How beautifully a man declares his love. Declarations of love to a man. How to declare a guy love in VK

Love is the most magical feeling every teenager has gone through. Probably every girl cried at night from the fact that her young man had abandoned her. Or, on the contrary, that she cannot tell him about her feelings. Indeed, how can one tell a young man about deep feelings so as not to be rejected? You will find answers to this and many other questions right now.

If you think that girls are not entitled to first confess their love, then you are mistaken. Nowadays, these guys have gone that it’s better to take everything into your own hands and act.

The best and, perhaps, the easiest way to make a declaration of love is recognition by SMS. But it's worth figuring out how to do it right, because guys are different and some of them may not understand you.

You should immediately determine who this young man is for you. A friend with whom you have long and hopelessly in love, or a friend to whom you have recently become affectionate and reverent. Maybe this is your classmate? There are many options and today you will definitely find the one that is closest to you.

If a boy is a friend to you

Is there a friendship between a guy and a girl? Almost everyone is asking this question. Many argue that yes, of course it does. Others, on the contrary, are trying to convey that friendship between a guy and a girl is something that will never happen. One way or another, everyone will remain in their own opinion.

So imagine. You are friends with a guy and secretly in love with him. Obviously, this is not just friendship for you. But how does your supposedly “friend” feel about you?

The first thing you should clearly know before recognizing by SMS is what your friend feels for you. Only 2 options - loves or treats as a friend.

But how do you know, you ask, does he love me? Very simple. You, as a girl, obviously should notice some fleeting hints from him. Suppose, if he often looks at you, or suggested that you be brought home, gave flowers. Even if the usual field, just plucked at you - you must admit, it is still very nice.
Noticed at least some signs of attention on his part? Then feel free to write SMS recognition. SMS can be any. The main thing is that it was written from the heart. In no case do not copy any romantic poems from the Internet, it will look fake and pretend.

If you do not notice any hints from your friend, then do not be discouraged. Perhaps he is simply modest and afraid that you are indifferent to him. In any case, it’s better to try now and write that noticeable SMS than to suffer then because I haven’t tried it.
Several SMS options will be presented below. But after reading them, you should compose your own, and not copy and just paste the message and send it.


One option: “* Name *, hello. I would like to talk seriously with you. Are you and I friends? Yes, that's right, friends. But, you know, lately, for inexplicable reasons, I have become so drawn to you. I do not know what is happening to me. When you are gone, I miss. When you are with me, I am the happiest. I understand that now you just can reject me. This is your choice. I just wanted to speak out, finally, how much I love you. As soon as I met you, you seemed to me ordinary, the same as everyone else. But having recognized you a little, I realized that you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. I love you".


You can, in principle, and so: “Hello! You know, I can be silent more. You think that you are just a friend to me, but this, unfortunately, is not so. You are not a friend. You are the man who turned my whole life upside down. You are magical, incredible, unforgettable. Not enough adjectives to describe what you really are! You can support whenever you really need it. You can cheer you up like no other. All I want to see all my life is your smile and eyes. I am ready to listen to your fantastic voice without stopping. He drives me crazy. Perhaps you will take it all for fun, but no. This is not true. I waited a long time and finally decided to confess. I’m just afraid that we might stop being friends in an instant, and with it I’ll lose my friend and the love of my whole life. Please do not leave and betray me, as others did. I sincerely hope that you are my destiny that will never leave me. I love you!"

In this confession, you can add some memorable moments that you experienced together. Believe me, even the coldest heart thaws from such a sensual recognition.

If a young man is familiar to you

A friend is a person whom you do not know as well as, for example, a friend, but to whom you can be drawn no less strongly.
Confession to a friend will be about the same as for a friend. The main thing is sincerity and sensuality in words, write anything. The young man will be pleased to read what you wrote, and not what is copied from another source.

But recognition does not have to be in prose. If you have poetic abilities, then it's time to apply them! A poem about your deep feelings will not leave him indifferent. But remember, it must be written by you personally.
Again, there are just a lot of examples. But you should create your own unique text by at least editing the one below.


“Hello, * Name *! I want to tell you something important. What I felt in the very first moment when I met you. Do you believe in love at first sight? And I believed. And all thanks to you. Your smile is just magical. Your eyes are something magical and beautiful. You know, before the days dragged on for a very long time, but after I met you they rush at the speed of light. You changed my life. I began to breathe you. It seems that you are not only a part of me, you have become everything to me. Sometimes it seems to me that if I don't even see you, then I can’t breathe. You have no idea how much I love you. As I have long wanted to tell you this, and finally decided. You are my sun that burst so suddenly and warmed my frozen heart. You are the ideal of a man. You are the best for me!"


