Scenarios in Ukrainian. The newest and most complete wedding script for the host Wedding script ceremony fun in Ukrainian

The script of the wedding.

A new family has appeared
  And there are no happier them today.
  I invite them to the guest room,
  We are happy to meet young people.

Young come in.

Dear newlyweds! Rainbow on the wedding day has always been a harbinger of happiness, kindness, prosperity.
  We greet the bride and groom,
  Best of luck on the way!
  Under the rainbow of happiness, we ask family
  You young pass!
  May you be encouraged and given hope
  Every color will protect from evil.
  And let every color become your favorite
  Welcome you a hundred years.

RED.  With red wine let love dope you
  The tenderness of red roses.
  And tirelessly warms the blood
  Even in crackling frost.

PINK.  So you don’t get tired of life,
  So that the sparkle does not fade in the eyes,
  Take a moment and repeat
  In your pink dreams.

GREEN.  May spring freshness not leave you
  Let the nightingale sing to you.
  Let in your hearts scattering flowers
  Forever spring lives.

YELLOW.  The yellow color will warm you,
  Hastens to give you warmth.
  And you just have a little left
  It is warm to keep.

BLUE.  peaceful over your head
  Gives you the color blue
  So that your children grow up carefree,
  Peacefully under the roof of a native.

VIOLET.  The color purple is an eternal secret
  It beckons with a riddle.
  You are a constant secret for each other
  And a permanent magnet.

WHITE.  The color of nobleness, purity of relationship,
  White is today's color.
  May you be able to save it
  For many decades.

Jet champagne
  Luckily for the young
  Fill them with radiance
  Sparkling, golden!


Expensive _________________________________________.
  I ask you to drink this glass one for two in a sign that from now on you will share all sorrows and joys in half.


So be it, let not evil dare,
  Enter your home and stand at the head of the bed.
  May happiness bring to your house
  The bread that is baked with love.

We always meet young baked loaf,
  You try it a piece of your happiness.
  So joy and happiness for many years, accept the blessing of the parents.
  Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt well. You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more!
Now swap the pieces.
  And now the couple’s road -
  Let only happiness await in life!
  Come on in, hurry!
  The wedding feast is calling you!
  Guests are seated
  Sit back, dear guests, more comfortable, because the wedding is a long business. Choose a neighbor more fun, but a neighbor more sympathetic. Men - closer to the appetizer, women - to drink.
  Attention! 3 times. At the wedding, every fifth commander. In order of numbers, pay!
  Well done! Get up! You are the commanders of festive feasts, your duties include: pouring, pouring, do not forget everyone’s neighbors and don’t dress yourself.
  Dear guests! We are all gathered here today, at this festive table the most revered, most beloved holiday in Russia. His name is a wedding! So let our wedding begin.
  Let the warmest, most cordial words are addressed to the bride and groom.
  Let the wedding “Bitter” sounds louder than a thousand fireworks!
  It's time for us to drink
  Newlyweds friendly "Hurray!"
  And it's time in honor of these minutes
  Hear explosive anniversary fireworks!
  Well, guests, they stood together,
  Glasses cheerfully raised
  Let us wish them much happiness
  And three times together we shout “Congratulations”!
  Our first toast, friends, for our pair,
  For the happiness and love of these eyes!
  And we drink only then
  When the mouths merge together.


So that he be full of happiness,
  Drain glasses to the bottom!


Dear guests! Dear fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles!
  Friends and girlfriends and other friends!
  Greetings to everyone who arrived, flew in and just arrived,
  And he found his place at the table!
  Today at the table are the most loyal and dear people of the young family, therefore, let me contact you - “Dear friends!”

From ancient years, from forgotten traditions
  A wedding ceremony comes to us -
  On hands, as a sign of endless love
  Wedding rings are burning.

And glisten with tears on the eyelashes
  Crying with happiness mothers
  Pride in fathers' faces
  For the fate of their large children.

And wish the newlyweds happiness
  Old and new friends
  And we are sure that the marriage is successful,
  Far and near relatives.

So pick up the hoppy cup
  For the union of two loving hearts,
  For their love pure, holy,
  For the radiance of the golden rings.

And now everyone enjoy your meal!
  By the way, lovely ladies! If you are afraid to break the diet, drink another 50 grams, they will certainly dull the feeling of fear.


BE READY! (for guests)
  Dear guests, are you ready for the wedding?

We friends today together
  We say a lot of kind words
  Groom, his bride ... Get ready! ..

We congratulate the young
  Having fun again and again.
  Let's dance, play. Be ready!..

And give up gifts
  Sparing no wallets
  And walk into fame, be ready ...

Get ready to sing songs loudly
  Sparing no votes
  And shout more often “Bitterly!”
  Be ready!..
  And I recall some features of the wedding evening!

1. Friends make friends in food! I ate myself, feed the neighbor!

2. A quickly drunk glass is not considered to be poured. Drink less, more!

3. He grabbed his chest - say something! Each of you can congratulate the young ones personally, in cash and cashless!

4. A large glass mouth is happy! As people say - the soul is a measure, if only there was a peaceful atmosphere!

5. Bride to steal only once! For the second - a fine of 25 thousand rubles!

6. The chairs of the newlyweds today have a special magic! Whoever sits on them doesn’t threaten the crisis. But remember! Magic is a great thing, but not free! I sat on a chair - pay grandmother! Dachshund - 500 rubles!

7. Dear guests! Be the nails! The nails of our wedding program!
  Sing, dance, play, receive prizes!
  In short, easy to have fun, hard to hangover!
  All good mood and sweet alcoholic intoxication!
  Wedding Report

KALEIDOSCOPE. (dating game)

Friends dear! let me introduce myself
  Those who are entrusted with the wedding.
  I'll start with myself, my name is Natalya.
  I will lead the entire wedding program.
  And my partner is known to Gubakha all over.
  _____________________ is our best DJ!

We give ovations to the first ladies,
  What a bride and groom - mothers!
  Let the young dads stand
  we applaud in honor of them.

