We dye our hair blond without yellowness. What paint can lighten hair without yellowness? The best brightening hair color without yellowness (reviews). Natural blond hair color photo

A new hairstyle can not only refresh the face, but also create a radically different image. And what is better suited for such purposes than changing hair color? In this article, we will talk about dark-haired young ladies who decided to acquire white curls. Unlike other types of staining, lightening requires a particularly competent approach. In order for the transformation from a brunette to a blonde to be successful, it is necessary to observe a lot of important nuances.

Features of lightening dark strands

The first thing that all future blondies should know: natural dark pigment is very difficult to remove, so it is unlikely to achieve the desired result in one procedure. The richer the color of the curls, the worse it will succumb to lightening. On average, to obtain a golden hue, 3-4 procedures are required lasting at least half an hour each.

Before deciding to repaint from a brunette to a blonde, it is worth realizing the fact that regrown roots will have to be lightened regularly. As a rule, the hairstyle needs to be adjusted already 3 weeks after visiting the hairdresser.

Blonding can be performed both at home and in a beauty salon, having resorted to the help of a master. However, in this case, it is a double-edged sword: independent execution of the procedure does not guarantee the quality of the result, although it saves money. In addition, in the absence of professional knowledge and skills, you can simply spoil your hair. But going to the salon will allow you to get a wonderful light shade of curls, but at the same time it will cost you a pretty penny.

What problems may arise during the procedure?

If previously the hair was exposed to chemical dyes, then the transition from brunette to blonde may not go as smoothly as we would like. Artificial pimento accumulates at the ends of the strands, while it is absent at the roots. This is due to hair growth, which, moreover, is not always uniform. When applying a blocking agent, you can get different results in different parts of the curls. For example, at the roots of the hair will become light, and at the ends - fiery red. Young women who very often experiment with the shade of their hairstyle fall into a special risk group. With regular dyeing, several layers of artificial pigment remain in the hair at once. Each of them can respond differently to the effect of a brightening agent, leaving behind a “leopard effect”. Therefore, to turn from a painted brunette to a blonde should be with extreme caution.

It would seem, then, why should the owners of a natural shade of hair be afraid? In fact, problems can arise in them. The fact is that thanks to the heat that the scalp releases, the lightening process at the roots of the hair occurs faster than at the ends. Therefore, if you neglect this nuance, you can get an uneven color. To avoid this, the root zone is treated with a blocking agent at the very end. It is not recommended to wear a plastic hat - this can ruin your hair.

A bit about the downsides of clarification

The bitter fate of dyed blond beauties is that they get an attractive appearance in exchange for the health of their hair. Having turned from a brunette into a blonde, you can forget about obedient hair. The clarified curls begin to give way to styling much worse. In addition, they become more stringent, so there is a need for constant use of various balms and masks. This also leads to tangled strands. The hair, which has undergone clarification, combes worse, especially at the ends.

But the main drawback of blonding is that this procedure makes the hair weak. Strong and healthy curls remain in the past. Hair can begin to fall out more than usual, and also become brittle and dry.

Side effects of lightening dark strands lead to the need for more thorough care of the hair. To keep blond curls in an attractive condition, you will have to make a lot of effort, performing a number of daily procedures.

Stain preparation

Before transforming from brunette to blonde, you should definitely do an allergic reaction test. The chemical components of the brightener can cause scalp burning, which will lead to inflammation. In addition, with severe allergies, you risk simply losing hair. The test is performed on a small area of \u200b\u200bskin behind the ear or on the wrist. A small amount of a blocking agent is applied to the selected area. After about half an hour, the composition can be washed off. If during the day the skin does not redden, and there are no signs of burning or itching, then you can safely proceed to the staining procedure. Otherwise, blonding is strictly contraindicated for you.

A staining session is not recommended for newly washed curls. It is better to perform water procedures about 2-3 days before the moment when you plan to transform from a dark-haired beauty to a blonde diva or vice versa, from a blonde to a brunette. Paint is a chemical reagent that adversely affects the condition of hair and skin. And the fat secreted by the epidermis acts as a protective mechanism that reduces this harmful effect. During shampooing, the shampoo removes all residues of sebum, thereby disarming the hair. In this case, you risk burning your hair or even getting a chemical burn. Therefore, it is better to wash your hair after the procedure.

