Hairstyles for an elongated cascade. How to make a haircut cascade? We disassemble the haircut technique. On curly hair

Many representatives of the fair sex dream of making their hair look luxurious, creative and at the same time easily fit into the right hairstyle. unconditionally meets all these requirements. In addition, this hairstyle gives ladies incredible elegance, adds femininity and some rebellion.

Cascade is a fairly common hairstyle and one of the most popular. Thick hair he makes more obedient, structured, and thin - lush and voluminous

Universal, fashionable, modern, daring - a cascade can be incredibly different. Many girls and women can afford such a haircut: age, hair type, social status - all this does not matter. The cascade is variable and there is a different option for each.

Let's take a closer look execution scheme   this haircut ( haircut technique cascade).

Cascade cutting technology or how to cut a cascade?

The cascade refers to step haircuts, to multi-layer. Each step is a layer, but unlike the ladder, layering should stand out, the strands are clearly visible. The cutting technique itself consists in layer-by-layer cutting of layers.

The cascade can go from the neck, which is a classic performance of this haircut, and can have the most unexpected outlines, for example, we cut the hedgehog from above, and then the cascade itself goes.

Exist 2 ways of execution   this haircut:

And now the very description of the haircut process (classic technique).

Preparatory work

  1. Wash your head and comb thoroughly.
  2. Determine how exactly the finished haircut will look: the location of the first step, the distance between the steps, the presence of a bang, the length of the finished hairstyle.

The cutting process itself

The effect of the cascade can be partially embodied in other haircuts. It adds volume to a hairstyle, ease and splendor.

Face framing can be as follows:

  • a pronounced ladder in the face;
  • torn contour;
  • due to the bangs, the frame can be a semicircle, in the form of the letter P, triangular.

Other schemes for performing a haircut cascade:

Video lessons   To create a haircut cascade:

Cascade "lock on lock":

No matter how strange it sounds, but in some cases a cascade haircut can be done independently (that is, to yourself). This should be done only in extreme cases, since everything can be done correctly and accurately only in the cabin. Here are some ways to cut your hair in a cascade on your own:

Whichever scheme of execution of this haircut is chosen, how well and accurately the hairstyle turns out will depend only on the hand of the master, his experience and skill, the ability to correctly calculate the height of the steps and their depth. Therefore, if you want to get something specific on your head, then do not be lazy and responsibly approach the choice of a hairdresser.

Haircut "Cascade" has rightfully earned a priority among popular and fashionable haircuts. Such general attention to this type of hairstyle is no coincidence. Everything is explained by its ability to simulate facial contours and give extra strands to thin strands.

Increasingly, on the covers of fashion magazines and model catwalks, you can see a haircut cascade on long hair.The cascading hairstyle won the International Hairdressing Contests more than once, which allowed her to be recognized by celebrities. This hairstyle is the personification of tenderness, grace and ease.

How to make a haircut cascade on long hair

The essence of the cascade method is the transition of short hair on the crown to longer strands. If you choose between straight hair and a cascading hairstyle, then perhaps you should give preference to a haircut. The cascading method will update the image, while leaving the length at the same level. It will give the image of attractiveness and perfection.

It is important that the cascade on long strands is cut without intricate difficulties and has several types of transitions:

This method provides for sharp and even transitions between the strands, from the top of the head and along the entire length of the hair. If a girl is the owner of thin and rare curls, then this method of cutting will be an excellent solution to the problem. Haircut differs from others in appearance, sharpness, originality, the presence of a number of steps and at the same time incredible tenderness.

The most suitable hairstyle for all hair types. The essence of the haircut lies in achieving many smooth transitions along the strands by milling. The levels are replaced one after another in length, and at the end, it turns out, a neat and feminine hairstyle that does not require tedious styling, and at the same time will look perfect.