Or so: “I have long wanted to tell you, and, finally, I decided. You are not just a friend to me, you are something more to me. Sometimes it seems to me that I simply cannot without you in this world full of evil and betrayal. You are the ray of happiness that so suddenly appeared on my horizon. Now my life has completely changed. I am grateful to fate - I have. You are my romantic man of my dreams. And at some points, I envy even myself, because you are special. You are not like everyone else. The best and most dear. You can talk about anything, and sometimes it’s nice just to be silent. How nice it is to have a person with whom silence replaces unnecessary conversations. You are my treasure that I will not give to anyone. And even if you reject me now, I still won’t turn my back on you. After all, to know such a wonderful person is just a gift of fate. ”

If a young man is a classmate

Declaring love to a classmate is perhaps the most difficult of all of the above. Because there may be two options. Either he blabs it to the whole class and you become a laughing stock, or he will understand you correctly and reciprocate.
Recognition by SMS to a classmate is not an easy task. You must clearly decide what you say to your lover. Recognition should be touching and easy to perceive. Still, what kind of recognition will be up to you to decide. The main thing is to write everything that you would like to say in your eyes.
There are many examples. However, if the muse did not come to you today and you could not write a worthy recognition, then be sure to read what is given below.


One of many examples: “You know, sometimes it seems to me that life is so small, and I’m afraid not to be in time. I’m afraid I don’t have time to become the person I see myself. But the main thing is that now I have happiness. A goal to which I sometimes do not find the strength to go, fearing that it is not within my power. But you do incredible things. You inspire confidence in me, the belief that there is nothing impossible and that we can both be happy. Not like many people for one or two years, but for eternity. For that eternity that is given to us. Life is very short, but sometimes a moment of life is worth living. To live it in gray colors, in quarrels. I need to learn to appreciate what is given to me, to appreciate those moments that I spend with you, so as not to make a mistake one day without making a mistake that I will regret all my life. I love you very much and want to live my whole life with someone who will support me at a difficult moment, and will insist that there is nothing impossible, everything is in your hands, dear! Everything is in our hands: our happiness, our life, our love. I love you honey. And life with you is an incredible miracle, an incredible gift of fate. You are the best".

The young man with whom there was already a kiss

Kissing a young man, in confusion, you did not have time to confess to each other in love. However, one should not run away from this, one must admit right now.

Example 1

Having written a message, for example, like this: “Dear, dear, my very best. Meeting you completely changed my life. Everything went differently in it. All the everyday bustle somewhere disappeared, and the days became so bright and memorable! Time seemed to have a different look. It languishes when you are not with me, and just rushes at the speed of light when you are near. You touched my heart, and most importantly, you managed to hook my soul. And you will not get anywhere from there. Your kiss does not burn with passion, on the contrary, envelops in tenderness and sensuality. Your arms are not shackles, but reliable support. Is there love? Yes, and only you made me believe in it. ”

Example 2

This option is also perfect for explaining to your young man in love by SMS: “Beloved. Yes, now I can call you love. After kissing you, I realized that you are the most precious thing that can ever be in life. I oud and forgot what true love is, but you're different. Thanks to you, my heart can feel again. I already thought that it was completely frozen and cooled, but your fire inside could warm it. You are not just a man, you are my salvation. When you are not there - I miss, when you are with me - I am the happiest. It may all sound silly and corny now, but I just want to tell you how I feel. In the eyes it’s very difficult to say. Only SMS saves. You just know that you are the most gorgeous man I have ever met. ”

To a young man who is far from you

Example 1

Or as an example to you: You know, you suddenly appeared in my life, now I can’t imagine it without you. You are not like thousands of others, you are special. Most of myself, I give to you. I also wanted to say that I am madly jealous of the people who see you every day. After all, it’s so wonderful to watch you smile, or sometimes sad. You are far away now, but I would like to tell you these treasured three words. Yes, I love you. You are the best thing that happened to me. You are an ideal that was able to awaken in me those deep feelings that I had never felt for anyone. I dream of being closer to you, but this distance always disturbs everything. However, I sincerely hope that we can be together. After all, distance is just numbers that are not an obstacle to such a feeling as love. You are the best, I love you. "

Example 2

This evening it’s especially hard for me to realize that you are not around. You are somewhere far away, thousands of kilometers from me. You know, I'm still trying to make myself think it's not love. Each time, I understand that for some inexplicable reason I’m starting to pull you crazy. Especially when evening comes. I am lying and thinking about you. They say that people who do not sleep at 3 am are either in love or lonely. So here. I don't know, maybe I'm lonely? I would not want to believe it. I dream of living with you all my life. You changed me, reincarnated me, I became different. And that's all thanks to you. Distance, of course, always gets in the way. But we could overcome it, believe me. You just can’t imagine how I love you. I write, and tears on my cheeks. I don’t know why, I kind of admitted my feelings, it should become easier, but my heart is still something wrong. Probably because now you can simply reject me, and I will die in nutria. Just know. That without you this world is not needed. Life is not the same without you. Remember once and for all - I love you very much! ”

How to confess to a guy in love

Sometimes women and girls believe that the first to confess sincere love is impossible, because this is the prerogative of a man. But some guys are simply afraid to take the first step and therefore hide their feelings from their lover. Therefore, in order not to wait for the cherished words forever, it is worth discarding prejudices and confessing love to my beloved man herself.

Recognition Preparation

Before you open your feelings, think about whether you can do it. It is not easy to confess to a man the first, for this you need determination and confidence in your feelings. If in doubt, do not rush, it is better to postpone this moment. Make sure the man is ripe to hear the words of love.

When the moral preparation is behind, you should carefully consider what to say and when to do it better. Properly selected time and place is the key to a positive result. Do not talk about tender feelings when he is not in the mood, busy with work or watching a football match. Indeed, in such a situation, the words simply pass by the ears.

