Add shampoo. We make shampoo for ourselves, improving ordinary shampoo. Why dermatologists are against

Being by nature an incredulous person, I always question the promises of cosmetics manufacturers. The names of the substances indicated in the composition are usually scary, but not encouraging. And if we take into account the price of the "miraculous" product, two conclusions suggest itself: either the manufacturers' business is unprofitable, or the product does not have all the promised properties.

Why did I decide to switch to folk remedies for washing hair?

The main reason for abandoning traditional methods of hair care is a constant dependence on the condition of the hair. Oddly enough, many of my actions depend on this. Whether I am going on a business trip or on vacation, going to the gym or planning for tomorrow, I will certainly think about how it is more convenient to organize the process. After all, you need to make sure that nothing affects the appearance.

The daily wash option is not suitable for me. ABOUT n implies the use of a hair dryer, and this is my taboo for a number of reasons.

  • The hair dryer dries the hairs from the inside, they become dry, brittle and dull.
  • It contributes to the formation of static electricity.
  • It affects the scalp, contributing to the enhanced work of the sebaceous glands.

My curls are fat at the roots and dry at the ends. For a long time I washed them with shampoos of famous and affordable brands. Later, dandruff began to appear in me, my hair began to fall out and their condition deteriorated sharply. Then I switched to less common brands. They are sold in a pharmacy, and their cost depends on the ingredients. Really good shampoos for washing hair do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Therefore, they foam poorly and are completely not economical to use.

The last drop of my doubt was dispelled by the study of detailed information on sodium lauryl sulfate. This substance ranks first in most shampoos.

Its harm is not confirmed by facts, but consumers should think before buying a product containing this substance.

After all, it is used in the manufacture of means for washing cars, floors, cleaning engines, etc. That is, the substance contributes to the intensive formation of foam, but does not improve the cleaning properties. They even talk about its effect on the human body.

Is your hair cleaner and healthier if you wash it less often?

The thought that our ancestors calmly dispensed with shampoos and were owners of real manes did not leave me alone. Most likely, the main reason for rapid contamination is the elementary frequency of washing. The most difficult thing was to tune in to the fact that the hair would have to be "re-educated" and washed less often. Fortunately, modern fashion trends allow you to experiment with various hats and interesting scarves. A light cap in the room is already considered not a violation of etiquette, but part of the image.

By the way, about hats and other accessories related to our topic.

My personal recommendation is to wash combs as often as possible, wash hats and pillowcases. After all, they remain skin fat and dust, which settles on the hair. Hygiene in this area will help the strands stay clean for as long as possible.

Also helped in the fight a different approach to the washing process.   Previously, I allowed myself to whip the foam, rub the curls, tangling them. Of course, such an active washing off of dirt could not but end with combing. Now I forgot what a painful combing of long wet hair is.

  I wash my head as follows:   First of all, I comb my hair perfectly before the procedure. After that, I tilt my head down, moisten my hair well with warm water, distribute the detergent in my palms and rub it into my scalp with my fingertips. If the product is dry, it is advisable to rub it into the roots until the characteristic rustling of the hairs.

Processing with the agent requires only the part that is most susceptible to sebaceous secretion. It is not recommended to dry the part of the hair, which is practically not contaminated.

After that, for several minutes, I thoroughly rinse the hair with warm water, and finish the rinse with cool. Then I use a rinse aid (I will write about it below), wrap my hair with a bath towel and wait a few minutes until the excess liquid is absorbed into it. In conclusion, I shake the curls well and give them the opportunity to dry themselves.

It was very difficult to re-educate ourselves and give up exhausting combing. Wet hair is most susceptible to damage. If the strands do not curl, becoming dry, they will take their usual form.

What is the best way to wash your hair: soda, laundry soap, mustard or eggs?

It was also difficult to begin the implementation of the venture. On the path to change, the principle of “for company with a friend” often helps women. We have been discussing the topic for a long time. washing with soda   tried it before.

The advantage of the method is simplicity: dry soda is distributed between the hair roots with your fingertips, literally rubbed into them, and then washed off. Disadvantages: there may be a feeling that the scalp has not been completely cleansed (whether this is true, you can find out after it has completely dried) or soda may not fit in plainly.

If the hair after each "shower" is electrified, dry to the touch or tied up in locks, you should change the tool and experiment further. The main thing is not to give up and not return to foam products.

After soda, my friend and I switched to mustard.   The process is a little more time-consuming than in the above case, due to the stickiness of raw mustard. If the product is glued to the palms, it should be diluted with water to a pulp consistency. Be sure to perform a reaction test by applying a small amount of slurry to the wrist. In the absence of discomfort, you can gradually apply it to the scalp, controlling sensations. The fact is that mustard from different manufacturers can give different effects.

If the hair is in critical condition, then before switching to natural washing, measures should be taken to treat hair.

