Bachelorette party before the wedding screenplay contests. Only for girls: contests for a bachelorette party before the wedding, ideas with jokes and practical jokes for the bride and girlfriends. The most beautiful bride

During the exciting pre-wedding preparation, do not give up the excellent tradition of holding a bachelorette party. After all, this is a great occasion to meet with your beloved friends, have fun and relaxed time and get a lot of positive emotions, saying goodbye to girlhood. The wedding site picked up funny and funny contests for a bachelorette party for you.

Fanta (tasks for the bride for a bachelorette party)

  • Members: bride.
  • Props: cards with tasks, box.

Good old forfeits will be great entertainment while walking around the city. You need to write interesting tasks and put them in a box. This can be done in advance, or hand out sheets to girlfriends during a walk. Let each of them come up with an original task for the bride, for example:

  • selfie with three unmarried guys;
  • kiss the stranger on the cheek;
  • persuade a passerby to ride the bride on his back;
  • treat passers-by with sweets, etc.

Hungry girlfriend

  • Members: two pairs of girls.
  • Props: 2 scarves, food (e.g. eclairs or ice cream).

One friend must feed the other blindfolded. Which pair will get cleaner and more accurate, she won. This idea is best used to organize a bachelorette party at home so that friends are not afraid to get dirty or ruin their makeup.

And you buy it!

  • Members: a bride or two friends.
  • Props: basket with goods for men (lighter, socks, beer, batteries, etc.).

A funny and funny contest for a bachelorette party to be held in crowded places. Invite the bride to sell the contents of the basket to strangers. You can arrange a contest between two friends. Whoever earns more will win.


  • Members: 2 people.
  • Props: 4 glasses, 2 tubes for cocktails.

Participants need to pour liquid from one glass to another using a straw. If the task seems too easy for you, complicate it by blindfolding the participants.

Take care of eggs

  • Members: two people.
  • Props: eggs, 2 plastic bags, scotch tape.

A great version of the game for a bachelorette party at home. Place 1-2 eggs in bags and fasten them on the participants. The goal of the game is to crush the opponent’s eggs, while maintaining their own. To complicate the task, prohibit the use of hands.

Princess on the Pea

  • Members: 2-3 participants.
  • Props: chairs, towels, various solid small items.

Small items should be placed on the chairs and covered with a towel. Participants must guess what is on the chair, sitting on it.

Man of dreams

  • Members: all comers.
  • Props: balloons of different sizes, scotch tape.

For this cool contest, girls will need to split into two teams. They have to make a man out of balloons.

The bride can evaluate the work, but if she wants to participate in the game, then one of the friends can be selected for the role of the jury.

Fashion designers

  • Members: all comers.
  • Props: adhesive tape and improvised materials.

This bachelorette party game for creative bridesmaids. Invite participants to create an exclusive wedding dress for their beloved friend. The choice of materials depends entirely on your imagination. It can be foil, toilet paper, cellophane, etc. Girls can work together or split into two teams. In the finale, do not forget about the catwalk and photo shoot for the bride.


  • Members: all comers.
  • Props: markers, paper.

Participants of this fun game for a bachelorette party need to write a word with their foot. Fun during the assignment is guaranteed.


  • Members: 2-3 people.
  • Props: scarf, bright lipsticks, a man made of cardboard or a mannequin.

On the mannequin, several places for kisses should be noted. For example, it can be the lips, chest and the area around the navel. Participants take turns painting their lips with bright lipstick and blindfolded trying to kiss the selected area. It is forbidden to look for outlines with your hands. The girl whose kisses will be most accurate will win. If you are looking for vulgar contests for a bachelorette party, then this game will be useful for you. To increase the degree of piquancy, a man can be real. But the site portal team advises taking into account the attitude of the bride and her friends to such things.

Lady driving

  • Members: 2-4 people.
  • Props: toy cars with ropes.

Invite the girls to arrange comic car races. Participants at speed should stretch the cars for the rope, overcoming the proposed "track". To complicate the task, you can build small obstacles.

What to do? (party game idea for a bachelorette party)

  • Members: all.
  • Props: paper, pens, two boxes.