When choosing a place, you need to proceed from his preferences and attitude to romance. Saying that you can love while walking in the park or on the riverbank, at a romantic dinner in a beautiful restaurant or during an intermission at the cinema, nothing prevents you from doing this during parting, when he escorts you home or before leaving for a business trip.

You can say to your husband “love” every morning by making him coffee in bed or during breakfast, having prepared a favorite treat.

Failure Preparation

The stronger you expect a positive response, the harder it is to realize that there is no reciprocity, so it is always painful to experience failure. But do not give up, you should accept the current situation and turn the page. Failure makes it clear that this person is not your fate, you need to leave him and live on.


Eyes to eyes

This method is sincere and effective, because boys appreciate the straightforwardness and honesty in girls. Speech should be prepared in advance so as not to say too much; improvisation is not an assistant here. A man will be pleased to hear compliments and even a little flattery.

Speak directly, avoiding vague phrases so that he understands that this is a declaration of love. At this moment, the main thing is not to be nervous, but to radiate confidence.

A tête-à-tête declaration of love is the most reliable method for those women whose beloved man is married, because only in this way will you most likely be able to keep it secret.

In the ear

This is an original and cute way. It is proved that intuitively a person is inclined to trust a whisper. The advantage of the method is that you can whisper a chosen one words of love unexpectedly: spending time with friends, sitting in a cafe, theater, movie, when there are a lot of strangers around. A declaration of love to a beloved man, uttered in a whisper, has a passionate, and sometimes erotic, character.

By phone

This option of declaration of love can be chosen if the beloved man is at a distance or you are afraid to look him in the eye at such a crucial moment. The advantage of this method is that you can peek into a pre-written speech. The downside of revelation over the phone is that you cannot visually assess the reaction of a loved one, and by the intonation of a voice, this is not always possible.

Through social networks

If you often communicate with your beloved man on the Internet, then a declaration of love can be sent by personal message, choosing beautiful and gentle words that describe the fullness of your feelings. Another option is to draw graffiti on its “wall” if you don’t mind the recognition becoming public. If you are afraid to write directly, you can send a song that tells about your feelings.

Love letter

This is a suitable way for those girls who are not ready to say about feelings out loud. A letter to a beloved man with a declaration of love does not have to be long; a few touching lines in prose or in poetic form will suffice. You can send a love letter by mail or quietly put it in the pocket of the chosen one.


If the beloved man is now not nearby or there is no way to pronounce a declaration of love out loud, SMS will be a good way. In addition, you can at the same time admit that you do not dare to tell him about your feelings directly. If the message is received, but there is no answer, check if he received the message. But if the answer is yes, do not ask clarifying questions or take other steps, the next move is for the man.

Recognition Options

  • Thanks to you, I feel happy every day! I like it when you give me your attention and tenderness. I feel so good with you that I’m ready to sing with happiness. You are so attentive, caring and sensitive! I am happy to be with you. And I am ready to make you the happiest man in the world, because I love you very much!
  • Each person is looking for his soul mate, and happiness has no limit when he finds it. I pulled out my lucky ticket when I met you. Now you are my fate and happiness, because only when you are near the world becomes bright and bright. My heart and soul belong to you, you are the only man for me. I do not want to hide the true feelings, because I love you. I love and am ready to scream about it to the whole world!
  • I do not stop thinking about you, because I love very much! I want to be with you to give you my affection and tenderness. I want to spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whispering in your ear: I love you!
  • I can not imagine myself without you, without your eyes and a smile, kisses and courageous hands. Now I know that you are happiness, my happiness. I love you!
  • I do not need expensive gifts, I need only your attention, only you alone. After all, when I wake up in the morning, I realize that I live with you ... for you. I wanna be with you. I love you!
  • At first glance, I fell in love with you. I like everything about you: a gentle voice, a pleasant smile and hot kisses. My heart flutters like a bird in a cage when I'm alone with you. I dreamed about such a man all my life. With you I feel like a real woman, with you I am happy. My dear, I love you and wish that from a small spark our senses would light up in a huge flame of love!
  • My most beloved and dear, I can say with confidence that our meeting is not accidental. Heaven was destined for us to find each other. And so, it happened, our paths converged. My heart immediately told me that we were born to be together. I love you and hope it is mutual!
  • I miss your hands, eyes and lips! I miss you! I miss you so much! And all because I love you!
  • No one can feel and understand the fullness of my feelings for you. No one will understand how I love you, because no one on the whole planet is gifted with such happiness to love to absurdity, to madness, surrendering completely to one person. I love you and want to make you just as happy!
  • You are the meaning of my life! I think of you when I fall asleep. I think of you when I wake up. I smile in my sleep thinking of you! I want to scream that I love you. After all, without your smile I can’t imagine myself. You are my half! I love you!
  • A light lights up in me when you are nearby and I like this warmth, it warms me so much. I feel comfortable with you, it’s hot in your arms. Your kisses are tender and sweet, and your lips are passionate and soft. You are my world, my universe! I have nothing more to say, only that I love you.
  • What is love? It is impossible to describe in words, it is both simple and difficult. What is love? This cannot be explained, in order to understand, one needs to feel. And I understood, because I love you!
  • There are no distances and obstacles, there are no hundreds of kilometers between our cities, because I love you and look forward to seeing you!
  • There are people with whom even for a moment I do not want to part. They are a real drug: the more you recognize them, the more difficult it is to forget them. They want to comprehend again and again, completely dissolve in them. They delight the mind and captivate the heart. They are few, but they are. For me, such a person is you! I love you!
  • You know, I'm calling you to say that I love you! I understood this and decided that you have the right to know!

