Scenario February 14 in college. Events for the holiday. Alteration song for Valentine's Day "Ah, love!"

Valentine's Day Script

february 14 holiday script

The hall is festively decorated.
  At the entrance, guests are greeted by a young man and a girl who congratulate them on the holiday and hand each a scarlet heartily with a number (they will be used in the Pigeon Mail and the Holiday Lottery).

Dance music sounds in the lobby, inviting guests to dance. At this time, "correspondents" go around those present with a request to answer one question: "What is love?" (answers are recorded).

The pipes sound, they invite to the hall.
  Leading the stage.

1 presenter (girl):
  How clean, transparent, gentle
  The air in our room

Here is the queen of the ball
  Lovely love!
  May the boys and girls
  In one charm
  Saint Valentine's
  Glorify again today!

2 leader (young man):
  Let the miracle, let the moment
  Let the spark light up.
  Let the jokes and fun
  Reign here and now
  And let friends, girlfriends
  Luck will smile
  And let the fire of love
  Suddenly flare up at this hour!

1 Veda: Good evening! We are glad to welcome you in our festive hall.

2 Vedas: Congratulations!
  Happy Valentine's Day!

1 Veda: Today is an amazing holiday, a holiday for all lovers!

2 Vedas: On this holiday, you can secretly declare your love or present a gift to your beloved, but without fail in the form of a scarlet loving heart!

Both:   Happy Valentine's Day!

(throwing heart-shaped balloons into the hall)

The song “We wish you happiness” by S. Namin is performed
  (or another option at the discretion of the organizers)

1 Veda: Ah, I hear how many lovers of hearts pounded in this room in the rhythm of a song about happiness.

2 Vedas: Are you sure that everyone in the audience is only lovers!

1 Veda: I believe that love rules the world and everyone, of course, is in love.

2 Vedas: Something is hard to believe!

1 Veda: I will prove it. Raise your hands those who love ... sleep, too lazy! And who loves chocolate, ice cream, cake? And who loves the television series "Daddy's Daughters",
  “My fair nanny?” And who likes to dream while lying on the couch? Clap! And who loves a classmate or classmate? Stomp friends! You see how many loving hearts are here!

2 Vedas: For everyone who loves. This output of artists

A song or a scene is performed, humoresque (at the discretion of the organizers)

1 Veda: And now, young men and women with a beautiful name — Valentine and Valentine, are invited to the stage!

2 Vedas: Today you are given a great opportunity to address the present poetic word or song. You can just greet those present in the hall.

1 Veda: Allow me to give these memorable gifts to Valentine and Valentine on Valentine's Day.

2 Vedas: Sings for you today ....

1 Veda: After such a speech, I would like to speak only verse on an idle day

A literary competition begins.
  “Tatyana” comes out of the poem by A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” in the appropriate outfit.

Tatyana: I am writing to you ... (reading a letter from Tatyana Onegin)

Tatyana leaves.

Onegin goes out: No, see you every minute ... (says Onegin's words)

2 Vedas: I am sure that you easily recognized the characters and the author of these lines about love. So, from what poem did you see the scenes? (answers from the audience). He wrote this immortal work ....? Well done!

Posters with poetic lines of great poets are brought to the scene or immediately used in the design of the scene. 1 presenter reads and asks to name the authors.

Love is not cockerel fun ...
  (Rasul Gamzatov)

Love is madness from fumes ...
  (William Shakespeare)

I remember a wonderful moment ...
  (A. Pushkin)

2 Vedas: It is wonderful that many lines of love are so familiar to you!

1 Veda: Do you like love poems? And what lines would you like to read now?

2 Vedas; These ones:
  Know how to cherish love!
  Double over the years.
  Love is not sighs on the bench
  And do not walk in the moonlight!

1 Veda: I also love these lines of the poet Reshetov.
  But what is love?
  Could you answer

2 Vedas: No, I probably could not?

1 Veda: And here is how the winners of this contest answered in our Press Center (at the entrance to the holiday).

Presenter reads the answers of the winners

Presenters or representatives of the Press Center present memorable souvenirs to the winners of the contest “What is love?”.

Representatives of the Press Center remind those present that “Pigeon Mail” is working at the holiday today, as The dove is a symbol of peace, purity and love correspondence. (or say the presenters).

