Ultrasonic face peeling - effective and popular salon skin cleansing

Constantly changing technologies have allowed ultrasound to find application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Not so long ago, this technique was used only to cleanse the face of impurities, and today ultrasonic peeling has become widely used in order to prolong youth, health and beauty of the skin. Such a peeling very well combines several cosmetic procedures, and the result will not be long in coming.

What is the essence of the procedure?

The peeling procedure is familiar to almost every woman. Some people prefer to do it on their own, while others trust only cosmetologists. Ultrasonic face peeling is considered one of the mildest and most gentle types of such a procedure. During its conduct, a layer of keratinized skin cells is carefully removed. After this, regeneration processes occur much faster, cells are restored, rejuvenated. In addition, ultrasonic peeling helps to remove small facial wrinkles, traces of acne and acne. The skin is moisturized naturallydue to which normal microcirculation of the skin is restored.

After the first session, you can notice that the face is significantly younger and fresher. Even deep pores under the action of ultrasound clean themselves very well and no longer seem so large. Running your fingers over your face, you can feel that the skin has become velvet and smooth.

Before the first session, one should not expect painful sensations, everything goes away without any discomfort.

A systematic visit to a specialist in just a few sessions will help to forget about rashes, inflammatory processes and other troubles that all women periodically encounter.

Indications and contraindications

Ultrasonic face peeling, like all other similar procedures, has a number of indications and contraindications. The cosmetologist, after the first examination, will tell you exactly whether it is possible or impossible to conduct an ultrasound cosmetology session.

Most often, ultrasonic peeling is used in such cases:

  • acne, black spots;
  • seborrhea;
  • swelling of the face;
  • oily face shine;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • decrease in skin tone caused by age-related changes.

Procedure may apply on different skin types, which allows each member of the fair sex to get rid of exciting problems fairly quickly and painlessly. It should be remembered that there are also a number of contraindications for such a procedure. Ultrasonic peeling is not performed if there are cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Women during pregnancy, lactation is also prohibited this procedure. The presence of injuries, wounds on the face also completely eliminates the possibility of peeling. If a person has a pacemaker, implants, then this is also a contraindication to conducting sessions.

In the period of acute inflammatory processes on the face, they should first be eliminated and only after that it is possible to proceed to the procedure itself.


As with every peeling, at the first stage, the beautician completely cleanses the client’s face with special lotions or even scrubs. This is done very carefully so that the device then cleanses the face as best as possible. After cleansing, a peeling agent is applied to the skin, in some cases, mineral water can be used. Fluid is needed so that the device makes better contact with the skin and cleanses it well. The peeling itself is carried out with an ultrasonic scraper blade.

Throughout the session, the client does not feel any unpleasant, let alone painful sensations. A slight vibration can be felt only in those areas where the bones are located close - these are the cheekbones and forehead.

After the end of the session, the cosmetologist will surely conduct a light massage, after which he moisturizes the face with a special cream, selected according to the type of client's skin. The whole procedure takes 30-40 minutes. To get the desired effect, to maintain the skin in perfect condition, cosmetologists recommend peeling 1-2 times a month. In some cases, the number of sessions can be increased according to individual indications.

Benefits of Peeling

Ultrasonic face peeling has several advantages that should be mentioned. First of all, many are attracted by the fact that after the procedure a special rehabilitation period is not required. You can easily combine a visit to the beauty parlor and your daily activities.

Also such a peeling is completely safe, and this is very important. In addition, it can simultaneously be combined with other cosmetic procedures. The specialist will talk in detail about all this or he will prescribe a course of necessary sessions.

The affordable cost of such a peeling is another very significant advantage over other offers. You can go to such procedures at any time of the year without fear of getting injuries or scars. In addition, during the session, the risk of infection of the skin with various diseases is completely eliminated.

In the event that the facial skin is very dirty, the cosmetologist can first prescribe a mechanical cleaning and only after that proceed to ultrasonic peeling.

How to care for the skin after the procedure?

