We celebrate 1 year. How to celebrate a girl’s first birthday. Choose the time of the holiday

Most often, moms are engaged in decorating the anniversary. But dads gently hint that the baby still does not understand anything to arrange a colorful show, but, surprisingly, they take part in the preparation with pleasure.

But I really want to wish you a beautiful happy birthday to your son, a year old. And here, interesting design ideas and thematic options for holding the boy’s first birthday will come to the rescue.

Traditional birthday decoration for 1 year

Definitely, a thematic birthday requires strict adherence to the chosen direction.

Therefore, some parents prefer the traditional festive decoration of the holiday.

The surroundings made in a certain color scheme will look much more concise.

It is better to choose colors that are not poisonous, not too bright, so as not to distract the baby.

Shades of pastel, muted tones are perfect. You can stay on white, green, brown and honey tones. It is not necessary to make jewelry in boyish blue shades.

Play with colors, combine several options.

All jewelry should be large enough and safe.

Remember that the baby learns the world not only visually, but also to the touch.

The child will try to touch and even taste the scenery.

Therefore, be sure to consider this and avoid the use of glass, fragile jewelry.

Balloons, streamers with congratulations, various flags and pompons are ideal. Children really like various little animals made from balls, as well as huge balls filled with smaller ones or toys.

Just keep in mind that a child can be scared if such decor suddenly bursts.

Be sure to make a play area for the kids.

Here you can install a toy house, an inflatable slide, ladders, buildings of large cubes.

If the holiday takes place in the summer and on the street, a pool, a swing, a sandbox are suitable.

How to originally congratulate the boy on his first birthday: choose the topic

But if you want to congratulate your son on your first birthday unconventionally, choose the appropriate topic.

After all, themed holidays are always distinguished by their creativity and originality.

We offer several topics that are ideal for organizing the first birthday of the boy.

Creating an atmosphere of mysterious space is not so difficult.

It’s enough to figure out how to convey the beauty of the starry sky. You can make celestial bodies in the form of stars, comets, planets from ordinary cardboard. Give them shine by gluing it with foil or decorating it with fluorescent paint from a spray can.

Such jewelry with a neon effect will coolly glow in the dark. Also, ready-made figures can simply be sprinkled with broken Christmas toys, crushed into crumbs.

The main color of the holiday will be blue, diluted with white and silver. In tone, we make flags with the image of stars or in the form of small space rockets. The same rockets and stars will decorate treats.

And dress up the baby with a small stargazer. For guests we prepare caps with stars.

Happy birthday son for 1 year, like a little prince

Create a true fairy kingdom for your little prince.

To make the situation reminiscent of ancient knightly times, make a real castle out of cardboard. It can be made voluminous or applied as a background by placing it on a wall or curtains.

It is not necessary to make a whole fairy-tale town or huge buildings - just a couple of towers will be enough.

Cool helium balls look on the birthday of the little prince, on the ribbons of which you can stick fabulous figures. To congratulate the baby, we are preparing a colorful thematic banner.

The main colors for this holiday will include a combination of blue with silver, gold. It is in this color scheme with the image of crowns, emblems, medals that you can make invitations for guests, and funny caps.

Be sure to make a colorful candy bar where you can put sweets, cakes, drinks and cake as treats, decorating them with themed toppers.

How to congratulate the son of a little gentleman on his first birthday

Another great idea for organizing a boy’s anniversary is a gentleman-style celebration.

The main emphasis in the decoration will be antennae and butterflies.

Dilute the main color with multi-colored stripes and peas, which will make the atmosphere more fun.

We choose for the crumbs a festive outfit with a vest and, of course, a bow tie.

We use the same elements, as well as images of glasses, hats, canes for decorating the room and for a photo shoot.

Great classic birthday set for big and small gentlemen!

Let the first crumbs birthday be remembered for its eccentricity and chic.

Happy birthday baby: 1 year old in a marine style

Happy birthday, one year old boy: ideas for decoration

To give individuality to the holiday will help not only correctly selected topics, but also ideas that can be realized solely on an anniversary.

They can be a start for traditions that can be continued on the second, third and subsequent birthdays.

Poster "I'm growing ...."

Guests and relatives will be interested to see how the baby grew, how it changed throughout the year.

