History, traditions and customs of Avars - the largest nation of Dagestan. Can a Dagestan marry a Russian girl

I am Russian, and I fell in love with Avars! Everything was fine. I loved everything that was in him. Loved all the pros and cons. I changed for him. I made a lot of sacrifices for him.
It all started with the fact that he left for Dagestan. We called up. Everything was fine. We quarreled a lot, but put up! But once we had a fight, and "forgot" to make peace!
He has arrived. We did not talk.
I have a best friend. She just came from Pyatigorsk. And in spite of me he offered her friendship. She asked if I would mind if she agreed. I said NO, and that was my fatal mistake. They started chatting. It was all open. They talked, and I was tormented!
2 weeks have passed. I was dying of loneliness and grief.
One day he called. We got into a conversation.
It so happened that we reconciled. I thought he was only mine now, but I was wrong. He was muddied with both. I said that I didn’t like it. He said one thing, it will end soon, he just did not want to seriously injure the girl. As time went. We had to hide from everyone. I suffered. She found out that I am talking to him. We quarreled with her! We did not talk. He continued to muddle with both.
Many times we parted with him because of her.
As time went........
We talked like that for half a year. Three of us. I loved him so much that I forgave everything. Treason, a lie. I shed so many tears. How many never shed.
Time passed by. I'm so tired of everything that I broke up with him. Due to the fact that “my girlfriend” was trying to commit suicide, I thought it was all because of me. I walked away. We made peace with her. For her sake, I was left without my beloved. I sacrificed my love .......
Time passed, and the wounds in my heart did not heal. They became even deeper. After all, their relationship was always in my sight. I suffered.
And she and he did not care ......
They didn’t care ...... They were fine. But she tried more than once to die. My departure has not changed ANYTHING!
A lot of time has passed. We reconciled with him again ....... I was stupid, I know ..... But I could no longer live without him.
He again walked on two fronts. In all their quarrels, it was only me who was to blame. So everyone thought. His mother, sister .... I was cursed ..... I did not listen to anyone ....... I went forward .....
NG we met in a quarrel. After we did not communicate.
But he called again ..........
We buried the hatchets.........
At that time I already lived in the city. I studied. He came to me. Again in secret from everyone.
Each time I presented that I did not like it. He said that soon everything will be fine ..........
I waited........
He explained everything that he wanted to take revenge on her. For what, I still didn’t understand .....
I heard around that they have love ...... But I pretended not to hear ....
As time went......
I learn that in truth they have love .... And I realized that I was a toy in his hands. He realized that I love him and used it ....
From his actions, I realized that he was indifferent to me ....
I told him everything .... We parted, as I thought, forever ......
Time passed, he called. He began to say that he loved me, and I believed like a fool .. We made up ....
I just felt bad without him ... Very bad.
It all ended when he said to my face that he loved her. I sobbed .. We broke up ...
I left with my head to study. Combined with work. I didn’t go home, so as not to see him. But why did he call. What for? I began to say that it’s very bad without me. I spoke coldly, and tears flowed down my cheeks .... And at first I realized that he felt bad without me ....
But I held on. He said that he wanted to return the relationship, but I simply replied that it didn’t make sense, that the relationship had reached an impasse. My last sentence was: “Be happy!” He said that maybe I hear him one last time. He disconnected and I cried.
As luck would have it, I had to go home ....
I went to my friend. He was there. I sat across from him. I did not look at him. But by chance I looked and our eyes met .... I averted my eyes and went outside, so as not to burst into tears in front of him ....
I saw love in his eyes ...... But it didn’t fit in my head why he had done so!
That was February 14th! Valentine's Day. The most terrible day in the world. After all, maybe I saw his eyes for the last time ..... I will not go home anymore .. I will be killed in work, but I will not go home .....
And what will happen next, let's see .......

Now everyone is happy for them ..... But no one knows how bad it is for me, no one notices it. I smile at everyone, but there are big wounds in my heart ....

I could not help but laugh.

Instinctive behavior. Repeated iterations. Lack of analytical thinking.
They used the girl, yes, judging by the comments, they will use it all their lives.

The impression that the Russian "vocational schools" are massively dying out, or impotent. Dumb Russian beauties have nothing to lean against.

My opinion is subjective and personal, the conclusions are made on the basis of what I saw and heard during my marriage to the Dagestan, and are presented exclusively from a female point of view. I myself am a Tatar, I live and work in Moscow. Covering the head, modest clothes - this is mandatory for me, as in principle, and for all Muslim girls. When we met our future husband, a Dagestan, he talked about Islam, recited prayer, often remembered the Almighty, and this affected my choice. I was sincerely delighted, thanks to Allah, for meeting my man, whom both the covering of the head and the absence of bare parts of the body not only attracted, but seemed to me to delight.

We decided to get married. We went to the mosque, where Nikah was read, after which my husband safely moved to my apartment. From that moment I got the opportunity to learn more about him and his family environment, since earlier I saw Caucasians only in the movies and only on the positive side.

I will not say anything, their hospitality and respect for the elders made me happy, but in all other respects - alas. Especially touching the show-offs - this is something special, it even seems to me, laid down at their genetic level. It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter at whose expense and at what cost, but each of them believed that he simply had to be cooler than the other. Moreover, they themselves are deeply confident in their superiority over others, even having nothing, no education, no work ... NOTHING! They will sit without a constant source of income, and also inconstant, drinking beer and smoking “noble grass”, not having a penny of money, but even in front of each other, despite the fact that they have known each other for many, many years, from one village, village and collective farm, they nevertheless try to show those qualities and material goods that are not even available. Show off to each other like small children.

