Scenario New Year's trip for high school students. The scenario of the holiday "travel around the countries in the new year." The light of heaven high

New Year holiday script for grades 9-11

“New Year's trip around the world”

(in front of the gym representatives of different nationalities line up in columns)

Leading: Good evening, dear guests!

Come into the hall for a holiday!

Presenter: Welcome guests from France

Presenter: England

Presenter: Scotland

Host: Africa

Presenter: Japan

Presenter: Russia

Presenter: Greece

Host: Spain

Presenter:   United Arab Emirates

Host: Mexico

Presenter:   Indians (America)

Host: India

(meets Santa Claus in the hall)

Santa Claus:   New Year is at the doorstep,
  A head goes round.
  We must be on time
  Do everything foresee
  To celebrate this holiday
  Without worries and without hassle.
  I will apply the old method:
  I will write an order for a year.

(A minister appears with guests: Pharaoh, Spartacus, Greek goddesses)

Minister:   Good evening, Santa Claus,
  How are you, my good boss?
  And we were in trouble
  Guests have come here!
  Through the blizzard, blizzard and blizzards
  People have come to us!

Santa Claus:   Who are gentlemen?
  How did you get here?

Minister:   Numb from frost
  And completely numb.
  See how lightly dressed
  Straight, as if this summer.

Santa Claus to the Pharaoh:   Oh, handsome, well, good!
  Who do you look like?

Pharaoh:   Egyptian I am Pharaoh!
  My father is the god Amon!
  And my name is Tutankhamun!
  In health, I suffered damage!

Santa Claus to the Pharaoh:   How did you find yourself here?
  Returned from abroad?

Pharaoh:   The trouble is all connected with the exam!
  Your graduate in history - neither be nor me!
  He mixed up my life century
  Now I am a modern person with you!

That shook Russia, vilified,
  But with me is my Egyptian power!
  And to keep the law of history,
  Decided to return with a stump scrape.

(goes to the people with a hat)

Santa Claus to Spartak:   And you, my friend, I see cool
  And the muscles of you are like a rod!

Spartacus:   And I'm Spartak, from Sparta, therefore,
  I raised agility in the slaves of the battle.
  On the timeline, your graduate
  From antiquity sent me here
  And to collect some money for my journey
  And get even with me student
  I began to spin, foot to foot
  And he became almost a Tectonic!

Santa Claus: I see.

African:   I am MBU, swift as a wildebeest.

Oh, how cold your winter is. Green winter is nothing, and white is nothing

Absolutely impossible.

Santa Claus: I see.

Santa Claus to the goddesses:   And these poor gazelles,
  Blue from the frost!
  You too became a victim of knowledge,
  For points of higher claims?

Goddess Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis:   and we are the goddess!

Athena:   I am Athena! Goddess of wisdom, war!

Aphrodite:   I am Aphrodite! Goddess of beauty, love!

Artemis:   My name is Artemis, I'm the goddess of the hunt,

Your Olympians drove us from Olympus!
  Looks like you bearded
  Chief here, arrogant?
  Deal with graduates urgently,
  Otherwise, we will arrange a paradise for everyone!

Santa Claus to the goddesses:   They raged, the girls went away,
  But they warmed up, they turned red.
  We will solve your task in a moment,
  After all, you are guests, so do not sin!

(Santa Claus sings along with the goddesses)

Santa Claus:   - Ah, you, my poor, Aphrodite!
  Look how thin the tunic is!
  I will take care of you!

Aphrodite:   - I want nothing!

Santa Claus to Athena:   Your condition is hysterical!
  Eat, girl, diet egg
  Or maybe see a doctor?

Athena:   - I want nothing!

Santa Claus to Artemis:   - My artemidochka, miserable,
  I’ll write you a dress abroad.
  Whatever you choose, I will pay for everything!
Artemis:   - I want nothing!

All goddesses:   - We do not want anything! Home to Zeus!

Minister:   Santa Claus, listen to me,
  Himself while the testicle eat.
  Cause in your frosty power
  At once to end all misfortune!
  You are all travelers of these strange
  Return to their countries.
  Freeze graduates
  So as not to do sins!

Santa Claus:   No, I won’t freeze,
  I will not go under the Code.
  Better I help them!
  May everyone celebrate the New Year
  And then, honest people,
  Will pore day and night
  So that in time to the exam!

Santa Claus: Hey helpers, entertain our guests!


The sound of a car approaching. Sounds modern, disco music. It turns out Baba Yaga - a stylish businesswoman, with a broom, puts her on the alarm. Dancing. He sits at the table, opens the laptop. (BB photo on the table) Kikimore's secretary follows behind her, talking on the go on the phone.

Kikimora:   Alle! Travel agency "YAGA".

No, free vouchers for New Year's Eve in the kingdom of Koshchei did not remain.

I can offer an unforgettable trip at superfast

Airliner "Serpent Gorynych" to Panama ...
Baba Yaga (peeking from behind a laptop): You have not been to Panama?
  Ride there, just the tsunami.
  All to Spain, to the hot Madrid!
  Whoever arrives will immediately burn.

Kikimora: How wonderful food in Greece:
  Vinegar, pepper and other spices.
  On the tour “Roofs of Paris”
  The roof moves with delight.
  Resting in Turkish Antalya,
Do not forget to recline sandals.

Well, how did you decide where to go? No? Think more? ...

Kikimora:   Oh, Baba Yaga, what kind of forest monster? What a black one!

Most of our Santa Claus was brutalized, he froze to blackening.

Baba Yaga:   That, you don’t see, the comrade went too far with the solarium, and where did

You know something, the tundra is impassable.

African: (voice of Babe Yaga shivering from the cold)   Ltd! Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: (preening)   Well, finally, at least someone appreciated me!

African:   We have to get to know your sights, a little

Get lost. You do not mind, we shake this one, how is it? ...

Fun New Code!

Baba Yaga:   Yes, we have boring things here ...

Kikimora:   Yes, we stayed in our forest, it would be necessary to get out on people.

Baba Yaga: Don’t say it, Kikimuroshka!

New Year's Eve script for high school students

Responsible for conducting: students in grade 10 and

class teacher Sentsov M.N.

Pupils of grade 10 are traditionally responsible for the New Year's Eve at our school. The peculiarity of organizing and holding this New Year's Eve was the number of students in the class. Since there are only 5 people in the class, the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling around the world, in my opinion, was the most successful. Students in grades 8, 9 and 11 were given the task to represent the countries of the world, and my artists received 2, and some even 3 roles. Despite all the difficulties of preparation, the New Year holiday turned out to be noisy and cheerful.

Magical music sounds

Leading.   Once the day and the hour come

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival,

And a miracle happens again -

And this is a miracle - New Year!

Leading.   There are many wonderful holidays.

Everyone steps in his own turn.

But the best holiday ever

The best holiday is the New Year.

He comes on a snowy road

Round dance snowflakes.

The beauty of the mysterious and strict

Fills the heart of the New Year.

Leading.   He gives us faith in a good case,

On the first day and in a new turn,

Helps to get better

All the people of the world New Year

Louder and happier hugs are louder.

And flies from all terrestrial latitudes

Fight of hours, We are all brothers to each other.

Holiday on the planet - New Year.


Leading.   Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on today's holiday.

Leading.   Dear guests, we have gathered today to celebrate the New Year together, and in order to remember this meeting for a long time, we will meet it unusually.

Leading. Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. Indeed, in the winter, the New Year comes to us and with it a joyful mood of happiness, change, hope, which this beloved holiday brings with it.

Leading.   It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires are fulfilled, the most incredible miracles are possible. Do not believe? I am sure that you can be sure of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday.

Leading.   And today we are given a unique opportunity to travel to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of the New Year's Eve exist at different latitudes of the globe.

Leading.   Well, you and I have to go on a trip around the New Year's planet and celebrate the New Year with other peoples!


Leading.   I'm glad to see today

There are many friends here.

