From which you can make a butterfly with your own hands. How to make a butterfly out of paper? Video: how to cut a butterfly out of paper

Paper butterflies will become a special addition to the decor of walls and ceilings of the room or individual items and crafts (albums, cards, compositions with flowers, notebooks, and so on). There are many ways to create paper butterflies. The most popular of them are given in this master class.

Butterfly card

Take thick paper, colored on both sides. Better not to take cardboard. It’s inconvenient to work with him.

Fold the paper in half. In this lesson, the size of the workpiece after bending turned out to be 9x14 cm.

With a pointed pencil, draw a butterfly silhouette. Cut the workpiece. This will be the main double part of the card on the spread of which you can write a wish.

Now you need to enrich the appearance of the crafts.

Draw the silhouette of another butterfly, which should be 20-30 percent less than the previous one. Cut this butterfly. She will be single.
  Make another butterfly. Its size should approximately coincide with the first butterfly, only it will be single.

  Ready butterflies must be added to the card. To make the postcard look more voluminous, expand the blank and bend the wings of one of the butterflies. Glue that single butterfly to it (also bend its wings), which is larger. Glue a small one on top of it (bend the wings quite a bit).

In the technique of quilling

  To create a butterfly using the quilling technique you will need:

  • strips of paper for quilling (you can use both special and office cut yourself);
  • glue;
  • quilling needle (you can use a skewer or a toothpick).

The process of creating a butterfly does not imply the use of any forms and elements in the quilling technique. It all depends on your personal wishes and preferences. You yourself have the right to choose the shape of the butterfly, its color and the elements of which it will consist.

For familiarization, we offer you a picture with the most common forms of quilling. Both closed and open elements are presented here.

  To create a butterfly, you need to twist the strip of paper with the quilling needle or improvised device and give the figure the necessary shape. Fasten all elements with glue.

Compound shapes start from small to large, or from the center to the edges.

Butterfly decor can also be made according to individual wishes.

The pictures show the options for the finished butterflies, your butterflies may be completely different from them and exclusive.

Openwork butterfly

  To create an openwork butterfly from paper you will need:

  • thick paper of the desired color (you can use half-card or Whatman paper);
  • breadboard knife;
  • scissors.

The first thing to do is print on paper or draw a butterfly template (stencil).

  Using a breadboard knife, you need to cut out all the inner lines of the future butterfly.

The external contour of the butterfly can be cut with a breadboard knife, as well as with ordinary scissors.

Working with such an option for making an openwork butterfly requires special care and caution. Start cutting from the middle, it will be more convenient. Try to work out large sections first, then cut out small elements.

The finished butterfly, if desired, can be glued on a contrasting color paper.

  It can also be used to create large cards and scrapbooks using the scrapbooking technique.

And if you take a large layout and thick paper, then such butterflies are suitable for decorating walls.

Butterflies on the wall

To decorate walls and ceilings in the room, you need to use butterfly stencils. Depending on the idea, the number of necessary elements varies. Butterflies are not necessarily the same size or color.

To create a panel, use two-color thick paper. First, sketch in a notebook a rough outline of the panel (the number of elements in it and size), then make the necessary templates. And from these patterns, start cutting out the required number of butterflies.

Before sticking to the wall, butterflies can bend their wings, but you can also leave them flat.

Origami butterfly

Creating a butterfly using the origami technique will require a little patience, a great desire and a square made of paper. For an ideal option, it is best to use double-sided paper of the same color. You can choose the color according to your own preferences.

The process of creating butterflies using the origami technique.

It is necessary to bend the square along two diagonals. Iron the bends well.

Bend and bend the square in half horizontally and vertically, do not forget to iron the bends.

It is necessary to lay down the part immediately along all the planned lines. It is necessary to bring together two halves of a previously bent horizontal. Thus, two triangles should form above and below. It should turn out by folding the part a double triangle. For convenience, use the tips in the pictures.

Bend both corners alternately.

Now we turn the resulting triangle upside down and bend up the triangle located below, as shown in the picture.

This manipulation must be done so that the bent triangle slightly extends beyond the edge of the base of the large triangle.

The last step will be to bend the wings of the origami butterfly as shown in the picture.

