How to choose the best detergent for washing membrane clothes? Membrane Fabric Laundry Detergent

Clothing made of membrane fabrics made a splash in the market due to its practicality. Everyone will like light and comfortable outfits that will protect their wearer from moisture and wind, while allowing the body to breathe. Things from such materials will last at least five years. But this is possible only on the condition that a special detergent for washing membrane clothes will be used, which does not harm delicate materials.

Why is proper care required?

Membrane fabrics are distinguished by a special structure, due to which they have several advantages:

  • repel moisture;
  • release vapors from the inside;
  • not blown by the wind;
  • do not crumple;
  • weigh a little.

The material consists of several layers, the main of which is a membrane network. It has microscopic pores that remove moisture from the inside. The fabric is treated with special impregnations that prevent the penetration of water and air from the outside.

Incorrect washing with conventional powders will ruin the properties of membrane fabrics, therefore, specially designed products should be used to clean clothes.

What means do membrane things wash?

Along with high-tech fabrics, special products for delicate washing appeared on the market. They carefully, but effectively eliminate pollution, without damaging the membrane network.

Manufacturers of cleaning products that monitor customer needs have developed special gels that provide proper care for thermal clothing.

  1. Henkel Launches gel Perwoll Sport & Active. The tool provides proper care for functional tissues and gives things a pleasant smell.
  2. Domal brand produces gel Domal Sport Fein Fashion   with an active formula that gently cleans sportswear, eliminating unpleasant odors and preserving the properties of delicate fabrics.
  3. Manufacturer Nikwax offered consumers nikwax Tech Wash 5l Liquidfor washing sportswear made of breathable materials. The gel in undiluted form is used as a stain remover. It eliminates even old pollution without damaging the function of water-repellent materials.
  4. Denkmit did not stand aside. In the market you can buy liquid washing powder Denkmit Fresh Sensationrepresented by the brand. The tool eliminates chronic spots and stubborn odors.

What can not wash the thermal clothing?

So that breathing fabrics do not lose their properties, they must not be washed with substances containing chlorine. This element will damage the pores of the membrane, and things will lose their water-repellent function. It is not recommended to use dry granular laundry detergent. Its smallest particles will clog the net, and the ventilation ability of the clothes will be lost.

In the absence of special gels, you can wash the thermal clothing with household soap. These should be isolated cases, since soap particles can accumulate in the pores of the grid.

Video tool review:

How to wash?

Manufacturers recommend washing clothes from membrane fabrics by hand. The temperature of the water used for washing should be in the range of 30 to 40 degrees. The detergent used is diluted in it. Heavily soiled items can be soaked for a maximum of 20 minutes. Stains are rubbed with soft brushes, applying undiluted product to them.

After holding the clothes in a soapy solution, it must be thoroughly rinsed in cool water. After that, the thing is slightly squeezed and laid out on a horizontal surface, where it should be until completely dry. You can wrap it with a towel that absorbs excess moisture.

The automatic washing of membrane clothes is also used:

  • the thing is placed in the machine;
  • the most sparing program is selected;
  • the spin turns off;
  • drying of clothes is carried out according to a similar pattern, as with hand washing.

It is impossible to iron things from membrane fabrics. High temperature will damage the impregnation applied to the material, and the protective ability of the clothing will be lost.

Toko video review:

Care after washing

Membrane fabrics are treated with special impregnations that make clothes waterproof. During washing, protective agents are gradually washed off from the materials. To maintain the function of clothing, it must be treated with special impregnations, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Things are treated with such aerosols only after they have completely dried.

  Reading time: 1 minute

Is there a detergent for washing membrane clothes? Is it possible to carry out cleaning with ordinary powders? To begin with, we will analyze what a membrane fabric is, what it is intended for, and how it is cleaned. We will also tell you in detail and show in the video materials

the whole washing process.

Before you select the powders, you need to find out what properties the fabric has. Some products are difficult to wash in a typewriter, but they are well cleaned in a basin. Membrane tissue protects clothing from getting wet, but fumes escape. It is used:

  • For the production of waterproof shoes;
  • In the upper layers of clothing;
  • On accessories;
  • In the manufacture of bags;
  • To protect the units from moisture.