Hello, Nastya, Misha, Sasha,

Seryozha, Grisha, Masha ...

In a word, everyone can’t be counted.

Well, and who is here for the first time -

Get to know you now.

Wait, don't leave your place

Friendly all of you tell me

What is your name?

Children scream their names.

Bad repeat again

Friendly all of you tell me

What is your name?

One, two, three - say your name!

Children scream their names.

Thank you, now I know all of you, and my name is ...

Gypsies come under gypsy music, make a circle near the Christmas tree

Roma.   We are gypsies, a cheerful people,

We roam around in the world

We’ll make a fire in a clean field,

We’ll sing and dance our songs.

A gypsy star beckons us

We can’t sit still

Even at night, the guitar rings

And in a dream, we will dream of a road.

Gypsy.   To whom to fortune, to predict fate. Hey beauty, gilt the pen, I’ll tell the whole truth ... (Guesses)   You are a good person - smart and beautiful woman. It’s just that you were sad, everything’s not sweet for you, you want something unusual ... I know a cure for any sadness, sorrow!

Roma.   Which one?

Gypsy.   Road!

Roma.   And really, why don't you go on a road with us? We have a new chaise, playful horses, we will go all over the world, but let's see how they celebrate New Year in different countries.

Gypsy.   First we will go to our gypsy homeland. After all, we gypsies come from India, a beautiful, mysterious country. From there, from India, our ability to sing, dance, divine. Let's hit the road!

Indian music sounds

Speech about India

Indian music sounds

Roma.   What an interesting country: there are palm trees, and elephants, and people are so funny, smart.

Gypsy.   Oh, something from the heat and noise became bad for me. Let's go further!

Roma.   And I know a quiet, calm country with strict rules and centuries-old traditions.

Gypsy.   And what kind of country is this?

Roma.   This is Scotland!

Scottish music sounds

Speech about Scotland

Scottish music sounds

Gypsy.   And I know a riddle about one country. The capital of what European state was called Serdika, as it was almost in the center! (Bulgaria)

Bulgarian music sounds

Performance about Bulgaria

Bulgarian music sounds

Horrible music sounds

Roma. And Bulgaria is a country of terrible tales and ghosts. Do not believe?

Gypsy.   Oh, what is this where we got?

Roma.   We fell into the possession of the Nightmare Wolf. He is very dangerous!

Wolf.   What? Who is dangerous - me? Yes, I am the kindest and most cheerful wolf in the world! Let's play something like football?

Roma. Do you know how to play football without a ball?

Wolf.   Oh well ...

Roma.   Yes, it’s very simple. Now we will split into two teams. You will be the captain in one, and me in the other. (The hall is conditionally divided into two teams.)

Gypsy.   Who am I going to be?

Roma.   And you will be a judge.

Gypsy.   So attention! As soon as I raise my right hand up, the Wolf team screams in chorus: “Goal!” When I raise my left hand, the other team screams “Past!”. Look, do not confuse. And if I raise two hands up, then both teams shout “Hurray” and clap their hands. So ... we started!

A soccer match sounds

The gypsy raises his right or left hand.

The game ends with a raise of both hands.

Gypsy. Draw! Both teams are awarded the title of champion.

Wolf.   It turns out without a ball to play more interesting! I'll go play with someone else!

Roma. And our journey around the world continues. Forward! To Europe! To a wonderful country where they love songs, dances, the sun!

The sound of breaking glass and utensils is heard, the crackle of fireworks

Gypsy.   What's happening? This is probably the beginning of an earthquake.

Roma.   Do not worry! Nothing terrible happens. It's just that the Italians celebrate the New Year.

Italian music sounds

Performance about Italy

Italian music sounds

Gypsy.   And can I now order a route for further travel?

Roma.   And where are we going?

Gypsy.   To the homeland of the main Santa Claus in Finland, more precisely in the historical region of Finland - Lapland!

Sounds finnish music

Speech about Finland

Sounds finnish music

Gypsy. What a fabulous country Lapland - the birthplace of the main Santa Claus!

Roma.   Do you like fairy tales? Then I propose to go to Iran - the homeland of Scheherazade and the tales of “A Thousand and One Nights”!

Iranian music sounds

Speech about Iran

Iranian music sounds

Sounds fabulous music

Gypsy. It seems that we are in some kind of fabulous country.

Roma.   Yes indeed. This is a country of Unpredictable Dwarves.

Gypsy.   How so?

Roma.   The gnomes here are unpredictable and they always confuse everything. Until we unravel them, we can’t get out of here.

Gnomes. Do not get out! Do not get out! (together)

Gnome. Let's play an interesting confusion game.

Gnome.   You must answer "Yes!" In unison to our questions or not!"

Gnome.   Santa Claus is known to everyone, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   He comes at exactly seven, right? (no)

Gnome.   Santa Claus is a good old man, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   He wears a hat and galoshes, right? (no)

Gnome.   Santa Claus is coming soon, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   He will bring gifts, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   The trunk is good at our tree, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   He was felled from a double-barreled shotgun, right? (no)

Gnome.   What grows on the tree? Bumps, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   Tomatoes and gingerbread, right? (no)

Gnome.   The view is beautiful in our Christmas tree, right? (Yes)

Gnome.   Red needles are everywhere, right? (no)

Gnome.   Santa Claus is afraid of a cold, right? (no)

Gnome.   He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right? (Yes)

Roma. You did not manage to confuse us! Show the way now!

A high-pitched whistle sounds

Gypsy. What is it?

Roma.   We came to Hungary, where on New Year's Eve, residents whistle away evil spirits from their homes.

Hungarian music sounds

Speech about Hungary

Hungarian music sounds

Gypsy. Isn't it time for us to go home?

Roma.   No. We have not been to Japan yet. But it is the Japanese who are the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year.

Gypsy.   We are leaving for Japan - the Land of the Rising Sun.

To gypsy music make a circle near the Christmas tree

Roma.   This is a country! Not a country, but a complete exotic! Everything is so amazing and extraordinary!

Sounds japanese music

Performance about Japan

Sounds japanese music

Roma. Well, we stayed in Japan, and now it's time to go home - to Russia!

Gypsy.   How interesting and wonderful this trip is. But nothing can be done, we must return! Being a guest is good, but being at home is better!

Sounds gypsy music

Gypsy.   There are also many New Year traditions and entertainments in Russia!

Roma.   On New Year's Eve in Russia, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden were always waiting.

Bells ringing

Gypsy. Someone goes and rings bells? Isn't Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden? Let's call them together.

Everybody's name is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Magical music sounds

Santa Claus. Hello dear friends! Happy New Year to all of you!

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers.

Over the frozen seas

Over the fields, over the forests

I was in a hurry guys to you

To my little friends.

We will sing and have fun

In a dance of joy spinning

Because at the gate

The New Year is knocking on us.

Snow Maiden.   Hello guys

Grandpa and I drove around the world

The sliding roads of winter.

There are no happier guys in our world,

Today we are convinced of this!

Santa Claus. I drove by with the Snow Maiden, heard your voices and decided to stop by, congratulate you and have fun on the holiday. Good at you, fun! And each of you probably has his own cherished desire? Guess it, and now I will knock with a staff, and in the New Year it will certainly come true. (After a short pause, he knocks with his staff.)

Snow Maiden.   Santa Claus! Look what an elegant Christmas tree is worth! Make her even more beautiful!

Santa Claus.   To do this, together we must say the magic words: "One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!"

Magical music soundsall speak in chorus

christmas tree flashes with colorful lights

Leading.   Santa Claus, and Santa Claus! Where are you from?

Santa Claus.   Oh, and you asked me a difficult question. I don’t know this myself, and no one knows. Some people think that I was born in northern Finland, in Lapland. Others claim that I am Russian, from the city of Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda Oblast.

Leading. And you, Snegurochka, also know nothing about your homeland?