Choosing a blocking agent

There are paints for domestic and professional use. The first blonders are widely available in most supermarkets and cosmetics stores. They, as a rule, do not differ in high cost, which attract potential consumers. It is worth noting that this is not the best option for ladies planning to turn from a brunette into a blonde. Reviews of hairdressers in this case are categorical: they strongly recommend acquiring professional funds. There are two reasons for this opinion: firstly, household paints do not guarantee the desired shade, as well as its durability. Well, and secondly, professional blondisers have a less aggressive effect on hair than mass-market products. So, in household products there is an increased oxygen content (6-9%). This substance practically burns the hair from the inside, so for one application of such a paint you can say goodbye to soft shiny curls. For professional blonding agents, a bag of oxygen is usually separately attached, the concentration of which does not exceed 3%. In addition, the paint itself is packed in convenient tubes with tags that make it easier to work with the composition. Based on the scale, you can easily dilute the product with the activator, observing the necessary proportions.

If you still decide to turn from a brunette into a blonde with household paint, it will be advisable to give preference to a product with 6% oxygen content. When purchasing goods in a professional store, it is worth choosing the components of the brightening composition separately. For home staining, supra is needed, as well as liquid oxygen. The first tool is a lightening powder of blue color. As for liquid oxygen, it is sold in bottles of 1.5 liters or for bottling. The amount of funds purchased must be adjusted depending on how long you plan to stay blonde. If clarification is only a temporary experiment, then a whole bottle of oxygen in this case is simply not needed.

Blond is different

It is equally important to decide on a shade that will help you repaint from a brunette to a blonde. Photo catalogs with color palettes are usually present at every hair dye manufacturer. All shades are divided into warm and cold. The first include colors with soft golden tints. Cold shades are represented by ash and pinkish scales. Depending on the color of the eyes, it is worth choosing the tone of the future blonde. However, it must be noted that cold scales require regular use of tinting shampoos that neutralize yellowness.

Becoming a blonde at home: primary lightening

Of course, staining is not only for professionals. You can lighten your hair at home, however, for this you need patience and a certain set of knowledge. In order to achieve golden curls on your own, you must have basic information about how to paint from a brunette to a blonde, and also be prepared for possible mistakes.

So, after all the funds are purchased, they must be mixed. The composition is prepared as follows: 1 part supra to 2 parts of liquid oxygen. The components must be mixed in a plastic bowl immediately before the procedure. Hands should be protected with plastic gloves, and shoulders - with a peignoir.

Next, the hair is divided into four zones. First, a central vertical parting is done, and then another one - from ear to ear through the crown. The hair on each zone is fixed with clips. You can start staining with the occipital or parietal region, depending on how you prefer. Using a plastic or wooden comb, it is necessary to separate a thin strand of hair and generously lubricate it with a brightening composition, backing 2-3 cm from the basal zone. In the same way, the rest of the hair is processed, as a result of which the transformation from a brunette to a blonde occurs. Before and after applying the composition, the hair should be combed well.

It is important to ensure that the movements are very fast and accurate. This is necessary for uniform coloring. At the initial clarification, the composition is not applied to the hair roots, since in this zone a chemical reaction occurs faster due to exposure to heat of the scalp. The blonding agent should be kept on the hair for 30 minutes, after which it can be washed off. The duration of the session should be counted from the moment the composition was applied to all curls.


1-2 weeks after the first procedure, you can lighten your hair again. Actions should be repeated with the only difference: after all the strands have been processed, the composition is applied to the root zone. This time, the hair should already lighten, and if everything is done correctly, then the shade will become uniform. Dark-haired ladies who are interested in how to switch from brunette to blonde should consider that too rich natural pigment requires a longer exposure to the composition. This means that half an hour may not be enough to make hard black curls lighten. In this case, the blonding composition is left on the hair for up to 60 minutes.

