Feminists staged a rally in St. Petersburg, pouring chemicals on men spreading their legs. Pouring men on the subway for spread legs is as stupid as "spread rot" women on large breasts And what he said

Activists said that by spreading their legs, men demonstrate their alpha maleness and insult the feelings of the fair sex.

On the YouTube channel of activist Anna Dovgalyuk, a video appeared in which a cut of numerous episodes of the action was collected. Feminists have long struggled with the so-called manspreading and the first victims were men from the St. Petersburg metro.

“The stock took 30 liters of water mixed with six liters of bleach. This solution is a hundred times more concentrated than the mixture used by the housewives when washing. He eats away the colors on the fabric in a matter of minutes, ”- Anna Dovgalyuk.

This is the second high-profile event organized by supporters of Dovgalyuk. In the previous video, they demonstrated that they have under their skirt.

The organizers did not report the consequences of the action, but judging by the reaction of some of the “victims”, they got a good deal. Nevertheless, activists are not going to stop and plan to organize an action in Moscow and Kazan.

St. Petersburg feminist explained why bleach pours men between the legs

A student from St. Petersburg, 21-year-old Anna Dovgalyuk, published a video manifesto against manspreading (when a man sits with his legs spread wide). The girl poured bleach mixed with water to those men who were sitting in a similar position in the subway car. With her actions, Anna wants to draw attention to the "disgusting phenomenon that is being fought around the world." She told the details in an interview with Life.

“How did it even occur to you?”

The idea was born a long time ago. The first mention of manspreading was made in 1915. This is an administrative offense in New York and Los Angeles. There really are fines for this. Unfortunately, such people are not punished in our country. Although they greatly interfere with women and children, when they widely spread their legs and fall apart on the whole bench.

Such people pressed me even in childhood when I was riding the subway. Mostly men did it. They did not allow to sit normally. And the idea came about when I read about this phenomenon in the Russian media that year.

“Isn't it easier to ask?” Why doused?

In soft forms, very often people do not understand, such information does not reach them. We mixed water with bleach so that there were stains on the clothes. That it was an identification mark. Yes, this is damage to property, but people did not submit applications.

“Are you not afraid that they will write?”

I don’t think that a man will go because of some jeans. Well, in a pinch I’ll buy new ones.

- How did people react?

Everything is different. There were those who were very angry and ran after my girlfriend. Some did not say anything.

Judging by the video, you pour bleach on jeans in a matter of seconds before opening the car doors. Is this to make it easier to run away?

Yes. Well, if an inadequate young man comes across, we don’t want to fight.

- How many are you?

My friends and several people are on the team with me. I will not tell you exactly who. These are my old friends. They just decided to participate with me.

- Do you have a young man?

“And what did he say?”

He has not yet seen.

There are plans to go to Moscow and Kazan.

Ksenia Sobchak gave birth. Then she went for a walk. The woman pricks for the sake of her son, trying. Ksenia even published a photo with a baby. Do not forget to spread your legs. She also grows thin after childbirth, and without the extended knife shears you will not wait. Mommy is fucked.

Ksenia earns in every possible way. What her man does is a mystery. And the nannies will grow up a child - they will not go anywhere. Not a mother, but a cuckoo. The main thing is money. And the glory. And likes. And ... what else do the stars need for happiness?

Without money, of course, a comfortable life is impossible. With the profession Sobchak, it is dangerous to disappear for a long time - they will forget and not remember. But what prevents to somewhat moderate the ardor and not climb into all the holes, just to show off, but just to be with the child?

Many stars carry children with them (babies are good everywhere if mom is nearby). Many ordinary mothers work at night, burying themselves in the monitor. A child needs a mother close to 3 years, then you can fly away on a business trip and dump it on vacation (if conscience does not bite). But even three years of slight inconvenience for Sobchak is too long a long time ...

Yesterday we just wrote about a 19-year-old model who fights against manspreading, dousing men who are sitting in public with their legs wide apart. It would seem that this is so? But feminists argue that men are sitting in such a pose for a reason: they thereby allegedly demonstrate their “maleness”, dominating those around them. We figured out which versions of widely spaced male legs generally exist.


So the truth is a lot of people think. In New York, even recently they began to arrest men who are sitting on the subway with their legs spread wide: thus, the American authorities recognized that this pose is aggressive - for both women and men. According to body language, widely spread legs are a challenge, a demonstration of the genitals. And if women are condemned by nature, then men are even encouraged to some extent. No wonder many male animals actively demonstrate their dignity before mating or fighting.


Each psychologist will tell you about the concept of "hypercompensation." When a person has not solved some of his personal problem, he unconsciously begins to demonstrate it. Women who are afraid to grow old are ridiculously young. Men, fearing to appear weak, pretend to be arrogant bumpkins and so on.

Orientation demonstration

Based on life observations, a homosexual is likely to close his legs or put one foot on the other. Perhaps the fact is that many representatives of minorities tend to be a little more feminine, and women, as we already wrote above, didn’t bother to spread their legs.