In a kaleidoscope family motley
  Bridal sisters fit in!

And we must give due
  Who are the bride and groom to the bride!

Not for glory, honor for
  Newlyweds will stand uncles!

And we don’t mind
  Kohl newlyweds stand aunts!

Let's play together
  We are beloved grandmother!

Let them stand to be noticed
  An established family of witnesses!

Do we have godparents?
  We applaud them now.

I would also like to see us
  The nephews of the newlyweds!

I’ll simply say, without any undertakings:
  The applause is for friends!

And there is among you, please answer
  Heroes of the triumph of the neighbors?

Let's clap our hands
  For all the guests, good for you!


And I want to check whose half of the table is the loudest, most friendly.
  GAME "You have to drink for it"
  - The wedding is in full swing,
  The fun begins.
  - Today is our holiday,
  We all know about it.
  - In your address praises,
  We compose in chorus.
  - With love for the young,
  We give gifts.
  - Happy days, patience,
We wish you more.
  - come to the golden
  We wish you a wedding.
  And now I propose to find out who came to the wedding for what purpose.
  Dear guests, guess any odd number from 1 - 9. Have you guessed?
  1 - these are the guests who came to show themselves.
  3 - these guests came to give gifts
  5 - find a new sexual partner
  7 - came to drink and eat
  9 - and it was just boring to sit at home.


Dear our guests!
  I suggest you open the curtain of the future a little. Let's try to find out what awaits each of us on this anniversary, and tomorrow we will check your forecast.
  1. Most will sing
  2. To dance
  3. To drink
  4. Give number 5 shoes
  6. Will gladly give number 7
  8. The most beautiful
  9. The most smiling
  10. The most hungry
  11. The loudest will be shouting "Congratulations"
  12. Finish everything that remains
  13. Shakes hands with all those present
  14. At 22.00 he will fall asleep
  15. At 22.30 already wakes up
  16. Now kiss the neighbor on the left
  17. Kiss the neighbor on the right
  18. Kiss a neighbor and left and right
  19. After 2 hours, shake hands with everyone present
  20. Will lend without return
  21. Tomorrow will invite everyone to improve their health
  22. Will come to him with a box of beer
  23. Now will drink for the health of all those present
  24. Kiss the hero of the day
  25. The most incendiary
  26. After the feast they’ll carry home
  27. After 3 hours he will say that he is cool
  28. After 2.5 hours he will say that he sneezed at all
  29. After 3 hours, she will not say anything
  30. Give everyone a belly dance
  31. Today, most will smoke
  32. More than one will go home
  33. It will be a super star today.
  Us plus minus 32.
  Is everyone ready for the toast?
  There is no reason for concern.
  All men claim.
  Well, women in return
  Do you have vodka in your glasses?
  Everyone is ready for a toast,
  Guests on site.
  Bitterly! To the bride and groom!


If there is a veil on her, she called the guests.
  In a place of honor,
  So, to call her - BRIDE

If the boy is at the parade,
  In the best holiday attire.
  But has a timid look,
  But she doesn’t look at the girls,
  Only one was silent
  So call him ... Groom!

Take a look, guests, at the red spot!
  Take a look where the bride and groom are!

She’s smart, and prankster, and just a beauty-girl,
  The whole meat factory is very proud of it.

And he is a guy, young and grasping.
  Everything is in perfect order with him.
  And the whole Metastroy is happy with it,
  He is worthy of our beauty.
  Both are young guys
  Our children’s lips.
  And today they are united, united in one family.
  And fate brought them together for a reason.
Lena and Andrey are the best couple!
  But young people at a wedding can’t eat or drink properly!
  So now for them a mini-exam is announced!


Questions to the husband:
  1. How will you peel potatoes?
  But in vain. Better electric razor. Thin section and preliminary massage give it an indispensable taste.
  2. Do you drink coffee in the morning?
  Correctly! Anyone who drinks coffee in the morning does not get tired all day ... helping his wife with the housework.
  3. Will there be a division of labor in your family or will you do everything together?
  Correctly! Take the honorable mission of making money for yourself, and leave the less noble, but necessary one - to spend it - to your wife.
  4. Can you: compare your wife with a musical instrument?
  Yes, the wife is not a harp, after playing - you won’t hang on your back.

For the wife:
  1. What do you like more: bread or cake?
  Strive for her husband to be bread, not cake. The cake is tasty, but quickly boring. However, remember that man is not fed with bread alone.
  2. Will you always tell your husband the truth?
  Correctly! Be moderately true and do not demand more from your husband, as they say - the truth is good, and happiness is better.
  3. Will you always tell your husband the price of the things you bought?
  Correctly! Husband does not need to know the true price. This will save his nervous system from shocks.
  4. Will you always obey your husband?
  Correctly! Cross the street where your husband wants, but take him wherever you want.

Was a bride, became a wife,
  And took possession of such an eagle
  Ringed, cluttered,
  Well, rightly so, rightly,
  And he spotted a swan,
  Did not miss her, predator, beast,
  Husband I know will be friendly with his wife,
  What remains for him now.
  Live together, newlyweds,
  Improve your nest
  Princesses and Champions
  And we all drink together for you!


Traffic jam - a big booze is waiting for the holiday
  Candy - there will be an unusually tasty treat
  Chewing gum - the holiday will be very long
  Matches - the holiday will be full of bright moments and fiery entertainments
  Condom - guest will be sexually preoccupied
  Now let's greet each other.
  Let's cheer up.
  Hands together we raised
  They waved with their right brush.

Well, the left hand lowers for now
  On the knee. Not his own, but his neighbor.

Right handle hot
  We are the neighbor's shoulder
  Hug indecently.
  Did you like it? Fine!

Swing left, right.
  Rock perfectly, bravo!

Tightened my whole stomach
  We pull our hands forward.

Low - low all bent down
  Bent over, stretched.

Everyone stroked his stomach
  Smiled at the top of your mouth.

