What to give at the Shrovetide forgiven day. What to present at Shrovetide? Gift options for parents or friends. Tea with herbs on the Maslenitsa

The cheerful holiday, so beloved by many, the Pancake week, means that winter, with its frosts, should already recede in order to make way for a cheerful and new spring, which will certainly be fruitful, warm and affectionate. This holiday has many traditions and this is not surprising, because its history began in pagan times. With the advent of Orthodoxy in Russia, the holiday remained, something changed in it, and it became the main occasion for all the winter festivities. Today a lot of things are changing, but the people's love for Shrovetide remains unchanged.

Gift Ideas.

\u003e Today, many people go to Shrovetide to visit each other and, of course, it is simply impossible to do without worthy gifts. In order not to panic about the assortment of the nearest stores, you should definitely make a list of those who need to buy gifts before the holiday and then start thinking about what is better to choose. The fact is that such a strategy will be more successful than in a panic to wander around the shops on the last day, being completely at a loss.


Of course, the housewives will first of all think about a set of dishes. Since Pancake week is associated with pancakes, you should not choose a set of beautiful pots, for example, you can consider the option with pans, because a good pancake can be the right thing in the household. Today similar sets made of ceramics are also becoming popular, it will be a pleasure to cook on them and the hostess will appreciate such a present for sure. If we consider other options, then you can stop your choice on the dishes in which jam or other pancake snacks are served. All kinds of hookahs, this is only a small part of what you should pay attention to in the store. You can choose a set of original dishes that will stand in the kitchen, performing exclusively decorative functions. Today, to do this is quite simple, such dishes can be bought ready-made or ordered, they can be made from absolutely any material. Another option is a beautiful coffee or tea set. Well, what Shrovetide can be without large quantities of fragrant freshly brewed tea. Since at this time guests in the house are not uncommon, but most likely the rule, then a beautiful set of mugs or glasses for tea with tea leaves will come in handy, you should carefully consider the shelves with such items. In the same category can be attributed dishes intended for making coffee. Beautiful Turk or graceful cups can perfectly complement the atmosphere of the holiday. In addition, it is quite easy for your relatives and friends to choose gifts from such a series, because you already know what they may need and what is best for them. You can also see a special set of pancake plates and a beautiful oiler, in any case, such dishes will always be a good gift that will not stand idle in the closet.

Tasty gifts.

Shrovetide is rightly considered a time of treats and goodies. You can cook not only traditional pancakes, but also many other delicious pastries. This can be a great gift for Shrovetide for your relatives or friends. They can not only please, but also greatly surprise, especially if before this special addiction to baking has not been noticed. Today, there are many ways and recipes by which you can cook not only very tasty, but also beautiful pastries, paint it and present it in its original packaging. All this is really quite simple and affordable, if there are no options how to do it yourself, then you can cook everything using the advice of the masters or by looking at the master classes on the Internet. Such a gift, prepared with love and filled with goodness, can indeed be a great gift option for Shrovetide for relatives or friends.

\u003e Today, not only baking, but also one of the main symbols of the whole Shrovetide - honey and caviar can be classified as delicious gifts. Of course, if the means allow and there is a desire, then relatives can be pampered with high-quality red or black caviar, buying them a jar or even several. In addition to it, you can also buy a jar of honey. It should be noted that on the eve of the holiday, the production of souvenirs is significantly increased, so honey can be purchased in a beautiful souvenir keg, and after the honey is over it is sure to come in handy for something else, or you can pour this sweet product into it again.

The original gift.

Not everyone likes to traditionally choose a gift. For such people, there is one very interesting way out - you can pick up a kind of carnival costume in the spirit of Kievan Rus, paraphernalia or suitable accessories as a gift for your family, and then have a real costume party and go for a walk together in the nearest park and eat fragrant pancakes. Of course, such a gift should be selected more than carefully, because not everyone will be able to appreciate the costume of a buffoon or someone else. Everything should be carefully thought out and then it turns out, not to be mistaken with a gift. Replacing such a themed costume may well become a decoration for the home. A cheerful ceramic figure of a buffoon or Pancake week effigy will be able to decorate the kitchen and become an honored guest at the festive table.

