Parf water disappears very quickly. The right scent: how to increase the longevity of your favorite perfume? Don't forget about your hair

Having dressed yourself in your favorite scent in the morning, you really want the pleasant trail to remain throughout the day. However, the smell often disappears after a couple of hours. Why is this happening?

Why does the scent fade quickly?

One of the most common reasons why perfume does not last on the skin is the wrong perfume. Perfume is used according to the time of year. Light citrus and aquatic fresh scents are not suitable for winter. In windy and frosty weather they will not be felt.

In summer, heavy chypre and amber scents should not be used. An overly sweet scent will make you and those around you feel stuffy and unpleasant in the hot summer. But the ideal option for the off-season is floral and fruity scents for women and woody ones for men. One thing, it should be noted, by their nature is slightly less persistent than amber.

Everyone's body has different characteristics. You've probably noticed more than once that the same scent lasts on your friend throughout the day, but disappears from your skin after just a couple of hours. These are also the consequences of incorrectly chosen perfumes. The choice of eau de toilette should be taken seriously. It is better to purchase a new scent in the morning and afternoon. At this time, odors are felt more clearly. And don't try more than five flavors at a time.

Few people know that the durability of perfume depends on skin type. On dry skin, eau de toilette does not last long. It quickly absorbs aromatic oils. The creators of modern perfumery have taken care of those with this skin type. They released corresponding versions of the same scent. A more saturated option, Intensive, is suitable for women with dry skin types.

No less important factor What determines the durability of perfumes, rather than the quality of perfumes, is their proper storage. Even the most expensive eau de toilette from leading manufacturers loses its properties if kept in direct sunlight or in a warm place. Spirits love dark, cool and dry places.

If you often find that your perfume wears off very quickly, you may want to change the way you apply the scent. For example, do not apply the scent with your fingers, but use a spray. Many people apply perfume with their fingertips, rubbing it into the skin with gentle movements. Perfumers recommend not to do this so as not to change it due to friction. chemical composition substances: after this the aroma sounds completely different than planned, and lasts for a maximum of a couple of hours. It is more correct to use the spray, holding the bottle at a distance of 10-15 cm from the skin.

Need a long-lasting scent? Look at the base notes. A fragrance that has one of the following notes in the base will last well on the skin: vanilla, patchouli, pine, cedar, incense, vetiver.

Little tricks

Many people wonder how to make perfume last longer. A few simple tips will help you extend the “life” of your fragrance on your skin:

  1. It's important to know where to apply your perfume to make it smell longer. Experts believe the best places for this, the pulsation points are the neck, elbow bend, wrists, chest, area behind the earlobes and knees. Moreover, the aroma is applied not to one, but to all points at once. And the famous actress Liv Tyler advises rubbing the perfume between your fingers and touching the umbilical area.
  2. Perfume immediately after your shower or bath. The aroma is better absorbed into open pores and damp skin.
  3. Apply perfume to a comb and run it through slightly damp hair. A pleasant sillage is guaranteed for several hours!
  4. Lip balm is a great flavor fixer. Lightly lubricate the areas where you plan to apply eau de toilette.
  5. Don't spray perfume on your clothes. After all, perfumes awaken and come to life from the warmth of the body. In addition, when applied to clothing, the scent will mix with the smell washing powder, transforms and can change beyond recognition.
  6. Take advantage of the recommendation of the famous Estee Lauder. Spray the perfume at head level and enter the fragrant cloud.
  7. If you have dry skin, before using perfume, moisturize it with lotion or cream from the same brand as the perfume.
  8. If nothing helps, you may have what is called “olfactory fatigue.” You're just bored with your favorite scent and you can't smell it. Go to the store for a new perfume.

What perfumes last long?

We have selected a small selection of top fragrances that boast excellent longevity. All of them can be purchased from us in the form of liquid perfumes:

  1. "Woman" by Gian Marco Venturi
  2. "Good Girl Gone Bad" by Kilian

About 50 years ago, our fashionistas used a rather radical method of preserving the aroma of domestic (French ones were not imported into the Scoop at that time, and if they were imported, it was not for the general consumer) perfumes, which, as we know, did not have much longevity.

On the inside of a sweater or blouse, as well as in the cup of a bra, a small piece of fur or woolen fabric was sewn or simply placed, which was generously doused with perfume. The aroma persisted for a long time, but when mixed with the smell of sweat or other foreign odors, it changed somewhat and did not always remain pleasant (if it was initially pleasant at all).

1. Aromas from modern perfumes are best absorbed into clean and moist skin. Therefore, you need to perfume yourself immediately after you take a shower, and there is no need to wipe your body dry. The body should be slightly damp.