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling that sooner or later any girl experiences. Meeting with your “ideal” man (especially when it comes to first love) always leaves an indelible mark on your memory. But in order to be together, you need to somehow express your feelings, which not everyone succeeds and not always. But what if the guy for some reason did not rush to throw millions of roses at his feet, and the woman herself had firmly decided what would happen only to him? In our enlightened age, for a long time you can independently take the first step without waiting for it from your knight and at the same time not lose your dignity.

Is it possible for a girl? Pros and cons

Why “against”:

  1. The most disgusting outcome of this event is a refusal to accept tender feelings. It’s always scary to admit the first, because the other half can discover that he likes the other or try to turn everything into a joke and “stay friends”.
  2. If this is a serious person with strict upbringing, then after such a bold act, he can decide that the girl is easily accessible and / or prefers to dominate the relationship - no man will consciously want to be henpecked.
  3. Complexes can also play a cruel joke. Too insecure a young man for such a frank confession may begin to mumble “I don’t know”, and too self-confident will decide that he is too macho, even if the girls tell him this themselves. This may be the beginning of the manipulation of a partner, but why is it necessary in normal relations?
  4. Failure will disappoint and can cause already girlish complexes. Regret and “self-eating” develop into despair, if you do not get distracted by something neutral or another person in time.

It is believed that a girl should not take the first step


  1. Courage is an occasion for pride. And not only the most admitted, but also her boyfriend! How much admiration is in the voice when he tells his friends (and sometimes later on the children) about how his dream itself approached him (called, wrote - it doesn’t matter).
  2. Secret unrequited love is treated exclusively by such confessions. Even if the guy did not show mutual feelings, his opinion on this matter helps a lot to pull himself together.
  3. And if mutual love, but he hides it? Be sure to dare! Humble guys often can’t even afford to dream that the girl will decide to tell about her feelings first, and that they themselves force them to make a confession comparable to torture. In this case, you need to be simpler.
  4. A new level of relationship can go so far that it ends in a wedding. Yes, now joint walks, going to the cinema, small gifts, but is it love? This can only be clarified by confessing love to a guy - suddenly this is the beginning of a truly magical life.

Why is he silent?

Yes, according to generally accepted rules of behavior, a man must do a lot first: give a hand to a lady, invite him to a dance, confess his love. But, due to the emancipation of women, not all young people are able to say “I love you” without fear, even if they seem cool in appearance. Let's just say that even if they themselves seem cool.
What to do in this case?
By all means, openly declare your love first. This will not only give strength in their own eyes, but also liberate the guy.

Others prefer to keep such confessions secret because of fear of their pressure to “scare” the girl or, conversely, to give her an instrument of power over herself. Unfortunately, not all the fair sex are honest, preferring the joys of meeting and intimacy to the joy of spending time together and receiving valuable gifts.
What to do in this case?
Than to be so tender and fragile that it is scary to touch, it is better to show a little of your own initiative. Firstly, this will help the young man to be convinced of the exceptional sincerity of the girl, and secondly, such tactics will help show that a woman is also sometimes strong. However, the born “defenders” may not like this.

Also, boys no less than girls are afraid to be rejected or to hear that the subject of adoration loves his best friend more. No one is safe from this. In addition, men, for the most part, are morally more “pachyderms” and cannot always understand what exactly they feel for their companion.
What to do in this case?
Most often this happens when the object of adoration was himself previously confessed to love and was rejected. Now he has a psychological trauma and fear that any girl will do the same to him as the previous one. It makes sense to admit here to break this stereotype.

Silence Can Talk A Lot

There are also “silent people” who prefer to show their attitude by actions, forgetting that women “love with their ears”. Try to hint to such a knight that he is sometimes more romantic. There is no particular need to admit.

Serious preparation

But, having decided, it is better to stop for a while and check whether the girl herself is ready to confess love to the guy. Doing it first is no easier than the men who do it on their own.

To begin with, it’s worth trying to look at yourself from the outside - is this love really? Maybe boredom or a thirst for adventure, tired of being alone? Before making loud statements, you need to be sure of the sincerity of your own feelings. A close friend, mother or sister can help to understand the situation. But you should not discuss such secrets with the best friend of your future young man - most likely, this will cease to be a secret, but the question of why the outsider, and not the guy himself, was the first to know about it.

Also, if friendly communication is established, you can gently ask his opinion about relationships, about girls, maybe even about marriage. But all this should be done unobtrusively, exclusively being interested in the opinion of a friend. This stage of preparation is extremely useful in the future, if it turns out that the feelings are mutual - tastes and preferences are better to know well, and not try to guess on the fly.