In addition to figurines that symbolize the holiday to your family or friends, you can also present a doll that is supposed to be burned at the stake on the last day of the holiday. Of course, it’s not necessary to make a doll into human height, you can buy a finished product or try to do it yourself. There is nothing complicated about it, you just have to spend your time and imagination and everything will surely turn out.

Practical gifts.

If you develop the theme of housekeeping and focus on the art of preparing tasty and fragrant pancakes not only for the holiday, but also in order to please your relatives, you can choose a cookbook that contains the most interesting, unusual and even rare recipes for making pancakes. Such literature can be found in almost any bookstore, so such searches will not take much time. Another rather thematic, but at the same time practical gift is a set of fridge magnets. Everyone is used to being rather indifferent to such souvenir products, but you can try to look for something interesting and non-standard for the holiday, especially since today the fantasy of those who make such magnets simply knows no bounds.

Another very practical gift may be a baking dish. Many housewives are fond of baking pies, cakes or a wide variety of cookies. Today you can choose various forms that will make baking not only tasty, but also very beautiful. Such kitchen appliances will certainly be often used in order to please their relatives, so it is worth considering such forms in the store.

A warm gift.

On the eve of the holiday, you can buy a mother, daughter, wife or sister a rather expensive but beautiful gift that will remind you not only of the holiday, but also of the love that is in the family. It's about a beautiful painted scarf. Of course, you can pick it up just for decoration, or as a thing that can hide from the still winter cold and the dankness of the coming spring. Hand-painted such a scarf or even embroidery will make the gift truly exclusive. Such a thing cannot be cheap, because, as a rule, such scarves are produced in limited quantities, but if there is such an opportunity, then it is worthwhile to please one of the relatives with such a warm and beautiful souvenir.

A warm gift can also be called a samovar, which will be a great helper in the preparation of fragrant tea for delicious pancakes. Today, samovars make electric, so there will be no problems with its use, you don’t need to chop wood and heat the stove too, just a few minutes and the samovar will allow you to enjoy a cup of fragrant tea with your loved ones.

It is not always necessary to choose gifts for Shrovetide, relying solely on the theme of the holiday. After all, it is very important that a piece of a person’s soul, his warmth and real concern, be invested in a surprise. All seven days while the holiday lasts, you must try to give your warmth to others, be sure to ask for forgiveness and not harbor resentment in your heart. Unfortunately, in a daily routine and a whirlpool of problems, all this is simply lost, you just need to let warmth and goodness into your heart more often.

Shrovetide is everyone’s favorite holiday that has come to us from the depths of centuries. It has a rich history and many traditions. In the old days Maslenitsa was one of the most fun holidays. This is a holiday of the arrival of spring, which is celebrated cheerfully, noisily, with feasts and festivities. Mistresses prepare various treats, bake pancakes and invite guests. From ancient times, a tall pillar was placed on Shrovetide, doused with water and hung gifts, which were not easy to remove. The most spectacular action is the burning of a scarecrow of winter. The scarecrow was a symbol of the holiday, and on the last day of Shrovetide it was burned at the ritual bonfire.

Today, people go to Shrovetide on Shrovetide with pancakes and gifts.

According to ancient Russian traditions, it is customary to give various treats and sweets to Shrovetide. For instance,   small themed souvenirs, amulets, wooden utensils and coasters for kitchen accessories.

So what to present on Shrovetide?

We offer you gifts from birch bark. From time immemorial in Russia, dishes were made from birch bark - birch bark. The people call the birch a warm tree, but the main thing in the gift is a piece of soul, warmth and care!

Any products you choose from birch bark will serve you for many years faithfully.

Have a nice shopping!

There are holidays for which it is customary to give gifts without fail. We are, of course, talking about holidays such as the New Year, March 8, and for each individual person's birthday. However, there are also such holidays, for example, Shrovetide, for which people are not used to presenting gifts to each other. But even on such occasions, you can please each other with all kinds of presents.