Butterflies are one of the best decorations for the home, because with their help you can create truly elegant and light accents in decorating the house or banquet hall for a children's party or wedding. Besides butterflies, you can make baby hair clips, etc. Therefore, I hasten to tell and show you: how to make a butterfly with your own hands from different materials.

How to make a paper butterfly with your own hands

The easiest way to make butterflies is to cut out the template, circle it on color cardboard and cut it out. Such beauties can be attached to the walls, curtains, tablecloths with Chinese pins or double-sided tape, or simply dot the floor with them, fill some containers, etc.

Or draw butterflies with paints and cut them out leaving a white outline.

Or gently glue with a cloth.

And if you have a plotter: cut patterned butterflies. By the way, you can go further and cover them with glitter varnish. The result is simply magical.

In addition, origami butterflies can be made of paper.

Fans of all that’s unusual will have the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking “live” butterflies. Such butterflies are perfect for invitations: put it in a card, envelope or box (the recipient will be very surprised when he opens the "packaging"). But first things first.

You will need: hard cardboard, wire, thin elastic bands, round-nose pliers, scissors.

The size of the wings and the base of the wire depends on what kind of butterfly you ultimately need (you can first cut out the wings of the required size and make a wire base on them already). Two parts will need to be made of wire, as shown in the photo above. The whole chip in the gum will need to be pulled onto the wire - to connect two parts together. Glue the wire with cardboard wings. On the finished butterfly, “rotating” the upper wings, tighten the gum tightly and place the butterfly in some cramped container. When opened - it will fly out like a living, due to the unwinding of the gum. Agree on an original way to make a butterfly with your own hands.

How to make do-it-yourself butterflies in pergamano technique master class

Unfortunately, the technique of pergamon is not known to many, but, in my opinion, it is just like no other suitable for creating unusually beautiful butterflies. Especially for you we tell and show not only how to make butterflies pergamono, but also how to do without buying special tools for parchment.

Let's start with the tools:

  • the most basic is parchment paper (dense waxed tracing paper, a density of at least 150 g / m2)
  • a special mat for embossing (embossing) and a mat for perforating (piercing). Special rubberized rugs for pergamon are on sale, but it can be replaced with a usual rug for a computer mouse.
  • dots (used for embossing) - are pens with balls of different diameters at the ends. Dots can be replaced with knitting needles, a crochet hook, a non-writing ballpoint pen.

You can make dots with your own hands:

using earrings for piercing with a gel pen (pull the bar out of the gel pen, blow out the remnants of the gel and simply screw the bar from the earring into the place of the bar from the pen).

from stationery clamps and a pen / felt-tip pen (to dismantle the stationery clamps - you need metal staples, you don’t have to bite anything off of them. We simply deform the metal with the help of round-nose pliers to the desired shape. We insert the resulting shapes into the pen / felt-tip pen so that they do not hang out it can be supported with wooden skewers )

  • Prikel-pencils - used to pierce holes along the contour of a drawing or apply any pattern. Instead, you can use a regular needle or thin awl.
  • Small scissors (the ends must be very sharp, and the blades themselves are narrow and thin) - you can use suitable nail scissors according to their characteristics.
  • Parchment board with special stencils of the necessary images. If you do not plan to practice parchment, you can print the desired pattern on paper and use a white pencil / pen / mascara to transfer it to tracing paper.
  • Paper tape - for attaching tracing paper to the stencil.
  • Transparent ruler.
  • If you decorate butterflies with beads, get a special glue for parchment - it does not leave any marks after drying. In addition, LEEHO glue (South Korea) is perfect.
  • Half beads for decoration - optional.

Working process:

We lay the screen board on the embossing mat (step No. 2 in the photo above), put parchment paper on top and fix it with tape (the outer side of the parchment paper - which you look after embossing will be purl. On the front side you get a convex pattern).

And using dots of different sizes, we begin embossing the picture (No. 3). If necessary, press the tracing paper firmly against the board using a ruler (do not touch it with your fingers) - so as not to leave stains on the paper.

The next step number 4 - after embryo is finished, turn the board with the attached parchment paper over and lay it on the mat for punching. And with a needle or a prick pencil, make holes along the contour. Photo No. 5 shows the result of perforation.

