Hand massage manicure technique. Hand massage after manicure. Hand massage: what tools are best to use

Massage is the most pleasant manicure procedure, as it has a relaxing effect on the body as a whole. There are many different techniques: from traditional massage to such types of massage, hand reflexology, lymphatic drainage, etc. In this step by step guide, we will describe the traditional massage. The classic hand massage begins with soft movements - a kind of stroking, then the skin is subjected to strong pressure, and the massage ends again gently, as it began.

How is hand massage performed in traditional manicure?


Although this procedure does not require many materials, it is necessary (as always at the beginning of a manicure) that all surfaces are clean, especially those that the model's hands will rest on. Cream tubes should also be sparkling clean to convey an air of professionalism.

2. INSPECTION OF HANDS. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to examine the hands of the model, determining whether there are any contraindications to massage (for example, if there is a fungus on the hands, then massage cannot be done, otherwise you can get infected).

3. DISINFECTION OF THE HANDS OF THE MODEL AND THE HANDS OF THE MASTER. This stage is necessary whenever we are going to do a manicure: for your own safety and the safety of the client - in order to prevent possible infection. A special spray is used here.

4. APPLY CREAM. We begin to apply massage cream on the hands of the model, which is described in the next step.

5-6-7. CREAM DISTRIBUTION. With a disposable spatula, we extract a sufficient amount of cream from the jar for a full massage of one hand. We start with the right hand. Usually, a nourishing cream rich in fatty acids is used to help the master's hands glide over the surface of the model's hands. We distribute the cream from the hand to the elbow - always from the bottom up to stimulate reverse blood circulation. Then - from the elbow to the hands very gently, slightly touching the skin.

Hand massage in traditional manicure

8. MASSAGE OF FINGERS. With the pads of the thumbs, we massage each finger of the model, making gentle rotational upward movements along the finger, without stopping putting pressure on the skin. The purpose of these short movements is to stimulate the nerve receptors in the skin. In addition, they help to relax the muscles.

9-10. GLOVE MOVEMENTS. We support the client's wrist in a vertical position with the left hand, and with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand we make glove movements on each finger of the model, giving them refinement and toning the tissues.


With the left hand we support the model's hand, and with the right hand we work with the joints of each finger so that they become more mobile. Mobility will help to increase the range of motion and will have a strong calming effect if the client was worried about pain and tension in the joints.

13-14. REPEATING CIRCLES ON FINGERS. We carry out repetitive circular movements with the thumbs on each hand of the model, ending with short pressure. It is important to apply steady but not too hard pressure and separate each finger, avoiding rough movements that cause pain.

15-16. WRIST MASSAGE. With the left hand, we support the model by the forearm and interlace our right hand with the model’s hand, making full rotational movements of her wrist: first to the left, then to the right. Repeat three times on each side to further stretch the joint, which can be very tense.

17. SEPARATING THE FINGERS. We put the forearm of the model in a vertical position, supporting with the left hand, and run all the fingers of our right hand along each side of each finger of the client. This type of massage increases the elasticity of the joints. In addition, since the phalanges of the fingers are very sensitive areas, touching them will be pleasantly tickling and relaxing.

A good massage is a sure remedy against mental stress and hand skin stress. But in an effort to increase blood flow in the capillaries and muscles, do not forget that a balanced diet and frequent drinking of water can greatly help with this. The release of water with urine allows you to finally remove the "slags" after a massage that activates the metabolism.

18. BENDING THE FINGERS. Supporting the model's hand with the left hand, we work with the joints with the right hand. We make movements on each finger of the client, nodules and bone areas of the hand. So we unblock the joints and give tone to the skin tissues.


We work with each finger separately, stretching them. With the left hand we support the model's hand, and with the right hand we treat each finger with twisting movements from the base to the tip, thereby continuing to stimulate blood circulation and improve the appearance of the hand.

20. MASSAGE OF THE PALM. We turn the model's hand over and work out the surface of the palm with our thumbs, especially in the area of ​​the pads - where fat and ballast fluids accumulate.