Haircut provides a certain sequence of the process and methods of trimming hair. Naturally, not a single girl will cut her hair on her own, but it’s worth getting acquainted with all the nuances of creating a cascading hairstyle:

  • Stage One.Rinse thoroughly with balm . Use a flat comb to comb the strands along the entire length.
  • Stage Two.In the center of the crown, with a lance, separate the strand and cut, according to the desired length. This strand will be the base, from which the entire haircut will subsequently be made with an increase in length.
  • Stage Three. The entire hairline must be divided into sections horizontally. This will facilitate the whole process. The trimmed area is left, and the remaining partings are cut off with hairpins.
  • Stage Four.Gradually, lock by lock, the hair is pulled to the base cut and sheared.
  • Stage Five.To give clarity to the transitions, an exact edging of each tear is performed.
  • Stage Six.For uniformity and integrity of the hairstyle, make thinning. She will also give hair more volume.

How to cascade medium hair

Several types of cascading hairstyles were invented for the average length of hair.

This view differs from other cascades in the presence of many layers, each of which goes through a milling stage. The levels are cut all over the hair, starting from the crown and along the entire length of the strands. Hairstyle will make thin hair visually voluminous.

To achieve the ideal form of such a haircut, you need to know some features:

  1. The length of the control cut at the crown should not be shortThis will lead to further styling problems and randomly sticking hairs.
  2. It is not recommended to shorten much   locks in the area of \u200b\u200bfacial contours.
  3. If you strongly shorten the occipital part of the hairlinestyling such a hairstyle will be problematic.
  4. The top and bottom layers must have   smooth and frequent transitions.

The peculiarity of such a cascading cutting in the location of the ends of the hair. They are smoothly arranged one after the other, changing the length in some areas. The look of the hairstyle will suit any hair, complementing the image with charm and personality.

The nuances of cutting with such a hairstyle will help determine the need for this cascading method for your image:

  1. If a girl has curls with too thin a structure, then when calibrating them there is a risk of severe damage to the ends.
  2. The pluses include the presence of thin tipsthat smoothly frame the face, and can hide excessive fullness.
  3. Owners of thick and heavy strands will like this haircut.   It will greatly facilitate the hair and give lightness and smoothness to the ends.

With the cascade method, the bangs can have a different shape and cut. The following bangs are best combined with such a hairstyle:

  1. Slanting;
  2. Torn;
  3. Thick.

Thick bangs   it is cut off from the crown zone by the shape of a triangle and is distinguished by its thickness and even edge cut. Suitable for owners of a narrow face shape.

Torn bangs   cut with scissors for thinning or razors. It goes well with any length of the cascade. Looks spectacular thanks to the elegantly pointed tips. Girls with a high frontal part will like it.

Slanting bangs   it is cut with an oblique cut, starting from the superciliary line, gradually descending to the corner of the eye of the opposite side of the face. The slice can be both smooth and graduated. Very suitable for square, and also smooth out the appearance of protruding cheekbones.

Properly selected bangs will simulate cascading lines, emphasize the elongated neck and make the eyes more expressive.

To whom the cascade is contraindicated

Despite the universality and prevalence of cascading hairstyles, it has its contraindications. This method of cutting hair is absolutely not suitable for curly curls.

By their nature, curly hair has excessive pomp, which is inappropriate for this type of hairstyle. In addition, styling will turn into a long and laborious process, requiring a number of skills and mastery.

Too stiff and heavy curls will also not hold their shape. Therefore, owners of thick and thick hair should choose for themselves a different look and method of haircuts.

Views of the cascade in the stars

The famous Jennifer Aniston, became the first celebrity to transform her hair into a cascade haircut. It was this image that helped her to conquer a huge part of the public, during the filming of the series "Friends". Beauty Jenny is well over 30, but she still does not change her preferences and continues to wear a cascading haircut.

Unforgettable Victoria Beckham also liked the same cascade.   Featuring a high sense of style, excellent taste and her own opinion about fashion, Victoria made it clear that cascading hairstyles are always in trend.

The owner of funny curls Maxim also decided to try on such a method of cutting and did not lose. With an intense rhythm of life, between the family and the tour, the singer changes her image, changing the length of the cascade and the color of her hair.

Cascading haircuts were also chosen by such stars as Jennifer Lopez, Nyusha, Hilary Duff, Alicia Witt and many others.

In order to cast aside all doubts whether or not to get a haircut, ask a qualified craftsman for advice on the length of the haircut and how to style it further. A haircut is sure to be liked as soon as an updated image appears in the mirror.

Despite the fact that a step haircut was first created more than forty years ago, it still remains at the peak of popularity. And this is not surprising, because the cascade is a truly universal hairstyle that fits any type of appearance.

