Joking vows of the bride and groom. Delicate wedding vows for the bride and groom. The poem is an oath

Newlyweds are trying to diversify their wedding party. To do this, they invite the host, organizer, musicians, singers and dancers to the celebration.

In fact, it’s quite difficult to make an original event, since most couples use the same arsenal of actions, but you can dilute the celebration with comic and funny vows of the bride and groom.

Wedding customs

A lot of customs are now used from European countries. All of them are appropriate at the Russian celebration. Wedding organizers remade and stylized them in a modern national style. One of such fascinating events may be the words of the oath of the groom.

It is enough to recall American or European films where the bride and groom look into each other's eyes and utter solemn oaths. For them, this is not entertainment, it is an integral part of any celebration, which cannot be said about Russian weddings.

All of them are no longer aimed at romance, but at enthusiasm and fun. Such a people, loves to have fun and walk.

Despite this, the words and oaths of the groom can be inserted into the Russian wedding. Especially original they will sound on the foreclosure. And there is a completely logical explanation. The ransom suggests that the man came for the girl’s heart.

He goes through a series of difficulties and trials, during which he shows his daring power, dexterity, strength, mind and insight. When a young man gets to his beautiful soulmate, then the pronunciation of the oath will be useful.

What vows do the newlyweds say?

The presence or absence of an oath at a wedding should be taken care of in advance. This is such a step, for which the newlyweds should be ready. Not everyone on the go can come up with beautiful and touching words. Therefore, prepare a speech a few days before the celebration.

The groom and the bride must show the loved one the written text, in which case it will be possible to correct it, correct errors, inconsistencies and shortcomings. Your text will turn out more aesthetic and beautiful.

Young people should agree in advance on the nature of the oaths uttered. They can be touching, comic, written in verse or prose. Already on this will depend in which direction you have to move on.

Young oath words are uttered in front of a large number of people. At this time, unnecessary excitement and experience are not excluded, so the text should always be nearby. Besides the fact that you can always peek into it, it will still be a great memory. The oath can be kept, and then re-read many years later.

Better write several options at once. As a rule, the first is always very long and protracted. So it is not worth adjusting. After a few days, start writing the oath again. The second time you will be able to express thoughts more succinctly, succinctly and restrainedly.

Of course, love speech requires romance. But this does not mean at all that your entire text should be full of sentimental meaning. Leave room for content. For example, it will be useful to tell you how you met and what attracted you to a person. This is always a pleasure for both guests and partners to listen to.

It is much more difficult to compose a text for a man. They are less emotional and romantic. But often it is the stronger sex that makes the most mistakes. You should avoid comparisons that men really like.

For example, refuse to say that your wife is the second mother or she is the best of the women that you had. Instead of words, mom better say that you have a caring and economic woman. And instead of comparisons with women, indicate that your spouse is simply the best in the world or in the world. This will be enough to make the female heart tremble.

Comic vows

One of the most popular options is a comic oath. She is pronounced in part and seriously. This way will help to relax the atmosphere, set the guests up for fun. In addition, you can laugh at those speeches delivered by the newlyweds.

As for the format, pay attention. Lyrical works are much better perceived. Be sure to have to prepare a speech sheet, because poetry will not tolerate if it is forgotten.

The oath itself can be pronounced to both the future spouse and her immediate family. The bride will appreciate if the groom writes a special speech for the mother-in-law and father-in-law.

  1. From now on I’m your brother-in-law
      And I will promise you.
      Do not drink in vain one hundred grams.
      I want to tell you honestly
      That I will respect your daughter.
      I promise to help her in everything
      And he keeps the house clean.
    I will be quieter than fish
      And bring money to ... a lot.
      Sew, wash and clean,
      In gold we will swim.
      I’ll call you to visit
      And with you a hundred grams to drink.
  1. I beg you, father-in-law and mother-in-law
      Entrust me your love.
      I'm noble, that's for sure
      And to love your daughter is always ready.
      I will surround her with care, kindness and beauty.
      She won’t know what the price goes for.
      And you, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law,
      Come back to our house more often.
      There, for you I will be sure
      Dinner to cook and stand silent.
  1. I promise forever
      Become the best husband.
      And may my wife
      It will be happy.
      Of course I’ll build a house,
      And I will grow a son.
      Yes, not just one
      and a whole platoon of men.
      I’ll wash the dishes myself,
      Do not dirty my wife’s hands.
      And I’ll carry all the money to her,
      Let the coins rattle in her pocket loudly.

Touching oaths

There is nothing more romantic and sincere than that spoken by the bride and groom. A prerequisite for such speeches is the appropriate environment. It is completely impossible to swear oaths immediately after the ransom.

Touching words require a special place. It’s possible to postpone it for street walks. Choose a beautiful landscape in advance, arrange it a little and in this case you will be able to pronounce the most touching words.

