on what eyebrows should be in thickness or shape, but in fact they should be well-groomed. Although, overly thin eyebrows will certainly add age and make the face flat.

And yet, every woman fits the form that nature has given her. One has only to remove those "street children" that are knocked out of the general row, comb with a special brush-comb for eyebrows and fix with a special gel or wax for eyebrows.

Or contact a good cosmetologist so that the specialist selects the perfect shape for you, which you will only have to maintain in order later, nothing complicated!

7. Mascara lumps or "spider legs"

Mascara is designed to highlight your eyes and make your look dramatic, add volume, length and color to the eyelashes. But there are times when mascara dries and lays too thick. If you apply it on the eyelashes several times, this will lead to the fact that the cilia are blinded together and will look like thick legs of a tarantula.

Oddly enough, this is the most common mistake and you can see girls with such eyelashes everywhere.

The easiest way to get rid of this effect is to comb your eyelashes with a special comb and apply less layers of mascara.

8. Shadows

Horror number one that touches shadows is the use of a blue hue. There are too few people to whom they really suit and there is a certain category of people who have the right to wear this color.

In general, according to the rules of color combination, blue shades can be worn by people with brown and blue eyes (and this is not all for everyone, for example, I like blue shadows only on black women with brown eyes).

There is one category of people who can wear shades of any color - these are models at shows. Makeup on the catwalk sometimes goes beyond all reasonable, but I think the catwalk is partly a stage, and bright stage makeup is also quite acceptable. This is the second type of people who can wear blue.

If the soul asks for blue, you can use a deep blue eyeliner and only in the summer.

Another crime involving shadows is the use of a whole palette for the entire eyelid. You can use no more than three colors at a time.

And the last thing about the shadows. In the daytime, it is better to use matte shades of warm shades from vanilla to brown, this will refresh the look and make your look younger. Shades of cold shades visually age. And yes, no nacre in the outer corner of the eye and in the daytime.

You can use pearlescent shadows in the middle of the century as an accent or shimmering eyeliner, this will make the eyes shine and distract from wrinkles. Nuances are very important here, for example, light shadows always rejuvenate in the inner corners of the eye and under the eyebrow.

9. Black eyeliner on the lower eyelid

Summing up the lower eyelid with a black pencil will certainly lead to the fact that it will blur and spread even before you manage to get to your destination. In the afternoon, you should abandon any dark shades so that the eyes seem to be wide.

Black eyeliner not only adds years, but also makes the eyes smaller. The exception when using a black pencil on the lower eyelid is allowed is smoky eye makeup, but even in this case, the pencil is shaded with a brush!

If it seems to you that it adorns your eyes, try replacing the thin black line with brown shadows, neatly shaded along the growth line of the lower eyelashes. They will not leak from the temperature of your skin like a pencil and will make your eyes really visually larger.

Just like a black pencil and dark shadows on the lower eyelid, too much black mascara on the lower cilia makes the look tired. You can paint, but slightly touching the cilia with a brush, or use brown mascara, so as not to emphasize the area under the eyes at all. She looks velvet and will not make you a dull aunt with dirt under her eyes.

10. Busting with blush

Blush is an insidious thing. Usually they are applied to the apples of the cheeks, but with the color it is easy to overdo it, and this burdens the makeup and the whole image as a whole.

If you applied too much color, apply a little loose powder to your cheeks, or you will have to wash your makeup in this area.

It is best to prevent a catastrophe, using pale pale pink or peach shades, with a gentle movement from the bottom up.

11. Blurry or too dark lip contour

Make sure that the color of your lipstick goes well with the shade of a lip liner. There is nothing wrong with using a lip liner - it prevents the spread of lipstick: if you first apply a pencil on the entire surface of the lips and then apply the lipstick directly, the color will last much longer.

Nevertheless, many women make the same mistakes - they use too dark a contour for their lips, or they paint it, going far beyond the natural boundaries. The dark outline creates a very untidy impression, and the woman becomes unattractive.

The older the woman, the sharper the lip contour should be, because with age, unfortunately, our features lose their clarity, but the tone must certainly be the color of lipstick.

12. Teeth in lipstick

As a rule, using bright, especially red, shades of lipstick, we risk "staining" our teeth with our lips. The fact is that bright lipsticks contain three times more pigment than pale shades, so when smiling, we also risk staining our teeth.

It is clear that on white teeth, bright contrasting shades are most noticeable than pale or pink.

To prevent these troubles, there are several tricks. The first - after the first application, you should wet your lips with a napkin, thereby we remove the excess, then we apply lipstick again and powder our lips through a napkin. This increases the resistance of the lipstick, and the pigment will not stain the teeth. The second way to protect your teeth from staining is to lick your finger with already painted lips. And finally, the third way: some makeup artists recommend rubbing a cotton swab with petroleum jelly over their front teeth, this will not only prevent staining of the teeth, but also make the smile super brilliant. As for this option, I’m not sure - I haven’t tried it, but I thought it was worth mentioning this funny way.

