Female foot care. The best remedies for the feet. Foot care at home

Hello friends!

I used to write a lot about how to take care of my legs.

A large number of articles have accumulated on the blog, I decided to combine them into one, under the general name - foot care.

Here you will find everything about how to make the heels soft and smooth, get rid of cracks in the feet, how to deal with excessive sweating, how to get rid of unpleasant foot odors and much more.

The legs, unlike the hands, carry a huge load of the body.

They are influenced by the friction and pressure of the shoes, which affects the whole body as a whole, since the soles of the soles are located on the soles associated with internal organs.

A lot depends on the health of the feet.

Some interesting foot skin facts

  • Feet have two types of skin: the outer part and the sole;
  • The skin of the outer part of the foot is similar in structure and physiology to the skin of the face;
  • From the side of the sole with the skin of the palm, it is devoid of hair. but has sweat glands.

The skin of the sole requires special care, it often becomes inflamed, coarsens, covers with calluses and corns.

Basic Foot Care

Foot care provides the following important points:

  • Comfortable shoes;
  • Hygiene: clean socks, pedicures, cleansing, scrub, masks, foot baths, paraffin therapy and reflexology;
  • Quality foot cosmetics;
  • Foot massage.

How to care for your feet - useful video

  Everything about how to carry out foot care depending on specific problems is described in detail in these articles.

How to make heels soft smooth

The main reasons why heels crack and how to get rid of it forever

Why feet sweat - causes and ways to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon

How to get rid of bad foot odor - affordable recipes

More about this nasty problem,

What is a soda foot bath useful for and how to use it correctly?

How to get rid of corns - simple and effective recipes for treatment

You can read in more detail

How to get rid of corns - the most effective ways

How to use hydrogen peroxide to treat heels

Surely many people want the skin on their legs to be soft and delicate, as they used to be in childhood. But in order to maintain the health and beauty of the skin on her legs, she needs thorough and proper care.

Every day, the legs withstand the weight of the whole body and sufficiently large loads, which often leads to fatigue, injuries and diseases of the legs. If you do not care about them, you can get various infections and skin diseases. And regular pedicure in the cabin is not enough. There are a number of rules, compliance with which will help support the health of the feet.

Legs tend to become more dirty than other parts of the body. Therefore, care for them should begin with their regular washing. This should be done at least twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, it is desirable to use a mild antiseptic soap, which will relieve sweat, bacteria and dirt well.

Do not use too hot water, which will wash off the fatty coating of the skin. In addition, you should avoid using hard water, because it causes dry skin and the appearance of cracks. Wipe the feet with a soft towel, paying particular attention to the area between the fingers. Neglecting this rule can lead to a fungal infection.

2. Moisturize the skin of the legs

The skin on the legs is very prone to dryness. Therefore, when caring for your feet, it is important to apply a moisturizer, especially before bedtime. It is applied to the entire part of the foot, including toes, with gentle massaging movements for 10 minutes. If cracks appear on the heels, then after applying the cream, it is recommended to wear warm socks on the feet all night. In addition to cream, you can use natural products such as coconut or olive oil. Before using the oils, they need to be warmed up a bit in order for the skin to absorb them better.

3. Exfoliate the skin of the feet

Proper foot care is difficult to imagine without a peeling procedure. The skin on the legs is usually thicker than on other parts of the body, so you need to regularly remove its dead cells, keeping it soft and tender longer. Exfoliating regularly will reduce the risk of corns and corns.

For peeling use ordinary pumice, which is easy to purchase at any cosmetics or household cleaning store. Before the procedure, feet should be soaked in warm water for about 10 minutes. This will soften the skin well and make peeling easier. Pumice movements should be intense, but gentle so as not to damage the deeper layers of the skin.

You can also use various purchased or home scrubs to exfoliate. For example, it is easy to cook it yourself from sugar and baby oil for massage, mixing the ingredients to the consistency of the paste. After the peeling procedure, you need to wash your feet with cool water and spread with a moisturizer. It is advisable to exfoliate the feet once or twice a week.