This bachelorette party game can have two options:

  1. In one box there are cards with the question "What to do if ...?", And in the second there are cards with answers. Participants take turns taking out cards and reading out a question and report in the ear. Of course they will not match. Get creative in filling out cards. The more original the text, the funnier.
  2. Invite participants to make questions for the bride, and the bride to answer them by choosing cards at random. Example question: "What if the mother-in-law came to visit, but there was nothing to treat her with?" or "What if the husband scattered socks around the house and does not want to collect them?" Girlfriends can help the bride with their hilarious tips.

Thick-skinned lip-slap

  • Members: all.
  • Props: caramel sweets.

In this contest for a bachelorette party everyone participates, including a bride. The girls in a circle are trying to pronounce the phrase "thick-skinned bastard" with caramel in their mouth. For each new circle, one candy is added. The winner is the participant who can pronounce the given phrase with the maximum number of candies in her mouth.

Goodbye last name!

  • Members: bride.
  • Props: sheet of paper, marker, helium balloons.

Farewell to the surname is a very touching idea for a bachelorette party. The most common option is when the bride releases balloons into the sky, to which a maiden name sheet is attached. But you can show your imagination and come up with your own interesting way. For example, you can make a paper plane from a sheet on which the bride’s maiden name will be written and launch it from the apartment window.

On the wedding portal you can find many cool and original ideas for a unique bachelorette party. Let your holiday become the brightest and unforgettable.

A bachelorette party is a traditional event that is celebrated by the bride and her friends on the eve of the wedding. On this day, girls celebrate the last day of the single life of their girlfriend. As a rule, a fun and noisy party is organized at the bachelorette party, at which unusual and fun contests must be held both for the hero of the occasion and for her friends.

Why do we need contests, and what to consider when choosing them

A bachelorette party is a fun holiday. It is necessary not only because tradition requires it. This event helps the bride, pretty tired of the wedding chores, relax before the most important day in her life. That is why the holiday should be held in a fun and carefree atmosphere. For this, we need contests that will help all participants of the event to relax, get close and just have fun. The competition program should be extensive so that none of the girls have to be bored. However, when compiling it, several factors should be taken into account:

They are very popular today. We will tell you how they are made. And you are not interested in knowing what you can give a bride for a bachelorette party. In our there are many options for presentations - from symbolic to expensive.

You can come up with contests for this event on your own, or you can use the ready-made examples below. Be sure to prepare all the details in advance so that you do not have to frantically search for the necessary items at the venue. It can ruin a holiday.

Test Options for the Bride

Here are some cool tests that can be arranged at a bachelorette party for the hero of the occasion:

Guess baby

For this test, you will need photos of all participants in the event in infancy. Each of them must bring a photo in advance and give it to the party organizer. All pictures should be mixed and put in a box. The bride will need to pull out the pictures one at a time and try to guess who is depicted on them.

Box of Brides Secrets

This competition will require paper cut into small pieces. Each participant in the bachelorette party should in a few sentences describe a memory from her past life with the culprit. This may be a funny event that occurred in childhood, or something that was literally at today's event. The main thing is that the text contains a certain intrigue. After the girls finish writing secret notes and put them in a box, a trial will begin in which the bride will take part. The girl will need to take notes one at a time and, having read them out loud, guess who is the author of this or that masterpiece.

Does the bride know her lover well?

Here is a sample list of them:

  • groom’s birthday
  • his favorite dish;
  • the recipe for this dish;
  • hobbies of the groom;
  • his favorite color;
  • shoe size;
  • clothing size;
  • favorite movie;
  • favorite musician
  • favorite book.

For the contest, you can use these questions, but you can come up with your own. They should be placed on a large daisy with tear-off petals. You can draw it yourself on a large piece of paper. However, if you do not have time for such art, you can limit yourself to questions written on ordinary pieces of paper.

Farewell to the past

Tomorrow the bride will have to go with the groom to the registry office. This means that today she should forever say goodbye to her past life. The essence of this test is as follows: the bride remembers all her past boyfriends and fans and writes all their names in a column on a large sheet of paper. Each of the girls asks her discrediting and frank questions about someone on the list. The bride must tell everything that interests her friends without hiding. Only in this case will the rite of farewell to the past free life be considered valid. After that, the girl should take matches, crumple a sheet of paper with a list and solemnly burn it, scattering the ashes in the wind. To do this, it is recommended to go to the street or loggia.