Mustard copes with greasy pollution. However, do not forget about the "nutrition" of curls.

Excellent masks for strengthening hair   - those that are manufactured   from natural ingredients.   For example, eggs, cherry juice, honey, cognac, coconut oil and many other ingredients. You only need to determine your type and, in accordance with it, alternate means.

Also effective rinse for hair growth.   They replace the usual conditioners and balms. It must be remembered that recipes for fast hair growth should contain substances that improve blood circulation and thereby “warm” the roots. For example, decoctions and infusions of nettle, burdock, lemon juice (for fair-haired) and vinegar (for owners of dark curls). I finish washing with natural apple cider vinegar. I used to rinse their hair. And now, having mixed with water, I made a spray.

Hair became really thicker and healthier after refusing shampoo - I recommend a recipe for washing your hair!

I give preference "Lazy shampoos" . So I call the recipes, which take several minutes to prepare. You should periodically change the composition so as not to allow the scalp to get used to one particular. Components - those that are at hand.

As a basis, I take mustard and natural yogurt (of course, without sugar and taste). I can also add kefir, clay, cognac, honey, banana, lemon to the shampoo. To restore hair before washing, I treat their tips with unrefined oils (for example, coconut or olive, a few hours before the procedure).

Every woman dreams that after her men turn around. But when the hair is damaged, the woman no longer feels 100% confident. To restore the former beauty to damaged dry hair, you need to prepare a mask and apply to hair.

This article talks about regenerating shampoo that can be prepared at home. In this article, we have collected the best recipes for home hair restoration.

How to make restorative shampoo yourself

Making shampoo at home is not difficult. On what components will be part of this shampoo, its effectiveness will depend.

Castor oil contains carotinides, triterpenes, tocopherol, sterol. Due to these substances, the hair no longer splits and becomes elastic.

Restorative shampoos - cook at home

Here are the most effective restorative shampoo recipes that help regenerate damaged hair.

Revitalizing shampoo with yolk

This shampoo nourishes hair well. To cook it, take a few egg yolks, one hundred milliliters of black leaf tea. Beat egg yolks, add cooled tea to them.

  With this shampoo you can replace regular shampoo. It is applied to wet hair, massaged. Then shampoo should be washed off with water.

Recipe with fermented baked milk for hair restoration

This recipe is suitable for owners of oily hair. Due to the fact that shampoo contains fermented baked milk, it helps to moisturize and nourish the hair. In addition, it does not allow hair to be greasy.
  We take the crumb of Borodinsky bread - 75 grams, one hundred milliliters of homemade fermented baked milk (best). Soak the bread, pour the fermented baked milk in a container with bread, mix everything. The mixture is left for sixty minutes. Then mix again.
  Apply the finished shampoo as follows: apply to wet hair, leave for ten minutes, rinse with water.

Milk + rye bread for hair restoration

  This shampoo recipe helps nourish dry and very damaged hair. Regenerates hair and accelerates the growth of new follicles.

    We will need the following components:
  • rye bread - twenty grams
  • yolk of one egg
  • forty grams of milk
  • 1 small spoon of mustard
  • six drops of castor oil

What happened is distributed over wet hair, left for ten minutes, washed off with warm water. Shampoo is used twice a week.

This month, the American press published a lot of materials about the problem of hair loss. The fact is that in the United States September was declared the month of special attention to alopecia (National Alopecia Awareness Month). And in some of these materials much attention has been paid to the scientific justification of doubts about the benefits. Perhaps the time has come for us to learn as much as possible about the popular hobby.

What is No poo?

This movement, the participants of which decided to abandon the purchased shampoo and conditioner, for the sake of health and commitment to more natural products. There are several options for how participants in the movement adhere to new principles:

Some generally refuse shampoo, and wash their hair only with water;

There are those who only rinse their heads with herbs, conditioner;

There is an option when women agree to use only and rinse hair with water;

Some advocate the use of only homemade shampoos and conditioners (they are made from oils, baking soda, vinegar, etc.).

Why are women now refusing shampoo? There are several explanations for this. Firstly, the presence in shampoos of such an ingredient as lead sulfate (as you know, sulfates are undesirable components for hair and skin). Secondly, there is an opinion that shampoos make hair heavier and even lead to excessive oiliness. The argument is that shampoos too radically deprive scalp and sebum hair, which provokes the production of excess skin oils and sebum.

Why are dermatologists against?

It is good that in recent times there have been many opinions of reputable experts regarding the fascination of refusing shampoo. Because before you had to trust mainly beauty bloggers. And here is what trichologists and dermatologists say:

A clean head is paramount to healthy hair. Oils on the scalp are a favorable environment for the growth of fungi, which can lead to inflammation of the scalp. And therefore, neglect of clean scalp can have serious consequences: yeast infections, and inflammation.

