What to do in retirement. What to do in retirement for a single woman or man. What to do for a retired pensioner

"I am 57 years old. I retired a year ago. Honestly, I had never thought that retirement would be a tragedy for me. As long as I remember, I dreamed that someday the time would come when you wouldn’t have to rush headlong to work, when you could do what you really wanted to, not spend minutes to tidy up your apartment and prepare a delicious dinner. But everything turned out to be wrong. I don’t know where to put myself. The first week of my new life was spent on getting enough sleep and cleaning the apartment. Another week I was visiting my daughter (she recently moved to another city), and then everything! I get up in the morning and another empty day begins. I’m not used to watch TV for hours - I can’t stand TV shows. I don’t have to go to the store whether a single woman needs a lot - I can easily get by with a bag of kefir and a couple of sandwiches. My health is all right, but it turns out that I buried myself alive. Earlier, when I came home from work, I was so tired that I simply did not have time for sad thoughts. And now I constantly think that old age has come. What no one needs me anymore - my daughter grew up long ago, her mother-in-law, who lives in the same city, sits with her grandchildren. The husband died 7 years ago. It happens that during the week I do not say a single word. I can’t find a new job - who will take me at that age? But before, I was respected by my colleagues, I was considered a good specialist, my bosses appreciated me. What now? So, with retirement I can only wait for death? ” Nina Mikhailovna, Moscow region

Unfortunately, for many people, retirement is not accompanied by joy, but by stress, longing and apathy. Thoughts come to mind about the impending old age, that you need to give up your workplace to the young, that at work they can already do without them. Especially severely affected by “pension stress” are those who were actively engaged in creative activities at work, and those who live alone, away from children and grandchildren. For them, retirement sometimes becomes a real tragedy. But you want to stay in the status of a pensioner was no worse than youth or maturity. He tells how to adapt to his new social status and continue to enjoy life after retirement. psychologist Irina Vasilieva.

Step by step

With the approach of retirement age, a person goes through several stages. The first is the so-called pre-retirement phase. You see the pension in the distant future, but there is a feeling of anxiety. Many in this period begin to save money, begin to equip summer cottages, where they plan to spend a significant part of their time after retirement, someone begins to look after a hobby. This approach is absolutely correct. After all, after such preparation, people cease to be afraid of leaving work.

The next stage is the romantic name “Honeymoon”. It begins immediately after retirement. A person experiences a feeling of euphoria from the acquired freedom - you no longer need to rush anywhere, you can do your favorite things. But, unfortunately, after the “honeymoon” a phase of disappointment often sets in, which, as a rule, arises because the picture of the retirement life that a person painted in his imagination does not correspond to reality. For example, you were sure that with retirement you would devote yourself to raising grandchildren, and children would refuse your help. Or you picked up a certain hobby, and the state of health does not allow you to do what you love. For many, the phase of disappointment is replaced by the stage of reorientation and stability - a person begins to realize his weaknesses and strengths and select the appropriate occupation. But there are people who, in spite of all efforts, cannot find themselves.

The main thing is self-confidence

Domestic and foreign psychologists agree (and this is confirmed by numerous studies) that people with average and high self-esteem are best adapted to retirement. That is why those who can’t come to terms with their new status in the first place, first of all, it is necessary to start treating themselves better. Remember your achievements more often, don’t reproach yourself for the mistakes made, take every small victory (for example, you made a bargain or shared a recipe for a branded cake with a neighbor) as a big success.

You are responsible for your life

Try not to shift the responsibility for your life to someone else. Many pensioners believe that others are to blame for their bad mood and sense of uselessness: children who do not want to live with elderly parents, former superiors who sent a valuable specialist to retire, friends who rarely come to visit. But you must be responsible for your life. And you live first of all for yourself. It seems to many that there is no need to cook a delicious dinner for themselves - they say you can eat semi-finished products, you don’t need to clean the apartment - still no one comes in, etc. However, all this is necessary. Let first through force, forcing yourself. But over time, these simple everyday activities will help you cope with longing and a bad mood.