The diaphragm fabric is also considered to be windproof, is characterized by impregnation and properties. Some of them are used for active winter sports, others are designed for a relaxing holiday with children. The following types of membrane surfaces are available:

Membrane fabric with fleece lining Polartek with a membrane
   Thermal underwear with a membrane layer
   Three-layer surface Laminated fabric with knit
   Pore-free pore membrane
   Combined pores 2.5 layer membranes

Depending on your type of fabric, you should figure out how to wash membrane clothes in the washing machine.

Washing rules

In the washing machine, membrane clothes can be cleaned, but not shoes. For this, it is always important to choose the right mode. This will depend on the combination of surfaces.

They require cleaning through delicate mode. In this case, it is strictly impossible to supplement the process with spinning. The temperature should be 20 degrees and not more.

A membrane containing several layers and having porous gaskets between them should not be machine washable unless there is a “hand wash” mode.

It is best to give preference to a gentle mode, select a temperature of up to 30 degrees. Drying should be carried out in a horizontal position.

Based on what kind of lining is on the membrane, you can choose one or another mode corresponding to the delicate setting of the machine.

Tip: Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Some housewives ask if it is possible to wash membrane clothes with ordinary powder. No, any powder is clogged in the pores of the membrane, from which it ceases " breathe", Losing its properties.


Since bulk products are not intended for this type of laundry, how to wash membrane clothes, we will describe further.

Sportswear washing balm is suitable for polyester, webbed fabrics and synthetic fibers. The machine automatically cleans stains in the machine.

Detergent is intended for deep cleaning the surface of membrane clothing with the impregnation function. Since it is not recommended to impregnate the fabric with simple means, such a liquid powder is suitable. It also retains the water-repellent properties of the fabric and does not violate the top layer " breathable"Shell.

A gel for washing membrane clothes, which copes well with difficult spots, but does not have impregnation. It is necessary to maintain the durability of the fabric. But you can separately purchase such an aerosol from a branded manufacturer.

The only tool that can be used for fabrics with diaphragm interlayers. Also suitable for cleaning shoes and other various sportswear and accessories. It can be used for hand washing.

No wonder, because its composition has natural components with a chemical base. Only hand wash possible.

It is better to buy such detergents for washing membrane clothes in specialized stores, where the risk of acquiring fakes is reduced. If you could not find any detergents, you do not have impregnation or aerosols, do not give in to the temptation to go to dry cleaning.

Manual cleaning

In addition to the washing machine, our tips for manual washing will help to quickly clean clothes. Below the instructions will show how to properly wash membrane clothes, and what should be remembered during the drying process.

Prepare water at a temperature of 20-30 degrees. Put the clothes in water for 20 minutes, wait until they are completely saturated. The top layer does not always absorb liquid even after prolonged soaking, so alternate - turn the clothing on both sides to the surface of the water.

Choose a gel from the above funds or use laundry soap. Rub the surface of the fabric with the product. Do not add it to water; it does not absorb into the pores of the tissue. In this case, direct application is possible only by hand without the use of sponges and brushes.

To clean tissue from the membranes in the pelvis is only possible with running water. After applying detergent, rinse under running water. Cold water should wash all residual cleaning components.

Rinse and rinse off all the components of the product without using twisting or spinning. In general, no manipulations with the tissue can be done.

Membrane clothing can also be dried in an upright position. Water will drain down. Turn the item over so that the droplets stuck in the pores flow back and evaporate faster.

Tip: Washing clothes made of membrane fabric, as well as drying, should be carried out according to the instructions that are marked on the product label.

Otherwise, if you did not find the special tools that are indicated in the photo, you can’t choose the mode in the washing machine, or the price of gels and impregnation is simply not available to you, you can resort to washing with laundry soap. Choose baby or those that contain impurities of emollients. Video in this article

she will also tell you what housewives use in such cases to clean the clothes clean without spoiling their properties.

Membrane items have become very popular. They are practical, durable and very comfortable to wear. High-tech fabric allows air to pass through perfectly, allowing the body to breathe, we are able to remove moisture from the body, while not letting it pass outside. Therefore, in wet or snowy weather, membrane clothing is indispensable. Many have already felt its comfort. Today, membrane clothing is no longer a rarity. It began to produce not only foreign but also Russian manufacturers.

