When wrinkles appear in women. At what age do wrinkles appear? Causes of Wrinkles

          Do you know that the first wrinkles can appear even in childhood? This is due to a variety of reasons - from an unbalanced diet to diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, it is important to know when the first wrinkles appear and how to get rid of them correctly. For this, there are many modern and folk remedies.

When do the first wrinkles appear?

The formation of wrinkles is an inevitability for every person, but not all of them appear at the same age. First of all, it depends on the type of skin and hereditary factor. For example, with a thinned skin, the first wrinkles may appear by the age of 20, and with thick skin - much later.

When the first wrinkles appear:

  • It also happens that they form at the age of 10, but this does not pose a danger, since wrinkles that appear before the age of 20 are considered. That is, their etiology is associated with a contraction of the facial muscles (most often from frequent intense laughter, antics, thoughtfulness, etc.). These wrinkles are even divided into 2 subgroups: wrinkles from worries (horizontal) and concentration (vertical). Their place of localization is the forehead area. There is also a 3rd subgroup called laughter wrinkles (outer corners of the eyes).
  • Up to 30 years of age, longitudinal grooves are usually formed on the eyelids from above. The reason is myopia, because of which a person is forced to squint greatly.
  • After 25 years, folds form on the cheeks, in the nasolabial and, and the so-called rictus (wrinkles of sorrow) also becomes noticeable.

Depending on which side wrinkles are observed, it is possible to determine the disease of a particular organ. For example, with liver diseases, the folds are more localized on the right side, and with spleen dysfunction, on the left.

Wrinkle causes

  • age-related changes;
  • excessive dryness and thinness of the skin;
  • frequent visits to the solarium, staying in the wind and under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol, and the sooner a person becomes addicted to bad habits, the faster the first wrinkles appear;
  • infection and lack of sleep;
  • increased air humidity and stay, in contrast, in a dry room (when using electric heaters);
  • the habit of making faces, grimacing, etc.
  • frequent stress and overwork;
  • adverse environmental effects;
  • unbalanced nutrition, the use of harmful foods, and a lack of nutrients in the body;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics and expired hygiene products;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • a small amount of fluid consumed per day;
  • non-compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • some diseases.
What the first wrinkles look like, you can see in the photo.

How to get rid of the first wrinkles (creams, masks, folk remedies)?

If wrinkles appeared at an early age, getting rid of them is quite simple. And this can be done in a short time, following some recommendations:
  • drink at least one and a half liters of water per day;
  • know how to stay calm in stressful situations;
  • give the body a good rest and sleep;
  • when going outside in summer, use creams with UV-protective properties, in winter or in windy weather - with appropriate means (we recommend reading more about proper facial skin care and);
  • moisturize and nourish the skin more often; for this, use creams, tonics, masks from natural ingredients;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics;
  • every day do facial massage (for example), and do not forget about the neckline and neck;
  • eat right and refuse fatty, smoked, salty and fast foods;
  • be sure to take, eat more fresh fruits, berries and vegetables year-round;
  • go in for sports, take walks in the fresh air;
  • do not sit for a long time behind the computer monitor, this negatively affects the structure of the skin;
  • make a contrast shower for your face;
  • be sure to rinse off makeup before going to bed;
  • use scrubs to cleanse the skin;
  • apply masks from any vegetables and fruits, make and wipe their face with them.

Effective cream for the first wrinkles

In order to get rid of the first and subsequent wrinkles, you can use a universal remedy - cream. It slows down the aging process, regenerates cells and tissues, restores the epidermis, etc. Only the cream needs to be selected correctly, in accordance with the age and type of skin. A good cream should contain these active substances:
  • hydrolyzed collagen;
  • derivatives of vitamin A (retinol) - retinoids;
  • lactic and glycolic acid;
  • tartaric acid and alpha hydro acids of apple and lemon;
  • peptides;
  • extracts of herbs and plants, as well as other natural substances;
  • ceramides;
  • argireline.

List of the most effective creams from the first wrinkles

  • "Vichy Liftactive Supreme"  sold at any pharmacy. Created on natural ingredients. Additionally eliminates puffiness and nourishes the skin. Brightens, increases turgor. Ideal for wrinkles in the initial stages of formation. It has a high cost.
  • Garnier Skin Naturals 25+  has a lower price, but high efficiency. It copes with superficial wrinkles, moisturizes, evens out color. Based on natural ingredients. Minus - the structure of the cream leads to rolling on the skin, which is why it can not be used as a base.
  • L "Oreal" Trio Asset Freshness "  consists of vitamin and mineral premix, used at any time of the day. The disadvantage is skin tightening.
  • Selective Cream "Lancome Hydra Zen Anti-stress". Additionally removes the effects of skin stress, moisturizes throughout the day. Less - too high a price and lack of UV protection.
  • "Avene Hydrance Optimale UV-Legere SPF 20". In addition to eliminating early wrinkles, it quickly moisturizes and nourishes, protects from the effects of sunlight, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The disadvantage is the high cost.
The presented video describes the appearance of the first wrinkles, their types, as well as the cosmetic product “Karel Hadek”, which effectively fights wrinkles.