So cooler

Well, why are you laughing? Nobody has canceled physiology. The genitals of a man are taken outside the body and for normal work must remain at a lower temperature so that the spermatozoa mature properly. Therefore, many men, possibly thereby “airing” their genitals. Urologists will even praise them: they advise men not to wear tight chained underwear and not to include, say, heated seats in the car - just so that TAM will remain cool.

Fear of pain

Every man will say that a blow below the waist is very, very sensitive for them. Perhaps, spreading his legs and thereby shielding himself from possible touches, the man simply defends himself.

It is more comfortable

Or maybe there is no social catch in this, and so it’s just comfortable to sit? Of course, a girl (albeit in jeans) sitting in this position can be rarely seen. But if all prejudices and spatial restrictions are discarded, then surely all people would be sitting like that.

Our columnist discusses a strange case that happened in the St. Petersburg metro

A certain "social activist"Anna Dovgalyuk   declared war on "transport machismo". The woman posted a video to the Network, where her like-minded person in the St. Petersburg subway. Later Dovgalyuk explained that such “ugly behavior” of men is called “manspreading”.

Neologism " manspreading"Was invented and launched into the masses by feminists from the United States five years ago. The frightened transport officials hastened to support the warlike virgins (they prefer not to mess with them again). Metropolitan Transportation Author, a New York-based company, even came up with the slogan: “Dude, stop splaying, please!” ( Dude, stop the spread please!).

You are welcome?! Oh no, this is not for feminists. They poisoned the "culprits" on the Internet, doused them, and stained them. It got to the point that two Hispanics were even tried in New York for "wide openings" in public transport. True, there were no imprisonment.

Fashion for this unprecedented stupidity, thank God, has passed. Critics of the fashion movement "for equality" rightly noted that, in fact, ill-bred women in the subway are also found. Very often they put bags next to them, taking up more than one place. The point is not in the field of man, but in his upbringing. And a word manspreading   They came up with a new term-answer - she-bagging, which literally means "her clothes."

What if a resident of St. Petersburg, so to speak, was stuck with a “hypanut” in this way? Unclear. It is only clear that this action is not for respect for fellow citizens, but against men. “That is, it is a purely struggle for a place in the sun?” - the journalist of Komsomolka asks the question on his page Sergey Ponomarev. “But then why pour water over the perineum, and not, for example, the ankles?” No, I think the motive here is still sexist. ”

He is echoed by a video blogger Andrey Yakovlev: “Nobody pours water on fat people in the subway, who take up a lot of space. Or women with large breasts, especially if it is decollete. " Indeed, a snuggle - it will already be sexual harassment. So, forced to keep his distance.

“Why not just politely ask the man to move? - the representative of the fair sex writes on the Internet Elena Skulkina. “The vast majority will respond to such a request with understanding, I know for myself.”

Dovgalyuk with his girlfriends is obviously offended by peasants for something and acts in line with radical American feminism saturated with hatred. Here are some quotes from the legendary activists of the women's movement.

  • “I want to see a man beaten up in a bloody mess, with a heel hammered in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig” (Andrea Dvorkin).
  • “Any sex, even mutual between married couples, is an act of violence of a man against a woman” (Katherine McKinon).
  • “To call a man an animal means to flatter him; he is a machine, a walking vibrator ”(Valerie Salange).
  • “The number of men should be reduced and maintained at 10% of the total population” (Sally Gerhard).

However, initially feminism was not at all so disgusting. October marks two hundred years since the death of the first American feminist Abigail Adams. This lady also believed that the masculine character was "originally tyrannical." But this did not stop her from being the wife of the second US president and the mother of the sixth. She loved them, despite the fact that suffrage for women in the United States appeared much later - in 1920.

I would like to hope that the feminists in our country will focus not on the moved American women, but on the pioneer of this movement in Russia Maria Arbatova, which became popularly known after the cult program of the 90s "I Myself." 20 years have passed, and I still remember how feminine Maria taught men from the screen how to get to know the opposite sex in an original way so that you would not be “sent”.

“A guy with a big box came into the elevator with me,” said Masha. - He put it on the floor, caught his breath and said: “Girl, I ask for your help. I have a very difficult task: I need to somehow get your phone before the elevator stops on my floor. ” I gave him a number without hesitation. "

The American feminist aunts would have killed the unfortunate young man here to hell ...

T was a woman, of course, a temple. Not even a temple, but a mosque: don’t go in shoes, kneel, believe, pray, love.

- What is wrong with him? - I ask a friend of the girl, meaning "why didn’t you give him?"

There was a normal man - handsome, fashionable, a little boring, but very in moderation.

In response, she makes this special face from the series “I didn’t grow my flower for him.” He twitches his shoulders, sadness in his eyes. “This is not that.”

To be honest, I can’t remember how they formulate this. The point is that the man seems to be not bad, but somehow falls short of their lofty radiant ideals.

Oh god Where are those wonderful years when I could directly say: “Honey, if nobody fucks you tomorrow, you’re dead. You dry up before your eyes. "Pull yourself together - spread your legs, drink a glass of whiskey in one gulp, sit already on anyone's dick."