However, there are still difficulties with washing it. Unlike clothes, special detergents for washing membrane clothes are not sold everywhere. And the farther from the capital, the more difficult it is to find it. In the article we will tell you how to care for the membrane, what detergents exist and what are the usual means that you can use instead of specific ones.

What is a membrane?

Main feature   membrane - it is not a tissue. This is a special film with special properties. A feature of the membrane is a different throughput in different directions. So, it perfectly removes moisture and air from the body, but does not let water and cold air outside. The film is applied to the fabric, from which a jacket, sweatshirt or pants are then sewn. The fabric may be of any composition, since the membrane will have the primary protective function.

The main function is performed by the special pores of the membrane film. So that they do not clog and function for a long time and successfully, you need to take care of such clothes correctly. For her, ordinary or bleach will not work. The ideal option would be to buy a special shampoo that serves to wash just membrane clothes and contains a special impregnation that will restore protective   properties.

Membrane Care Features

There are several taboos in caring for a membrane-coated fabric. So categorically not allowed:

  • Use normal detergents (it does not matter, liquid or washing powder) or conditioners. Their too large particles clog the pores on the membrane, and it loses its breathing properties.
  • Use bleaches and stain removers. The chlorine they contain is fatal to the membrane. It breaks the bonds between the fibers, and the protective properties of clothing are reduced.
  • Do not squeeze the products out of the membrane fabric, as this can damage the film at the folds.
  • It is forbidden to expose the membrane to high temperatures, for example, when washing in a machine or drying on a battery.

It is best to wash the membrane in cool water by hand, very carefully. And use special detergents. In case of emergency, machine wash without spin is allowed in the most delicate mode.

What can not be washed membrane

As can be seen from the previous paragraph, the membrane detergent should satisfy several the rules:

  • Do not contain chlorine.
  • Do not contain oxygen bleaches. Their particles clog the pores of the membrane film.
  • Lack of abrasives.

Thus, the most popular washing powders and liquid detergents for washing the membrane are not suitable. Stain removers and bleaches, and even ordinary liquid soap, are also prohibited. You can not use tools for various delicate fabrics - wool, silk and others. They contain the same substances as in conventional powders.

Special tools

It is best to buy a special tool recommended by the manufacturers. They are called shampoos for washing products with climatic membranes.

Here are some of the most popular items:

Of course, it would be ideal to use the above funds for washing the membrane. But what if you can’t find them for sale? This problem is especially relevant for small cities remote from the capital.

What else can wash the membrane

If the specified funds cannot be found, go to any store for tourists or professional athletes. Surely there are other detergents. Just read the composition carefully. It should not contain chlorine, oxygen bleach and abrasive particles.

Ordinary laundry soap is also suitable. Choose the most ordinary, without additional amplifiers and additives. Of course, it will not be possible to restore the protective impregnation with it, but at least it will not damage the film already on the fabric. For washing, prepare soap solution:

Now washable. Soap solution perfectly copes with dirt and does not damage the pores of the membrane. An indisputable plus - it is very easily washed off, just one rinse will be enough.

Features of washing the membrane

Wash the membrane very carefully. Hand wash is perfect, but you should not rub compress   her like ordinary underwear.

  • First fill the basin or other container with warm water.
  • Moisten a jacket or trousers.
  • Take a membrane detergent and rub your clothes. Rub the most polluted places a little longer.
  • Rinse the shampoo under a stream of warm water.
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary.

It is possible to squeeze products only slightly. In no case should you bend it or twist it. Just gently squeeze your clothes between your palms. For drying, put things in a dry, not hot place, away from direct sunlight.

If it is impossible to wash things by hand, machine wash is also allowed. Wash membrane clothing separately. If the product is large, such as a jacket, wash one. Choose the most delicate program. In modern cars there is a function of washing membrane clothes. Otherwise, select the “Wool” or “Silk” program. Set temperature   no more than 30 degrees and turn off the spin. The membrane can not be subjected to even delicate extraction. You can only press it manually. It is ideal to use a cotton towel for this: wrap the item in it and wait until the excess water is absorbed. After that, lay the clothes on a flat surface for drying.