Is there an intention to express your feelings? Well, then you can start rehearsing. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, it’s better to really rehearse the “scene” several times in front of the mirror to pick up words and choose the most winning tactics. During a real confession, the confidently pronounced phrase will not allow the guy to laugh it off, pretending that these are momentary emotions.

It remains to put yourself in order, to prepare an irresistible smile and ... to make the most original declaration of love in your life. Independently.

Original confessions

1) You can whisper words of love in your ear. It is not so easy to do it beautifully, but if it is successful, it looks very romantic and pleasant for both. And guys, for nothing, that show their masculinity, are also greedy for tenderness, like girls. In addition, what was said in a whisper is perceived as a secret secret, something that needs to be kept from others.

2) Romantic and fun. If the guy is romantic, that's fine. Walking under the stars, a joint dinner (atypically enough when a girl leads a man to a restaurant, it’s much better to brag of her own culinary masterpieces), candles - all this will create the very atmosphere when you can say the opening phrase “I have long wanted to tell you ...”. Just do not make it a toast - it does not always look spectacular, especially when a girl is very worried and in a hurry to "wash down" her words.

Beautiful words help express feelings

3) If, however, two romantically inclined natures met, and there is no mood to stand for half a day, then it is quite possible to devote a poem to your beloved and personally recite it. But there are some difficulties here - firstly, it is not worth making a poem out of recognition - reading too long will only cause fatigue and bewilderment, and secondly, it’s better to completely abandon the written sheet - the quatron pronounced from memory will be much more effective. Unless in recognition by correspondence, a lengthy madrigal will look more appropriate.

4) Endorphins are the best allies. There are also tricks to help create such an impressive spiritual uplift that the answer to any question will be positive, not to mention the reaction to a declaration of love from a girl. How to arrange it? Not so simple, but possible. An ideal day - delicious food, excellent work, the beloved team won and the ideal woman declared her love. What could be more beautiful?

5) The modest come to the aid of the Internet and mobile communications. Although talking about serious things is not personally considered bad form, it’s better than sitting and waiting until the prince deigns to guess for himself. There is also no need to neglect the preparation - several drafts will help to sift out unnecessary words and ambiguities, leaving only the most important thing. And then you can make an appointment. In the most extreme case, you can arrange a mysterious accident - a letter from a stranger or SMS from an unknown number. Mystery and adventure inflame the feelings of the stronger sex at any age.

6) You can pick up any reason for recognition. Birthday, New Year or anniversary of dating is no worse than other days to make such a gift as yourself. True, you should not confine yourself exclusively to this gift ... By the way, about gifts - a disc with lyrics, your own song or clip will help make the recognition unforgettable. Even if the feelings are not mutual, let them remain as a keepsake for someone who is not indifferent to you.

7) One of the most gentle ways to talk about how you feel is to bring it out from a loved one in the most sensitive places. We are talking about the back and arms - under the pretext of a funny game “guess what I'm painting on you” you can talk about your love and it will be wonderful.

A negative answer only means that you can build relationships with others

You can ask your friends and relatives for help if it seems that you can’t get out of depression itself - a new hobby, hobby and a change of scenery will surely help to cope even with the most negative thoughts. In addition, there is a positive side to this - in addition to life experience, a failed guy, seeing a shining smile instead of a tear-stained face, may begin to be tormented by the same thoughts as the recently rejected girl. In addition to petty vengeful joy, this can be done both as a way of reckoning for oneself (but then the question arises whether love was there, if it quickly became hatred), and as a way to attract a loved one again, to show that he is really needed and important .

In any case, no matter how scary or painful, if all of a sudden the feelings are not mutual, this is something that every person should survive - as well as trying to confess first to love. Without exception, this guy, or a girl.

Do not understand how to confess to a guy in love? Learn how to behave correctly in different situations, avoid fears, with what phrases to start a conversation with your beloved guy, and what typical mistakes lead to a complete failure of the relationship that has not yet begun.

The first to take the first step - there is nothing unnatural in this. Think, suddenly your object of sighing in you, too, is secretly in love, but does not dare to confess.

As observations show, precisely for the reason that no one can meet, there were not many couples who might be very happy.

Or maybe, while you think, another will seduce him? So - go for it!

Psychological attitude

Of course, you always need to tune in to good and live optimistic, because how much has been said and written that all our thoughts are material! However, as they say, hope for the best, but prepare in advance for the worst. Although no, you don’t need to prepare, you just need to consider this option for yourself.

The main thing is to remember that, as you submit yourself, they will perceive you. Think about how good it will be if you succeed. Do not be afraid to get into an awkward situation!

Interesting observation! If you don’t want to look stupid in an absurd situation, then you don’t need to get upset, annoyed, blush with shame and run away from “shame” (it’s worth arguing!). You need to relate to your situation with humor, because one of the guarantees of a successful person is the ability to laugh at yourself.

People around you will quickly lose interest in making fun of you if you laugh and say something like “Here I am a loser!”, “Can you imagine if I still did something and said something”, “I I just love being in such situations! ”

If you say this with a degree of self-irony, others will appreciate your humor, and as a result, the whole “incident” will not be a shame, but an opportunity to simply laugh at a comic case.

How to make a declaration of love to a guy

If you are afraid

They say that only fools are not afraid of anything. However, our fears prevent us from reaching many heights.