Guess who?

The girl should blindfold and take turns to bring her friends to her, so that she can touch to determine who is in front of her. While one of the girlfriends will blindfold the bride, the rest can exchange accessories or even some items of clothing to mislead the culprit.

Options for mobile competitions for bridesmaids

Mobile competitions should be held when the bachelorette party participants get tired of table talk and want to have fun or dance. Here are a few examples:

Try, hit!

For this contest, you will need darts from playing darts and a large poster featuring a full-length naked man. The darts in this test depict the arrows of cupid. The goal of the girls is to get into the picture just below the abdomen. This will be a one hundred percent hit. The one who succeeds in doing this is considered the winner.

Funny chicken coop

All contestants should be divided into two equal teams. Their task will be to transfer the egg from one nest to another. True, this should be done without the help of hands. For this test, you can take chocolate eggs, and as nests use ordinary wicker crackers, which will stand on tables or chairs at the start and finish. Participants at the command of the bride will need to take a tablespoon in their mouths and use it to hook an egg, which lies in a cracker. It should be brought to the finish without dropping.

The winning team is the one that will most quickly cope with the task and transfer all eggs from nest to nest.

The most beautiful bride

Test participants should be divided into two groups. Each of them must choose a bride. Girls are given several rolls of toilet paper and are invited to create a wedding look within five minutes. In addition to paper, girls can use their accessories, as well as napkins from the festive table. After the brides are ready, they, led by the culprit of the occasion, can arrange a fashion show on an impromptu podium to the stormy applause of the other participants in the bachelorette party.


A poster with a movie star or any handsome full-length man already used in the dart contest is also useful for this test. Each girl present at the bachelorette party should be given panties cut out of colored paper and a pushpin. All participants in the bachelorette party need to blindfold, turn them several times to slightly bring down the landmark, and bring to the poster, offering to decorate it with the wardrobe item in her hands. The girl who closest to the real place where, as a rule, this item of clothing is located, will win.

Table competitions for bridesmaids

It is not possible to build a competitive program on mobile tests alone. It should be diluted with drinking competitions, during which the bachelorette party participants can take a breath. Here are the most successful examples of them:


Surely many of you in your youth played a bottle. This test can be arranged at the bachelorette party, only instead of kisses, you should use a question-answer combination. For example, the girl pointed to by the neck asks a compromising question to the one who fell the bottom, or vice versa.

We will tell you about how to choose them correctly. In ours you can read all about what duties the witness should fulfill at the wedding and before it. At the following address, you can see some photos with examples of finished wedding albums in scrapbooking style.

Wish Alphabet

All participants in the competition should come up with parting words and wishes for the bride, who will enter a new family life tomorrow. Fun and fun, you can do this using the alphabet. That participant in the bachelorette party, who will come up with the most parting words, wins. In addition to contests, at the bachelorette party, a ceremony of farewell to girlish freedom should be carried out. To do this, you can launch a wreath of flowers on the water or bury a piece of paper with the name of the bride in girlhood in sand. And in conclusion, a short video about what additional “games” girls can play at a bachelorette party. True, they are held exclusively on the crowded streets of the city:\u003d1sj_cMD8HOI

A bachelorette party is a very important event for the bride. Usually invited girlfriends are engaged in its preparation, however, the bride herself can completely plan the program of the holiday.

In the modern world bachelorette party options  so diversethat almost any company of friends can choose entertainment for their preferences, from incendiary dances in a nightclub to home pajama gatherings.

Regardless of who took the responsibility to organize a bachelorette party, it is first of all worth choosing a place and format for the event.

If you are planning a fun company to go to a nightclub, cafe, restaurant, bowling and other public places, then most likely nobody has to bother much with organizational issues. All you need is to pay for the services of the chosen venue for a bachelorette party and enjoy your vacation.