  1. Dear spouse, now I can rightfully call you that. We met you a few years ago on a cold autumn day. Thanks to you, I fell in love with autumn forever. Our acquaintance was magical, and subsequent meetings bewitching. I will never forget the warmth that came from you. Today you became my husband, and I am your wife. This means that together we will create a family hearth, the fire of which will never die out neither in our eyes nor in our hearts.
  2. I took you into a lawful wife. Thus, I promise to take care of you, to love and respect. From now on, you are everything to me. You and my muse, and friend, and comrade, and lover. How many characteristics are inherent in one beautiful word wife. Please keep in yourself all those good qualities for which I once fell in love with you.
  3. Love rules the World. This statement can be understood only by feeling the very power of love. It is limitless. In an amazing way, you can feel it in many phenomena. My dear wife, thanks to you, I loved life and all its moments. Now I’m not afraid of anything, because your love rules me. She gives me strength, wisdom and confidence in the future.

The words of the groom

Bridesmaids can do an interesting job. The last step can be a wonderful oath, which is pronounced by a young man. The only condition is the pronunciation of speech near the door of the bride. A girl must hear everything that her beloved says. Otherwise, the oath completely loses its meaning.

When buying, do not talk too long, because this is the part of the event that is distinguished by the dynamic course of the event. Therefore, it will be enough to limit ourselves to a few sentences, in which the whole meaning will be briefly and concisely.

However, speech should not be dry, color it with epithets, metaphors and other expressive means of the language.

  1. I swear to always love my wife.
      And (if necessary) carry on hands.
      I will be a reliable and strong shoulder,
      I will become great for her.
      I will be a strong, courageous, diligent husband.
      And then she will say that she does not need another.
  1. I will always be a faithful spouse
      In general, it doesn’t matter where.
      I will become the best husband
      Both on land and on water.
      I’ll quickly solve my wife’s problems
      So that she could multiply them all.
  1. I swear I will become the most reliable spouse
      I will always cherish my wife.
      She will be more than a friend to me.
      Forever save my peace.

  Wedding vow in prose

  Oath of the groom:
  Darling, today I want to thank you! Thanks to you, I laugh again, I smile, I learned to dream again. I see our happy future ahead and I will spend the rest of my life with you with joy. I will take care of you and support you in difficult times. I swear loyalty and devotion to you for the rest of my life!

Oath of the bride:   Darling, today I want to thank you! Meeting you, I knew the meaning of true love. I promise that while I live, I will honor and respect you. I will become better for you and I will work to ensure that our relations are better every year. I promise to be honest and listen to you, always respect your opinion. I promise that I will be faithful to your soul and body. I promise to be yours forever.

#1. Wedding vow
I love you. You are my best friend.
Today I am marrying you.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, laugh with you
And console you in sorrow.
I promise to love you in good times and bad
When life seems easy and when life seems hard
When our relationship will be easy and when we will have difficulties.
I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.
All this I promise you today and all the days of our life together.

# 2 Wedding vow
We promise each other to be loving friends and partners in marriage.
Talk and listen, trust and value each other, respect and protect each other's uniqueness;
Support and make each other stronger throughout all life's joys and sorrows.
We promise to share our hopes, thoughts and dreams, as we stand our life together.
May our lives forever be connected; our love helps us to be together.
We will build a house in which harmony will reign.
May our house be filled with peace, happiness and love.

# 3 Wedding vow
And finally, the meaning of true love was revealed to me.
As long as I live, I will love, respect and honor you.
I will cultivate and improve our relationship.
I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings,
I also promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit.Today I give you this promise.

#4. Wedding vow
I promise you to give all the best that I have, and ask you no more than you can give me.
I promise to accept you as you are.
I fell in love with your qualities, abilities, outlooks on life, I will not try to remake you.
I promise to respect you as a person with your own interests, desires and needs.
And to understand that sometimes they are different from my own, but they are no less important than my own.
I promise to be open to you, to share with you my inner fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow with you, to be ready to meet any changes, because we are both changing in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.
And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and to give you everything that I have ... completely and always.

#5. Wedding vow
I, ____, take you ____, my wife
Knowing that in my heart you will always be my only, my faithful partner in life and my true love.

# 6 Wedding vow
Thank you for being there! Now, looking into your eyes, I understand how much I love you! Once you were just the embodiment of my dream, now it has come true. Thank you for everything that you do for me, thank you for filling my life with meaning. I give my life into your hands, my soul and heart belong only to you.

# 7 Wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as wives / husbands, to be with you and support you from this day in joy and sorrow, in poverty and prosperity, in illness and health, until death do us part.