Indeed, in the first year, the baby grows very quickly and not everyone had the opportunity to watch these fascinating changes. Therefore, posters with photographs of the child made in each month of the past year, from birth to anniversary, are very popular.

You can make such a poster in the most unpredictable ways. The trains with photos in the windows of the wagons look cool. You can draw a clock and place a corresponding photo on each digit. Or make a flower with 12 petals and stick a corresponding picture on each of them.

Just a poster or a banner is suitable, where you can stick a photo of the baby.

Collages with photographs look no less interesting, where you can display cool situations and skills of a child.

In this case, plot photos with the image of the baby together with parents, grandparents are ideal.

If you wish, you can pick up interesting captions for stories or short poems.

Such an achievement poster can be hung in the common room or at the entrance.

Slide show

If you know how to work with video programs, be sure to make a colorful slide show. This video will be a great addition to the scenario of the birthday and a gift for the baby. Here you can use not only the most interesting photos, but also videos that have accumulated over the year.

Instruction manual

Getting started planning a birthday crumbs, determine the number of invitees. Of course, relatives - grandparents, uncles and aunts, as well as godparents, if any, would want to congratulate him. For the successful socialization of the child, it is necessary that he communicate with peers from an age. Child psychologists, in order to determine the number of invitees, recommend adhering to the "age of the child plus one." Therefore, for your birthday, you can invite one or two of your baby's friends with their parents.

After you have calculated how many people are expected at your holiday, think about the venue. You can celebrate a birthday at home or in a cafe. In both cases there are pluses. If your living conditions do not allow you to accept everyone you planned, then it is better to move to a cafe. In addition, the exit to the cafe will be an excellent unloading for mom, because she will not have to stand at the stove all day, and the exit to the people will serve as a change of scenery and an occasion to dress up. However, if you go to a cafe, you won’t be able to stay there for a long time, because one-year-old babies sleep at least twice a day, and by prolonging your birthday, you run the risk of childhood fatigue, tears, and moods. And at home it will be possible to put the baby to sleep in the next room and continue the fun with adults.

Thus, when planning your first birthday, you should fully adapt to the child. Consider not only the daily routine, so that the baby sleeps and feels cheerful and cheerful, but also his gastronomic addictions and opportunities. It’s better if there are not only children’s, but also “adult” dishes on the table, made of vegetables and fruits that can be tasted like crumbs, so that he doesn’t feel that he is being deprived of something and sees that everyone is eating the same food as he. Carefully approach the choice of cake, the children are very curious and, having blown out their first candle in their life, they are sure to try to grab a piece of themselves. If your pediatrician does not make a strict verdict on sugar, then you can try a little cream. But if the baby has an allergy, then the cream is better to replace with fruits.

Gifts for a one-year-old baby should be beautiful, functional and developing. At this age, the cognitive process is faster than ever, so a bright children's rug with toys, soft cards and rattles will be most welcome. Children's puzzles and cubes are also great. When choosing a toy, remember that the parts should not be too small so that the child cannot swallow them.

As it turned out, children at this age can still feel the aura of objects. Therefore, the rite is designed to identify the most appropriate occupation for the child. Thus, in superstitions it is generally accepted that the object chosen by the child will be his guide for life. In the Vedic culture, people were divided into several castes: scientists, businessmen, workers, warriors. In those days, parents determined the future occupation of the child by laying out several items that correspond to a particular industry. It was: a book, money, weapons and a working tool. Parents, after their child makes a choice, already knew in which direction to advance the child and in which industry he would be able to achieve success. But unlike modern standards, before the custom was carried out at any time, and not in a year. But the age of the child should not exceed 1.5 years. There were other restrictions: only those that he sees for the first time placed objects (you cannot put your favorite objects), the child at the time of the ceremony should be able to crawl in order to reach the object or crawl to it, etc.

How to celebrate 1 year for a child: traditions

But modern parents take such matters lightly. For most young moms and dads, this kind of action resembles a game. If the tradition is not properly treated, it is better not to conduct it at all, because you not only determine the path of your child, but also program it and yourself. For example, some parents, for fun, can put cigarettes, alcohol, and even condoms on a common set, that is, everything at hand. Imagine if your one-year-old daughter opts for contraception. The fact is that at a subconscious level, primarily among parents, this factor will be postponed, and they will look all their life for similar features in their child and thereby program him. So it is likely from a normal girl to make a "mess." The case described above is an extremely rare measure, but it is designed for young mothers and fathers to take seriously any questions concerning the child.