Snow Maiden.   How so - I do not know! I know very well. I'm from Russia. Because in many countries people believe in Santa Claus, they only call him differently - Santa Claus, Peer Noel, Northern Santa Claus. But his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, that is me, is known only in Russia.

Santa Claus.   In Russia only during the reign of Emperor Peter 1 did the tradition to celebrate the New Year - January 1. Peter 1 ordered to put a Christmas tree in the houses, decorate it with gingerbread cookies, apples, colorful ribbons and beads. On this day, in Russia, cities and villages organized fun games and round dances.

Snow Maiden.   According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, you will live it. So let's have some fun together, play, so that the coming year will be kind and joyful.

There are several mobile competitions

"Snowball game".   Opposite each other, teams of girls and boys of 5-6 people each line up. Each team receives "Snowballs" - lumps of white paper with 2 snowballs for each member of the team. The task is to throw snowballs in your basket (bucket), set 2-3 meters from the team.

The game "Pop the ball."   Two young men are invited to the stage. They stand with their right shoulders to each other and lay both hands behind their backs. A balloon of the same size is tied to their left legs. The participant’s task is to burst the opponent’s ball, while preserving his own. Hand pushing is prohibited.

Pantomime game.   In this game, it is proposed to remember the text first:

Goes, Santa Claus comes to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings gifts to us.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace the words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word "we." Instead, these words all show themselves. With each new execution of words it becomes less, and there are more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus" everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking in place, the word "know" - with your index finger to touch your forehead, the word "gifts" -

gesture depicting a big bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for the prepositions and the verb "will bring."

Magical music sounds

Santa Claus. Well done! Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. So it's time to say goodbye. It is unfortunate that the holiday ended so quickly.

This New Year's scenario can be used by you both at the New Year's Eve among friends and at the corporate New Year's banquet. You can expand this scenario of the new year yourself, supplement it, or reduce it as you wish. In this case, the main thing is to save the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe script - a journey.

Entrance Posters

1. Our New Year’s Eve
   Calling everyone to joy!
   Be merry today
   The year will be fun!

2. If you came to the ball,
   So you're not a bit.
   Only do well
   And do not do badly!

3. Hurry, come in,
   Take a look!


Attention! Attention! Attention!
   Notified in advance.
   It is not at all in vain that a calendar sheet has been placed here.
   Let old and young remember:
   This evening carnival!
   Let it be no surprise to anyone -
   The best costume is awarded with a prize!
   There is not much time left before the holiday.
   And let's hope everyone is ready
   See friends on carnival day
   Without delay, at ... hours!

The course of the holiday
   (New Year callsign sounds like "Christmas tree was born in the forest")

   New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way. Some go to a restaurant, others celebrate the New Year at home, in a family circle, still others go to nature in the winter forest, and I suggest you go on an unforgettable New Year’s trip today, cruise on the New Year’s planet and celebrate New Year together with other people! And before the long journey, I propose to fill up our glasses and drink for good luck, since we need good luck everywhere and always: both in work, in personal affairs, and, of course, on the road.

   May the new year give you luck
   Challenges will solve the problem
   And success will bring with it
   Happiness and love in addition!

(The sound of wheels knocking, the sounds of a locomotive, screaming, the noise of the station. The musical and noise design of the holiday is of great importance, it will help create the atmosphere of the country where the participants of the holiday will go, and cheerful, beloved melodies will raise the general mood.)

   Friends, we board the train, in the soft carriage of the New Year's express train and go on a trip around the New Year's planet. And the first stop is Poland (Polish music sounds, a few chords) Presenter: Warsaw - the capital of Poland on New Year's holidays turns into a real booth, carnival processions take place day and night, men dress up in women's costumes, children paint their faces with paints, and the streets are decorated huge bouquets of balls.

At 12 o’clock in the morning, when the chimes hit, the inhabitants of Warsaw begin to pop balloons, and this kind of New Year’s fireworks comes out. We will arrange a New Year festive fireworks.

New Year's contest
   3-5 pairs (male and female) are called, each pair is given a large balloon, which must be placed between each other. While the music is playing, couples are dancing; as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the ball bursts. Whose shot of the bursting ball will be the first, that pair and the winner.
  The winner couple makes a toast.

(the sound of wheels, beeps)

  We arrived in Italy.

  (Italian music sounds, for example, songs by A. Celentano, T. Coutunio, etc.)

   On New Year's Eve in Italy they throw out old leaking utensils from the windows: chairs, lamps, buckets - there is such a sign that if you throw an old thing out of the window, then in the new year you will get the same new one. And every family must bake a New Year’s pie, where many different surprises are hidden. And we have prepared such a cake for you, take it piece by piece and find out what awaits you in the new year.

New Year's game:
   On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper beautifully painted under the cake, which consists of small squares - pieces of cake. On the inside of the square - drawings - this is what awaits the participants:

The heart is love
   the book is knowledge
   1 kopeck is money
   the key is a new apartment,
   the sun is success
   letter - news,
   car - buy a car,
   a person’s face - a new acquaintance,
   arrow - achievement of the goal,
   hours - changes in life,
   road - trip
   a gift is a surprise
   lightning - tests,
   a glass - holidays, etc.

(The sound of the wheels of a train sounds, then the music of a German composer, for example, I.S.Bach.)

Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians (you can recall their names and present the last one who said the prize). In Germany, it is considered a happy omen to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty about soot. And at 12 o’clock in the morning it is customary to climb into chairs and tables and "jump" into the New Year joyfully screaming.

New Year's competition for men:
   3-4 participants line up in one line and “jump” into the new year; whoever jumped further is the winner. The winner makes a toast.

   We swept through Europe, and now we will go to hot, exotic Africa, but the trains do not go there, we will go by car.

(The sound of a car engine sounds, the sounds of a horn.)

  You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit on each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it’s a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate African friends.

New year game
3-5 participants are called. They are given baby pacifiers - soothers. The winner is the one who spits the dummy farther than others. The winner makes a New Year's toast.

   Africa - a hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungle and temperamental, fiery dances. I am announcing an African dance marathon.

Dance department for 20-30 minutes. During dances, you can choose the best "leader" of the tribe, dancers and present a prize - a New Year's loincloth - a tinsel ribbon.

  We continue our journey, change from car to ship and sail to America

(the sound of waves splashing, the cry of seagulls)

   There is a wonderful custom: before you go sailing, they break a bottle of champagne on the side of the ship, but we won’t break it, but we will pour it into glasses and raise the following New Year's toast:

May the New Year
   No wrinkles
   And the old ones will be smoothed and wiped,
   Health will strengthen
   And a lot, a lot of happiness will bring!

(the songs of M. Jackson or Madonna are heard.)

   So, we are in America ... Skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty, Michael Jackson, Madonna and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every year on New Year's Eve in America is held new Year's competition for the strongest, hardy, agile, courageous man.

   I ask here to go strong, brave and dexterous men (up to 5 people).
   Your task: holding your right hand behind your back, with one left, holding an extended newspaper around the corner, put it together in a fist. The fastest and most agile is the winner.
   The winner makes a toast.

  (aircraft noise sounds, Japanese music)

On December 31, the Japanese start a general cleaning, and with a fight at 12 o’clock in the morning they go to bed to get up before dawn and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the rising sun. Japan is a mysterious and incomprehensible country whose inhabitants have many talents, one of them is reading the thoughts of another person. So, we are in the salon of the famous Japanese magician (whose role I will play), and we can hear the thoughts of any of the guests.

The test is a joke.
   In advance, a cassette is prepared with individual lines of songs about the following contents:
   1. "Well, where are you, girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts ..."
   2. "Help me, help ..."
   3. "You left me, you left me ..."
   4. "These eyes are opposite - a kaleidoscope of lights ..." etc.

When the host, the magician, approaches the next guest and begins to move his hands over the person’s head, the sound engineer turns on the cassette and everyone hears the guest’s thoughts.
   Comments of the facilitator regarding the heard thought are obligatory. Enough up to 8-10 "thoughts" on the cassette.