How to choose a cream?

In many ways, the choice of cream depends on the material capabilities of a person. But this is not to be based on:
  • If the skin is healthy, it will be enough to purchase a cream that will maintain the level of hydration and protect against aggressive environments.
  • For rashes and spots, it is better to buy a cream of the selective segment.
  • Be sure to consult a beautician, as he is better than you versed in skin types and epidermal problems.

Wrinkle Masks

Today, masks sold on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores are very popular. To eliminate wrinkles, placental masks based on components of natural origin are excellent. They contain collagens, animal placenta, vegetable juices and extracts of medicinal plants. Such masks have the duration of the course of therapy and the corresponding instructions for use, which must be strictly adhered to.

In the fight against wrinkles, you can use masks prepared at home:

  • Combine the yolk with camphor or castor oil.
  • Sour cream + yeast diluted in water.
  • Egg, glycerin and honey.
  • Egg white + lemon juice.

It must be remembered that not every mask is suitable for all skin types, so the choice should be based on this. If you can’t pick up a prescription yourself, consult a beautician.

Cosmetic procedures from the first wrinkles

Modern cosmetology and medicine offers mankind ultra-modern methods of getting rid of first and deep wrinkles. You can choose one of the procedures:
  • Botulinum toxin injectionsimply put, Dysport, Neuronox (this is what is used in our country). An injection with the appropriate substance, which temporarily blocks the neuromuscular impulse, is injected into the skin of a woman. This relaxes the facial muscles, causing the skin to straighten and wrinkles to disappear. The effect is noticeable on the third day, lasts up to 5 months at least. The procedure is quite expensive, there are practically no complications.
  • Contour plastic  based on filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid in the form of stabilizers and other substances useful for the epidermis (used). The doctor injects drugs. The effect of smoothing wrinkles lasts up to 8 months. The cost is 2 times higher than the previous procedure.
  • Biorevitalization  involves the introduction of unstabilized hyaluronic acid into the skin, due to which the procedure is much cheaper than filler.
  • Using pulse current  - The microcurrent procedure improves the activity of cells, forcing them to work in the right mode. This allows you to eliminate early wrinkles and prevent the development of new ones. You need to spend about 10 sessions. The cost is relatively inexpensive.
  • The effect on the collagen fibers of the epidermis through radio frequency radiation, which leads to their tightening.
  • Fractional photothermolysis, that is, laser correction. It is considered a universal method due to which it is possible to get rid of wrinkles for a long time.
  • Peeling with chemical agents  causes an update of the upper layer of the epidermis. The most commonly used are salicylic, tartaric, glycolic and other acids.

Pharmacy products

Now in the pharmacy you can buy effective and not very expensive tools to eliminate the first wrinkles:
  •   Designed to neutralize acne and other rashes. However, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which eliminates small wrinkles.
  • Usual asterisk balm  also struggles with the first wrinkles. This effect is achieved thanks to essential oils.

When can I start doing “beauty injections"? Is it harmful to use anti-aging creams for prevention? What wrinkles can be called early?

These and other questions of readers are answered by the cosmetologist of the capital's Center for Beauty and Cosmetology "Symphony SPA" Natalya Vladimirovna Aminova.

“I’m 23, not so long ago I noticed a couple of wrinkles on my forehead. It always seemed to me that they should not appear before 35. Why did my skin begin to age? And what to do to slow down this process? ”

Elena Kosareva, Moscow

- Do not panic. The first wrinkles usually just appear around the age of 20-25, most often around the eyes and on the forehead. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it is at this time that the biological process of aging of the skin starts. It slowly loses its ability to retain moisture. This causes the formation of the first small folds.

Secondly, wrinkles may appear due to excessively active facial expressions. If you often frown or wrinkle your forehead unnoticed, then creases will inevitably appear in the “active” areas.

The third possible reason is improper skin care. If, for example, you abuse drying agents, then you risk causing it to become dehydrated. And this is a direct path to a net of wrinkles.

Finally, the sun can cause premature aging. Many people think that SPF creams are for women over 40. In fact, everyone needs to be protected from ultraviolet radiation. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.

1. Moisturize. Even if you have oily and problematic skin, pick up light products that will saturate it with moisture. And forget about aggressive alcohol lotions.

2. Protect. In the afternoon, there is enough money in the city with SPF 12-15. And on vacation, use products with a factor of at least 30 - at least in the first five to seven days.

3. Control facial expressions. We often don’t notice how we frown or frown. Try to track these unconscious movements and get rid of bad habits.

“My mother had noticeable nasolabial folds as early as 28 years old. We are very similar in appearance. "Should I somehow strengthen this zone in advance to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles?"