If you are afraid to admit to the young man your feelings, and you cannot fight this, then you need to prepare the "ground", that is, to become sure that he will reciprocate.

And for this, it’s worth finding out what type of girls he likes, whether you have common hobbies, become brighter to admire other members of the stronger sex, etc.

In some comic conversation, say something like: “You're so cool! I'm crazy about you! ”

Look at his reaction. If he likes you, then you will immediately understand it (if not, then leave everything as it is, do not develop this idea). If he responds with a negative reaction, add: "... Just like from a friend / person ...".

Perhaps an anonymous method or recognition using the Internet, a mobile phone, etc. is suitable for you, because by correspondence it is always easier to open up than talking about your feelings in person.

If he does not love you

One can hope that someday everything will change, and your feelings will “roll over” from reciprocity, but you need to look at life realistically and evaluate yourself adequately.

If you really want to achieve this person, make sure that at least you arouse his sympathy (which sometime, perhaps, will grow into something more).

To do this, there are a lot of female tricks (playing with looks, seductive images, undisguised flattery - men love when they are told amenities).

If you still failed to “stir” his feelings, do not be discouraged. It does not matter if this happened at 11 years old, at 15 years old or at 30 years old, you need to remember that you still have a whole life ahead of you, full of bright events, adventures, tenderness, beautiful words and many other amenities.

So that he does not refuse

To do this, you need to be sure that he likes you. Or make it so that "hit him on the spot."

For this you need:

If he has a girlfriend

You should consider that if he loves another, he, most likely, will not leave her. And think for yourself: do you need it? In any case, you will become either an orphan, or an object of general discussion, or even worse - a target for ridicule of this couple.

If you see that the guy is also not indifferent to you, and by all means you want to tell him about your feelings, do it as carefully as possible: choose the right words and say / write them in a suitable situation.

The former

Before writing your ex-words of love, think a hundred times. Understand what pushes you to this action (maybe this is temporary depression, girlfriend pressure, alcohol, etc.).

Think about whether you will damage your or his current position. If you still decide - go ahead!

Perhaps this admission will help you reunite with your ex-boyfriend (perhaps pride only interfered with reconciliation before?).

So, start acting from afar: find out about his personal life at the moment, if he has a companion, if so, how serious are these relationships.

It will be better if you also collect information about his work, current hobbies, etc. This will help you start a conversation. You can learn some information from YOUR good friends, social networks, or in other ways.

And now it’s up to you: resume your communication through hints (“I haven’t seen each other for a long time, I’d like to talk”), requests (for example, help on the issue that he is well versed in), or you’ll say directly.


If you are very afraid to admit to the guy your feelings, then you should think about how to do this anonymously. Any methods are suitable here: a fake note, a gift, an inscription on the asphalt, etc.

Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to an anonymous explanation - whether you are scared to see his reaction or want to create an intrigue - you should not resort to the help of friends (they say, tell him that he has a secret admirer, just don’t tell who it is).

After all, it is obvious that your intermediary will "split up", it is only for the recipient of recognition to put pressure on him.

BUT! Do not “languish” your chosen one for a very long time, because in case of unrequited feelings you will find more disappointment.

There are several ways to admit:

  • invite him out  (in this case, it is better to be sure that he will not leave);
  • using social networks  (for example, send a gift or postcard, but no longer anonymously);
  • send SMS  (of course, he will call you back, here you will open to him);
  • ask him to guess (BUT! After hinting at your personality, otherwise you risk being disappointed with the list of spoken names, as well as putting it in an awkward position).

You can dream up a little, for example, being next to him (at work, at school, at an event), arrange the arrows that will eventually lead to you (then think about how to meet him).

At school

Declaring love at school is the easiest way, because here you have a lot of common acquaintances, there are many opportunities to spend time together (games, extra classes, sections, circles, dinners in the dining room, etc.).

Those who say that love at the age of 12, at the age of 13 is impossible, think wrong. Many enthusiastically recall their kindergarten "passions." Even at 10 years of age, you don’t need to bury any feelings in yourself, because, perhaps, this is the first love.

BUT! No need to play "adult games" at this age! This must be remembered!

A hint

Perhaps the most interesting and profitable way to recognize: if you answer “yes” - excellent (only after that you need to develop this topic so that he believes your words), if “no” - I will pretend that I didn’t mean it at all!

You can tell him that you have never met people like him, or maybe you admire him ... You can veil anything. However, this is not a direct recognition! 😉

The only negative is that such a “game” can take a very long time.

That he reciprocates

To do this, you need:

  • try to become the most interesting person for him (for example, get carried away with the same activities);
  • always be different (in particular with respect to appearance in order to attract his attention);
  • be impregnable (men love to seek);
  • behave feminine;
  • become an interesting conversationalist for him;
  • to show that he is not indifferent to you;
  • intrigue;
  • to be bright (to a greater extent the inner world);
  • smile more often.

Some of these combined will help you win the heart of a loved one. If not, you will have many other fans.

If we do not communicate

So you need to start communication! It is better if you have common acquaintances, among whom you will feel confident. This will help you open up a bit. Also relevant is the way of dating through social networks, the possibilities in which for dating are very wide.