4. Regularly trim nails

Every two weeks, it is recommended to trim the nails. Such care is necessary not only for the nails, but also for the skin to protect it from unwanted infections and ingrown nails. For pedicure, it is better to use specially designated scissors. To ease the task, you can trim your nails after a shower, when they become much softer.

Do not leave your nails too short, because it can cause pain and discomfort when walking. It is imperative that you smooth the corners and irregularities after shearing with a nail file. No need to trim the nails at an acute angle or around the edges - because of this, they can grow into the skin. The cuticle should be lubricated with emollient oil and gently slide it to the base with a special stick.

Any disease is easier to prevent in advance, so the skin of the legs needs regular examination and examination. It is important to be sure that there are no infections or fungus on the feet. After taking an everyday shower, cuts, scratches, scuffs and blisters should be treated if they suddenly appear on the skin of the legs.

When a person notices long-lasting wounds or sores on his feet, this is an occasion to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. People with diabetes must adhere to the additional rules prescribed by their doctors. In no case should diabetics ignore any pain in the legs.

6. Doing foot massage

Regular foot massage is not only very pleasant, but also beneficial for keeping the legs healthy. This procedure helps to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, relax after a hard day, relieve pain and prevent swelling. Feet can be massaged daily, before going to bed.

For a massage procedure, coconut or olive oil is well suited, which need to be slightly warmed. The massage is carried out in soft circular movements, and the fingers stretch a little forward. Instead of hands, you can use various massage devices: rugs, rollers, balls, electric massagers, etc.

7. Provide spa foot care

Foot baths not only help cleanse the feet of dirt, but also reduce the smell of sweat, relieve stress and remove toxins from the body. The best way to prepare baths is bitter salt (Epsom). She and a few drops of any aromatic oil are added to warm water, in which you need to soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes. To dry skin softened and moisturized, it is useful to use a pumice stone after taking a bath. After the procedure, the feet are rinsed with clean water, thoroughly wiped and a moisturizer is applied to them.

The skin of the legs, like on any other part of the body, is exposed to sunlight. When the sun falls directly on the feet, they can also get a severe burn, which is harmful to the skin. It immediately changes color - from reddish to dark brown. The best advice is to sunbathe in moderation and at the right hours when the sun is less active, and also remember to treat your feet with sunscreen.

But you can get rid of an ugly tan on the feet thanks to a simple home remedy - masks from equal parts of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. It is applied to thoroughly washed feet and left for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is removed with water. This mask needs to be used 2-3 times a week, and soon the skin will become much lighter.

9. Control hyperhidrosis

In the feet of a person contains many sweat glands. Excessive sweating creates an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria, and as a result, it leads to an unpleasant odor and the development of infections. In order to avoid such problems, you need to wash your legs daily, change socks and purchase hosiery from natural breathable materials.

Shoes also need good and regular care. It should always be kept clean. Talc, starch or baby powder can be used to prevent unpleasant odors. In cosmetic stores and pharmacies, many drugs for hyperhidrosis are sold. Before using them, it will be useful to talk with your doctor so as not to cause allergies.

10. Choose the right shoes

For the health of the legs, it is very important to wear the right, comfortable shoes that will not restrict movement, cause discomfort, pain when walking, the appearance of corns and blisters. You need to choose shoes made from natural materials that will allow the skin to breathe. Trying should be carried out very carefully and immediately on both legs. At the same time, it will be a little walk through the store interior to check the convenience of the model. It is best to buy shoes at the end of the day, because at this time the feet swell. Narrow high-heeled shoes and shoes are suitable only for certain cases, on ordinary days you need to give preference to simpler and more comfortable models with heels no higher than 6 cm.