For greater liveliness, you can make a butterfly double-row, because the stencil to make only the upper half of the wings (No. 6).

There are the final touches: we glue the parts and glue the half beads on top - we admire the result!

In the previous case, we showed the progress of working with the screen. But as mentioned above, you can do without it.

We print out the desired pattern and use a white pencil to transfer the pattern to parchment paper. And then there’s nothing new: we turn the sheet of tracing paper on the back side and carefully outline the dot pattern. Then immediately gently cut with scissors (you can make perforation - it depends on which edges you want in the end. In general, it’s beautiful in its own way). At the end, you can slightly bend the wings and also glue half beads to them.

How to make a butterfly from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Just cut a piece of plastic from a bottle, fold it in half, circle a pattern of wings and cut it out. The main charm of such a butterfly is the possibilities of its decoration. Glue it with lace, beads or feathers, etc. Or cut a butterfly from the bottom of a plastic bottle.

How to make a polymer clay butterfly with your own hands

If you try, the result will exceed all expectations. By the way, you won’t need special skills: a little accuracy and concentration and you will get a very beautiful butterfly made of polymer clay.

So, to create it, you will need:

  • respectively self-hardening polymer clay (of any company - at your discretion)
  • template paper
  • cling film + petroleum jelly (hide clay so that it does not dry prematurely)
  • rolling stack
  • texture reminiscent of the texture of wings (flower mold, leaf of a plant, shell)
  • paints (oil blue, black and white; acrylic black)
  • thin wire
  • scissors

  1. Determine the silhouette - draw it on paper and cut out the patterns (we need 4 wings).
  2. Take a small piece of clay and mix oil blue paint in it. We tear off a pea-sized slice from the resulting blue clay (remove the remaining clay in a plastic wrap lubricated with petroleum jelly - so that the clay does not harden). Roll the taken piece of clay with the stack into a thin layer on the palm.
  3. Next, simply attach the wing pattern to this layer, press firmly and immediately remove (the outline should remain). We take the scissors and carefully cut out along the contour, lay it again on the palm of our hand and thinn it out with a stack, roll out the edges. And we shift the wing on some surface to give the texture (in this case, the flower mold is used).
  4. Glue a thin wire to the textured wing on the glue of pva and lay the wing to dry on an uneven surface, giving it a shape. We do the same thing step by step with the remaining 3 wings.
  5. Next, you need to make a little body: in the remaining blue clay we interfere with the black oil paint and mix thoroughly. Then from the resulting black clay we make an elongated “drop”. We form a head on it and with the help of a thread or wire we make longitudinal strips. Taurus leave to dry.
  6. While the parts of the body dry, take care of the antennae. On two pieces of wire, bend the small loops and paint them with acrylic black paint. Give them time to dry too.
  7. Completely dried wings must be additionally painted. First, we tint all the wings with oil white paint: you need to work with a wide, semi-dry brush (no need to “paint over” the whole, you need to slightly emphasize the texture). Next, we draw veins and paint over the edges with oil black paint from edge to center. Cut off the excess wire from the finished wings, (8) make punctures on the body and glue the wings to a good super-glue. Glue the antennae in the same way.

That's all polymer clay butterfly is ready!

You can change the color and the shape itself, make it double, with patterns, press the beads into the polymer clay that has not yet dried, decorate the finished butterfly with feathers, etc. - it all depends on your design idea. Go for it!

How to make a butterfly from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique with your own hands

First, we present to your attention a master class "how to make kanzashi petals."

Kanzashi petals: sharp and round

So, how to make a butterfly from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique, see below.

We start with the upper wings.

You will need: a ribbon of two types 5 cm wide. 10 cm long (in duplicate), a ribbon of a different color 5 cm long and 5 cm wide (two small squares) and a couple of 2.5 cm squares.