13. Overloaded makeup and makeup out of time

Different parts of your face should not compete with each other, and the borders of makeup should not be noticeable. The use of any cosmetic product should not leave a clear mark, but we highlight our advantages, therefore, it is worthwhile to devote a sufficient amount of time, for example, to blending the shadows, so that they look like haze, and not like putty - and this applies to the use of any product

When choosing a specific image for yourself, remember - only one single part should be highlighted - either eyes or lips.

If you want to dare to use bright eye makeup - for example, smoky, use false eyelashes or use bright shadows with super-long eyelashes - give your lips a rest and use pale neutral shades for them. Thus, everyone will pay attention only to your bright and mysterious eyes.

If you want beckoning lips - bright red or super shiny, then eyes should be painted as simple as possible, balancing all this with combed eyebrows. All attention will be paid to your lips, and you will realize that you are applying lipstick properly.

Among other things, you need to remember that evening makeup is heavier and brighter and doing it for work or a first date or just in the afternoon is literally unacceptable!

14. Other

In addition to errors in makeup, you must pay attention to the condition of the hair, hands, neck and décolleté. Use creams not only for hands, but also for the body. Humidification is very important!

Get enough sleep, visit beauty parlors, do massages, pamper yourself as soon as the opportunity presents itself and just enjoy life!

In theory, everything is simple. We often consider celebrity makeup that looks ridiculous and ridiculous, and we ask ourselves how, how did people step onto the red carpet with such a face without looking in the mirror?

But there are many mistakes that we ourselves make day by day. Everything described above is a cheat sheet for every woman, by which you can check yourself and become closer to the ideal!

Miracle Photos

Sometimes, looking at a photo of a celebrity, one involuntarily wonders how one could come to the choice of such a make-up. This is with their capabilities !!! We were also tormented by this question for a long time. We reviewed hundreds of photographs of stars and selected the best photos showing the brightest ... visage misses. Many of the celebrities cannot be "caught" without, at least, a minimal make-up. But sometimes even the most glamorous of the most glamorous overdo it. Remember, ladies, sometimes in fact, the less the better!

BAD: Fergie

If there was a penalty for exceeding the permissible rate of foundation - Fergie would definitely pay in full. A too thick layer of the base plus berry-pink lips - and the singer’s natural beauty was safely hidden under a thick layer of makeup.


The fresh skin color of Fergie Fergison looks great with a natural shade of lips. Mascara completes the image, giving volume to the eyelashes, so that the eyes get an unobtrusive, but at the same time very bright accent.

BAD: Hayden Pannetire

The fiery red lipstick and heavy eye make-up are too distracting from the natural data and the radiant youth of Hayden Pennetire.

EXCELLENT Hayden Pannetire

Such an image emphasizes the green eyes of Hayden and her beautiful smile. This makeup is much better suited to her age. She just shines!

BAD: Keira Knightley

Hair straightening is one thing, but Kira's eye makeup and lifeless lips are another. A heavy eyeliner visually reduces the eyes, and her lips certainly do not attract.

EXCELLENT: Keira Knightley

With a fresh complexion, bright pink lips and long eyelashes, the look of Kira this time unrivaled.

BAD: Mary-Kate Olsen

Mary Kate's crimson lips and hard-eyed eyes hide her natural beauty and make her look funny. Not to mention this bandage ...

EXCELLENT: Mary-Kate Olsen

Natural makeup is much more suitable for this young actress. Plus he opens her big, sky blue eyes.

BAD: Naomi Campbell

The unsurpassed Naomi looks lifeless and unattractive giving up her splendor and not at all highlighting her already rare eyebrows.

EXCELLENT: Naomi Campbell

Diva caught everything very quickly! Thanks to her flickering pink lips, subtly summed up arrows and bronze blush, we can easily review her previous crime of the Makeup Act. For Naomi - the more glamor and chic, the better.

BAD: Nicole Ricci

We guess where she was going, but ... eh. The makeup of her eyes is too heavy from below and due to this mistake Nicole looks tired. Too bright makeup - and beautiful eyes can get a negative effect.

EXCELLENT: Nicole Ricci

Soft, radiant makeup is much better for Nicole's facial features. Beating the eyes and toning the lips is a great technique, perfect for a young star.

BAD: Nicole Scherzinger

Saturated blue shadows are hard to reject, but in this case, Nicole should stay away from them. This concentrated color of shadows just screams of vulgarity.

EXCELLENT: Nicole Scherzinger

The smaller, the better ... Her natural beauty looks so good with a light make-up of eyes! And the neat lip gloss is great complemented by her bright smile.

BAD: Christina Aguilera

Her yellow tan, dark red lips and overkill with eye shadow makes the face of the megastar very dull instead of emphasizing her bright smile and bewitching blue eyes.