And their desire to look presentable? It is something! Having one old, worn-out, washed-up shirt, a suit with a glare of a glossy coating and a worn lining, and often one at all, without any desire to work for the sake of his own well-being, being satisfied because of laziness that is, if only not to work, smoothed it to such an extent that it was already glowing and was for them an indicator of prosperity, its own significance and unshakable evidence that he was not a simple "hard worker", but at least a "boss" and not an average hand, but much higher.

I was able to make sure that the ability to "speak" in order to "speak" i.e. a word for the sake of the word, not a word for the sake of action, it is also an integral part of their genetics. Everyone says a lot, I would say this: “Too much text”, but usually does not go beyond the conversation. They could say that something needs to be done in order to achieve certain levels and heights, boldly made each other the promise “tomorrow to find out; work out the issue tomorrow; to meet tomorrow and connect the right people ”, etc., but as a rule, nobody did anything tomorrow, continuing to lie on the sofa, waiting for the refrigerator to fill up with groceries and money will appear in the house for much-needed cafes and eateries, where you can sit "over a cup of tea" ...

Regarding the performance of their duties as a husband to whom the Almighty entrusted each specific woman (in this paragraph I do not touch on the topic of sex, they are “always and please”): understanding that the family needs to be maintained, take care of the availability of products or at least money for their purchase, in principle, missing. As well as the understanding that the spouse has a need for clothes, moreover, of different seasons. Any conversation on this subject is sharply suppressed by the phrase "everything will be." To the question when this event will happen, the answer is no less categorical "leave me alone with your whims, you already got it." At the same time, there is always money for a “cup of tea”, a noble and beloved grass and the 33rd pair of shoes with an elongated and pointed nose. I’m not saying that in addition to basic duties, every Muslim, and Dagestanis, very strongly and loudly declare their unwavering religiosity, they simply have to treat their wife well, take care of her inner peace, etc. Often at home you can hear only one “rest, in short,” “stop these ridiculous conversations,” etc., and often in order to get away from discussing really important polls that form the further relations of the spouses.

Now with regards to fidelity. It is, of course, wonderful that most of the Dagestanis who I was lucky to meet meet firmly follow the principle: “betrayal is a sin, I found myself in the trash and it’s better to be alone than anyone”, the last phrase always brought me to the confusion as regards the fact that, apparently, they don’t even meet “whoever got in their way”, and therefore it is necessary to think about expanding the territories visited and be more careful in choosing friends and girlfriends. Moreover, often, arriving in the capital of our Motherland, most of the Dagestan eagles are already firmly and firmly connected by marriage, strengthened by more than one child. Despite the presence of spouses, entrusted to them, coming for work, for some reason they forget too quickly why they came, and confine themselves to the occupation of local girls, and do not disdain anything and anyone.

For example, when we walked along the street with a husband and his countrymen, they very loudly discussed passing girls whose skirts were at the level of the waist and the chest was not covered in any way, pathetically spat on her trail, shouting insulting expressions, but also each of them, having the ability to randomly rotate his eyes, while he spit to the ground, managed to "pick up at the level of the fundus" all that was not covered. And with luck, he managed to “get” the telephone number of such a “goddess” and then starved, spending his last money on SMS messages in which he lifted her beauty to such heights that, in principle, only birds reach. Moreover, they perceived this as a “joke”, boasting at home in front of each other and sometimes reading aloud the messages of these, as they called them, “Russian hens”.

All polls are registered on dating sites, even on the most dirty mobile chats, the essence of which is to send photos of various parts of the body, both women and men, asking them to “take pictures and send their breasts in the right angle”, discussing problems of frigidity, sexual intimacy with a partner, etc. At the same time, none of them paid attention to the fact that girls from both Dagestan and the Caucasus as a whole, who take an equally active part in discussions of similar topics, are also registered on these sites. The men were in no way embarrassed that it turned out that he himself spoiled his own nation, in the person of the Dagestan girl who sends him a photo of her naked figure. When I asked if they were sure that it wasn’t his wife who spoke with him under a different name, they “exploded” and started beating themselves in the chest, convincing me that their girls were decent and simply didn’t hang on such sites may, but the names "Kheda, Zalina, Madina, Party, etc." these are fictitious, and the indication of such cities as Makhachkala, Kizlyar, etc., does not mean that this is true.

Also, my observation showed that these men consider it their holy duty to brighten up the loneliness of ALL girls, with the obligatory invitation of the latter to the cafe and no less obligatory demonstrative performance, expressed in the performance of the national dance "Lezginka". Moreover, I completely agree with the author of the article, they dance Lezgi always and everywhere, up to the metro stations, starts alone, to the noisy applause of the fellow countrymen present, and subsequently it develops into a crowd of men waving their arms and legs, and if you are lucky, then hooting by chance caught in the place of the dance of women, completely not thinking about the appropriateness of the action ...