If you tend to believe the predictions and rituals, as well as the effect of programming, it is best for you to put the keys to the car, apartment and wallet.

By the way, it is worth noting that the child needs to be planted not just on the floor, but on a special bedding. Some argue that this should be a sheepskin, if so, then you can turn out a sheepskin coat. Others just take a small rug and seat the child.

There are several types of calculations in front of a child. You can make any mix you like or a mix. If any items are missing, stock them in advance.

1 year old child: traditions and customs

Several options for the location of things

Option number 1

Life Symbols:

  • Garlic - serves as a symbol of health.
  • Keys are a symbol of wealth.
  • Wallet - means wealth and prosperity.
  • Chocolate means a sweet and fun life (can be replaced with gingerbread).
  • Ball of wool - promises a long life.
  • The book is considered a symbol of knowledge and mind.
  • Brush - says that the baby has the ability to art.
  • Coin - symbolizes prosperity (can be replaced by dollars).
  • Ringlet - prophesies a successful marriage.
  • Glasses - is a sign of attraction to science.

Option number 2


  • Wallet - a child has a tendency to become a banker.
  • Comb - by a stylist or hairdresser.
  • Ladle - cook or housewife.
  • The machine is a driver of transport.
  • Ball - promises great achievements in sports.
  • Portfolio - executive positions.

Option number 3


  • Doll - a ladies man grows (if a boy).
  • Keys - a family, home-grown child.
  • Piggy bank - a thrifty child.
  • Empty wallet - money will be spent in the future, not counting.
  • Threads - a neat person will grow.
  • Paints are a creative person.
  • The mask is an artistic person.

Option number 4

  • Life (what the baby’s life will be connected with):
  • Book - the future scientist, the "eternal student" is growing in the family.
  • Scissors - a jack of all trades was born (not necessarily a tailor, but just a man - golden hands.
  • A mouse from a computer - it will deal with computers or other types of high technologies.
  • Pampers is the future mother of many children (father).
  • A trifle - a baby to be rich.
  • Garlic - Grow Healthy
  • Chocolate - a sweet life awaits him / her.
  • Tape, spool of thread or a ball - life will be long.
  • Flower (you can even in a pot) - means a happy family life.
  • Ring - in his life there will be great love.
  • The keys to the apartment - symbolizes good welfare.

How to congratulate the baby on his first year of life?

You should immediately warn young parents that at this age, your child will not need a magnificent banquet. On the contrary, the fewer people invited, the better for both you and him. Let it be a narrow circle of the closest acquaintances and relatives.

Let godparents and grandparents help you decorate the whole house or room with colorful balls. Balls will dominate the mood not only for the baby, but also for adults. Let it be various clowns, cars, dolls and other interesting figures.

Also, parents can make a special album on whatman paper. Take photos taken over the year and stick them in turn, while marking the dates (months) and the arrow indicate the next photo. Take 12 photos: from the first to be born and up to 1 year old.

The calendar can have other themes: the first tooth, the first step, the first word and so on. That is, you show what path your child has traveled this year and how he did it.

You can make a beautiful crown of gold foil and decorate it with the head of a child, as well as with parents.

The role of godparents on the holiday

Let the godparents make notes in the album: they will outline the arms and legs of the child so that it can be further seen how it develops. You can also make a notch on a special board or on the back of a wooden meter (indicate growth) and continue this tradition every year.

A long tradition is hair cutting in the first year of birth. Godmother Mom and Dad must do this. To do this, you need to cut off a small symbolic curl on each side of the head (cut from four sides). Some people prefer to cut their hair, but this is not necessary. The rite of circumcision on four sides is a symbol of the cross, that is, protection. So, if your boy has already grown up and goes to the army, then the curl will serve him as the strongest amulet and protection from adversity. To do this, when the son is on the doorstep, then the mother needs to cut off a lock of his hair and put it on those that were cut off in a year. In turn, a small strand of small hair had to be put in an incense and given to his son. This amulet is intended as protection against injuries, failures and various dangers.