21-22. RESTORATION OF VENOUS CIRCULATION. We squeeze the center of the palm with the pads of the thumbs and gently rise to the inside of the forearm, affecting the veins closest to the surface in order to improve return blood flow and peripheral circulation.


With two hands, starting with the model's fingers, slowly rise to the elbow. Then we go down with our hands on the sides of the forearm, very gently. Then we repeat everything again. In this part of the procedure, the movements should be more vigorous so that the hand warms up, toxins are removed and the largest muscles relax.

25. GRINDING THE BRUSH. With the thumbs, we make three pressures, starting from the center of the model’s palm, moving towards the forearm.

26. SURFACE GRINDING. We move our hands very easily and quickly, pressing a little on the forearm.

27. VIBRATION. We take the model’s brush and weave it with ours, then we make relaxing vibrational movements and slowly release our hand. In this way, we act on the nerve endings and enhance the overall feeling of relaxation. Try not to lose contact with the model's skin during vibrations.

28. "EFFLERAGE". Already at the last stage of the massage we do - light sliding with our hands, gently touching the entire surface of the client's hands. This contributes to the deep absorption of the cream and increases the temperature of the skin, so the procedure can be carried out at the beginning of the massage. As a result, the skin will look much more rested, smooth and hydrated.

How to do a hand massage?

Watch how to do a hand massage with a classic manicure below in the video:

Massage, which we resort to not so often, not only can give pleasant sensations, but also promotes healing, gives strength. It is especially important to massage the hands, as their muscles receive a lot of stress throughout the day. We get pains in the neck, shoulders, etc., and we do not even suspect that they can be removed with a simple hand massage.

A special article is a massage of the hands, since it is on the fingers that there are points that can affect certain organs and improve the general condition. Therefore, it does not hurt to devote a few minutes daily to a simple massage, thanks to which you will begin to feel better and more cheerful. Hand massage can prevent arthritis and arthrosis, have a beneficial effect on internal organs, and improve blood and lymphatic fluid circulation.

Today we will reveal to you five secrets, having learned which, you will be able to massage yourself; spend not so much time on it, but get a good return.

Massaging hands for better health

Before starting any massage, the palms need to be “warmed up” a little - rubbed. After that, blood circulation will improve, and the hands will become more sensitive. Then do the following. Applying light pressure, run along the right arm, starting from the fingertips and ending with the shoulder. Do the same procedure with your left hand. Then place your hands alternately, palm up on your thigh, and knead your knuckles.

After that, massage each of the fingers separately, holding the index and middle fingers of the other hand. Then rub all your fingers carefully, crossing them. Rub your palms too. You also need to massage your forearms in a circular motion. The massage should end with stroking, with which we started.

If you begin to massage daily, your condition will improve, you will not feel tired so much, and you will be able to complete everything that is planned for the day.

Massaging hands for weight loss

Acupressure of the hands does not directly lead to weight loss, but it can significantly reduce appetite. Such a massage can be performed anywhere, at home, at work, even on a park bench. It will help to cheer up and get a little distracted from the problems pressing on you.

Find a point at the base of your thumb. She is responsible for digestion. Stroke it, or lightly press it. After a while, you will notice that your appetite has decreased.

There is another point for weight loss. It is located at the base of the little finger nail. The third point is on the elbow bend.

Massage hands for rejuvenation

If you massage your hands with different objects, you can get different results. Massage with the help of walnuts is especially popular. Masseurs claim that it is walnuts that have a positive effect on the human body and act as natural massagers, preventing arthritis and arthrosis.

For a simple massage, you need to take a few fruits, wash and dry them. Then put 2 nuts in each hand, squeeze them, and roll, changing direction. Try to massage so that all fingers are involved.

It is very convenient and effective to do hand massage with a pencil or pen. An ordinary pencil with which children draw at school can become an excellent massager. It is enough to hold the pencil between the palms for a few minutes and rub one against the other. The pencil will massage each palm. This method is more effective than a simple hand massage.