1 Vedas; Pigeon mail will help you fall in love
  Or a couple of lines in a declaration of love!
  The destination number on the heart is on
  And the mailbox is on the steps.

2 Vedas; Doves - postmen will deliver letters to you.
  And the heart of lovers will be made to worry!

1 Veda: I thank the press for their active participation in our holiday and I suggest that they be held in the hall with loud applause.

2 Vedas: And for the winners of the contest “What is love?” this song sounds (at the request of the organizers)

1 Veda: Do you know what flowers it is customary to give on Valentine's Day? Right, beautiful tulips.
  Only I do not know why?

2 Vedas: Yes, because, according to the Persian legend, beautiful tulips grew from the tears of lovers and became unfading symbols of love. And what would you choose for yourself as a gift a box of chocolates or flowers?

1 Veda: Of course the color, because chocolate spoils the figure.

2 Vedas: How does it spoil?

1 Veda: According to the calculations of Americans, eating 113.4 grams of chocolate, you get 616 kilograms of calories that you need to "work out", kissing 6 hours 11 minutes.

2 Vedas: Kissing continuously 6 hours 11 minutes! I think the test is difficult even for passionately loving hearts.

1 Veda: For this, everyone present has a wonderful opportunity to send many air kisses to the participants of the Queen of the Ball contest.

Girls demonstrate their outfits.

2 Vedas: While the jury of boys decides which of the girls deserves the crown of the Queen of the Ball, this song (or some other musical number) sounds for all lovers of beauty.

1 Veda: Word to a distinguished jury
  (The crown is handed over to the queen and she is invited to open the ball)

Queen: I command you to start the ball!
  Great music - sound!

1 Veda: Valentine's Day
  We open a wonderful ball!

2 Vedas: All lovers and lovers
  We invite you to dance!

Sounds "Waltz" E. Doga from the movie "My Tender and Tender Beast."

Disco during breaks - attractions, games, burim: "love - carrots, flowers and you."
  In conclusion - a win-win lottery.

Prizes are awarded by the Queen of the Ball or the best dance couple.

You spent Script for Valentine's Day for students. The script for Valentine's Day for students, the script for the holiday of February 14, contests verses and songs for Valentine's Day.

View and select another scenario on February 14 - Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day.

   Host 1: Love is not everything: not bread and not water,
  Not a roof in a downpour, not naked clothes, "
  Not a trunk floating to drowning when
  Already exhausted strength and hope.
  Love does not replace air
  When breathing in the lungs is not enough
  Does not splices bone, does not cleanse blood,
  But sometimes they die without love ....

Many centuries ago, law was not allowed to marry soldiers of the Roman Empire. Under pain of death, it was forbidden to consecrate such marriages to ministers of the church. But there was a man who, despite a cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. When it became known, he was executed. His name was Valentine. Of the more accurate sources, St. Valentines, who died in Ancient Rome in 269 and revered on the same day, there were two. One of them was a preacher and a doctor in Rome. Another Valentine, Bishop of Ternia, lived 60 kilometers from Rome. Both were executed. February 14th is a memorial day for both of them, but why is it still a holiday of lovers?

Host 2: There are many legends and conjectures on this score. And what is most surprising - almost all of them are beautiful and romantic. St. Valentine's Day coincides with the tradition of divination by the narrowed. According to the ancient English belief: on February 14, when nature makes a turn to spring, the birds begin their mating season: they are divided into couples and thereby open the "season of love." And one more confirmation that February 14 is Valentine's Day: waiting for the execution for his faith in one of the Roman prisons, Saint Valentine composed a letter to the guard’s daughter and signed it with the words: “Your Valentine”. Then he miraculously healed her from blindness, but despite this noble act, he was executed.
  Presenter 1: A sad story, of course, but today we are optimistic and following the tradition that exists in England and the USA, we now celebrate Valentine's Day. And, actually, why didn’t we have such a holiday? After all, we have so many people in love.

Host 2: Yes, perhaps everyone is in love; who is a wife, who is a classmate, who is a movie star or a pop star, who is a president, who is in his profession, etc. And if so, then we should have such a holiday!

Our entertainment program for you, if you have not turned into the final bore, at least once in your life you have been in love and have not lost the ability to enjoy life.

  (Phonogram: "Habanera" from Bizet's opera Carmen.)

Presenter 1: Questions to the audience:

What is the name of the work just sounded? Who is its author? Who wrote the novel "Carmen"? (Prosper Merimee).