Alla Yurchenko, St. Petersburg

- The tendency to early aging can indeed be transmitted at the genetic level. This happens especially often if mom and daughter are alike. Therefore, your fears are justified.

If you capture a photo of your mother for a consultation with a cosmetologist, then a specialist will be able to give you more accurate recommendations for maintaining youthful skin.

True, most of them will concern the general care of the whole person. It is impossible to “strengthen” a particular zone prophylactically. Yes and no need. Much more important is the condition of the skin as a whole.

But if nasolabial folds have already begun to appear in you, then special measures may be required. In particular, a small amount of a hyaluronic acid preparation can be introduced into the problem area. It moisturizes the skin and smoothes wrinkles. The effect lasts about a year.

“I am wary of overly active anti-aging agents. And the girlfriend, who is 28, calmly applies them "for prevention." Is it harmful to the skin? ”

Elena, by email

- Your girlfriend is partly right: anti-aging agents can be used in courses. But this is only worth doing if the skin really needs them.

Now on packages with creams often indicate the age range in which they are most effective. But these figures are rather arbitrary. After all, the skin condition is very individual. Someone should think about rejuvenation already at 25. And for someone at 35, the skin needs only hydration.

If you notice a decrease in elasticity and the appearance of the first wrinkles, try a small anti-age therapy. Within a month, use a product designed to combat the first signs of aging instead of your usual cream. Another option is to apply anti-aging serum under a regular moisturizer.

This course will improve the condition of the skin, and you can return to your usual care. You can repeat this rejuvenation every 3-6 months, depending on the situation.

"I am 35 years old. I carefully care for the skin, and I have almost no wrinkles. The only noticeable wrinkle on the forehead is disturbing. Is it possible to use anti-aging agents locally, only in this area? ”

Irina Krotova, Veliky Novgorod

- To apply the usual anti-aging cream only on wrinkles does not make sense. He still does not act locally, but only at the level of "the whole face." Separate products are available only for the area around the eyes, the skin of which is thinner and more sensitive.

But there are special directional products, which are just designed to correct individual shortcomings. First of all, these are creams and serums “with the Botox effect”. They contain peptides that are able to smooth facial wrinkles.

There are also a number of products called wrinkle fillers. They usually contain collagen and hyaluronic acid. Such creams are also able to slightly improve the condition of the skin.

However, you should know that all such products work only with regular use. They should be applied once or twice a day for at least a month.

“I heard that if you apply grape seed oil to a wrinkle, it will smooth out. I want to try this natural way. How effective is it? ”

Ekaterina Nikitina, Tver

- This method of rejuvenation is now really actively discussed in online forums. But if you read the enthusiastic reviews carefully, you will notice that he helps mostly very young women. Wrinkles in them are the result of dehydration. Oil moisturizes the skin and the problem disappears.

But in adulthood, wrinkles appear due to a general loss of elasticity and a decrease in skin quality. In this case, applying even the best and most refined grape seed oil will not give a special effect. The same applies to other types of oils.

It should be noted that valuable oils - grape seed, wheat germ, shea butter and others - are often used in cosmetics. They soften and moisturize well. But as an anti-age component, they are not particularly effective.

“I am 29 years old and I want to start talking regularly with a beautician. First of all, they are interested in procedures for the prevention of wrinkles. What can you advise? ”

Yana Kovaleva, Moscow

- It’s worth starting a conversation with a specialist with a consultation. Let him evaluate your skin condition and advise you on how to adjust your home care.

Very often, women incorrectly determine their skin type. Use, for example, for normal skin products intended for oily. Or too actively nourish the combined. Competent changes in daily care can in themselves give a good result.

From professional procedures, pay attention to moisturizing and regenerating treatments. Facial massages and light physiotherapeutic procedures, such as microcurrents, will also be relevant. All this will help maintain skin in good condition.

Such care is also necessary in order to block the effects of harmful seasonal factors. In summer it is ultraviolet, in winter - temperature changes and dry air. All this can prematurely age the skin if its resources are not maintained on time.

Chemical peels are useful for the prevention of first wrinkles. They stimulate skin renewal, improve complexion and remove minor defects.

Once every six months, you can take a course of mesotherapy. The main thing here is to choose the right drugs. The composition of cocktails may include vitamins, minerals, organic acids, collagen, elastin, extracts of medicinal plants.

“My thirty-year-old sister is already injecting Botox for the second time. She looks great, but I'm worried - isn’t it too early for her to do such active procedures? ”

Marina Rokotova, Kolomna

- Botox or Dysport injections can be done earlier - in the event that this is really necessary. At a young age, these procedures are quite capable of serving as the prevention of facial wrinkles.

On the one hand, the folds disappear after the procedure. After all, the drug blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, and they contract less. Therefore, the skin ceases to “crumple” and smoothes.

On the other hand, facial expressions themselves become less mobile. During the action of the drug, a person gets used to it and then frowns or squints less.