#8. Wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as a wife / husband. I swear to openly share my life with you. To tell you only the truth about your love. I promise to respect you and gently care for you, to cherish and support you for the rest of my life.
#9. Wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as a wife. I will be a loving spouse. I promise to respect you as a person. Every day you make me better and better. I will love you both in good luck and in adversity while we are both alive.
#10. Wedding vow
I ______, I ask the guests present here to witness that I am taking you as a wife / husband
#eleven. Wedding vow
______, I openly declare my love for you. I urge you to share my life as a husband / wife. I promise to respect your needs and accept you as you are / as you are / as you are. I will be kind, gullible and disinterested. And I will do my best to ensure that our family life is happy.
#12. Wedding vow
______, I want to be with you always. I chose you among others to share my life with you in marriage. I love you as myself and I want you to become what you can be. I promise to honor this oath while I'm alive.
#13. Wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as a spouse for life. I will do my best to preserve our love. I will talk to you, and listen to you. I will give you everything and expect the same. Your successes and happiness, sorrow and tribulations will be mine.
#14. Wedding vow
______, I feel proud that I am taking you into legal spouses. We always had those feelings and understanding that can be experienced only with true love. You helped me deal with all the difficulties that confronted me. Contributed to my personal growth, increased my self-esteem and helped me become better. You helped me become who I am now. And with your help, tomorrow I will become better than I was yesterday. I love the way you love and care for me. I love the way you believe and trust me. I love how beautiful you look for me. I love you and love my life with you. Today, when we begin our lives as husband and wife, I declare that I dedicate my life to you.
#15. Wedding vow
______, I take you into legal spouses. To say that I love you is to say nothing. It is impossible to briefly express the full depth of my feelings. Words cannot tell you all the respect and love that I have for you.
I won’t tell you how much I appreciate you, how tender and caring you are, neither about the joy that I feel when you laugh, nor about the tears that I hold back when you are hurt, nor about the support that you give me when it is necessary, nor the pleasure that I experience when I touch you.
But if I say that I love you, this implies all of the above.
So let me tell you, my love for you is getting bigger and bigger every day!
#16. Wedding vow
I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you in times of fun and support when you feel sad. I will love you as you are and help you become who you can be. I will meet old age with you.
#17. Wedding vow
______, you are my best friend and my only true love. When I am with you, I feel that I am who I want to be and cannot imagine my life without you. You make me smile, support me, take care of me, and are always interested in what I have to say and do. Today, I want to promise myself and you, in front of our friends and families, that I will love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.
I swear to trust you and value your opinion and help you. I promise to treat you as the best friend, on equal terms. I will ask you for help when I need it, and I will offer mine. Let's be friends and loved ones, and grow old together. Let's make our joint years become the best years of life. Once and forever.
#18. Wedding vow
You are my best friend, one whom I can always trust. You make me cry and laugh, you are honest and wise. You are my strength and you are kindness itself. No matter what, you always love me. You always helped me to cope with difficulties in bad times, and I cannot imagine my life without you. Today, I want to promise myself and you, in front of our friends and families, to love and honor, to protect and respect you all my life.
#19. Wedding vow
I promise to remain your closest friend, to always be with you, to take care of you, and to love you no matter what. I will always share your interests and ideas. I will be with you in your heart and I will protect you in mine. When you will be happy, I will be happy with you. When you feel sad, I will do everything for you to smile and not be sad. I will help you develop as a person, as we work together on joint goals. I will be your friend and spouse, I will acknowledge that your choice is as important as mine. I promise you love, honesty, loyalty and be obligatory towards you, and in general, make your life the happiest.
#20. Wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, into legal spouses. I will be a loving wife / husband. I promise to respect and support you.
Marrying / marrying you, I swear to continue to build the love and friendship that we have had for all the time we are together. I also want to be happy that I am with you.
I will love you in joy and sorrow until death do us part.
#21. Wedding vow
______, I take you into legal spouses. The bonds of love that bind us are dear to me. This is a relationship that I did not have before. I feel your concern for me, and yearn for your smile and touch when we are far apart. I like your sensitivity, caring nature, enthusiasm and optimism. I promise to support you in joy and sorrow. I promise to value you and us while we travel our lives. I am very proud to be your husband / wife.
# 22. Wedding vow
______, I am proud to be your wife / husband. When you're around, you make me glow with happiness. Knowing that I can rely on your tenderness, support and strength, if I need it, my fears recede. You gave me a lot. I love your calm. Love your Smile. I love the way you love me. This is exactly how I always wanted to be loved. You are contributing to my personal growth. You listen and support me like no other. Today, on the first day of our new life, I promise to be with you always.
# 23 Wedding vow
I ______, I promise to give you, ______, all my love, tenderness and support. I promise to be open and honest all the time.
# 24. Wedding vow
______, I want to always be with you, wherever you are. I chose you among others to live my life with you.
I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you in moments of fun, and support in moments of sadness. I will love you, no matter who you are, and help you become one in all endeavors. I will meet old age with you, and I will be with you until the end of our days.
# 25. Wedding vow
I promise to give you all the best that I have, and not ask for more than what you can give me. I promise to respect you as myself and to understand that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than mine. I promise to share my whole life with you, and bring joy, strength, resourcefulness to our relationship. I promise to be open and honest with you. I promise to go with you through life in the same direction. I promise to love you and be with you both in the best and in the worst of times.