Who first performed the title role in the ballet Carmen Suite? (Maya Plisetskaya).

Host 2: We are now inviting those who are named Valentine or Valentine to the stage. Let's get to know better those who have such a great name. I propose to conduct a short blitz interview:

Do you like your name? Do you know what it means? (translated from Latin - strong, healthy).

  "You can fall in love many times, but love only once .." This is from Kalman's operetta Silva. What do you think about this statement?

  "I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me ..." Do you remember this moment? How it was?

  “Who can compare with my Matilda.” Can you say so about your lady of heart? Why?

  "Love will accidentally come ..." Or do you think that you still need to prepare for that event?

One of the musical heroes claims that "the beauty’s heart is prone to treason" Do you join him? Or do you have your own point of view?

  "Love is never without sadness ..." Have you often had or have to be sad during this period?

Do you think a car is an assistant in love or a hindrance? Or do you have a separate opinion on this?

We had an interesting acquaintance with Valentines. Thank you and take souvenirs as a keepsake of World Valentine's Day.

Presenter 1: And now for all participants in today's program - a little warm-up,
  You name famous people whose name is Valentine or Valentine. The one who calls the last name receives a souvenir of our program (Valentin Gaft - actor, Valentin Kataev - writer, Valentin Levashov - composer, Valentin Nikulin - actor, Valentin Pikul - writer, Valentin Rasputin - writer, Valentin Serov - artist, Valentin Smirnitsky - actor, Valentin Yudashkin - fashion designer, Valentina Vladimova - actress, Valentina Grizodubova - aviator, Valentina Legkostupova - entertainer, Valentina Leontieva - television announcer, Valentina Malyavina - actress, Valentina Ponomareva - singer, Valentina Serova - actress, Valentina Talyzina - actress Valentina Telichkina - actress, Valentina Tereshkova - astronaut, Valentina Titova - actress, Valentina Tolkunova - singer.
  (Note: you can play the opposite, i.e. give a name, a surname and ask who they are).

The winner of the competition is awarded.

Host 2: In February, Angel’s day is not only with Valentina, but also with Anna, Maria, Victor, Eugene, Ivan, Alexander, Dmitry, Ksenia, Svetlana, Zoe ..

We invite those who have Angel Day in February to the stage.

I will give each participant a card on which is written one name of famous literary and musical heroes. You need to find your pair as soon as possible, for example, Ruslan is looking for his Lyudmila, etc. As soon as the "lovers" find each other, they should immediately go to the microphone and name the duo they composed.
  (Master - Margarita, Andrey Bolkonsky - Natasha Rostova, Eugene Onegin - Tagyana Larina, Lensky - Olga, Aivengo-Rowena (Walter Scott "Aivengo"), Albert - Giselle (Adana's "Giselle" ballet), Edwin - Silva (Kalman operetta "Silva"), Don Quixote - Dulsinea, Cai - Gerda, Romeo - Juliet, Anthony-Cleopatra, Tristan - Isolda, Pechorin - Bela, Chatsky-Sofya.

For the winners of this competition is another small task.

On Valentine's Day, in England and the USA they send each other greeting cards, letters, parcels, parcels with the obligatory symbol of the holiday - a heart. So, congratulations ....

  (Participants walk up to the microphone.)

  (Winner's reward ceremony).

Presenter 1: Once again, a competition for all participants in today's program. Movie auction. You know movies that have the words “love,” “loved,” “love,” “in love,” etc.

  (The winner is awarded a prize).

  (addresses him) Do you know love poems? Let's remember the famous Pushkin’s “I remember a wonderful moment ...” We read it together, I will start, and you continue.
  I remember a wonderful moment:
  In front of me (you appeared)
  Like fleeting (vision)
  Like a genius (pure beauty).

In languor of sadness (hopeless)
  In the noisy worries (bustle)
  A long voice sounded to me (tender)
  And I dreamed about cute (features).
  Years passed. Storm Rush (Rebel)
  Scattered the former (dreams).
  And I forgot your voice (gentle)
  Your heavenly (traits).

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
  Stretched quietly (my days)
  Without a deity (without inspiration)
  Without tears, without life (without love).

Awakening has come to the soul;
  And here again (you appeared) |
  Like (fleeting vision)
  Like (a genius of pure beauty).