To prevent the membrane from losing its properties for as long as possible, after each wash, treat it with a special water-repellent spray. He will strengthen the existing impregnation and restore it if it was damaged. Such a spray can be bought at any sports or tourism department.

When folded, the membrane is better. do not store. Bending is detrimental to its protective properties. It is best to keep the membrane clothes perfectly spread, in a horizontal position, in a tightly closed cover to avoid dust.

Membrane clothes should be washed as they become soiled, but not very often. So the protective properties of the film will last much longer.

By purchasing expensive outerwear, we hope that its service life will fully justify the money spent. However, there are a number of objective circumstances that make adjustments to these plans. For example, all kinds of pollution. And if the jacket and jumpsuit are made of membrane fabric, then it seems that the thing is right to throw away - after all, many believe that membrane clothes cannot be washed. The time has come to dispel myths.

We deal with the terms

Membrane fabric is a combination of a base material (usually made of synthetic fiber, for example, 100% polyester) and the membrane itself. The latter is the thinnest film, the thickness of which is tenths or hundredths of a millimeter.

The main function of membrane tissue is to keep moisture out

The peculiarity of the membrane is that it has microscopic pores that allow moisture to pass through on the one hand and retain it almost to zero permeability on the other.

It is interesting. One of the manufacturers of membrane fabric, the American company Gore-TeX creates high-strength material from Teflon, having 1.5 billion pores per square centimeter.

The film is pressed onto the base, that is, “welded”. Due to its structure, the resulting tissue removes sweat to the outside, which means it allows the skin to breathe. Due to the design features, high-performance membrane fabric is light in weight and very durable. By this criterion, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • bilayer (the membrane is fixed from the inside of the base);
  • three-layer (outer fabric, membrane, mesh inside);
  • 2.5-layer (the membrane is inside, but a protective coating is still sprayed on it).

The structure of the membrane can also be different, so there are tissues

  • non-porous (the structure of the material resembles a sponge - micro-holes have a tortuous shape in which moisture condenses);
  • pore (moisture molecules seep inside, but drops do not fit);
  • combined (the most expensive and high-tech, as a film with pores fits inside and without pores on the outside).

Membrane fabric is a high-tech material that can withstand any adverse weather conditions.

Purpose of membrane clothing

The sophisticated technology of material production is explained by the purpose of the clothes. Similar things are recommended for classes involving high physical activity:

  • tourism;
  • mountaineering;
  • travels etc.

Membrane things are convenient for both adults and children

However, fabrics with a welded film have a number of disadvantages:

  • clothing for membrane items should be made of fleece, half-arch (for example, thermal underwear);
  • membrane tissues are relatively short-lived;
  • such a wardrobe needs special care;
  • high price.

What to consider when cleaning

Until recently, it was believed that membrane tissue should not be washed. However, modern production technologies refute this statement. Moreover, such things are simply necessary to clean. But at the same time take into account some restrictions.

  1. Conventional washing powder with its crystals clogs the pores of the membrane, because of which it loses its main quality - air exchange.
  2. Chlorine-based detergents deteriorate the membrane, it ceases to tear away water, becomes wet.
  3. Rinse and conditioners reduce the water repellent properties of the fabric.
  4. A water temperature above 40 degrees sticks together the pores, and also gives the fabric a grayish-brown tint, since the film will simply weld. For the same reason, things must not be ironed or dried on a battery.
  5. Spin irreparably damages the fibers of the fabric, they stretch and tear.
  6. It is impossible to dry things from a membrane fabric in the sun or in the wind. Ultraviolet will leave whitish spots on the fabric, which will make the restoration of the material impossible.

What to wash

A properly selected detergent will not only save things from pollution, but also will not have a negative effect on the fabric.