Important!  In this case, there are certain limitations. If the company is too noisy, it is unlikely that the rest of the guests will be pleased to hear every minute about "who is getting married tomorrow." It makes sense to rent a separate room. If you are celebrating in a cafe or restaurant, consider the peculiarities of the location - institutions in the building of residential buildings usually do not work after 23:00 or after that time it is forbidden to make noise in them.

It is worth remembering that The "pearl" of the bachelorette party is the bride, and the whole event is organized just for her, and in some cases - by her. Of course, a good hostess and girlfriend takes into account the wishes of all the guests, and will not drag friends who hate sports onto the football field. However, her preferences should come to the fore taking into account the wishes of the other guests.

In the warm season, you can organize a picnic or just a trip to nature with the props for outdoor games - volleyball, badminton. Especially if there is a clean pond nearby where you can swim.

  For lovers of home relaxation, you can just chat over a cup of tea or coffee, or a glass of something stronger, but for those who want the bachelorette party to be original and memorable for a long time, you can add a touch (or even more than one!) Of variety to standard girl’s gatherings .

A great option to combine the above options.  Start the day with a walk, later visit an entertainment venue, and gather in the evening at home. Or vice versa - during the day to chat, take a walk, swim in a river or lake, and have fun at night in a nightclub. The second option is not very preferable for hen parties, which are held right the day before the wedding, otherwise at the wedding the bride and her friends may look tired and exhausted and will not be able to accept on the main day.

Caution!  It is advisable to hold a bachelorette party so that no one changes his mind about getting married. Therefore, you need to be responsible for the chosen entertainment.

A great addition to any bachelorette party will be contests.

Cool contests

Fanta for the bride

Suitable for holding in a public place or in nature. The main condition is the presence of other people around.

  Jobs are written on cards (for example, cut out of cardboard) - the more diverse, unusual and more fun, the better. The received cards are put in a bag, then each girl takes out a card in turn and carries out the task that she has encountered. If he refuses to fulfill, he is eliminated from participation in the competition. The winner is the one that remained last after all those who left.

Examples of tasks:

  • Collect a certain number of phone numbers from strangers;
  • Sell \u200b\u200bany woman’s accessory — a hairpin, lipstick, inexpensive earrings or a bracelet — to a stranger for a nominal price;
  • Collect a certain number of autographs from strangers. You can complicate the task with restrictions: ask for autographs only from redheads, or only from young people, or only from unmarried people;
  • Beautifully declare love to a stranger;
  • Kiss a stranger (with his permission);
  • Take pictures with strangers, put together a series of photos with different people;
  • Persuade the stranger to kiss your hand;
  • Make an unusual photo in the original pose or using cool props;
  • Shout something out the window;
  • Sing a funny song;
  • Tell a funny verse or a serious verse in a funny way.

Caution!  Make sure that the tasks, as well as the methods of their implementation, do not contradict moral standards and do not violate the administrative and criminal codes.

Princess on the Pea

Suitable for indoor, mainly at home.  The number of participants is unlimited (one or two girls can participate).

Instead of a pea, everything that is found is used, but the selected items should not be fragile, brittle, sharp, traumatic. Various small things are placed on a chair and covered with an opaque napkin.

The girl sits down in a chair and, by tactile sensations, tries to guess which object is under the napkin.


The number of participants is not limited.  Participants become in a circle, one of the girls throws a handkerchief, and while he is flying, everyone should make noise: laugh, have fun, sing songs. As soon as the handkerchief fell to the ground, everyone fell silent. The girlfriend who kept making noise loses. She will have to fulfill the desire of the bride or girlfriends.


This game can be played both indoors and on a picnic. The main thing is to find a surface on which you can easily unwind the bottle.

Participants must be at least five to six.

The game "Bottle" is quite famous. The general rules are as follows: unwind the bottle and after it stops, those to whom the improvised “top” pointed neck and bottom kiss.

For a bachelorette party before the wedding, the competition can be slightly changed. The girl pointed to by the neck of the bottle is asked various tricky questions, and she answers. And here are the possible options: questions can be asked as the one pointed to the bottom of the bottle, and each in turn. You can also prepare a list of questions in advance and simply ask them in order of priority.

Attention!  Preparing questions in advance is generally good practice so that there are no hitches during the game. In addition, the selected questions matter. Sensitive topics should be avoided so that no one scolds and no one has any unpleasant impressions.