After washing off the brightening agent, the result can be evaluated. If the shade turned out darker than desired, then after a while the third procedure is carried out. For very dark natural hair, it may take up to 5-6 sessions.

Full lightening: white curls in one procedure

If the desire to find a golden hair is haunting, and you do not want to wait a few weeks at all, you can perform a complete clarification. However, it is worth clarifying that at home such an experiment will not bear good fruit. Yellowish, overdried and completely unnatural ringlets - this is the result of such a transformation from a brunette to a blonde. Photos with the results of such procedures prove that it is better to wait a bit than to lose beautiful hair.

The best solution for impatient young ladies will be a trip to a professional hairdresser. The specialist uses several compounds that differ in concentration in order to process the entire length of the curls. As a result, you will get the desired light shade. The only drawback of this option is that full hair lightening in the salon will cost you a pretty large amount.

Step-by-step clarification: a gentle way

Transformation into a blonde beauty in several procedures allows minimally injuring the hair. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to repaint from a brunette to a blonde, while maintaining a beautiful appearance of hair, this is the best option. A composition of reduced concentration is applied to the strands, as a result of which the pigment is lightened by only a few tones.

After the first staining, the curls will receive a not very pleasant copper shade, possibly slightly yellowish. Then the master tones the hair to make the color more even. Moreover, yellowness is neutralized in this way. The following procedure can be performed no earlier than a week later. In this case, it is worth watching how the hair behaves. If they began to fall out strongly, then with re-clarification it is better to wait. Staining curls in the desired blond will occur approximately in the third or fourth procedure.

Highlighting: a great alternative to conventional lightening

Not all young ladies are going to be platinum blondes. Often, such staining looks unnatural and even slightly vulgar. An ideal way to lighten hair and preserve the naturalness of the image is to transform from a brunette to a blonde by highlighting. Recently, this technique has been very popular among beauties of all ages. Highlighting has several advantages:

    The procedure practically does not damage the hair.

    The hairstyle looks natural due to the presence of dark strands.

    Staining does not need frequent adjustment, since regrowth roots are almost invisible. In addition, professional stylists even recommend that when highlighting, do not touch the roots - this is very modern.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the cost of the procedure. Compared to conventional lightening, highlighting is pleasantly cheap for clients.

How to remove yellowness?

If it’s more or less simple with warm blondes, then owners of cold shades have to regularly fight to maintain the desired result. Occasionally yellowness is simply a disaster for white curls with an ash tint. Therefore, it is worth getting a tinting agent immediately after the transition from a brunette to a blonde. Photos in various magazines are filled with divas with beautiful platinum curls, but is it always possible to maintain this shade? This is quite realistic if you use tinting paint several times a month. It is necessary to purchase a purple shade - this color perfectly blocks yellowness. In order not to get dark spots on the hair, the tinting paint must be diluted with water, and after the procedure, rinse the curls thoroughly.

There are also tools that promise to permanently rid your hair of unwanted yellowness. However, the effectiveness of such products has not been proven.

For lovers of the mass market, shampoos designed specifically for blondes have long been actively advertised. Such funds should in no case be used to remove yellowness. Anyway, you can use them only to "warm" blondes. Shampoos from similar series give the hair a slightly golden shade.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that tinting paints are the best way to neutralize yellowness for ladies who have turned from a brunette to a blonde. Reviews about him are positive, but the effect is obvious.

As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. And the newly made blondes in this case are no exception - they have to pay health hair for their new look. However, sacrifices in the name of beauty can be minimized if you properly care for colored curls. To maintain an attractive and healthy appearance of bleached hair, hairdressers recommend taking a few rules into account:

    Use hair care products designed specifically for colored curls.

    Regularly nourish and moisturize your hair with masks and natural oils.

    Styling with a hairdryer and ironing only with the use of thermal protective agents.

    In the warm season, apply cosmetic products with UV filters to the hair.

    Use a decoction of chamomile to rinse the curls.

These tips are simply irreplaceable for those who want to know how to repaint from a brunette to a blonde. After all, to be a blonde beauty is not just a pleasure, but also a lot of work on your hair. Otherwise, you can burn your healthy and shiny hair, violating their structure, which will then be very difficult to restore.