You need to take care of your legs very carefully, since not only their beauty, but also the health of the whole organism depends on it. Japanese and Chinese doctors say that there are nerve endings on the feet that affect the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, beautiful and well-groomed feet are the key to well-being, good mood, and self-confidence. To keep your legs healthy and well-groomed, adopt a few recommendations.

Foot care at home

Home Nail Care

At least once a month, you need to do a pedicure. First, attention should be paid to the toenails. If you trim them after you make the foot bath, the nail platinum is saturated with liquid, and then softens. As a result, the nails will not be able to file properly, which can lead to their fragility, as well as delamination.

Due to improper nutrition and frequent use of varnishes, toenails may turn yellow. To whiten them, you can use lemon juice, rubbing it into the nail plate

To properly trim your toenails, follow these guidelines:

  • carefully cut the nails with scissors or tweezers perpendicular to the nail plate, not too close to the skin of the toes;
  • the length of the nails is best done so that the nail does not slightly reach the edge of the toe;
  • with a scraper or spatula, remove accumulated dirt, as well as horn cells from under the nails;
  • gently round the edges of the nail plate with a nail file to avoid ingrowth;
  • at the end of the nail cutting procedure, grind and polish them. This will whiten the yellowish toenails. At the same time, try not to overdo it with the abrasive, so as not to damage the nail plate. After this reception, you will not need additional varnish, as the nails will look well-groomed already;
  • now apply and rub in the softener and cuticle remover. After that, you can lower your legs into a warm bath.

How to care for your feet at home

To make a foot bath, draw hot water into the basin, add a handful of sea salt and liquid soap. Then drop 5-10 drops of essential oil into water. It can be peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree or lemon oil. Put a rolled-up terry towel at the bottom, and then place your feet on it. You need to take such a bath for about 30 minutes. When the skin is steamy, you can begin to care for your feet.

If your legs are very swollen, you should take contrast baths. Baths with a decoction of mint leaves or with lemon juice will help get rid of sweating feet.

After the bath you need to make the skin of the feet soft and smooth. For this you need a pumice stone or machine tool. With a pumice force rub the coarsened spots on the soles of the feet, and clean off very thick corns with a machine. At the same time, do not push the machine too hard to avoid cuts.

The next step on the way to beautiful legs is peeling of the skin of the feet. This procedure is quite simple. Apply an exfoliating product to the wet skin of your feet and wipe the skin with some effort for 5 minutes. As an exfoliating agent, you can use ground coffee, olive oil and sugar, powdered oatmeal or ground lemon peels.

To make the skin of your feet velvety and delicate, also make a foot mask. You can buy a ready-made mask in the store or cook it yourself from warm oatmeal or a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream and yolk. Apply the mask to dry, clean skin of your feet and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water, dry your feet with a towel and apply cream to your feet with massage movements.

Cracks between the toes: treatment

Often there is such a problem as cracks between the toes, accompanied by diaper rash or itching, painful sensations when walking. In addition, the skin between the toes periodically peels off, and the legs can smell unpleasant. The cause of cracks may be a fungus between the toes. In this case, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment using antifungal drugs. Treatment should be continued even after the cracks disappear.

There are quite a few different folk methods that help remove cracks between the toes. But to apply these methods should be after consultation with a dermatologist. To treat cracks, you can make a foot bath by adding 2 tsp to hot water. spoons of soda. After the bath, apply a compress of chopped onions to your feet overnight. In the morning, wash your feet thoroughly, rub with a pumice stone and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Treating cracks between the toes also requires careful personal hygiene. It is important to ensure that shoes and socks are always dry and clean.

Hello, friends!

Today I want to touch upon such a topic as foot care at home. Indeed, everything should be beautiful in a woman: face, hair, arms, legs, and thoughts, of course! And in summer to wear skirts above the knee at any age, it is necessary that the legs are smooth, have a beautiful shape, and the heels are certainly soft and tender.

How to care for your feet at home, how to care for your feet, heels and toenails and how to do it right, we'll talk.