For example, at Shrovetide, relatives, friends and relatives can be presented with various things that are somehow related to this Slavic holiday.

Set of ceramic pans

Mother-in-law on Maslenitsa, you can safely present a set of good ceramic pans. Such a gift will look really solid for such a minor occasion. It is safe to say that the mother of the spouse will be delighted with the set of ceramic pans. Although, it is worth noting that you will have to spend money on it, because such sets of considerable money cost.

Instead of a set, you can give one pan with an original design. Such a present can be presented not only to mother-in-law, but also to wife, sister, grandmother, mother, aunt or girlfriend.

Pancake Recipe Collection

Shrovetide for many years of its existence has already managed to lose a huge number of traditions. And this is not surprising, because most of the people moved to live in cities, where it is physically impossible to follow the customs that our ancestors followed. However, there are still traditions that people observe with great pleasure. Of course, the most popular and sought-after of them is the tradition of baking pancakes. So, a collection of pancake recipes can be an excellent gift for Shrovetide. You can give such a present to absolutely everyone, because in any case it will be appropriate.

Plate set

Another gift that, one way or another, is associated with pancakes, can be a set of plates. If you give a set of plates to Shrovetide, you must make sure that it consists of a large dish, several medium plates and small saucers.

Refrigerator magnets

Fridge magnets that can be handed to your friends can become a symbolic gift for this Slavic traditional holiday. The choice must be made in favor of magnets in the form of the sun, games and pancakes.

Set of wooden utensils

Since ancient times, people gave each other at Shrovetide the wooden dishes. You can continue this tradition and present to your loved ones a wooden plate, spoon, mug, scoop or other utensils.

Painted scarves

Another traditional gift is a painted shawl. What is noteworthy, we are talking about both decorative and scarves to wear. It is worth noting that good handmade scarves can cost a lot of money. So not everyone can afford to buy such a thing.

Crepe maker

If our ancestors baked pancakes on an exclusively bonfire, then modern people have a choice how to do this. Now you can bake them not only with a frying pan and gas stove, but also with the help of a special device called pancake. Such household appliances have not yet managed to gain great popularity, such as crock-pots, but it is really useful. Moreover, a crepe maker can be a really great Shrovetide gift for a loved one, such as a mother or mother-in-law. This technique can be used not only on Pancake week, but also almost every day. After all, with its help, you can very easily and quickly cook truly delicious pancakes for every taste.


One of the symbols of Shrovetide has long been not only pancakes, but also caviar. So, another suitable gift for Shrovetide can be a caviar made of silver or other metal.

Form for cooking

A simple but useful gift for this Slavic holiday, which is celebrated for many years, can be a baking dish. What is noteworthy, we are talking about molds not only for pancakes, but also for other products.


Children at Maslenitsa can safely give a variety of sweets. Lollipops, sweets and chocolates will please any child on Pancake week.

Painted gusli

In gift shops you can find classic Russian souvenirs, including painted gusli. Such a present is ideal for this Slavic holiday.

Jar for honey

Not only caviar has become one of the symbols of Shrovetide festivities, but honey is not far behind. So a stylish honey jar will be an excellent present for a holiday.


In addition to honey and caviar, in Pancake Week oil is also very popular, which also goes very well with pancakes. Therefore, a good oiler, which is now far from all at home, will be a great present for everyone.

Shrovetide is one of the ancient Slavic holidays. The tradition of having fun on the eve of spring has been preserved since pagan times.

This delicious action lasts 7 days: from Sunday to Sunday and precedes Lent.

On Sunday, at the beginning of the holiday week, relatives, neighbors or friends are traditionally visited, and they are invited to visit, give gifts. What to present on Shrovetide, going on a visit? Each should have an individual approach.

Parents, matchmakers

On Friday of the oil week, it is necessary to treat the pancakes of their sons-in-law, who always go to visit their mother-in-law and father-in-law. Mother-in-law and father-in-law expect from the son-in-law a warm and useful gift for Shrovetide.