Blonding is the etching of the pigment from the hair with chemicals, so in any case it is a shock for hair. If you want to achieve a beautiful and uniform shade, then do not rush, approach this issue with patience and prudence. You have to spend a lot of money and time, but the result will be above all praise.

If you are hungry for changes in your image, then you can safely think about how to repaint from a brunette to a blonde. Photos of many famous women prove - even the most dark-haired young ladies face blond hair. The right shade and skillfully performed blonding will be able to provide you with the hairstyle that you may have always dreamed about.

With the onset of spring, I wanted a change. Well, how else? Around everything blooms and smells, the air is filled with spring aromas.
  And I decided to become very bright. As much as possible.
  In addition, a clean background of lightening without strong yellowness and redhead is a huge scope for experiments with tinting shades of blond: here you have warm beige, cold, and platinum steel, and a delicate pink. In general, there are many ideas.
  Ideally, I would like to get this color:

I made a reconnaissance sortie to the professional store and chose Kaaral 12.32:

  The color on the layout won me over: a cold blond with a pink rose, a dream.
  But an inner voice whispered to me that he would not be cold, because there is gold in an additional nuance. But I did not listen to the voice.
  Here is what I brought home:

Paint Kaaral AAA 12.32
  -oxide 9% (there wasn’t the same name, I had to take Estelle)
  -Chromo-energy complex Estel.

Last summer, I already experimented with Kaaral AAA paint (12.20) and I had terribly red roots in the end. But! Instead of 9%, I took 6% at that time, but you can’t do this, because the 12th row is highly ammoniacal, and only a high percentage of oxide can absorb these high dosages. If ammonia is not extinguished, it will destroy hair. But then I did not know about it. This time I did everything in Feng Shui.

So, here are my roots before staining:

1.5 months have passed since the last staining. As you can see, kapets hair growth is slow. Well, not about that now.

So, the gold after the point in the paint number was haunting me and I still decided to add 12.20 from last year's stocks. 2-in Caaral is a purple-red nuance.

This is what the final mixture looked like:
  12.32 (30 ml) +12.20 (30 ml) + 9% oxide (120 ml) +1 HEC ampoule.

I applied the paint to the roots, starting from the back of the head (where the clarification process is slower) and ending with the frontal part (here the clarification process is faster).

Withstood 30 minutes. For these half an hour, the scalp did not burn, did not itch or pinch. The only thing was a strange sensation of moving hair. During this time, the paint remained white and I realized that most likely the chicken yellowness awaits me on the roots. But, it was already necessary to finish to the end and I applied the remaining paint to the full length for 5 minutes.

It is believed that paint does not brighten paint. I was convinced from my own experience that this is not so. On my hair, the paint brightens the paint, so at the end of the dyeing, I always apply the paint for the entire length for 5 minutes to clean the hair sheet.

Here's what I ended up with on the roots:
  - daylight by the window
  -day light in the back of the room

And on the bulk of the hair:

The roots are light golden under electric lighting and I really dislike this. The hair itself became almost white, without an unpleasant lightening background. The result is good, if not for these golden roots. And of course, the color is far from the color on the layout.
  In terms of the quality of the hair, I can say so far one thing has not become worse. But the brilliance, in my opinion, has increased.

In the evening, I wanted to see how the shade finder would fall on this base. Therefore, in the evening I was toned with the tinted Balm Color Lux Platinum (sorry, I did not take photos of the process and packaging, I was in a hurry to see the result).
  I mixed a whole tube of tint and HEC ampoule and applied to dry hair (so the color is more intense) for an hour.

And the difference is before tint and after:

I really, really liked the result !!!
  Once again I am convinced that for the blonde the best tint balm does not exist! And what hair is soft after it. So with him I have love forever !!!)))

In conclusion:
  - get almost white on of their  my hair turned out;
  - the quality of the hair has not yet been affected, and then I will carefully watch them;
  -Karal paint is practically not pigmented, which means that it will not be able to remove the unwanted background of lightening.

So now I’m again in search of the perfect paint for me, so that it brightens without yellowness, does not spoil my hair and scalp, and does not make me blue-violet (like Londa, for example).