   Now, let's take a break from our trip.

(Dance department for 20-30 minutes.)

  It’s good to celebrate the New Year at a party, but it’s better to be at home, we return home to Russia

(sounds "Lady" or Russian dance.)

   You know, dear friends, that until 1700 Russia did not celebrate the New Year. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree stating that on January 1, 1700, a new reckoning begins in Russia, on this day you need to shoot from cannons, burn tar, decorate the house with fir and fir branches, as well as "repair fun with dancing, music and games. "

Follow, friends, the decree of Peter I and continue to celebrate the New Year! And the next one awaits you new Year contest "Watch with a surprise".
   In front of you is a watch with a surprise, and among you is the owner of this surprise. Who is it? No one knows yet. Even me. Your invitation cards have numbers. The same number of rooms are in our lottery drum, with which I will determine the first candidate for the prize of tonight. So, attention, I invite the holder of the invitation ticket at number ...

And now you yourself will choose your opponent, get another ticket out of the lottery drum. And the ticket holder with the number becomes the second candidate for the prize ... Attention! What is the essence of the whole idea? The one of you who wins the first competition moves the clock by one digit and with the help of a lottery drum determines your next opponent. So, we play until the minute hand reaches twelve. It is the one who does this and will receive our most important prize.

   (The clock was initially set at 11 hours 5 minutes.)

Leading: 1 contest. Answer the question: in which country are high jumps a favorite New Year's entertainment of young women? In South Africa, Ethiopia, Korea, France? (In Korea)
Leading:   I congratulate you. You won in this competition, move the arrow on the clock by one digit (11 hours 10 minutes). And you (the loser) don’t be upset, you get a consolation prize (with the help of the lottery drum, the next opponent of the winner is selected.)

  2 contest. In front of you is a casket and 7 ribbons peeping out from under the cover, a prize is tied to one of the ribbons. The one who draws the ribbon with the prize, alas, lost (since he will already receive the prize).

(A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred.)

: 3 contest. In the New Year, we wish each other not only health, but also more money, they will not hurt anyone! So, whoever quickly recounts the money (trifle) that is in the bank (on a saucer, in an envelope) and tells the exact amount, he will move the arrow for 11 hours and 20 minutes.

  4 competition. You need to cut out a snowflake from a napkin (paper) as quickly as possible.

(A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred. A loser is a consolation prize to the loser.)

  5th competition. Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream. Name the ice cream varieties in turn. Anyone who thinks for more than 5 seconds loses.

(A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred. A loser is a consolation prize to the loser.)

Leading:   6th competition. In the New Year, the most unusual contests, unexpected ones, are held. And here is one of them: look carefully at yourself and count the buttons, who has more buttons, he wins.

(A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred. A loser is a consolation prize to the loser.)

Leading:7th competition. In the New Year decided to guess. Let us tell fortunes. You take turns tearing 1 or 2 or 3 petals from the chamomile, who gets the last petal, alas, loses (21 petals in total).

(A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred. A loser will be given to the loser.)

Presenter: 8th competition. After the holiday, there is always a lot of garbage left, you need to put things in order: put the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, whoever is faster.

(A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred. A loser is a consolation prize to the loser.)

Presenter: 9th competition. In the New Year there is a great tradition to dress up in carnival costumes. Your task: dress up quickly - tie a bow to your hair. (A contest is underway. The next candidate is selected. Clock is being transferred. A loser is a consolation prize to the loser.)

Leading:   10 contest. This hat contains different words, you take turns taking out, reading, remembering and singing lines from songs where these words are found. But the songs should be about winter and the New Year holiday (Christmas tree, round dance, frost, frost, snowflake, icicle, etc.).

(The winner transfers the clock to 11 hours 55 minutes, the last candidate is selected.)

Leading:   11th competition. New Year's wish contest. Anyone who thinks more than 5 seconds loses and receives a consolation prize.
Leading:   To the winner - a festive surprise (champagne, a box of chocolates, a Christmas tree toy or a symbol of the coming year).

Leading   (puts the clock at 12 o’clock and raises a New Year’s toast): Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived." So may the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Leading: Friends, what is New Year without Santa Claus? We will send a telegram to Cute Santa Claus, I have already compiled the text, but I forgot to write "adjectives". So from each guest - one “adjective”. (The presenter writes down all pronounced adjectives in a row in a row, then reads aloud what happened.

Telegram text:
  "... Grandfather Frost! All ... guests are looking forward to your ... coming. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We ... will be in the mood for you to sing ... songs, dance ... dances! Finally, the New Year will come ... New Year! I want to talk about ... work. But we promise that we will work ... and receive only ... salary. So open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts. Respectfully to you, ... aunts and ... uncles!

Leading opens the dance department. At its completion, the host invites guests to the table. The long-awaited Santa Claus with the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden appears. They wish the guests a Happy New Year, raise festive glasses and offer all guests to stand in a round dance and sing the traditional song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Then Santa Claus can make New Year's mysteries to the guests, make an astrological forecast for the next year for each zodiac sign (of course, comic), hold a New Year’s song contest about winter, arrange an auction, which will show the symbol of the coming year as the main lot.

It can be a soft toy, a figurine, a picture, a keychain, etc. And it will be possible to redeem lots not only with money, but also by singing a song, dancing a dance, reading poetry, telling a joke, etc.
  Snegurochka - the main assistant to Santa Claus - can announce a competition for the best dancer, best singer, best ditty, to award a prize for the most original New Year's costume.

End the evening by reading these:
   May the New Year dawn on you
   Will give you success.
   And let it sound in your house
   A cheerful, loud laugh.
   May a faithful friend be nearby
   And on holiday, and in bad weather.
   And let into your house
   Like a snowball
   Happiness always comes!
   We say to everyone: "Goodbye," -
   The time has come for parting.
   And in this winter late hour -
   The last dance - it is for you!

Corporate event scenario for the New Year "Journey on the New Year's planet"allows guests not only to get acquainted with the New Year traditions of different countries, but also to participate in some of them. The script includes new music, gaming and staged entertainment that everyone can take part in. All music files can be downloaded directly oh in this

The first part of the scenario of the New Year corporate party.

Sound 1. New Year's fanfare.

(to download - click on the file)

Leading out

Dinner Greeting.

Presenter:   Good evening!

Good afternoon, minute, hour,
   I greet you all
   Believe good, salaam alaikum,
   Bon sir, you from das ...

Presenter:   Dear friends, who can say for sure - how many greetings of different nations sound in this passage from the tale of L. Filatov? (Guests offer options)   Right, five. Guess who wants to give a small prize (gives a small present)   and personally shake hands with a foreign language expert.

In fact, I want to greet and shake hands - literally everyone wants, but I'm afraid it will drag on for a long time, so I ask on my command (approaches the extreme guests sitting in the column on the right side)   convey my greeting to your neighbors (shakes the closest guest in this row).And you pass it on to your neighbors   (goes to the extreme guests sitting in a column on the left side and shakes the closest guest in this row). And now, which side will quickly return my greetings to me - we pass in the opposite direction, let's go!

(a quick table game for dating takes place)

Sounds 2. Popcorn - background

Presenter:   Well done! And now which side will fill the glasses faster - it's time to drink for the meeting and for the upcoming New Year! (fill the glasses)

Toast 1:

Let the glasses ring today.

May sparkling wine today

May good luck nightfall

Find us and look out the window!

No one should be bored today

Happy New Year, friends!

Sounds 3. Brilliant. New Year's song.

Presenter:   Good evening again, my name is (name),   our dj's name (name)and today together with you we will be happy to travel on a New Year's holiday planet! I propose to appoint the head of the train (name of the head of the company)- His word, parting speech before a long journey, so to speak!