The preparations themselves are absolutely safe, non-addictive and completely eliminated from the body. It is only important to contact a reputable clinic and an experienced doctor. This will help eliminate the risk of encountering a fake product or improper technique. If these conditions are met, Botox and Dysport will only benefit.

19% of Russians do not know what contour plastic is

26% of women tried “beauty injections” and were satisfied

6% tried and were disappointed in the procedure

21% want to try the procedure soon

According to the portal bestplastic.ru

The first thing to remember: physiological and actual age are not the same thing. According to statistics, the difference between them can reach 15 years. And almost a quarter of women have skin that looks older than their real age.

One of the brightest markers of aging is wrinkles. These longitudinal and transverse grooves result from damage to collagen and elastin fibers. First, thin and inconspicuous, over time, wrinkles deepen, transforming into creases and folds.

The causes leading to the appearance of early wrinkles can be both external and internal.

Lack of physical activity worsens the metabolism in the skin and muscles and blood supply. © iStock

External causes

    SmokingIn addition to the general toxic effect, it worsens microcirculation, reduces the antioxidant potential of the body, as a result, the skin becomes dull and rough.

    Lack of sleep triggers a whole cascade of hormonal reactions, worsening the condition of the skin. In addition, lack of sleep means that the skin, like any other organ, does not have time to go through the necessary cycle of nightly recovery.

    Passion for tanning  provokes photoaging: pigmentation, wrinkles, dry skin.

    Lack of physical activity  worsens the metabolism and blood supply in the skin and muscles (including the face). Excessive exercise, on the other hand, can lead to hormonal imbalances caused by high fatigue.

    Unbalanced diet.  “Hungry” diets, dramatic weight loss or excessive fullness - all this contributes to early skin aging. For example, a deficiency of fat often leads to insufficient restoration of the protective hydrolipidic mantle.

    Improper use of cosmetics.  This primarily relates to cleansing and whitening products that dry the skin. Due to moisture loss, the processes of renewal slow down and the skin becomes vulnerable.

Internal causes

Types of Early Wrinkles

Modern cosmetology divides early wrinkles into two types.

    Static  - they are caused by various internal and external factors.

    Mimic  - The main reasons for their appearance are clear from the name.

With a very lively facial expression (the habit of squinting, frowning, raising eyebrows in surprise), wrinkles can appear as early as 18–20 years due to frequent muscle contraction.

Among the various morphotypes of aging, the wrinkled type is distinguished, its dominant feature is precisely wrinkles, as well as dry skin.

Wrinkles are also classified according to where they appear.

On the forehead

As a rule, wrinkles in this area are the result of excessive facial expressions. Self-control methods, as well as Botox injections, help get rid of the habit of wrinkling a forehead. From cosmetics, anti-aging creams and botox-like agents based on hexapeptides are useful.

Around eyes

To “crow's feet” we owe both a squinting habit and accelerated aging processes. Very thin and delicate, with a minimum number of pores and sebaceous glands, the skin around the eyes loses its elasticity first.

Watch for facial expressions, wear sunglasses, use anti-aging creams for eye contour.

In the corners of the mouth

These wrinkles also have a mimic nature. Use anti-aging products - creams and gel fillers.

Wrinkles of “sorrow”

The sharp stripes stretching from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth not only age, but also give the face a displeased or sad expression. The easiest way to slow down their deepening is to sign up with a cosmetologist, for example, for an injection of hyaluronic acid preparations.

Of cosmetics, creams will help: moisturizing, nourishing, with the effect of fillers.

On the neck

Early “ring” wrinkles on the neck most often appear due to a genetic predisposition, improper sleep (for example, too high pillows), the habit of reading in bed. Review your habits and regularly apply nourishing and moisturizing creams for the neck and décolleté a couple of hours before bedtime.

The cause of premature wrinkles may be a genetic tendency to early aging of the skin. © iStock

11 steps to prevent early wrinkles

Our task is to extend the ability of the skin to self-repair, if possible.

  1. 1

    Lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, move more, try to get enough sleep, avoid stress.

  2. 2

    Control the hormonal background, visit the gynecologist-endocrinologist once a year.

  3. 3

    Take care of your skin. Remember: cleansing-exfoliating-moisturizing is a necessary minimum program. Well, night care should also not be ignored.

  4. 4

    Apply cosmetics along the massage lines, this will help to avoid stretching the skin.

  5. 5

    Drink water. Loss of moisture is one of the main causes of early wrinkles, and even oily skin can be dehydrated.

  6. 6

    Do not sunbathe without sunscreen.

  7. 7

    Protect your skin from adverse weather conditions - frost, wind, temperature difference.

  8. 8

    The effects of photoaging (hyperkeratosis, pigmentation, early wrinkles) are corrected with the help of retinol and retinoids. Use them in the autumn and winter.

  9. 9

    Do not neglect the skin care products around the eyes.

  10. 10

    Watch your facial expressions.

  11. 11

    Do self-massage and facial gymnastics. They strengthen the facial muscles, improve blood circulation and nourish the skin.