Ultrasonic peeling - the procedure is very gentle, soft, so there are no special recommendations for skin care.

It should only be remembered that within 12 hours after peeling, you should not visit the sauna, engage in active sports, apply makeup, and dye eyelashes. During this time, the skin will completely recover, a slight redness will disappear.

Ultrasound peeling is a very affordable, safe and effective way to always be confident in your appearance. The youthfulness of the skin depends only on how much the woman tries to extend it. Modern technologies and professional cosmetologists will help you successfully cope with this task.

Not all cosmetic procedures aimed at cleansing the skin are painful and require long-term rehabilitation. Gentle exposure is sometimes more beneficial. And it can provide ultrasonic face peeling. It does not injure the skin, but gives it a chance to breathe freely.

Read this article

Features of the procedure

The beneficial effect of ultrasonic waves on the human body has been noticed and used in medicine for a long time. Their use in cosmetology is justified by the ability to destroy fat cells. Ultrasonic cleaning is the treatment of the face with the nozzle of the corresponding apparatus. At the same time, the contents of the skin pores disintegrate, they themselves temporarily expand due to heating of the skin to 45 degrees.

Grease, dirt, excess fluid are easily eliminated. And the vibration created by ultrasound also helps improve blood circulation, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.

After ultrasonic cleansing, no defects remain on the skin. It is not subject to mechanical stress or abrasion. Therefore, rehabilitation is not required, and pain during the conduct is not felt.

Myths about the procedure

The seeming simplicity and painlessness of the procedure generated a lot of rumors around her. And not all of them are true.

Myth True
Ultrasound peeling and - these are different procedures In fact, both are simply synonyms. Peeling - this is the release of the skin from dead cells, impurities, products of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, that is, cleansing
The procedure will help get rid of age spots and wrinkles.

The first is unrealistic, since ultrasound does not have abrasive capabilities. It also does not affect the distribution of pigment. After all, the substance coloring the skin is located deeper than the effects of waves.

If we talk about wrinkles, only the smallest of them will be reduced. This happens due to the normalization of cellular respiration in the surface layers of the skin, stimulation of blood flow. But ultrasound does not affect the remaining causes of creases and folds. The procedure can be used as soon as possible to prevent their occurrence.

Ultrasound peeling can still be painful This opinion comes from the experience of mechanical cleaning when the contents of the skin pores are squeezed out. Here, the extraction of sebaceous plugs occurs rather according to the principle of a vacuum cleaner. And since the contents of the pores are destroyed, it is easy to bring it out
The softness of the impact of ultrasound makes its use possible for everyone This is not true, the procedure has contraindications. Ultrasound, despite the lack of noticeable sensations, can be harmful in certain health problems
For the procedure you need to choose the right time of year In fact, such gentle manipulation as ultrasonic face peeling, peeling makes it safe in any season. It can be carried out in the summer. After all, living skin cells are not damaged, therefore, healing is not required. So there is no risk of inflammation due to heat

Indications for

Ultrasonic skin cleansing will be useful in the following problems with it:

  • the presence of pores clogged with fat and mud (comedones);
  • acne eruptions without ulcers;
  • swelling on the face caused by inhibition of microcirculation;
  • wilting due to lack of nutrients and oxygen, the inability to supply them to the tissues;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands, leading to a greasy face shine;
  • enlarged pores that are easily clogged;
  • lifeless complexion.

These shortcomings are periodically detected in many women, especially if you regularly use foundation or powder. Therefore, ultrasonic manipulation is carried out at a very young age, but not earlier than 18 years.


The effect of ultrasound on the face area can affect the work of other parts of the body. And it is not always favorable, therefore the procedure is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypertension
  • sinusitis;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • acute period of any chronic disease;
  • SARS and influenza, other common infections;
  • ulcers on the face;
  • mental illness, epilepsy;
  • exacerbation of herpes, another infectious problem, manifested by rashes on the face;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to ultrasound;
  • inflammation of the facial nerves;
  • skin lesions;
  • recent chemical peeling or plastic surgery on the face;
  • pronounced.