Find something to your liking

Of course, the best way to reliably survive retirement is to find something to your liking. One of my acquaintances after retirement took up the arrangement of a flower garden under their own windows. By the way, gardening made her the most popular person in the stairwell. The neighbors, who for many years did not even know the name of my friend, began to communicate with her. She met with all the tenants of the house and made real friendships with some of them.

Another problem that "novice retirees" face is the inability to communicate with people "just like that", not the case. It seems to many that people can perceive such “conversations about nothing” as importunity. It's not like that at all. There are a lot of lonely people. Do not be shy if someone does not want to maintain a dialogue with you, this is not a tragedy at all. Many help in finding new friends ... a dog. Make a four-legged friend. Dog lovers are a special caste, they always have a topic for conversation and a company for a walk.

At the end of their career, almost everyone asks what they can do in retirement. In addition to household chores and caring for the summer cottage, a woman needs to do something, and the economic component is also no less important. There are many options for what to do in retirement for a woman, and the choice depends on the field of activity in which there is experience, hobbies and necessarily desires.

First steps towards the goal

A 55-year-old woman should not focus on the issue of what to do in retirement. Favorite income-generating business can be found at any age, the main thing is that there are strength for this and health. The time of retirement is a good time to improve your well-being and regain your strength, so before deciding what to do in retirement, you should first pay attention to your health.

A sense of self-fulfillment and a desire to earn money are two of the main parameters that a woman should choose to do. If you have some experience, knowledge and well-being, you can earn money by not only working as a janitor, a conductor, or a cloakroom worker. There are many other ideas, the implementation of which will provide not only the opportunity to receive a stable income, but also pleasure.

A great way to retire and earn money is to turn a hobby into a growing business. Do not be afraid of your age: in old age, many open their profitable successful business. Vivid examples - the design of a multifunctional cosmetic bag, floral design walking canes. American pensioners earned several million from these ideas. The most important thing is the willingness to try yourself in something new and not be afraid to experiment. There are many benefits to starting a retirement business.

The main ones are:

  • There is no need to observe the working hours and go to work every day;
  • All free time you can devote to your hobby, healing the body, hiking;
  • At any time, you can take advantage of the accumulated baggage of knowledge;
  • If you have finances, you can go on a trip and study in more detail the field of activity of interest.

The choice of what to do in retirement for a woman is huge, you just need to more carefully understand your aspirations and not be afraid to try yourself.

Study and travel

Many women, when they stop working, lack communication, the feeling that determination disappears, and there are no goals. In this case, you can study, which will help compensate for all these gaps.

During a walk, you should pay attention to the announcements on the recruitment of groups for training courses, the network has a lot of relevant information. You do not have to attend retired trainings. There are many organizations offering training to people of different years, and pensioners in most cases give odds to younger students.

In addition, when asked what to do with a retired pensioner, one should not forget that there are other ways of learning:

  • Courses in video and audio format;
  • Reading room in the library;
  • Lectures;
  • Workshops;
  • Trainings

For the most part, you don’t have to pay a lot of money for all this, and some training methods are completely free.

If a person’s whole life dreamed of faraway countries, of studying different cultures, then in retirement with the availability of financial opportunities, you can finally realize your dream. Each country has its own culture, familiarization with the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world - an exciting and exciting activity.

In addition, tourism is a great way to visit a woman in an interesting setting with her grandchildren. If there is a desire to do your own business at home, then the most important thing is not to set a lot of obstacles, for example, there is not enough money for a “breakthrough”, there is no necessary knowledge and skills, etc. There are plenty of examples when people have only one desire and with a clearly defined goal, they achieved success without investing millions and a lot of experience.

Common hobbies

There are various options for what to do on a retired woman. Hobbies can easily be turned into a profitable developing business, no matter how old you are.

Some fun ideas:

  • All kinds of hobby groups;
  • Extension of the vegetable garden and garden;
  • Campaigns for berries or mushrooms in the forest;
  • Dances and various sports;
  • All varieties of needlework;
  • Tourism.

The most important thing is not just to do what you love, but to see fruitful results from your actions, because just a hobby gets bored over time. Any work (portrait, knitted scarf, painting, etc.) takes time, and then it will simply be "dead weight" in the house.

