What does problem skin mean? Problem skin: basic rules and care. Folk remedies for skin problems

Any person who has problematic facial skin wants to get rid of this “ailment” as soon as possible. This can be combated by providing treatment and thorough care to problematic facial skin.

The trouble is that if you have problematic facial skin, it’s almost impossible to hide flaws. After all, all the bumps, redness, acne, and also peeling are not always possible to mask with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Problematic facial skin - what to do in this case? The main thing is not to panic, but to proceed to its treatment. If you properly approach the issue of caring for your skin, you can get rid of almost any problem.

Unfortunately, the skin, which is not distinguished by its smoothness and matte, cannot add beauty to a woman, and you can’t hide your face under such clothes under such clothes. Only despair is not necessary ahead of time, because all this can be fixed. There are some rules to deal with skin problems. Performing them, caring for problem skin will give positive results.

Daily care for areas of problem skin involves the timely removal of accumulated contaminants and oily secretions. For problematic skin, enlarged pores are characteristic, which can become inflamed due to their clogging with sebum and dirt. The cheeks, forehead, and also the nose are those areas on the face that most often undergo inflammatory processes.

Having problem skin, it is often possible to observe an unpleasant oily sheen on the face, to feel a film that prevents the skin from breathing normally. Unfortunately, getting rid of this with a usual wash does not work out. And hot water in this case can only do much harm.

At the initial stage of the fight against problems of the skin of the face, due attention must be paid to competent cleansing. Each morning it should be accompanied by washing the face with the use of neutral preparations to cleanse it. Be sure the product should be specifically for problem skin. You can use a soft brush on which the product will be applied for the cleaning procedure. Movements must be performed carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin on the face. The most acceptable temperature for washing with water is thirty-six and five. That is, the temperature should be close to the body temperature.

Regardless of any skin problems, it is not recommended to wash your face more than twice a day, since the amount of fat produced by the sebaceous glands increases with each cleansing of the skin. Therefore, frequent cleansing can only worsen the situation.

Also aggressive skin contact should be avoided. For example, after the skin has been cleaned and washed, you do not need to dry yourself with a towel. It will be enough only to lightly attach it to the surface of the face to absorb liquid from its surface. To apply any funds for problematic skin of the face should be after the skin dries. Not earlier than ten minutes after washing.

Many are mistaken in that they consider the extrusion of acne and acne as a cleansing procedure or a phenomenon with which you can get rid of them forever. In fact, it is better to completely abandon this, since the constant disposal of acne in this way only injures the already unhealthy skin. As a result, it will be possible to earn an infection to problem skin as a bonus. It is better to turn to professional cosmetologists in such a situation, who will perform deep cleansing without negative consequences.

You can use masks for problem skin yourself, which you can also make yourself. To get the effectiveness and the necessary effect from the masks, you should adhere to the following tips:

Before the procedure of applying the mask to the skin, it must first be well cleaned of contaminants. To do this, you can simply wash with soap or rub your face with tonic;

When applying the product on the skin, you should not put a lot of effort. The movements should be massaging type and light enough so as not to stretch and injure the skin once again;

Each application of the mask must be done after some time. There must be an excerpt between procedures. Usually a mask is made no more than twice a week and is applied to the skin for no more than fifteen minutes;

Rinse off the product with water that is barely warm, after which the skin should be treated with a tonic.

When a person has problematic facial skin, mask treatment can be performed at home. Thanks to this method, it is possible to easily normalize dry or oily skin, get rid of red spots and various rashes.

A good mask that accelerates the improvement of metabolic processes as much as possible is cucumber. It may take a couple of minutes to cook, but the effect will not keep you waiting. Fresh cucumber rubs on a fine grater. The resulting mushy mixture is mixed with the protein of one egg. Such a mask is applied to the face and you need to walk with it for up to twenty minutes. It is washed off, as usual, with warm water.

Many masks are prepared with honey. For example, the most traditional mask consists of onion juice and honey. All components are taken one tablespoon and mixed until smooth. The resulting mixture is applied only to those parts of the face in which problems are noted. After fifteen minutes, the mask is removed. Use this procedure is allowed after one day.

If purchased medications are used for medical procedures, then it is necessary to choose the remedy correctly so that it does not provoke new problems. You need to choose a remedy based on an individual problem - dry skin, oily, acne, acne, etc.