2. Experts do not recommend applying perfume to clothes. Exactly on the body. Each person’s body has its own, unique smell, which should, in combination with the aroma of perfume, create a successful composition. This is why women (like men) should choose perfume specifically for themselves, and not use fashionable ones. this moment aromas. In addition, it is believed that the aroma of perfume applied to the body is more lasting.

3. Use this method of applying perfume to your skin: spray the perfume in front of you, and then immediately, without waiting for this cloud to settle, enter it so that droplets of perfume from the air settle on your body.

4. Experts also recommend applying perfume to points on the body where the pulse can be heard well, since here the body temperature is slightly higher, which means the aroma will spread better. These are the chest, the areas of the neck behind the ears, and in general those places where men kiss women, such as the wrists, neck, back of the elbows and knees.

5. It is useful for women and non-bald men to know that clean hair best preserves the aroma of perfume. But you don’t need to pour the entire bottle of perfume on your head. Apply a little on massage brush for hair and comb your hair thoroughly.

6. Food also affects the durability of aromas. Aromas are enhanced by hot, salty, peppery and spicy foods, and by smoking, coffee, tea, medicines and dietary supplements, the original aromas are distorted.

Neither before nor after applying perfume do not go into the kitchen where food is prepared. The fumes from fried sunflower oil and fish are especially persistently absorbed and mixed with your body odor.

How to properly store perfume so it doesn't fade

Everyone knows that the right perfume or eau de toilette complements and improves any look. After all, when communicating, not only verbal signs (conversation, timbre of voice, rhythm of words) play an important role, but also non-verbal ones: gestures, appearance, clothing, and, of course, smells. Therefore, every woman, unless, of course, she is allergic to strong-smelling substances, is looking for her “own” perfume scent, which can enhance a positive impression on others.

If you managed to choose one optimal scent that you and others like, all that remains is to congratulate you! But most often, especially in at a young age, women (and men too) experiment with a variety of scents. After all, the retail chain now sells a wide variety of aromatic compositions, both persistent and more delicate. Therefore, it has become very easy to choose and try on different perfumes.

And here a legitimate question arises: how to store perfume to prolong its aroma? After all, like any cosmetics, if stored incorrectly or for too long, perfumes deteriorate. Therefore, instead of a positive effect, you can develop an allergy or simply lose the opportunity to use your favorite smell.

How to properly store perfume?

Take any package of perfume or eau de toilette and look at it carefully. If this is a high-quality branded perfume, the date of release of the product and its expiration date will be indicated on the box or the bottle itself.

Typically, sealed perfume can be stored for up to three years. But open packaging is used for from six to eighteen months, depending on the composition. Woody, deciduous and sandalwood compositions retain their aromatic properties the longest when opened. Perfume with citrus notes lasts less, and you can use perfume or eau de toilette with musk for a very short period. Also, the shelf life of printed perfumes depends on the durability of the perfume composition and their proper storage.

To be able to use your favorite perfume for as long as possible, protect it from weathering: always carefully seal the bottle if it is a form of perfume release without a sprayer. Keep perfume away from direct sunlight and constant exposure to heat. Store the bottle only in the original packaging, do not place the perfume in places of direct sunlight or exposure to central heating radiators or other heaters.

If you do not want the perfume to change its aroma and become too thick, do not place the bottle on the windowsill or any other open place in the apartment.

The optimal place to store perfume is dark and cool. However, you should not store perfume in too cold places, for example, in a refrigerator or cellar, because due to cold temperature a precipitate in the form of salts may form in them, and the aromatic composition will change. Therefore, it is best to store the packaging in a dark cabinet at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. This will be the best place to store perfume.

Perfume does not like high humidity, so it is not recommended to store it in the bathroom or other places in the apartment with high humidity.

How to store perfume so it doesn't fade

No matter how hard you try to tightly seal the ground stopper in a bottle of perfume, it will still erode. This means that the consistency will become thicker and oilier, and the top notes of the aromatic composition will gradually disappear. If you know that you will be using the perfume for a long time, it is best to purchase a spray bottle. In addition to convenient dosage, this form of release allows you to prevent the evaporation of your favorite perfume and preserve it for a longer period.

The atomizer (atomizer or spray) prevents foreign active substances from entering the bottle: skin cells and fat from the surface of the body, dust, dirt, foreign odors from the air, that is, everything that contributes to the rapid souring of the aromatic composition.

If the perfume has gone bad

If your perfume or eau de toilette has become thicker, changed its aroma, or sediment has appeared in it, it means that it is no longer suitable for use. Moreover, the use of expired or “sour” perfume can cause severe allergic reaction: skin rashes or asthma attack. Therefore, it is better not to use such perfumes.

If the aroma has not changed very much, add your favorite perfume to your shampoo or shower gel. This will allow you to save on expensive fragrances and give you the opportunity to completely use up the product.