Search for single women

It is a well-known fact that the level of material pension provision is low, so you should try to choose for yourself an occupation that does not lead to serious costs, and the maximum benefit for the soul from it.

There are several ideas for retirement for a single woman:

  1. Start a blog with a topic of interest where you can share your accumulated knowledge, give people advice. Do not be afraid of the computer, even if the experience with it is small. Each person over time learns everything new, including modern home technology.
  2. Create an account on any social network. This is necessary not only to keep in touch with acquaintances and former colleagues at work, but also to search for new information, join communities whose subjects correspond to your favorite hobbies and hobbies.
  3. Stay with children living in the neighborhood. For parents who are often away from home, such a responsible and attentive person is simply necessary.
  4. Painting utensils, nesting dolls, embroidery and many others. other handicrafts are always in demand, and the process itself gives a woman pleasure.

If you wish, there will always be a lot of work for a single woman, the main thing is to go to the intended goal, to develop yourself, regardless of how old you are.

Training and health

Working at home for a retired woman is not only profitable, but also interesting. Each person can choose a business for themselves, based on their aspirations and skills. It will be profitable to create elegant hairstyles for your peers and not only, as well as sewing beautiful costumes or dresses, knitting comfortable cardigans and many others. other

The sphere of beauty and health is considered one of the most popular, so here you can not limit your imagination. Moreover, the more original the idea, the higher will be the demand. You can open a small beauty salon, where the main procedures will be skin care or haircuts. If you have skills, massage treatments are a great option.

What to do in retirement with a general practitioner? Take patients at home. Although the list will not be as extensive as during the period of work in the hospital, however, home receptions are always beneficial. In addition, you can give advice on the Internet.

If a person has pedagogical experience or certain knowledge in needlework, then there are excellent options for what to do at home in retirement:

  • Sewing training;
  • Tutoring in a specific subject;
  • Small (private) kindergarten;
  • Skype training;
  • Creative school for children at home;
  • Courses on painting ceramics, wood, weaving, etc.

If you have the ability to sew, you can open your own small studio at home or knit original things to order. Now it is important to manufacture interior items (paintings, pillows, vases, dishes, coasters), handmade gifts. You can offer products to your friends, post ads on sites.

With a competent approach, the absence of fears that nothing will work, you can achieve success in any business. The most difficult thing is to decide and start.

Having spent several months working and searching for buyers, you can earn good money on retirement, realize yourself and do what you love without harm to health.

If you have a talent for writing stories or poems, then you can start blogging on the network, eventually find helpers who would monitor the statistics of views. To publish a book that you can sell to a website or publishing house in the future is also an excellent decision, the main thing is not to be afraid to prove yourself, to realize all your desires and aspirations.

Other beneficial ideas for retirement business

Almost every woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and retired their culinary masterpieces can be sold profitably. Giving this lesson more time. In this area, there are several ideas on how to earn a pension.

How do we imagine life after retirement? Imagination draws about the same picture: we wake up rested and slept in the morning, we don’t have to hurry anywhere, no one else will get on our nerves and constantly demand something from us, now you can calmly do household chores, walk, watch your favorite TV shows bake pies and enjoy your own freedom. But as practice shows, “doing nothing” and monotony get bored very quickly. It becomes boring, often older people even fall into despair and despondency from the fact that they do not know where to put themselves. And nobody canceled the economic component. It’s no secret that you don’t especially go for a Russian pension, but pensioners also want to live, not survive. That is why the question often arises: what should a woman do in retirement in order to earn and diversify her monotonous everyday life?

Activities for the soul

So, what can a retired woman do? If the financial issue is not so important, then you can choose a hobby for the soul. For example, go in for floriculture, grow vegetables and fruits in the country and treat them to the whole family, get hens or rabbits ... Or, for example, master some kind of needlework. For example, embroider paintings, knit warm scarves, socks or handbags, craft toys and felt books, etc. You can do nothing special at all and devote your time to grandchildren. Or go travel and visit, finally, where I have long wanted to go, but still did not have enough time.

But most retirees still want to find a hobby that would bring not only pleasure, but at least a small income. What should a woman do in retirement in this case?