How to properly care for your legs, feet, heels and nails at home

How to care for your feet at home using cosmetic procedures, I will describe below. But proper foot care involves more than just them.

To give the legs a beautiful relief, so that the legs are elastic, walk more, forget about the existence of an elevator. Very useful cycling and climbing mountains. If you can’t go to the mountains every day, climb the stairs.

At home, it is advisable to do simple exercises, such as jumping up and especially.

To prevent blood stagnation in your legs, regularly perform a foot massage: from the bottom up from the fingers to the hips. Knead each toe, stretch, bend and unbend. It is also useful for the prevention of education.

Rub the sole thoroughly with your hands.

And also try to make flax seed infusion for a bath (you need to take two tablespoons of seeds per liter of boiling water).

How to care for your heels

When performing the above leg care procedures, you are guaranteed beautiful heels at home, and it’s not necessary to visit beauty salons. And also this is education prevention.

But in some cases, with rough skin, you can try additional care.

We’ll make a heel tray out of soda and soap solution. Steam the heels well and again treat them with pumice.

After that, prepare the milk bath. In a bowl of warm water, pour a glass of milk and lower the legs for 10-15 minutes.

Then pat your feet with a towel and wipe with a slice of lemon.

After 7-10 such procedures, the heels will become smooth, pinkish and tender.

Make dairy for the whole body and feel like Cleopatra!

If corns and cracks appeared on the heels, then the matter is more serious. But there is a way!

Masks and compresses for heels will help us: from apples, strawberries, potatoes and others. Recipes

How to care for toenails

We need to know not only how to care for the skin of the legs, but also not to forget about the nails.

Beautiful well-groomed nails on both the hands and feet talk about their mistress.

How to care for your toenails?

In more detail, how to do a pedicure at home, we'll probably talk next time. Oh, and so a great article turned out.

But briefly, in principle, then, everything can be briefly described.

Spread your legs, slide and carefully cut the cuticle, then you need to shorten the nails with scissors, file them and varnish.

Now they use different, most extravagant colors, but refined French manicures and pedicures are always in fashion.

Face care, hands, hair, all women pay significant attention. But for some reason, the beauty of the legs is dealt with in the second place. And in vain, because proper foot care is necessary to ensure their health and beauty.

You can entrust your feet to a specialist, or you can do it yourself, it is only important to follow the following rules:

  • Perform daily hygiene procedures, for a day your feet sweat and experience the effects of negative external factors: moisture, dust, frost. In addition, washing your feet before going to bed helps to relieve stress and is a good prevention of colds.
  • After a working day, allow your legs to rest using a simple procedure: lie on your back and raise your legs up, leaning them against the wall. Stay in this position for 5 minutes. This will ensure the outflow of blood and protect the limbs from varicose veins.
  • Prevent flat feet: perform rotational exercises, walking on the outer and inner sides of the foot, collect small objects from the floor with your toes.
  • Take care of your skin on your knees. She especially needs moisturizing, as it is most vulnerable to the effects of climatic conditions.
  • Change hosiery more often. Let them be made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe.
  • Dress for the weather, do not let your feet sweat or freeze heavily.
  • Use anti-sweating remedies regularly.
  • Eat right. Too fatty foods contribute to the intense work of the sebaceous glands and excessive sweating. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink at least 2 liters of water per day, it will remove toxins from the body and speed up the metabolism.
  • Take daily walks lasting 40 minutes or more, this will improve blood circulation in the legs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with a low heel (3-5 cm) appropriate to the size of the foot.
  • In summer, often walk barefoot on grass, warm sand or pebbles.

Foot care at home involves the following procedures:

  • physiotherapy with the help of baths;
  • stimulating massage;
  • useful masks;
  • high-quality pedicure.