Spoon massage is very popular. Especially common is the so-called Koch massage, which is done with silver or cupronickel spoons. It belongs to one of the most effective massages. All movements are done in a circle using the convex side of the spoon. First of all, you need to massage the thin skin on the inside of the forearm, as it is more flabby and ages quickly.

Before the massage, be sure to lubricate your hands with oil or tonic cream. Do the massage, rising from the elbow upwards. It is necessary to carry out manipulations so that the entire zone is covered.

You can also massage with bamboo sticks, herbal bags, ping-pong balls.

Massaging hands instead of taking pills

Imagine: you can get rid of pain with a simple hand massage if you know the special points that are associated with certain organs.

If your head hurts, then medicines can replace massage. To do this, carry out the following procedure: press on the pad of the thumb of the right hand and begin to massage it with the same finger of the other hand. Do the same manipulations on the other hand. After a while, you will feel relief.

What to do if they hurt shoulders, look for a point on the palm between the ring finger and little finger. To achieve the expected effect, you need to massage this point with your thumb on each hand for at least a minute.

If a back hurts, then the pain can be relieved by massaging the thumbs of both hands, and from the beginning to the nail. You should do a lot of pressure and massage several times, and then massage the solar plexus point. Since these points are responsible for the spine, the pain should go away.

If a I have a stomachache, you need to find the points that are responsible for digestion. They are located on the palm, on the diagonal connecting the thumb and little finger. Massage these points for 2-3 minutes and the pain will go away.

At knee pain you need to massage the middle and ring fingers, and not soft tissues, but the joints themselves.

With a cold you need to massage the tips of all fingers, preferably at the same time. With these movements, you can quickly clear the nose.

To relieve stress it is necessary to massage the palms, paying special attention to the solar plexus point, which is responsible for the nervous system. It must be massaged with circular movements of the thumb for at least 2-3 minutes.

For toothache massage of the point on the index finger near the nail will help, as well as the point located between the middle and ring fingers. It must be acted upon by lightly pressing the fingers. Continue massaging until you feel pain at the site of pressure. After a while, the toothache should decrease significantly.

If you know all the acupuncture points well and know how to massage them correctly, then you can relieve pain, "start" the brain, and even reduce appetite.

Hand massage: what tools are best to use

Starting a hand massage, you need to lubricate them with cream or oil.

It is better to buy oils such as almond, sesame, coconut.

It is very undesirable to use heavy oils for massage like burdock, olive, corn. Because of them, a film appears, the pores close and the skin does not breathe. You can also use special creams and gels.

Massage your hands daily. The procedure will not take much time, but will allow you to become healthier and your hands will become more beautiful.

Hand massage is a very important procedure that has a powerful relaxing and healing effect on the entire body. At the moment, there are many techniques: traditional hand massage, lymphatic drainage, hand reflexology, and so on. Hand massage during manicure is very popular, allowing you to combine business with pleasure and get many other bonuses in addition to beautiful nails.

The effect of hand massage on the body

  1. Massage of the fingers allows you to relieve tension in all the large muscles of the hand;
  2. Improves blood circulation;
  3. Acupressure of the hands has a positive effect on the work of internal organs;
  4. Allows you to relax and relieve stress;
  5. Increases the production of hormones of pleasure;
  6. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the hands, which is associated with the use of special nourishing creams and oils.

This list can be continued for a very long time, however, even the listed facts are a good reason to learn how to do hand massage yourself at home.

Execution technique

Learning how to massage hands with a manicure is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions below step by step. The most important thing to consider when performing the procedure on your own is that the massage of the fingers should begin with the most gentle movements possible, then the hands are subjected to intense pressure, and at the end they are gently stroked again.