Wrinkle Remedies

Anti-wrinkle and firming cream LiftActiv Supreme, Vichy

The complex based on caffeine and adenosine fights facial wrinkles, promotes skin renewal, and provides a lifting effect. The skin looks young and supple throughout the day.

Hyaluro face mask Revitalift Filler, L’Oréal Paris

Fragmented hyaluronic acid in the composition promotes deep hydration of the epidermis. The skin is smoothed, becomes elastic, small wrinkles are filled, the volume of the face is restored.

Antioxidant Serum for Oily and Normal Skin Phloretin CF, SkinСeuticals

The formula is based on antioxidants: phloretin, pure L-ascorbic (10%) and ferulic acids - it neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, fights against the manifestations of photoaging, that is, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, unevenness in shade and relief.

Wrinkles - this is something that sooner or later absolutely everyone will face. However, young girls are often interested in how old wrinkles appear. To answer it, you need to understand what types of aging exist, and how this or that type of skin fades.

Harmful habits, such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, greatly accelerate the aging process of the face

Wrinkles on the face are the result of a decrease in the synthesis of your own collagen. The main reason for this is age-related changes. If we talk about women, menopause is to blame. After menopause, estrogen levels decrease, and this hormone stimulates the production of collagen and elastane. Over time, the amount of collagen fibers decreases, as they are destroyed by various factors, resulting in deep wrinkles and furrows.

However, the first wrinkles are noticeable after 20 years. We are talking about facial wrinkles that occur in places of active facial expressions - the corners of the eyes and lips, forehead. Such wrinkles can appear at any age, and in general are associated not with aging, but with the features of facial expressions and the manifestation of emotions. As a rule, facial wrinkles are not visible at rest when the face is relaxed, but appear within a few minutes after tension of the facial muscles of the face.

It is believed that up to 25 years the body grows, and then the aging process gradually begins. This coincides with the time of the appearance of the first wrinkles - it is precisely at 25 that most people have expression lines around their eyes.

At what exact age wrinkles appear - it depends on several factors. Among them:

  • skin type;
  • lifestyle;
  • habits
  • nutrition;
  • professional activity;
  • features of care.

Dry skin ages earlier, oily - later. Lifestyle plays an important role. The habit of working at night and sleeping during the day leads to a disruption in the production of melatonin. Without this substance, aging processes are faster.

Chronic lack of sleep and inadequate water intake - all this leads to early wrinkles. Skin aging accelerates smoking, alcohol consumption and the abuse of sweets.

Another factor that causes early wrinkles is professional activity. People working on the high seas age much earlier, the effect of the sun, wind and sea salt is to blame. The same is observed for those who, on duty, spend a lot of time outdoors in the cold season.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, unbalanced nutrition and dehydration are also among the causes of early aging.

Thus, wrinkles appear due to a decrease in collagen production. In addition to age-related features, this process stimulates an improper lifestyle, exposure to natural factors, lack of vitamins and bad habits.

“Geography” of wrinkles

People who laugh a lot and smile often become “hostages” of the appearance of early facial grooves

To understand exactly when the first wrinkles appear in women, one should understand the types of wrinkles. There are two main types - static and dynamic wrinkles.

  1. Dynamic wrinkles are the same as facial wrinkles. They occur in places with active facial expressions. The first changes in most cases concern the corners of the eyes where the so-called “crow's feet” appear. The reason for such skin changes is laughter, the habit of squinting your eyes. The age of the first facial wrinkles can be different, it all depends on the type of skin. On average, wrinkles become noticeable at age 25. A feature of this type of folds is that they are completely invisible in a calm state. However, they brightly appear when muscle tension, for example, during laughter. It should calm down, as in a few minutes there will not be a trace from the creases, but they will again appear with facial tension.
  2. Static wrinkles are age-related changes in the skin, the so-called creases and grooves that occur in areas with destroyed collagen fibers. An example of such wrinkles is “puppets” on the chin, nasolabial folds, vertical furrows between the eyebrows, Venus rings. Such folds occur on their own, regardless of facial muscle tension, and are the result of a decrease in skin elasticity and a decrease in collagen. The first static wrinkles occur around the age of 30, most often on the neck or in the decollete.

How exactly the first wrinkles appear exactly depends on their type. Static wrinkles can be observed by 30 years, but where they appear - it depends on the features of the structure of the face and skin type. In most cases, the first static wrinkles are Venus rings on the neck.

Dynamic wrinkles appear much earlier. In women with normal skin types, they are noticeable at 25 years old, but owners of dry skin can detect facial creases as early as 20 years.

At what age and where do wrinkles appear?

The first age-related changes can be detected by about 25 years. They affect areas with active facial expressions - the area of \u200b\u200ba smile, corners of the eyes, forehead. In the period of 25-30 years, the first vertical wrinkles are formed, most often on the forehead, the so-called surprise lines. Moreover, in a calm state, they may be practically invisible, but it is worth straining your forehead as they are drawn, and then remain noticeable for a while.