If this is a girl, then they give her hair on the day of marriage. This makes it possible for the daughter to leave home forever in order to create her own happy family.

After the hair is trimmed, they need to be folded neatly in a special piece of paper or handkerchief. Hair is not stored anywhere, but in his native home, behind the images of saints. In this way, you enable God's power and grace to help your child. It is believed that saints protect a person and do not give evil spirits to take possession of his soul.


Be that as it may, the baby himself is the main decoration and reason for the holiday, so dress him up nicely and make sure that the child is comfortable in these clothes. Take a large number of different photos as a keepsake. Attach decorated butterflies everywhere, put colorful pencils. Let the child enter this life brightly and also live brightly and live it.

Good time to all gathered on my blog. Today I will please young parents with interesting ideas on how to celebrate 1 year old child.

Although, this topic will be relevant for godparents and grandfathers. So get comfortable, read and bookmark this article.

Organization of a children's holiday in a cafe

Of course, of all the possible options, this is the easiest, but also the most expensive.

It is clear that if financial opportunities allow - then holding a birthday in a cafe is an ideal option. Mom will be fresh and rested, guests will be entertained by a professional presenter, and waiters will watch the table. You do not have to worry about music or utensils.

What should you worry about in advance?

  1. Hall decoration. To give the holiday a thematic focus, prepare the decoration in advance. You can contact the company for organizing children's parties and they themselves pre-decorate the room. Your guests will only have to be surprised and admire your taste and great ideas.
  2. Thinking through menu, consider the age and preferences of all guests. If children are invited, for them you can put a separate children's table with a sweet snack and drinks.
  3. Take care of the good music and photos  holiday.

We celebrate at home: fun and comfortable

Yes, of course, ordering a restaurant, animators and professional presenters is great! But what if the budget is very cramped, and you want to note by inviting loved ones to the celebration?

Do not be upset, because at home you can also organize a fun and unforgettable holiday. Of course, it will take much more effort and time to organize the event, but the preparation itself also has its own certain charm.

Turning to a professional agency for organizing holidays, you will be deprived of the opportunity to independently create a holiday atmosphere for your baby and invited guests.

So where to start?

Planning is our everything. All will have to be taken into account so that the holiday is fun and without unforeseen troubles and inconsistencies. If you are not completely confident in your abilities, seek help from your best friend or mother. Try to distribute the responsibilities of organizing the party.

We make a list of guests. This is a very important part, which will give a complete picture of the scale of the event and determine the whole further organization.

We are preparing an invitation. It is very nice and memorable to send an invitation to all guests. Can:

  • order them in a professional studio;
  • use blank templates (printed from the Internet);
  • together with my husband, manually create cute and funny invitations.

Which option to choose is up to you. But if there is time, strength and creative potential, then hand-made invitations are a memory for grandparents and godparents for life.

The original idea will be if you put on each invitation card the author's stroke of the baby's five. To do this, just dip your palm into the finger paints and touch the finished invitation card with it.

Decorate invitation cards with ribbons, bright buttons, corrugated colored paper - there are no borders for imagination.

And you can collapse the invitation in the form of papyrus and tie it up to a balloon.

Thinking through the menu

A very important stage in the preparation of the holiday. Try to take into account the tastes of all invited guests.

If among them there are vegetarians, diabetics, allergies, then it is worth considering alternative dishes. Everyone should be tasty and satisfying at the birthday of the little birthday boy.

Of course, if you plan to invite fifty guests, then you alone can not cope with the preparation of the festive menu. There are 2 ways out of this situation:

1st option. We turn to friends for help. If the degree of intimacy allows, ask friends and relatives to come with a festive meal. It’s not difficult for them to cook according to option 1, but putting them all together will make a chic table. You need to pre-paint everyone who cooks what.

2nd option. We invite a woman cook. Now you can find a good inexpensive chef through an agency or an ad who will prepare the whole holiday menu. Of course, this is a more expensive option, but much cheaper than a cafe. And you will not strain guests.

Tip: do not take all the feast on yourself. Even if you are currently full of strength, enthusiasm and determination, it is not worth heroing. So you have enough trouble on the day of the holiday.