Network business

What should a woman in retirement do when she is 55 years old, when she has only just finished her labor activity, but is still full of strength, energy and desire to do something? If you have experience in sales, then a network business can be a good way for you to earn extra money. There is nothing complicated in this - you need a desire and ability to sell goods and symbolic financial investments (in order to be accepted into the team, you will need to buy something from the company's products).


But this is a great option for former school teachers or university teachers. You can start preparing students for exams, help students improve their knowledge of a subject, and teach a foreign language. Now more and more popular is tutoring via video calling. If you have a computer and Internet access, then not only children from your city, but also residents of the whole country can become your clients.

Cakes and sweet pastries

What should a 60-year-old woman do when she is retired when she is so bored with resting and doing nothing? Just the perfect option is the manufacture of cakes, pastries, pies, cupcakes, donuts and other sweets to order. If, however, things are not going well with you, you can simplify the task and sell semi-finished products of your own production: home-made dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, cutlets.


Do it yourself with your own hands. But no one bothers to make money on it. It is enough to have a little patience and master some interesting type of needlework. For example, do decoration of wedding accessories (treasury, glasses, champagne, candles), crochet stylish things, sew clothes to order, create original jewelry or souvenirs.

Wedding decoration

In retirement, you can devote your life to the beautiful and learn the profession of a wedding decorator. In this case, small financial investments will be required to purchase a design for a screen at the table of the newlyweds, fabric, some decorative elements and decorative flowers. But, all your expenses will pay off after the first wedding. And on the Internet you can find many video tutorials on wedding decoration. By the way, many practicing decorators regularly hold webinars (both paid and free), where they teach the art of their skills. Or you can turn to the designers from your city who, for a fee, will teach everything and reveal all the most important secrets of their interesting profession.


What else can a retired woman do in retirement? As an option, you can purchase a gel balloon and open your own business selling balloons. Demand for this product is huge, because balls are the main attribute of any holiday. It is economically feasible to buy a larger cylinder, then the profit from each ball sold will be higher. But in this case, you will need strong male hands to transport it from site to site. If there are no assistants, then you can limit yourself to a small cylinder, take small orders and download balls at home.

Writing texts

If you know how and love to write, then you can try your hand as an author on exchanges for the sale of texts, which are now quite a lot. You will need to register and leave feedback on those tasks that you think you can easily handle. As soon as the customer approves your candidacy for writing text, you can immediately start work. If you fulfill all the conditions of the assignment and hand over the high-quality text on time, payment will be immediately credited to your account.

Another option for making money is writing reviews on specialized sites. You can share your opinion on absolutely any goods and services. And the more people view your response, the more money you can earn.

You can write term papers, essays, diploma papers to order. Or just do computer typing.

Finally, the option for the most advanced retirees is their own blog on social networks. Now this type of earnings is very in demand. Nothing special is required of you. Just publish photos and share your observations, opinions, interesting stories. The more interesting your profile will be, the more people will follow you. And as soon as your personal blog gains popularity, you can start posting there advertising posts and earn decent money on it.

   Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Some wait impatiently for a well-deserved vacation, dreaming of doing what they love to do, while others, on the contrary, become discouraged, not knowing what to do in retirement, not only to pass the time, but also to earn money. In fact, a woman at 55 is still full of strength and energy.

It's only the beginning

With retirement, a lot of things change in a woman’s life, she becomes depressed, feeling unnecessary, to some extent losing the meaning of life. In fact, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. There are many diverse hobbies that can become an additional source of income.

Remember, perhaps you wanted to do something, but you could not realize your dream due to lack of time. So now is the right moment for this.

Retirement does not mean that you need to imprison yourself in 4 walls and do nothing. Take a look around so many interesting things.

   Business for retirees


  • sewing;
  • knitting;
  • embroidery;

Having certain skills in these matters, you can easily turn a hobby into a stable income. It's not about some complicated things, having bought a typewriter, it is quite possible to sew custom-made bed linen. Or knit socks, mittens, hats and scarves, for example. In the age of computer technology, there will be no problems with the implementation. All you need is just to photograph your work and put it on the Internet. The buyer will not take long.

In addition, if you wish and have business acumen, you can try yourself in organizing a small business. The main thing is to choose the right direction.