And the heart beats in (rapture)
  And they resurrected for him (again)
  And deity (and inspiration)
  And life, and (tears, and love).

Perfectly. Thank. For you and for all romance ....

  (Names romance and performer).

Host 2: Dear friends! In conclusion of our meeting, allow a few tips-aphorisms Kozma Prutkov:

  "Don’t joke with women; these jokes are stupid and indecent,"
  "In love with one person passionately - tolerates another only by calculation,"
"In a building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome,"
  "A jealous husband is like a Turk."

Presenter 1: That's it. Thank you for your participation and we hope that "Valentine's Day" will become a tradition in our city and we will meet with you on February 14 of next year. Good luck, happiness, love!

  Every year on February 14, all the youth of the countries celebrate a glorious holiday - Valentine's Day. You can, of course, spend such a day surrounded only by your loved one, or you can arrange a fun and interesting holiday for all students of your institute. Where to look for a Valentine's Day script with contests? Yes, here he is, right in front of you.

MODERATOR: Good afternoon, friends. Hello, dear teachers, employees of the most successful university in our city - State Humanitarian University.

MODERATOR: If love comes more than once a day, if in order to please the beautiful people of the opposite sex you make more and more successes in science, if vibes of love constantly flow in your heart and in the air around you - all this means one thing : are you a student.

MODERATOR: Yes, the plot is famously twisted. But, in general, are you right - when is the Amur arrow striking the heart with such frequency as during the days of college? And when in life love experiments are so successful? Of course, in his student years.

MODERATOR: You know, Inna, they say that a very long time ago, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, angry with her lover, who rejected her love, decided to take revenge on people by breaking a nut and throwing two of its halves in different parts of the world.

HOST: So what?

MODERATOR: That's all we are still paying for the sins of that man who refused Aphrodite - we wander around the world in search of our second half. Good when we find. And if not, if you made a mistake - then full out, you can only dream of happiness. If he knew that man, he would “shoot” him. All because of him we are tormented.

MODERATOR: You know, Andrei, that contrary to Aphrodite and her curse, all those who want to find their half of these very nuts on Earth are helped by a very famous saint whom we all call Valentin. And today we are gathered in this beautiful cozy room to celebrate and celebrate his wonderful holiday. Holiday of hearts, holiday of love, holiday of hope.

HOST: Happy holiday!

The song and choreographic composition “Valentine's Day” sounds

MODERATOR: So, today is the holiday of all hearts open for love.
  Love is not invented by us
She is given from God to us,
  And although love is different,
  But the real one -
  Always only one.

HOST: Love is limitless, wonderful gift,
  What did the creator give to his creation.
  Love is a sacrifice, hearts are hot
  And heavenly peace, and anxious expectation.

MODERATOR: To greet college students on Valentine's Day, we invite the head of the student committee, Alexander Vodyany, to the stage!

MODERATOR: Love is all that was, will be. She warms you on holidays and weekdays.

MODERATOR: Our student geniuses are not far behind either. It was love and desire to like that made the girls from group “B” create a collection of evening dresses, which they and we will now demonstrate.

Sounds beautiful romantic music. Girls demonstrate models of dresses.

MODERATOR: Yes, seeing such beauty you can talk about love without ceasing ...

HOST: Andryusha, I look, you got carried away and forgot that tonight is also competitive. Our participants in the holiday of Valentine's Day are already waiting, they won’t wait when we present them.

MODERATOR: Yes, you are right. So, we ask the participants of our evening to enter the festive hall.

(Participants enter the hall, the girls sit in one direction, the guys in the other)

MODERATOR: But how to start a holiday if our participants are seated separately? And they could sit in pairs.

  HOST: I came up with! Let's announce a competition, in order to choose a pair.

MODERATOR: I agree! So here is the competition


MODERATOR: I want to announce the rules of our competition. Now we will give you halves of the hearts on which the numbers are depicted. Whoever has a heart will go to the next stage of the game.

(We distribute the cut halves of hearts)

MODERATOR: We ask our participants who have the same numbers to sit in pairs.

MODERATOR: So, we have 10 pairs. But in order to win the main prize and the title of "Romantic Couple" you need to gain strength and actively give the correct answers.


HOST: The ranks will fight for this:
(we call participants in the contest, we read one by one starting from the girl)

MODERATOR: Let me introduce you to our esteemed jury. (call the jury members). Each competition is evaluated on a five-point scale.