For those people whose skin, on the contrary, is overdried or prone to dryness, a different approach is needed to combat this phenomenon. It is noted that with dry skin wrinkles are formed much faster than with oily skin. Naturally, because the skin is experiencing water deficiency, which leads to a loss of its elasticity and firmness. Frequent peeling appears, as a result of which the skin becomes rough.

For dry skin, it is very important to restore water balance. In this case, lipid-based creams are used, which will strengthen the skin and prevent excessive moisture loss. A good option would be funds that basically contain oatmeal, hyaluronic acid or silk proteins.

Dry skin, as well as oily skin, must be washed only with warm water. To remove makeup, it is better to use a special milk that will not dry out and also dry skin. An absolute contraindication for dry skin is any means that have alcohol in their composition.

Instead of soap, when washing, you can use oatmeal, which are pre-crushed. If you compare them with soap, then they will not have a contracting effect on the skin. In addition, peeling will become less common. After such washing, you can wipe your face with an apple slice.

Skin problems can also be dealt with from within. To do this, you need to follow some rules when eating food. So, in order to strengthen the vascular walls, you need to eat more seafood, fish, lemon and spinach. Want to get rid of blackheads? Then the diet should have less yeast bread, convenience foods, chocolate and confectionery, as well as spicy and smoked foods. Fresh and stewed vegetables, chicken, dairy products are welcome in the menu.

When choosing a store or pharmacy cosmetics, you need to get acquainted with the constituent elements of the funds. For problematic skin, it is better not to use cosmetics containing fruit acids and alcohol. It will be better to purchase a series of special cosmetics designed for sensitive skin, as it cleanses the skin more gently, helps moisturize and soothe it. If there are problems with the skin of the face, it is better to refrain from the frequent use of decorative cosmetics, which helps to clog the skin pores.

Regular treatment procedures and competent care for problem skin, as well as its individual areas will provide a significant improvement in just a few two to three months.

What to do if you have problem skin? Acne and acne treatment in this case is performed with the participation of an experienced cosmetologist / dermatologist.

Often it can not do without going to the endocrinologist, gynecologist, taking blood tests, urine tests, demodex mites and others.

You can use acne and acne to treat antibiotics, hormonal drugs, masks, cosmetic procedures, creams, traditional medicine and much more.

In this article we will focus on ways to treat problem skin (including folk), on its features.

What is “problematic facial skin”? By what criteria can it be "recognized"?

Problematic facial skin is not a disease. The definition is used by dermatologists, cosmetologists, doctors and other specialists in relation to the skin, which is prone to excessive dryness or greasiness, to the appearance of acne, blackheads and acne, the occurrence of vascular defects, pigmentation.

As a rule, such skin appears in adolescents, as well as in those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

By what external signs can “problematic facial skin” be recognized? Its external manifestations may be:

These skin features can be both age-related and passing quickly, and cause serious inconvenience.

Problematic skin of the face: treatment of acne in the home and "hospital" conditions. What methods and solutions should be used?

To eliminate dermatological problems can be used both separate methods and complex, i.e. based on the use of several drugs (for example, antibiotics + ointments + folk remedies, hormonal drugs + antibiotics + ointments, ointments + folk remedies and others).

Choose a method of treatment, regimen of drugs must be agreed with the doctor.

The choice of specific drugs often depends on the cause of the problem skin: inflammation, hormonal failure, metabolic disorders, poor gastrointestinal tract and others.

For oral administration use tetracycline and a group of antibiotics based on it.

For external use, various ointments are suitablethat you can easily find and buy at the pharmacy.

Compositions for external use can be based on different substances, have a different principle of action and different contraindications (therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist before use).

As the main ointments and antibiotics can be noted:

How to cope with problem skin with proper nutrition?

Increased grease (and the formation of black spots, acne, acne, blackheads, comedones) is a problem that may be associated with the regime of the day and nutrition.

Why is the appearance of acne and a sweet tooth so interconnected?

The state of skin secretion depends on nutrition. The more sweets you eat (chocolates, sugar, rolls, cookies), the more dense and abundant sebum.

The more abundant it is, the “tastier” it is for bacteria. The more sweet in your diet, the more bacteria in your skin. - the more acne, blackheads and acne.

In order to deal with the problem, sometimes it’s enough just to limit the intake of sweets and flour (at least for a while). It will not be superfluous to refuse store smoked meats, sausages, greasy herring, frozen semi-finished products.