You can also make sachets from expired perfumes: pads into which loose material soaked in perfume is placed. These sachets are placed in the cabinet for aromatization. bed linen and wearables.

In order to avoid having to throw away spoiled perfumes, do not purchase fragrances “in reserve”, and also do not use more than one bottle at a time. After all, if you wear different perfumes every day, their aromas will mix on your skin, causing an aromatic cacophony that can only cause a headache.

After unpacking a new bottle, try to use perfume as often as possible - then you will use it before the expiration date and have time to enjoy your favorite scent.

Katerina Mukhina

25.03.2016 | 10261

Take note of these tricks - and your favorite scent will stay on your skin and clothes throughout the day!

If your perfume is not very long lasting, its “life” can be extended using some tricks. And at the same time, you don’t have to renew the scent several times a day.

1. Apply perfume to damp and clean skin

Perfume of any concentration disappears faster on dry skin. Therefore, before using perfume, wet it slightly. clean water those places where you want to apply your favorite scent.

If you have very dry skin, moisturize it with cream. Otherwise, the alcohol contained in the perfume may cause peeling and redness.

A great idea is to use perfume immediately after taking a bath or shower. The fact is that the aroma penetrates better into open pores and, accordingly, lasts longer. And on dirty skin with big amount dead cells, the smell of perfume will completely disappear after a few hours.

2. Pay attention to concentration

On woolen clothes or fur, even a weak aroma will last for quite a long time. Therefore, in winter you can use eau de toilette. And at the same time you will smell fragrant all day long.

But for the warmer seasons, when you wear lighter cotton items, perfume or eau de parfum is better suited. In addition, for greater effect, you can use a perfumed body lotion from the same line as the perfume.

3. Don't rub the scent into your skin.

In order for the scent to be fully revealed, it should not be rubbed on the skin. Otherwise, you can destroy the perfume pyramid. Then the smell will not only change, but also quickly disappear.

The scent should dry naturally, so you need to apply it to the skin and avoid touching the area for a while.

4. Store your perfume correctly

The perfume bottle should be protected from direct sunlight and humidity, so it is not recommended to throw away the packaging. Store your perfume in a cardboard box in a closet out of direct sunlight.

5. Please note that notes in a perfume composition have different durability

Thus, musky, chypre and woody aromas last longer. But the longevity of floral, sea and some fruit perfumes leaves much to be desired. Therefore, carefully study the notes that sound in the perfume composition you like.

In addition, keep in mind that our sense of smell gets used to the aroma that we use for a long time and ceases to sense it. Therefore, it may seem that the perfume has begun to evaporate faster. But in fact, they are as persistent as before.

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In order to extend the “life” of your favorite scent on your skin, you can use a few simple rules:

1. Any - be it perfume, perfume or eau de toilette on the skin stops sounding much faster. Therefore, if you have dry or normal skin, before you perfume yourself with your favorite scent, do not forget to moisturize the areas where you apply it.

It’s great if you can pre-moisturize yours with a perfume lotion or body cream of the same direction as the perfume. For oily skin this is not required.

2. Make it a rule to perfume yourself immediately after water procedures– baths or showers. On freshly washed skin, after its pores have opened, the scent will last much longer.

3. Pay attention to the concentration of the smell - this also determines how long-lasting the aroma will be. Perfume lasts longer than eau de parfum, and in turn Eau de parfum more durable than toilet.

4. After you have applied the fragrance to your skin, do not rub it, let it dry naturally. A perfume has several stages of “sounding” - when the top notes sing first, then the middle notes, and after them the lower, base notes. If you rub the perfume after application, you can easily break this sequence and deprive the aroma of its individuality.

5. In order for your favorite perfume to retain all its qualities for as long as possible, store it in a dry place where sunlight will not fall on the bottle.

6. When comparing types of fragrances based on their durability, pay attention to the fact that musky, chypre and woody ones are more persistent than floral, sea or fantasy ones.

In addition to the rules, there are a few more nuances that it would be useful to remember.

The aroma that you have been using for a long time may not be perceived by your sense of smell as brightly as before. Therefore, you shouldn’t immediately blame the manufacturer for an unstable perfume; your nose might just have gotten used to the smell, but that doesn’t mean that others don’t feel it.

If you want a new scent for yourself, try to go shopping in the morning. In the morning and afternoon hours, the nose will do this job better. And try not to sniff a large number of perfumes - the optimal amount is three scents in one go.

You can apply perfume to your wrist, elbow hollows, behind your earlobes, chest - wherever there are pulse points. The skin temperature at these points is higher, and the pulse will help the smell spread better.

You can also apply a drop of perfume to your comb and comb your hair - a thin train will follow you like a queen's cloak.

If you want to be in a fragrant cloud, do as Estée Lauder recommended to do - spray the perfume in front of you at a level above your head and enter the fragrant cloud.