# 26. Wedding vow
“Dear (name of the bride / groom), putting on this ring, I will take you as your wife. Know that from now on you belong to me, and I belong to you, for we are no longer two separate halves, but one. ”

# 27. Wedding vow
“Putting on this ring, I call you my wife (husband). I promise to love you faithfully and faithfully until the end of my days. I promise to share with you all the good and protect you from the bad. I promise to respect your opinion, take care of you and our future children, and I swear: no matter what happens, I will always be with you. ”

# 28. Wedding vow
“With this ring I give you myself and take you as a wife. With this ring, I find you as my other half and swear that from now on there will be no one closer and dearer to me than you. Please accept this ring as a sign of my love and devotion. ”

# 29 Wedding vow
“To you, my beloved, I give this ring as a visible symbol of the fact that you are my wife, and I am your husband. Keep it and remember this day when we made an alliance between us, sanctified by Heaven. Let everyone who sees this ring on your hand know that my love for you is as bright and incorrupt as this ring. ”

#thirty. Wedding vow
“You are my life, my love, my closest friend. Take this ring and wear it as a sign that we are spouses, and there is no such force in the world that could separate us. ”

# 31 Wedding vow
“Take this ring as a guarantee that I will keep my love for you clean and holy. I swear that I will never break the oath given to you today. Put on this ring and wear it in memory of this holy day when we became spouses in the presence of the Lord and our witnesses. ”

# 32. Wedding vow
“This ring is precious, strong and endless. I promise you that our union will be the same. Love will make him precious; faithfulness will make him strong; hope will be infinite. Accept him as a symbol of the fact that from now on we are spouses. ”

# 33 Wedding vow
“Take this ring and know that it means not only my love for you and the guarantee of marital fidelity. It is a visible reminder that God has united us, and as long as we love each other, He will always be with us. ”

# 34 Wedding vow
“Wherever you are, and no matter what happens to you, wear this ring. For even if you lose the whole world, but keep the ring, the world will be born again for you, because it contains all my love for you. So, save him and know that from now on my life belongs to you. ”

# 35. Wedding vow
“My beloved! Handing you this ring, I give you my heart, my soul and my life to the last breath. May this oath be strong and blameless. ”

# 36 Wedding vow
I love you. Today is a very special day.
Once upon a time you were just a dream and a prayer.
Thanks for who you are to me.
With our future, God's promise is equally bright.
I will take care of you, respect and protect you.
I give my life to you my friend and my beloved.

# 37 Wedding vow
Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I’m not afraid to dream again.
I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you,
Taking care of you and helping in all the difficulties that life has prepared for us,
I swear to be faithful and faithful to you for the rest of my life.

# 38 Wedding vow
I ____ connect my life with yours, as easily and freely as the Lord gave me life. Wherever you go, I will go with you; everything that you come across, I will also. In illness or in health, in joy or sorrow, in wealth or poverty, I take you as husband / wife, I give myself only to you.

# 39. Wedding vow
I AM …. (name and surname) I love you and I know that you ... (name and surname) also love me. Therefore, I am ready to be your wife. For so many years I have been asking God to send me a man in whom I will be sure. And so he fulfilled my request, and you are standing in front of me. I swear to love you, listen to you and believe you. As Jesus told us: "a wife must be submissive to her husband just as she is submissive to God." Just as God is the head of everything, so the husband is the head of the family. I give myself to you and swear allegiance to the end of days.

And a few more:

✔ 1. Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I’m not afraid to dream again.
  I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you,
  Taking care of you and helping in all the difficulties that life has prepared for us,
  I swear to be faithful and faithful to you for the rest of my life.

✔ 2. And finally, the meaning of true love revealed to me.
  As long as I live, I will love, respect and honor you.
  I will cultivate and improve our relationship.
  I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings,
  I also promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit.
  Today I give you this promise.

✔ 3. SHE:
  When i will be eighty five
  When I start to lose slippers,
  Soften slices of bread in the broth
  Knit excessively long scarves
  Walking by walls and wardrobes
  And peer into the sky for a long, long time
  When everything is feminine
  What is given to me now
  Spent and become anyway-
  Fall asleep, wake up, or not wake up.
  From what you saw in your lifetime
  I will carefully extract your image,
  And lips will smile a little noticeably.


  I’ll look for your slippers around the house,
  To grumble that it's hard for me to bend
  Wear some ridiculous scarves
  Of those that you knit for me.
  And waking up in the morning before dawn,
  I listen to your breath
  Suddenly smile and hug softly.
  When I'm eighty-five
  I'll blow dust off you
  Your gray bucli correct
  And holding hands on the square walk for a walk.
  And we will not be scared to die
  When we will be eighty five ..