Table and tools

In the scheme for performing a manicure of hands, the preparatory stage is very important. It is necessary to ensure that the procedure is carried out in absolute purity. This rule applies equally to the surfaces with which the hands will come into contact, as well as to all bubbles from cosmetics, towels and other accessories involved in the massage.

Hand assessment

Hand massage during manicure has several contraindications, including fungus, deep cracks in the skin, rash, redness.

Hand disinfection

Regardless of whether the procedure is performed in the salon or with your own hands, you should use an antibacterial spray or gel. This will protect the skin from infection in case of small cracks on the skin. If the skin of the hands is too dry and inelastic, such a reaction to massage is not at all uncommon.

Skin treatment with cream

Traditional hand massage involves the thick application of a special cream on the area from the fingertips to the elbows. Manicurists, as a rule, are limited to the treatment of hands. The composition of the cream should be fatty and nutritious. The agent is applied from the bottom up in a circular motion. Touching the skin should be very light.


Massage of the fingers is carried out with circular strokes and short-term pressure. The pressure must be steady and even. It is very important to avoid pain and sudden movements.


The carpal joints are massaged in a circular motion - gently and gradually, first to the right, then to the left. The minimum number of spins is six times. It is necessary to ensure that no clamps are created in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfastening the brush, the muscles should be stretched.

Spreading the fingers to the sides

The fingers of one of the hands are maximally spread apart, and on the other hand, on the contrary, they are clamped. Then, with the fingers brought together, all the fingers of the second hand are very gently and gently stroked. The movements are stroking and relaxing. Performed alternately for each hand.

A well-executed massage is a very effective remedy for stress on the skin and joints of the hands, as well as for mental disorders and nervous strain. However, it is worth remembering that a sustainable and most pronounced result can be achieved with an integrated approach. Hand massage is a great addition to general body massage, exercise, a balanced diet and plenty of clean drinking water.

Finger rotation

Put the wrist of one hand on the support, with the other hand alternately perform rotational movements at the attachment points of each of the finger joints. Pain should be avoided. By increasing the mobility of the joints, this exercise also has a beneficial effect on the tone of the skin of the hands.

Finger sipping

At this stage, work is done alternately with each finger. With light twisting movements, the fingers are extended in the direction from the brush. High-quality performance of this exercise guarantees a rapid improvement in the appearance of the hands.


Massage of the palms is carried out with strong pressure movements. Particular attention should be paid to the areas of the pads - under the fingers and the supracarpal joint. Their stimulation will speed up the metabolism and remove slag deposits from the body.

Palm smoothing

The skin of the palm is smoothed with strong pressure movements in the direction from the center of the palm to the wrist. If desired, this massage can involve the entire area of ​​the forearm. This exercise improves blood circulation.

Strong rubbing of the brushes

This exercise fully engages the entire hand and forearm area. Rubbing movements are made from the fingertips to the elbow and in the opposite direction. The impact is intense enough to warm up all the muscles involved. As a result of this exercise, toxins are removed.

Surface stroking

With quick and light strokes, stroke both sides of the hand in the direction from the wrist to the fingertips.

Rubbing the palms

This exercise is performed with strong chiseled movements in the direction from the base of the fingers to the forearm.


Shake your hands with light vibrating movements to remove excess tension from them. Make sure your fingers are pointing down.

Rubbing the cream

The final step of the massage of the hands is the complete rubbing of the cream into the skin. This action is performed with smooth movements. After the massage is completed, you can proceed to the processing of the cuticle and applying decorative or medical cosmetics to the nails.

Video: hand massage master class

Do you want to relieve fatigue or improve the condition of your skin? Hand massage is an excellent procedure that can combine care with a healing effect!

Since the skin of the hands is constantly exposed to temperature changes, the attack of aggressive detergents, mechanical damage, the constant wearing of heavy bags also negatively affects the health of the joints and skin condition. If you do not take care of your hands, then flabbiness and wrinkles will appear, muscles will lose their tone, and joints will lose mobility, and besides, do not forget about enemy No. 1 - vicious and insidious cellulite. Yes, hands are also susceptible to this disease. Constant care, physical activity and a healthy diet will help restore your hands to their former beauty, but there is another way that is no less effective.