We push the neighbor
  And gently pinch.
Have you raised your mood?
  We played great.

And now, good people,
  Clap your hands together!

Shout out to the newlyweds “Congratulations”!
  And again we raise the glasses!
  Once again, applause to our young!
  Loving and beautiful! And the most expensive!

We wish you a happy life,
  So be happy friends!
  Now we will check the power of the hall
  Shout to the young “Hurray!”

Let the sparkles in the glass
  Let blood play in your veins.
  Let us be bitter, let us be sweet
  You - advice, but love!
  We wish the newlyweds happiness
  And three times we shout “Congratulations”!

So that the guests do not feel bitter from wine
  It needs to be sweetened.
  And the newlyweds kiss as much
  So far they will ask them!

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Well, the newlyweds kiss, and everyone else sits and licks their lips!
  Eliminate this mess! Indeed, today is the universal day of love!


We refill the glasses again
  And together we drink for LOVE!


But now our wedding noise abates,
  It's time to get up from the tables
  Cause the sounds of beautiful music
  We are invited to dance.
  But the first dance will be them,
  Lovers, the most expensive.


Guests, do not sit to us indefinitely,


Today you can’t be sad and gloomy!
  Today should be light and light.
  And if Andrei married Lena,
  So he was most lucky.

In life, where there are many doubts
  Happy is only one who knows how to love.
  You can live without wealth and money
  But without love it is impossible to live.

Today you can’t be sadly jealous!
  To hell with separation, betrayal and evil.
  And if Elena goes after Andrei,
  Hence, she was most lucky!


  Young people have a special day,
  From now on, they go the same way.
  Going about the first wedding without regret
  And on the way, meeting anniversaries.
  I would like to wish us young
  More than once they celebrate a wedding together,
  But know, wedding anniversaries
  They have their own names.

Tell these two lovers
  What is wedding day today? GREEN
  And in a year? CHINESE
  And after five? WOODEN
  And after ten? PINK
  What about 25? SILVER
  Every wedding has its due date,
  Who will be honored here?
  Be generals at these weddings?
  To find out, I ask you all
  Do not be lazy, in their places
  Find the treasured hearts.
  Take a closer look at the chairs
  Found hearts, come out!

Here are the generals in front of you
  And who you look at yourself.
  And I want to ask you:
  "Ready to hold weddings?"
  Amuse guests with toasts,
  Sing and of course dance
  Are you ready to pass the test?
I have a task for you.
  Perform a song for us
  Who is the best let's see from you.
  There’s nothing better in the world
  What to walk now at this wedding!
  How beautiful the bride and groom are!
  We wish them a happy life!

Your guests are cheerful, not drunk,
  The guys are the remote giants,
  Russian beauties girls
  So let's sing and have fun.
  May your life be as full of joy as this glass! So let's drink it to the bottom!


Today a wonderful event happened - on our good blue planet
  a new family was born!
  Two more hearts merged together!
  Two more people found each other!
  Let’s wish: Elena and Andrei this very happy for
  them day - endless love, tenderness for each other, mutual understanding!
  And may the sun shine brighter today. May this October day
  will be the beginning of creating a strong and friendly family!
  We are happy to congratulate the young!
  There are no wonderful couples in the world!
  Live amicably and richly
  Not 100, but as much as 200 years!
  Let in the noise of many years
  All the louder - the voices of children!
  Let the door be always open
  And for family and friends!
  Meet difficulties you are steadfast
  And defeat them always!
  Let you scream today<Горько!>
  Like no one ever!
  Bow to the guests of the glorious bride!

  So that the beauty of our bride
  You were able to admire.
  And now you only need

Everyone whom the groom greeted
  We ask you to rise from your places,
  To the best groom
  You were able to admire.
  And now you only need
  Shout “Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Who wants a couple of happiness
  We ask you to rise from your places,
  To the bride and groom
  You could admire.
  And now we only ask
  Shout “Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Well, guests, do not skimp!
  Share your generosity!
  Our royal wedding sparkles brightly!
  It's time for you to give presents!

Treasures open allowed!
  There are so many treasures that are not counted!
  Treasures are heartfelt words
  Their sparkle makes you dizzy!

For you, newlyweds, everything is for you!
  Raise a glass higher
  Yes, wish happiness to the young!
  We are starting the show -
  Gift Wedding Presentation!
  Giving presents
  A new home is being created
  The house is big of small.
  It’s brick-wise,
  Yes, stronger, you never mind?
  How will the construction go
  Never seen
  It all depends very much
  The skills of builders.
  Here you go, friends,
  Trail unbeaten,
  Hello, new family,
  New story!
  Here is a new album for you,
  Capture it
  And look later
  All that you can.
  Fun to walk together
  Bright open spaces
  Start to create
  New story.


Dear Andrey and Elena! You will hear many good words addressed to you today, but I suggest you find out who, and for what purpose, actually came to your wedding.

  1. I did not want to cook dinner at home.
  2. They cried and begged me about it.
  3. I just had no other choice.
  4. For me on Earth, they are the most dear and beloved people.
  5. Tomorrow I want to borrow money from them.
  6. I have long dreamed of having a drink with them at the Brudershaft.
  7. I promised them that I would never reveal this secret.
  8. I have long dreamed of communicating with them in an informal setting.
  9. Today I have nowhere to sleep.
  10. They have so much to eat here!
  11. Without me, this holiday would not have taken place.
  12. It is impossible to resist the charm of the groom.
  13. They promised me an unforgettable evening.
  14. I really want to invite all their relatives to my birthday.
  15. I promised them to wash all the dishes after them after the guests left.
  16. Today I have decoded.
  17. I am hiding from the police.
  18. I need an alibi for my wife.
  19. I secretly love the bride.
  20. The groom is a great man.
  21. I want to find a new sexual partner.
  22. They are the most reliable friends.
  23. They always have fun.
  24. I want to make new friends.
  25. I really wanted to drink vodka.
  26. I am tired of being alone.
  27. I have long wanted to show my new outfit.
  28. The groom is the wisest man in Gubakh.
  29. I want to kiss a beautiful bride.
  30. I have not sang feast songs for a long time.