Your task is to look fresh, rested, cheerful and entertain guests. You must admit that they don’t need to see a tired, exhausted housewife who sliced \u200b\u200bolivier in the kitchen until 4 in the morning.

Think home decoration

A day before the scheduled day, clean the house and take care of its decoration. Buy bright balloons, use paper pom-poms, ribbons.

Let everyone around say that the baby is celebrating his first birthday in this house! Guests, having crossed the threshold, will die in admiration and immediately recharge with a positive mood.

Organize a photo area for guests. Now it is a fashionable attribute of any party. Decorate the corner of the house in an unusual and original way. Hang there photos of the baby, prepare funny details for the photo. It can be hats, boas, mustaches on sticks, funny glasses made of paper.

Even the most strict and embarrassed guests will quickly be liberated and succumb to universal fun. And how pleasant it will be for everyone to then consider such photographs.

We think over the entertaining part

This is the most important part of the organization, without which no holiday will be possible.

You can order a children's animator at home. This will be especially interesting for young guests who are happy to take part in competitions, play soap bubbles, jump with the ball and sing.

And you can write an independent script, demonstrating your talent as a host. If everything goes fun and easy, be prepared for the fact that for 5 years toastmaster work on all family holidays - you are provided)))

What should be considered when organizing an entertainment part?

Take care of the music of the party. These can be children's songs from cartoons and children's films that everyone loved.

Such music creates a festive mood and sets everyone on a cheerful, perky way.

We celebrate a children's holiday in nature

I especially like this format of the holiday, however, it is possible only for those families whose birthdays were born in the summer.

What is the main thing here?

  1. Think out a picnic menu. It should be easy and unpretentious. No need to make salads, complex casseroles, etc. Cook more vegetables, snacks and traditional kebabs.
  2. Take into account the children's menu. It can be useful sweets, fruits. As for drinks, the amount of alcohol, of course, is for everyone to decide. Just do not forget that this is still a children's holiday.
  3. Organize outdoor games. This can be the most stupid and children's games: jumping in bags or through a skipping rope, inflating soap bubbles and popping balls. And what? The birthday boy is 1 year old - let the audience entertain him!

In nature, you can arrange a fun and unusual photo shoot. Since you significantly save on rental halls and cafes, you can order a professional photographer.

This is where I end. Found interesting and useful ideas? Share the social media link with your friends! Subscribe to the blog and do not miss new articles. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreeva

The article contains ideas of simple but beautiful little things for the first birthday, as well as ideas for the concept of a holiday.

The first birthday of a child is a very exciting day for parents. How to hold it so that memories of it remain for a long memory, and the day spent was full of positive emotions?

How to organize a birthday for 1 year?

Parents want to celebrate their first birthday in a special way. To organize a great fun holiday, you need to prepare for a long time and not miss anything:

  • Determine the venue: home, cafe, nature. Be sure to consider the needs of the child. If summer is on the street, then you can safely organize a holiday in nature. The child will walk outdoors with the rest of the children. And after the holiday, tired and full of emotions, go to a sound sleep
  • Determine the time approximately. With a small child, this is a rather difficult task, because the schedule of a child under 1 year old changes very often
  • Define a guest list. You should not invite people whom the child does not know at all to the holiday. Children react differently to strangers. Let only the people closest to the child be on the guest list. It will be very good if you invite children
  • Decide for yourself how you see the upcoming holiday: a fun holiday exclusively for children, or you want to amuse adults as well; everything will be thought out during the holiday for little things, or decide to get along with a beautiful cake and balls; will be the theme of the holiday. By answering these questions, you will know that you can draw up a clear preparation plan
  • Choose an outfit for the birthday

  • Make or order invitations (optional)
  • Make or order a wish book (not necessary, but will remain as a keepsake)
  • Think Holiday Accessories
  • Decide how you will decorate the room
  • Pick the right contests
  • Think about what the festive table will look like.
  • Book a beautiful cake in advance
  • Print photos of the best of the first year of life

IMPORTANT: Since the young mother has a bit of free time, it is better to start all the preparation 2 months before the event in order to gradually carry out each stage of preparation

  Scenarios of the Birthday of the child 1 year

The first birthday of a child is a holiday that can tire a baby. Therefore, the scenario should not be too intense for the child. Let the guests participate, but the baby does not need to be pulled for each competition. He will get tired of it quickly. You can make a general outline of the scenario. And already mom, based on the list of guests, the nature of the child, the venue and budget, will refine and supplement it.