Hand massage has a beneficial effect on the external condition of the skin and on joint mobility and tissue elasticity. It also prevents the deposition of salts and helps to stop a number of diseases, such as arthritis. This procedure activates the growth of nails, and also helps to improve the functioning of the whole organism. Numerous reviews of hand massage fans confirm that the manipulations performed with the upper limbs are not only pleasant, but also useful, and the prices for this procedure, the variety of exposure methods, and the resulting effect will pleasantly surprise even the most demanding client.

Hand massage: benefits and effects

  1. Reduced overall fatigue;
  2. Eliminates pain in the joints;
  3. The elasticity of the ligaments is restored;
  4. Improves joint mobility;
  5. Puffiness is removed;
  6. Muscle tone is normalized;
  7. The work of all organs improves;
  8. It has a relaxing effect;
  9. The symptoms of stress and overexertion are removed;
  10. The condition of the skin improves;
  11. Accelerates the growth of nails;
  12. Improves blood circulation;
  13. The healing of soft tissues after injuries is accelerated;
  14. Eliminates cellulite and fat deposits;
  15. Improves the shape of the hands.

Indications for hand massage

  1. Increased fatigue;
  2. Constant pain in the joints;
  3. Monotonous mechanical work by hands;
  4. Decreased skin and muscle tone;
  5. Flabbiness of the skin;
  6. Salt deposits;
  7. stroke and paralysis;
  8. Excessive load on the upper limbs;
  9. Arthritis and arthrosis;
  10. Rehabilitation therapy after fractures and sprains;
  11. Numbness of hands.


  1. Cracks and abrasions on the skin;
  2. allergic dermatitis;
  3. Fungus;
  4. Acute inflammatory processes;
  5. malignant tumors;
  6. Purulent processes in soft tissues;
  7. fractures;
  8. Infectious diseases;
  9. Chronic osteomyelitis;
  10. Increased body temperature.

A proper hand massage consists in alternately exposing the hands, forearms and shoulders. Only such a complex effect and has a powerful therapeutic effect on the entire body. By massaging his hands, the massage therapist has a positive effect on the skin, muscles, joints, as well as sweat and sebaceous glands. Since there are a considerable number of acupuncture points on the hands, there is a direct effect on the body and the functioning of all systems and organs improves. Hand massage copes with such cosmetic problems as dry skin and pallor of the skin, cellulite, slow nail growth and their fragility. This procedure helps with various diseases and excessive physical exertion, as it has a healing and healing effect.

Types of hand massage

Massage of the fingers- restores vigor, improves mood, improves the functioning of internal organs, relaxes the whole body along with the hands, relieves depression, accelerates the growth of nails, restores mobility to the joints.

Hand massage- relieves pain in the wrists, stimulates reflex zones, maintains muscle tone, increases efficiency and endurance, relieves symptoms of nervous overwork.

T point hand massage- restores tone, gives strength, eliminates fatigue, activates the work of all systems and organs, stimulates the functioning of the brain, relieves muscle pain.

Anti-cellulite hand massage- eliminates excess fat, improves skin tightness, fights the effect of orange peel on the inner and outer surface of the shoulder, eliminates congestion, removes toxins, improves blood circulation, activates lymph flow.

Hand massage for weight loss- restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin, improves the shape of the upper limbs, eliminates fat deposits, improves venous blood flow, eliminates numbness, and helps to dull the feeling of hunger.

Hand massage for children- contributes to the proper development of fine motor skills, stimulates blood circulation, tones the entire body, improves the functioning of internal organs, improves brain function. Hand massage is also used in speech therapy practice, contributing to the proper development of speech.

Hand massage for manicure- the condition of the skin improves, its elasticity increases, stress is relieved and all muscles relax, nail growth accelerates. Special creams and aromatic oils used during the procedure make the skin soft, sleek and well-groomed.