The number of players does not matter, but it is better if they are few.  This contest can be held anywhere, even in a cafe (depending on the specifics of the place and atmosphere in it).

You need to prepare small gifts in advance and wrap them in several layers of paper. On each layer write different puzzles. If you wish, you can decorate the prize - wrap it with sheets of multi-colored, corrugated paper, foil, each of which is firmly glued to an ordinary sheet with riddles.

The prize is passed from girl to girl. If the first girlfriend guessed the riddle, she removes the wrapper and reads the next riddle on another wrapper. And so on until she guesses all the riddles (then the prize goes to her) or until she comes up with a riddle that she cannot guess or answer incorrectly (then the prize in the wrappers is transferred to the next girl).

The prize goes to the one who removes the last wrapper from the packaging.


Since childhood, a game familiar to many. The facilitator makes words, and the participants take turns depicting this word with facial expressions, gestures, movements - by any means, but without using words. You can write the words in advance on the cards and put them in a bag, and then pull them out in turn. Or the one who makes the guesses a new word to the guesser, while he himself does not tell anyone in the process of guessing and does not participate in the process of guessing.

  One of the options is to limit the hidden words to the wedding theme - “wedding”, “rings”, “registry office” and so on.

The number of players is unlimited.  The one that guessed the most words wins.

Who am I?

Characters are made up for each participant, the name of the character is written on a piece of paper and attached to the forehead with adhesive tape. In this case, no one sees what is written on his piece of paper. In an extreme case, you can write directly on the forehead with a washable marker or make-up pencil.

Each participant must use guessing questions to guess what kind of character she is. Examples of questions: “Am I an animal?”, “Am I human?”, “Am I jumping?”. Questions need to be formulated so that they can be answered "yes" or "no." Guess in turn. The one who guessed his character faster than the others wins.

Calligraphy lesson

Each girl is handed out sheets of paper and markers. You need to write a phrase on a piece of paper, pinching the marker with your toes. The one that turned out prettier than the others wins.

How to drink

  On the table put plastic glasses with a volume of 500 ml with a drink. The task is to drink the contents without the help of hands.

Catch taxi drivers

  • those who live near the venue of the bachelorette party and are going (and able to) walk;
  • those who have agreed in advance with someone that they should be taken home;
  • those who call a real taxi.

The rest phoned familiar men in search of someone who would take the girls home. At the same time, it is impossible to disclose the reason for “distribution” in all senses of the word.

The girl who managed to "catch a taxi driver" wins.

You can complicate the task of finding your taxi driver for each of the girls.

Useful video

The last preparations for the wedding are over, the script is chosen and, and today you can come off and relax. How to spend a fun bachelorette party, see the video:


A bachelorette party is an informal event, which is a symbolic farewell to the unmarried life of the bride. Today, he adopted the format of the holiday-congratulations of the bride with the upcoming marriage, because the form of its holding is absolutely arbitrary.

Contests for a bachelorette party are good not only to entertain the guests, but also to bring together those who are new to each other. There are times when the bride invites all her friends to the event who have not previously crossed or rarely crossed.

It is worth choosing competently based on the preferences of the bride and her guests, so as not to embarrass anyone, and most importantly, not to spoil the impression of a bachelorette party by its too loud conduct and complaints of neighbors.

An application was filed with the registry office, the rings were bought, the dress was ironed, the jacket was steamed, the banquet hall was decorated, the videographer was paid, the host made an action plan, and parents calculated the costs. What else remains for the young couple to do before the main event in their life?  And it remains only to celebrate a bachelor party and a bachelorette party. In the framework of this article, we offer various options for organizing an evening program for changing the status of a bride to the role of a wife.

Options for a bachelorette party before the wedding

As a rule, a witness is engaged in creating a script on the last day of a “bachelor's” life. Sometimes this business is entrusted to professional specialists. Even less often, this task falls on the shoulders of the bride. If for some reason it is not possible to independently come up with a cool and interesting action plan, then resort to the help of ready-made scripts, it turns out much easier, easier and faster.

Seeing off the best friend

All participants of the holiday are in black scarves, on their faces streaks of mascara, as from a long cry, in their hands are handkerchiefs.