I hope for someone my experience will be useful.
  All beautiful hair !!!

Photo taken from sources:

Dazzling white and at the same time healthy hair is the dream of many girls. A review has been compiled for them to find out which is the best paint for blondes and which of the shades of the blonde will most favorably emphasize the natural beauty of appearance.

The most spectacular shades of blond

A sensible step would be to contact the master for an unmistakable selection of shades and the safest coloring possible. Of course, without negative consequences, you can lighten at home, but a maximum of 2 tones.


To select the color of the paint, you must determine your own color type. The appearance of girls with an autumn or spring type is able to revive the caramel shade of a blonde. It is the golden mean between reddish and golden. Such a paint is appropriate for all ages, well suited to dark skin and expressive brown eyes. Consider the undesirable feature of such paints, which is to quickly wash off a beautiful color. In order to delay tarnishing, you can use special fixing balms or shampoos.

caramel with curl

caramel on straight hair


Platinum blondes always have a lot of fans of the opposite sex, since their appearance radiates tenderness and purity. This variation of the blond is good for the winter color type. Their pale skin gives the impression of a porcelain surface. If you combine platinum and a different skin color, the face will turn into an inappropriate dark spot against a background of white curls. Paints of this tone are normally combined with short haircuts. To obtain the desired result, carry out a complete bleaching, then apply a platinum dye or tonic.

platinum and creative haircut with short temples

platinum long hair with volumetric styling and curling


A beautiful beige color and a wheat color close to it fits well on a pre-lightened blond. You will be happy to notice that the growing roots slightly spoil the picture and are noticeable minimally. This will not happen when using lighter tones. In order to prolong the durability and increase the saturation of wheat or beige color, it is recommended to use suitable shade shampoos intended for blondes. Traditional shampoos should be discarded, since with them the brightness will quickly evaporate, and the condition of the hair may worsen. The hairstyle can take the form of a dull, weak and cut head of hair.

beige provides a natural look of hair

beige on the hair looks as natural as possible


In the vastness of our country there are few fans of the Venetian blond. This tone favorably emphasizes pinkish skin and beautiful long hair. In contrast to Russian women, residents of Europe quite often prefer this variety of blond. The result of professional dyeing in many cases is almost impossible to distinguish from natural hair. The Venetian blond is characterized by reddish notes that give the female image charm and softness.

venetian with yellow blotches goes to bright eyes

yellowish venetian goes to fair skin


It is worth noting that many girls intuitively choose this method of dyeing hair, deciding to lighten the base and leave the basal zone untouched. This win-win technique leaves a slight stylish touch of negligence and goes mainly to young girls who are able to organize the right hair care. The apparent simplicity of such a technology is deceptive. To create a harmonious composition on the head, it is necessary to professionally calculate the ratio of dyed and other hair.

beautiful California highlighting

trendy california staining method

Ratings of the best hair colors

To determine which is the best paint for blondes, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of popular products from reputable manufacturers.

Color and uniformity

  • Loreal Preference Recital: produces uniform dyeing of the entire mass of hair clearly in accordance with the tone, when using Excellence paint from this brand, uneven color application is possible, but in most cases the tone is identical to the photo on the package;
  • Wellaton Wella: paint-mousse can give a persistent shade that is slightly different from the declared one, and paint-cream leaves a shade equal to the expected shade, but does not show significant resistance;
  • Garnier Olia: excellent paint, giving not too uniform, but bright and really beautiful color, perfectly playing in the rays of light.