Head Toast

Sounds 4. Ka and Safari. New Year's

Banquet break

Presenter:   So, we go on a journey: the starting station is the year 20 ..., the ending station is the new 20 ... year. Each one has a ticket on the table - keep it until the end of the journey, because they, like everything today, are unusual, they have an encrypted code and a number for the lottery (on each ticket there is a picture of an animal: cockerels, pigs, cows, dogs and cats for participation in the concert program and a number for a rally).   And on this magic watch (points to the "magic" clock)   We will follow the schedule - start the clock (the presenter moves the clock for 5 minutes)!

Presenter:   Go!

Presenter:   We got into the car, got a drink and a snack, what usually happens next? That's right, getting to know your fellow travelers. A personal acquaintance will take place a little later, but for now I ask you to greet the representatives with thunderous applause (name of the team),   and now we welcome the organizers of this party - the team (name of the team).And the next toast, of course - for acquaintance!

Banquet break

  Sounds 7. Polish melody.

Entertainment at the New Year's table "Predictions in the balls."

Presenter:   Meanwhile, Warsaw, the capital of Poland, appeared outside the windows of our New Year's express train.

The New Year is celebrated very merrily and noisily, a series of official and improvised carnival processions are replaced one by one, streets and houses are decorated with "bouquets" of balloons.

The Poles, together with the clock, burst all this many balls , and we get such a general original New Year’s salute. Stop here and do the same (a prediction ball is tied to each guest’s chaireat).   In the balls that you got, predictions for the next year are hidden. Let's get to know them (all pop the balls).

Whoever gets the watch instead of the prediction will be lucky all year and get the right to move our symbolic clock forward 5 minutes t   and therefore bring New Year closer! (the lucky one moves the clock -the countdown on the symbolic watch starts at 23 o’clock.)

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Presenter:   We continue the journey, but what a journey without abundant food and libation? Pour, drink, have a bite!

Toast 4

Let it save you from losses and worries

New Year will bring a lot of joy!

Sounds 8. Song Serduchki. Christmas trees.

Presenter:   What else do on the road? (guests call options)   That's right, guess crosswords and riddles. Let’s do a little head work too, while we still can and we will answer together my questions - answer options: “no” or “yes” - regardless of the rhyme.

Small break

Sounds 9. Italian song.

Presenter:   What do we hear, Toto Cutugno? So we arrived in Italy, a country of bright and temperamental people. And the New Year traditions in this country to match the Italian temperament - this night it is customary to get rid of everything old, unnecessary and boring: household items, furniture and more. It is believed that in return for everything thrown away on this magical night - a new one will surely appear. The more you throw it out, the more you get. Who is willing to throw away how much for the right to move our watches further. We hold an auction, the initial bid is 10 rubles.

Sounds 10. A replay for the auction. Give me money.

(small auction held)

Presenter:   Winner, come here, what's your name? We applaud the lucky one who literally moves time and his luck forward. New Year is getting closer! (move the clock another 5 minutes forward)   Happy holiday!

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Presenter:   And in front of the station is a dance station, but before you leave the “cars” to warm up a bit, look carefully at your tickets and remember the animal that you have encrypted. Remember, then - dancing!

Dance break

Prank during dancing.

(While dancing, the music and lights turn off)

Presenter: Do not worry, this is an occasion to find each other and become a little closer. Remember what sounds the animal shown on your ticket usually makes and play them. Cats meowed, dogs barked, etc. Find your brothers and form a team: cats are looking for cats, males, etc.

(The light turns on)

Presenter:   Are you done? And now look at each other, we have formed 5 creative groups - each gets the right to participate in our concert program with its own number. When we drive on our express train to Moscow, males will portray people in Moscow, pigs in Kiev, dogs at an unknown station in any country, cows somewhere in the East, and cats at Prednovogodnaya station. How exactly - I will explain to everyone when we will arrive at one or another station. In the meantime, do not disagree.

Sounds 11. German tunes.

Presenter:   It was as if we were in Germany, where there is a tradition: to climb higher - onto tables or chairs and with a loud, joyful cry to "jump" into the New Year. No, I don’t suggest we climb onto the tables, we haven’t had much to drink yet. Just share and form two lines (at a distance of at least 3 meters).And now, screaming joyfully, jump towards each other, as far as possible. So we have become closer to each other, and at the same time for the New Year! Who jumped the farthest in this half? And here? Good. What is your name? It is up to you the right to move the hands of our watch further (move arrows)

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Presenter:   We continue to dance. And those who were lucky enough to get into the group of "cocks", please come to me (getting ready for the issue “Baba Yaga and children” - dressing up and getting words).

The second part of the script "Traveling on a New Year's planet"

Presenter:   I’ll ask everyone to take seats again, according to the tickets purchased. We have a new stop ahead - Moscow. Have you ever wondered what the characters of our beloved Russian fairy tales could do today? We just imagined that Baba Yaga got a job as a teacher in one of Moscow kindergartens. And how does she prepare children for the New Year's party? Meet me!

  - look at the link.

Sounds 12. Song. It’s fun to walk together - on the way out

Table game for the close company "And I have in my pants."

(For the game, it is necessary to prepare clippings from newspapers and magazines in advance - separately for men and women. Clippings, for example, are as follows:

For ladies about this content: “Double reason for the holiday”, “Tariff - home”, “Holiday comes from childhood”, “Quality check”, “New Year's discounts”, etc.

For cavaliers: “The Strongest in Europe”, “The Moment Has Come”, “Lights Without a Gold Account”, “Law and Order”, “Super Turtles”, etc.)

Baba Yaga:   And with you, dear guests, I will play one playful game. It’s called "And in my pants." We get any filet and, saying "And in my pants ..." we read what came across. Get started!

Baba Yaga conducts the game, comments.

Baba Yaga:   Naughty ?! That's nice, smile more often, and finally I’ll also sing, am I a star or not a star ?!   (sings, flirts with guests and leaves)

Sounds 13. Song Yaga.

Presenter:   I’ll ask you to come to me the one who got the clipping about the fact that in his pants “The hour has struck”. Let's get to know (Name?)- and bring our time closer to the new year (move the clock).

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Banquet break

Sounds 14. Song Agurbash. Hello New Year - background

Presenter:   Our journey in the magical New Year express train continues. I noticed it came to reading a corporate newspaper (or profile magazine - some clippings are really made from the corporate press)

Toast:   And it's time to drink for the enterprise (title). We wish him and everyone individually all prosperity! Hyp-Hyp - Hurray !!! (drink and scream)

Presenter:Who is hungry - reinforces, who is bored - drinks, and I ask you to come up to me whose code is "pigs" (dress up in costumes of Ukrainians and Serdyuchka)

Sounds 15. Ukrainian melody.

Presenter:   It seems that we approached the glorious city of Kiev and the Ukrainian delegation meets us on the platform.

Fancy dress "Serdyuchka and the Ukrainian delegation".

Sounds song 16. Serdyuchki. New Year's.

Ukrainians come out and perform their number, dance to a song, run through the rows and clink glasses with everyone. "Serduchka" as if sings.

Presenter:   Here, thank you, you’ve lighted it right, Vera (refers to "Serduchka"),   you, as an experienced conductor, know that the train must follow strictly on schedule. Set us a clock 5 minutes ahead so that we are not late for the final stop.

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Presenter:   Thank! After such an incendiary song, it’s a sin not to drink and not to dance! And again the dance station!

Dance break

The final part of the corporate scenario.

Presenter:   Our train leaves, I ask you to get into the cars and take their places. We sit well, and we go even better - I propose a drink for it! And I ask you to come all the cows (during a banquet break they dress in the sultan, wives and mother-in-law)

Small banquet break

Sounds 17. Eastern melody.

Presenter:   And here we are - another stop. And at the station we are welcomed by guests from the East!

Fancy dress number "Sultan with a harem".

It turns out the Sultan, his three wives and three mother-in-law. Beat the content of the remake song, which sounds live sound to the sounding minus or pre-recorded on the plus.