For example, to engage in the sale of goods. But to bring this idea to life, you need to have a small capital. And what to do to those people who do not have it? Having considered other options, you will find out what a 55-year-old retired woman can do to earn money.

  By repairing or sewing clothes you can make good money.

Other income-generating activities

By and large, absolutely any hobby can generate income.

  • opening your own online store where you will sell handmade products (pictures embroidered with beads, knitwear, napkins, in general, anything);
  • you can become a blogger. (Visiting beautiful places, cultural events or just interesting moments of your life, shoot them on a mobile phone camera and upload them on social networks) thereby making money on advertising your account;
  • if you like to grow flowers and vegetables, you can earn on seedlings;
  • homemade cakes that could be tastier. Not everyone knows how to bake, but they love confectionery, especially homemade ones. Baking to order can bring a good income;
  • tutoring, if you have a pedagogical music or some other education, do tutoring activities;
  • walking dogs, many simply have no time to do this, and they would gladly entrust this part of the care of their pet to a good responsible person for a fee;
  • if you were fond of photography and video, you can also make money on this;
  • writing term papers;
  • if you know the syllable well, you can try writing a book and send it to different publishers. If your work interests them, you will get a good fee and who knows, maybe you will become a famous writer;
  • writing articles to order, it is now very much in demand. This is an interesting activity, it can be profitable. It may be small at first, but over time, when you delve into the system and find a regular customer, the situation will change for the better.

The list goes on and on. The mistake of many is that they are fixated on their age. But retirement is not a barrier, and for women at 55, everything is just beginning. She may well turn her favorite pastime into a stable income. Passion for the soul can always be found, especially since now there is plenty of time for it.

  Culinary business for senior citizens

Instead of sitting and bored, think about the benefits you have when retiring:

  • you can manage your time at your discretion, since from now on you are your own boss;
  • you have more time left, why not spend it for the benefit of your beloved, for example, go for a massage or look into a beauty salon;
  • you are given the opportunity, having accumulated a certain amount of money, (maybe just due to your hobby, which we talked about above), go on a trip and enjoy the moment without looking back at the time, since you are not attached to work.

Retirement does not exempt a woman from household chores. She, as before, will go shopping and business. Making such sorties, it will be quite out of place to pay attention to announcements on a set of training courses.

Perhaps some proposal will seriously seem interesting to you, and you will learn something new that you have not done before. In addition, you will have a new circle of acquaintances.

  Tutoring is a good way to earn money.

We combine the pleasant and the useful

Summer and autumn are great times for exploring the woods. During this period, women retired at 55 years old, there will certainly not be a question what to do, since during this period an excellent opportunity opens up for a walk in the forest and make rich reserves for the whole family for the winter. In addition, berries and mushrooms can make good money. Someone simply does not have enough time to collect them, but someone is not really fit for this, it is easier for him to buy a bucket of mushrooms or berries than to spend the whole day in the forest.

By the way, good housewives can earn on conservation. Not everyone has the ability to deliciously close cucumbers and tomatoes, or make jam, for example, and you get it great. Here you have another idea of \u200b\u200bearning. People with great pleasure will buy your products than the store.

In general, if you wish, you can always find yourself an occupation that will bring not only pleasure and moral satisfaction, but also income. With the exit to a well-deserved rest, life is just beginning, an exciting lesson will help to look at it in a new way. Keep yourself in good shape and in no case do not relax, because great things await you ahead.

Disability at retirement age is very individual. Someone from 40 years old begins to quickly age and lose energy, not having time to restore it, and someone up to 70 years old can run and do 100 things a day.

Working age at retirement age - is it real and necessary?

The energy and richness of life depends on the person. Constantly work and achieve goals or put on a bold cross to choose you. To understand whether you need to look for a job in retirement, you need to evaluate yourself and your life according to the following criteria:

  • Health
  • Financial situation
  • Life plans

If you plan to help your family, or there are no plans in principle, any work will not be fun and become a routine. Before thinking about work, think about future plans - trips, purchases, etc., to make activity easier. If the goal in life is taking care of the family, then opt for a flexible schedule - needlework, growing in greenhouses, blogging and freelance.