HOST: It is known that the ancient Roman emperor issued an order that forbade soldiers to marry. But the young and sympathetic priest, Valentin, dared to disobey him and married loving hearts secretly. Legalists learned about the violation of the imperial order. Valentine was arrested, thrown into prison and sentenced to death.

MODERATOR: It is not surprising, but it is in prison before the death penalty that Valentine falls in love with the overseer's blind daughter. Their love was tender and sincere, but fleeting, like a flash of lightning, since Valentine was soon executed.

MODERATOR: Love ... This is a big mystery of life ... and the first test that participants must pass is ...

COMPETITION “Sing to your beloved”

MODERATOR: So, we announce the rules of the competition!

MODERATOR: We ask our girls to rise and go to the middle.
(Girls go to the middle)

MODERATOR: Think and remember all the love songs you know.

MODERATOR: Remember? So, all together, at the count of three, start singing each of your songs.

HOST: Evaluated: the quality, clarity, and duration of a song.

MODERATOR: And you, dear jury, pay all your attention to this and evaluate it.
(girls sing songs, and the jury evaluates)

HOST: We thank our girls for beautiful singing.

HOST: Our evening is dedicated to love.

MODERATOR: It is for her - love.

HOST: An insidious ...

MODERATOR: Inseparable and reciprocal.

MODERATOR: Sometimes - crafty, and sometimes - mockingly pretended.

Together: Eternal love.

HOST: You guys do not worry! For you, we also prepared an interesting contest, which is called:


  MODERATOR: Our rules are as follows:

HOST: We hand out a sheet of paper to each of you, you sign and write 5 items that you think are in your purse.

MODERATOR: The contest is judged by the number of correct answers. You have 1min to think it over.
(Hand out paper and pencils)

MODERATOR: Well, the guys coped with the task, we ask you to give the sheets to our jury.

MODERATOR: What is love all the same?

MODERATOR: Let's listen to what our participants think about this.

MODERATOR: So, we ask you to give an answer to the question one by one.
(each pair gives an answer)

HOST: Thanks to our couples for their sincere answers.

MODERATOR: You know, when a guy and a girl like each other, they convey their feelings with looks, facial expressions and gestures.

MODERATOR: The ability to understand another is a wonderful trait. We offer the following competition, which has the name

COMPETITION "Understand me without words"

MODERATOR: Guys, imagine that your girlfriend is on the other side of the street, you saw her and want to invite her somewhere. And since she does not hear you - use non-verbal means of communication - looks, facial expressions and gestures. Girls must understand your invitation in 30s.

(the children are offered cards with the task in turn: to invite the girl to go boating on the river, go to the mountains and go skiing, go figure skating, go to boxing, dance the lambada together, etc.)

MODERATOR: Thank you for the well-shown movements.

HOST: Lovers very often find themselves in difficult, unforeseen situations. From what way they find out of this situation, their further relations depend to a large extent. We offer our players to measure their strength in the competition, which we called: "Your actions."
(alternately suggest situations)

MODERATOR: Attention! The first situation is for the guys.
  1) You ride with a girl on a review wheel. Suddenly, they turn off the electrics, in surprise your girl releases her handbag from her hands and falls to the ground. Your actions?

HOST: Attention! The first situation is for girls.
  By treating the boy with juice, you inadvertently contaminated his clothes. Your mother returns from work at the very moment when you are diligently trying to wash his pants, and he is waiting for you in his mother’s coat. What do you say to mom?

MODERATOR: Attention! The second situation is for the guys.
  You are relaxing on the beach with your girlfriend. But, suddenly you hear cries for help. You see a very spectacular blonde screaming. At the same time, you understand that she screams only in order to attract your attention. Your actions?

HOST: Attention! The second situation is for girls.
  Imagine that a boy boy invited you to a date at 12.30, but your couples end at 15.00. Your actions?

HOST: Well done. All the efforts of the participants will be surely evaluated by our competent jury.

MODERATOR: We are very interested in whether our participants can write poetry. Therefore we announce


HOST: Under the terms of this competition, each couple receives a card with the words that
  rhyme, and in 2 minutes should make a verse.

Cards with the words:   “Love, carrots, laughter, sin”
  "Heart, with pepper, love, destroy"
  “Beautiful, happy, sweet, beloved”
  "Tender, snowy, beloved, persecuted"

HOST: The jury in this competition for a 5-point system evaluates the melodiousness of poetry, its relevance to the theme, and the rhythm of the verse.