Alteration song to the motive of the song "If I were a Sultan ..."

1st verse:   If I were a sultan,

I would have had three wives

And triple beauty

Would be surrounded.

But on the other side

In such cases

New Year's load of worries

Ah save Allah!

Chorus:Not very bad

Have three wives

But very bad

On the other hand.

2nd verse:New Year is coming

Congratulate everyone around:

Zulfia sticks:

Iron a new one for her!

And Guli with Fatima

Ask for an overlog,

Well, mother-in-law in a crowd

Brand new boots!

Chorus:   Not very bad

Have three wives

But very bad

On the other hand.

3rd verse:   Bring a Christmas tree to the house,

Let the fireworks go

Santa Claus yet

Invite everyone!

How to be us, sultans,

I need clarity here

In the new year just right -

Snow Maiden alone!

Chorus:   No, it's better on a holiday

Without a wife at all

Not very bad

From any side!

Sounds 18. Minus the song. If I were a sultan.

Presenter:   Dear Sultan, you will not do us honor: turn the hands of our magic clock. Thank!

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Interactive with guests "Seeing the past year."

Presenter:   We spend guests from the East! Let's see what our magic watches show? There is very little left before the New Year. I suggest: think about the outgoing 20 .. year. What each of us had in him good and bad? (Go around the guests and selectively ask about the outgoing year. Who got married? Who increased the salary? What did you remember about the year? Etc.)

Eventful was a year! I suggest, let's give the bad - forgive him, but for the good - thank you! And for that and for another you can drink! In the meantime, everyone drinks and snacks, I ask you to come up "doggies"! (dress up in gypsies)

Small break

Presenter:   And to us on the New Year's express guests were welcomed, who can be found at any station in any country. Who is it? (guests offer answer options)   Of course - gypsies. We meet!

Costume number "New Year's gypsy".

Gypsies come out and show the number: one sings under the minus and plays the guitar (or record an alteration on the plus), the rest dance

Song - alteration to the motive "Black eyes .."

Oh, in the forest, ne-ne, there was a Christmas tree,

She is beautiful and all in needles

She is slim. and all green.

To know in love she was born!

And the snowstorm in winter sang a song to her,

And frost wrapped snow warmer.

But they cut down her slender Christmas tree.

Ruined her sultry beauty!

And now she is burning in lights

Gives its beauty to everyone around!

But they did not ask her, a beautiful woman,

Maybe she likes it better in the forest?

She's slim, she's green

Oh, on New Year's Eve, but cut down!

It sounds 20. Minus the song Black eyes

Presenter: Thank you for such New Year’s passions. But maybe you leave someone who tells us the fortune? Great. We spend the rest.

The gypsy begins to guess with a deck of cards (on one side the pictures are glued: a wagon, a heart, a mountain top, children, a dog, a clock)

1. Today, my dear one, today favors plans for the future, you will live in the palace! ( wagon)
   2. Wai, I see career growth awaits you, you will be a great boss! ( peak)

3. Gold (oh) mine, great love awaits you. He will love, the world will throw at your feet! ( a heart)

4. Wai-wai, honey. Waiting for you great family happiness and love of all your household! (children)

5. You will meet a reliable friend. He will never deceive you and will not say a bad word! ( dog)

6. And yours, dear (and I),   creative success at this evening will be noticed by all those present! (Clock)

Sounds 21. Instrument. Gypsy - Gypsy calls everyone to dance

Dance break

Presenter:   It's time to eat again, our restaurant car is waiting for you. And here I invite someone to whom the gypsy has guessed creative successes, to whom the “clock” in the deck has fallen. What is your name? Please - move our magic watch a little further.

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Presenter:   Hooray! There are 10 conventional minutes left before midnight. Very soon, our watch will strike a conditional 12 beats - it’s time to think that we will make plans for next year. And while there is still time, I invite you to come up to me "cats and kitties" (getting ready for the New Year's fairy tale - getting elements of costumes).

Presenter:   We have a stop at the Prednovogodnaya station

Sounds 23. Song. One simple tale. - to the exit

The release of the characters of the "New Year's Tale", ...

small break


Sounds 23. Song. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

Father Frost and Snow Maidens come out

Lottery - lottery of New Year's prizes.

Presenter:   Dear passengers, once again check the availability of your tickets. Each ticket has its own number. And now Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will hold a New Year's lottery   (make barrels from the lotto game and small prizes).

Santa Claus:   Hello girls and boys!

Snow Maiden:   Grandpa, these are adults, we are not at the matinee.

Santa Claus:   Oh, granddaughter, I have been living in the world for so long that even Caucasian long-livers are children for me, and even here they are all young and beautiful. Well, come on - we tell poems - we get gifts.

Snow Maiden:   Grandpa, already tired of poetry - gifts. Come on, arrange a lottery: to whom, what will get. And they have already performed poems and songs.

Santa Claus:   Well the lottery, so the lottery, start, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden: The first prize is being drawn: a Christmas decoration - a bell. And the following numbers get such a prize ... .. Everyone check the numbers, when you hear yours - go out for the prize.

7 barrels are taken from the bag and their numbers are called

Santa Claus:   And now the prize from me personally: a Christmas tree decoration with my brother Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: (takes out 6 barrels) And such a prize get numbers ....

Santa Claus:   This prize will also decorate your Christmas tree - New Year's drum. .(Christmas tree toy)

Snow Maiden: (Pulls out 7 rooms) And such a prize goes to numbers ...

Snow Maiden:   And this prize from me personally is a pleasure all night - a dummy (takes out 2 barrels).

Santa Claus:   And he gets the lucky numbers ...

Santa Claus:   The next prize is sweet (chocolates)   and he gets the numbers ….(takes out 6 barrels)

Snow Maiden:   And again, with what you can decorate your Christmas tree. And this prize goes to numbers …..….(takes out 6 barrels)

Santa Claus:   And now prizes are being drawn from our main sponsor - (company name)

Snow Maiden:   Beauty yacht (a toy)   goes to numbers (take out 2 barrels)

Sounds 24. Fanfare

Snow Maiden:   And numbers are invited here ….(Takes out 5 barrels)

Sounds 24. Fanfare

Snow Maiden:   Please hold on, now the release of a specially invited New Year’s singer in Russia.

Sounds 25. Song of the Christmas tree. Provence.

(It turns out "Christmas tree" - to dress one of the guests in advance, as if singing and signing autographs on disks, "Christmas tree sings", the rest leave)

Presenter:   Dear Christmas Tree, please move our magic clock another 5 minutes ahead.

Sounds 5. An excerpt from a song by Valery. Watch.

Presenter:   Thank. Draw a star. Thanks to all.

Snow Maiden:   And it was the turn of the super prize. The right to move the clock to New Year's Eve is midnight.

Santa Claus:   And this prize goes to the number ...

Snow Maiden:   Welcome! He is given a flag in his hands (check box)   Prepared, filled the glasses!


Sound 26. Chimes.

The evening ends with New Year's games   and

To the corporate party scenario for the New Year necessary to cook:

1. A beautiful watch dial in which the hands move. 2.Tickets, on each ticket there is a picture of an animal: cockerels, pigs, cows, dogs and cats for participating in the concert program and a number for drawing New Year prizes, barrels for lotto and prizes for everyone,   3. Balls with positive predictions for everyone. 4.Clippings from newspapers and magazines for the game “In my pants”,   5.Musical design for the dance program and greeting numbers

6. Costumes:Baba Yagi and children,   Serdyuchki and Ukrainians,   Oriental costumes (Sultan, 3 wives, 3 mother-in-law),GypsyFather Frost and Snow Maiden ,. Andcostumes (or costume elements) for fairy tale characters:Christmas tree, Pig, Bunny, Snowflake and   for a parody of the singer Christmas tree,

Scenario Objectives:

To acquaint schoolchildren with the New Year traditions of different countries of the world;

Broaden the horizons of students;

To develop their creative abilities, ingenuity, dexterity.