  1. We take the two largest pieces of colorful ribbons, put them together and wrap them in an airplane (triangle).
  2. Gently pierce the bottom with a needle, in addition, you can glue a strassink over the needle at the joint of the seam (photo No. 2) or hold it with your finger so that the seam does not diverge.
  3. Next, we fold our “triangle” in half and fix it with a clamp as shown in photo No. 3, cut off the excess (cut line No. 1). To make both wings the same, attach them to each other.
  4. Then we cut off the excess on line No. 2. We singe the edges of the cut from line No. 1 together, and on the second side individually, each side.
  5. Next, we make round “petals” with folds, so that small sharp petals enter them.
  6. First, gently glue small sharp petals between the folds of round petals, then glue them into large sharp petals. The lower wings are made simply round, you can glue rhinestones on them.
  7. We fold all the wings and sew them with a large needle with a long thread (try to capture all layers of ribbons). The threads are tightened and tied well, we cut the excess threads. From the bottom, at the junction of all the wings, drip glue and align them so that they are all on the same level.
  8. From beads and beads we make a little body. Glue the body of the butterfly and stitch it with thread.
  9. We collect a circle from a piece of lace so that there are no holes, straighten wrinkles evenly and glue a butterfly from ribbons to the lace (the resulting beauty needs to be glued to the clip or just to a round cardboard with a glued cloth, etc.).

Combine different ribbons, as shown in the example below. Show your imagination!

Or here is an option:

  1. Cut from the tapes two squares for wings.
  2. Lubricate the square with glue from the wrong side (you can use glue for ceiling tiles from the household. Store, for example, "Dragon") and carefully glue it into a triangle.
  3. We fold the resulting triangle in half and twist the resulting corner (as shown in photo No. 3).
  4. We do the same with the second square of the tape. As a result, you should get two wings, as in photo No. 4.
  5. Further, if desired, you can give some form of wings. At the place of the bend, cut out a recess. But that's not all: with the help of a lighter you can melt the edges (so that the tape does not burn, namely, “melts”, you need to keep the tape at the bottom of the fire).
  6. From beads and fishing line you can make a beautiful body. As an option: we put one bead on the fishing line, combine the ends of the fishing line and string the beads on them, fix with glue. We dip the ends of the fishing line in glue and sparkles.
  7. For the base of the body, cut out a cardboard square and glue it with a piece of tape, glue the body from beads on top.
  8. Glue the wings, decorate them with sequins.

You can diversify this idea. For example, take ribbons of different colors, cut out triangles, combine them with the front side and the lighter to melt (a square should turn out). The further course of work as with an ordinary square. By this principle, you can combine the ribbon with lace, etc.

No less beautiful butterflies are obtained exclusively from dense ribbons. You can decorate a card with such butterflies or use it somehow else - at your discretion.

Combine colorful ribbons.

And by the way, do not forget that you can sew butterflies from ribbons:

How to make / sew a butterfly from a fabric with your own hands

You can make an unusual origami butterfly from fabric.

In this case, as well as those ahead, it all depends on your imagination - experiment!

How to make a butterfly out of "gelled" material with your own hands

Butterfly made of gelatin fabric. In this case, first of all, you need to make a “gelatin” tissue, for this: 1 tsp. pour gelatin in cold water (1/4 cup) and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Then (when the gelatin swells), place the gelatin container in a steam bath and add another 1/4 cup of water. Bring the solution to complete dissolution of the lumps. Moisten a cloth in it and hang it up without drying. In addition, you will need: bulka - knife (butter knife), crepe paper, wire, glue. Additional elements are up to you: for the antennae, you can use a hairpin, wire or make them from a fishing line with beads, make a body from beads, etc.

The progress is quite simple:

  1. Make wing patterns from paper, transfer them to the fabric and cut them out.
  2. Next, you need to process the fabric: the knife must be heated, directly in the flame on a gas stove (about 10 seconds). Then, before proceeding to the wings, check on an unnecessary piece of fabric whether the knife is melting the fabric and proceed with processing. We process the fabric from the inside out, hold the knife at an angle of 45 degrees and walk 2-3 mm from the edge along all the edges and make streaks (photo No. 2 shows the bulka and knife).
  3. We smear a piece of wire with glue and spirally wrap it with crepe paper as shown in photo No. 3 (these are the so-called “summers / litons”). We make 4 such litons.
  4. We glue one letton for each wing (in veins).
  5. We make a mustache and body - everything here depends entirely on your imagination. Photo No. 5 shows a variant of antennae twisted from a hairpin (on a knitting needle), painted with gold paint on top. And the body is woven according to the pattern of beads. Glue the antennae to the finished body. We twist together the wires of the upper and lower wings first, then we twist together all 4 wires, cut off the excess.
  6. Using silicone glue, glue the body.