Table. Membrane Laundry Detergents

Special washing gels Application features Common remedies Application features
Nikwax Tech WashCleanses, gives water-repellent functions, allows tissue to breathe. Recommended for Gore-Tex, Sympatex, Entrant, eVENT and Ultrex fabrics.Perwoll sport & activeGives aroma, prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor
DOMAL Sport Fein FashionKeeps all protective properties of fabricAmway ConcentratedIt perfectly cleans, especially children's clothes with characteristic stains from food and drinks.
DM Fresh SensationRecommended for fabrics Goretex, Sympatex, a budget tool, but without water-repellent impregnationLaundry soapGood for hand washing, removes grass stains, but leaves a very unpleasant odor.
Woly Sport Textile WashUniversal membrane cleaner, suitable for any fabricBaby soap (either in liquid form or grated)An alternative to household soap, it does a little worse with stains, but does not leave a smell.
Shower gels, shampoosMild detergents for hand washing (since copious foam is harmful to the washing machine) and not for the purpose of removing stains.
Liquid detergent "Weasel"It removes dirt well, but is ineffective for removing stains from grass, suitable for children's things
Soap "Antipyatnin"Effective anti-greasy stain, after use it is recommended to wash the item completely.
Fairy Dishwashing GelIt perfectly cleans oil stains and can also be used as a mild detergent.

It is interesting. Regardless of the chosen product, after 20 hand or machine washable membrane tissues lose up to 20% of their thickness.

As a rule, manufacturers of membrane fabric produce care products, including for washing clothes

How to wash membrane clothes

In order not to damage the fragile membrane, a number of recommendations should be followed.

  1. Before cleaning, turn things inside out.
  2. We get the contents of the pockets.
  3. We fasten all zippers and buttons.


When choosing this type of membrane clothes cleaning, remember that you can’t rub even a stubborn stain - the film can be damaged.


In the washing machine

Membrane things like space, that is, you should not load several items of clothing into the drum at once. If the thing is overall (for example, overalls), then it is completely necessary to wash it separately from others.


How to dry

It depends on the correctness of the drying whether the clothes will be able to fulfill their function 100% in the future. So the final stage of drying is very important.


And if you don’t wash

Fresh non-greasy stains can be removed without washing. To do this, the dirt is cleaned with a brush or cloth. In this case, the dirt is shaken off, not rubbed. You can also lightly moisten the stain and wash it. These cleaning methods are especially relevant for children's things. But oil stains cannot be removed without washing. In this case, pre-treatment of the oily trace is needed. To do this, you can use the following tools:

Care Features

The life of any item depends on how well it is stored. This rule applies to clothes made of membrane fabric.

Currently, outerwear made of membrane fabrics is very popular. For washing such things, special gels and liquids that do not contain chlorine and abrasive substances are used. You can buy them at sports and tourist clothing stores. Recently, they begin to appear in large supermarkets. Products are washed manually or in a washing machine in gentle conditions with a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C without spin.

Features of washing clothes made of membrane fabric

In the tissue industry, a new technology of membrane tissues has appeared - thin, light and warm. It is mainly used for the production of outerwear: ski suits, sports jackets, trousers, overalls.

A membrane is a mesh fabric with minute pores that does not allow water to pass through. It has a water-repellent effect, does not get wet. At the same time, the fabric perfectly breathes. It lets vapors from the body out. They don’t sweat in these clothes. The membrane fabric is windproof. She does not let air in, therefore, even in windy weather she doesn’t blow it in such clothes.

In clothes made of membrane fabric, additional insulation from fluff and holofiber is not used, since in it the body warms itself up, and the fabric does not allow cold air to penetrate inside.

The disadvantage of this fabric is that when using conventional washing agents, the pores of the membrane are clogged, and the properties of the clothes are lost. The price of things from such a fabric is quite high. In order to preserve the properties of the material and not spoil them, you need to properly clean things from contamination and use products designed for washing membrane clothes.

  How to wash the membrane?

Before you start washing, you need to decide what means can be used for this. Do not use ordinary washing powders.

The membrane is clogged with insoluble powder particles and ceases to pass air. The effect of ordinary rubberized clothing appears. The body in it begins to sweat, not letting moisture into the street. And since there is no additional insulation in such clothes, it becomes cold in them. Therefore, they erase such things in a sparing mode using special means.