What to do if acne and acne appeared due to an allergy?

After the New Year holidays or a chic feast in a restaurant / cafe / dining room, all skin was covered with red spots? "Acne" and acne? Most likely, the fault was food allergy (due to intolerance to certain foods).

As a rule, an allergy is accompanied by the following "symptoms":

  • red or white acne not only on the face, but throughout the body;
  • smell from the mouth;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • disturbances in coordination of movements.

A surge in patient appeals with similar symptoms and acne is observed after the celebration of the New Year.

Also, cases of treatment of patients in the summer are frequent: as a rule, this happens after returning from rest from Turkey and Egypt (if you didn’t deny yourself anything there at the plentiful buffet).

If acne is caused by food intolerance, then will have to choose a special diet. Before this, a dermatologist will send you for a blood test to further check compatibility with individual foods.

To calculate a diet, immunological analysis with the assessment of antibodies (Ig G and IgE), as well as the number of cells and the activity of cells that mediate an allergic reaction.

Doctors are familiar with allergic reactions to citrus fruits, sugar, and spices.

Masks for problem skin with acne at home

Masks are one way to take care of your skin. without expensive trips to beauty salons, without buying foams, washing gels, creams and other compounds.

Helps to cope with inflammations and “dry” acne or blackheads. To make a mask, follow the instructions:

A yeast mask for problematic facial skin copes with acne and blackheads; often it returns a uniform shade and beautiful radiance; helps to cope with age-related changes.

This method is suitable for you if the rash appears due to hormonal disruptions caused by bacterial activity and a change in the composition of sebum.

Cleansing mask for problematic skin from oily sheen of acne and blackheads NOT used for sensitive skin! Otherwise, you risk causing a serious allergic reaction (or even a burn).

To cook it for you need protein (you need to beat it). Then add to it lemon pulp: 1 teaspoon will be enough.

Mix again, and then apply to the affected areas. Hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse, apply a moisturizer to the skin.

If after applying the composition you feel discomfort (pain, discomfort), it is better to wash off the composition so as not to provoke irritation.

You should not use this tool if you have wounds, cracks and other types of damage.

Protein mask for problem skin

The sequence of its preparation is as follows:

  1. Beat the squirrel with forks, a whisk or a blender.
  2. Add to it the zest of lemon previously ground to flour (we need only 1 teaspoon of the composition).
  3. Take oatmeal. For the mask, we need 1 tablespoon.
  4. Stir all this and apply to the surface of the affected areas.

This remedy does not just eliminate inflammation., but also has a strong nourishing effect, saturates with vitamins, eliminates sagging, dryness and wrinkles.

To prepare this composition, we need:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of baker's yeast.
  2. Mix it with berry or fruit juice (you can use lemon, pomegranate, cranberry and others).
  3. Dilute the resulting composition with a small amount of cold water (so that the composition is moderately thick).
  4. Apply a thin layer to acne or acne affected areas of the skin.
  5. Walk about 30 minutes (the duration depends on your time and feelings).
  6. Wash off the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the surface.
  7. Use a mask to fight acne and blackheads once a week. After 1 month, you will notice that the skin has become more beautiful.

Kefir mask for problem skin

To create this folk remedy, you just need to take 1 tablespoon of baker's yeast, then carefully dilute them with kefir until the necessary density is formed.

Apply the resulting composition to the surface of the skin, wait about 25-35 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then apply a nourishing cream or composition to the skin.

Potato is not only a delicious lunch, but also a “fighter” with acne, comedones, black dots, blackheads and acne, other dermatological problems.

To prepare the product you will need take potato flour, then mix it with yogurt to the necessary density. After that, apply the composition to the affected areas, leave for 35 minutes.

Wash off, enjoy the look of the skin: As a rule, all inflammations go away, and acne becomes less noticeable and less red.

Curd mask to combat acne and black dots

If you have problem skin with a lot of white and red acne, try this remedy. You need to take fat-free cottage cheese (1 tablespoon is enough), then mix it with kefir (take 3 tablespoons of kefir).

The resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas, hold up to about 1 hourthen rinse with water.

Instead of a conclusion. How long do you have to deal with acne?

If you have problem skin with acne, acne, black spots, weeping sores, comedones, persistent allergic rashes, do not despair! This is not a sentence or a problem that you will have to struggle with all your life.