The procedure is carried out after cleansing the face of cosmetics. Steaming or abrasive cleaning is not necessary. Further ultrasonic manipulation occurs as follows:

  • The specialist applies gel to the face, which enhances the conductivity of the waves emitted by the device. Some salons prefer to simply sprinkle the skin with mineral water. It will help soften the contents of the pores and easily get rid of it.
  • The apparatus for ultrasonic face peeling is adjusted according to the individual parameters of the patient’s skin. The specialist takes the manipulation and drives the nozzle in the desired area, adhering to the massage lines. The patient feels touch and vibration, sometimes tingling. If more discomfort or pain is felt, the equipment settings can be changed without interrupting the manipulation. Even sensitive skin under the eyes is treated, since here it is also possible to settle on the surface of dead particles of the epidermis.
  • After all parts of the face are gone, the skin is wiped with a tonic. Then a mask is applied to it, filling the tissues with the necessary substances. Skin is now particularly susceptible to cosmetic effects. After a 15-20 minute meal, the mask is removed and a type-appropriate cream is applied. It contains components that soothe and moisturize the skin.

Immediately after completing the procedure, lasting from half an hour to 40 minutes, you can go home. There will be no visible defects, spots or severe redness on the face. The skin color immediately becomes brighter, but not so much that it becomes necessary to mask it with a tonal agent.

The effect of ultrasonic peeling with correct subsequent care will last for 4 - 8 months.  After this period, the course of procedures can be repeated.

About how a cosmetologist conducts ultrasonic face peeling on a patient, see this video:

Possible complications

Skin problems and any other kind of deterioration of well-being usually do not occur after ultrasound exposure. In rare cases, the appearance of:

  • swelling on the face;
  • rush of blood to the skin of the treated area;
  • sensations of tightness of the face, peeling;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • soreness when touching the face.

These complications may mean that the procedure was carried out incorrectly, with the wrong choice of parameters of the device. This also happens when ignoring contraindications to it or intolerance to ultrasound, as well as through the fault of cosmetics used during the manipulation.

Problems may not arise immediately after the procedure, but later, due to the patient’s carelessness. Ultrasonic manipulation does not require a rehabilitation period. But in order to avoid complications, you should not sunbathe the next 3 to 5 days after it, do other aggressively affecting procedures, overheat and apply a thick layer of makeup on your face. Care products must contain moisturizing ingredients.

the effect

In most cases, ultrasonic cleansing of the face ends with favorable changes after the first session. The skin looks healthier, fresher, younger. But for the final putting it in order, several procedures will be needed (5 - 8), carried out with a pause of 2 - 3 weeks. The amount depends on the initial condition of the skin. Thanks to the course, the following changes are possible:

  • the surface is freed from keratinized particles, which means that access of oxygen and nutrients to developing cells is facilitated;
  • disappear, as the pores are cleaned of sebum and impurities;
  • blood supply to the skin of the face, lymph flow improves, which will relieve unhealthy swelling;
  • the protective capabilities of the epidermis will increase, that is, the likelihood of skin diseases will decrease;
  • the surface of the face will become smoother, the pores will narrow;
  • skin fullness with moisture will increase, that is, elasticity;
  • complexion will lose its earthy hue, will acquire the brightness inherent in youth.


Ultrasonic peeling of the skin - a procedure that is affordable. A single session costs 1,500 - 3,000 p. The difference is determined by the level of the cabin, features of the equipment, the high cost of the funds used during the course of the transaction.

If ultrasonic cleaning is done to prevent skin problems, 1 procedure per month is enough. The course, of course, will cost more, since it consists of several sessions.

An ultrasonic cleaning procedure is done at home. But for this you will need an apparatus, the cost of which can be from 3600 to 20,000 p. These are devices:

  • Clarisonic SMART PROFILE (USA);
  • "YOU GESS" (China);
  • "Gezatone BioSonic Kus 2000" (France);
  • AllRest (China);
  • "WELSS WS 7050" (China).