Confession in contact

We are the heroes on the net! They don’t see us, they don’t see our reaction, they don’t see our embarrassment, therefore recognition on the Internet remains probably the easiest option. In contact - the most popular social. network in Russia and not only, so the opportunities there are constantly expanding.

In the contact you can send a postcard to the wall of your beloved guy, send a gift, hint to him using a picture, video or audio recording.

Maybe you invite him to play a game with you? In this way you will also become a little closer, there will be new topics for conversation ... Likes and comments will also help you!

How can a guy declare his love to be effective?

The following rules must be observed:

  • decide if you need it (perhaps this is instant sympathy);
  • do not be shy (and if he causes you such excitement, this can become your advantage, you just need to tell him about it);
  • take your time (you need to get to know each other better - maybe he will disappoint you soon);
  • be original;
  • be positive;
  • do not forget that you are a Person;
  • look spectacular;
  • behave with dignity, feminine;
  • become a good and interesting conversationalist (for this, do not forget to develop yourself);
  • be inaccessible;
  • feel like a queen (this will help to become self-confident);
  • do not be afraid of self-irony (laugh at yourself, your shortcomings);
  • don't let yourself be humiliated and humiliate you by others.

Video: In love or how I confessed my love

But time is like, and the beloved, for some reason, does not pronounce such love. This is alarming and very worrying for the girl. After all, everyone wants a happy and mutual love. What to do in this situation? How to be Does a guy first declare his love?

Should a guy confess his love?

When can a guy declare his love? And is it worth it? Let's look for answers to these treasured questions.

First you need to find out why the guy himself does not say love to you. The reasons can be very diverse:

  • The chosen one is a rather timid and shy person from birth. And he simply does not dare to utter such loud words.
  • He is afraid that you will reject him. Guys, too, are afraid of failures.
  • A partner with trepidation treats his partner and fears that he might push her away with such recognition. He believes these words can alert and aggravate their relationship.
  • He is sure that you already feel his love, which he expresses through actions, looks, gestures. And he believes that this is quite enough for you to understand his attitude towards you.
  • Perhaps the guy himself is not sure that he loves the girl. He has not yet decided on his own feelings.

As we found out, the negative reasons for his inaction are quite small. And this means that you can risk confessing first.

  • If the main reason is his shyness, then you even need to confess your love first, because otherwise it will take a very long time to wait for his recognition. And if a guy is simply afraid that you will reject him, then help him with your recognition. After all, by this action, you will show him how dear he is to you, and you can betray his confidence.
  • Does the guy think actions can replace words? Prove to him the opposite. Confess first in feelings, so that he understands that words are also very important and necessary.
  • And if a guy is unsure of the girl’s feelings himself, then you can explain your feelings for him. Then perhaps it will be easier for him to decide and understand everything.

Yes, sometimes a guy should not confess his love, if he is rude and mocking. But in all other cases, if you wholeheartedly wish to do this, then confess first. Spill out all your feelings.

You will not lose anything. And perhaps vice versa you will gain - mutual love and confidence in the feelings of a partner. If you are faced with disappointment, then do not despair, because you did everything you could, and you are honest with yourself.

Having learned the truth, you will stop wasting time on a person who is not particularly interested. But now, with a pure heart, you can begin to search for your true love.

TOP 3 ways to declare love to a guy

Declaring love can be quite difficult. But if you do it right and creatively, then both of you will remember such recognition for a lifetime.

What is the best way to declare a guy love? The main thing is to choose the appropriate method, based on the preferences of the partner, his temperament and character. The chosen method should be suitable for the girl herself: she should not cause her a sense of anxiety and discomfort.

  1. Confess in simple words. Briefly and clearly.
  2. Perform actions that will be pleasant to your chosen one. Support him. Indeed, sometimes, actions speak much more than words.
  3. Confess your love with a sweet smile, gentle touches and a warm look. These gestures can be much more convincing than any words.
  4. Present a romantic card that will say it all for itself. Or give a cute souvenir that is associated with quivering and tender feelings.
  5. Decide on a passionate kiss. The main thing is to choose the right moment. With this action, you prove that you have romantic feelings for your partner.
  6. Give compliments. Your beloved will soon be able to guess that you feel sincere feelings for him if you say words of admiration and support to him.
  7. Make a surprise. A tender gift, or a romantic date can touch to the core, and show your reverent attitude to the chosen one.
  8. Love message. You can confess to him your feelings with the help of this letter. This is a very romantic and original way.

If you are both supporters of modern messengers, then you can admit:

  • In Contact (VK)  - This is the most common social network. If your chosen one spends a lot of time in it, then this will be a great way of recognition. Even if you are unfamiliar yet, you can put a couple of likes and write some relevant comments on the photos. Then add the chosen one as a friend. Explore his page, explore interests. Make contact. This application provides great opportunities for creativity. You can create a video for your loved one, record a voice message, send a sticker, postcard or audio recording to your beloved's wall.
  • By correspondence  - correspond as often as possible, but just try to make sense in the correspondence. Discuss your favorite films, ask how the day went, what he thinks about yesterday's match. When you have already established contact, you can start to hint, add romantic emoticons, pictures to your correspondence. Try to communicate at certain times. To make it your tradition. And then disappear at a given time for a certain period. Surely he will be worried, and will want to know where you were. When you make the desired contact, you can approach the cherished conversation. In it you must be extremely honest and delicate. Use only your words and thoughts.
  • In sms  - recognition through messages can be a pretty interesting way. It can be in poetic form, or cool content. This method is especially suitable for shy people. Only you should be familiar with the chosen one, and already have experience in SMS communication, so as not to frighten him.

