Funny and funny phrases. Funny and funny phrases Mats in Belarusian with translation

The annual festival "Lida" was held in Lida Lidbeer”, Organized by a local brewery. In the musical life of Belarus, this is one of the most significant events of the year. The fact is that tickets for Lidbir, as a rule, are not very expensive, and the lineup is quite representative.

One of the features of the current festival was that all organizational communication was in Belarusian. The host of the festival addressed the audience in Belarusian, the programs were also in Belarusian, like the signs in the city.

Before the festival, people could witness a knightly tournament, ride a real drakara, fly a helicopter or play a laser tag. There was a food court with fairly affordable prices. The space around the castle was filled with people, but there was no crush.

True, it is worth noting a very small selection of beer. Many interesting varieties are brewed in Lida, but only Svetloye and Velvet were presented at the festival, as well as kvass. There was almost no choice.

In the musical part, the set of performers was traditionally strong. Of the Belarusian groups, Sense of Flight and Nizkiz were noted. The repertoire of the latter group has many Belarusian-language hits: “Yak Spynyetstsa Tsishynya”, “Guantanam”, “Non-specific”. The audience very warmly received Mogilev performers. I was surprised how many people knew the lyrics and sang along with Nizkiz.

The Russians from Animal Jaz received less warmth. “It would be better if they gave me the gift,” was heard in the crowd. Unless on the main hit of the Three Stripes group, people came off to the full.

Oleg Skrypka came to Ukraine from the festival with “Vidli Vidoplyasova”. “Belarus makes the best music in Europe, but, unfortunately, only you and I know about it,” Skripka said. Of the Belarusian groups, he approvingly mentioned the “Trinity”, “Palace”, “Krambambulu” and “Yur’e”.

The violin professionally and skillfully turns the audience on, keeps in touch with it, does everything so that interest does not disappear. On the song "Dancing" he climbed up the scenic forests and performed the song from above. Well, and, of course, Viasna and Kraina Mriy were a huge success.

Oleg Skripka climbs the stage.

The main highlight of the program was Leningrad by Sergei Shnurov. Cord himself arrived in Lida literally twenty minutes before the performance. At a small press conference, he said that he was always cordially received in Belarus. In communication with reporters, Cord swore and shocked the public. Of his swear words, he called "knocked out ... the dock," which he subtracted from Pushkin.

“I am not a victim of inspiration, but a victim of market conditions. I create something that will be in demand, ”replied Cord.

The performance of Leningrad itself was staged as a show. If other groups know which songs will be the last to sound, which hits are the main, then Leningrad has almost every song - a hit. Therefore, the same "Louboutins" or "In St. Petersburg to drink" were performed in the middle of the program.

The audience wholeheartedly sang along to all the songs of Cord, whether they were with matyugs or not. It seems that no one was satisfied with the performance of Leningrad. It is only a pity that the Belarusian-language hit "Octopus Sakavіka" never sounded.

Lidbir continues to keep the bar high. Thousands and thousands of Belarusians go to the festival from Minsk and other cities.

Zmitser Pankovets, Anna Klimovich

At first glance, the Belarusian language is simple and very similar to Russian.
But this is only at first glance.
In fact, the Belarusian language is much milder than Russian in intonations, it does not contain obscene words and allows you to call love for beer and love for a girl with two different words ( any  and kahanne).

In the Belarusian language there are words that have no analogues in Russian.

Znichka  - shooting star.
From the word signify - to disappear, to fall.
And the star is called vigilant.

Zorka Venus.

There is a word in Belarusian racey, which means the same thing as the Russian walkie-talkie - a radio station, as a rule, portable.
But metz (have) race  means to be right, because the second washed away the words racey - meaning.

Absolutely wonderful word angelic  has no unconditionally divine beauty of our country and is translated as English.
Angelic Mova - English.

Word raft  has nothing to do with the beautiful song of Yuri Loza, but also not so bad.
Because it is a Belarusian fence.

Dyvan, this is not some kind of incorrectly written sofa or even an elegant sofa. Belarusian dyvan - this is not furniture for you.
This is a decent carpet, lies under your feet, sometimes there is a bit of a broom on fresh snow, which only makes it look better.

You’ll laugh now, but this is an abusive word in the Belarusian language. "Hai tsyabe kachki vOzmutz" - this is something like "so you fail", something like that.

But even funnier is that pitching  - it's a duck. These are terrible curses in the Belarusian language.

1. Tore Vanka up ...

2. Grunt is a sign of agreement!

3. Quieter than water, funnier than grass ...

4. Driver, beware of those places where children jump out!

5. Contraceptive appearance.

6. It is difficult to argue with a naked woman.

7. If you are surrounded by fools alone, then you are central.

8. He is so silent that he wants to undress ...

9. Debauchery is a laugh in which you do not participate.

10. The path to a woman’s refrigerator lies through her heart.

11. The marital ties are so heavy that they can be carried only by two, and sometimes by three.

12. Psychoanalysis is an attempt by the brain to receive pleasure intended for another organ.

13. People will come up with it ... Assembly hall, floor rag ....

14. Cash out the Nobel Prize ...

15. A single man will meet a single woman in order to create a single child.

16. Santa Claus! Make it so that they would not tease me. Vova Kakashkin. 7 years.

17. It's good to be a battleship - the tower was demolished, three are left!

18. The 911 service received an alarm call. Rescuers got nervous, but they didn’t pick up the phone.

19. Frost: - Are you a girl warm, are you warm, red? - Yes, just oh ***, grandfather! Not a snowdrift, b ***, but a solarium ...

20. Yesterday in our laboratory two elephants were crossed, not for the sake of experiment, but just like that - to pee ...

21. Karl Klara inclined to oral.

22. The best friend is a book: doesn’t bother, doesn’t ask for food, doesn’t shoot cigarettes.

23. If you are constantly laughed at, it means that you bring people joy.

24. The bald spot is a clearing trampled by thoughts.

25. The bullet shooting section accepts orders from the public.

26. ... Mistress from the first marriage.

27. Even the most beautiful legs grow out of the ass.

28. With the money earned, the pioneers bought prostitutes and set them free.

29. I watch TV so often that the speakers already recognize me.

30. Buttercup is a little villain.

31. Mumbler - a woman talking in a dream.

32. He did not like women. I didn’t have time.

33. Women inspect ** ofilma to the end, with a timid hope that in the end everything will end with the wedding.

34. There are no intolerable people, there are narrow doors.

35. Underground garage in the forest. Damp. Fearfully. Expensive. Tel *** - ** - **

36. Rare cattle seek a sophisticated bitch for joint discussions.

37. Declarations of love often resemble signals of the exact time v they are valid only at the time of their utterance.

38. Trembling half

39. Beefsteak with blood of the second group.

40. Even the most dull room will be revived by the most ordinary children, beautifully placed in the corners.

41. If you can choose a place on the plane, you need to take it very ahead - when the plane crashes, the bogie with drinks will pass by again

42. The car "Zaporozhets" - the best ghost in the world with a motor!

43. Of course, laughter is the best medicine! But not with diarrhea ...

44. It is foolish to try to have time to explain something in words in the intervals between blows to the face - it is slurred and often has to be repeated.

45. Sport is harmful: playing sports prolongs life by 10 years, and you spend on them 15.

46. \u200b\u200bYou and I are of the same blood - Chuck and Huck.

47. This used to be circumcision, now it is frozen and broken off.

48. Sin indulge in despondency when there are other sins!

49. That's how the predictors tuned.