Witness: “Today we are gathered here on a very sad and mournful occasion. Starting tomorrow, there will be a decrease in our regiment. We will lose our fighting girlfriend, not for a year, not for two, not for five years, but for the whole long, long life. Barely restraining a stream of tears, I announce that she is going on a long voyage on a ship called "Family Life."

No longer walk us under the night moon, do not drink cocktails in the bar, do not sing incendiary songs in karaoke, do not dance in clubs in short miniskirts. I propose to leave memorable gifts to our best friend, so that after a time and years she remembers the happiest and happiest days spent together.

Girls with a howl and cry in a crowd approach the bride and give pre-prepared presents. All the action is accompanied by lamentations in the style of “who did you leave us for”, “how will we continue to live”, “we will never forget you”.

Witness:  “I want the last person to deliver the last speech and say that she thinks about all this.”

Without waiting for the bride’s response, friends include the song “Oh, I won’t grieve, I will dance”. The company is dancing to the music.

Presenter:  “And in fact, let’s not grieve. Mourning is canceled! Everyone to take off their black scarves, wipe away the tears and begin to carry out the combat mission: have fun until you lose your pulse. Only before the start of the celebration I propose to swear that neither the groom nor his friends will ever know the details of tonight. “He who witnesses what is happening, let him remain silent until the end of his days.”

The girlfriends are handed out sheets with the printed oath text, all together pronounce the words of the oath promise.

The action goes to the main part of the celebration, where the preparation of alcoholic cocktails begins, snacks are placed, fiery music is played and funny and memorable contests are surely held.

You can end the evening with a kind of "campaign for compliments." The company goes to a crowded place, a bar, a cafe, a restaurant, a club, a cinema, where it asks for compliments for a future wife leaving her free life. To continue the fun scenario is not required, as it is difficult to predict the further development of events. In this case, the end of a night walk, spanning friends, let them go.

Representatives of the fair sex go to the bath or sauna, not only in order to put in order the condition of hair and skin. Recently, a very fashionable trend has been holding a bachelorette party in such places.

The scenario, as a rule, consists of three main parts:

  • introduction;
  • main action;
  • conclusion.

It’s not difficult to start and end the walk, a witness on the Internet can find words even in poetic form, and you should prepare for the competitions in advance: choose the most non-standard, find the props, pick up prizes. The following are the most fun competitions for a bachelorette party in a sauna:

The bride must take care of prizes in advance or warn the witness so that she thinks about the moment well. An awkward situation would arise if the winner of the contest was suddenly determined, and she would have nothing to hand over. The last advice that can be given to the organizers of a bachelorette party in a sauna is to ask the bride if she agrees to this option. And as soon as permission is received, you can start sending out invitations.

Home parties

There is a tradition to spend a bachelorette party right on the night before the wedding. But modern brides have become more cunning. To look fresh and cheerful on the wedding day, they spend a bachelorette party a few days before the date of the celebration. There are many options for holding a bachelorette party at home. Below are the names and brief descriptions of the most common scenarios:

The unusual end of the festival is a rite of farewell to a past life. Here comes the time for gifts from the bride. She distributes to her friends those items that are definitely not useful to her in family life. Be sure to explain why this particular thing is no longer needed and why this particular girl gets it.

Example: I am handing a shiny mini skirt to Natasha, because my husband will definitely not approve of such a length, and Natasha should quickly find a life partner. Or: I don’t need red lipstick anymore, because it is too bright, I give it to Elena, because she has too faded makeup and the guys don’t notice her, and I want this wonderful and cheerful woman to be definitely noticed and appreciated .

Outdoor ideas

In the warm season and under suitable weather conditions, bachelorette party participants can make an outing in nature, where the ceremony of the initiation of the bride to his wife will take place. Fresh air, the rustling of trees, the warm gentle sun ... Do not come up with the best conditions for gatherings in a sincere friendly atmosphere.

Words for the script are invited to choose in poetic form. Poems are perceived easily and naturally, which is just very handy when relaxing in nature.

Have been together for many years

And they cooked dinner

The clubs had fun together

Together they fell in love with the boys.

Now what has changed?

What has happened?