Choose the method that you like most, and it will become the most faithful.

Method number 1. Nice declaration of love to a guy

Guys even more girls respond to words of love. Therefore, you need to make sure that your recognition is beautiful, and he remembered it with warmth and tenderness!

  1. A place.  To get started, take care of where you confess. This may be your favorite place for walking, or it may be a cozy cafe or square. You might want this to be a promenade, or a cozy country house, or just your bedroom.
  2. Emotions  Take care of your condition. Emotions and fear should not possess you. Tune in advance and scroll through a future meeting in your mind. You should be in high spirits. Confidence and optimism should envelop you.
  3. Clothing.  Appearance also plays a significant role. Buy yourself a stunning dress, do a hairstyle so that your beloved cannot take his eyes off you.
  4. Process.  Having thought through all the details, choose the appropriate method of recognition. For romantics, poems, romantic songs, beautiful poems, dinner by candlelight are suitable. More brutal men will just have enough words of love and a trip to their favorite place. Give a message or a symbolic gift to your beloved.

It is necessary to choose the most suitable moment. So that he was not busy, he was not disturbed by friends, work or study.

Method number 2. Original declaration of love to a guy

Do you want the recognition to amaze and remember the beloved? Then you can come up with quite original ways of recognition:

  • compose a song or poem for a loved one;
  • shoot and mount a video in advance with the most pleasant moments of your relationship;
  • shoot a video about your beloved and your attitude to him;
  • tell a monologue about love on stage;
  • ask your friends all day to tell the guy that the girl loves him and which one he will find out in the evening;
  • buy a CD with romantic songs, and sign it: “These songs reflect my feelings for you”;
  • make your favorite cake with the inscription "I love you."

Method number 3. Unusual declaration of love to a guy

Are you a supporter of all the unusual? Then you can come up with an unusual recognition for your partner, which he can never forget:

  • Use paint and write your recognition on the wall.
  • Jump with the parachute and tell him about the feelings during the flight.
  • Try to arrange a quest, and when he solves it, he will receive a prize - your recognition.
  • Invite your loved one on a trip or a trip to another city, and there say the words of love.
  • Make a joint photo shoot, and then post it on the Internet, and sign "I love you."

The bolder and larger your recognition will be, the more it will amaze your lover. Experiment.

How to make a declaration of love if you are shy

Many girls are embarrassed to express their feelings first. After all, they were taught from childhood that it was men who should do everything first. But time passes, everything changes. And in modern times, a lot has changed.

Do not rely on luck, sit for years, hope and wait. Act, make up your mind and enjoy.

If, however, embarrassment greatly outweighs your desire to confess first, then it is worthwhile to prepare a little so as not to leave not a single chance for alarm.

Start taking the initiative from afar. Invite him to interesting places, arrange a romantic. Give him compliments. Sometimes insert the phrase “I adore you” into the conversation, then carefully monitor the guy’s reaction. If he gets in the way and slips a perplexed look, then he is trying to understand what meaning you put into these words.

If the girl is very afraid to tell the guy about her feelings, then you can try to confess in writing. So you can check your confession, edit it and send it when you are ready. You can even use the anonymous method of recognition, via the Internet or mobile communications.

Well, in order not to be afraid and be sure of a positive outcome, you need to prepare:

  • find out what attracts him to girls the most;
  • find common interests;
  • slightly change the image for the better;
  • to read.

When you know a lot about your beloved, then it will become much easier for you to confess his feelings, because almost all the trump cards will be up your sleeve.

Possible problems and solutions after recognition

  1. There are situations when the girl confessed her love to the guy, and he is silent.  What to do? The surest decision is to be patient. In no case should you panic. Do not write him a bunch of messages - give the guy time to comprehend the information. It’s difficult for him now, maybe he’s stunned. He must understand and decide for himself what to do next. Wait for the return step now from him.
  2. If the guy rejected the girl’s confession, or does not respondthen don’t be sad. On the contrary, rejoice that you still decided to confess and find out the result. Thus, you accelerated the process and found out that this is not your soul mate.

Do not impose your partner on. Respect his choice. Try to understand him. Perhaps now he is simply not ready for a serious relationship. Time will pass and he may change his attitude towards you. Therefore, do not write him insults. Accept his answer with dignity. Give thanks for the truth. You can remain friends - it is at your discretion.

Remember all the good things you had. And know that now you have valuable experience in building relationships, and the following relationships will certainly be happy.

It’s up to you to decide whether or not the guy declares his love first. Only you are able to choose the most suitable way of recognition. All individually. The most important thing is sincerity.

Think about the pros and cons. Gather your strength. Tune in to the necessary wave. Choose the right time. Look the guy in the eye, smiling gently. And know that you are already a winner, because you decided on such a bold and wonderful act.