Regular hand massage will not only slow down the aging process, make hands beautiful and well-groomed, but also help solve a number of cosmetic and medical problems. VictoryStyle masseurs, who provide hand massage in Moscow, are professional in all techniques and strive to make the procedure not only pleasant, but also effective.

We can say that hand massage after manicure is the final stage of the procedure. If you are going to order a manicure, then it is desirable that after the manicure massage was included in the services of the master. The price of this procedure may vary for different salons and masters. It varies from 84 to 800 rubles. The average price after a manicure massage is 300 rubles.

Purpose and features of this type of massage

Every qualified manicurist should be able to do and know the features after a manicure massage. This procedure is a kind of final stage of the manicure process. Massage allows you to improve blood circulation in the skin of the hands, give them a healthy color, and skin elasticity. After the massage procedure, your manicure will look even better, and your hands will become well-groomed and beautiful.

Before proceeding with such a massage, the master must soften the cuticle area. To do this, oil is rubbed in the cuticle area with light circular movements. The movements of the fingers of the master should be directed from right to left. It is important to know: when performing the massage procedure and the manicure itself, all jewelry must be removed from the hands of the master and from your fingers in order to eliminate the risk of accidental damage to the skin of the hands.

After processing the cuticle area, the master should apply a little cream to his and your hands. This will facilitate the massage procedure and make the skin silky. In this case, the cream should not be greasy and leave an oily film on the hands. The master should use a light moisturizer. Before applying the cream to your hands, the master must slightly warm the cream in his palm and only then apply it to the client's hands. In this case, the procedure begins to be performed from the back of the hand, placing the client's hand on his palm.

Massage after manicure: sequence of execution

The apparent simplicity of massage does not mean that it should be done at home. Only the master in the salon will be able to do everything as correctly and accurately as possible, which guarantees you an excellent result and complete satisfaction. The cost of such a final massage should be included in the price of a manicure. Therefore, if you decide to order a manicure, be aware that the final massage should be included in the final price.

Hand massage after manicure is performed in this way:

  1. At the end of the manicure procedure, the master will take your right brush out from under the towel and take it in his hands. The correct position is when the hands of the master are from your brush on both sides. The thumbs of the master lie on top of your hand. The specialist must move these fingers across the client's hand. At the same time, he can either spread or move his fingers.
  2. At this stage, a wrist massage is performed. To do this, the master moves his hands and massages your carpal area with light rotational movements. During this procedure, his thumbs are located on the outside of your hand, and the rest on the back.
  3. Now the master with his right hand should completely capture your wrist. At this time, only the thumb is on the bottom, the other four are on the outside. The specialist will bend your limb so that a 90-degree angle is formed to the shoulder. Then the master will bend your hand, lightly press on it with his left limb and easily pull it towards him.
  4. Then the master, without releasing your hand, will slightly take it back.
  5. At this stage, the master should turn your brush with the palm up. Massage is performed on the inside of the wrist. To do this, the master uses his thumbs, massaging the carpal area with rotational movements. Thus, the specialist will descend to the top of your fingers.
  6. Next, the part of the palm between the fifth and fourth fingers is massaged. To do this, the master will put his thumb between the aforementioned yours and will massage the brush, slightly pressing down from the back. The movements should be circular massaging slightly pressing.
  7. At the end, a massage of the bones of the hand and tendons is performed. To do this, the specialist must turn your brush with the inside to the top and carefully massage each bone and the gaps between them. For a better massage, the master can use both of his hands alternately.
  8. Finally, a relaxing finger massage is performed. To do this, the specialist with light sipping movements should stroke each of your fingers from above, below and on the sides. Stroking and stretching movements are performed from the base of the finger to the nail plate.

When the massage is done, the master should wrap your hands in a warm, damp towel. Here you can order a hand massage after and before a manicure, as well as the manicure and pedicure itself. To order, you just need to contact us at the phone number listed on the site.