You can describe for a long time those actions or inactions that I directly witnessed during my life with my ex-husband, but I will limit myself to the above and summarize: the people I knew differ in: 1) Falsehood, and sometimes it seemed to me that they constantly lie and in everything, just like that, without even thinking, just to embellish yourself, wishful thinking, not to be ridiculed, to seem like a “cool guy”, etc .; 2) Ponte - this is the place to be, apparently the majority simply have nothing to be proud of, nothing has been achieved, nothing has been gained, and there is no desire to earn, but I really want respect and honor; 3) Laziness is extremely lazy, work is for Tajiks and Uzbeks, and they can only lead, and also do not disdain to live on the maintenance of women, if they are lucky, they are not of very advanced age; 4) Debauchery - it feels like they were kept for a long time in a dark and cold pit called the native village and house, having escaped from where, both men and women, simply move off the coils, confusing the shores and go to great lengths to satisfy their sexual interests, often disdaining anything; 5) Extremely low requirements for the level and quality of relationships between spouses, a complete lack of elementary respect and care, on both sides, their relationship can be more called consumer; 6) HUGE self-conceit and very high self-importance, not having the slightest reason or reason for that; 7) Drug dependence on herbs of various origins; 8) Increased false religiosity, which can be described by the phrase: "Muslims - one hand on the Koran, the other on a glass." When beer is poured, all sorts of nonsense is smoked, the conversation necessarily turns to Islam, and this is accompanied by additional injections of alcohol and a lit “peace pipe” made of a plastic bottle.

Of course, there are decent and decent people among the Dagestanis, and, fortunately, there are a lot of them, but they are not noticeable due to moderation, and young people try to “keep up to date”, gradually losing the personal qualities and characteristics of the national culture for which at all times the Caucasus was praised.

Faces of Russia. "Living together, staying different"

The multimedia project “Faces of Russia” has existed since 2006, talking about Russian civilization, the most important feature of which is the ability to live together while remaining different - this motto is especially relevant for countries of the entire post-Soviet space. From 2006 to 2012, within the framework of the project, we created 60 documentaries about the representatives of various Russian ethnic groups. Also, 2 cycles of radio programs “Music and Songs of the Peoples of Russia” were created - more than 40 programs. In support of the first series of films, illustrated almanacs have been released. Now we are halfway to creating a unique multimedia encyclopedia of the peoples of our country, a picture that will allow the inhabitants of Russia to recognize themselves and leave a picture of what they were for the descendants.


"Faces of Russia." Avars. "Wedding character"

General information

Avarts  - the people of Dagestan, inhabiting the mountainous part of this republic. According to the 2002 census, 758,438 people live here. In total, according to the 2009 census, 912 thousand 90 Avars live in Russia. In addition, about fifty thousand Avars live in Zakatala and Belokan regions of Azerbaijan.

Avars are an ancient people, already in the 7th century they are mentioned in “Armenian Geography” by Anania Shirakatsi. Avar language belongs to the Dagestan branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. Until 1928, Avars used the Arabic alphabet, using some additional characters for specific Avar consonants. In 1938, the now existing alphabet based on Russian graphics was adopted, which compares favorably with the previous ones in that it uses the letters of the Russian alphabet with the addition of the I character alone.

Famous throughout Russia, the poet Rasul Gamzatov wrote his works in Avar. Many of his poems have folklore roots. For example, those included in the popular series “Inscriptions on doors and gates”. ("Don’t stand, don’t wait, passerby, at the door. You go in or go away, hurry up”).

Believers Avars profess Islam. For a long time he had to compete with local pagan beliefs. Gradually, some of them acquired a new Islamic coloring, and some survived only in the form of traditions and superstitions. But they are also very interesting and can tell a lot about the Avar people. For example, boudoirs are spirits that patronize hunting. On the hunt for a person who has committed some sinful act, spirits are stoned. A normal hunter, that is, a righteous one, on the contrary, they greet and treat.


The softness of the pencil defeats the hardness of the saber.

Avars are the people of Dagestan that inhabit the mountainous part of this republic. According to the 2002 census, 758,438 people live here. All in all, in Russia, according to the same census, there live 814,473 Avars. In addition, about fifty thousand Avars live in Zakatala and Belokan regions of Azerbaijan. Avars are an ancient people, already in the 7th century they are mentioned in “Armenian Geography” by Anania Shirakatsi.

Avars practice Islam. For a long time he had to compete with local pagan beliefs. Gradually, some of them acquired a new Islamic coloring, while others survived only in the form of traditions and superstitions. But they are also very interesting and can tell a lot about the Avar people.

They brought the groom to the bride’s relatives

There are legends about Avar wisdom. In general, Avars are able to find a way out of very difficult situations. We listen to one Avar parable.

They brought the groom to the bride’s relatives. He brought a ram and sweets as a gift. The bridegroom's brothers ask the groom:

Why did you choose our sister as a bride?

And the bridegroom answered them with a fairy tale-parable.

Once upon a time, a huge and terrible dragon-azhdah captured the only source in the accident. People were left without water. Women cried, children moaned with thirst.

The most daring and strong dzhigits attacked the monster with sabers in their hands, but he swept away all with the blows of a long tail.

Azhdaha built a huge beautiful palace at the source. He fenced it with a stockade and planted the heads of those killed on it.

People were desperate. Who will defeat the terrible dragon?

At that time, a son was born to a poor widow. He went to drink water from the spring at night. And gained unprecedented strength, courage and daring. He saw how the dragon was mocking at the source, and he hated it. And he swore to all the people to free the country from the monster.