I'm an adult now. Understanding this. I also know how to shrug my shoulders and pretend that all people are different, and that God is God's, and Caesar's is Caesar's. But deep down, under the layers of this adult acquired false understanding, I know: without sex, kapets to everyone, even to those who believe that he has a sluggish temperament.

There is no this sluggish. There is self-hypnosis and a habit of inconvenience, which makes nervous passionate nerds out of cheerful, passionate people.

And now morning, you go after this adventure, and you have a wonderful mood, because - yes! - something happened in your life. There is something to write about home

- Beautiful?! I worry.

“Such, you know ...” she thinks. “Now I will show you a photograph of my grandmother.” She is also small, round, bulging eyes, no neck. Really, they are very similar.

- What about sex?

She sighs. Then he laughs.

- I don’t understand at all! He has something there ... Well, and I don’t know, as if he had it for the first time. It’s good that I didn’t even stay the night.

I have no question, “Then why?” - I myself can answer: at least some kind of sex is better than none.

Photo Credit: Tim Macpherson / Getty Images

First of all, it’s important for people to be touched. They touched, kissed, so that the woman’s penis was between the legs. True, this in itself is excellent.

Secondly, sex and, as it were, romance is an adventure. So many things! Well, flirting, and you dressed up in a beautiful one, and somewhere you walk, walk, and wit, and here is the wine, here is the limoncello (or jägermeister), then another's bed, another's life, smell ... And even if everything is modest and pale, it’s still interesting.

And now morning, you go like this after this adventure, and you have a wonderful mood, because - yes! - something happened in your life. There is something to write about home.

Personally, I really like to be truly in love, to receive incredible pleasure from sex with the best man. But if this is not there, I will take what is

Many women think that sex should only be with a Special Man. Which, right in your style, is smart / cheerful, and so polite, and looks after him beautifully, and outwardly he, if not your ideal, is still incredibly pleasant to you.

And I think this is all nonsense. Such men - they do not meet every day. And sex is needed all the time. And some even the most miserable romance is also needed at least once a week. Date, drunkenness, wandering around the bars, impressions, touches. Let's do it without cunning: without all this, well, just a paragraph.

Tel Aviv, club, whiskey, techno, heat. I can’t die-two weeks without sex. "Will you go with me?" Someone asks. Well ... well. “I will go!” I need. Really needed.

Let's say the next night friends didn’t like him. “What,” they say, “for such nonsense?” Ok, we're firing. But I had a hot night, he’s a funny man, we practiced and laughed perfectly with him. Very warm and good experience. It seems that some neighbors on the terrace were watching our sex on the terrace - well, okay, they pleased them.

Personally, I really like to be truly in love, to receive incredible pleasure from sex with the best man. But if this is not there, I will take what is. Sitting at home and rubbing a vagina against the wall, howling with despair, is not my option.

Better a so-so partner and so-so sex than nothing at all. Why, in the end, came up with all sorts of wine?

Sorry, but not museums, cinema, dances and gatherings with girlfriends make our life truly fascinating. Yes, yes, I agree: all this is beautifully beautiful, but there is no more exciting adventure than sex. Even if he is bad. Well, or so-so. And sometimes, by the way, with an unexpected person there is a complete delay: you are not building anything from yourself, you are very drunk, and now all this suddenly reveals in you some abysses. You can learn a lot about yourself.

Even if you have cast-iron legs that are glued together with liquid nails, cut them, ladies, chop, but push them apart

And not only about yourself. New people bring new hobbies. Thanks to one of my lovers, who was a very cool guy, but who had sex ... well, cute, but average, already for opening me some great and now beloved musicians. And in general, we had a wonderful time. Yes, the earth did not tremble. But it was great.

The fact is that happiness from revelations with friends is, of course, a special joy. But this is the state (even if you evaluate it purely technically) when you have a man (well, or a woman) in front of you, with whom you flirt, who you like and undress in front of, and he hugs you, kisses you, and you touch him everywhere too - well, that’s different. Much brighter, more exciting, emotional, adventurous. Sorry, but no female blah blah blah and “Oh, I will always love this movie” will not be compared.

Even if you have cast-iron legs that are glued with liquid nails, cut them, ladies, chop them, but move them apart if you’re completely soured and you’re in a state that makes you want to cry and suddenly pray.

No need to go with tweezers and a magnifying glass and examine any candidate as a crime scene. Are you married? You and him on the red carpet? Enjoy the moment - even a compromise. In the end, you will have something to tell. And this is definitely better than a life in which nothing is happening, nothing is happening at all.

“He has such a small member that I didn’t feel anything at all!” - the friend is having fun.

Sometimes flaws are advantages. If only because we talk about them for three hours - and want more, but it's already morning. Life - it somehow has to happen, and, you know, the search for the ideal is not events, but stagnation. Live, and the ideal itself will someday appear. The main thing is that there should be sex, here in the broadest and non-literal (and literally, of course, also) sense.