The main advantages of the "ladder" can be listed for a very long time, here are some of them:

  • A cascading haircut is perfect for any type of hair - in order to do it, it is absolutely not necessary to be the owner of thick or long curls. The cascade also looks great on thin, short hair.

  • The cascade is characterized by soft, smooth lines, without sharp transitions. Due to this, the hair becomes extremely light and splendid, which is important for girls with thin, hairless hair.
  • Step haircuts can be performed on curls of any length - from the shortest to the longest.
  • An important advantage of the "ladder" is the simplicity and ease of care and styling. Women with a cascading haircut will not have to spend a lot of time so that the hairstyle looks neat and impressive. Styling hairstyles can easily be done at home.
  • A cascade-style haircut will be an ideal option for many lovers of bangs. This type of hairstyle is perfectly combined with bangs of any shape and length - short, elongated, torn, asymmetrical. The cascade opens up to its owner the widest scope for experiments with appearance.

  • With the help of a well-chosen cascading haircut, you can adjust some features of your appearance - for example, a high forehead or wide cheekbones.
  • And, of course, the cascade can be safely called a truly universal hairstyle, which perfectly combines with a luxurious evening dress, and with comfortable jeans, and with a strict office suit.

Perhaps the only limitation to performing a step haircut is severely damaged curls that look untidy and groomed. Brittle, dull hair with split ends can spoil even the most fashionable hairstyle, so before cutting you should pay maximum attention to proper hair care.

  Cascade on long hair

A haircut cascade on long hair looks unusually feminine and stylish. It is ideal for girls who want to bring something new to their usual look, but do not want to part with long curls. The technique of cascading haircuts is as follows: the hair is moistened with water and thoroughly combed, after which one strand with a width of at least 1.5–2 cm is selected from the front of the head and cut to the required length. This is the so-called control strand along which the remaining hair will be cut. The rest of the curls are divided into partings, pulled away from themselves and cut off at the level of the control strand. At the end, the edges of the strands are treated with thinning scissors. Usually with a step haircut, the shortest strands are made at the level of the chin.

There are a huge number of varieties of the cascade on long hair. Among the most popular, one can single out a soft, even and ragged cascade. The main differences between these varieties are that with an even cascade, the curls are cut evenly, forming perfectly even steps. In turn, with a torn ladder, strands are cut from several levels, with different thickness and density of curls. This is a rather bold decision for stylish and bright girls. A soft cascade is a haircut with many soft, barely pronounced steps, thanks to which light, smooth lines are created. This option is ideal for any type of appearance.

Advice!The cascade will be the best solution for girls with a heart-shaped face. Such a hairstyle perfectly corrects the existing features of the appearance, giving the image a tenderness and femininity.

  Medium Haircut

A stepped haircut looks great on medium-long hair - to the shoulders or a little longer. Such a hairstyle gives the hair a splendor, lightness and volume, making the curls visually more dense and shiny. The cascade helps to slightly correct the shape of the face, giving the features softness and harmony.

Haircut cascade on medium hair is performed similarly to the previous option. Wet and clean hair is carefully combed, after which a control strand is taken from the back of the head, pulled forward parallel to the floor and cut to the required length. It is along this main strand that they are guided, cutting all subsequent curls. Ladder can be done both at the ends of the hair and along the entire length - depending on how soft and smooth steps you need to get. The ends of the curls framing the face are carefully milled - this is done in order to give the haircut a dizzying volume and lightness.

Advice!The cascade can be performed in several layers - two or more. But it should be remembered that the more layers, the more magnificent and voluminous hairstyle is obtained. Therefore, if you are not a fan of splendor, it is best to limit yourself to a soft cascade in 1-2 layers.

  Short-haired step haircut

A haircut cascade for short hair is a great option for an active and energetic girl. Short are considered to be curls up to the chin. Owners of short strands can safely choose a step haircut, regardless of structure, density or color of hair. This hairstyle gives the female image a certain share of mischief and emancipation. As a rule, a cascading haircut on short hair involves the presence of strands of different lengths and carefully profiled ends of curls.