Start with foot baths. To understand how to care for your feet at home, pay attention to the following rules:

  • The time for taking a foot bath is usually limited to five minutes, but with cracks it increases to ten minutes, and with excessive sweating it is reduced to three.
  • Water temperature should not be too high. With such ailments as varicose veins, edema, sweating, any inflammatory processes, water should not be higher than 34 degrees.
  • Fatigue will relieve contrast foot shower.

Gentle skin care for the feet will provide baths using the following herbs:

  • St. John's wort The infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of grass, which is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Such a bath will heal cracks and refresh your legs.
  • Calendula. A spoon of dry plant is insisted in a liter of hot water. The infusion is suitable for the prevention of fungus and cracks in the heels.
  • Mint. Grass (3 tbsp. L.) Pour 3 liters of boiling water. The infusion diluted with water will refresh tired legs.
  • Linden blossom. A few tablespoons of sea salt are added to the decoction of the grass. The resulting solution is used to relieve swelling.
  • Pharmacy chamomile. Dry flowers (6 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (1 liter). Daily use of such a foot bath will relieve the problem of ingrown nails.
  • Essential oils. A few drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint or lavender) are dripped into a solution of sea salt and liquid soap to relieve tension and soften rough skin of the feet.


After the foot bath, foot care can be continued with a massage. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: relieves head and joint pain, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Massage Procedure:

  1. Knead the foot by stroking it from the heels to the toes.
  2. Next, perform more intense pulling movements.
  3. Finish the massage by applying pressure to the foot and each finger.

Massage can be performed without interruption from any other activity: stretch your legs, rolling a wooden gymnastic stick on the floor (it can be replaced with an ordinary rolling pin) or stomping on a special massage mat.


Full-fledged skin care of the legs is impossible without the use of special masks from natural ingredients. For proper use, follow these tips:

  • After applying the composition, wrap the feet with gauze and polyethylene.
  • For the duration of the mask, it is better to lie so that the legs are higher than the head. To do this, place a pillow or roller under them.
  • After washing off the composition, it is recommended to apply a cream on the feet that is suitable for your skin type.
  • To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to use the drug for 2-3 months twice a week.

You can prepare masks for foot care from the following ingredients:

  • Honey and oatmeal. Half a cup of oatmeal is poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes. Then honey, sour cream (50 g), lemon juice (1 tsp) are added to the gruel. The exposure time is half an hour.
  • Needles and salt. The ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and applied for half an hour. A mask is used to normalize blood flow and relieve swelling.
  • Potatoes. Potato peel is boiled for half an hour, and then mashed in mashed potatoes. Put a warm mass on the feet for 30 minutes, it will help get rid of corns and corns.
  • The eggs. A beaten egg is mixed with table vinegar (1 tbsp.) And vegetable oil in equal proportions. The composition will eliminate excessive sweating in just a few procedures.
  • Apple and milk. A glass of milk is brought to a boil, a whole apple is placed in it. Cook it for about 10 minutes over low heat. Then peeled and core removed. Mashed from the pulp, add a couple of drops of castor oil. The duration of the mask is at least half an hour. The composition helps to heal wounds and cracks, relieve fatigue.


A well-made pedicure will make your legs beautiful and well-groomed. It can be made qualitatively not only in the cabin, but also at home. The following rules will help you carry out this procedure:

  • Nails should be shortened every 10-14 days.
  • Before the procedure, you should erase the varnish and steam the legs in hot water (in the absence of contraindications).
  • The cuticle also needs to be steamed and pushed to the base of the nail.
  • The corns are treated with a pumice or special grater, after which the skin is polished with a pedicure file.
  • Toenails need to be cut in a straight line to avoid their ingrowth.
  • Before applying varnish, the nails must be cleaned and polished.
  • A special finger separator will make the procedure for applying a color coating more comfortable.
  • The color of the coating on the arms and legs should be similar in tone. If you do not want to focus on your toes, use colorless varnish.

Legs should be attractive not only in the summer, when you wear open shoes and short skirts, but also in winter. Now you know how to properly care for your feet in order to take care in time and monitor the beauty of fingers and nails.