✔ 4. At the moment when I first saw you, I realized that it was with you that I want to go hand in hand through life. You make me better, kinder, brighter, so I want to promise that no matter what happens, be faithful and honest with you. Love and respect you, relieve adversity and help in everything. I ask you to become my legal wife and go through life with me. And may the people gathered here become witnesses of my sincerity and straightforwardness.

✔ 5. I promise to feel sorry for my husband, to help him where necessary. Thoughts, feelings understanding. I promise, I promise! I promise to be fun, to accept his friends. Pouring not only tea. I promise, I promise! I promise to let my friends go to the theater, not knowing worries, And to meet with a smile. I promise, I promise! I promise not to throw a pan at him before the storm. We will not know a quarrel with you. I promise, I promise !!!

✔ 6. I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you in times of fun and support when you feel sad. I will love you as you are and help you become who you can be. I will meet old age with you.

✔ 7. Every day we live together adds to my confidence that we will never part with each other, that we won’t regret for a second that we connected our lives. Every year I love you, my baby, more and more. Today you are dearer to me than on the last day, a year ago it was more expensive than two years ago - I have no doubt that this wonderful movement will continue until the very end. Let us look forward to future anniversaries, to future old age and gray hair - without fear and gloom. Trusting each other, and knowing firmly that the love that each of us carries in our hearts is enough to fill with happiness all the years allotted to us

✔ 8. And there is little eternity, it flies like an instant, then the time that I’m going next to you. So you want to collect and exchange all your lives for one that will happen to you in a single harmony. I will try and promise to protect your smile, your view, that in seconds I could change my soul. I’ll grumble sometimes and curse, but don’t think about it, I’m not from evil, I just want you to always, everything was fine with you, so that you never get sick, only tears of joy, laugh loudly, and the whole universe is reflected in your eyes. I want our life path to become one - no matter how much we wind, and wherever the path takes us, so that you stand next to me, my own wife

Traditionally, bridesmaids carry out the ransom, and all organization activities fall on their shoulders. It is they who create cool contests, jokes, come up with questions, and also choose the style or theme of this part of the holiday.

Men are often not related to trials, but only obediently perform them. But, although this part of the celebration relates to women's entertainment, there is an opportunity to diversify the event - the oath of the groom on the ransom. This vow a young man can both secretly create from the girls, and at their request.

Oath of the bridegroom

The groom is the main character in the ransom, so it is natural that he must prove his love. One of these methods is a funny oath, which is like a rehearsal of the one that will be pronounced at the ceremony.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to think in advance what words will be spoken if the facilitators require a guarantee that their girlfriend will be happy in marriage. To be inspired, you can find the oath words on specialized sites, but first you need to decide in what form it will be written. There are two options for speaking when the groom redeems the bride: prose or poetry.

It is best to choose a poetic form, because such lines are easier to memorize, which will help in the foreclosure. The main disadvantage of prose is that because of the excitement, a young man can forget words or say something wrong.

I chose a wife myself

Now I won’t give it to anyone.

I will be a gentle husband, gullible,

I will be loving and faithful.

Hold on hands I promise

Buns bring her tea.

Hook the door or beat the dishes

I really won't.

I will support and I will not forget

I’ll be a friend and support

To give in to a sudden quarrel.

And to bear and happiness with grief.

I promise not to be lazy

And hold a tit in my hands

Don't chase the cranes

And carry flowers to her mom.

Sometimes the oath is not made by the groom, but by the host, while the man must answer that he promises to abide by these rules. A more funny case is when the bridegroom before the vow is told about three possible answers - I promise, I won’t and I don’t want to.

Is the groom ready to tell only the truth?

Then all those gathered are invited to witness the oath of the groom!

Do you promise to love and respect your wife?

Are you ready to listen to her no matter what?

Will you kiss her with love in the morning, afternoon and evening?

Are you ready to do all the homework even in a dream?

And at the birth of children agrees to walk important, proud like a peacock?

Do you swear to keep everything in your hands: children and yourself (when the wife leaves "for 5 minutes" to her friend)?

There is an interesting way to take a vow - swear to a mother-in-law or father-in-law (if he is a stern man), you can also choose in the opposite direction - the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law.

This method is a logical consequence of the fact that these are the closest people for the girl, they worry most of all for her well-being.

Now I’m your brother-in-law

I promise with a good name and soul,

What will we live with your daughter

Until the wedding, golden

I promise my husband to be faithful

Father for children - systematic.

I promise to visit you,

For the holidays always invite.

I will be quieter fish

And also to sew, wash, cook,

And about the wife I will not slander.

I will be an exemplary angel

I pray you to trust me.

I will groom my wife,

I won’t be upset at all

And without hiding all nest egg

I will hand over my beloved.