The cascade perfectly masks small imperfections - for example, wide cheekbones, full cheeks, a high forehead or a too narrow face. The main thing is to choose the right styling for a haircut. If you are the owner of a narrow face, curl the ends of the curls outward, from the face. This will make it visually a little wider and soften facial features. Conversely, girls with full cheeks or wide cheekbones are encouraged to curl the ends of their hair to the face in order to narrow it down a bit.

Advice!For short hair, a cascading haircut implies the presence of a bang. A stepped hairstyle without bangs on short hair can look too harsh and even aggressive. Bangs can be absolutely any - short, straight, elongated, asymmetric, ragged.

Cascading haircut with bangs

Cascade and bangs are a win-win option for those women who want to look younger and more attractive. As already mentioned above, a stepped hairstyle perfectly combines with bangs of absolutely any shape and length. At the same time, the bangs look harmoniously with the cascade on long, medium, and short curls.

Geometric shapes are now in fashion. Cascading beveled bangs

  • Cascade with a long, thick bang, reaching the level of eyebrows or slightly lower - ideal for women with a slightly elongated face shape.
  • Asymmetric, slanting bangs   and a step haircut will help visually correct wide cheekbones, full cheeks or a round face shape. An asymmetrical fringe lengthens the face, making the features more harmonious.
  • Torn bangs - goes well with almost any shape of the face, but looks especially impressive in the presence of a heavy, large chin, helping to correct facial features, making them softer and more feminine.

A very thick bang with a cascading haircut will be the best solution for girls with a square face shape.

Girls with a triangular face shape are best to give preference to the classic straight bangs and ladder, starting from the middle of the cheek. Such a haircut will bring tenderness and harmony to the image.

Most of all, of course, the owners of the perfectly regular, oval face shape were lucky - they can safely experiment with almost any shape and length of the bangs, various coloring methods and styling variations.

  Hair color

Cascading hairstyle looks perfect on the hair, regardless of their length, color and structure. But nevertheless, the cascade looks especially impressive on curls painted in sand, wheat, honey, chestnut, ash-blond shades. However, this does not mean at all that girls with a different hair color will have to abandon a beautiful and comfortable haircut. The cascade has virtually no color restrictions.

A wonderful addition to the cascading haircut will be various coloring techniques - highlighting, coloring, gradient coloring. Thanks to these methods of dyeing, the hair acquires brightness and expressiveness, which in combination with a step haircut gives a simply stunning effect.

   You can wear a haircut cascade in different ways, it all depends on your ability to do your own styling

In a cascading haircut, the main emphasis is on stepped strands, and therefore techniques are ideal for this type of haircut, as a result of which directly selected curls are painted. This makes the hairstyle even more spectacular and attractive. For example, many women like the effect of “sunburned” hair in the sun, which in combination with a haircut cascade will become even more expressive. A step haircut and ombre color look no less interesting and stylish, the essence of which is a soft, smooth transition of one shade of hair into another. You can dye all the strands or ends of the hair, as well as one bang or the side curls that frame the face.

Thus, it is safe to say that a cascade haircut is an ideal solution for girls who like to experiment with new dyeing techniques and the color of their curls.

  Steps on Curly Hair

A cascade of curly hair is, without a doubt, a real salvation for owners of curly, naughty curls. As you know, curly hair is not only extraordinary beauty, but also a significant difficulty in care. In order for the hairstyle not to look like a dandelion, you need to make a lot of effort, and a cascading haircut greatly simplifies the process of leaving and styling curly hair. Curly hair requires maximum attention, as it grows, they can lose their natural beauty, turning into a lush, shapeless mop.

Advice! Laying a cascading hairstyle will not take much time - just apply a little mousse or other product to your cleanly washed hair and give the desired shape to your curls with your hand, without combing them with a comb.

The cascade on curly hair is always very sophisticated, feminine and spectacular. A step haircut on long or medium curls looks especially charming - it perfectly emphasizes the natural shape of curls, giving the image a boyish mischief and originality. Women with short, thick curls should be careful to cut the cascade, as in some cases it can give the hair an excessive volume and splendor, as a result of which the cut will lose its expressiveness, and the dandelion effect cannot be avoided.

When choosing a haircut, each girl puts forward many requirements. Recently, the cascade has gained particular popularity. And there are many reasons!