Usually, it takes time to eliminate acne, blackheads and comedones + special substances come in handy.

We hope that in this article you have found a list of antibiotics, cosmetic procedures and folk recipes that will help restore beauty and attractiveness.

Problem skin is not only ugly and unpleasant. It gives a lot of inconvenience, requires constant special care, a lot of money has to be spent on medicines and cosmetics for problem skin. But, if you follow the rules for caring for such skin, use the right cosmetics and visit a cosmetologist regularly, it will become much easier to deal with the problem.

Rules for the care of problem skin

Care for problematic skin must necessarily be constant and comprehensive. It is very important to take care of the skin correctly - this will help reduce rashes, reduce oily skin, improve its appearance and reduce the need for cosmetics and medicines.

One of the main rules is to touch your face with your hands less. Categorically it is impossible to squeeze out acne, blackheads and black spots on your own, pick and rip off a dried-up anemone. All these actions can lead to infection, additional damage and inflammation on the skin, as well as to the appearance of scars and scars, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Next, you should take care of the timely, regular cleansing of the skin. Moreover, it must be correct. You need to clean problem skin no more than twice a day, using not ordinary soap, but special gels or foams designed for your skin type. Do not rub your face much - it’s better to wash your face with light, circular movements, without pressing on the skin. From time to time, you can use a special brush to wash your face, which will help to better cleanse the pores. Peeling for problematic skin can be done no more than twice a week, otherwise, with more frequent use, the skin will become even more oily, and the pores more enlarged.

Do not believe that ultraviolet light helps to get rid of skin irritations. Problem skin needs to be protected from the sun even more carefully than normal! A tan can only mask the rashes for a while, and in the long term, the skin condition only worsens, age spots may appear, and skin that is oily in the T-zone will become overdried, thinned on the cheeks and forehead.

Problem skin, like any other, necessarily requires nutrition and hydration. Its peculiarity is that not all products are suitable for such skin and you need to be very careful about their choice.

Treatment of problem skin

Beauticians very often hear about difficulties with problematic skin, about a third of all clients of beauty salons ask what to do with it! Of course, you can’t let the problem go by itself - the sooner you go to the cosmetologist, the better, the less time and money it will take to treat problem skin.

To begin with, a beautician will definitely advise you to undergo a professional facial cleansing. Depending on the condition of the skin, the doctor will prescribe mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning. By the way, for problematic skin, it is necessary to undergo salon facial cleansing at least once every 2 to 3 months.

At the initial stage of treatment of problem skin, cosmetologists often prescribe a darsonvalization course - this procedure helps reduce inflammation, relieve irritation, improve skin color and its general condition. In addition, the Darsonval apparatus helps improve blood circulation in the skin, which contributes to a better supply of nutrients to the cells and a decrease in the release of sebum.

Microcurrent therapy has a good effect on problem skin. This procedure is prescribed even in cases where there are a lot of inflammatory formations, and the skin is very sensitive. Microcurrents penetrate very gently into the deeper layers of the skin and, without injuring the outer skin, help fight the problem, restore microcirculation of the blood, as if pushing out impurities that clog pores from the inside.

Mesotherapy can also help get rid of acne, increased oily skin and enlarged pores. The advantage of this procedure is that thanks to the invasive administration of drugs, they begin to act instantly and precisely in those places where it is necessary.

Makeup for problem skin

The main thing that every owner of problem skin needs to remember - decorative makeup does not exist to mask problems. For this, special concealers and correctors are released. Doing makeup for problem skin, in no case should be carried away by tonal products, creams and powders - this will only emphasize all the roughness of the skin and clog pores.

For oily, porous skin, it is better to use light, mineral powder and water-based tonal fluid. It is also undesirable to use red, purple and crimson tones in the makeup - because of the play of light, they will only focus on redness and inflammation on the skin.

Problem skin - this is unpleasant, but this is not a sentence! The main thing in time to pay attention to the existence of the problem and do its treatment, rather than disguise.

Skin problems are caused by a violation of various body systems. By restoring the body as a whole, you also remove skin problems.

If the body can not cope, the skin takes on the function of cleaning. All the crap comes out through the skin - hence the skin problems.

  1. Digestive disorders the cause of acne, allergies, dermatitis, acne. One of the most powerful factors in violation of the skin condition is a violation of the digestive system, as a lack of beneficial microflora. The more beneficial microflora in the intestine, the cleaner your skin.