In a similar way (using hot tools) you can make a multi-layer / volumetric butterfly: for example, for the outer wings take the atlas, and for the internal veil-reaper (by the way, in this case, the gelatin is not necessary).

As a result, you need to carve out 2 large and two small wings from the atlas (we cut holes in them). For the lower layers of the wings, we cut out 4 large and 4 small pieces from the veil (holes are not needed on them).

We process them as shown in the diagram above in the upper right corner, glue them to letons, let them dry. We make a body with a mustache and collect a butterfly.

How to make butterflies from nylon do it yourself

Making butterflies from kapron is very easy. First, wire preforms are made of wire, which are then tightly tightened around the capron and tied with thread at the base. Taurus and antennae can be done in different ways. In the photo below, we present you several different options for butterflies from kapron.

How to make butterflies of thread yourself

Even a child can make a butterfly of thread. Under the cling film, you can put a butterfly pattern and lay the threads dipped in glue within its outline (try to lay the threads with beautiful curls). When you do, in your opinion, put a sufficient number of turns of thread aside - until the glue completely dries. In the meantime, you can make a butterfly body from beads. Then glue the bodies to the dried wings and use this gentle butterfly in the decor.

In general, experiment!

  Spring is just around the corner, with every day the sun begins to bake more and more, birds chirping outside the window. It's time to teach your child to create a small miracle - butterflies from paper. Butterflies made by the hands of a child can decorate any corner of the apartment. Butterflies can settle on the mirror, decorate the walls of the nursery, flutter under the ceiling from the light breeze, and your home will always have summer.

One butterfly will need two 10x10 cm squares.

We fold the squares with an accordion, as shown in the photo.

We pierce in the middle with an awl or other sharp object and put it on a wooden stick.

We draw and cut two little bodies of paper.

Glue on both sides of the butterfly wings, and the wings themselves can be decorated with glitter for shine.

Glue the eyes and decorate with beads or small beads.

Well, and this is probably the easiest, but no less interesting way to create butterflies from napkins. One such butterfly will require less than five minutes of time, and the result is amazing.

For butterflies, we select bright and beautiful napkins, a few beads, and of course you will need a fleecy wire.

We fold the napkin with an accordion, fold the fluffy wire in half and twist it, making the butterfly body in this way.

We insert a napkin and twist the wire a couple of times. We insert the bead and turn the antennae in different directions. If desired, you can put beads on the ends of the antennae of the butterfly.

Such butterflies look good under the ceiling, fixing them to a thread. They are very light and from a slight breeze the butterflies will flutter in different directions.

Butterfly decoration.

And this is a whole pendant decoration with fluttering butterflies made of paper.

Let's start with the flowers. Cut out a large number of flowers from paper. To make one flower, bend the petals of one flower, glue it on another flower, glue the core inside. We make the necessary number of such flowers.

Ready-made flowers for decoration.

We turn to the creation of butterflies from paper. To do this, take black cardboard and cut out the butterflies.

Butterflies are painted with blue and blue acrylic paint, and liquid spangles are applied to the paint.

Next is the use of a children's plastic hanger. We tie three ropes to it.

Glue flowers onto the hanger with a thermo gun.

We place paper butterflies on the ropes.

Anyone who has ever made repairs wants to add personality to the finished interior and bring in some original idea. And vice versa, when you do not intend to make repairs in the near future, but you want to change something in the interior. And in fact, and in another case, decor with butterflies on the wall will help. You can create such a decoration with your own hands. This will contribute to the fact that all family members will be passionate about the interesting creative process.

Preparation for work

Such a design solution, such as the use of butterflies for interior decoration, has become one of the most popular trends in modern society. These decorative elements add an atmosphere of lightness and romance. It's easy to find butterfly patterns on the Internet from paper to decorate the interior, so you can safely experiment and take on their manufacture.