And if suddenly begins to grumble,

To extinguish the strife,

I will quietly demolish everything

Understand, of course, and forgive.

It’s important for an oath to pick the right words, but don’t go into pathetics. Important phrases can be diluted with comic allegories that will not allow those present to get bored.

How to make promising cards for the groom

If you don’t want to make vows, you can use promising cards. This is a simpler method to perform, because all the words are already written and accompanied by visual design. But to create them, you will need to spend time with resources.

What words to choose for cards:

  1. Phrases do not have to be serious, most often these cards contain something comic related to family life. But so that promises do not seem monotonous, you should add words about love and romance.
  2. Vows can consist of one line or several, while it is good if the large text is rhymed.
  3. Promises can be directed both to the future wife, and to her relatives.

In addition to promises, an important element is which design is chosen. The cards may show what they swear - if it is material.

If the vow refers to something spiritual, then an anonymous picture should be placed, because such cards should not have images of other people, especially women.

Such cards will look vulgar and inappropriate. Examples of phrases that can be written on cards:

  1. Kiss every morning 3 times.
  2. Ready to serve breakfast in bed, on weekends and holidays!
  3. Always go for groceries for a week and bring everything that is listed!
  4. Go to the cinema, theater or restaurant every week.
  5. I promise to give gifts for no reason, because attention is the key to family happiness!
  6. I swear to learn how to massage and constantly use this skill for its intended purpose.
  7. Let's get a dog - my morning and evening walks!
  8. Cook mulled wine for his wife in inclement weather.
  9. Striptease is a difficult matter - but for my wife I am ready to try!
  10. I promise to go with her to dance courses or other paired classes!
  11. I swear not to forget to talk about tender feelings.
  12. I will find owners for all selected puppies and kittens.
  13. I swear to accompany you to shopping at the first request (I lost my head in love).
  14. I promise to let my girlfriends go for a walk.
  15. I promise your mom flowers, dad - sweets, the main thing is not to mix it up.
  16. I will buy a fur coat.
  17. Melodramas? I agree!

In addition to phrases, design is also important - all cards must be made in the same style or very similar to each other.

Therefore, if pictures and photographs are used for different promises, then you should choose them in one color scheme, adding an abstract pattern at the edges.

You should also remember that all cards must be in color, with a fairly large font. It is permissible to choose any type of letters - as long as they are easy to read.

Cards are best printed on thin cardboard of size A5, because plain paper is sure to be remembered and will look unpresentable. If the pictures are made in a romantic style, but using different images, then you can tie a satin ribbon on each card.

This method will allow you to combine cards created in different styles into a homogeneous mass.

You should choose what will be shown on the front side - it can be the words “I swear” or “promise”, or a large picture of what the groom is going to do. On the flip side write the phrase itself, and put the thumbnails of the promise next to it.

At the same time, it is desirable that the background is the same on both sides.. If the font is artsy, then the background should be monophonic, and if the letters are simple, then abstract patterns can be used for the backdrop.

Such cards can be made by bridesmaids, and a man will buy or receive them as a fine. Also, cards can be created by the groom together with the witness, then they use them instead of banknotes.But it is important to remember that if you completely replace the money, it will seem that they are trying to save money on foreclosures.

Therefore, promises and fees should be alternated, especially since the presenters will try to get as much currency and vows as possible.

In this video - an interesting oath of the groom on the ransom of the bride:

The promises that the bridegroom makes are a joy for the relatives and friends of the bride, because this shows the degree to which a man loves her. And funny oaths demonstrate that a man is not angry, able to laugh both at others and at himself. What promises would you like to receive?

Honeymoon Oath

The host addresses the bride: Swear by the arrow of Cupid,
  Like Shakespeare Desdemon,
  To be a faithful wife to a husband.
  Bride: I swear to be his soul.

Host: You’ll go anywhere with him!
  Bride: Like a Decembrist wife.

Host: Wash dishes, cook food,
  And give him a baby
  Swear to wash his clothes.
  Bride: I swear to take the salary.

Host: So that they can go forever on the same road,
  So that you can help him.
  Bride: I can’t climb my husband’s neck,
  Love him forever - I swear!

Presenter: Groom, since you called yourself a husband,
  In family matters - do not be lazy!
  Do you understand how the bride needs?
  Come on, swear it too!

Host: As an angel, be kind and sweet,
  After all, he didn’t love anyone like that?
  Groom: And I will never fall in love,
  With all solemnly swear!

Host: And if something happens,
  You are her protector, you are a stronghold!
  Groom: I swear to be always a prop
  And never argue!

Host: To be together - what a blessing
  Understand everything and forgive everything.
  Both in weather and in bad weather
  Equally loving.
  Let the festive pattern
  Your life will sparkle.
  We remain the choir
  Only "Bitter!" to tell you!

Bride oath

Swear always, at all costs
  To be a faithful, faithful wife.