Bath Sets

A good gift will be a set that includes a broom made of birch or oak leaves, aromatic healing oils, a felt cap, and a towel. Such a gift will be useful to both: mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Spa Vacation Packages

If relatives do not have their own bath, an ideal gift is a ticket to the wellness center, where there is a Russian bath, a Turkish steam bath, a Finnish sauna, a jacuzzi and a pool.

Traditionally, in such complexes do different types of massages. After a long cold winter, relatives will be delighted with the offer to relax.

Branded shawls

Madam in a scarf always looks original and fashionable. Exclusive scarves made of wool, crepe de chine or silk with a unique pattern will cost the son-in-law dearly, but the mother-in-law will wear them for a long time and praise the son-in-law to her friends. Woolen shawls are thin, but warm well in cold weather and do not cause allergies.

Glass products

You can give the dough a beautiful bottle for homemade alcohol. You should not spend big money on gifts for Shrovetide, buying crystal sets.

One or two or bottles are enough. Glass quality is important: sunlight should play in it with colors, like in a diamond.

For children

The most enjoyable job is to choose gifts for children at Shrovetide. They are waiting for souvenirs the most. The presentation should be beneficial and pleasing to the baby.

Vitamin Complexes

An ideal gift for a child at Shrovetide is a vitamin complex. Indeed, at the end of winter, the children's body needs support.

For immunity and general condition, you can buy a good complex in a pharmacy without a prescription. It is very important that vitamins C, B groups, vitamin D and calcium are present.


Natural bee honey will be an appropriate answer to the question of what to give to children at Shrovetide. Both children and adults enjoy eating honey with pancakes.

You can put pollen in a gift box for honey, it complements the taste and quality of honey, but can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance whether the child is allergic to beekeeping products.

Horse riding

After a boring winter, children need an active holiday. Where to take children from the bustle of the city? To the near horse farm.

  - This is not only a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive, but also the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. While riding a horse, all the muscles of the human body are involved, the nervous system relaxes.

Kinetic sand

For the smallest, you can buy a "clean sandbox" - kinetic sand. This gift for Shrovetide can be made with your own hands or bought in special stores. Kinetic sand does not crumble, keeps in a heap, like wet. He perfectly holds his form and does not get his hands dirty.

Young owners

Newlyweds or always need support, but it’s important not to go too far with the tips. Just give gifts and praise for housekeeping.

Cookware Sets

A young wife is trying to make the house beautiful. Your present for Shrovetide should help her with this. A service made of quality china will never go out of style. A set of pots with environmentally friendly granite coating will also be useful.

Granite coating is not like ceramics or Teflon. In such dishes, you can cook using ordinary silverware, and not just wooden spoons.

Next Generation Tools

What young owner does not like tools in beautiful chests? When spring is at the doorstep and houseworks are just beginning, tools are ideal souvenirs for Shrovetide. Does the landlord have a garden? You can give a set of a gardener.

To the neighbors

On Shrovetide for the last time before Lent at the festive table you can eat meat. If you are going to visit your neighbors, it is good to give them a culinary masterpiece, for example, meat baked according to a special recipe, and a bottle of homemade wine.

A do-it-yourself gift for Shrovetide will keep positive energy in the house for a long time. It is worth making spring from evil spirits and the evil eye.

From spikelets of different cereal crops, wormwood and St. John's wort herbs, make a doll, dress it in a dress and scarf from multi-colored fabrics and attach a small Nazar Turkish amulet.

Spikelets symbolize wealth, a woman - the keeper of the family hearth, beautiful dresses - happiness in the house, and the Turkish amulet Nazar will save from the evil eye. A guest with such a gift will be welcomed in every house.

Shrovetide is one of the most significant Russian holidays. In the old days, people marked it without fail. For seven days the celebration lasted, the meaning of which was to say goodbye to winter and the meeting of spring.

If you look at the church calendar, you can see that the holiday falls on the “cheese week”. Previously, people rarely made gifts for Shrovetide with their own hands, but now it has become fashionable.