Before starting work, you should clearly determine the following actions:

Do not set about creating butterflies in an intricate shape. This will only create additional difficulties, but will not affect the final result. In addition to the fact that DIY templates for butterfly stencils for decoration can be downloaded on the Internet, they can also be made with your own hands. To do this, you need to have the imagination of the elementary skills of the artist.

Making butterflies from paper

The easiest and cheapest way to make moths is paper cutting. They can be made of any shape and color. Having shown imagination, even beginners will create a wonderful decoration and can rightfully be proud of it.

Absolutely any material (magazines, newspapers, colored paper, etc.) is suitable for the manufacture of paper crafts. Butterflies made from old glossy magazines will look beautiful. They will turn out bright, multi-colored and will originally decorate the wall of your house or apartment.

If you do not want to bother with the manufacture of templates, then you can simply download and print ready-made ones. After that, you just have to carefully cut them. Ready butterflies are hung on the wall in a pre-conceived order and, thereby, revive it.

Cardboard Moths

It’s much harder to make a butterfly out of cardboard than paper. The advantage of this material is the ability to create more complex and bizarre shapes. Cardboard moths easily change shape. It is enough to moisten them with water and fix with a load. After drying, the workpiece will have the desired shape.

Such butterflies are best placed on the wall with flocks flying from one end to the other. A heart made of moths or a large insect made of small details will also look beautiful. Before placing on the wall, a future pattern should be applied with a pencil, and then finished moths should be attached to it.

Vinyl and plastic products

Butterfly figures for decorating a room can even be made of vinyl. Surely everyone has preserved old collections of records that no one needs and only take their place. Butterflies will help give them another chance to benefit.

For production, we take a moth template and apply it to the plate. Draw a contour with chalk or a bar of soap. To cut a butterfly out of a plate, you need to make its material more pliable. To do this, place the vinyl record in the oven. In a few minutes, a moth can be cut out of it. If the process has dragged on and the plate has cooled, then repeat the heating and complete the work. After cutting, sand the edges of the workpiece with sandpaper.

Vinyl moths can be given an interesting and bizarre shape. To do this, bend them until the vinyl has cooled. After cooling, the butterflies will retain their shape and look great on the wall.

Such products are fixed using double-sided tape or silicone glue.

Another easy way to make a moth is to cut it out of plastic. For work, take the middle part of a plastic bottle and decor elements. Using a stencil and marker, transfer the image to plastic. The blank is cut and painted in bright color. The finished butterfly can be added with wire antennae and decorated with beads or rhinestones.

Fabric and metal crafts

Moths made of fabric perfect for walls with liquid wallpaperand. To make such butterflies, an image is applied to the fabric and cut out. Fasten the finished insects with glue. To give volume to the composition, use a thin cloth dampened with soap and water. The moth is shaped and dried. Fabric butterflies give the interior lightness and warmth.

The exact opposite are moths made from cans. To give the desired shape to the workpiece will require a lot of strength and patience. The cut figures are painted with golden paint from a spray can and give them the desired pattern. Such moths perfectly complement the interior of the men's room.

Butterflies in the form of a picture

One of the most striking ways to decorate the interior with moths is to place them in the form of a picture. To make, follow a few simple steps:

Glowing moths

To create an effect  Glow we will use phosphor paint.

Next to the light source we place a picture on the wall. Then we glue the templates to the wall and apply paint. After drying, remove the patterns and admire the beautiful moths.

To enhance the glow effect, the wings can be outlined with blue paint.

Methods of mounting products on the wall

There are many options for attaching finished products to the wall. The following are distinguished from them:

When attaching cardboard figuresIt is worth considering their heavy weight.

It does not matter which of the options described above you choose, the main thing is that the figures made for decoration will add uniqueness and emphasize your personality.

Attention, only TODAY!

A fascinating occupation of paper crafts will help you transform a greeting card made by yourself, decorate the interior of the house, make a holiday colorful, or simply transform everyday life into a fairy tale. It’s quite simple to make a butterfly out of paper from improvised or prepared materials, but we will consider how in this article.

There are many variations to create a variety of paper crafts. You can also make a butterfly out of paper using different methods.