Each woman will not let you lie, how difficult it is to choose one haircut. I really want her to emphasize the oval of the face, demonstrate the beauty of our hair, give the opportunity to create a new interesting image, require a minimum of effort and time when styling. Haircut cascade fully satisfy these needs.

Convenient haircut cascade

Having made a haircut cascade, you can give hair volume. It gives you the opportunity to style your hair in different ways, looks equally beautiful on both long and short hair, on straight and slightly curly hairs.

Cascade - is a haircut in which the hair gradually moves from short on the crown to longer. Such a “game” of length forms a kind of real cascade. Haircuts can have various options. It can be severely “torn” along the entire length of the hair or only at the ends.
  Despite the fact that this haircut is universal and can be done on hair of different lengths, I must say that it will look best on curly or straight curls of medium length.

Who is the haircut cascade for?

The advantage of a haircut is also that with its help visually correct the shape of the face. So, for example, an elongated face can smooth out a medium-length cascade with a thick long bang, a round one - a haircut cascade on long hair will decorate.

If you have the correct facial features, thick enough hair, you can safely choose a “frozen” cascade when the hair length is approximately the same, and the ends have a “ragged look”.

In general, a cascade haircut is best for an oval or slightly elongated face. The facade of the haircut is outlined by steps that can start from the line of the ear, chin or chin. That is why it is popularly called a ladder.

Which hair looks better than a cascade haircut

It looks very impressive ladder on the hair the color of light brown tones, the color of ripe wheat or dark chocolate. On the hair trimmed in a cascade, highlighting looks amazing, which can shade the color of the hair, make it more interesting.

The most advantageous haircut looks on thin or medium hair. A skilled craftsman will visually make the curls thicker. On hard, heavy, thick hair, she is unlikely to look. For straight hair, the cascade is especially good because the structure of the haircut will be clearly visible.

Styling haircuts cascade

Hair styling after cutting a cascade, as a rule, is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the basic principles of styling a haircut cascade: carefully lay the ends of the hair, as well as give the hair volume.

Styling haircuts cascade: everyday option

Daily styling can be done quite quickly with a hairdryer and fingers.

The hair is washed, and then, head down, it is dried from the roots to the ends. Then the curls are laid with the help of hands, and gel or wax is applied to the tips with the fingers and the “hair” is wrapped inside. In order to keep the styling longer, the hairstyle can be fixed with varnish.

Styling haircuts cascade: a festive option

In order to make a festive styling option, it will take a little more time. Foam is evenly distributed throughout the length of clean, wet hair.

Then, using a comb and hair dryer, the hair is dried, moving from the roots to the ends. At the same time, individual strands are pulled out at an angle of 90 °. T.O. hair gets extra volume. Then, using a round comb, the ends of the hair are laid in or out.

Styling haircuts cascade: other options

There are many options for styling such a haircut. You can “tuck” the ends of the hair at the face line inward and the rest of the hair outward. You can comb the hair on the top and slightly raise them: the curls will become more voluminous and lush.

You can also experiment with parting. Flat parting, parting left, right, zigzag ... Choose what suits you best!

It is possible to style hair with the help of ironing. The curls are dried using the warm air mode, and then a special means for thermal protection is applied to them. With the help of ironing, the strands are pulled, they become smooth and radiant. In order not to injure the hair, you must act clearly in accordance with the instructions and heat it to the temperature indicated in it. You can hold an ironing on a single strand once.

Cascade staining

To make the hair more voluminous, only a haircut will not always be sufficient. A professional craftsman always offers the right color, in which strands of contrasting color enhance the cascading effect and emphasize the beauty of the flowing locks.

Shatush, bronding, ombre - all these techniques involve staining with flowers that are close to natural with a smooth transition. This simulates the effect of burnt hair.

More courageous girls easily experiment with contrasting bright colors. Hairstyle "cascade" emphasizes the airiness of the hairstyle even when using an unusual color palette.

Popular haircut cascade. Photo

Today, the haircut cascade is one of the most popular. Many people love her because, growing back, her hair still retains its shape for a long time.

Do not be afraid to be like others, the same haircut cascade looks different on every girl. And the variety of styling options will emphasize the individuality of your style.