His mother, relatives, neighbors and friends talked him out for a long time:

You just grew up. Still young. You die in the color of years. Have pity on yourself!

But the young man mounted his horse and went to fight the monster.

The azhdah dragon already sensed it from afar and roared in a terrible voice:

Who dared to approach the source ?!

I want to fight you, a monster cursed! - the young man answered proudly.

Dragon slammed:

Insane! Don't you know that I'm not fighting weapons? You should know that there is no one in the world that is equal in strength to me. To all my opponents I ask only one question. If he cannot answer him correctly, then I kill him with one blow of his huge tail!

And if you answer correctly, then I myself will die!

Ok, I agree! - the young man answers. - Ask a question!

The dragon growled loudly, and two women appeared in the window of his palace. One is an incredibly dazzling beauty, the other is an ordinary simple woman.

Which one is more beautiful? the dragon asked.

The young man looked at the women and answered:

The one you like more is more beautiful!

You're right! - the dragon grunted and lost his spirit.

So the accident was spared the monster.

The groom finished the fairy tale parable and said: “I like your sister!”

You're right! - exclaimed the brothers of the bride.

And they said the words of prayer for the newlyweds:

May Allah bless you, and may He send His blessings to you, and may He unite you for good!

New Custom Enriched Wedding

Once the conversation about the newlyweds went into this Avar parable, then it's time to talk about the Avar wedding. Marriage is one of the most ancient solemn and responsible events in human life, which marks the creation of a new family. Avars have their own wedding customs and traditions, which originate from ancient times. They are enriched with new rituals, fun, ideological content, consonant with modernity, the interests of different peoples and young people.

But the main thing remains unchanged: weddings serve as a means of transmitting cultural traditions, folklore knowledge, social experience and moral standards from generation to generation.

Until the last century, Avars mainly lived in mountain villages, so folk wedding ceremonies were formed mainly there.

In the past, marriage required the bride and groom to come from families of equal nobility, influence, and power. Back in the 19th century, Avars, like many other Dagestan peoples, adhered to endogamy, that is, they tried to enter into marriages within their own village. The Avars preferred such marriage unions between close relatives and namesakes.

The strongest was considered a marriage concluded between fellow villagers. Inter-village marriages Avars were few.

As for international marriages, they were extremely rare until the mid-40s of the twentieth century. Previously, the prerogative of marriage was mainly held by parents. And daughters it concerned first of all. Recently, these traditions are not always preserved, for example, in cities there are much more liberties and innovations. But as before, at the conclusion of the marriage, nationality, village, and district are taken into account.

Shariah (mahar) marriage and divorce (talak) continue to persist in our time and are complemented by civil marriage and divorce.

It is interesting to note that the levy of kalym for the Avars, as well as for some other Dagestan peoples, was not a typical custom. In modern conditions, the adat of dacha kalyma is growing and spreading rapidly, which is explained by the improvement of the economic situation of people.

In rural areas, many positive aspects of customs and traditions, in particular, etiquette emphasizing the status of elders, have been preserved to a greater extent. According to this adat, a younger sister or brother does not marry earlier than older ones. Marriages between siblings are not permitted.

Currently, Avars have two types of weddings. The first species, which is held by the majority of the rural population, is traditional. It is practiced with only minor innovations. In the second type of wedding, modern elements prevail and traditional ceremonies are partially observed.

And men sing heroic songs

Well, where the wedding is, there is music, there is singing. Avar music has a distinctive identity. Experts have long noticed that in the music of the Avars natural minor modes prevail, most of all - Dorian. The two-part and three-part meters are widespread. One of the characteristic sizes is 6/8. There are also complex and mixed sizes.

Avar men sing epic-heroic songs. They differ in the three-part structure of the melody. The extreme parts play the role of introduction and conclusion. And in the middle (recitative warehouse) outlines the main content of the poetic text.

Typical female genre: lyrical song. The female manner of vocal performance is characterized by “throat” singing. Solo singing with instrumental accompaniment also prevails.

There are unison ensemble (female duet) and choral (male) singing. For old lyric songs, a dialogical manner of singing is characteristic. Marching and dance melodies are used as independent works. Female singing is often accompanied by a tambourine. In addition to national instruments, Avars are widely distributed harmonica, button accordion, accordion, balalaika, guitar. The traditional instrumental ensemble is zurna and drum. The first recordings of Avar folk music were made in the second half of the 19th century.

A few words about the Avar language. It belongs to the Dagestan branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. Avars got their writing only after the establishment of Soviet power. Until 1928, Avars used the Arabic alphabet, using some additional characters for specific Avar consonants. In 1938, the existing alphabet based on Russian graphics was adopted, which compares favorably with the previous ones in that it uses the letters of the Russian alphabet with the addition of only the I character.

The inscriptions on the doors and gates

As you know, the famous throughout Russia poet Rasul Gamzatov wrote his works in Avar. Many of his poems have folklore roots. For example, those included in the popular series “Inscriptions on doors and gates”.

Don't stand, don't wait, passerby, at the door.
You go il go away quickly.

Passer-by, don’t knock, don’t wake up the hosts,
With evil come - leave
come with goodness - come in.

Neither in the early hour, nor in the late hour
Do not knock on the door, friends:
And the heart is unlocked for you
And my door.