Wellaton - clarifying mousse from Wella

L" OREAL Preference

clarifying cream Charm without ammonia



Schwarzkopf palette

Color fastness

  • Palette mousse: in terms of durability, it has average characteristics, causing tarnishing 2 weeks after application, but is able to perfectly mask gray hair;
  • Garnier Color Naturals: an incredibly long-lasting paint that outperforms many competitors in terms of hair attachment and provides first-class saturation and uniformity in color distribution.

must contain strong caring components

should not cause allergies and have a pungent smell

Popular hair dyes:

  • L’Oreal Professional in the hands of a true master turns into a magical tool that rapidly transforms hair into fabulously beautiful matter, a lot of positive reviews from the paint from this brand - Loreal Inoa;
  • Color Touch and Koleston from the manufacturer Wella - maximally advantageously realize the declared shade, creating intensely shining colors;
  • Keune - semi-permanent product of German origin, endowed with an innovative composition;
  • Schwarzkopf Igora Royal - provides high-quality coloring and simultaneous hair restoration due to the beneficial amino acids in the composition;
  • Paul Mitchell - incomparable products from the USA, perfectly coping with the task of dyeing and practically not damaging hair;
  • Matrix - products that have Spanish roots and have a therapeutic effect;
  • John Frieda - a brand from the UK, has repeatedly received quality awards and has an impressive amount of rave reviews from users;
  • Dikson - despite a certain rigidity of the effect on hair and skin, noted in some cases, this Italian brand has no equal in quality of coloring;
  • Moltobene - a high-tech coloring composition from Japan, giving the desired rich color and a mirror shine to the hair;
  • Estelle's Blond de Lux, along with Sos Essex paint, are located in about the same niche in terms of hair coloring, both options will definitely appeal to blondes, since they do not require preliminary bleaching.

can give your hair a dazzling white color

can dye your hair in natural shades of blonde

Female hair experts know exactly what is the best paint for blondes, and confidently point to ammonia-free dyes, minimally spoiling hair.

There are over fifty shades of blonde. Some of them are a relic of the past and are associated exclusively with kitschy-clad women striving to look like a Barbie doll, others, on the contrary, are a classic noble pallet that never goes out of fashion, and others are hits of the season that change every summer .

Fashion blond

To the most fashionable and sought after  in hairdressing salons, blond hair shades include:

  • very light nordic shades, belonging to a cold color palette (e.g. ash blonde, pearl blonde or platinum blonde). In comparison with other, previously popular, shades of blond, they are as close to white and are widely known as "silver shades." They are fashionable, modern and very stylish, but are suitable exclusively for a certain type of appearance. Only young girls are recommended to put on a cold blond, since older women with this shade can achieve a completely undesirable aging effect.

Pure Nordic blond hair color is very difficult to obtain at home, so it is best to use the services of a professional craftsman;

  • warm light and dark shades of blond  (e.g. golden blond, pink blond, vanilla blond). This color palette also does not suit everyone and is designed only for a specific type of appearance.

As you can see, the assortment of fashionable shades for blondes is very diverse. But, as you know, the wider the choice, the harder it is to make it. The good news is that regrowth roots continue to trend,  which means that constant coloring is not required.

Moreover, to make the difference between natural hair color and dyed blond even less noticeable, some stylists recommend dyeing the regrown roots a tone or two darker than the chosen blond, but slightly lighter than natural hair.
  Thus, the transition of the shades looks more natural, and the regrown roots are not so evident against the background of the shade of a light blond.

Natural blondes value their hair color very much, but often try to bring it to the ideal with the help of tinted means.

The choice of the shade of blond

A huge selection of shades of blonde and many years of experiments by professional stylists have refuted the assertion that only girls with fair skin can be beautiful blondes.

How do you check which blonde shade is best for your appearance?

Test execution

Can trust the knowledge of an experienced professional or independently conduct a small test. It is enough to just take a mirror, stand in the sunniest place (weather permitting, optimally conduct a test on the street), find a natural lock of hair without coloring and consider how it reflects the light. If you can notice warm colors in the form of red, red or brown shades, you should give preference to a warm palette of blond. Well, if the hair reflects ash, gray or even purple shades, you can afford a cold, very light blonde.

Another, simpler way of choosing the appropriate shade of the blonde to the type of appearance is fitting silver and then gold jewelry.  They revitalize the skin tone, giving it a special shine. Well, at the same time, they allow you to understand what type of beauty you are endowed with - cool or warm. Silver is a symbol of the cool shades of a blond, and gold is a warm one.