The comic test "You are like a beast."

Affectionate, like ...
  Strong as ...
  Sociable, like ...
  Authoritative as ...
  Independent, how ...
  Smiling as ...
  Neat as ...
  Amorous, how ...
  Brave as ...
  Beautiful, like ...
  In transport, like ...
  With relatives like ...
  With colleagues at work as ...
  In a store like ...
  At home, how ...
  In a cafe or restaurant, like ...
  With a boss like ...
  In a friendly company like ...
  In bed like ...
  In the doctor’s office, how ...

May life be like blue sky
  Will pour light into the house
  What are you beautiful -
  The bride with the groom.

We will drink to the bottom -
  Was, oh, wasn’t -
  For the white swan
  For the glorious eagle!

For your happiness, spray
  For joy over the edge
  For loyalty, for sincerity,
  For your family paradise.

For a little third
  We will drink with a dream
  So that we all meet together
  Golden at the wedding!

She is an unprecedented beauty
  He is in a hussarish way ...
  Oh, how we envy you.
  Bride and groom!

  "Kiss the bride and groom"
  Oh what a wedding
  brought us together!

At the huge table
  All had enough space
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bride and groom!

The best pair not to find!
  Let’s tell you without flattery.

So live alright
  Friendly, chety honor!

Joys and difficulties
  You meet together.

And so, until old age,
  About two hundred years ...
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bride and groom!

- Dear guests! There is such an aphorism: “Gold is checked by fire, a woman by gold, and a man by a woman!” Let us try to verify the truth of this statement.
  1. Zolotko, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?
  2. Darling, will you ever be able to believe that “the wife on the couch is gold in your pocket?”
  3. Beloved, would you like to become a gold digger in the future?
  4. Buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first comer?
  1. I secretly dream about it.
  2. Without a bottle, you can’t figure it out here.
  3. This can only happen.
  4. Easy! But then blame yourself ...
  - Thank! God grant that in your family there are always answers to all questions, and gold is not a stumbling block.
  Poems are good
  And the music is better
  Isn't it time to dance and sing to us
  Show yourself, look at others.
  Dance break
  If two fell in love,
  They already went to the registry office,
  This couple, friends, is called FAMILY.
  If immediately after the wedding
  She - in tears, he - threw a vase,
  This, well, who guessed?
  Though you are mutually loved
  And you are forever united
  Your union, even so, even so
  They call the word MARRIAGE.
  If suddenly a dream come true:
  Next to a tie and veil,
  If guests are waiting at the estate,
  So this is your WEDDING.
  If you don’t get through the house,
  Forever someone on the way
  No guessing, quit
  GUESTS are waiting for you now at home.
  Dear guests!
  I hope that at any difficult moment you will come to the aid of this couple, because family life is not only a happy serenity, but also a piercing wind of misunderstanding, bitterness and tears.
  So that our young people do not have to disentangle themselves, I propose to collapse with the whole world. Each of the throat and our young people will get less bitterness and tears.
  I suggest raising glasses for the young,
  For their parents and relatives
  For relatives and friends,
  Let's have a drink soon.
  But before you drink the wine,
  We need to sweeten it.
  Do not do it for ourselves -
  Let it be young!


Well, the newlyweds kiss, and everyone else sits and licks their lips. Eliminate this mess. Indeed, today is the universal day of love.
  If you think that our kissing games are over, then you are mistaken.
  Who got married in the summer, get up and do not spoil,

  Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the fall, get up and do not spoil,
  And publicly little wife, a tight kiss!
  Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who married a winter girl, get up and do not spoil!
  And publicly little wife, you kiss tight!
  Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the spring, get up and do not spoil!
  And publicly little wife, a tight kiss!
  Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!
  Attention! Auction!
  The only lot is running today.
  Exclusive prize from the young!
  Who wants to buy?
  Starting price of 50 rubles.
  Our young people received a greeting card.
  They drank for the young?
  We drank!
  Did you drink for your parents?
  We drank!
  To become closer and dearer, let's drink for the guests!
  "Vodka, beer, brandy"
  "Music track"
  Guests, do not sit to us indefinitely,
  It's time to stretch your limbs!
  Dance break
  Choral game "It's Me!"

Which of you is ready now
  Howling to a glass?

Which one of you is a fun song
  Enchant us all together?

Which of you, tell me brothers
  In the dance will undress?

Which of you in a new suit
  So similar to Casanova?
  How many of you, mouth agape,
  Will this tell a joke?

Which of you, tell me, brothers,
  Will it be lying under the table?

Who is behind a smart conversation
  Drink a glass from a neighbor?

Which of you, tell me, brothers,
  Will hangover tomorrow?

When you wake up early dawn,
  Already alone, already together
  And remember the cries of "Bitter"!
  At this wedding table.
  When a bewildered alley
  The sun will look out the window
  You will become clearer clearer
  That both of you are already one.
  May the joy of this moment
  Walk through your whole life
  So that happiness is not exchanged
  On copper random little things.
  So no parting
  They didn’t stop you from saving,
  All the freshness of the first date
  All the tenderness of your first meetings.



Men lead the ball with their feet, passing a snake between the ladies. Passing by the lady, she must be kissed. Who quickly.
  "Newspaper passions"
  Couples. Newspaper sheets are sandwiched between stomachs in expanded form. Task: with the help of body movements to crumple paper for identification. time. Whose lump will be the smallest, he won.

The groom before the registry office, everyone knows
  Gives flowers to his bride.
  And our bride has
  A bouquet that does not look away!
But to become a wife forever,
  You have to part with a bouquet
  Yes, and it would be interesting to know
  Who will be the next bride.
  Now we find out the answer,
  Who will get the bouquet!
  So come out, girlfriends
  But only those that are single!