I am a jigit, and there is only one
Request from me:
Don’t come in, if you don’t praise
Of mine horse.

But not only horse  we want to praise. I would like to praise the anonymous author who composed the instructive Avar tale "The Fox and the Snake."

The fox and the snake made friends one day and decided to wander around the world. They walked for a long time through forests, fields, mountains and ravines, until they reached a wide river, where there was no ford.

Let's cross the river, ”the fox suggested.

But I don’t know how to swim at all, ”the snake lied.

Nothing, I will help you, circle around me.

A snake twisted around a fox, and they swam.

It was hard for the fox, but she did not show and swam, exhausted.

Already on the shore, the snake began to tightly compress the fox with its rings.

What are you doing? After all, you can strangle it! cried the fox.

That's what you need, ”answered the snake.

Well, apparently, death cannot be avoided, ”the fox groaned. “I only regret it.” How many years have we been friends, but I have never seen your face near. Do your last favor - give me a proper look at you before you die.

Good. Yes, and I also want to look at you one last time, ”said the snake and brought her head closer to the fox.

The fox immediately bit her snake head and went ashore.

Here she freed herself from the dead snake and exclaimed:

Do not trust friends who squirm!

It is easy to guess that this idea very soon became an Avar proverb. Here are some more interesting proverbs of the Avar people that should be wound around the mustache:

One word is enough for a good man, one lash for a good horse.

A bee and a fly do not work together.

While the game is still in the mountains, do not put the boiler on fire.

There will be no troops from one person; there will be no tower from one stone.

And here is a very interesting proverb, emphasizing the high role of education, as well as art in Avar society:

The softness of the pencil defeats the hardness of the saber.

We’ll add from ourselves, but only if this pencil falls into talented hands.

Household and household

Traditional occupations are cattle breeding and arable farming. Archeol. and a letter. sources testify to the antiquity of origin and developed forms of agriculture in A. In the mountain districts and foothills, agriculture was combined with cattle breeding, in the highlands, cattle breeding played a leading role. Created art, terraced fields, reinforced with stone walls on dry masonry; terracing combined with a drainage device. We practiced the three-tier use of the plots (corn was planted under fruit trees, beans, potatoes, and vegetables were planted between rows), steam-free crop rotation, agricultural rotation. cultures. Fields were fertilized with manure, ash. In the mountain valleys, an irrigation system was developed (canals, gutters, trees, self-pumping wheels).

Tools: a wooden plow with an iron share, a hoe, a pickaxe, a small scythe, a sickle, threshing boards, drags, forks, rakes, der. shovel; in the gardener. x-wah in the mountain valleys used a special shovel for manual plowing. Barley, wheat, bare-grain barley, rye, oats, millet, legumes, corn, and potatoes were cultivated.

From tech. crops sowed flax and hemp. The grain was ground in a watermill with a horizontal wheel. In the mountain valleys were engaged in gardening and viticulture; there were endemic varieties. Peaches, apricots, cherries, apples, pears, cherry plum and others were grown. Home-dried fruit was used, with con. XIX century - their processing at artisanal canneries, as well as export outside the accident for sale and for exchange for grain. Of the best grape varieties, wine was made for sale.

With con. XIX century began to grow onions, garlic, in owls. period - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. In the owls. zonal specialization intensified, in a number of districts industrial branches operate. enterprises, canneries.

It is believed that already in the Bronze Age, cattle breeding on the territory. A. had a settled character. Small bred (sheep, goats), as well as cr. cattle, horses, donkeys, mules. Sheep breeding prevailed, especially in the high-mountainous districts, a cut already from the 16th century. developed as a commodity industry with geographic. division of labor.

Tradits. sheep breeds are coarse-haired (Andean, Gunib, Avar), in owls. fine-fleece appeared. In the alpine zone, distant pastoralism predominated, in the mountain zone, stall-pasture in combination with distant pasture (sheep breeding), and in the foothill region, stall-pasture was predominant. Ancillary activities - hunting (wild goats, deer, tours, foxes, etc.) and beekeeping (especially in gardening. Districts).

Crafts and crafts: wives. - weaving (cloth, carpets), knitting from wool (socks, shoes), dressing of felt, furcoats, embroidery; husband. - leather processing, stone and wood carving, blacksmithing, copper stamping, weapons, jewelry, making wooden utensils. Cloth was made from antiquity (there are medieval archaeol. Finds) and was considered the best in Dagestan, exported beyond its borders (especially white ones - in Tbilisi); cloth was replaced by factory fabrics only in the beginning. XX century There is an archaeol. finds of the 8th – 10th centuries bronze openwork belt buckles, badges.

Silver business stands out (craftsmen worked for sale and on order), naib. cr. centers - Sogratl, Ruguja, Chokh, Gotsatl, Gamsutl, Untsukul. They made daggers, gazyri, harness kits, husband. and wives. belts jewelry (bracelets, rings, chains, plaques, pendants, necklaces, earrings, etc.), in owls. time - also dishes, decomp. Houseware.

Products of the XIX century. often repeated older patterns. In Gotzatle in 1958 was founded. Arts, Combine. Metalworking technique: engraving, blackening, filigree (especially consignment note), notching, grain; used inserts made of natural stones, colored glass, chains and other typesetting. In modern times Gotsatl’s art plays a major role in the technique of blackening.