HOST: Now we offer everyone to plunge into the world of poetry. We ask participants to read the invented verses.

HOST: And now we announce the last


  MODERATOR: According to the conditions of this competition, each participant receives a task, to express an idea, not
  repeating itself.

MODERATOR: First, our brave and brave gentlemen take part. You should make your thoughts about the word woman. Those. you continue the sentence: "A woman is ..."

MODERATOR: And now the magic girls come into play. The task is the same as the guys
  but you continue the sentence: "A man is ..."

MODERATOR: We ask the jury to take stock of all competitions.
  MODERATOR: Our jury wrinkles foreheads intensely, counting point by point, in search of winners, and a musical gift sounds for all participants and guests.

MODERATOR: The word has our esteemed jury.

MODERATOR: We thank our jury who helped shed light on the secret of the contest. Congratulations to the winning couple. And we present you a ticket to the romantic disco "Love of two hearts".

MODERATOR: And now the long-awaited moment has come - to open the magic chest with Valentines. We want to give these hearts to everyone.

In the magic chest are cakes in the form of hearts. They are handed to all the pairs participating in the competition.

MODERATOR: with a happy note of the competitive program we complete today's holiday.

Together: Love and be loved!

The festive evening can be continued at the table, where everyone can bring their own

Student life is the most fun time. Most often, just students get families. To please them, you can arrange some fun events for Valentine's Day. Now let's see what fun and original contests on February 14 for students can be arranged.

The event and scenario for February 14 is very suitable for students in different universities, etc. To participate in it, choose two people of the opposite sex. They can be a pair or randomly selected. In order to organize crazy races, you need to purchase chocolate bars in advance. In addition, it must be ensured that women wear high-heeled shoes.

Crazy heels

Next, determine the distance at which the race will take place. First mark the beginning, and then finish. Usually marked with plates on which chocolate bars are located. Near them should be girls. At the finish guys should sit down and open their mouths wide. A signal should now sound. After which the young woman grabs her sweetness, runs to the young man, puts goodies in his mouth, and then quickly returns for the next one.

As soon as one cup with tiles is empty, the game ends. These scenarios and contests for February 14 are delicious for students, and since men will get a lot of chocolate, they will certainly be very happy with it. But women need to come up with some special prize.

Such funny contests for February 14 for university students are sure to be liked by the latter. The event is a little vulgar, it is necessary that people be without complexes. It would be nice if the pairs were already formed. To spend the Cubes, you need a guy and a girl. Chairs required by the number of women. In addition, you will need the cube itself.

Valentine's Day Cubes Competition

You can do such a thing yourself on Valentine's Day. However, instead of numbers on it, the parts of the body should be depicted on it, they can be: lips, neck, shoulder, and so on. In the center of the site are chairs. Girls come to them and sit on them. Now the youths must roll the dice in turn. That which falls out must be kissed. Whoever kisses all the indicated parts of the body faster will receive a prize. This game may take a long time, but it is quite interesting. Such a scenario will be funny, funny and will appeal to all participants.

Cut out the heart

They should like such an interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba funny and fun contest for February 14th for students. To hold it, you need paper, scissors and some kind of tape. The couple becomes close, after which they bind their hands. Everyone who plays Cut-outs of the heart should, using only free hands, actually do this.

Preparation for the holiday.
  Make a bright poster in advance or print invitation cards.
  The poster may be something like this:
  "Are you in Love? Your lips are able to whisper hourly "Love"? If so, then hurry up to attend a student show - Valentine's Day celebration. We invite all lovers and lovers to this holiday! ” Next, indicate the place and time of the holiday.
  - Design the assembly hall and the lobby of the college using the main attributes of the holiday - the image of hearts pierced by the arrows of cupid.
  - Organize the work of student mail for the delivery of "Valentines".

Introductory part
1st lead.
  Good afternoon, our loving and beloved, lovers and beloved!
2nd lead.
  We welcome you all to this wonderful day - Valentine's Day - an amazing day of open hearts.
1st lead.
  Dear friends, probably not all of you know about the history of this holiday, let's listen to an ancient legend.

The history of the holiday is told by one of the trained students.