At the same age, “evil” wrinkles form - a vertical fold between the eyebrows that appears due to the habit of frowning.

In people with myopia, an eyebrow wrinkle and crow's feet appear earlier and are often noticeable as early as 20 years old. This is due to the habit of straining your eyes to consider something. Wearing glasses and lenses will help to maintain youth longer.

By around the age of 40, facial wrinkles become deeper and form a light mesh. By the same age, nasolabial folds deepen, wrinkles of sorrow or puppet wrinkles may appear. By the age of 50, they become very noticeable. Plus, skin elasticity decreases, the oval of the face becomes fuzzy, creases appear on the chin. As a rule, by the age of 50, there is a prolapse of the corners of the eyes and lips. At the same time, pronounced wrinkles appear near the upper lip.

After 50 years, the situation has worsened. The oval of the face drops, it becomes fuzzy, the skin loses its elasticity even more.

With the muscular type of aging, the oval of the face and chin remain clearly defined, unlike the deformation type

Having figured out at what age wrinkles appear, the types of aging should be considered.

They depend on several factors:

  • skin type;
  • face shape;
  • the presence of excess weight;

Men do not age like women. Their skin is thicker, and subcutaneous fat more, so the skin remains elastic for a long time. True, age takes its toll, so all men over the age of 50 are quickly covered with a network of wrinkles. If in women this process occurs gradually and lasts for several decades, men age literally in 1-2 years.

Tired type of aging

The second name is “tired face”. This is a fairly favorable type of aging, which is successfully corrected by professional methods of rejuvenation.

This type is characteristic for owners of normal and combination skin. Type characteristic:

  • weakening of the tone of the facial muscles;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • drooping corners of the eyes and lips (“mournful face”);
  • the formation of pronounced nasolabial folds and lacrimal groove;
  • grayish complexion;
  • drooping cheeks.

Interestingly, the process is quite slow. The first wrinkles in women with this type of aging appear quite late - by the age of 30.

A feature of “tired aging” is the dependence of appearance on the quality of sleep. Even at the age of 50, a woman with this feature will look fresh if she has a good night's sleep. But sleepless nights quickly make themselves felt, increasing the overall loss of muscle tone and skin.

Fine wrinkled type

How many years to wait for the appearance of the first wrinkles - it depends on the type of skin. The fine wrinkled type of aging is characterized by the earliest appearance of wrinkles. Women with dry dehydrated skin, lean physique are prone to it. Owners of such a person have too thin a layer of subcutaneous fat, which causes an early loss of muscle tone and skin.

Type characteristic:

  • facial wrinkles appear in 20 years;
  • by the age of 30, a noticeable network of fine wrinkles forms;
  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • dull complexion;
  • the formation of pronounced purse-string wrinkles around the mouth;
  • sharpening of the cheekbones, general “drying out” of the skin.

The second name for this type is “baked apple”. The face shrinks with age, but the facial features do not deform, as in people who are prone to fullness, but dry out. This type of aging is susceptible to the effects of the environment, under the sun or in the wind, the skin loses its tone faster.

Deformation type

A “floated” face shape adds more age than fine wrinkles

The second name that perfectly characterizes the changes is “bulldog cheeks”. This type is inherent in women with a full face, overweight, oily or combination skin.

A feature is the almost complete absence of facial wrinkles. Women with such a face for a very long time keep absolutely smooth skin, do not feel the need for additional hydration and tolerate the effects of frost or wind. However, by the age of 30, the lower part of the face begins to deform. Characteristics of this type:

  • bryly formation;
  • pronounced second chin;
  • fuzzy oval of the face;
  • almost complete absence of fine wrinkles;
  • dense porous skin;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • puppet wrinkles.

Often owners of this type of appearance are faced with swelling of the face, redness of the skin due to the expansion of capillaries is possible.

Combined type

This type is the most difficult to be cosmetologically corrected. Largely because it is impossible to predict how the face will age. For women with this type of aging, a combination of signs of other types is characteristic. So, the combined type can combine nasolabial folds and bruises, as with the deformation type of aging, and a small network of facial wrinkles in combination with a decrease in skin tone, as with the “baked apple” type.

The combined type is predisposed by people who, from a young age, are faced with swelling of the face and dilated capillaries - signs of impaired lymph outflow and venous stasis.

As a rule, owners of combination skin face this type of aging. These are women of normal physique, so the problem of the second chin does not arise in them.

Muscle type

Men and Asians face this type of aging; European women are very rare.

Feature - long preservation of good skin tone and the absence of wrinkles. However, the aging process is still not bypassed, but changes occur abruptly and suddenly, usually after 40 years. The skin ages in just 2 years - nasolabial folds appear, creases and deep wrinkles form, and the lower eyelid suddenly sags.

It is interesting that people with this type of aging, until old age, retain a clear oval face, outlined chin and pronounced cheekbones.