So, the girl’s system is ready,
  Throw a bouquet, your bride!
  The bride throws a bouquet
  Guests! We have a reason.
  To turn to men:
  Middle-aged or young,
  Come out, who is single.

And we will know at the same moment
  Who will be the next groom.
  It remains to wait quite a bit.
  Remove the bandage from the cute legs.

And now the denouement is nearing.
  Who will get the garter?
  Throw the groom, but not the cunning
  And wait for the team: one, two, three.
  Groom throws a garter
  Wedding parable
  Happiness decided to leave home. But before it decided to fulfill one desire of each member of the family. The hostess wanted a mink coat, her daughter to marry the prince of overseas. And already on the threshold, the owner saw happiness and asked about his desire. I want the light of the family hearth to never go out in the house. And happiness remains to live in this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns.
  The custom came from our grandfathers
  Bring fire to the bride and groom’s house
  To light them familiar and familiar
  The hearth of the family is the key to love.
  And so that his fire gives warmth
  And the light of love and in life is joint labor,
  So that it’s warm in your house,
  And life was happy, interesting.

The wedding procession drives up to the restaurant. On the porch of the newlyweds they meet: the host host, the parents of the bride and groom, guests. In the center are the mothers, on the edges of the pope, and in a semicircle of guests. The mother of the bride holds an icon in her hands, the mother of the groom a loaf with a salt shaker on a painted towel, dad two glasses with champagne. Toastmaster distributes to all guests a handful of sweets, wheat (millet, rice), small money.

Host: We meet our "young", may God bear them in his arms!
  Guests shower the bride and groom with sweets, wheat and money, which symbolizes good luck in life, beautiful children and wealth. Then, under the thunderous applause, the newlyweds approach their parents.
  Mother of the bride: I bless you in this union and may your family be strong and friendly! Crosses the icon of the Newlyweds and kisses the bride and groom.
  Groom's mom: According to the old custom, in order for your house to be a full bowl, try bread and salt.

Tamada: First you need to salt the loaf. Whoever salt more will play the solo part in the family! Now break the loaf. Whoever breaks down more will be the head of the family! Now bite off the piece that was broken off. Whoever bites off more will be the first ... (after a pause) to concede in all disagreements!
  After the "young" tasted bread and salt, the host or folklore ensemble sings the song "My little girl", and the dads bring champagne glasses to the newlyweds (father of the bride to the groom, father of the groom to the bride). Newlyweds drink champagne and throw glasses over their left shoulder for good luck. The glasses are broken and a flurry of applause is heard. Further, the host invites everyone to go to the center of the hall and asks the guests to congratulate the newlyweds and to present flowers.

The host invites newlyweds and guests to the table and talks about the rules of seating at the wedding table (the table is usually put with the letter “P” or the letter “T”).

Toastmaster: Dear friends, I ask everyone to the festive table. At the head of the table are the “young”, next to witnesses, then parents, grandparents and close relatives, then friends and acquaintances.

After the newlyweds and guests took their places, the host continues:
  Dear friends and guests, I ask you to fill your glasses and draw your attention to our young couple.
  In Russia, it’s so common; at the wedding, guests drink wine
  Let’s support, here gathered together the custom of the first Russians
  For the happiness of the bride and groom, we raise our first glass!

Toastmaster with guests: Advice, yes love!
  Guests: Bitter, bitter!

Toastmaster: At our celebration (wedding) there are people to whom our newlyweds in the truest sense of the word owe their lives. These wonderful people led the newlyweds along the path of life, worried about them and shared joys and failures. These people are the parents of our "young". And I am pleased to give the floor to the groom's parents - the middle names of the parents.

Toast of the groom's parents.
  And now I am pleased to give the floor to the parents of the bride - the names of the middle names of the parents.

Musical pause.

Toastmaster: Many wedding ceremonies and traditions change over time. Literally some 20-30 years ago, everything went differently. And in our hall there are people with great life and family experience, these are the grandparents of our "young". It is to them, I want to give the floor now.
  Wedding toast of grandparents.

Tamada: After the wedding, the newlyweds often have disagreements about who will do what at home. To prevent these disputes, the distribution of family responsibilities will now take place.
  The host invites the newlyweds to go to the center of the hall, where there are 10 balloons, in which 9 pieces of paper with the responsibilities of the “young” are enclosed, for example:
  I will give birth to children
  I will raise children,
  I will earn money,
  I will spend money
  I will drive a car
  I will clean the apartment,
  I will bring coffee to bed,
  I will wash the dishes
  I will go to rest.

In the tenth ball is placed 100 cu, whoever gets this ball will be the family financier. Also, there is a tradition that these 100 cu must be preserved and sealed in a frame, and they will bring good luck in welfare and in the family business.
  The newlyweds take turns piercing the balls and reading out their family responsibilities.

Dance of the newlyweds - the host invites the newlyweds to the first wedding dance. After the dance of the “young”, the host announces a dance of witnesses and a dance of parents.

Dance break.

The host invites newlyweds and guests to the table.

Toastmaster announces the start of an official ceremony of congratulation and delivery of gifts to newlyweds. This ritual in the common people is called a "solemn detour."
  The guests approach a young family, congratulate the bride and groom, give a gift and raise glasses for the happiness and health of the newlyweds. There is also another version of the “solemn round”, when witnesses with a tray in their hands go around the table clockwise, while everyone is presented with a glass of wine and collect gifts.

Before a musical break, to prepare the guests for dancing, the host host holds a contest, which is as follows: the host of the program invites 3-4 pairs of participants and each pair gives out one balloon ballooned for three quarters. A pair of participants without the help of hands clamps the ball between them. Fun music, such as Lambada, sounds. The task is to explode the ball during the dance.

Dance break.

The host invites everyone to the table.

Toastmaster provides 2-3 toasts at will.

Tamada: Dear newlyweds, wise men say that love brings together, this is true. But, in order not to be unfounded, I invite you to the center of the hall and ask you to move 10 steps apart. Now I ask each of you to take turns to take steps to meet your betrothed and betrothed, while calling each other affectionate words.
  When the bride and groom unite in a hug, the host proclaims: Love truly unites!