The rule of four tones

Choosing the optimal blonde shade for your appearance, be sure to natural hair color should be considered,  because too abrupt a change is rarely successful. The safest solution is using the principle of four tones:  being the owner of dark hair, choose a color that is lighter than your own by a maximum of four tones (and in no case no more). The same rule, by the way, applies to blondes who decided to radically change their image: only four shades darker than what is available will look beautiful and natural.

Applying this principle to newly made blondes is much easier to cope with the problem of overgrown roots.

For the first time, a cardinal change in color from dark to blond should be done in the cabin, because if you choose the wrong paint, there is a huge risk that instead of the desired shade the wheat blond will get yellow.

As a rule, it is safer to paint in cold tones - the probability that instead of a beautiful blonde hair color you will get a red, reddish or yellow color in this case is an order of magnitude lower.

The difference between cold and warm shades of blond

Recently, the most popular are cold blonde shades. We are talking about platinum, frosty, pearl and gray shades. But very often, unfortunately, the color is chosen solely on the basis of its trend: in such cases, it not only does not decorate, but even levels out the natural female beauty. Everything is very simple - a Nordic blond does not go at all to ladies with a warm type of appearance (that is, those who are distinguished by golden highlights in their hair, peach skin, freckles and brown eyes). Instead of emphasizing their merits, he hides them. Women with this type of appearance ideally suit all the warm shades of blond - honey, red, gold, caramel or mustard.

Who needs a cold blonde?

Recently, the shades of the Nordic blonde have made a real sensation, both among models on the catwalks, and among ordinary fashionistas. However, cold shades go only to girls with a similar type of appearance. You can determine it by the following signs:

  • light, porcelain, clean skin of a light pink or bluish color;
  • cold, blue or dark brown eyes (but without beer or golden blotches);
  • natural hair color is characterized by coldness and the absence of golden highlights.

A great example of a cold type of appearance is Uma Thurman. Platinum hair color has long been her real business card.

Who needs a warm blonde?

All the above shades (gold, honey, etc.) perfectly emphasize the natural shine of girls with a warm type of appearance. The following characteristics belong to it:

  • skin with a yellowish tinge (it can be light, but always in warm colors);
  • freckles;
  • beer, green, blue eyes with warm shades;
  • natural golden highlights in the hair.

   The ideal representative of this type of beauty is Jennifer Aniston. Her warm shade of blonde, imitating natural, burnt out in the sun, color is the object of desire of many fashionistas. This is a great example of the skillful choice of a blonde shade for a specific type.

Top 8 fashionable shades of blond

In 2017, fashion trends of colors pleased with the presence of new shades, which you should definitely pay attention to. Fans of a blonde color and those who only intend to join their ranks should definitely choose something from the list below recommended!

Caramel Blonde

Like your favorite caramel sweets, caramel on your hair should also look “delicious.” This is ideal for those who want to get closer to the blonde color gradually and slowly, without making sudden movements. Depending on the natural color of the hair, caramel can be a little darker or applied using balayazh technique.

Warm platinum

The updated version of "platinum blond" is designed for courageous admirers of the "blond religion". It is important to consider that the color “warm platinum” tends to yellow quickly, so it requires very careful care (preferably shampoo with a special shimmer “silver blond”). If you do not want to repeat the painting every four weeks, you can limit yourself to a platinum ombre or platinum balayazhem.

Golden blond

A little gold never hurts! Warm shades go to almost all blondes. Brave girls can combine warm and cold shades, creating new cool contrasts that add extra vividness and volume to the hair.

White blond

This shade is the choice for real snow queens. It is especially relevant for those who can already boast blond hair. But, of course, in order not to spoil the existing result, you should always consult a professional hairdresser at the expense of any changes.

Sunny blond

Those who like natural blonde should try to imitate the glare created by the sun in the summertime on their hair. Depending on the type of hair and its initial color, natural blond can be used for individual strands, or dye the hair completely. Sunny blonde brightens complexion. Natural blonde as in the photo gives the appearance a special charm.

Ash Blonde

Hair color ashen blonde or ashen blonde is a timeless classic of the genre. The cold blond in the photo looks a little softer than in real life. Some of its varieties resemble a beige blond. The ash blonde hair color looks very stylish, sexy, and most importantly, it is always relevant.