For example, for crafts you need to have at home:

  • Old junk magazine with bright pages
  • Scissors

To make the butterfly color, place the brightest places on the wings of the magazine on the wings of a moth.

This paper decorating technique is the simplest and easiest. All that needs to be done to obtain the basis of the product is:

  • Fold the magazine sheet in half two times and cut the triangle of the desired size
  • As a result, when you expand the sheet, you get a rhombus
  • Now make another one of the same foundation, only slightly larger
  • Finished rhombuses must be folded with an accordion, starting from the middle
  • And fix them with glue
  • The last step in the work will be fixing two rhombs with each other, also with glue
  • Gently spread the butterfly wings, slightly stretching the accordion.

The product is ready.

Such wonderful moths can be present on the holiday card, from them you can make a children's toy in the playpen, and also create a garland by hanging several butterflies on a thread or elastic band. This is the easiest way how to make a paper butterfly on a wall.

How to make an origami paper butterfly?

The origami technique has long ago won the love of those who wish to present gifts made with their own hands. Decorating bouquets, gift boxes, cards and much more can not do without such an element as a butterfly.

Let's look at a way how to make a voluminous butterfly from paper  easy and fast. To do this, we need to stock up on a sheet of colored paper, it is better to take a double-sided, 8.5 × 8.5 cm in size and a little patience.

  • The first thing to do is bend the sheet in half lengthwise and crosswise. Bend well so that the bend lines are clear, and then unfold the sheet.
  • Now bend the diagonal lines. Connect the upper right and lower left corner, bend the first diagonal, and then the upper left and lower right. Expand the sheet.
  • Next, you need to bend the paper so that in the end you get a triangle. To do this, the left and right edges need to be bent into the middle.
  • Now bend the bottom corners of the resulting triangle, making even diagonal folds.
  • Expand the craft and wrap the top of the triangle so that its tip extends beyond the upper edge of the product and lock it.
  • Do not press the folds that are too strong, this will make the butterfly ugly flat.
  • Fold the resulting craft in half across and ready.

How to make a butterfly out of corrugated paper?

Corrugated paper is very convenient and quite practical to use. Wonderful crafts and decorations for a holiday or celebration come out of it. Therefore, it is very popular among needlewomen. How to make a butterfly out of paper in stages,  let's consider. In general, it will take you no more than 10 minutes, because working with corrugated paper is easy and uncomplicated. So what you need:

  • Corrugated paper in different colors
  • Ruler
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors

The steps are as follows:

  1. Cut out rectangles of about 7 cm × 10 cm from paper.
  2. We bend the rectangle across and along the obtained bend line we flash the thread. Make several turns to fix.
  3. The result will be a bow.
  4. We bend the bow in half, holding the fingers along the seam, we begin to spread the wings of the butterfly. Try to leave as few folds as possible.
  5. Now that the wings are smoothed out, we cut off a pair of millimeters on one side with scissors, from which we will form the antennae of the butterfly.
  6. From the rest of the paper, we cut the fantasy wings of a butterfly with scissors.

  1. We twist the strips cut for the antennae with our fingers into thin tubes.
  2. Now unfold the butterfly. The product is ready.

Corrugated paper butterflies are weightless and light. They alone make them enter the easy trance of their dreams and desires. Such jewelry will perfectly complement any celebration.

How to make a butterfly out of colored paper?

Making a butterfly out of plain colored paper is generally the easiest and most financially affordable task. A butterfly made of ordinary colored paper can be made of one color using several tones of paper, as well as openwork.

Making such butterflies, it all depends on the imagination. They will perfectly decorate a wall, window or curtain. Such butterflies can create paintings, recreate vortices on the wall, make decorations on a chandelier or mirrors. It is very beautiful, and most importantly - each time you change the color scheme, you will create a new mood in your home.

Handwork, and especially presenting gifts made with your own hands, always fascinates with its originality and the love invested in them. And the question of how to decorate a holiday or gift wrap, now will not take you by surprise, because how to make a beautiful paper butterfly,  you know. Fill your life with colors, turn the ordinary design of your home into something interesting and complement it with bright, unique details.

Video: “How to make a butterfly out of paper. Do-it-yourself paper butterflies on the wall "