Another question: how safe are homemade formulations with soda and apple cider vinegar, as well as rinses with lemon juice? There is no good news here either. Specialists insist that soda and vinegar are more harmful than industrial shampoo. Homemade shampoo can damage hair: apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are even more damaging to hair color than sulfates because they have an acidic environment that can change and destroy color. And baking soda dries the scalp and hair, which can lead to brittleness, thinning of the hair, as well as to destruction of the hair follicle. And, as a result, to hair loss.

But if you continue to doubt the safety of the purchased shampoo, it will be important for you to know that healthy products are available on the market. You just need to choose them correctly.

Perfect shampoo, perfect care

So what is a safe shampoo? Which product to look for in the store?

If you are embarrassed, buy a sulfate-free product. These are shampoos and conditioners labeled “sulfate-free.”

Avoid parabens.

Eliminate the content in the shampoo and conditioner of alcohols (alcohol), they dry and even dry the hair.

But it’s not even important to have a good product, but the right hair care procedure. Attention to the scalp is the main condition for healthy and thick hair. You should take care of your scalp in the same way you take care of your face and body. And that means taking the time to cleanse, massage, moisturize and treat.

Look for the same ingredients in hair products that you look for in skin products, which may include retinol, peptides, salicylic acid, collagen, hyaluronic acid, natural oils, biotin, vitamins. By the way, many of these ingredients have only an oil formula (that is, they are soluble only in oil), so with oily scalp and oily hair you can find oil-free alternatives, for example, willow bark extract is an oil-free alternative to salicylic acid.

If the scalp is dry - look for shampoos with a creamy, opaque and thick consistency. If the skin and hair are oily, you can use transparent and gel textures.

The use of dry shampoo is approved by specialists. Again, we are not talking about homemade formulations with cornmeal, which has too large granules that clog the pores of the scalp. Dry shampoos from well-known brands have safe formulas, but if in doubt, look at the labels and look for ingredients that are good for your scalp. There are dry shampoos for dandruff, for oiliness, for dryness - consider your hair type when buying.

And one more important tip: keep an eye on the quality of your life, nutrition and hormonal balance affect the condition of your hair. Protect your hair from the sun and the aggressive environmental effects, and then you will not need to follow the No poo movement.

The article uses the recommendations of American dermatologist Dr. Dennis Gross and trichologist Elizabeth Cunnane Phillips, published in the press as part of the National Alopecia Awareness Month (month of special attention to alopecia).

Modern girls daily apply a large number of styling products on curls - varnishes, foams, fluids, serums. And it is not surprising that after a while there is a feeling of heaviness and overload of hair, dullness appears. The reason is that our hair absorbs not only dirt and sebum, but also all the products that we use daily. And if you visit the pool, then chlorine, which is treated with water. All these substances enter the hair structure, thereby polluting it.

Conventional shampoos for our hair wash out only surface contamination, while the dirt inside the hair continues to accumulate. Many girls have heard about deep-cleaning shampoo, but have no idea why it is needed and how to use such an invention. It is a kind of chemical peeling for the scalp and hair, which is able to penetrate deep into the structure and remove all accumulations of styling products and harmful substances.

Features of use

Due to the fact that the deeply cleansing shampoo has an aggressive composition that dries hair, it is recommended to use it as necessary. Experts advise using this tool no more than once a week, otherwise there is a risk of harming the hair. Even if you do not use industrial cosmetics in your care, but at the same time like to make masks from natural oils at home, then deep cleansing shampoo is also recommended for you. Oils with regular use clog the scalp, and this, in turn, is fraught with consequences in the form of increased secretion of sebum, which leads to rapid hair contamination.

By the way, some women use deep professional cleaning shampoo as a wash for unsuccessful staining. For example, the Estelle remedy perfectly rinses the paint, in addition, it contains vitamin B5, useful for hair, as a part.

Who is it for?

  • if you use styling and care products containing silicones;
  • if you often visit the pool;
  • if you regularly make hair masks based on natural oils.

In which case should I apply?

There are no special recommendations and indications for the use of such a cosmetic product. But if you feel a constant heaviness in curls, noticed that they began to get dirty faster and lost their shine, then you need a professional deep cleaning shampoo. And in order to prevent this condition, the best solution would be to use a beauty product at least once every two weeks - for prevention.

Rating of the best deep cleansing shampoos

Especially for you, we have compiled a small rating of the best deep-cleaning shampoos of 2016:

  1. Estel Professional Essex Deep Cleaning.
  2. Concept Deep Cleaning.
  3. Kapous Protein Collagen.
  4. Londa Professional Specialist Intense Cleaner.
  5. Schwarzkopf Supreme Keratin.

It should be noted that all these tools are professional and are used in beauty salons. Their use at home should be as careful and correct as possible.