Doesn't walk with us anymore

From the groom and eyes.

The mystery suddenly revealed here,

That's all, girlfriend, you fell in love!

Can we say more:

You are ready to become a wife.

Well, dear, we agree!

Your life will be beautiful.

But first, take a walk

And we’ll sing and play.

We will sing and dance

And a friend to see off.

Next comes the congratulatory part with the presentation of gifts, toasts, the performance of favorite songs and funny dances. Here you can recall funny and funny stories.

In the main block, the bride is offered cards with tasks that are also rhymed. Friends are allowed to enter the test to help the main character and have some fun themselves.

We don’t believe honest words

Just do not give back!

We’ll test with tests

If you pass them, we will reward. (Fants with funny and creative assignments)

If you want to not quit,

You need to know everything, everything about him,

Answer the questions

We will check them later! (Chamomile with tricky questions about the groom)

If your husband is well combed and dressed,

Money in the house he undoubtedly

Will bring more.

Every rich and businessman knows

That without a wife he would be a beggar at all! (A tie that must be properly tied)

Will you feed well -

Will you live together

Find his way to the heart -

Feed me well! (Seasonings that you should try with your eyes closed and give a name to your taste)

So that he does not hang around the bars,

Well, after them - to the brothel,

Be a worthy couple to him -

Make a cocktail yourself! (The cocktail is made from improvised materials)

The last stage is the presentation of the diploma of a real wife:

We checked you for a long time,

But they did not recognize the bad!

Well, for us it's a bummer

Get a diploma soon!

The ideal hostess

Perfect wife,

Not a bore, not a lazy person,

And she should not borrow money.

Cook, wash,

An affectionate word will say

But he’s not playing on the nerves

No reason not to punish!

Everyone knows her sincerity

Make anyone happy!

All friends confirm:

Ready for family life!

The ceremony of seeing off the best friend in family life has been going on for more than a hundred years. What girls are not ready for, if only in the most unusual and original way to mark such an important event in the life of a best friend. Everything is used: the most breathtaking outfits, exclusive treats, daring contests and unusual venues. There are frequent cases when girls go for a walk to such an extent that a bachelorette party smoothly flows into a common celebration. The main thing is to leave unforgettable impressions in the bride's memory.

According to the tradition that is present in all nations, and the history of which dates back more than one century, on the eve of the wedding, the bride is “seen off”. Over a long history, somewhere it remained unchanged, somewhere acquired the features of modern events. To see off the maiden name for a lifetime, you need to prepare a cool script for a bachelorette party.

Tomorrow's wedding, today is a bachelorette party

The bridesmaids and especially the witness are preparing the event. Organization of a bachelorette party falls on her shoulders. Just a good rehearsal before the wedding: to show your creative and acting abilities, to be a leader.

First you need to create an initiative group of 3-4 people who will be dedicated to all the details of the event. For the rest of the guests and the bride, they should be a secret. Before the wedding, she, therefore, has enough worries, so the bachelorette party is a surprise. A list of girlfriends who will take part in parting with a bachelor life is agreed. Golden rule: no acquaintances and relatives from the groom. Paraphrasing a phrase from the famous movie: "everything that happens at the bachelorette party remains at the bachelorette party!" The age of the invited by the bride does not matter. It can be both girlfriends of the same age and older ladies. The main thing is the desire to have fun and keep everything secret!

Place for a bachelorette party

You need to choose it based on the time of year and the budget of the event. For example, in the warm season it is best to arrange it outdoors.

If the wedding is scheduled for the winter, the most suitable is to relax and soak in the sauna,

or have a pajama party at home.

This, of course, will be the most budget option, but it can be bright and memorable! It all depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bholding.

All in the bath!

More precisely, in the sauna. Bath procedures, massage, masks and other pleasant things. It’s not possible to frolic in the sauna, but some contests can be held. For example, songs.

With a sufficient number, guests are divided into two teams. A famous song is taken as the basis, the task of both teams, preserving the melody, changing the words so that it is dedicated to the bride and groom, and their upcoming marriage. Whoever performs the task better, he won. As prizes can be symbolic souvenirs. Or such a task for two teams - to remember as many songs as possible about the wedding, rings and everything related to this event.