With con. XIX - beg. XX centuries products from Untsukul are world-famous: household items (tubes, cigarette cases, caskets, canes, sticks, ink sets, boxes, caskets, etc.) made of cornel tree with a thin notch (geometric pattern) made of silver, copper, and later cupronickel; in owls time is open thin. factory.

DOS centers of carpet production - Khunzakh, Tlyaratinsky districts, part of s. Levashinsky and Buinaksky districts: pile and lint-free double-sided carpets, smooth double-sided rugs, patterned felt carpets, chibt mats (wooded sedge added to wool yarn), small rugs (Khurdzhin's handbags, horseback bags, cufflinks, pillows, etc. .).

Woodcarving was practiced in almost every village; it was decorated with platbands of windows and doors, columns, pillars, balconies, furniture, chests and other utensils, dishes. DOS types of carving - contour, flat-silhouette, trihedral-shaped. Stone carvings adorned the facades of residential buildings, mosques, gravestones. The carvers from her were especially famous.

Ruguja, Chokha, Kuyadinsky farms (Gunibsky district). Tradits. ornament motifs - stylized images of animals, astral symbols, geometric, floral, ribbon patterns, wicker.

Avars are the indigenous people of Dagestan, most of whom live on the territory of the republic; many representatives of this nationality also call eastern Georgia and Azerbaijan their home. Residential complexes of Avars are mainly located in the mountainous part. For the first time, the people were mentioned by Ananiy Shirakatsi in his work “Armenian Geography”. Avars practice Islam, which explains many traditions in their behavior and lifestyle.

Wedding customs

1 day. At the invitation of the whole village gathered in the house of a friend of the groom at the festive table, which was set at the expense of the guests. Here they immediately chose the head of the feast and the host: they were to lead the celebration and entertain the audience.

2 day. All guests went to the groom's house and continued the holiday. In the evening, a procession headed to the bride headed to the groom’s court, who was wrapped in a veil over the wedding dress. Several times the retinue of the bride blocked the path and demanded a ransom. The mother-in-law met the daughter-in-law first, gave her valuables, then took the girl and her friends to a separate room, where none of the men dared to enter. At this time, the bridegroom was closely watched by the friends so that he would not be “stolen” by the bridesmaids, but if this happened, he had to pay a ransom. The wedding was fun, accompanied by dancing and music. Late at night, the bride met the groom in her room.

3 day. The last day of the wedding is the day of gifts from the husband’s relatives to the bride. After the donation, guests ate a traditional dish - ceremonial cereal.

Sacrament of birth

The greatest happiness for the Avar family was considered the birth of a child. The desire of every Avar woman was to give birth to a healthy first-born boy, because this event automatically increased her authority in the eyes of all relatives and the aul in which she lived.

Villagers found out about the birth of a child by the sound of gun shots: they came from the yard of the parents of the newborn. The shots not only served as a means of communicating news, they also had to scare away evil spirits from the cradle of the baby.

The name of the child was chosen by all relatives gathered at the festive table.

Blood feud

For crimes such as murder, kidnapping, adultery, desecration of a family shrine, one could fall into disgrace of a whole kind of Avars. At the same time, revenge knew no bounds and sometimes turned into endless bloodshed and enmity between genera.

Since the 19th century, the blood feud ritual has been “adapted” to Sharia standards. These rules provide for the peaceful settlement of the issue by paying compensation to the affected family for damage caused.

Some hospitality practices

A guest is always a welcome person in an Avar’s house. Many homes have special facilities for visiting male friends and relatives. At any time, the guest could come and settle there, without even notifying the owner of his arrival.

Safety comes first. All guests at the entrance to the house handed over their weapons to the owner, it was allowed to keep with them only a dagger. This ritual in no way humiliated the visitors, on the contrary, the owner thereby indicated that he was taking full responsibility for the health and life of his guests.

Feast. At one table it was impossible to sit the younger and older brother, father and son, father-in-law and son-in-law. As a rule, guests were divided into two groups according to age. Maternal relatives had more privileges at the table than paternal relatives. During the feast, polite conversations were held "about nothing." According to the rules of Avar etiquette, the owner was forbidden to ask the visitor about the purpose of the visit, it was necessary to wait until the guest himself touched on this topic.

Taboo for the guest. At the table, the guest was not supposed to express his wishes about the dishes. Visitors were not allowed to visit women's rooms and the kitchen, as well as to influence the host's family affairs. The guest did not have the right to leave without the permission of the head of the house. If the guest liked a thing in the house, the owner had to give it to him, so it was very tactless on the part of the guest to praise the items he liked.

Strict, proud, majestic and wise Caucasus - these are breathtaking natural landscapes, impressive mountains and picturesque plains. The peoples who inhabit these territories are equally strong in spirit, strict, proud, courageous, thoughtful and wise by experience. One of these peoples are Dagestanis. They are characterized by their own specific features that distinguish them from others; they have their own customs and mentality.

Dagestanis are not a single nation, but a kind of conglomerate of peoples. What is their peculiarity, why is Dagestan called a territory with a unique and specific people? What are they - Dagestan men and women? The article will discuss specific character traits and the mentality of Dagestanis.

Features of the Dagestan appearance

More than 30 nationalities live in Dagestan, half of which are indigenous. Therefore, it is wrong to characterize all Dagestanis according to a single standard. For example, the image of rural residents is different from the image of urban residents, mountain representatives of the people are different from the plain inhabitants.