Have you tried wearing a cascade? What is your impression? Do you like a haircut? Would you recommend it to others? Write to us!

Haircut cascade is suitable for women of any age. Due to the presence of strands of different lengths, you can form many different hairstyles. This option perfectly solves the problem of thin curls. The cascade can be selected taking into account individual preferences and face shape. The beauty of a haircut is that it allows you to create a visual volume on thin hair, and on thick hair helps to facilitate daily styling. The haircut cascade over the years has not lost its relevance, over time, only the styling shape and coloring options change. Let's find out what are the features of this hairstyle and the secrets of the right choice.

Features haircuts cascade

Hair cutting cascade can be performed on hair of various lengths. Initially, such a hairstyle was done only on medium strands and was symmetrical. But at present it is represented by more diverse and democratic options.

A short flight of stairs can be combined with other haircuts, from pixy to bean and square. Asymmetric options and combinations with different types of bangs are relevant. All kinds of stains look spectacular. They not only emphasize the mobility and layering of the hairstyle, but also help create a more magnificent hair.

Advice!The cascade blends wonderfully with strands of any color. It is even suitable for mobile and thin strands.

Hairstyle benefits

So, what are the advantages of the cascade:

  • A winning option for any face shape. Thanks to the flexibility in styling and execution, it allows you to adjust any shape.
  • A natural hairstyle is easily transformed from a daily look to an evening one. It can be laid even with inexperienced hands.
  • With the help of such a hairstyle, you can save the length of the hair when you want to change the appearance.

  • A good solution is such a hairstyle for thick hair. It helps to form a suitable volume. With a decrease in hair volume, root volume can be achieved.
  • This option looks spectacular on both dark and light strands. You can try highlighting and coloring.
  • Haircuts are done on curly and straight strands.

  What hair is the cascade suitable for?

Cascade is a universal option, as it fits almost any hair. It is especially recommended for girls with thin hair, as it will visually create a larger volume.

Before cutting, it is worth assessing the condition of the hair. If the strands are split, then they must first be trimmed. If the hair is poorly dyed or very dry, then the hairstyle will look bad.

Advice!A similar hairstyle helps to correct the shape of the face. An elongated face can be decorated with a medium length option with a long bang. For a round face, the option on long strands is more suitable. If the facial features are correct, then you can choose the option with the same length and torn ends. The facade of the hairstyle can start from the line of the ear or chin.

  Popular haircut cascade: varieties

Let's look at the most popular hairstyle options.

Fashion asymmetry

Asymmetrical haircuts can adapt to any shape of the face. In addition, they can even change the oval in the presence of some shortcomings. Asymmetry allows you to create dynamic images that are striking in their unusual style.

Such fashionable hairstyles have a certain technique of creation, which are based on graded hairstyles at a certain angle.

Double cascade

This option can be done in two ways. The first is to process the strands in a straight line. In this case, the control line is located at the junction of the temech and the occipital part. The rest of the curls are measured on it. After processing the back of the head, the temples and crown are trimmed.

Another way involves creating a magnificent cap on the top of the head, from which there is a ladder to the ears.

Advice!Double ladder is easy to install. You can straighten the strands, curl and create additional volume in the bangs and crown. Also a good solution is coloring and highlighting. It is important not to forget about giving volume.

Drying is best done by tilting the head down. You can fix the effect using a special gel.

Graduated hairstyle

Unlike torn styling, this variation has a clear edging and a regular shape that resembles a hat. In this case, the crown is cut short. The essence of graduation is the smoothness of lines. All layers of hairstyles are made out one after another. This creates a neat canvas of hair, without careless strands.

A graded haircut looks great on thick or thick curls. In addition, graduation facilitates hairstyle on too voluminous hair.

To make the hairstyle always look well-groomed, constant trimming of the tips is required. Graduated hairstyle looks good with straight and oblique bangs.

Hair styling is done by twisting the ends of the hair with a special round brush. The bangs can be slightly twisted or left straight.

Advice! Do not use this option on soft and too thin curls, as the hairstyle will quickly lose shape.

Haircut cascade for medium strands

A haircut cascade on medium hair looks well-groomed and neat. To give originality, a ragged haircut is used. A more relaxed option is obtained if the ladder is used at the tips. This option is suitable for blondes and brunettes with medium hair length. The cascade helps create volume without the use of varnish and foam.