Fashion things swear to buy
  And decorate yourself with pearls.

Swear to be always fun
  Never lose heart!

Swear early you get up
  And serve her husband breakfast.

Husband swear to friends to let go
  For fishing, football, swear, do not scold.

Swear to watch TV shows less often.
  And with friends on the phone do not "hang."

Swear to cook a delicious dinner
  Opening a culinary special secret.

You swear to do manicure and a hairdress,
  So that the husband sees the standard of beauty.

Swear slowly, slowly.
  Give birth to a baby every year.

Swear mother in law you respect
  Follow her advice.

The oath of the groom
  The host reads the text, and the bride says “I swear”, or “I do not want”, “I will not.”

Swear: from work - right home,
  Alien women bypass.

Swear to give flowers daily
  To be a caring, affectionate husband.

Swear on irons and sockets to repair,
  Heavy bags swear you carry.

Swear pearls, give diamonds
  And bring coffee to bed in the morning.

Swear in the morning to get small children to get up -
  To give a soother, and to change a diaper.

Swear fishing only with the dough
  The heroic catch is carried home together.

Swear your wife is not jealous
  And occasionally in the bathroom with champagne bathe.

Swear never to smoke cigarettes
  Change vodka and beer for sweets.

Swear to give the whole salary to your wife,
  And for spending it does not scold.

Swear to make your wife easier
  Always go for advice only to mother-in-law.

Host: And now, dear newlyweds, you need to seal the oath with a seal. And at the wedding, the best print is what? Of course, a kiss. Bitterly!

The oath of the groom
  Are you ready to tell the truth and only the truth? Then look your wife in the eye and swear!
  Do you swear to fulfill all the tasks of your wife?
  Do you swear to kiss your wife in the morning instead of breakfast, at lunch instead of dinner, and in the evening before going to bed - like sleeping pills?
  Do you swear every day to give your wife not only promises, but also flowers, compliments, gifts?
  Do you swear to do all the housework, even in a dream?
  And when you have a baby, do you swear to be proud of happy paternity and walk as important as a goose?

Swear to control yourself
  When he can do it in three days
  Spend money all your wife!

Groom: I swear! I will not rage, I will leave nest egg!

Swear you get up early
  To serve coffee in her bed!

Groom: I swear on tiptoe to walk so my wife won’t wake up!

Swear you don’t offend your wife,
  Eat her borscht to the bottom!

Groom: I swear in cafes and restaurants my wife always take with me!

Swear to love your wife, caress,
  Gifts often buy!

Groom: I swear to always love my wife, and I’m the best present!

Bride oath
  Are you ready to tell the truth and only the truth? Then look your husband in the eye and solemnly swear!
  Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife?
  Do you swear lips on your husband not to blow, not to give him even the wind to blow?
  Do you swear to protect your husband from excess weight?
  Do you swear to allow your husband to occasionally appear from the bedroom in other rooms?
  Do you swear to let your husband go for a long time without a walk ... with a stroller?

Our love shines brightly!
  Make expensive gifts for me more often
  And if sometimes I stumble on a stash ...
  I won’t take it, my dear ... I swear

I’m waiting for you, dear spouse.
  But if you come back at night ... tired ...
  In the morning, I’ll deal with you ..
  No one will hear us, honey ... I swear

I swear, dear, I will not be offended by this -
  Kohl you lay down after dinner with a newspaper,
  I’ll fall on your sofa myself
  I’ll wash the dishes together ... I swear

Now look us all in the eye and swear together!
  Swear to remember and honor your parents not only when a material crisis sets in!
  Swear to increase the population of our city by at least two people!
  Swear that the doors of your home will always be open to friends!
  This oath must be sealed with the seal of lips joined together !!!

Wedding vows of the bride and groom- This has long been a traditional phenomenon at many European weddings. Sometimes the most important question in the life of young people is “do you take this woman (this man) as a wife (husband)?” answering yes is not enough. The tradition of the wedding vow in our country is a new and rare phenomenon, so let's look at this issue in more detail.

To begin with, each country has its own characteristics when pronouncing wedding vows. For example, among Europeans, vows written with one's own hand are most often practiced. In Japan’s land of the rising sun, when the young exchange vows, not only a couple in love is standing, but two clans. So, not only the couple, but also their families are responsible for fulfilling the promises made at the altar. In Pakistan, wedding promises are not accepted before 3 days of celebration. For Jews, only the bridegroom takes the oath, while the bride does not make vows. For Muslims, vows are not at all a tradition, instead, the couple listens attentively to the clergyman, he tells them about their responsibilities in marriage and responsibility to God and people. But in Hinduism there are so-called "7 steps." Taking one step forward, the couple makes a promise - to be faithful, to love their chosen one or chosen one, to respect each other, to give healthy children and so on.