Prepared by Korneva, Irina Ivanovna, Teacher, MOBU Secondary School No. 1, MO Korenovsky District, Krasnodar Territory



The script for the New Year holiday for the 8th grade “New Year's trip to the countries of the world”Scenario Objectives:

To acquaint schoolchildren with the New Year traditions of different countries of the world;

Broaden the horizons of students;

To develop their creative abilities, ingenuity, dexterity.

1 Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! So another year came to an end. The year of the Snake is coming. And to be more precise, then - the year of the black water Snake. However, there is not much difference what the next year will be called, most importantly, it will be NEW! And we again hope for NEW miracles and believe that a NEW and happier life awaits us ahead. Such outstanding people as Johannes Brahms, Indira Gandhi, Heinrich Heine, Wolfgang Goethe, Alfred Nobel, Queen Elizabeth I, Oleg Dal, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Lyudmila Zykina, Alexander Abdulov and many other famous personalities were born in the year of the Snake.

So what are they, Snakes?

2 lead:

The snake is the most mysterious, sophisticated, wise and intuitive sign among all others. Ancient Chinese wisdom says that the appearance of a snake in the house is a good omen, your family will not experience hunger and need.

People born in the year of the Snake are witty, charming, elegant, mysterious, passionate, proud. They are not so easy to get out of oneself, out of emotional balance. They like to read, listen to classical music, taste delicious dishes, go to the theater.1 lead:   The eastern horoscope claims that the Snake does not like noise and crowds and advises to celebrate the year of the Snake with his family. However, the Chinese themselves regularly greet the year of the Snake with the launch of thousands of fireworks; celebrate the new year in a crowd on the streets of cities and villages. They know better, it's their Snake ;-) So celebrate for your pleasure, even in a close family circle, even in a club. But the recommendation “no conflicts” should be heeded. The snake does not tolerate stupidity, scandals and inability to negotiate. It is clear that it is impossible to resolve absolutely all conflicts, but try.

2 lead:   The snake loves elegant outfits made of smooth fabrics. Silk, satin, chiffon are perfect for New Year's costume. All shades of water: light blue, azure, sea wave, blue and even black, are the perfect choice for the celebration of the new year 2013. However, snakes

come in all shades, so you can choose an outfit of any color except solid white. A necklace, bracelet or ring in the form of a snake will be very welcome.

Shiny Christmas balls, rain and garlands are the perfect decoration for the New Year 2013 celebration. Take care in advance of a beautiful figurine of a snake made of glass or metal, lay it

silk or satin scarf, pour small coins on it and place the snake figure on top. This composition should be placed somewhere higher in the northern part of the apartment.

The tablecloth on the New Year's table should be shiny, best of all a plain blue. A tablecloth of any other color is also suitable, but always with a geometric ornament.

1 lead:   New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way. And I suggest you to go on a New Year’s trip today, on a cruise on the New Year’s planet and celebrate New Year with other nations!

1 reader:

With the arrival of white January

We are all becoming wiser -

New Year signs

We take from all over the planet.

2 readers

What to eat, what to drink, to wear in fashion ...

New Year's gray-haired

Italian window trash

Throwing - with grief in half.

3 readers

That’s the eastern axiom,

We rearrange furniture in the house

And we calculate endlessly -

Who is the Mouse, who is the Tiger, and who is the Sheep ...

4 readers

From Santa Claus of various stripes

We are waiting for gifts and a lot of happiness.

And believe that heaven

Miracles are prepared for us all ...

2 Lead:   Friends, we board the train, in the soft carriage of the New Year's express train and go on a trip around the New Year's planet. And the first stop is Poland (Polish music sounds, a song - a few chords).

1 student.

Warsaw - the capital of Poland on New Year's holidays turns into a real booth, carnival processions take place day and night, men dress up in women's costumes, children paint faces with paints, and streets are decorated with huge bouquets of balloons.

At 12 o’clock in the morning, when the chimes hit, the inhabitants of Warsaw begin to pop balloons, and this kind of New Year’s fireworks comes out.

1 Presenter: We will arrange a New Year festive fireworks. (Contest:   I invite 3 pairs of boys (each pair we give out a large balloon), which must be placed among themselves. When the music starts, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the ball bursts. Whose shot of the bursting ball will be the first, that pair and the winner. (the sound of wheels, beeps)

2 student.

Everything worn to holes

Forks, spoons and glasses,

Chairs, bedside tables, sofas,

Flies down on you in ... Italy.

On New Year's Eve in Italy there is such a sign that if you throw an old thing out the window, then in the new year you will get the same new one. And every family must bake a New Year’s pie, where many different surprises are hidden. (Competition "Who will eat faster?")

3 participants are invited (one from the class), they are blindfolded and given a banana. You need to peel a banana and eat it. The one who first eats a banana wins.

3 student.

Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians. The symbol of the New Year in Germany is a chimney sweep. Whoever touches it and is coated with coal will be happy. People of all ages, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs, and with the last blow amicably, with joyful greetings, "jump" into the New Year.

2 lead: I propose to participate in the contest "Who will jump further"

One participant from each team is lined up in one line and “jumps” into the New Year. Who further jumped is the winner.

1 Presenter:   We swept through Europe, and now we will go to hot, exotic Africa, but the trains do not go there, we will go by car. (The sound of a car engine sounds, the sounds of a horn.)

You, of course, know that many different animals live in Africa. Let's remember them. I will make riddles for you, and you answer, but be careful, my riddles are not easy!

1. From the palm down

On the palm tree again

Cleverly jumping ... cow (monkey)

2. Above the forest

The sun's beam went out


The king of beasts ... rooster (lion)

3.   You will not find longer neck.

Will tear any branch ... hedgehog (giraffe)

4.   He takes the water with his trunk

Thick-skinned ... hippo (elephant)

2 Lead: Well done, guys, they correctly guessed all the animals! You know, in one of the tribes of Kenya on New Year's Eve, at a meeting, fellow tribesmen spit on each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it’s a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate in African style.

1 lead:   To participate in the contest "Who will spit further", I invite 3 participants. They are given baby pacifiers - soothers. The winner is the one who spits the dummy farther than the others.

2 Lead:   We continue our journey, change from car to ship and sail to America (the sound of waves splashing, the cry of gulls).

4 student. Preparations for Christmas in the United States begin immediately after the Thanksgiving celebration (last Thursday of November). Americans decorate their home and Christmas tree, which grows in front of him with garlands of colored light bulbs. The front doors of the houses are decorated with coniferous wreaths. Santa Clauses put gifts and Christmas toys for children in special stockings. In early December, Carol lights are lit throughout the United States. And representatives of each of the 50 states send a small Christmas tree to Washington, dress up each and sign which state the tree came from. They are placed around the main green beauty of America - the one that grows opposite the White House. Christmas illumination burns for about a month, it is removed immediately after the New Year. Christmas in America is considered a home holiday. It is celebrated in the family circle, on the table - turkey and pudding. And on New Year's Eve in New York - to the delight of foreign tourists gathered at Time Square - at midnight the layout of the Big Apple falls - a symbol of this city. In other places every year on New Year's Eve in America is heldcompetition for the most powerful, hardy, dexterous, courageous man.

2 Lead:

I ask here to go strong, brave and dexterous guys (3 people). Your task: holding your right hand behind your back, with one left, holding an extended newspaper around the corner, put it together in a fist. The fastest and most agile is the winner.

1 Presenter:

And now we are going to Brazil. (Incendiary Brazilian music.)

On New Year's Eve in this country on the ocean beach, thousands of candles light up on the sand. Women in long dresses go into the water and throw flower petals into the waves of the ocean surf. And in Argentina, it is customary to throw old papers and calendars out the window. But we will not rush anything, but play the popular Brazilian game "cat in a poke".

The game "Cat in a Poke".

Different things are put in the bag, and the children must touch to determine what it is.