Pearl blond

The photo only slightly conveys this precious shimmer created on the hair with such a variation of paint. Since it is a cold shade, aristocratically it looks only on a lady with porcelain skin. In this case, only the yellow color of the hair shines for dark-skinned women (a photo of unsuccessful painting is attached).

Strawberry blond

The combination of tender blonde and fiery red has been popular for more than a season. The summer sun gives it even more playful glare. There are many varieties of this shade, each of which looks very interesting and fresh. Strawberry blond looks beautiful on girls with slightly pinkish skin.

Hues blonde photo

Blonde hair color is an unimaginable variety of shades that cannot be covered in one article. A small selection of photographs will allow you to better familiarize yourself with fashion trends and trends, help you choose a shade that does not dissonant with the color of the skin, eyebrows, eyelashes and eyes.

Ash blonde hair color photo

Dark blond hair color photo

Natural blond hair color photo

Peach hair color photo

  - it is bright, beautiful and very gentle. Blond hair almost instantly adds any image of femininity and defenselessness. That is why many men prefer blondes, because you want to take care of them.

The love of fair hair went back to the time of Ancient Rome, it was then that the first lightening mixtures appeared in the history of hairdressing, which consisted of lime, ash and herbs (and what sacrifices didn’t women make for the sake of beauty?). Times have changed, but blonde hair has always been appreciated almost always.

HOW TO BECOME A BLONDE:   Subtleties and nuances

The main issues with the transition to blond arise, of course, in brunettes and red-haired girls. Especially when the hair color is not natural, but dyed. It is with such initial data that staining in a blond becomes a real adventure.

So, if you have natural hair that you have never dyed, then switching to light colors with a competent master, in principle, will not be difficult. Yes, you need a qualified craftsman and good cosmetics, but in general, there is every chance to maintain the quality of the hair and get a very pure light color.

As for the dyed hair, the situation is aggravated by the fact that when lightened, they will always give a red tint at first, and then a yellow tint, and in order to turn into pure tones, one will have to be patient, time and finances. You just need to be prepared for this, because many girls naively believe that you can go from black to platinum blond at a time, without damage to the hair, with a uniform degree of coloring and shiny hair. Actually not.

The result of a failed transition (after toning)

So, the transition to blond actually always takes place according to the same pattern: first, the master lightens the hair to the desired base, and then tones it into the desired shade. Sometimes lightening has to be done in two stages, if initially the hair is very dark (or red) and for some time you have to resemble a shade of the middle row.

Modern technology allows high-quality clarification on oxidizing agents not exceeding 9%. Be sure to ask what percentage the master plans to lighten you with. If you hear the number 12, feel free to leave the salon, as a 12% oxidizer will certainly burn your hair.

As already mentioned above, in the transition to the blond is very important to have patience. Since a quality result takes time. The fact is that when you brighten previously dyed hair, often the result of lightening is not the same throughout the head. This is due to the porosity of the hair in different areas, and how the powder was applied and how it worked. Therefore, in order to bring the whole picture on the head "to the mind," sometimes it takes several steps. And this is good. After all, just such a transition allows you not to lose most of your hair.

Hair after the second stage of dyeing

Is it possible to go to the blonde at home? Technically, yes. And, if you have unpainted hair, then with the help of a friend and a few lessons on Youtube - the task is feasible. If you have previously been painted, then better not worth it. Due to the heterogeneity of lightening, you yourself (or without the help of a professional) will not be able to equalize the color into a single canvas. Yes, and it is unlikely that you own all the subtleties of color and a rich palette of colors at home to hide the unnecessary pigments that will appear after lightening.

When moving to blond, be prepared for the fact that a decoction of nettle and coconut oil will no longer give the previous effect. The thing is that lightening the hair still thins and dries the hair. In order to keep them beautiful, you will need professional tools and thorough care. Also, be prepared for the fact that you will have to visit the master once every 3-4 weeks to lighten the roots and tint the length. This is especially true of cold shades of blonde, which turn yellow over time.

Remember, a beautiful blond is expensive and troublesome.