There is a beautiful but tragic legend about why February 14th is called Valentine's Day. Many centuries ago, back in the days of the Roman Empire, men who participated in wars were strictly forbidden to marry. There was such a Christian bishop named Valentine, who secretly married the lovers. People often turned to him in the hope of finding happiness. Upon learning of this, the emperor ordered the execution of Valentine. However, he could not kill the holy feelings of love. According to legend, the great martyr Valentine himself fell in love with the blind daughter of his executioner jailer shortly before his execution. And before being executed, he sent her a note with beautiful words about the friendship that arose between them. That was in the year 269.
  People followed his covenant - in spite of everything to love and cherish - each other's holiday. Since then, St. Valentine is considered the patron saint of all who are in love, engaged. It protects travelers, sick children, newlyweds. And to this day, all who are unhappy in love offer prayers to him.
1st lead.
  Yes, indeed, a beautiful legend, is not it, it reminds me of another similar legend about Romeo and Juliet.
2nd lead.
  I agree, I’ll add:
  How sweet love joys are.
  Do not play these games, children.
  Loved Romeo, son of Montecca,
  The enemy's daughter is Juliet Capulet.
  The young man gave Juliet his heart,
  And she took it with fear.
  The secret was kept by the old man Lorenzo,
  They are connected by legal marriage.

Performed a musical number.

1st lead.
  Dear friends! Today, our student mail was literally littered with letters, our postmen knocked down to deliver “valentines” to their recipients on time. But, it seems, they honorably fulfilled their pleasant duties, and not a single heart in love was left without attention. It's time to take stock and announce “Valentine” and “Valentine” among students and teachers.

The winners of the competition for the largest number of messages received in their address are announced.

2nd lead.
  We congratulate our Valentines. The following musical number is announced in their honor.
1st lead.
  Do you know when Valentine's Day was first celebrated?
2nd lead.
  A very long time, since about the XV century. On this day, it is customary to call beloved Valentina, and beloved Valentine. In the Middle Ages in England, the highlight of the Valentine's Day program was often a game - the appointment of Valentine and Valentine.
1st lead.
And what beautiful gifts were prepared then for loved ones, what verses they composed! There was only one main requirement for gifts on this holiday: they should have a heart shape. Whether it's a cushion or box for needlework, a hairpin or a keychain. And if the gift was rectangular, then it was decorated with a heart cut out of paper. Often in the old days on gifted hearts they wrote or embroidered, engraved or cut out all sorts of frivolous inscriptions - wishes in verse.
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  We will return to such wishes, but for now, congratulations to all the lovers, We will give you this dance,

The dance number is announced.

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  On Valentine's Day in Europe, it was customary to send “sweethearts” to your beloved — bright home-made cards and drawings in the form of hearts. And everyone wanted to express their love and worship in an original form. The first “valentines” appeared in the 18th century. According to custom, it was necessary to compose a poem befitting the moment. It was such a postcard that could not be written for one and a half hours by the hero of Dickens - Sam Uzler. Constantly striking out and redirecting words, planting blots, he, in the end, “tortured” the message of his beloved, and then listened to the instruction of a practical dad that you should not waste time celebrating rhymes. It was for those like Sam Weller, for those who did not feel a poetic gift, then special collections of short love poems were published - just in case! The collections were called The Thrill of Love and Sentimental Writer on Valentine's Day.
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  We are almost sure that among our students there are many poets, and we are proposing right now to organize a small competition for the best short love message, it is not necessary to address it to a specific person, the form of appeal and the literary style are important.
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  Yes, impromptu is a good thing, but let's turn to professionals.

The next issue is announced - love poems.
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Today, the 21st century, the century of speed and pragmatism, is already in the yard. New orders supplanted old customs. Ready “valentines” began to go on sale, neatly and gracefully decorated with real flowers, lace, feathers ... And the syllable of these messages is either sentimental, elevated, or humorous. For example: "Here is the key to my heart ... Use it until I change the lock." These lines can cause a smile, but also make you think. The most passionate fans, not wanting to be limited to a postcard, send gifts to their beloved today. Usually it is chocolate or red roses. However, as before, the only and indispensable condition for any message is still anonymity.
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  And on this Day we congratulate everyone on the holiday of lovers, and we wish not only on this Day to receive as many “Valentines” with kind words as possible, but also that throughout your life you will be accompanied, supported and inspired by a wonderful feeling of Love! Happy Valentine's Day to you!