They will need to buy cosmetics. But the effect of the home procedure will be weaker than after the salon.

Do not lay too high hopes on ultrasonic cleaning manipulation. She will not help to rejuvenate for 5 - 10 years. But the use of ultrasonic peeling will make the skin softer and more beautiful, and give the face a freshened and rested look.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to properly perform ultrasonic facial cleansing at home:

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To bring the skin into proper shape, cosmetology offers the service of facial cleansing with ultrasound. Patients praise the result before and after. How to do the procedure, how often? What are the contraindications? What gel will beautician apply?

Any woman knows that face peeling is almost the best way to clean the skin. Ultrasonic face peeling helps to deal with several problems at once in one procedure. At first, only medical workers used this method, but soon the cosmetologists realized that this was not alien to them. Specialists of the cosmetology center Doctor Dostalet have been practicing this procedure for a long time and have collected a lot of reviews during this time and most of them are positive.

Facial peeling is absolutely necessary for any person, both a woman and a man. Yes, this procedure is also not alien to the representatives of the stronger sex, because any skin requires updating and cleansing. The best part is that the prices for this procedure are very small, and absolutely everyone can use it. There are also no restrictions on the type and type of skin, you can have a strong acne and get rid of it, or just go through a cleaning and make the skin look more radiant and delicate. On the Internet you can find a fairly large number of interesting videos about how this procedure works, and there is nothing complicated and dangerous for a person there. In total, using ultrasound peeling, you can get rid of such problems as:

  • acne
  • sebum secretion;
  • dull skin;
  • facial wrinkles.

It is possible to carry out procedures not only on the face, but also in the decollete and even on problematic and visible areas of the back. It is worth remembering that this method of cleaning has its contraindications. It can not be carried out with oncological diseases, cardiovascular problems, with dermatosis and even during pregnancy and lactation. Unfortunately, young mothers cannot please themselves with this procedure. And in general, it is not desirable for external violations of the integrity of the skin, wounds, scratches or burns.

On our website you can see photos before and after the procedure, on which the result is clearly visible. The clinic “Doctor Dostalet” has the most reasonable prices for this service, because we know firsthand how important facial peeling is for any girl or woman. The procedure is carried out for about half an hour, and most importantly - it is absolutely painless and not harmful. The video shows the whole process - from the beginning and preparation of the face for ultrasound to the very face peeling and photos before and after. People of different ages are suitable for this service, but there are no restrictions, you can go through it at the age of 14 and at 40, the effect will definitely be, this is guaranteed by our specialists.

The effectiveness of ultrasound peeling

Unfortunately, ultrasonic face peeling cannot guarantee an eternal result. From contaminated air and dust, the skin becomes dirty again, and it is advised to repeat the procedure as often as possible. On average, one procedure per month is enough to cleanse the face, but when visiting a cosmetologist, you can create your own individual schedule based on the type of your skin. The effect of face peeling disappears after about ten days, but even after these days, the skin still looks velvety and supple. On the first day, the face simply shines and it is impossible not to notice the difference.

Some ladies believe that with the help of ultrasound peeling you can get rid of traces of pigmentation, this, unfortunately, is not so. With it, cleaning is carried out, but the structure and original skin color does not change. Also, there were concerns about this procedure in the summer. This is a fairly common mistake, people confuse ultrasonic peeling with chemical cleaning. Our experts can easily say that it does not harm the skin in any way, even if there is direct sunlight immediately after the ultrasound.

Ultrasonic peeling is a procedure for deep cleaning of the skin of keratinized scales, dirt, “black dots” (comedones), makeup residues, sebum. The procedure is characterized by the absence of skin injuries, which in turn puts it an order of magnitude higher than classical skin cleansing. Ultrasound remarkably activates immunological defense and has an excellent bactericidal effect. Ultrasonic peeling is applied to all skin types.

Varieties of ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic peeling depending on the depth of penetration of the beam into the skin can be divided into:

  • superficial - within the granular and horny layers of the epidermis;
  • median - includes the epidermis and reaches the capillary dermis;
  • deep - affects the reticular dermis.

Ultrasonic peeling technology

Ultrasonic peeling is considered one of the most gentle types of peeling, which smoothes the surface and cleanses the skin of acne. This cleaning improves blood circulation, as it moisturizes the skin. Also, such peeling perfectly cleanses the skin of dead skin cells, blockages of the sebaceous glands, sebum, removes comedones and acne.
Ultrasonic cleaning gives excellent lifting effect.. Under the influence of ultrasound, the muscles tone up, and an excellent micromassage occurs, skin nutrition and its oxygen supply improve.

Description of the ultrasonic peeling procedure

First, the skin is steamed in a range and an aseptic solution or tonic is applied to it, depending on the type of skin. Then, using a special blade that vibrates in the ultrasonic mode, ultrasonic peeling is performed.
The ultrasonic peeling procedure takes about 20 minutes.

Ultrasound Peeling Video

The time of the “effect” and the frequency of the procedure

Recommended full course, consisting of 5-10 procedures.  The number of procedures depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. The “effect” time is from 4 months to a year.Then the ultrasonic peeling procedure can be repeated.

Special tools and equipmentused by a professional cosmetologist during a peeling procedure in the salon:

  • skimmer;
  • combined spoon;
  • a lance;
  • a spear;
  • skimmer-spear;
  • micro hook;
  • vidal's needle;
  • magnifier Lamp;
  • apparatus for ultrasound therapy;
  • range (steaming the skin surface before cosmetic procedures).

Aids: disposable napkins, paper towel and sticks.

After this procedure, use home remedies for post-peeling rehabilitation with a softening, moisturizing and stimulating regeneration effect. Wash yourself with acidified water.. On sunny days use products with a UV filter with a degree of protection of at least 30.

Ultrasonic face peeling prices

Note:  The information is not official or advertising. Prices of beauty salons may not be relevant at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by randomly analyzing the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information on how much the service costs.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How does ultrasonic peeling work?
   Due to its physical properties, ultrasound produces a kind of massage, which, as it were, loosens connective tissue and resolves all adhesions.
   Another therapeutic factor for this peeling is acoustic wave generated in tissues. Such a wave penetrates to various depths and improves lymph flow and blood flow, reducing swelling. In addition to all this, ultrasound heats the surface of fatty tissue and skin to 40 ° C. As a result, the vessels expand and the flow of oxygen to the cells improves.

At what age can peeling be done?
   It is generally accepted that ultrasonic peeling procedures are done in adulthood, but now cosmetology is radically changing the attitude towards this judgment. Indeed, at a young age, our skin feels the need for cleansing, even if it seems to you that daily use of a tonic or washing with foam is quite enough. Over time, the surface layer of cells dies and remains on the surface. As a result of this, the face looks dull, lifeless and rough to the touch. Therefore, patients from 18 years old resort to the procedure of ultrasonic peeling.

The effectiveness of the procedure will only increase if ultrasound is combined with active concentrates that have an anti-cellulite effect. This technique is called ultraphonophoresis. Ultrasonic vibrations provide deep penetration of therapeutic components directly into the skin, which accumulate there and form a kind of “skin depot”. Then, anti-cellulite substances from it enter the blood and subcutaneous fat. Thanks to this, the effect of such procedures is achieved much faster - it is only important to choose the right mode of operation and dosage.

Contraindications for ultrasonic peeling

  • skin cancer;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • poor health of the patient;
  • violations of skin sensitivity;
  • thrombophlebitis, blood diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • violation of the skin - abrasions, wounds, trophic ulcers;
  • wearing a pacemaker;
  • mental illness;
  • the presence of implants;
  • purulent and inflammatory processes.

The result after the ultrasonic peeling procedure

As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, blackheads are removed, a healthy complexion is restored, dead cells are removed, the skin becomes smoother and softer.

Ultrasonic peeling at home

At home, this procedure cannot be done, since it is performed on modern ultrasound equipment under the supervision of a qualified specialist with a higher medical education.