There are certain requirements for a tool for membrane clothing:

  • The composition should not contain chlorine. It will spoil the water-repellent properties of the fabric and destroy the structure of the upper layer.
  • The number of enzymes should be minimal. They perceive the impregnation of the top layer as dirt and destroy it.
  • Stain-removing, bleaching agents, conditioners and conditioners can not be used - the substances contained in them can disrupt the structure of the tissue.
  • The tool should not contain large abrasive particles. They clog pores and lose membrane properties.


In order to wash a thing manually, you must follow some rules:

  • buttons and zippers on clothing should be fastened;
  • water should be warm, not hot;
  • do not use hard brushes;
  • rinse clothes well.

When using a washing machine, the rules remain the same, but in addition to them, you need to pay attention to the fact that:

  • when loading clothes into the drum of the machine, there should be enough free space in it;
  • clothes from the membrane are washed separately from other things;
  • washing modes can be selected only "careful".

Different manufacturers of washing machines, they can be different. Sample names: hand wash, delicate wash, gentle wash, fluff, wool. The washing temperature should be no more than 40 C. You need to wash with an additional rinse. It is impossible to squeeze things from the membrane fabric in the machine.

After the item is washed, it must be hung on a coat hanger and let the water drain on its own. Then leave the item to dry in a well-ventilated area in a vertical or horizontal position.

  Best remedies

Before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the detergent to exclude components that are not suitable for washing the membrane. If the detergent for the membrane is not purchased, and it is very necessary to wash the item, you can use ordinary laundry soap. It is grated with coarse flakes, poured with warm water, thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency and added during hand or machine wash. Such a solution does not contain substances spoiling the membrane tissue and perfectly cleans all contaminants without clogging the pores of the tissue.

The best tools are presented in the table:

Title Manufacturer Composition Description
Nikwax Tech Wash Nikwax Water\u003e 50%, soap (potash)\u003e 15-30% Suitable for membrane tissue; not suitable for washing down products
Washbalsam Nordland Anionic surfactants 5-15%, nonionic surfactants, soap less than 5%, phosphonates, enzymes less than 5%, flavorings (amylcinnamal, butylphenyl methylpropional, citronellol, hexyl cinnamal, limonene), preservatives (methisothiazolinone, methylchloroisothiazolinone) Designed to remove dirt and dust from sportswear, shoes, thermal underwear, outerwear with down filling, membrane fabrics and impregnated materials
Burti Spotr & Outdoor for sportswear Burnus GmbH Less than 5% - phosphonates, anionic tensides, soap; less than 5-15% - nonionic tensides Washing gel (concentrate): machine wash, hand wash, for synthetics, for color, light. Hypoallergenic, with enzymes, biodegradable
Weasel Activ & Fresh Henkel 5-15% anionic surfactants,<5% неионогенные ПАВ, мыло, фосфонаты, консервант, энзимы, отдушка (цитронеллол, амилциннамаль, бутилфенилметилпропиональ, гексилциннамаль, лимонен) Liquid detergent that gently launders things for sports and recreation
SALTON sport washing shampoo Uppeco < 5% неионогенные ПАВ, амфотерные ПАВ, дисперсионные полимеры, ЭДТА динатриевая соль, хлорид натрия, гидроксид натрия, консервант, отдушка Liquid for washing products from climatic membrane fabrics
Domal Sport Fein Fashion Domal 5-15% anionic surfactants, less than 5% nonionic surfactants, preservatives (methylisothiazolinone, benzisothiazolinone), flavorings (limonene, benzyl salicylate, butylphenylmethylpropional, hexyl cinnamal, linalul). Additional components: wheat protein, dyes, excipients For washing sportswear and shoes, sneakers, clothing for outdoor activities, tourism, fishing, down jackets, jackets and ski overalls, thermal underwear, clothes made of membrane fabrics Gore-Tex and others
Spezial wacche HEITMANN 5-15% nonionic surfactants, 5-15% anionic surfactants. Additional components: dye transfer inhibitor, lanolin, aromatic substances (limonene), preservatives Laundry liquid for outerwear for sports, hiking, hunting and fishing
Unicum for sportswear, down jackets and jackets Unicum 15% UAS, 5% UAS, with enzymes, phosphate free Gel for hand washing and in devices of the activator type of clothes for sports

The prices of detergents for washing fabrics from the membrane on average vary from 130 to 500 rubles. per bottle.