The gut itself is a powerful immune system. Throughout life, we lose the beneficial bacteria obtained with mother’s milk at birth. Then we do not restore them in any way. Yes, and kill with antibiotics. 70-80% of people suffer from severe dysbiosis.

Children are born without these bacteria at all. The baby receives beneficial bacteria at the very first feeding. MANDATORY, immediately after birth, give the baby a breast. And it doesn’t matter if mom has milk or not. There is colostrum, without which the baby’s intestines will not work well.

Disruptions in the functions of the excretory system - poor gastrointestinal tract function, constipation, disturbances in the secretion of bile (and it works to break down cholesterol), poor liver and kidney function - all this is the cause of skin diseases. Therefore, the first way to deal with skin problems is to restore the digestive tract.

  1. Nervous system . Problems with the nervous system lead to such disorders as neurodermatitis, urticaria, pruritus, hyperpigmentation. Here is the second solution to skin problems - restore your nervous system.
  1. Endocrine system . (thyroid gland, pancreas, gonads, pituitary, adrenal glands). Changes in these glands will provoke dermatoses, acne, purulent lesions.

Signs of disturbances in the pituitary gland are pallor, swelling.

Adrenal gland lesions are a bronze disease.

Violations in the activity of the sex glands provoke the formation of a large number of fat cells, they press on the connective tissue, on the nerve endings, on the vessels - the nutrition of the tissue worsens, which leads to cellulite.

Here you need to contact a specialist.

  1. Hematopoietic system . Violations in this system lead to dermatitis, pallor of the skin, dryness, nail changes (concave), hair loss.
  1. The immune system . If the immune system does not cope, this leads to skin diseases such as dermatoses, certain inflammatory areas, blisters, papillomas, tumors, allergic dermatoses, psoriasis.

The immune system produces cells - killers, antibodies. If the immunity is normal - these cells kill viruses and bacteria that enter our body.

And if the immune system is broken - antibodies perceive our body as foreign and attack. The immune system opposes its own cells. Autoimmune diseases - multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes.

  1. Irradiation, inflammation, a large number of drugs, low-quality perfumes   can also lead to skin diseases. You can use creams, shampoos, ointments - but if the problem is inside, then it must be solved from the inside. Give up chemistry.
  1. Metabolic disease - furunculosis, xanthomas (yellow grains on the skin filled with fat), itching, rough skin, dark, rough patches of skin on the hands, elbows, dimpled nails, inflammation of the mucosa, seizures, brittle nails, seborrhea, hair loss, eczema, dermatitis , hypergamatosis, glossitis (inflammation in the tongue).

The cause of skin diseases is the increased formation of aggressive peroxide compounds and free radicals. These compounds are especially dangerous when exposed to ultraviolet radiation (sunlight), under stress, environmental pollution, eating disorders, lack of antioxidants.

If they form compounds with proteins - an allergy, with fat cells - cancer, with ribonucleic acid - a change in heredity. They change the structure of the membranes. Blood pressure rises.

Violation of protein and fat metabolism - lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis or cellulitis;

Disruption of carbohydrate metabolism - pustular diseases, allergies. The reason is a lack of vitamins and minerals.

To remove skin problems , we begin to gradually restore all these 7 systems from the inside.

Antioxidants will help:

- vitamins and vitamin-like substances: A, C, beta - carotene, E, B2, B3, PP, H, linoleic acid

- minerals: calcium, iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese,

- amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid),

- polyphenols.

The mechanism of action of antioxidants:

- oxygen delivery,

- oxygen utilization,

- an obstacle to the formation of free radicals.

Problematic skin is a medical problem that is characterized by a tendency of the skin to grease or dryness, the formation of acne, pigmentation, vascular defects, as well as other cosmetic manifestations. The main signs of skin problems will be the formation of redness, an unhealthy color, a rough uneven surface, acne rashes, enlarged pores and comedones. Even perfect skin on the background of hormonal changes in the body and undergoes various changes with age. With such manifestations, adolescents and people who have diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems are most often found. To solve skin problems, consultation with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, a holistic medical examination, the elimination of manifestations of endogenous pathologies, as well as the organization of appropriate and systematic skin care are required.