EXCELLENT: Christina Aguilera

Wow! Christina's sky blue eyes are accentuated by unimaginably long eyelashes. A light bright shine emphasizes the perfect shape of the lips. A little blush makes this look complete and perfect.

For all centuries, women have remained women and wanted to emphasize their beauty. So the art of makeup can rightfully be called one of the oldest in the world. What did the beauties strive to single out in the first place? Naturally, the expressiveness of the eyes. Popular “arrows” were invented by ancient Egyptians, sensual smoky eyes - mysterious residents of the east and India, and not modern fashion bloggers who are now fashionable. Modern girls have much more beauty techniques and tools in their arsenal. But they still make annoying mistakes. What kind? Find out in this review.

Eye makeup is a subtle science. One wrong stroke with a pencil can cross out half an hour of effort in front of a mirror. But everything is fixable. Look at these typical mistakes that girls all over the world make and learn how to avoid them.

Error 1: do not use primer

Many girls complain that even expensive shadows or advertised eyeliner “run away” from the eyelids in a matter of hours. But to extend the life of makeup is very simple. It is enough a few minutes before the main “marathon” to apply a primer on the eyelids (base under the shade) or even a little foundation, and let the base dry. A thin layer of the base will help hold the pigment and make make-up resistant.

Mistake 2: draw black eyes around the outline

And also complement this beauty with black shadows. If you are not going to a rock concert or an emo party, it’s better not to try. Not only that, by inept application, it is great to distort the natural contour of the eyes. A black greasy liner or shadow has the property of spreading out, making a grief makeup artist look like a panda or raccoon.

Mistake 3: draw freehand arrows

Of course, for some girls to draw neat “arrows” is a matter of half a minute. But if you can’t do this, don’t be upset and put an end to the “arrows”. Think of the little tricks: for example, attach to the eye area plastic card  and use it as a ruler. Try it, it's really easy.

Error 4: curl your eyelashes after applying a pencil or eyeliner

In this case, the tongs turn into a real eraser and simply erase all your efforts. First, the perm - then makeup.

Error 5: leave gaps between the eyeliner and the eyelash line

The contour, under which there remains a strip of “bare” skin, simply loses all meaning. After you bring the upper eyelid, carefully walk soft pencil on the line of eyelash growth. This will make the look more expressive, “fox”. Just do not recommend using liquid eyeliner for this technique - tears cannot be avoided. But we only need joy and a good mood.

Mistake 6: use only black pencil or eyeliner

The versatility and irreplaceability of black eyeliner is one of the most popular make-up myths. If you can not deny yourself a black outline, then at least save it only for the upper eyelid. Underline the bottom with brown or gray. You can also use white or flesh pencil  along the bottom line of eyelash growth. This will “open” the eyes, visually make them larger and give the face a fresh, rested look.

Error 7: do not shade the pencil

Clear geometric lines, of course, give expression to the face. But they make you think more about mimes than about feminine beauty. Use softer pencils and, after applying, lightly blend the line with a cosmetic sponge, brush or even a cotton swab. The outline will not disappear, but will take a more delicate, natural shape.

Error 8: use dried eyeliner

Sad news: the life of cosmetics is not eternal. Moreover, liquid eyeliner. If the liner changed its color to lighter or began to crumble while wearing, it's time to go to the cosmetic store for shopping. Even if the eyeliner is still “drawing”. And do not try reanimate her with water: This will further reduce the durability of the product. Everything has its time.

Error 9: throw out dried pencils

Unlike liquid eyeliner, a contour pencil lends itself very much to resurrection. Enough heat up the rod  a couple of seconds over the fire of a lighter. But it is worth keeping in mind that after this procedure the old pencil will not be the same: now the lines will become where thicker and fatter. But after all, many are looking for exactly this effect.

Error 10: emphasize the lower eyelid with liquid eyeliner

Too dramatic effect. Yes, and getting liquid eyeliner on the mucosa can cause an extremely unpleasant experience.

Error 11: eyeliner or pencil that prints on the upper eyelid

If you are familiar with the nowadays popular terms “hanging eyelid” or “monoveco”, then you probably know firsthand: even a base under shadows or eyeliner does not always save you from dark prints. Try to draw thicker line, curved closer to the middle of the eye. This shape will reduce the likelihood that the outline will be printed on the upper eyelid.

Error 12: do not go beyond the boundaries of the natural contour

Although most of us advocate naturalness, eyeliner solely on natural eye contour can visually reduce them. Do not be afraid to go beyond borders and extend lines a little. And do not forget about feathering.

Error 13: rough touch

The skin around the eyes is devoid of sebaceous glands, and therefore rightfully has the title of the most fragile and delicate. Roughly pulling the eyelid in the process of applying makeup - a curved path to the "crow's feet" and other unwanted guests on your beautiful face. Be careful, use only soft brushes, do not forget about a moisturizer and a soft makeup remover. And just enjoy your reflection in the mirror.

And so that the reflection would please even the morning after a hard night (which is especially true during the holiday feasts), do not forget about.