The bride needs to arrange the wires of the "former". To do this, girlfriends write the names of former fans of the main character on paper and, with the enthusiastic exclamations of those present, “lower” them into the water in the pool to search for a new “harbor”.

To achieve the best effect, you can arrange a "sea battle" - drown them, throwing balls. The team that first drowns a larger number of "former" wins.

Having taken a sauna, having plenty of fun, you can sing songs in karaoke, or play billiards. In the sauna, such services are not uncommon. The advantages of such an event are that all meals and drinks can be brought with you. This greatly saves money. Bathing bachelorette party is a great option for relaxation before the wedding: you do not need to choose outfits, apply makeup and think about a hairstyle.

pajama party

Home-bachelorette parties can also be fun and fun. It does not require large cash expenses, and the attributes should include: a bed, many pillows, curlers, beautiful pajamas and plush toys. You can combine business with pleasure and arrange a home beauty salon with masks, manicures and pedicures.

We must not forget about the camera! Selfies with masks on their faces are a great reason to update the collection of photos.

It will be an evening of jokes and memories. Therefore, girlfriends should come up with various contests related to the periods of the bride's life. It will not be difficult to do this, because the guests have known her for a long time and they definitely have a lot of photos where she is captured. As one of the contests, the task is to tell an episode from the life of the bride associated with the photo. Whoever reproduces the situation most precisely won.

A completely childish game with piercing balloons works great for any age. The bottom line is that on small pieces of paper, comic wishes are written for the future wife and placed in a balloon. There should be several such balls. Then they are inflated and suspended by a rope.

A needle is handed over to the bride and she must blindfolded pierce as many balls as possible for a limited time, and then read the messages to the audience. Then everything is written on a piece of paper, which can be issued in the form of letters and the bride takes a solemn oath as a wife to fulfill all promises. The certificate is placed in a champagne bottle (there will probably be several empty ones!) And presented to the witness for storage until the wedding anniversary.

Then it will be fun to remember this joke, and at the same time to check how the bride kept her word.

It will be appropriate to give in to the temptation and fortune-telling at the home bachelorette party.

Of course, everyone understands that these fortunetelling is comic. In order to find out what fate awaits the bride in marriage, you need to take a large sheet of whatman paper and draw it into equal squares (the number depends on how many questions will be asked). In each square, a certain statement is written, for example: “three children”, “sea of \u200b\u200bflowers”, “star from the sky” and so on. The “fortuneteller” begins the hero of the occasion, then unmarried girlfriends join her.

One of the most popular is ring fortune telling. You need to take a ring, preferably round without stones, hang it on a thread and ask questions. To avoid superstitious forebodings, questions should be amusing; fateful ones need not be asked. If the answer is “yes”, the ring will rotate clockwise, if “no” - against.

Toward the close of the curtain you can hold a pre-wedding lottery. To do this, before the event, all those invited are given the task of bringing small souvenirs with them. It can be anything: mascara, lipstick, figurine, cookies, sweets, all that is enough for imagination. The names of all the gifts are written on pieces of paper and placed in a glass vase. To the songs and jokes, the girls take turns pulling pieces of paper and get the souvenir whose name they had.

Bachelorette party in quest format

On a good warm day, options are better than spending a bachelorette party in nature and it's hard to come up with! Just having a picnic is too boring. It will be much more fun to conduct a quest with various cool tasks.

Only for him you need to thoroughly prepare the witness and her 1-2 assistants. Choosing a suitable place in advance is better in the forest. Guiding questions and tasks are written on leaflets, after which participants will come to a specific goal. A great scenario would be finding a wedding dress for the bride. The kidnappers stole a dress and veil and hid somewhere in the forest. Each task indicates the following. For example: "walk 15 steps from this pine tree to the north, there you will find a clue what to do next."

And so on until the guests, divided into 2 teams, find the “loss”. Of course, the dress and veil should be comic. In this competition, female friendship wins: in the end, both teams must find a “wedding outfit” and collect the bride under the crown. A funny skirt and veil (its imitation) is what you need!

This article provides options for a bachelorette party, see another video for an example of how to organize a farewell to a bachelor life.