With curly and thick hair, you will need to make more efforts to create a beautiful shape.

Most often, the option for medium hair is laid with a bang. An open forehead and bangs emphasize the beauty of the face and eyes. A long bang allows you to create a more refined and elegant style. To create an unusual image, it is recommended to make the shape of the bangs oblique.

The cascade allows you to adjust the regrown short haircut and make it more expressive. Also, the effect of the ladder will get rid of sleek strands.

Advice! Fashionable torn strands and complex layered staining will help to make a more effective option. At the same time, you can give luxurious volume to weak and thin strands.

Cascade on long hair

Hairstyle for long strands is more suitable for girls with an elongated face shape. This is an unpretentious option that you only need to keep clean and comb in the morning. The cascade gives splendor and volume.

In order for the haircut to harmonize with the face, it is necessary to monitor the length of the steps. You can apply different design options for long curls. The classic version is suitable for everyday look. In this case, the steps smoothly pass into each other.

Torn version allows you to make the image more stylish and unique. This option allows you to mask such flaws as wide cheekbones and wide-set eyes.

Asymmetric hairstyle suitable for smoother hair. A graduated version on long strands helps to create a clear outline.

Advice! The cascade on long strands makes the hair more mobile and lively. At the same time, it is not necessary to stack it, as the curls will look naturally on their own.

Haircut for short curls

Cascading short hair is especially suitable for women with soft and regular features. Step options allow you to make a more carefree and fresh image.

There are different variations of the cascade for short hair: from hats and to hairstyles in ultra-short execution. The hat-shaped option is more suitable for girls with a round face shape. In addition, it will help to hide unnecessarily large cheeks or a narrow face.

Actual styling is an ordered mess that can be created with the help of foam, tongs and curlers. After distributing the product, a waving is performed. You can combine curly and straight strands. This will make a dynamic and unique hairstyle.

To create the effect of disheveled, you can perform a pile, and apply mousse or gel to the ends.

A more restrained option is obtained if several strands are wound on large curlers, and straightened out with a straightener. This multilayer hairstyle is a great solution for office and party.

Advice! The cascade looks especially good in combination with honey, chestnut and light brown strands. Stylish hairstyle can be used with ombre. Also, the cascade masks well the first signs of gray hairs.

  Is it possible to use a ladder on curly locks?

Curly strands are difficult to style, but a cascade can help in this situation. In this case, the cascade can be combined with a long bang. Curly locks look good in hairstyles with the use of hairpins, hairpins and other jewelry. Hairstyle on curly strands looks stylish, perky and romantic.

Advice! When using the cascade on wavy strands, special care is not required. You can simply dry the curls with a hairdryer, and give the strands a shape with your hand.

  How to beat a bang

Great solution - haircut   cascade with bangs. A long bang will make the face flaws not so obvious. Especially this option is suitable for elongated face shape. Coloring is used for a similar hairstyle. A long fringe covers the forehead below the eyebrows. If the strands are too thick, then additional thinning or thinning is done.

Wonderful solution - haircut cascade with bangs

Slanting bangs   A great solution for chubby girls. She will correct the oval, and the wide face will appear narrower. In this case, a bangs, the length of which is up to the middle of the forehead, is more suitable. A skew option is suitable for girls with a square face. It will soften the contours.

Asymmetric bangs   Suitable for women with regular facial features. Smooth thick or semicircular bangs round the face even more. Therefore, this option is best used for rectangular and oval faces. Torn cascade allows you to adjust too hard the shape of the face.

Styling nuances

To create a festive styling for the cascade does not take much time. Over the entire length of the strands you need to distribute the foam. Then the strands should be dried with a hairdryer and comb. In this case, you need to move from the roots to the tips. Hair takes on extra volume. After this, a round comb ends the hair to fit out or in. The ends turned outward will give a playful look, and those laid inside will help to create a more romantic look. You can experiment with parting. In some cases, you can do without it.

Which cascade option to choose, you decide. Using useful tips, you can make the right choice, which will create a stylish and feminine image. A simple and natural hairstyle will be the best solution for both everyday use and for more special occasions.