General scheme:

  • Meeting with guests. Guests can be met in poetic form and officially. But, given that all guests do not come at one moment, you can simply meet all the guests and receive gifts with a birthday man in his arms. The kid will be happy with such an abundance of new things

  • Invite guests to look at the photo of the birthday person that you hung on the walls or photo posters
  • When all the guests arrived, you can invite everyone to the table for the first toast for the birthday. After the toast, you can sing the classic birthday song "Happy Birthday to you." Toasts during the evening can be pronounced in a funny way. This is a children's holiday. A talking toast can hum a toast, can dance or talk while standing on a chair
  • Contests. In order not to bore guests, it is better to present contests in parts. Alternating between children and adults, mobile and table (read more about the competitions in the article)
  • Have a photo shoot before your baby is tired of everyone's attention

  • In the interval between competitions and toasts, make a memorable telegram for the child with the guests. Print the form. And ask the guests in turn to name the adjectives. Fill in the telegram. Then read the result

  • Holiday cake
  • After the cake, you can include a film about the first year of life of the birthday
  • After the movie, invite guests to fill out a wish book

IMPORTANT: For a one-year-old's birthday, this scenario is enough. Do not overdo the contests. Remember that your child is still a baby. Do not allow his emotional overload

Theme of the birthday of the child 1 year

Of course, the main requirement for choosing the theme of the holiday - the theme should be childish.

If birthday is at of a boy

  • Football. Make the whole holiday decoration with an emphasis on the famous football team. And put the kid in a soccer jersey with the corresponding logo and shorts. For the photo zone, traditionally use the ball, whistle, cleats (nothing that adults)

  • Gentleman. Dress your baby in a shirt and bow-tie. For a photo shoot, use a photo bootory: antennae, glasses. Make skewers with tailcoats at the ends for a candy bar

  • Sea. Use blue tones in the design of the holiday. Dress the child with a sweater similar to a vest, tie a scarf. A blue beret will also come in handy. Sea shells, stars, fish - indispensable elements of the holiday in all manifestations

If birthday is at girls, then you can support such topics:

  • Princess. The most popular subject. Everything is pale pink, beautiful and magnificent. A cute pink dress on the baby, a bandage with a flower on her head, a lot of pink balls. In general, everything is cute and pink

  • Masha and the Bear. You can make invitations, a photo poster, a wish book, a cake in the style of "Masha and the Bear." It will be difficult for the child to dress in this style, since the scarf and dress on the floor will obviously be uncomfortable for the child

  • Sovushki. Use figures of owls wherever possible for you

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that the child should be comfortable, even if for this you have to remove his uncomfortable shirt or bandage

1 year baby birthday contests

You will find many different contests for kids and adults in the article.

How to decorate a child's birthday 1 year?

The process of decorating a children's birthday can be divided into several blocks:

  • Children's room decoration
  • Holiday venue decorations
  • Table decoration
  • Using accessories

IMPORTANT: Each block is described in more detail below.

Baby Birthday Accessories

Accessories are little things that make a birthday elegant and thematic:

  • Invitations
  • Book for recommendations
  • Caps

  • Accessories for table decoration
  • Streamers

  • Paper pompons, balls

  • Number 1
  • Decorated in different versions of the photo
  • Photo album of the first year of life

Book of wishes for the birthday of the child

  • The wish book is the thing that you will keep for many years. Your child, when he grows up, will be able to read a book and experience the most pleasant emotions
  • A wish book can be ordered from the masters, you can buy in a store, or you can make it yourself. It’s quite possible to make it yourself and it will be very pleasant to understand that all efforts for the beloved child
  • This can be a paperback book (the most beautiful option), a hardcover book, a simply decorated purchased notebook for notes
  • The book can be made exclusively for the first birthday and contain 10-15 thick sheets, or it can contain many sheets with the expectation that, according to tradition, the best words for the child are inscribed in it every year

Room decoration for a child for 1 birthday

It is better to design a room late in the evening when the child is already sleeping.