  • Free time

It is advisable to have at least 2-3 hours a day for work. If there is no time for various reasons, then it is better to transfer the idea of \u200b\u200bearning money to the future.

Remember that any income is a responsibility. If you drunkenly evaluated yourself and took a large amount of work, being unsure of the implementation, then you can seriously let down a person or group of people!

What can a woman or a man do in retirement to earn money?

To earn money for retirement, you need to find something to your liking. Only then can you indulge in business with enthusiasm, come up with ideas for implementation and spend time in labor and usefully without a shadow of gloom.


What to do on a retired man to earn? - right, do agriculture. It is noteworthy that the more hands, the better, so the question of how to earn a married couple in retirement disappears. A woman can look after animals, and a man can chop wood and make meat. Joint activities will strengthen marriage and increase income.


How to make a woman retire with pleasure? - right, do your hobby. There are several options for moving in this direction: the first is working with companies, the second is working directly. In the first option, you need to perform a certain amount of work, in the second - work for your pleasure and in any quantities. Produced goods can be sold on the Internet at various platforms - Instagram, Avito, etc.

Custom clothing can be in good demand. As an option, create sketches, sew samples and put them on one of the popular Internet sites. Anyone who likes something will make an advance payment and give his own measurements, by which you sew the desired clothes.

You can also sell your fakes from beads, and any other copyrighted products. Millions are not promised, but a pleasant income is guaranteed. The main thing is to think in advance about advertising and about sites where you will display your creations.

Growing vegetables and fruits in greenhouses

What to do in retirement to earn money and make society healthier? - grow fresh vegetables and fruits without additives. Now a healthy diet is being cultivated. Society is already skeptical of imported vegetables, trusting markets and older people who love to grow fresh fruits and vegetables without subjecting them to processing.

Repair service

How to make money on a pension for a man? - do what he does well. In the 21st century, fewer people know how to nail, not to mention something more. Due to this, “arm” men are increasing in price - most young people cannot live without them.

Freelance and earnings and the Internet

Sex is not important. Important computer skills, as well as desire. There are many content exchanges - writing articles and texts, as well as various tasks - writing comments, checking websites, checking the compliance of the request and the image in Google or Yandex.

Recording Training Videos - YouTube

You can create a video blog to record training videos, or vlogs about your life. If you enable monetization, then for each video you can get several thousand rubles. If the channel is popular, then revenues can rise to millions! The main thing is to have a good camera, learn how to mount a video and buy a microphone so that the sound goes clearly and loudly.

Business ideas

Write down on a piece of paper that you always were interested in goosebumps. Maybe you dreamed of baking cakes to order, but did not allow yourself this because of the main work? Now, in order to promote your services, you don’t need to create websites and invest a lot of money, just declare yourself on popular Internet sites.

Do not believe in yourself? - We are in a hurry to inspire you. Below we give an example of five individuals for whom the pension did not become a sentence:

  1. Takichiro Mori

After 50 years, he invested in real estate. Having obtained an excellent result, he founded the company and became the richest man in the world in 1992.

  1. Ray Croc

He sold glasses and only after 50 years became the founder of McDonald's. By then, Ray had arthrosis, diabetes, and a host of other diseases. Perseverance and enthusiasm have become key success factors.

  1. Harry Bernstein

He became a famous writer in 96 years! And all thanks to his talent and perseverance - they did not want to accept the book everywhere, but as soon as it got to the stores - it became a world bestseller.

  1. Millie Garfield

At the age of 76, she began blogging, which has gained widespread popularity. She wrote about what she liked. After she gained an audience, she expanded her blog by adding Twitter and YouTube accounts.

  1. Francis Frank McCourt

At 66, he published his first book and a year later was awarded a prize. He just did what he liked.

Be careful!

When you think about a personal retired business and look for options on how to earn money for a pensioner, we strongly advise you not to contact dubious organizations based on the principles of network marketing. In 90% of cases this ends with loans, family disruptions and other hardships. Do not believe those who promise easy money for the purchase and sale of products - this is a fishing rod that many people over 50 years old sit on. Yes, you will have a friendly team, but is it worth your money?