More on the wedding vows of the bride and groom

Conventionally, wedding vows can be divided into comic and solemn. The latter also include religious vows and oaths made in the registry office. But in a warm company and at the festive table, you can surprise guests with comic variations. Of course, the oath is something special and intimate, but after all, it is at the wedding that the lovers demonstrate their feelings very well, so why not bring another touching and memorable moment to the celebration?

An oath can sound both in prose and in the form of a poem - and it sounds interesting, and it is more convenient to remember it. Of course, simply copying and retelling someone else’s oath is easiest, but it’s much better to take it on your own. Moreover, no one asks you to write poems or odes - it is enough that the words are sincere and come from the heart, then a rhyme is not needed. Of course, it would be nice to write your oath on a piece of paper, so that in the most crucial moment you do not accidentally forget. It is best to write it together with a partner.

Basically, a wedding vow consists of three parts. The first is essentially a statement of fact, you admit that a person is dear to you, you want to connect your life with him and be married by law. The second part is the embodiment of your feelings for a partner. Try to say this in such a way that not only he, but also those present will know about your attitude - it is enough to simply describe what you are experiencing. And finally, the third part is obligations, because legal marriage is based not only on passion, but also on mutual understanding and respect, each party must assume certain responsibilities. They can be different - starting from a promise to be together in grief and joy and ending with a comic appeal not to scold his wife for a broken car or not to saw her husband for delays at work.

Oath words do not have to be pronounced: they can be sung. True, for this you need at least minimal musical skills and good hearing, otherwise the oath will look comical, and no one will appreciate the seriousness of the moment. If desired, the newlyweds can make symbolic designations for their oath - to exchange touching souvenirs, which will subsequently be associated with love, loyalty and tenderness. A very interesting moment will be the flag of a young family. It can be sewn on your own or on order. At the same time, study the symbolism of flowers in advance and, taking an oath, reinforce it not only with words, but also with shades of the flag. For example, there is a red color on our flag - this is love and passion, I swear to love my soul mate and I will do everything so that the fire of our passion does not die out. Green is the color of harmony, for my part, I promise to do everything possible so that our relations do not fade away, but continue to develop, etc.

The oath written on balloons or tied to the legs of pigeons will look romantic - you send your confessions and promises to heaven, and that is where happy marriages are concluded.

Examples of wedding vows of the bride and groom

A traditional vow looks like this:

“I swear to be with you in joy and sorrow, illness and health, in wealth and poverty, to love you and protect our union until the end of my life.”

The oath can be pronounced by the host or the host, it is separately pronounced by the bride and groom:

For the groom:

Do you swear to be an exemplary spouse, protector and faithful friend?

Groom: - I swear!

Do you swear to love your spouse (name) more than life?

Groom: - I swear!

Do you swear to take care of her?

Groom: - I swear!

Do you swear to be kind, patient, so that in your house there is no room for grievances?

Groom: - I swear!

For the bride:

Do you swear (name of the bride) of your husband to feel sorry and love, always to be friendly and gentle?

Bride: - I swear!

To bake pies, bring up children, and meet her husband from work in the evening?

Bride: - I swear!

Do you swear not to scold him for nothing and not to offend the house?

Bride: - I swear!

Oaths of the bride and groom in verses

We wish, dear ones, love and happiness to you,

Let the side bypass the bad weather.

Now swear before us words

And confirm your loyalty with deeds.

Swear on the road of life

Supporting each other along the way.

Newlyweds:   - We swear!

Do you swear to family and friends

Both joy and sorrow are divided in half.

Newlyweds:   - We swear!

You swear, (name of the groom) to be your exemplary spouse,

A protector of a brave and faithful friend?

Groom   - I swear!

You swear on, (name of the bride) spouse to love,

Support, support in everything to be him?

Bride:   - I swear!

Impromptu Oath

An option such as an impromptu oath is also practiced, when the bride and groom say the words that come to their mind. Such an oath does not require verses and complex phrases - it is enough to express what lies on the heart. For example:

Groom: “In the face of all those gathered, I promise to love you and take care of you. I accept you with all the advantages and disadvantages, and in return I ask for the same. I will protect and help you if you need it, and am ready to go hand in hand with you all my life. ”

Bride: “I accept your oath and in return I ask you to hear mine. I promise to love and respect you as my spouse. Do not swear at the little things, bring warmth and comfort to the house, provide you with help and support when you need it. I choose you as the person with whom I want to go all my life. "

Romantic oath

At that moment when I first saw you, I realized that it was with you that I want to go hand in hand through life. You make me better, kinder, brighter, so I want to promise that no matter what happens, be faithful and honest with you. Love and respect you, relieve adversity and help in everything. I ask you to become my legal wife and go through life with me. And may the people gathered here become witnesses of my sincerity and straightforwardness. I want to repeat that the main thing in oaths is sincerity, you do not need pathos and arrogant words, because even the simplest speeches can convey your feelings and make your oath solemn and unique.