Beautiful pictures of Metallurg Day in Russia. Congratulations on Metallurgist Congratulations on Metallurgist Postcards

Happy Metallurg

Metal everywhere surrounds us
I want to congratulate you, friend
I wish you joy
Great metallurgist.
Let everything in life succeed
Dreams always come true,
Let luck smile
And never leaves.

White jets of metal,
Fair impregnated shop ...
And not so seen
You, paying success!
Your hard work, believe me
But everyone envy you -
Doma, Martin and Converter
Strong suspended hands;
Creator Demiurgs
Gondo sent to the distance ...
Happy holiday! Happy metallurgist!
Strong be like steel!

Real metallurgists
Everything in the light on the shoulder -
Want, Eiffel Tower
Weave in Calancha.
Far in vegetable garden
Not potatoes, but ore,
On a date sticking
Hammer and poker,
Protect from hooligans
Turning them into a copper pillar.
They are so proud of moms,
After all, from them in the farm.
With good, glorious metallurgist
Superman does not compare
Metallurg burns in work,
But the spirit of his nonsense!

The hottest month of the year
Very hot these days.
Tried for "pros" weather,
Metallurgum, heroes they.
With your holiday we congratulate everyone
Those who cook no soup and metal.
We wish everyone in this life
Be everywhere where I have not been.

Airplanes and cars
From your hands.
True you man
Real metallurgist!

Today everything Metallurgists of Russia,
His congratulations helmet!
You are our pride and power,
Slavs you are your work!

Steelovery! Alloy of labor and risk!
For work Thank you!
We are from the heart and with feeling clean,
In the holiday of happiness we wish you!
Your tribe Let the centuries,
You bute the happiness of the country!
On the verge of workshop with flowers
And the smiles of the face are full!

Happy Metallurg

Labor, perseverance and patience
And in the hands of a reliable steering wheel ...
You are with the third Sunday
Monthly July!

Metallurgists day!
Notice, without which nowhere.
Even in the morning ocher
Head of frying pan.

And the fence from galvanizing,
And steel for roof sheet,
And without smelting and without forging
In space did you get climbed?!

From speeches, the country is tired,
In the meetings, the eye will jump.
Metal creators.
Avail high phrases.

You are visuality, not in paper,
You are in tens of thousands tons.
Metallurgists - workers,
Thank you and bow.

Anthem Metallurgists

1. The noise in the factory workshops we are accustomed to pain,
We love our plant with all the open soul!
Biographies are all as if milestones of history,
Metallurg, we tied our destinies with you!

Metallurgi, please understand
As a metal crucible creating:
If we were told: "Need!" -
We are a native plant - I will not let us down!
If we were told: "Need!" -
We will not let your country!

2. We go daily to shift
And work together with presses and stoves,
So that our work can be proud
And the plant became every year stronger.

3. Our favorite factory does not age over the years,
In the reconstruction of the meaning and progress steps.
Labor dynasties are we are with you,
This is our support, only with her we are strong!

4. The town of Metallurgists is the pride of the plant:
Here the concerns about people are preserved in the hearts!
On the Samara land, in such a nation,
There will be happiness and joy, there will be a Russian scope!

There is no more beautiful beauty in the world than the beauty of hot metal ... (c) Leo Oshanin

Third Sunday of July celebrate their professional holiday metallurgi.. Metallurgi.At first glance - harsh men in rigid refractory robes with special glasses that protect eyes from bright light - powerful radiation of hot metal. On fire is born steel - So the poets say, they say themselves metallurgi.. They have really harsh work, absolutely not understandable to ordinary people. But if you have come across a little about the process of metal production, you are even more imbued with respect for these specialists. After all, in this fire, next to a hot stove or a converter, you need to cook not just some steel, but steel of the desired brand, with the desired concentration of additional metals and substances ( alloying additives). Combine with harmful impurities (sulfur, phosphorus), try to get rid of them completely, otherwise the metal will quickly lose its properties. And all this happens in a hot atmosphere filled with harmful gases and impurities.

And future metallurgists - students of metallurgical faculties with humor they say this: "Our power is in melting!"

IN Metallurg Day. We wish these harsh people of good luck in their difficult work, and most importantly - health!

Friends, we categorically welcome you on site pages Site! Collected a selection of pictures and postcards for the middle of the metallurgist. The selection is called. Of course, all images can be downloaded for free. Watch and enjoy, and let the AF humor will come with you!

Metallurg Day in Russia

Every year, the people of the courageous profession are celebrated in the third Sunday of July - Metallurgists. Metallurg Day.he was established on September 28, 1957 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. So the Soviet government noted an important contribution of domestic metallurgy into the restoration of the country's economy after the destructive war.

In Russia, the Day of Metallurg is celebrated in the third Sunday of July. In 2019, the holiday falls on July 21 and takes place at the official level of 62 times. Holiday goals - to honor the labor of metallurgists and show the importance of the metallurgical industry in the country's economy.

Today, this day is celebrated by representatives of different professions, each of which is somehow connected with black or non-ferrous metallurgy: Domaseners, steelovers, rollingrs, founders, blacksmiths and many others. The miners who mined ore are considered to be their this holiday - the required component for the production of metal.

People's festivities, concerts, exhibitions spend the celebration. The first persons of the country congratulate metallurgists with a professional holiday. The distinguished workers are awarded with diplomas, diplomas, give honorary titles.

Postcards and congratulations to the Day of Metallurg

Metallurg - We are in this word
I hear steel and fortress of the Spirit!
People know all classes -
We are without you one destruction.

I want to congratulate you now
With your holiday guys
So that the metals melted
For a worthy salary!

Metallurgy Day is a holiday of real men. Only the strengths and strong spirits of men can master such a profession. I want to wish that the work would not leave the face of sadness, so that harmony and comfort reigned in the family. You are our strength. Happy holiday, metallurgists!

Congratulations on the Day of Metallurg and I want to wish the nerves of steel and the most good health, iron patience and the most optimistic mood. Let any metal melted in the hands of the master, let in your life every day turns into a holiday ..

Holiday in the workshop knocked us.
Metallurg is the day.
Take me from me
Congratulations, friends.

Let everything perfectly in work
Money is decent,
Often give a bonus
Houses with impressive are waiting.

Let the fire in the hearts glow,
In joy, sadness interferes,
And good luck with you
Marsting on the road!

Happy Metallurgist congratulations! I wish you iron excerpts, forged health, metal nerves and continuous luck. Let you promise progress in work, and in the family is carelessly blossoming, welfare, strong trust and understanding.

Gentlemen Metallurgists, today your holiday! How many projects you created during your hard work. Such quenching, courage and fortresses of the spirit, like you, can envy any strongman. You boil steel as cook soup, and cut steel sheets, like scissors paper. We wish our heroes always with the same brave, hot, strong and healthy guys!

Happy metallurgist you, colleagues, congratulations!
I wish you a huge luck!
Without tired to work with you,
In a good wake up setting!

Let the harvest of the harsh bosses appreciate
Let them pay, and do not feed you with a bellishment,
I wish the growth of premiums and wages,
So that each to the pension was happy and rich!

It is impossible to imagine at least one enterprise without the work of metallurgists. Today, especially you want to wish you a strong health, like steel, iron patience and courage, a hot good heart and a cold mind. Happy holiday, metallurgists!

Metallurg is the most complex male profession. Today, in your professional holiday, I congratulate everyone who cooks steel and cast iron, everyone who is not afraid of hard work in the hot bustry stoves! Be happy and satisfied with life even in the most downloaded weekdays, do not know the alarms and let your home be full of love!