The main features of the Dagestan appearance are:

  • High growth (more than 170 centimeters).
  • Straight, coarse hair from black to light brown in color.
  • Eye color - gray, black, brown.
  • The arrangement of the eyes is “Near Asian,” or horizontal, the palpebral fissure is narrow.
  • Eyebrows are straight, very often fused.
  • In men, the hairline is developed normally, the beard and mustache are sparse.
  • The face is long and narrow. Facial features are somewhat angular, with prominent cheekbones.
  • The forehead is long, straight, narrow, the tip is sometimes raised. Often the forehead and nose form one line.
  • Lips are puffy.
  • The chin is not protruding, but tall.
  • The nape is convex. Ears are high with long lobes.

The beauty and external data of Dagestanis are often discussed on the Internet. It is very difficult to unequivocally state whether handsome Dagestan men or not. Beauty is a very relative concept. It should be noted that many representatives of this people have rather vivid oriental features that give a certain charm.

Home care

Traditionally, caring for home, children, and family is one of the sacred duties of Dagestan men. Their whole life is devoted to the arrangement and improvement of life. The people wish each other: “Let your house live!” In this desire, the whole essence of the relationship to one’s and another’s home is respect, respect, respect and the desire for prosperity.


Dagestanis sacredly honor the traditions of hospitality and veneration of elders. Hospitality is a custom, to a different degree, characteristic of many peoples, but among the Highlanders it was elevated to a cult. No matter how much trouble this may cause the owner, regardless of the economic situation of the family, self-respecting Dagestanis will do everything to adequately meet the guests. There is a rule: all the best (bed, food, wine, room) - to the guest. Even today, children ask if they find a delicacy, for them or for guests.

Respect for elders

The national characteristic of Dagestan men and women is the veneration of elders. This is an ancient characteristic feature of domestic and family relationships. Old age has its advantages: young people always give way to old people, the one who is always the first to speak is the one who is older, the young ones always stand in front of the old people, you cannot smoke and drink with the old people, they are the first to be given water and food. The veneration of elders is passed down from generation to generation. Disrespectful attitude towards the elderly is condemned in society, such a person can shout curses at the trail.

Respect for a woman

Many researchers emphasize the degraded and disenfranchised position of women in the Muslim East, but among them, Dagestani girls are relatively free. Women did not wear a burqa, a veil, female seclusion was not widespread here.

Respect for women in society is expressed in customs and rituals. For example, when a Dagestan girl passes by a group of men, they stop laughing so that she does not think that they are laughing at her. When an adult woman appears in society (both in the past and in the present), it is customary to stand up as a sign of respect for her. The dignity and honor of girls and women is strictly protected. The encroachment on the honor of the woman served and continues to serve as an occasion for blood feud. In this case, punishment, revenge, murder is not committed in the presence of a woman.

If a woman without a headdress and with loose hair rushed to the center of the fighting, the Dagestanis instantly stopped the bloodshed and the warring parties dispersed.

It should be noted that among Dagestan men the attitude to women was formed on the basis of two historical premises. On the one hand, boys have been brought up with respect for their mother from birth, they realized the need to take care of their native women: mother, sister, wife, daughter or other relatives. Caring and protecting a woman is the holy duty of a man.

But on the other hand, a woman always occupied a subordinate position in the family, that is, the last word always remained and remains with the man. The division of household chores into male and female is still preserved, most often women do not work, but do household chores (they cook, wash, clean, raise children). Men make money and provide their families with everything they need.

Interethnic Marriages

Relations in interethnic marriages are very complex due to the difference in mentality, worldview, and culture. As a rule, it is still customary for Dagestanis to create marriages with representatives of their people. But there are exceptions when the emerging relationship between a Russian woman and a Dagestan man develops into marriage. It should be noted that the relationship can be harmonious only if the traditions and customs of each partner are followed, if there is a respectful attitude to the culture of the people of their spouse.

  • respect him and his relatives;
  • do not argue with your husband in the presence of strangers;
  • do not provoke him;
  • do not create artificially situations in which his jealousy would manifest;
  • to be hospitable;
  • responsible to their domestic duties;
  • to be modest and well-mannered.


A feature of Dagestan men is responsibility. The word is more precious to them than life: if he promised something, he will do it. But even the most responsible ones are able to forget about trifles, especially if it concerns everyday issues, for example, buy a light bulb, repair a cabinet, install the Internet and so on.

Like all men of the eastern type, Dagestanis are able to speak a lot and beautifully, are able to turn their heads in compliments in an instant. But everywhere there are pitfalls: Dagestanis are very religious, not everyone can break the traditions of the clan and marry a Christian. If he already has his own family, then he will never leave her. Family is sacred, although there may be many novels on the side.

Attitude to money

Dagestan men love to beautifully look after, give gifts, make wide gestures. They like to fulfill wishes. But the disadvantage of such gestures is squandering, and the most terrible evil of many representatives of the people are gambling and casinos. Many eastern men have a difficult relationship with money, and Dagestani representatives of the stronger sex are no exception.


Dagestan men can openly express their feelings - this is a positive feature that helps to build relationships, because it is clear what a person feels, you can adjust your actions to improve relationships.