Sensitive and dry skin, as well as oily and mixed (combined) skin, refers to problem skin of the face, which has signs of dry and oily skin. Such conditions of problem skin are distinguished:

  • dehydrated - insufficient moisture;
  • sensitive;
  • listless (atonic);
  • pigmented: uneven coloring of certain areas of the skin;
  • wrinkled;
  • skin with rosacea - the presence of a pronounced vascular pattern.

Very often, the condition and type of skin are interconnected, so sometimes its type becomes the cause of the formation of problem skin. For example, pustules and acne most often appear on oily skin, and excessive dryness of the skin will cause permanent irritation and fine wrinkles on the skin.

External manifestations of problem skin

Given the general condition, age characteristics, body health, skin type, as well as many various other reasons, skin problems can be fast-passing and temporary, and can cause a person serious inconvenience. If the skin consists of normal, dry and oily areas, then it is called combination. This type of skin is most often encountered by women, it is characterized by a coating of oily skin of the central or T-zone of the face (chin, nose and forehead), and on the neck, cheeks and around the eyes - the skin is dry or normal. Dry, sensitive and oily skin are considered the most problematic types.

Oily problem skin

Oily skin does not exhibit premature wrinkle formation, unlike other skin types, but it is characterized by the presence of sebaceous sheen, large pores, poor circulation and a yellowish tint. Oily skin contributes to the development of oily seborrhea and acne, which are manifested during sexual development, against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

Dry problem skin

Dry skin is deprived of natural support in the form of sebum, which in this type of skin does not produce enough, therefore it looks flaky and dry. This skin type is susceptible to the influence of external mechanical influences and adverse weather and climatic conditions. They lead to skin irritation, rash and redness. Also, dry skin does not perceive bad water, in connection with this, after washing, a feeling of tightness forms.

Any of the types of problem skin has its own characteristic features and are presented in the form of such external manifestations on the skin as:

  • acne and acne;
  • excessive greasy skin;
  • furunculosis;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • pallor and unhealthy skin tone;
  • the presence of yellowness of the skin;
  • itchy skin;
  • candidiasis and fungal infections;
  • manifestation of an allergy to the skin;
  • dark spots;
  • the formation of early wrinkles;
  • sagging skin.

Causes of Problem Skin

A variety of factors can be sources of skin problems, therefore, we will consider some of the main reasons for the formation of this cosmetic problem:

Care for problem skin is carried out using cosmetic procedures, special means, adherence to a healthy lifestyle. Only the combined and integrated application of these methods will achieve the desired results.

Treatment of problem skin can be carried out by correction methods such as:

  • mesotherapy: based on the introduction of homeopathic medicines by injection into the mesoderm;
  • smoothing wrinkles with Botox or biogel, which are aimed at slowing down the effects of age-related signs and correcting traces of their effects;
  • electrocoagulation: it is the cauterization of tissues using electric current and is used in the elimination of "spider veins", moles, blackheads and papillomas;
  • ozone therapy is a massage using ozonated oil, which consists in the intradermal and subcutaneous injection of an oxygen mixture, which helps to improve complexion and eliminate facial wrinkles;
  • peeling is a group of methods that is designed to eliminate the stratum corneum of the skin and protect young developing cells;
  • lifttign - lifting of the aging skin;
  • ultrasonic phonophoresis - exposure to the skin by ultrasonic vibrations under the influence of which cell metabolism and lymph drainage are activated;
  • cryotherapy is a technique that is aimed at treating with cold dry air and is based on short-term cooling, which causes the narrowing of blood vessels and promotes the expansion of capillaries;
  • phytohormone therapy is a new area in the treatment of skin problems, which focuses on the correction of hormone imbalance.

Problem Skin Care

Care for problem skin of the face consists of three main stages, the result of treatment will depend on compliance with and implementation of which:

  1. Purification is a procedure that should be carried out twice a day using specialized tools that contain boric alcohol. You can also use tar soap, which disinfects and dries the skin. After washing, you need to wipe the skin with an ice cube or chamomile broth, which is considered a good antiseptic;
  2. Moisturizing: after washing and using lotions, the upper layer of sebum is washed off, the skin is best moistened with creams and gels, which are designed for problem skin;
  3. Nutrition - the use of nourishing and drying masks that will help to get rid of oily sheen and give the skin a fresh and healthy look.

In the presence of strong manifestations of problem skin, it is necessary to seek the advice of a dermatologist, who will determine the complexity and peculiarity of the rashes, and also prescribe a qualified treatment.