Dance break.

The host invites everyone to the table and announces the culmination of the wedding program. Solemn music is distributed, and a wedding cake is brought into the hall.
  The newlyweds cut the cake, try it for themselves and treat the guests.

The host talks about the tradition of a wedding bouquet and garter, and invites the bride and groom to the center of the hall. Then, the host invites unmarried girls to the center of the hall, it is for them that the bride throws a wedding bouquet, and then unmarried men who fight for the wedding garter. According to tradition, those who caught a bouquet and a garter will meet their love within a year and then play a wedding.

And the wedding evening ends with an official speech of the newlyweds, in which they thank parents, friends and relatives that they helped in organizing (conducting) the wedding and came on this significant day to congratulate the newlyweds.

The national color is interesting in traditions, customs, amazing music, which have remained popular for centuries. What about imposing folklore motifs and celebrating a Ukrainian-style wedding?

You will need a deep study of the topic, imagination and a great desire to realize this idea. Ukrainian culture does not skimp on the manifestation of emotions and gives a holiday.

If you like colorful dresses, hearty and varied cuisine, fun games and dances, then your choice is a wedding in the Ukrainian style!


It is impossible to recreate a characteristic national atmosphere and create a good scenario for a wedding in the Ukrainian style, having studied the topic superficially. Pre-familiarize yourself with the life, rites and features of the Ukrainian people, paying attention to traditional cuisine and wedding customs. Every little thing is important here, so devote some time to a detailed analysis of information from various sources about what is still a wedding in the Ukrainian style: there are plenty of photos, books, sites on the net, movies, material.

Do you want the Ukrainian language to sound at the wedding? Take care in advance of a team of presenters and artists who speak Russian and Ukrainian. During the wedding event, guests will probably learn a couple of interesting phrases and want to sing songs to Ukrainian karaoke.

Interesting!  To "warm up" the audience will be logical to

Event Location

Restaurants should be chosen with Ukrainian elements in interior design. If the wedding is in the Ukrainian style, the photo can be used for decoration in a folk style. It is also worth considering the presence of traditional Ukrainian cuisine. As a last resort, limit yourself to the available options by adding thematic decor elements to them.

Invitation design

Satin ribbons, rich colors in wreaths and national ornaments - make invitations look like embroidered shirts, decorate with traditional headdresses of Ukrainian girls, add zest

Butterflies, green grass, bright sun, sunflowers - natural "postcard" motifs are also acceptable in the design of invitation cards.

Do not be afraid to overdo it with color - the brighter your invitations are drawn, the more they will correspond to the national Ukrainian flavor.

You can make a text in Ukrainian. Do not forget to write the dress code for the guests in the invitation and attach a short program of the upcoming event. Place the invitation in an envelope, or arrange it in the form of a scroll.

An unforgettable image of the bride

Even if the wedding is held in the Ukrainian style, the bride's dress can be made in classic white color and complemented with themed accessories. Also, the bride can appear before the guests in a national wedding suit. In both cases, pay attention to the headdress - it is better to decorate the hair with a wreath with bright long ribbons.

A belt with traditional ornaments, embroidery around the hem of the hem, on the sleeves and bodice of the dress - you can choose one or more decor elements for yourself and complement them with a lush wedding dress.

Traditionally, Ukrainian ladies wore multilayer skirts decorated with floral motifs and national ornaments, and white embroidered shirts. A mandatory attribute of a wedding suit is a red satin belt.

One of the options for the image of the bride is a combination of a bright colorful shirt and a short satin tiered skirt. It is more modern and in all its glory demonstrates the slender legs of the newlywed.

Attention!  Weave into the hair - add a femininity hairstyle with the help of poppies, cornflowers, marigolds. Coral accessories will complement the elegant look of the main hero of the occasion.

For lovers of rich tones, the Ukrainian wedding fits perfectly - bright long eyelashes, blush, red and burgundy shades of lipstick are appropriate here. At the same time, avoid unnatural shades of shadows - the makeup should be juicy, but natural.

It is appropriate to emphasize eyebrows, but without undue emphasis on this image detail. Make a start from the appearance of the bride when choosing the color scheme of decorative cosmetics. To the wedding suit of the Ukrainian bride, heels or Cossack boots will do. They should have a comfortable pad and look good on the foot.

Outfit for the groom

The partner of the bride will feel comfortable in loose harem pants and an embroidered shirt. Belted with a red ribbon, in boots and a hat, he can put a sunflower in his pocket.

If the groom chooses traditional-style trousers, it is advisable that they be linen. Another option is to use classic black trousers. Embroidered vests are an additional element of the outfit in the cool season.

The atmosphere of the village

The first thing you take care of is the dress code of the event. Guests will support the initiative and put on white shirts with national motifs, a red belt and shoes. It is important to observe the style in the surrounding interior, adding characteristic details:

  • Handmade dolls-motanka
  • Pottery and toys
  • Embroidered tablecloths, napkins, rushnyks and furniture covers
  • Toys made of dough, cheese, straw

Remember that a riot of colors appears in every element of the decor if your wedding is in the Ukrainian style. Decoration with satin ribbons, or bright wreaths that can be hung on the walls, ceiling, laid out on tables - this is the easiest and most obvious option. Use by combining them with wreaths hung on the walls. Sunflowers can be present in natural form, or as prints.

Attention!  The main gamut of the event is blue, yellow, red, cyan colors and their shades.

Additional items

As a wedding procession, it is ideal to use a horse-drawn cart. Decorate it with ribbons, colorful bows, floral national motifs. If you use ordinary motor vehicles for the wedding, add Ukrainian motifs using a towel mounted on the hood, a composition of sunflowers tied with satin ribbons.

According to the traditions of Ukraine, instead of a bouquet, the bride held in her hands. You can accept this idea, or dwell on the usual option. One way or another, the flowers for the bride's bouquet must certainly be bright - choose poppies, sunflowers, chamomiles, cornflowers as the basis for the composition. Field plants will be an excellent decorative addition and add a bouquet of splendor.