Waiting for the holiday has always filled people's hearts with special joy and hope. As it approaches, nature begins to transform. The spring spirit is already in the air, and winter is gradually receding. Increasingly, the sun shines from the sky, warming not only the body, but also the hearts of people. It also feels the approach of Maslenitsa and is diligently doing its job: it makes the snow melt, turns it into water. Well, how not to rejoice in such a fun holiday of spring? Moreover, you can make crafts on Shrovetide with your own hands and cheer up your friends. In addition, this is a very exciting process.

Previously, this holiday was celebrated by everything from small to large. But with special enthusiasm the children approached him. At dawn, a whole crowd of children ran out into the yard and built slides. Someone alone learned a special holiday speech and made it expressively. It consisted in glorifying Shrovetide. Also, the child invited her to play, dine, sledding. Usually, when it was over, the slides were already done, and the pancakes were ready.

Everyone knows that in Russia there was a tradition to burn an effigy of Maslenitsa. Usually this happened in However, in some cities it was also customary to make the whole family of small dolls, also called Shrovetide. We are talking about Tver, Vladimir and Tula. If we talk about a scarecrow, it was always simple, unattractive and executed without much effort. But the dolls were made very beautiful. Today you can craft similar souvenirs at Maslenitsa with your own hands.

It was believed that such crafts protect the home from troubles and misfortunes. They were in every home, especially where young couples lived. Such pupae personified healthy children and monetary abundance. Shrovetide usually stood near the door or in

Today, of course, people take these dolls less seriously. They can be found in a store or in the market, but it’s much more interesting to make Shrovetide yourself. It is quite easy and very exciting. You will not need any additional devices except your hands. Not even a needle is needed. Let's look at how to make Shrovetide with your own hands.

What do you need

  1. Wooden stick (it is desirable that its length is 45-50 cm).
  2. Several colored shreds (calico or calico).
  3. Threads (give preference to strong, acrylic for example).
  4. Cardboard.
  5. Material scraps, pieces of paper, cotton.
  6. Bast.


If it is not even, there are small branches on it, then do not cut them and try to make it smooth. Let the wand remain as it is.


It needs to be filled with some material, for example scraps of fabric, paper, old cotton. All this must be tightly squeezed in the hand so that the rags take the form of a ball. Then you should take two pieces of white thick material (it is desirable that its size is 25x25 cm) and wrap this “stuffing” into it. The resulting ball must be put on a stick and tightly tied with thread. You should not paint your face, this is not accepted. Now you probably already understood how to make Shrovetide with your own hands, it’s really simple.


For him we need a couple of skeins of bast (it can be found in household goods). You should tie them to a stick just below the ball, one in front and the other in the back.


We take a cardboard and twist it into a tube. It is necessary that the diameter is about 3 cm and the length is 20 cm. We put colored material (red, lemon, scarlet) on the tube and tie it with thread in three places. Then we pass the received hands under the body from the back and fasten it tightly to the stick.


If you are thinking about how to make Shrovetide with your own hands, you need to understand that she is not a little girl, but a fully-formed girl. Therefore, you need to make her a big chest (remember how to make a head) and wrap it to a wand.


At the first stage, it is necessary to attach a petticoat to the doll. It can be of any width, as you like best. But keep in mind that the attractiveness of the doll directly depends on the number of assemblies. Now you should wear a dress. How to make it? Just cut a rectangle out of the material, and then make a hole for the head and sleeve. Then take a fabric of a different color (it is desirable that it was also catchy) and cut out the apron. Tie it with a scarlet belt to the doll.


As you already understand, you will need to braid the braid. For her, you need to take three strips of material (not less than 35 cm). When the braid is braided, it is necessary to wind it with threads from above and below, and then put it on the head so that it turns out the so-called "spikelet". The last step is thread fixation. Now you need to put on a headscarf. It’s better to tie it on the back.

Making wishes

Shrovetide is ready. Now we can recall the ancient tradition that was followed in Tula. There they cut strips of scarlet material, made a wish and wound them to the arm of Shrovetide. Try it, what if you really want to come true?

Now you know how to make Shrovetide yourself. You can give it to friends or relatives, they will surely like such a cute souvenir.