Senile type

The second name is “exhausted face”. In fact, this is not a separate type, but a natural result of any type of facial aging.

"Worn out face" appears after 80 years. It is characterized by parchment skin, a continuous network of wrinkles, deformation of the lower third of the face and a change in the shape of the face. The skin is soft, yellowish-gray, richly covered with age spots and a continuous network of wrinkles.

Skin aging prevention

At least once a week, you need to clean the skin with clay masks (at home) or peeling (in a beauty salon)

No matter how many years a person has their first wrinkle, by the age of 30-35, absolutely everyone can notice the first signs of aging. To delay this process, it is necessary to properly care for the skin from a young age. Universal recommendations for everyone:

  • use sunscreen;
  • thoroughly cleanse the skin;
  • use only gentle cleansers;
  • up to 30 years - a moisturizer, after 30 years - be sure to add a nourishing cream;
  • care for the skin around the eyes from the age of 20;
  • get enough sleep;
  • eat properly;
  • no smoking.

If signs of aging have already appeared, you should know how to stop this process.

  1. Holders of a tired type of aging should properly organize a sleeping place and adjust the mode of the day. It is important to sleep on your back, on an orthopedic mattress. Strengthening and regenerating serums and creams with retinol or vitamin C should be present in home care. To improve complexion and tone the skin, attention should be paid to care with acids in the composition (ANA acids).
  2. With the wrinkled type of aging, it is important not to smoke, eat right, drink plenty of clean water. Moisturizing creams and masks are recommended for their care, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream at night, and starting from 20 years.
  3. Owners of the deformation type of aging are advised not to allow weight gain. The less extra pounds, the less the lower third of the face will deform with age. At home, you should use funds that strengthen the walls of the capillaries - creams with vitamins A, C, E, niacinamide. With this form of aging, alginate masks are very effective.
  4. The muscular type of aging requires deep hydration of the skin. Since this type is characterized by the early appearance of age spots, agents with ANA acids can be added to care.

Professional procedures are selected individually. With the deformation type of aging, there is a sense of injections of lipolytics to reduce the second chin, while small-wrinkled shows hardware cosmetology that improves metabolic processes.

Prevention of senile type of aging does not exist, since it is a natural outcome of changes that occur with the skin. True, now few people have a chance to face this type of aging. Thanks to modern cosmetic procedures and high-quality care, most people do not age so much, until the last keeping a relatively young skin. If you start competent care at a young age, there is a chance to maintain elasticity and a clear oval face, even at 80 years old.

Each woman seeks to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. But age-related skin changes are inevitable. When the first wrinkles appear, why this happens, and whether it is possible to slow down age-related formations on the skin - this will be discussed in this article.

Why does skin age?

Skin is a separate organ of the human body that occupies most of it. It protects against the effects of microbes, from hypothermia and overheating.

Age changes

The contraction of facial muscles entails the formation of folds on the skin, with age it loses its firmness and elasticity, collagen fibers become thinner, wrinkles become deep.

Note!  With a decrease in hormonal activity during menopause, the skin aging process accelerates. She becomes flabby and fades.

Here are the main reasons:

  • slowdown of blood circulation;
  • slowdown of metabolic processes;
  • a decrease in the level of collagen and elastin in the epithelium;
  • menopause in women;
  • decreased levels of hyaluronic acid;
  • slowing down the production of sebum;
  • bad habits, unbalanced diet, lack of proper sleep;
  • frequent diseases.

Premature aging of facial skin in women: causes

Note!  In addition to the woman’s lifestyle, age-related changes in the skin of the face must take into account heredity and the release of proteins such as collagen and elastin, which are necessary for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

How old are wrinkles? This question cannot be answered unambiguously or to determine any specific figure, everything is very individual. When asked about the age at which first wrinkles appear, biologists around the world answer that after 25-30 years, the production of collagen and elastin slows down, and then the first signs are noted. It is also possible the appearance of the first age-related formations on the skin and age spots.

The causes of premature age-related changes in facial skin are:

  • constant stress and frustration;
  • abuse of alcohol, smoking, junk food and other bad habits;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • the influence of UV rays;
  • abuse of coffee, flour, sweet foods;
  • insufficient intake of clean water per day, in addition to juices, tea, coffee, soups.

Note!  The norm of pure water per day per person is calculated as follows: 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight, that is, if the weight is 60 kg, the norm of water per day: 30 ml x 60 kg \u003d 1800 ml. Everything is calculated individually.

Also, the appearance of age-related changes is affected by the lack of the necessary oxygen norm, the so-called oxygen starvation, including from smoking and from the pollution of the surrounding air.

In order to look good, you need to sleep 8-10 hours a day.


Types of facial skin aging and their characteristics

Surely everyone noticed that old age manifests itself in different ways. Someone develops noticeable wrinkles around the eyes, while someone changes the shape of the face. All this suggests that people distinguish various types of aging of the skin of the face.