2 Lead:   Now, let's take a break from our trip. Game with the audience. I suggest you guess the Crossword. So:

  1. Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (Chipmunk).
  2. Who runs hind legs forward. (Hare).
  3. Who lives without lunch for six months? (Bear).
  4.   Wear wear heavier than yourself. (Ants).
  5. Which animal carries mountains? (Camel).

1 Presenter:.

1. In which cities are these famous buildings located?

Eiffel Tower




Pentagon (Washington)

Statue of Christ the Savior.

2. In what language does the word "hello" sound like this?


Guten tag


2 Lead: We continue our New Year's trip.

5 student.

According to the customs of India, on the first day of the New Year one cannot be irritable, displeased and grouchy. It is believed that the whole year will develop as it began. We must get up early, put ourselves in order, slowly think about the future, remember and comprehend the past. And in the afternoon, archery competitions are held and kites are launched. Huge crowds in the streets and squares of the famous folk theater are especially popular and gather.

1 Presenter: And now we, friends, will become participants in the theater.

Contest "Theater" (cards with tasks). Wishing contestants are issued cards with a task that they perform without preparation.You need to walk in front of the tables as:

- a woman with heavy bags;

  - gorilla in the cell;

- Sparrow on the roof;

  - a stork in the swamp;

  - chicken in the yard;

- a girl in a narrow skirt with high heels;

- sentry guarding the food warehouse;

  - a baby who has only learned to walk;

  - a guy in front of a stranger;

  - Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

6 student.

In Australia and New Zealand, where January is the summer month, they put in the house a local tree - metrosideros, strewn with scarlet flowers. In Australia, they like to decorate this tree with miniature figures of koala bears and kangaroos in Santa Claus costumes. Since Australia does not have snow, Christmas trees and deer, Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit on a special brightly decorated surf on the beaches of Sydney. Moreover, in his clothes there is always a white beard and a red cap with a pompom on the end. On New Year's Eve, it is customary for large companies to visit various public places in the open air where fireworks take place. But ten minutes after midnight, everyone was already in bed. This is how Australia celebrates this holiday.

2 Lead: Guys, do you know which animal is the most popular in Australia?

Guys: Kangaroo!

1 Presenter: Right! Of course, you know that kangaroos carry their cubs in a special bag on their stomach, and they also know how to jump perfectly. Can you jump like a kangaroo?Guys: (We can)

2 Lead:   Let's check.

Game "Kangaroo"

Team members take turns clamping the ball between their legs and jumping like a kangaroo. Whose team will cope with the task faster, that is the winner.

7 student.

I will tell you that in the new year in every Vietnamese family all contention ends. Each house has a decorated tangerine tree. The whole family sits at the hearth, tells tales and makes riddles.   I suggest you   utter a familiar, familiar proverbial text in return for one that sounds, for example,

1. They don’t discuss the gift, accept what they give ... (They don’t look at the gift horse in the mouth).

2. You need to learn throughout life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is infinite. (Live and learn!)

3. If you’ve taken up a business, bring it to the end, even if it’s difficult to do it!

for tug, do not say that not a dozen!)

4. Trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, unstable. (Where it is thin, it breaks)

5. As you yourself relate to another, so they will relate to you. (As he comes around, he will respond)

6. Do not tackle unfamiliar matters. (Without knowing the ford, do not poke into the water)

And every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite guests to guess which one is:

1. Parrot - "Repetition - the mother of learning!"

2. Kangaroo - "Keep your pocket wider!"

3. Crocodile - “I won’t help you with tears!”

4. Locusts - "Alone in the field is not a warrior!"

5. Caterpillar - "Keep up!" And in the New Year and you, we should have our own motto: "Good luck, happiness and health!"

1 lead: Now let's take a look at France. (French melody sounds). In France, a large log that is lit in the fireplaces of houses is considered a symbol of the well-being of the family hearth. Peer Noel - French Santa Claus - fills children's shoes with gifts. On New Year's Eve, every family will definitely bake a New Year's cake, in which they bake the bean: whoever got a piece of bean is considered lucky. And now I want to see which of you is lucky.

On the tray you see 3 marshmallows. Beans are hidden in one of them. (Custard cakes, eclairs are also suitable).

8 student. Those who celebrate the New Year in Bulgaria are given a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus himself. Seeing off the old year, the lights are extinguished in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everything plunges into darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss him. Since, according to a comic belief, this portends a special fortune. As soon as the light comes on, they put a New Year's cake on the festive table with a secret: small pieces are hidden in each piece of it: a nut (to crack a tough nut in the new year), a coin (a win awaits you), a paper clip (a meeting with a good friend awaits you), a ball of foil (a brilliant idea dawns on him), and if a twig of roses comes across - there will be happiness in love. And in Bulgaria we have one surprise. Everyone knows that on New Year's Eve, dreams come true. And today, those who take part will be able to fulfill their dreamin the contest "Dance of my dreams."

9 student.

The English consider the “first leg” in the New Year to be a very important person: who will come first to the house. Preferably a dark-haired man with a piece of coal and pine and mistletoe branches in his hands.

Residents of England and Wales consider Christmas a more important holiday than the New Year. They celebrate the holiday of Christmas in the church, but of course, everyone considers the Christmas dinner on December 25 the most pleasant part of the celebration. They are going to the whole family at it. Dishes, tablecloths, napkins on the festive table often have Christmas symbols, and a traditional and beloved Christmas clapper is always laid near each plate. When crackers explode, confetti, toys, all kinds of trinkets or small notes with some jokes spill out of them.

2 Lead: Let us and we will arrange a small salute in honor of the New Year. At my command, you need to inflate the ball. Whoever bursts it will win.

10 student. {!LANG-25931cf6b83ce3e699de17031c839470!}

{!LANG-85419794cb5ce650d11236e912e57390!} {!LANG-ca088114359cefba45f66ebe79d71849!}













2 lead: {!LANG-1c101a0261258952056846bed59e71f3!}




{!LANG-c113488659fc10a890ded630d9598419!} {!LANG-6693ac6fdc355c69a097673eee958615!}





1 lead:





2 lead:





1 lead:








Santa Claus.






























Santa Claus. {!LANG-d36399b6015f158446eab4ef317c26be!}

Snow Maiden.


Santa Claus.




Snow Maiden. {!LANG-177533563aef3e640687ef023fcad138!}

{!LANG-9a26afb5426021c883f25002e476b1bb!} {!LANG-a9fbe1e6597677f5481b3011ee305549!}



{!LANG-dc01d21046b6fb0a311f5983ee1ca25c!} {!LANG-fa931055f478d218020cd319ca2e1a2a!}

2 {!LANG-692f34eda0033f7eee29aac3a260c719!}). 1 {!LANG-7cd4209336f129d80726f63476cff20b!}

2 {!LANG-3c6eb1160c253b9bb74bf837c3f8498f!}

1 {!LANG-547034ea6cdbf461b58fcb4e2974b78d!}

2 {!LANG-8745bdec60ce7fa3a875bdfd4948c6c3!}

1 {!LANG-98ce21121c0c5becb29d68535f18edf6!}

2 {!LANG-499f2fd708d0698fa9953b2add4dc724!}

1 lead:










Santa Claus. {!LANG-c13d1fe3c10663b8c9d32a476a96dcf8!}





Santa Claus:





2 Lead:







1 Presenter:



{!LANG-afb180214726219a88030194ffc58d89!} {!LANG-55acd61474ea6aab76ffc364c6c42d4d!}

{!LANG-baddac0ebe7bbfea355e5fdecbe9e80a!} {!LANG-f41a474d518a3c45c8d43f891f0abbc8!}

{!LANG-6d86609057586494f65d5787e3aac861!} {!LANG-d3245fbd87e93a74857e14fb423f64c8!}

Santa Claus.


Snow Maiden.





2 Lead:


1 Presenter:


2 lead: {!LANG-27d7e5095931849c08396cec7dec6595!}