As gifts for guests, you can prepare handmade figures of animals, birds, men and women in national costumes, tidy Ukrainian houses. Also, gifts with embroidered elements in the decor will be appropriate: key rings, small wallets and other souvenir accessories. You can convey homemade blanks to guests in exclusive pots with a celebration emblem.


Choose natural materials for furniture decor. Instead of chairs, place wooden benches, or offer guests comfortable wicker furniture. The table can be arranged in the form of a stylized cart on wheels - this will add variety and national color.

Ukrainian cuisine is full of hearty and varied dishes. Include the following items in the menu:

  • Vareniki
  • Roast
  • Potato pancakes
  • Stuffed cabbage
  • Jellied meat, sliced \u200b\u200bmeat, fat

It is better to cook borsch on meat and add homemade sour cream to it. Ideal dishes in clay pots. Of the drinks, it is preferable to choose kvass, vodka, berry wine, tinctures. can be decorated with viburnum berries. National motives are obligatory - figurines of newlyweds in bright wedding suits, ribbons, buds of poppies and other flowers. Each tier of the product can be trimmed with an edible “ribbon” with Ukrainian ornament.

Traditions and rites

A wedding in the Ukrainian style is inseparable from traditions and rituals. The scenario begins with the redemption of the bride. For this, the house of the future wife is generously decorated with compositions of ribbons and flowers, fabrics with thematic embroidery, fruit baskets.

Parents of the bride offer the groom to perform various tasks on ingenuity, strength and endurance. The bride herself, while hiding in the house, surrounded by girlfriends.

After a solemn ceremony of marriage, vows of love and fidelity, and the exchange of wedding rings, parents meet the young with bread and salt on an exquisite embroidered towel. Whoever bites off a larger piece of the holiday loaf will be the head of the family.

Another characteristic tradition is the rite with candles for the transmission of the family hearth. In the light of the fire, the mothers of the newlyweds say congratulatory parting words, introducing the bride and groom into the family circle. As a symbol of the girl’s entry into the new house, the mother-in-law removes the veil from her. With it you can dance and even give try on girlfriends.

Previously, the bride cut off the braid at the wedding. You can collect the hair of the bride and groom in a wicker hairstyle, then to dissolve them. This will become a symbolic farewell to a carefree unmarried life. The bouquet that the bride throws, turning her back on the guests, will be caught by the most successful guest. According to legend, it was her next marriage.

Not a single Ukrainian-style wedding is complete without the traditional incendiary dance of son-in-law and mother-in-law! Video from such a celebration, where there will be a competition for the best hopak, karaoke, performances by guest artists and comic numbers, will continue to delight guests.

Wedding steward

Groom uncle

  Also on the list of possible entertainments are competitions for the male half, in which you can demonstrate a fine cut, cooking competitions.

Creative elements are also allowed in the Ukrainian wedding program. Guests take part in master classes in the manufacture of toys, wreaths, embroidered motifs and national dolls - symbols of fertility, family hearth, wealth and prosperity.

Memorable shots

A bright and colorful Ukrainian wedding must certainly be captured in the photo. As a background, you can use the room for a party, or an outdoor area in nature with a field, a river and a forest. The color of the Ukrainian hut also leaves room for imagination.

The everyday life and traditions of the Ukrainian people in the plot photographs with the participation of the bride and groom and the guests of the evening are a good basis for creating a memorable album.


The wedding event in the Ukrainian style will mark the wedding in a big way. Traditional fun, hearty table, bright outfits of guests and newlyweds do not let you get bored.

For those who do not want to stay away, entertainment events have been prepared. Show yourself actively - and you will remember the Ukrainian wedding for a long time!

If you want the wedding to be bright, fun, with incendiary national dances, then this will be a wedding in the Ukrainian style. You must immediately decide whether it will be a modern stylized event, with elements in the Ukrainian style or whether it will be a real, traditionally Ukrainian wedding. In order to arrange such a wedding and think out an interesting scenario, you will need a person who knows Ukrainian customs and traditions.

Invitations for guests

Invitations to the Ukrainian wedding can be issued:

  • bright colors with satin ribbons,
  • in the form of envelopes with Ukrainian ornaments,
  • in the form of an old scroll sealed with sealing wax and bound with string.

Compose the invitation text in a comic form in Ukrainian. It is the Ukrainian language that can perfectly convey the atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm that remains to be experienced.


For a Ukrainian wedding, choose a Ukrainian-style restaurant or organize an outdoor celebration. A restaurant with a newfangled modern design is not suitable for this purpose. Decorate the venue with simple wildflowers such as poppies, sunflowers, periwinkles. To decorate the hall, use pottery, embroidered towels and tablecloths, wicker furniture, decorate hedges with pots and cauldrons, motanka dolls - decor in the style of the Ukrainian village.

An ideal place to hold such a wedding would be a picturesque village or a small town in western Ukraine or in the Carpathians. In that region of the country, ancient customs and traditions have been preserved that are revered to this day.

To decorate a wedding cake for such a wedding with bright flowers, Ukrainian patterns, ears of wheat

Outfits for the bride and groom

Depending on what lies ahead: a stylized celebration or a real Ukrainian “Vesily” (wedding), there are two options for wedding dresses.

For a stylized wedding, use the elements:

  • ukrainian wreath with ribbons, dress with embroidery in the Ukrainian style, for the bride;

  • embroidered shirt, wide red belt, Ukrainian-style vest for the groom.

For a traditional wedding, national outfits corresponding to a particular region. (as they can differ significantly).

White dress with national embroidery, over the dress - a red skirt, a wide belt, coral beads, a voluminous wreath of flowers and ribbons - for the bride.

For the groom - red harem pants with a wide belt and an embroidered shirt, a national headdress - a Kubanka with a hat. (red cap, sometimes with a brush on the end).