Tired type of aging or “tired face”

Note! This type is typical for thin or medium physique of women, with an oval or diamond-shaped face, normal or combination skin type.

It is expressed in a decrease in skin elasticity and tone, the face oval changes, the first wrinkles appear in the nasolabial region, the complexion fades. Such a face looks "tired" in the evening. Women, to which this type of aging can be attributed, can be sure that their skin under any conditions will favorably perceive almost any cosmetic procedure.

Fine wrinkled aging or “dry apple”

This type is typical for thin women with an oval face, dry or sensitive skin type. It is expressed in the appearance of early wrinkles on the face, especially in the eyes and neck. This type of aging differs from the first in that the oval of the face remains intact. The skin of the face and neck is simultaneously and proportionally wrinkled, resembling a dry apple.

Note!  This is mainly due to insufficient moisture in the skin cells. In this case, she either does not receive the required amount of moisture, or loses it.

Deformation type of aging of the face and neck or “bulldog cheeks”

This type is inherent for obese women with a round full face shape, combination or oily skin type. It is characterized by a change in the lower part of the face, the cheeks begin to hang down under the weight of the subcutaneous fat layers, the tone and elasticity of the muscles fall, they become weaker, there is a small but noticeable swelling, bags under the eyes, a “second chin”. Wrinkles with this type do not appear very actively and not in large quantities, as, for example, in the previous type. Some noted such age-related changes in the neck. That is, if the sagging lower part of the face resembles the cheeks of a bulldog, then an aging neck can resemble a sharpei neck due to the folds formed on it.

Combined Type of Aging

This type is typical for medium and full women with a round or oval face shape, normal or combination skin type. It is expressed in the gradual manifestation of signs of aging of the previous three types. In this case, they can occur in a different sequence. For example, dry growths on the skin, early wrinkles around the eyes may appear, then the oval of the face will be deformed, then the lower part of the face will sag.

Note!  This type is the most common among the fair sex and is considered the most difficult to care for.

Muscle or muscle type of aging

This type is typical mainly for men, Europeans, and sometimes Asians, with a medium or thin physique, with a square or diamond-shaped face, normal or dry skin type. It is expressed in the absence at the initial stages of any signs of aging. All signs appear abruptly and simultaneously. That is, the attack starts from all flanks simultaneously. This is a sharp appearance of deep large wrinkles in the eye area, nasolabial folds, eyelids sag, the lower part of the face, the oval is deformed.

Types of aging

"Worn out face" or senile type of aging

Not everyone survives before him. It is considered the last stage of aging, in which almost all the signs of aging characteristic of each of the previous types are already manifested, and the skin of the hands also ages.

Is it possible to prolong youth: what means, creams, masks to use

Of course, old age never painted anyone.

Note!  Any woman with the appearance of early wrinkles begins to worry about how to deal with them and keep her skin youthful.

Currently, there are many cosmetic lines on the market from different manufacturers of cosmetics containing various skin care products. Also, beauty salons offer a huge number of various procedures, while promising that the skin will look like a fresh peach, despite the time. How, then, from the whole variety to choose what suits a particular woman with her individual problems? Here are some useful tips for every type of aging:

Type of aging Recommendations
  • make a full sleep, about 8-10 hours a day;

  • cosmetics, serums, creams that improve complexion;

  • any kind of massage of the face and decollete, aimed at the correction of contours;

  • various salon or home peels that will help improve complexion, increase collagen and elastin production, and improve muscle tone.

Small wrinkled
  • get rid of bad habits, including smoking;

  • well moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, milk, emulsions that saturate the skin with the necessary amount of moisture and hold it;

  • cosmetics aimed at smoothing wrinkles in the eye area;

  • any kind of facial massage with nourishing masks and creams;

  • various peels that polish the skin and smooth out facial wrinkles.

  • weight loss;

  • cosmetics, serums, creams that improve complexion, establish microcirculation in the walls of blood vessels;

  • types of massage aimed at lymphatic drainage, tightening the facial contour, reducing edema.

Combinedyou need to choose only those of the above tools and procedures that will affect the pronounced signs of aging, regardless of their belonging to any type.
Muscularwell moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, creams, masks.
  • proper nutrition;

  • external irritants and stress must be minimized.

Well-groomed skin

Nobody wants to grow old. But, unfortunately, this is inevitable. You can only try to improve the condition of your skin, prolong youth, taking care of yourself correctly. Many representatives of the fair sex themselves can not figure out the huge selection of cosmetics and procedures that are currently available. Of course, it’s better not to accept such a choice ourselves, since there is always a risk of making a mistake without being an expert in this field, not to mention the use of various injections and plastic. In no case should such a choice be trusted in yourself or your girlfriend when deciding on serious events that concern a person. You should always contact a specialist.

Every woman wants to please herself and her man, so you must definitely take care of yourself. The beauty and youth of the skin depend not only on the ability to care for themselves, but also on physiology, lifestyle and internal state.