Moreover, if questions arise that concern themselves or their health, they are very restrained. For example, when a hand fracture occurs, a Dagestan man, when asked by a doctor about what happened, will most often answer that he was scratched. This is how restraint and sensitivity are manifested.

But it should be noted the negative side of emotionality - jealousy, most often absolutely causeless. In a relationship, men can constantly check mail, mobile phones, social networks. In the case of a family showdown, you can not infuriate a man. Of course, everyone has their own temperament, but the assault or the defeat of the premises are the most common manifestations of violent temperament.


The peculiarity of the people is following the spiritual tradition, despite the fact that the population of Dagestan is very diverse. Almost 90% of the inhabitants profess Islam, the remaining 10% - Judaism and Christianity. Religion began to spread in Dagestan back in the 7th century. Initially, she appeared in Derbent, then on the plain territory. But the dominant religion became only in the XIII century. Such a long distribution of it is associated with and only after the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, Islam became the religion of all nationalities of the republic. Among the inhabitants there are both Shiites and Sunnis.

All is well, in moderation. Among Dagestanis there are also ardent religious fanatics. They believe that they act in the name of God. Before starting a family with a Dagestan man, some points should be clarified: his attitude to a woman and her role in the family, his attitude to religion, his attitude to children. Religiosity is largely reflected in other aspects of human life. For example, strict observance of religious customs and traditions in everyday life, subordinate position of women, large families, and so on.

What are they - modern Dagestan men?

  • These are, first of all, the most hospitable people on the planet. When meeting, they always smile and shake hands.
  • Respect for elders is elevated to the cult and to the rank of law. Any old man will have honor and respect among young people.
  • There are no kisses among men.
  • They really do not like middle names, always contact only by name.
  • Very talented, among them many dancers, singers and poets.
  • They love to sing patriotic songs.
  • They like posts and external attributes: a car, an office, bright clothes.
  • Men have developed strong leadership qualities, they always take the initiative.
  • They like to compete for any reason and are very painful at losing.
  • They love meat on fire and khinkali.
  • Easily lose self-control. If you want to remove the Dagestan from a state of equilibrium, offend his patriotism or point out weaknesses.
  • Open, about them you can safely say "soul for plowing."
  • They do not like irony, abstract jokes. All that is said is taken at face value.
  • They are very emotional, like to wave their arms, scream, express their thoughts loudly.
  • Many people love horses and dogs, and they take them seriously.
  • They know their kind almost to the 7th knee.
  • They disregard the law, consider themselves free people.
  • Generous, they will give the last to their neighbor.
  • They know how to be friends, for a friend they sacrifice everything that is.
  • They love their homeland, language, culture and customs very much.

The most famous Dagestan men

The peoples of Dagestan gave the country and the world great poets, scientists, artists, athletes, composers and other figures of art and culture:

  • Abdulagatov Ilmutdin - scientist of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • Aitberov Timur - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, Persian and Arabic manuscripts, the history of Islam in Dagestan.
  • Alivov Yahya is a famous physicist.
  • Alderov Albert is a geneticist in the field of crops.
  • Aliyev Shamil is a developer of space technology and rocket weapons.
  • Apashev Magomed - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Temirov Ruslan is a scientist in the field of nanotechnology.
  • Temirov Yusup is a radio electronics engineer.
  • Khalidov Hamid - scientist, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Muzakir - a famous physicist, currently works as a director of Dagtelecom JSC in Makhachkala (Dagestan).
  • Khangishiev Muzhaedin - aircraft designer, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Amri Rzayevich - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, the history of Islam in Dagestan and Makhachkala.
  • Magomedov Nabi is a famous chemist.
  • Magomedov Murad is an archaeologist, a specialist in history during the early Middle Ages.
  • Magometov Alexander is a linguist, specialist in Lezgi languages \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bof the Dargin group.
  • Makhov Magomed - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
  • Nazhmudinov Gadzhi - a specialist in the field of philosophy and history of foreign philosophy, social culturology, anthropology.
  • Sultanov Kazbek is a specialist in the culture and literature of the peoples of the Caucasus.
  • Talibov Bukar - specialist in Lezgi languages, linguist.
  • Tarlanov Zamir - literary critic, linguist, specialist in Russian proverbs and the literary language of the XVIII century, in the Agul language.
  • Batdalov Mukhtaritdin is a famous architect.
  • Gamzatov Haji - literary critic.
  • Huseynov Abdusalam - Soviet and Russian philosopher.
  • Daidbekov Adilgerey is a professional engineer in Dagestan.
  • Kayaev Ali - Dagestan religious leader and scholar.
  • Kurbanali Akayev is the silver medalist of the kickboxing world championship in 2007.
  • Sapiyulla Karachaev is the 1978 European freestyle wrestling champion.
  • Mejid Bektemirov - champion of Russia in fights without rules (2007), world champion in fights without rules (2008).
  • Jamal Kasumov is a two-time world kickboxing champion. World Champion (2005), Europe (2004).
  • Gadzhiev Gadzhi - Honored Trainer of Russia.

In addition, Dagestan gave the world such great poets: Gamzatov Rasul, Aliyev Fazu, more than 60 heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, Ismailov Abdulhakim and many others. You can go on ad infinitum. The whole world became famous for the school of freestyle wrestling. Here appeared one of the best wrestlers in history, a three-time Olympic champion - Saitiev Buvaysar, and judoka and Khaibulaev Tagir brought the country the first gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics.