From which the corners of the lips blacken. Darkening around the mouth and lips: folk remedies

The appearance of age spots around the lips or in the corners of the mouth may be evidence of any disturbances in the body. The occurrence of pigmentation in the skin is determined by the substance melanin. When the concentration of pigment in the skin is exceeded, dark patches appear on its surface. Hyperpigmentation on the face can appear under the influence of sunlight, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the epidermis or with the development of diseases of the endocrine system. Why there are dark spots in the corners of the lips in a child and in an adult, how to deal with this, you should understand in more detail.

The main causes of hyperpigmentation

The appearance of spots in the corners of the lips is the result of increased melanin in some parts of the epidermis. The causes of the appearance of darkened spots on the surface of the lip or in its corners lie in the excessive production of melanin. And the rays of the sun, inflammatory processes, melasma can provoke pigment production.

Most often, a dark area on the surface of the lip appears due to prolonged exposure to the sun. This does not mean that immediately after contact with ultraviolet, the corners of the mouth will darken. Sometimes it may take more than one month or even more than one year for such a problem to appear. Therefore, it is recommended to use sunscreen for the face before going out.

Darkening of the lip under the influence of the sun can occur in both adults and children.

Another reason why the lower lip or upper lip is blackened is melasma or chloasma. Such darkening is usually symmetrical, they can appear on the surface of the forehead, above the lips, on the cheeks. Hormonal dysfunctions during the period of bearing a child, during the use of hormonal oral contraceptives can provoke the appearance of dark spots around the lips. This form of hyperpigmentation is sustainable. Even after treatment, the spots tend to reappear after a while.

After inflammatory diseases of the skin, consequences such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often manifest. More often this phenomenon is observed in swarthy people. This problem occurs in the healing area of \u200b\u200bburns, acne or other damage to the integrity of the skin. In this case, darkening usually disappears on its own six months after the appearance.

Important is the influence of climatic conditions. In the cold season, the skin becomes drier. The situation is aggravated by frequent licking of the lips, this entails the appearance of dark patches around the mouth. In this case, use an intensely moisturizing cream.

It is recommended to consult a dermatologist, since such a problem may be evidence of skin cancer in the early stages, as well as other dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is better to visit a doctor and dispel doubts. Also, a dermatologist can advise the most optimal methods for eliminating dark spots.

Methods to combat pigmentation

It is important to carry out full-fledged skin care, which consists of the following stages:

  • exfoliation;
  • cleansing;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • toning
  • whitening.

It is recommended to clean the skin every day, then apply a soft scrub, exfoliate dead particles of the epithelium. After a while, such a procedure will help eliminate stains. In pharmacy chains, you can buy whitening creams. Apply them daily around the mouth. Such funds can not be used for more than three weeks.

You can purchase a therapeutic ointment. If scrubs and whitening creams do not bring the desired result, the dermatologist prescribes a special composition based on hydroquinone. This active substance stops the activity of melanin structures, the result is clean skin.

Another effective method to combat hyperpigmentation is laser treatment. Most of these devices are equipped with special filters to cleanse the skin of age spots. Under the influence of laser beams, damaged cells are removed. But such a treatment usually has a short-term effect, since in order to achieve a lasting effect it is necessary to learn to avoid the sun and constantly carefully care for the skin. Also such a method is expensive.

Pigment spots on the lips occur as often as on the hands and body. To get rid of them, you will first need to identify the cause of the occurrence and only then choose the appropriate treatment technique. The problem is considered cosmetological, but requires attention, since it can appear for several reasons, which only a specialist will help to find out. In its appearance, the pigment above the lips most resembles a freckle, but is larger and more noticeable.

The main causes of pigmentation

The reasons for the appearance of pigment around the upper lip:

  • Hormonal malfunction caused by pregnancy or age-related changes;
  • Menstrual irregularities and some female diseases;
  • Improper hair removal over the upper lip;
  • Changes in the work of the digestive tract;
  • Infection with worms;
  • Impaired liver function;
  • Visit to the solarium;
  • Heredity;
  • Injuries
  • Burns;
  • Peitz-Jägers syndrome;
  • Diseases of the adrenal gland or thyroid gland;
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet skin.

In addition, the reason for the cosmetic deficiency of the skin, expressed in pigmentation, is an incorrect peeling, and pigment may also appear after epilation. Most often, pigmentation on the lips is a consequence of problems with hormones, so a medical examination is a necessity.

How to recognize pigment

The pigment around the lip is easy to recognize by its characteristic shade - yellow or brown. The dimensions are small, only a few millimeters in diameter, but there are exceptions when a cosmetological problem manifests itself as large changes on the skin.

Pigmentation treatment

Hyperpigmentation is easy to treat. The “younger” the aesthetic defect, the easier it will be to eliminate it. In the event that it manifests itself, you must immediately contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist, as a specialist will be able to accurately determine the causes of the changes. After consultation, treatment will be prescribed.

Diagnostic tests include:

  • Luminescent microscopy;
  • Analyzes and tests;
  • Histology;
  • Computer research;
  • Pictures.

After receiving the results, the methodology for subsequent treatment will be selected.


  • Chemical peeling;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning;
  • Dembrasia
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Phototherapy;
  • Whitening masks;
  • Laser resurfacing;
  • Cosmetic and folk methods.

The best effect can be achieved if you resort to treatment in the cold season, since the skin will not be exposed to sunlight and high temperatures. In the event that you want to get rid of the pigment immediately, you can also consult a doctor in the summer. After the procedure, you will have to stay home for up to 24 hours to reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation.

Pigmentation treatment at home

In the event that the causes of the appearance of a cosmetic defect are known, then you can choose the means of treatment that are suitable for use at home. In particular, masks, creams and lotions, which include herbal preparations and extracts from medicinal plants, will help to remove spots around the upper lip. You should choose nutritious creams or cosmetic products with salicylic acid, such as cleansing foams, cleansing and degreasing lotions, various masks.

Effective medicines are made from fresh parsley, cucumbers and yogurt. If there is no allergy or intolerance, then you can use whey or citrus juice for the manufacture of lotions and masks that provide treatment for pigmentation.

If treatment with creams is chosen, then this product should have a whitening effect, since the yellow and brown color will quickly disappear and the skin will acquire a natural, natural and uniform color without ugly manifestations.

It is important to remember that all means, cosmetic preparations and traditional medicine should be used in strict accordance with the instructions and recommendations. Self-treatment can harm or not bring the desired change in the condition of the skin - the pigment will not disappear or increase in size due to an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember that the complete elimination of pigmentation does not fully guarantee that this problem will not manifest itself again after a certain time. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the body with vitamins, establish a hormonal background or treat the body as a whole.

The best and most effective prevention is proper nutrition, if necessary, dieting and the use of cosmetic or therapeutic agents that protect the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation and natural factors.

The nuances of pigmentation treatment

In order to be sure that the treatment will be successful, it is necessary to follow some rules - follow all the recommendations that were given by the doctor during the consultation. Also, pigmentation can disappear without affecting it, if the cause of the appearance is a violation in the body. It is necessary to take pigment spots over the lip seriously, as a cosmetic flaw can be associated with problems associated with pregnancy. Also, a woman will need to visit a gynecologist, as another reason for the appearance of pigment is adrenal or ovarian disease.

Thus, there may be more reasons for the appearance of changes in the form of age spots than many people think. In order not to be mistaken in the methods and methods of treatment, it is recommended to undergo examination by a specialist and strictly follow his recommendations in consequence.

Attention to one’s own health requires less effort than long-term treatment and rehabilitation, even if it concerns only the skin.

The appearance of spots on the lips should alert and become the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Pigmentation can be different and depend on various factors. To exclude a violation of the body or a disease, you need to see a doctor. Before treatment, it is necessary to establish what exactly appeared spots on the lips. Only after making an accurate diagnosis, an experienced doctor will prescribe treatment.

Causes of dark spots on the lips

Pigment spots that appear on the lips can vary in color, size, shape, rise above the skin surface or be level with it (see photo).

Experts advise paying attention to such reactions of our body and, in particular, if pigmentation is blue or black. Such spots almost always indicate a serious malfunction in the work of the human body.

Among the main causes of spots are:

  1. side effect of taking medications and hormonal drugs;
  2. wrong choice of cosmetics;
  3. burns;
  4. the harmful effects of sunlight;
  5. the presence of hyperpigmentation.

Reaction to medication

  Medications are prescribed exclusively by a qualified doctor and are taken in accordance with the instructions. However, this does not guarantee the absence of side effects after taking the drug. Darkening around the lips is one of the manifestations of a negative reaction. For example, acne around the lips may indicate abuse or prolonged use of hormonal drugs.

Poor cosmetics

Improper makeup selection causes spots around the lips. Many cosmetics (in particular, lipsticks) contain oils that, clogging the pores, prevent the skin from breathing. This results in black dots. Before buying cosmetics, you need to carefully study its composition and eliminate harmful effects on the skin.


Another cause of stains around the mouth is burns. When fired, the skin loses its elasticity, forming scars and losing natural pigmentation. This will cause discoloration of the skin around the lips and the possibility of stains. The defect is cosmetic and is removed by surgery.

UV exposure

  A bronze tan is beautiful, but you need to sunbathe wisely. Going to the beach, we protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun with special creams, the head and eyes with a hat and sunglasses, but we do not care about protecting our lips, which are also exposed to the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Before going out in the sun, you need to use lip balms with protective properties. Suitable products containing UV filters.

In addition, there are people who suffer from skin hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. In this case, without protective creams and balms can not do.

The presence of hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation can talk about many disorders in the body. For example, the bluish spots around the lips indicate that the patient has problems with the “female” part. Often hyperpigmentation occurs during pregnancy.

Also, blue spots around the mouth sometimes indicate abnormalities in the liver and adrenal glands, the thyroid gland and the gastrointestinal tract. It is possible that skin rashes are caused by heredity or skin injuries, for example, burns. Often the problem of hyperpigmentation occurs in girls who abuse the tanning bed.

Hyperpigmentation in the early stages can be treated quickly. If spots are found above the lips, contact a specialist immediately.

Other factors

  Among other factors affecting the appearance of dark spots in the mouth, heredity is singled out. Peitz-Jägers syndrome is a very serious disease, in the presence of which large polyps form in the human intestine. Dots on the lips are the main symptom of this disease. Most often, the disease is inherited.

Another factor is old age. Often, older people in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips appear the so-called "venous puddle". They arise due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Diseases of the internal organs and cancerous growths can appear as spots around the lips or a dark spot inside the lips.

How to get rid of blue and black spots?

Before treatment and removal of visible defects, it is necessary to understand the cause of the appearance of these spots and establish how dangerous it is. The diagnosis can only be made by a highly qualified doctor.

We advise you to undergo a full examination to exclude disturbances in the body. If the doctor does not detect dangerous diseases and comes to the conclusion that the stain on the lips is an exclusively cosmetic defect, you can safely deal with their removal.

Medical and cosmetic preparations

If the dark spots are the result of any disease or disorder in the body, the doctor prescribes treatment with medications or medical procedures. With cosmetic defects, there are a number of effective procedures. With hyperpigmentation, a good effect was shown:

  • chemical peeling;
  • ultrasonic cleaning of the skin;
  • phototherapy;
  • exposure to liquid nitrogen;
  • laser resurfacing.

Among cosmetic preparations, bleaching masks are distinguished, which are applied at night to affected areas of the face. From acne use various scrubs and steaming masks, a special patch. When using any of the methods, you need to consult a dermatologist.

The projection of the internal organs on the face:

Forehead as a whole  - small intestine.
Peripheral forehead  - colon.
Upper forehead  - the bladder.
Whiskey on both sides  - the spleen.
Eyes  - kidneys and ovaries in women and testicles in men.
Left eye  - spleen and pancreas.
Right eye  - liver and gall bladder.
The area between the eyebrows  - the liver.
Upper nose  - pancreas.
Middle part of nose  - the stomach.
Nostrils  - bronchi.
Nose tip  - heart.
Cheeks  - lungs.
Mouth  - the digestive tract.
Upper lip  - the stomach.
Inner part of lower lip  - small intestine.
Peripheral part of the lower lip  - colon.
Lip corners  - duodenum.
The chin  - genitals.

A more detailed interpretation of diseases in the face.

Forehead  represents the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine. Moreover, its lower part refers to the small intestine, and the upper - to the large. The area of \u200b\u200bthe onset of hair growth on the forehead is the projection of bladder disorders.
The gallbladder zone is located on the temples. With violations in his work, the appearance of acne and redness, often accompanied by a headache of temporal localization, is observed. Additionally, it can be noted that in some cases, the appearance of yellowness of the face is noted.
  The curved temporal artery protruding under the skin, which has sharp contours, in combination with periodic redness of the face, indicate a sharp increase in blood pressure with a possible outcome in a hypertensive crisis
  Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes, which are associated with excess fluid in the body, may indicate kidney problems.

Region between eyebrows  over the bridge of the nose.
  The vertical line between the eyebrows on the right side shows that suppressing your emotions affects normal liver function.
  The vertical line between the eyebrows on the left side indicates that your spleen requires a reduction in stress.
  Horizontal wrinkles between the eyes, the bridge of the nose, indicate the presence of stagnation in the intestines, as well as possible menstrual problems in women.
  Sore eyebrows when you click on them indicates a heart disorder.

Eyes  the patient can often display both his mental state and physical abnormalities.

  What is taken into account when making a diagnosis?
  Eye color is one of the main indicators in determining the type of your constitution. According to the theory of iridology, only brown, blue, and their mixture are the natural colors of the eyes. Green is not a natural color. Its genetic basis is blue. Yellowness is indicated to it, testifying to some kind of functional impairment.
  The structure, or rather, the texture of the iris fibers also reflects the features of the internal structure. In iridology, the texture of the fibers is compared with the texture of the fabric: it all depends on how soft and loose the weaving of the “threads” is.
  Different marks - specks, spots, circles, half rings in different sections of the segments of the iris tell about physical and emotional stress. The color of the spots - from white to yellow and orange-brown to black - indicates the severity of the problem.
  In order to correctly and fully appreciate the picture of changes in the iris, it requires more specialized knowledge, experience and quite a long time.

Tearing of the eyes when leaving a warm room in a cold or outside indicates a deficiency of potassium in the body. Frequent causeless appearance of tears in the eyes, increased tearfulness indicates a deep neurosis, pathology of the spleen.
Sometimes hepatic impairment is additionally expressed by redness of the sclera of the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity. The yellowness of the sclera of the eyes also indicates a diseased liver.
  Glistening bulging eyes are a sign of thyroid disease.
  Red veins in sclera - a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue.
  A small iris indicates weak joints. If there is a white circle around the shell, then you are in excess of salt or sugar. In middle-aged people, this can be a sign of stress. If the white ring is very prominent and it is very white (especially in middle age), this indicates a degeneration of the joints. They will crack and break, joint pain and arthritis are likely. Brownish-dark dots on the iris indicate that the intestines do not absorb iron.

By the appearance of the area around eyes  it is possible to judge the presence of renal pathologies. In this case, special attention should be paid to such signs as swelling, redness, darkening. The presence of papillomas in this area indicates congestion, cyst formation, or a predisposition to this. For example, the appearance of fatty plaques in the eye area indicates congestion in the renal areas with the formation of sand or stones.

Long, curved, beautiful, fluffy eyelashes  - a sign of a pulmonary patient or person prone to pulmonary pathologies and asthma.

Nasal bridge  - a zone of deviations in the pancreas and stomach.
  A red, bumpy nose with streaks of blood vessels indicates cardiac pathology, accompanied by a high level of blood pressure. Low blood pressure is often manifested by a blue-red coloration of the nose.
  The wings of the nose belong to the projection zones of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. With bronchitis, their redness, the appearance of acne, large pores can be observed.
  Cardiac abnormalities sometimes appear in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tip of the nose and indicate the presence of arrhythmias.

Cheeks  people carry information about possible violations in the lungs. In this case, the right cheek corresponds to the right lung, the left cheek - to the left. With organic disorders in the lungs, the appearance of a vascular pattern or persistent redness is sometimes observed. The shape of the lung is repeated by the shape of the protruding part of the cheek, with the top of the cheek being the top of the lung and the bottom of the cheek correspondingly to the bottom of the lung.
  The capillary mesh on the cheeks - a signal of high blood pressure and a tendency to stroke - is an apoplexy type.
Pink, red cheeks and at the same time bluish lips - mitral heart disease.
  A discoloration (like a butterfly) of the nose or cheeks also refers to the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys and means that the body does not absorb iron or folic acid and the digestive metabolism does not work properly.

Some cardiac abnormalities are indicated by the appearance of a red spot in the upper part of the left cheek. With the hollow of the left cheek, you can think about heart disease.
  In chronic liver diseases, the occurrence of jaw joint dysfunction can be observed. At the initial stage of the disease, this is manifested by pain on a palpation examination, and the left jaw joint signals a problem in the left lobe of the liver, the right - in the right, respectively.

The oral cavity along with the lips reflects the state of the stomach. Dry lips  with jams in the corners signaling gastritis or a stomach ulcer. A large intestine is projected onto the line around the mouth. Therefore, if you have met a person with tightly pressed lips, then know that he suffers from intestinal cramps.
  Different parts of the lips indicate the state of various parts of the digestive system. The upper part of the upper lip corresponds to the upper part of the stomach, the middle part of the upper lip corresponds to the middle part of the stomach, and the lower part of the upper lip corresponds to the duodenum (the exit from the stomach, which connects to the liver, gall bladder and pancreas). The lower lip indicates the state of the intestine. Swollen lips indicate that the digestive tract is distended. Swelling of the lower lip from the outside indicates a tendency to constipation. Stains and sores on the lips can appear with ulceration and stagnation of blood in the digestive system. Pale lips indicate poor circulation and poor absorption in the intestines.

Dry and trembling lips - nervousness and fear, indicates dehydration or Vata disorders.
  Pale lips with anemia.
  Brownish black from chronic smoking.
  Repeated occurrence of inflamed areas on the surface of the lips - lichen and chronic pitta disorder.
  Light brown specks - poor digestion or the presence of worms in the colon.
  Yellowish lip color - for jaundice
  Blue lips for heart problems or due to a lack of oxygen.
  The unequal color of different parts of the lips indicates defects in the corresponding organs (see the figure below, reflection in the mirror).
  Vata lips are thin and dry. Pitta's lips are red and Kapha's lips are full and moist.

The ureters are projected onto the face along nasolabial fold. They begin near the lacrimal canal on the face and end in the lower part of the chin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection zone of the bladder.
  One of the important signs of an increased load on the heart and circulatory organs is a deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides.
  Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is also a very dangerous signal warning of a pre-infarction condition, heart failure, and a possible defect in the heart septum. a sign of a possible myocardial infarction is a violation of sensitivity, up to numbness of the skin area between the chin and lower lip.
  If you rise higher from this zone, then the presence of a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose indicates a defect in the heart valve.

The chin  reflects the state of the human reproductive system. In women, the appearance of acne and redness in this area indicates abnormalities in the appendages and ovaries (and in this case there is a third-party correspondence). In men, such signs indicate the development or presence of prostatitis. In a word, this zone indicates stagnation in the pelvic area.

Other external manifestations of various diseases confirmed by medical practice:

Amimic, masked face, facial expressions do not correspond to the events taking place - a symptom of a severe mental illness, especially schizophrenia.
  The wrinkled face even in a young person has endocrine disorders.
  Elastic facial skin is a sign of health. And sagging indicates premature aging of the skin. This happens with metabolic and gastrointestinal diseases.
  General puffiness of the face - a sick heart.
  An earthy complexion, a “lowered” face is a sign of the development of a tumor disease.
  Light spotted pigmentation on a woman's face is a sign of pregnancy.
  The appearance of yellowish-brownish age spots on the face indicates renal pathology.
  A bluish pallor of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. Wax pallor is a sign of tuberculosis.
  Brittle hair - metabolic failure, vitamin deficiency.
  Oily, tow hanging hair is a sign of endocrine problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  An indirect sign of early coronary circulation disturbance at a fairly young age is premature graying of hair.
  At first glance at a person with a predisposition to heart disease, his short neck indicates
In addition to heart problems, the threat of early brain sclerosis is very real for the owner of a short neck.
  The violation of blood circulation is also evidenced by the pallor of the auricles with a characteristic waxy shade.

Of course, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account a combination of various factors, as well as sufficient diagnostic and medical experience.