So, waking up in the morning, the baby will be delighted with how his room was transformed.

How to decorate a room:

  • Posters
  • Streamers
  • Paper pompons
  • Number 1
  • Paper flowers

Birthday table 1 year

The table can be decorated via:

  • Beautiful tablecloths. In stores you can find options for disposable tablecloths with a children's theme. The tablecloth will immediately give the table a festive look and appropriate mood
  • Disposable colored plates. Plates can be selected in the same subjects as the tablecloth. They come in different sizes.
  • Disposable colored cups. Similarly, the theme can be matched to the tablecloth and plates

  • You can purchase or make toppers for dishes yourself

  • Champagne bottle can be pasted with appropriate stickers.
  • You can tie small bows on the forks
  • Each guest can have a beautifully decorated napkin on a plate, and a beautifully packed chocolate bar next to it. This will serve as a bonbonniere for the guest.

The design deserves special attention kids candy bar:

  • Buy a lot of different sweets: gelatin, marmalade, sweets, dragees
  • Bake or order beautiful cupcakes. If you bake yourself, bake in beautiful disposable paper cupcake tins
  • Prepare many thematic toppers
  • Stretch over the candy bar with the words "Happy Birthday, Elizabeth", for example
  • Put a lot of juice cans
  • Put a lot of fruit on beautiful dishes

IMPORTANT: The design of a candy bar depends on your budget, since making custom-made beautiful sweets is expensive

1 Year Baby Invitation

  • You can make invitations, like other accessories, yourself, you can buy ready-made ones, or you can order from a master
  • Invitations should correspond to the theme of the holiday
  • In the invitations indicate the date of the holiday and estimated time

IMPORTANT: In a separate line, if possible, indicate that a more accurate time will be announced the day before 3 days before the event. This specification of time is connected with the constantly changing regime of a one-year-old child.

1 year birthday cake for a child

The child is unlikely to appreciate the beauty of the cake, but as a souvenir and for a photo you can order a beautiful cake that matches the theme of the event, the sex of the child, and the interests of the child.

Depending on the hobbies of your child’s favorite, you can make a cake:

  • With figures of Masha and the Bear
  • With the crown
  • With a ball
  • With bodysuits and booties
  • With bears

IMPORTANT: Cakes with mastic are popular, as they allow you to choose almost any design of the future cake

Baby Birthday Posters

It will be interesting to use posters containing photographs of the child in the design. On the poster can be anything you like in a children's theme:

  • The engine in the wagons of which the photo will be located
  • A watch instead of the time digits of which is a photo of a child
  • Just a beautifully designed poster without any theme, where there will be photographs in frames

Posters can decorate a child’s room or corridor, if there is a holiday at home. If the holiday is on the street - then hang between the trees or on a prepared stand.

IMPORTANT: Post the best photos of the baby’s first year on the poster.

Balloons on the birthday of the child 1 year

  • Balloons at a children's holiday are a must. They create a holiday atmosphere and make it clear that the main birthday person is a child
  • By the time the child wakes up, put a lot of helium balloons on the ceiling and throw colorful balloons on the floor. The child will be very happy with such a gift
  • You can order a figure of balls: hare, bear, machine. Or you can choose a ball in the form of numbers 1
  • A child in 1 year old can buy the simplest balls without drawings, but in different colors

Number 1 for DIY birthday

The number 1 is a symbol of the holiday. It can be easily done on your own if the preparation is started in advance.

There can be many options for a number, but the meaning is the same everywhere: a number of the desired size is cut out of cardboard, flowers are made, and glued to cardboard.

A simplified option is to wrap the figure with a fully satin ribbon. You can attach a bow on top, for example.

  1 year baby's photo shoot

You can arrange a photo session on your own, or you can invite a photographer. To make the pictures more interesting and so that the plates cannot be seen in the background, it is better to organize a photo zone.

You can organize the simplest photo zone, which can be done without difficulty using improvised tools.

And you can try, spend more time preparing and make a very interesting and beautiful photo zone, next to which any guest wants to take a photo. Or rent a photo studio for 1 hour.