In the western regions of the country for the bride and groom - embroidered vests. In winter time - national caftans, warm outerwear.

Modern designers offer very beautiful Ukrainian embroidered wedding dresses, ranging from traditional to contemporary design models. For men, a large selection of elegant embroideries.

The bride’s bouquet is not provided for in such a wedding; according to tradition, she has a wreath of flowers on her head, woven with her own hand. If you still want a traditional bride’s bouquet, make it from wildflowers and decorate with satin ribbons, bringing it as close as possible to Ukrainian themes.

Makeup can and should be made bright. Red lips, blush, bright shadows. In the bride's hair weave bright flowers with variegated ribbons. Depending on the time of the year, the image of the bride is the best possible way, complete with red shoes or Chervoni cherevichki - red boots.

Wedding photo shoot

For wedding photos, choose a rural landscape that reflects Ukrainian life. Conduct a photo shoot on the picturesque bank of a river or lake, in a field of wheat. The photos will be romantic on horseback.

Folk traditions - ideas for the script

First, the groom redeems the bride from the parental home. To do this, he will have to pass a test, solve a riddle, find a bride among his blindfolded friends. In a word, demonstrate ingenuity, dexterity and physical strength. If the groom does not pass the test, he buys money or alcohol. And only after he takes his bride from the parental home. Parents bless the young, wishing them a long and happy life, after which they can get married.

When leaving the church, the newlyweds are showered with grains of wheat, rye, coins and sweets. This symbolizes the future family life in prosperity and prosperity. After the wedding of the newly-minted husband and relatives met his relatives loaf on a rushnyk. By tradition, the young must break off from the loaf, who has a larger piece, he will be the main in the family.

An interesting tradition called “chobots”. The groom must buy boots for the mother-in-law in advance. At the wedding, he very carefully washes her legs, showing respect, shoes new boots. The rite ends with the dance of the son-in-law with the mother-in-law.

The rite that completes the wedding

At the end of the wedding, the mother-in-law and the husband remove the veil from the bride, undo the braid, and tie a scarf on the head. Now the girl is the husband's wife, the rite symbolizes the beginning of a new, already family life. Like the bouquet, the bride throws her wreath at the direction of unmarried friends who caught the next one to marry.

Video selection:

Times are changing, and with them traditions. Have you heard of such a thing that the girl herself is getting married to a guy? Let it love, let it bewitching, but to get married ?! It happened, and it was considered a great sin to drive the girl out of the house with her elders. They respected honest girls, they had the right to save the Cossack from death for guilt, as soon as they said: “He will marry me - release him” - and the life of the newly-made bridegroom is saved.

Weddings were celebrated in different ways. Even in the rites of the neighboring villages, albeit in little things, but the difference was felt. Some loafs were round, others had a square loaf, those had a Christmas tree branch, and those of pine. But everywhere it was fun, sweet and "bitter."

Highlights of the Ukrainian wedding rite: matchmaking, betrothal, baking loaf, girl's evening, twisting twigs, wedding, young court, young court, dining room, bride's outfit, etc.

They used to say “play a wedding” - and played for a week, because it was not just a party, fun, but a whole complex of rituals that accompanied the creation of a new family and laid the foundation for its future well-being.

Historical sources indicate that even before the beginning of the 20th century, among the Ukrainian peasantry, it was a wedding, not a wedding, that was considered a legal guarantee of marriage: married couples could live apart for 2-3 weeks, waiting for the wedding.

The “loaf” preceded everything - that’s what the main ritual wedding bread was called in Ukraine, and the ritual of its preparation itself, which most often took place on Friday.

On Saturday evening, young people said goodbye to the young. At the girl’s evening, a wedding tree was made - "Gilz", "Wilz", "Rizka", "Three". This thick flowering tree is a symbol of youth and beauty of the young people who decorated bread or kalach. It stood on the table throughout the wedding.

It was Sunday.

In the morning, girlfriends dressed the bride to the crown: the best shirt, embroidered skirt, namisto, a beautiful wreath with ribbons. Women cherished the wedding shirt as a relic until death. My son took the wedding mother’s shirt with him when he went to war.

The groom also came in an embroidered shirt (the bride had to embroider her). Young went to get married in a church. After that they came to the bride’s yard, where they were greeted with bread and salt, sprinkled with life, and the young one invited guests to the table.

Once it was not easy to get a wife: you had to steal a girl, and conquer her in battle, and buy ...

When is the best time to have a wedding? The question is not idle. Most often, it does not contain the everyday “when to do it is more profitable and easier?”, But “when to arrange a wedding so that you do not inadvertently harm the young?” So, in the old days, a wedding was most often played in the winter, between two winter posts - from Christmas time to Maslyana. He loved the people and the spring weddings that took place after Easter. Well, and rarely, one of those who ripened to marry, could resist the abundant sumptuous autumn.

The wedding was preceded by matchmaking. There was a custom: people going to a match for success were whipped with bars or thrown with women's headdresses to quickly capture the girl.

It was interesting the morning of the wedding day when the bride was washing. She went to the bathhouse not alone. When the bride is washed and steamy, the healer collects sweat with a handkerchief from the brides and squeezes it into a bubble. copyright - http: // site This sweat was then poured into the beer to the groom in order to tie the young with indissoluble bonds.

A modern wedding is in most cases a restaurant celebration and a motorcade taking young people and guests from the registry office to a restaurant. This is where it all ends. In Russia, the wedding train rode on, and all the guests would certainly be present at the morning inquiry of the integrity of the bride ...

There are certain wedding rules. The groom not only has the right, but also has to give the bride various gifts, starting with bouquets and boxes of chocolates, and ending with the “wedding basket”, the contents of which consist of various toilet accessories, gold jewelry, precious stones, etc. The bride can also make the groom present.

At the wedding, it is customary to give useful, practical things that can be useful to newlyweds in their future family life.

Accepting gifts is not easy. The bride and groom should pay attention to each giver, open a gift, look and thank. Money is usually given to the groom, and things and flowers to the bride.